“Hey Joe, there’s a leak in this pipe. Pass me the masking tape?”
I’m no handyman, but I can guess how that project will end.
With water gushing out the exposed space, adding a bunch of tape might at best reduce the size of the puddle on the ground.
It’s a patchwork solution. It’s not going to get to- and fix- the root of the problem!
But that’s effectively what’s happening when you supplement with your average calcium supplement. The calcium source inside is like a masking tape for your bones.
Unfortunately, that’s the case with a vast majority of the calcium bottles you see on retail shelves right now.
That’s why you need plant-based calcium. Because- believe it or not- your bone health is dependent on what’s happening in the ground. So let’s discuss plants for a moment.
As you may know, your body must absorb the vitamins and minerals it gets after digesting the food you eat. And as you also may know, our bodies can’t absorb raw metals from the soil. By that I mean, you can’t absorb the calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus from the ground without a bit of “processing” first.
That’s where plants come in.
Plants actually “predigest” the minerals in the soil and rocks. This makes the minerals in the plant completely absorbable to you now!
These minerals are available in the right amounts after the plant’s hard work. Just the way nature intended.
If you were to analyze the trace minerals in a given plant, you’d find more than just calcium inside. You wouldn’t just see nitrogen. Just as you wouldn’t merely see boron.
There are no “isolated” nutrients. No test tubes or lab coats selectively extracting ingredients and modifying a final product.
Just a natural, untouched mix of minerals from the ground.
And it’s this symphony of minerals your bones are used to and need to remain strong.
So why are millions feeding their bones 1 or 2 or 3 ingredients, in hopes their low bone density will improve? The spinach, the tomatoes, and potatoes you eat have more than just calcium or vitamin D or magnesium in them.
Yet traditional calcium supplements (which may or may not even include vitamin D and magnesium) are expected to curb bone loss.
The problem is, these calcium supplements are made from “rock-based” calcium. Not plant-based calcium.
I’m going to share the best plant-based calcium you can feed your bones in just a moment. But before I do, let’s discuss the crucial difference between plant-based and rock-based calciums.
Plant-Based Calcium vs. Rock-Based Calcium
Rock-Based Calcium – Traditional calcium supplements are actually made from rocks. Yes, ground up rocks. Straight from dusty calcium mines. Some are made from marble. Some are made from limestone. Both are completely inedible and poorly absorbed.
Unfortunately, over 90% of the calcium supplements available today are rock-based.
Check the label on your calcium: if you see calcium carbonate or calcium citrate on the back, you’ve got rocks.
And I don’t need to tell you our bodies weren’t meant to digest rocks!
Some marketers will add a vitamin D or magnesium to the mix to really “power up” their supplement. But as you’ll see in a bit, your bones need no less than 13 crucial trace minerals to stay healthy.
Now, to deflect the scrutiny away from the inorganic source of calcium, marketers look to another (granted, important) feature: absorption. For example, they’ll claim calcium citrate is better absorbed than others, because the rock calcium is treated with citric acid. But science shows otherwise.
You’ve been led to believe that absorption rates equals efficacy. That makes logical sense– whatever’s better absorbed will have a greater effect in the body.
But studies show: the best-absorbed calciums do not have the best effect on your bone density.
The facts are – all calciums absorb between 25-35%.
So in the end, you’re still eating the inedible.
Even if it was a highly-absorbed calcium source, what good will that do if it’s devoid of the nourishing trace minerals your bones crave? Nowhere in nature do you find food that contains just 1 or 2 nutrients.
But that’s what rock-based calcium offers you every day.
You can probably see now why these supplements can constipate, bloat and cause other digestive discomfort.
Now to be fair, rock-based calcium is better than no calcium at all.
From age 40 onward we lose 1% of our bone each year on average (and quite a bit more over the 5 years after menopause). In other words, if we live long enough, just about everyone will become osteoporotic and risk having a fracture.
But rock-based calcium is shown to delay that fate, at least a little. Studies show that rock calcium slows annual bone loss. So instead of losing 1% per year, we may lose ¾ %.
Better than nothing!
Plant-Based Calcium: As the name suggests, this is calcium derived from a plant. It can be a plant on land or sea.
Unlike the rock-based, this calcium is untouched and contains the bounty of minerals naturally found in the ground it grows.
It’s better absorbed than its rock counterpart, due to the predigestion mentioned earlier. (Plus, we regularly eat plants every day, not rocks, so our bodies immediately recognize this form.)
The earth minerals are converted into body-friendly molecules. This means every part of your body gets the most from these previously non-absorbable minerals– including your bones. And that’s the most important difference between these two calcium sources.
Now, where can you get plant sources of calcium?
The Top Plant Sources of Calcium
You may be pleased to know it’s not all that hard to find plant sources of calcium– either in your home or the grocery store. What’s more, you can get them in both liquids and solids!
Here’s a quick list of some popular solid sources of plant calcium:
- Kale
- Seaweed
- Tofu
- Okra
To see a more comprehensive list of plant-based calcium sources, and their varying amounts, check out this post on vegan calcium sources.
Now you’re probably thinking it’s difficult to get enough calcium from plants. And you’re right. It takes 11 cups of broccoli to reach your RDA of calcium.
However, I’m about to tell you of the ultimate food-based calcium and how to get it…
The Only Clinically Supported Plant-Based Calcium Supplement
You now know the difference between rock- and plant-based calcium sources. So it will be easy to see why what I’m about to tell you might be the most exciting news you ever get if you have low bone density.
It all begins with, like we mentioned, what’s happening in the ground.
Specifically, the ocean floor. What am I talking about?
Well, at AlgaeCal we found the most mineral-dense organic plant on the planet. It’s found off the shores of South America. It’s actually a marine algae the natives have guarded for generations– most popularly used to raise prize livestock.
And while that in itself is impressive, it’s what’s inside (and how much) that’s really special.
This rare ocean algae – Lithothamnion superpositum (or Algas Calcareas as the locals call it) – nearly mimics your bones’ mineral composition. We call it AlgaeCal.
AlgaeCal naturally has all 13 mandatory bone-building minerals inside. And 60 more for good measure… right from the ocean. Plus, it holds these nutrients in roughly the same proportions as found in your bones right now.
Oh, and did we mention AlgaeCal is the planet’s only certified organic calcium source?
USDA Organic means you can rely on this ingredient to be pure, clean and chemical free so that it nourishes your bones and feeds your organs. (People report hair and nails growing faster, weight loss, increased energy. There are too many signs of excellent health to list!)
Seeing as it’s a plant source of calcium, the algae already has these minerals predigested. But there’s an important difference: this ocean algae is a much richer source of trace minerals than plants that grow on land.
That’s why you won’t have any upset stomach or constipation from AlgaeCal.
And that’s also why we can guarantee stronger bones after taking it.
Compare Plant-Based AlgaeCal to Traditional Rock-Based Calcium Supplements
It took us a while to figure this all out, but once I realized the truth about this algae, my business partner and I put our life savings into funding human studies. We needed to find out if the algae actually performed better than traditional rock calcium. The theory was great, but what happens in real human studies can sometimes be disappointing.
Today, 6 groups of people in 3 properly conducted independent studies have all INCREASED bone density. That is an unheard of result. It was so out of the ordinary that the medical journals resisted publishing the results the first time. After they double checked all the data and interviewed the study investigators, it became clear that the results were real.
Since then, other journals have peer-reviewed and published follow-up studies and the evidence is now irrefutable: AlgaeCal increases bone density and strength, even in older participants.
And it increases bone density for the long-run… not just on your next DEXA bone scan. That’s because in February 2016 the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost together increased 172 participants’ bone density every year for 7 straight years.
All participants improved bone density on average 1% each year. And not a single side effect was reported. This landmark study showed the bone-building power of AlgaeCal’s Bone Builder Pack: AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost.
This means when you take your own Bone Builder Pack, not only will you have stronger bones each year, you’ll have the confidence to live your life as you want. You’ll know your bone density is constantly improving so you needn’t limit your daily activities.
It’s like restoring your bones to more youthful levels, today!
Can you imagine how relieving that would feel for you?
That life can be yours with the only clinically supported plant-based calcium supplement. You now have a new choice when it comes to calcium supplementation.
Not many years ago your only choice was to slow annual bone loss with a traditional calcium supplement. Now, increasing bone density is achieved with algae-based calcium. It makes sense that plant calcium outperforms rock calcium, doesn’t it?
It’s plant versus rock.
It’s a multi-mineral versus calcium alone.
It’s a solution versus a compromise.
And it’s increasing bone density versus slowing bone loss!
AlgaeCal is the world’s only pure plant source of calcium. That’s why we can make the promises we do.
The moral of the story?
Think back to our opening story of the leaky pipe.
You can cover it up with masking tape, rather than properly tightening it with a wrench. One makes the problem more manageable, the other solves it.
Don’t just lose your bones slower– build your bones with a solution.
Which would you prefer today?
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Leta Carter
July 8, 2017 , 9:49 amEDUCATION……..EDUCATION……and more education. WHEW!…….did ‘not’ know about “rock” calcium, until now with AlgaeCal. Keep the education coming Dean…….my journey right now is only 17 days into the program, but have high expectations for improved bone density……Leta C.