The Ultimate Guide to Yoga for Osteoporosis

Updated: July 5, 2023

Cat Buckley

Table of Contents

Why Yoga is the Ideal Exercise for Older Adults | Dr. Fishman’s Research on Yoga and Osteoporosis | Before You Start: Yoga Foundations | The Fishman Method: 12 Yoga Poses for Stronger Bones (With Videos!) | 12 Yoga Poses: Free Printable PDF | Yoga for Osteoporosis Takeaways

If you’ve broken a bone or you have low bone density, you may not think yoga is for you… well, think again! 

Yoga does three things to your body no other exercise does — and that makes it the perfect exercise for low bone density. (More on this in a moment!) 

In fact, leading yoga for osteoporosis expert, Dr. Loren Fishman, has spent years perfecting a method to safely improve bone health through yoga. It’s a method he’s put to the test in two exciting clinical studies. Both of which showed that you can get great results by practicing 12 simple yoga poses a day… 

And now, you can try these 12 yoga poses from the comfort of your own home! Yes, I’ve put together three new videos demonstrating all 12 poses. Each video showcases a different variation of the pose, so folks of all physical ability can benefit.

But first, let’s take a look at how yoga can help you stay strong, flexible, and pain-free…

To skip right to the yoga videos, click here!

Why Yoga is the Ideal Form of Exercise for Older Adults

When you apply force to bones, it stimulates them to grow stronger — a premise known as Wolff’s law. 

Wolff’s law states that, “bone is formed and strengthens along lines of mechanical stress.” It also describes how the greater the forces applied to a bone, the greater the bone-building at the point of stress. (Bear these two points in mind, as we delve into the unique benefits of yoga.) 

So it’s clear why experts recommend high-impact, weight-bearing exercise to stave off bone loss. Simple enough, right? Unfortunately, it’s a little more complicated than that. You need to consider your joints, and the length of time you’re activating your muscles for too… 

I recently had the pleasure of discussing this topic with Dr. Fishman himself when I traveled to Portland for his Yoga vs. Osteoporosis training! Click on the video below to hear his take on the benefits of yoga for your joints, and how long to hold a yoga pose for:

So high-impact exercise can do more harm than good by aggravating your joints and causing inflammation. But yoga provides a solution.

According to Dr. Fishman, yoga’s gentle, low-impact movements are ideal for those with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. These movements help distribute synovial fluid, which lubricates the joints and keeps them moving smoothly. (Synovial fluid is a thick liquid found in all your joints.) 

And in terms of your bone health, there are three main reasons yoga is an excellent choice… (Yes, the length of time you hold poses for is one!)

3 Reasons Yoga Can Strengthen Your Bones

Yoga may be a slow and often stationary practice, but don’t be deceived by appearances. In yoga, your body is working incredibly hard. In fact, if practiced correctly, yoga can help keep your bones strong and healthy. 

Here’s how: 

  1. Yoga puts unusual force on bones, which other exercises don’t.

    “By unusual, I mean two things:,” says Dr. Fishman.

    First, yoga doesn’t just put force on one part of your body. If you play tennis, your racket arm may be especially strong. If you jog, your legs gain the most benefit. But the different positions in yoga accomplish the impressive task of engaging muscles and bones throughout your entire body.  Second, yoga stresses bones at practically every angle. Yoga positions, or asanas, oppose one group of muscles against another and stimulate muscle-to-bone attachments. These forces signal mechanosensor cells (cells that respond to changes in mechanical force) in your body called osteocytes. Then, your osteocytes tell your osteoblasts (the specialized cells that build bone) it’s time to get to work!
  2. In yoga, you hold poses for an extended period of time.

    As mentioned in the video above, the length of time you hold yoga poses for is key. Often, yoga poses are held for several seconds. This isn’t something you do in many other forms of exercise…

    And research shows that levels of bone-building markers increase in as little as 12 seconds of subjecting bone to stress! So yoga stimulates bone-building due to the length of time you spend holding poses — which places your bones and muscles under continual stress.
  3. Practicing yoga causes your body to release a powerful anti-inflammatory.

    “Exercise causes your body to release something called peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC-1a),” says Dr. Fishman. “That’s a mouthful, I know!”
    Simply put, PGC-1a is a protein that helps your body benefit from exercise. Most notably for those with osteoporosis, PGC-1α is a powerful anti-inflammatory. (Remember, chronic, low-grade inflammation causes bone loss!)  Now, high-impact exercises release PGC-1a just like yoga. But as we’ve seen, high-impact exercise can aggravate your joints and cause inflammation. With yoga, you get all the anti-inflammatory benefits of PGC-1a — without also causing inflammation. It’s basically a win, win for your bones. 
Additional Benefits of Yoga for Osteoporosis

We’ve seen how yoga safely stresses bones without impact, and how the practice supports your bone health! But there are many other benefits that make yoga uniquely well-suited for those with low bone density… 

Yoga can help improve posture, balance, coordination, strength, and mobility — all key benefits for preventing a fall.  

It also promotes a sense of peace and well-being. And as you may know, chronic stress can lead to bone loss. So by relieving stress, yoga indirectly benefits your bone health! 

Finally, yoga is highly accessible. It’s easy to practice from the comfort of your home, and you need very little equipment to do it. 

Have I convinced you yet? Perhaps, you’d like to see some concrete evidence of these benefits? Not to worry, next up Dr. Fishman will tell you about his research himself!

Dr. Fishman’s Research on Yoga and Osteoporosis

For years, Dr. Loren Fishman has been fascinated by yoga’s potential to improve bone health… 

So in 2005, he decided to test his theory by running a pilot study. (A pilot study is a small-scale study to see whether a theory has merit.) And that pilot study led to a large-scale study published in 2016. 

I asked Dr. Fishman about his studies when we met in Portland. Click on the studies below to see his explanation of each:

Dr. Loren Fishman is an Assistant Clinical Professor at Columbia University, and the Medical Director of Manhattan Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in New York City. Dr. Fishman pioneered the use of yoga in medicine and has written several books on the topic, including Yoga for Osteoporosis and Yoga for Osteoarthritis.

Study #1 — Yoga for Osteoporosis: A Pilot Study

My pilot study involved 11 subjects and seven controls with either osteopenia or osteoporosis. These subjects practiced 12 yoga poses daily for two years. At the end of the study, the subjects who practiced yoga had better bone mineral density (BMD) in the spine and hips compared to the controls.

Of course, I couldn’t draw a general conclusion from this small pilot study. But the results were encouraging. So I decided to conduct a much larger study next.”

Study #2 – Twelve-Minute Daily Yoga Regimen Reverses Osteoporotic Bone Loss

My next study involved 227 active participants. These participants completed a health history questionnaire and shared the results of a recent DEXA scan. All participants were sent a DVD of the 12 yoga poses from the pilot study along with descriptions of each pose.

These participants were on average 68 years old and 83% of them had either osteopenia or osteoporosis. 

After two years of practicing the 12 poses consistently, participants showed promising results. They reported bone density gains in the spine, hips, and femur.

Curious about the 12 yoga poses performed in these studies? You’re in luck. AlgaeCal put together videos demonstrating all 12 poses! Click here to check them out now.  

What’s more, none of the 227 study participants experienced a fracture or injury related to the practice of yoga. That’s with more than 90,000 hours of yoga practiced largely by people with osteopenia or osteoporosis. So overall, the results of this study support the safety and efficacy of the Fishman Method for those with low bone density.”

Study #3 — New Yoga for Osteoporosis: A Dose Response Study (Ongoing)

“Despite the promising results from these studies, yoga hasn’t gained much traction in the medical community. 

So, I’m conducting another, more robust study to show that properly chosen yoga poses can support strong bones. If you’re interested in participating, click on the following link and scroll down to “New Yoga for Osteoporosis: A Dose Response Study” for more details!”

Before You Start: Yoga Foundations

If you’re new to yoga, it’s a good idea to check in with your medical professional before getting started to make sure it’s suitable for you. I also recommend following along with a qualified instructor to start. That way, you can learn the basics of a safe practice.

For example, I studied how to teach yoga for osteoporosis with Dr. Fishman. (More on this in a moment!) So my videos are a good place to start.

But to give you a quick introduction, here are the basic principles of yoga:

The Basic Principles of Yoga
  • The Breath. Pay special attention to your breath. Breathing smoothly and naturally enhances yoga poses. Holding your breath can cause fatigue and block awareness of your body. In general, inhale when lifting up or arching your back and exhale when settling into a pose or folding forward.
  • The Foundation. Your foundation is the part of your body bearing weight. This is often your feet, hands, or pelvis. The key is to spread your foundation, so that you’re well supported. With your feet, try and use all four corners of each foot in a balanced way. Stretch your toes instead of contracting them. The same concept applies to your hands. 
  • The Curve of the Spine. Your spine has a natural curve that makes it strong. The goal when aligning your spine is to achieve a balance of strength and flexibility. Always bend from as low down in the spine as possible. Tilt your pelvis from the hips, not the waist. This will minimize any rounding of the spine and keep your back safe. 
  • The Balance of Opposites. If you’re new to yoga, you may wonder why poses include actions that are opposite. For example, you may be instructed to press down through your feet and reach up through your arms. This is to create a stable pressure on your bones, which makes poses safer and more effective. 
  • The Knees. In most poses, you’ll want to align your kneecaps to face the same direction as the second toe of the same leg. This can be challenging for some. If that’s the case for you, work toward it gradually. Maintaining this alignment will help protect your knees from dangerous torque. 
  • The Stance. For many poses, your feet will be wide apart. How wide depends on your height, your proportions, and your flexibility. If your stance is too wide, you might feel unstable. Always adjust your stance depending on what feels right for you. Your stance should allow for both freedom of movement and stability.
  • The Full-Body.Every pose will draw your focus to certain areas of your body. While standing, you may feel your legs more. While sitting, you may focus on your spine. This is natural. But try and open your awareness to your whole body in every pose. Maximize your practice by engaging your entire body, rather than focusing on just one area.
A Note on Yoga Equipment

You don’t need much equipment to practice yoga. But there are a couple props I reference in the yoga poses to follow. The good news is, you can easily swap in common household items for most of these props!

Here’s a table outlining basic yoga equipment, and how to make do without:

Yoga matA towel, large woven blanket, or carpet that won’t slip
Yoga blockA stack of books wrapped in a towel, one thick book, or a shoebox filled with towels to make it solid
Yoga strapA regular belt, robe tie, men’s tie, or piece of rope
ChairA folding chair, dining room chair, or non-swivel desk chair would work best
WallIf you don’t have an unobstructed wall to use, you may need to clear some space for your practice, or set up in a space like a garage

The Fishman Method: 12 Yoga Poses for Stronger Bones

From years of research and experience in the field, Dr. Fishman developed a method for improving bone health through yoga. 

Recently, I had the pleasure of learning this method directly from Dr. Fishman! I completed his Yoga vs. Osteoporosis training this past November. I’m also a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) and one of AlgaeCal’s Community Managers. All this to say, I’m well-versed in the intricacies of bone health and the importance of a safe practice. 

So today, I’ll be demonstrating 12 yoga poses for osteoporosis. These are the same poses practiced in both Dr. Fishman’s studies — where participants improved their bone health.

Watch the full yoga regimen by clicking on the video below! You’ll see there are three videos with different variations of the poses:

1: “Osteoporosis Variation” – This class provides the easiest variation of the poses. It’s the orange thumbnail below.

2. “Osteopenia Variation” – This class provides intermediate variations of the poses. It’s the dark green thumbnail below.

3. “Prevention Variation” – This class provides the more challenging variations of the poses. It’s the light green thumbnail below.

You can click on the thumbnail of each video to skip between them. (Note you’ll also find detailed written instructions for each pose next!)

12 Yoga Poses: Step-by-Step Instructions and Tips

Now, there are three variations for most of these yoga poses: Osteoporosis, osteopenia, and prevention. Prevention is the regular version of the pose, commonly performed by those with normal bone density. But don’t take these labels as law!  

In other words, just because you have osteoporosis, doesn’t mean you should do the osteoporosis version, and so on. I say this because the more challenging the pose, the more you stand to gain from it. So if you can do the osteopenia version, or even, the prevention version, go for it! 

That said, it may be a good idea to work your way up depending on your skill level. You may also need to experiment a little to discover what’s right for you. Just remember to start slow, listen to your body, and give each pose your best effort.

To see the different variations for each pose, simply click on the black arrows!

Vrksasana (Tree) — Prevention
Vrksasana (Tree) — Prevention

Benefits: This pose strengthens the legs and hips, and improves balance, posture, and focus.

Contraindications: If you have a severe rotator cuff injury, you should avoid this pose. If you have poor balance, you may also want to avoid this pose or adjust it to your needs. 

Props: You’ll need a wall and a chair to perform the osteoporosis variation of this pose. 

Tip: Too much or too little effort will increase the challenge of balancing in this pose. Try to establish a balance between two actions: The pull of all your muscles on your bones, and expanding from the center of your body out through your arms and legs. 

Common misalignments: 

  1. Leaning into the foot on the chair or on your thigh.
  2. Leaning backwards against the wall.
  3. Swinging the hip of the standing leg out to the side.

Prevention variation instructions: 

  1. Stand with your feet together and spread your toes. 
  2. Root down through the four corners of your feet and lift your inner arches up. 
  3. Activate the muscles of your legs by squeezing up. Lengthen the back of your pelvis down and lift your abdomen up. 
  4. Bring your left foot up to the top of the inner right thigh, with the toes pointing down. Press the right thigh and left foot against each other strongly for stability. Look straight ahead and find a place across the room to focus on to help you balance. 
  5. Take a full inhalation and stretch your arms out to the side and up as far as you can vertically. You may join your palms together or keep your arms straight up near your ears. Pull your shoulders back.
  6. Keep stretching intensely through your arms, legs, and torso. 
  7. Hold the pose for 30 seconds breathing evenly, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. 
  8. Bring your left foot down and rest on two feet for a moment, taking several breaths. 
  9. Repeat on your second side.
  10. Stand on both legs and take several breaths to rest. 
Vrksasana (Tree) — Osteopenia
Vrksasana (Tree) — Osteopenia

Benefits: This pose strengthens the legs and hips, and improves balance, posture, and focus.

Contraindications: If you have a severe rotator cuff injury, you should avoid this pose. If you have poor balance, you may also want to avoid this pose or adjust it to your needs. 

Props: You’ll need a wall and a chair to perform the osteoporosis variation of this pose. 

Tip: Too much or too little effort will increase the challenge of balancing in this pose. Try to establish a balance between two actions: The pull of all your muscles on your bones, and expanding from the center of your body out through your arms and legs.

Common misalignments: 

  1. Leaning into the foot on the chair or on your thigh.
  2. Leaning backwards against the wall.
  3. Swinging the hip of the standing leg out to the side.

Osteopenia variation instructions: 

  1. Stand with your back a few inches from the wall. 
  2. Position your feet facing straight forward and parallel. Spread your toes. Root down through the four corners of your feet and lift your inner arches up. 
  3. Activate the muscles of your legs by squeezing up. Lengthen the back of your pelvis down and lift your abdomen up. 
  4. Pick up your left foot and place its sole on the inner edge of your right leg as high as you can, toes pointing down. Push the left foot and right inner leg against each other for stability. Look straight ahead and find a place across the room to focus on to help you balance. 
  5. Take a big inhalation and stretch your arms out to the side and up as far as you can toward vertical. Touch the wall gently if you need to. 
  6. Keep stretching intensely through your arms, legs, and torso. 
  7. Hold the pose for 30 seconds breathing evenly, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. 
  8. Bring your left foot down and rest on two feet for a moment, taking several breaths. 
  9. Repeat on your second side.
  10. Stand on both legs and take several breaths to rest. 
Vrksasana (Tree) — Osteoporosis
Vrksasana (Tree) — Osteoporosis

Benefits: This pose strengthens the legs and hips, and improves balance, posture, and focus.

Contraindications: If you have a severe rotator cuff injury, you should avoid this pose. If you have poor balance, you may also want to avoid this pose or adjust it to your needs. 

Props: You’ll need a wall and a chair to perform the osteoporosis variation of this pose. 

Tip: Too much or too little effort will increase the challenge of balancing in this pose. Try to establish a balance between two actions: The pull of all your muscles on your bones, and expanding from the center of your body out through your arms and legs. 

Common misalignments:

  1. Leaning into the foot on the chair or on your thigh.
  2. Leaning backwards against the wall.
  3. Swinging the hip of the standing leg out to the side.

Osteoporosis variation instructions:

  1. Place a chair near a wall, facing to the side.
  2. Stand a few inches from the wall with the right side of your body alongside the back of the chair. Rest your right hand lightly on the chair.
  3. Position your feet facing forward and parallel. Spread your toes. Root down through the four corners of your feet and lift your inner arches up.
  4. Activate the muscles of your legs by squeezing up. Lengthen the back of your pelvis down and lift your abdomen up.
  5. Pick up your left foot and place its sole on the inner edge of your right leg as high as you can, toes pointing down. Push the left foot and right inner leg against each other for stability.
  6. Stretch your left arm out to the side or all the way up. Keep stretching intensely through your arms, legs, and torso.
  7. Hold the pose for 30 seconds breathing evenly, or as long as you can safely maintain these actions.
  8. Bring your left foot down and rest on two feet for a moment, taking several breaths.
  9. Repeat on your second side.
  10. Stand on both legs and take several breaths to rest.

Note: If you struggle with your balance, you can place your lifted foot on a chair, and stretch your arms straight out to your sides.

Props: You’ll need a wall and a chair to perform the osteoporosis variation of this pose. 

Tip: Too much or too little effort will increase the challenge of balancing in this pose. Try to establish a balance between two actions: The pull of all your muscles on your bones, and expanding from the center of your body out through your arms and legs.

Common misalignments: 

  1. Leaning into the foot on the chair or on your thigh.
  2. Leaning backwards against the wall.
  3. Swinging the hip of the standing leg out to the side.

Osteopenia variation instructions: 

  1. Stand with your back a few inches from the wall. 
  2. Position your feet facing straight forward and parallel. Spread your toes. Root down through the four corners of your feet and lift your inner arches up. 
  3. Activate the muscles of your legs by squeezing up. Lengthen the back of your pelvis down and lift your abdomen up. 
  4. Pick up your left foot and place its sole on the inner edge of your right leg as high as you can, toes pointing down. Push the left foot and right inner leg against each other for stability. Look straight ahead and find a place across the room to focus on to help you balance. 
  5. Take a big inhalation and stretch your arms out to the side and up as far as you can toward vertical. Touch the wall gently if you need to. 
  6. Keep stretching intensely through your arms, legs, and torso. 
  7. Hold the pose for 30 seconds breathing evenly, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. 
  8. Bring your left foot down and rest on two feet for a moment, taking several breaths. 
  9. Repeat on your second side.
  10. Stand on both legs and take several breaths to rest. 

Trikonasana (Triangle pose) — Prevention
Trikonasana (Triangle pose) — Prevention

Benefits: This pose stresses the greater trochanters (part of the upper thigh bone), anterior lumbar and posterior thoracic vertebrae (upper and lower spine), and pubic bones. It helps build stamina, focus, and balance.

Contraindications: If you have any of the following conditions, you may want to avoid this pose: Achilles tendonitis; advanced hip arthritis; knee arthritis; ligamentous knee injuries; newly herniated disc; or pubic fracture. 

Props: You’ll need a yoga mat, a chair and a wall for the osteoporosis variation, and a yoga block and a wall for the osteopenia version.

Tip: The wider your stance, the more freedom you’ll have in the hips. But don’t go so wide as to lose stability! Your knees may want to bend and your upper body will tend to shift forward. Keep your legs straight, your leg muscles firm, and your torso lined up directly above your front leg. 

Common misalignments:  

  1. Beginning with a rounded spine 
  2. Rolling into the inner edge of your back foot (pronation)
  3. Throwing the top arm behind you (essentially rotating the upper arm bone internally)

Prevention variation instructions: 

  1. Step your feet apart so that your ankles line up under your wrists when your arms stretch to the sides. 
  2. Turn your right foot and leg 90 degrees to the right, but don’t turn your torso. Internally rotate your left foot 30 degrees toward the right. Align your right heel with the arch of your left foot. 
  3. Inhale and stretch your arms firmly, pulling your shoulder blades toward your spine. 
  4. Exhale and incline your torso to the right without bending or turning it. Your hips will shift to the left. Touch the floor on the outside of your right foot with your fingertips, or place your hand over your ankle. Rest your left hand on your waist. 
  5. Lengthen out through the spine. Exhale and shift your hips more to the left.
  6. Extend your torso out over your right leg, bending at the hips, not the waist. 
  7. Roll your left shoulder, left ribs, and left waist back and up, remaining steady in your legs. Stretch your left arm straight up toward the ceiling. Turn your head to look up at your left hand. 
  8. Hold for 30 seconds breathing fully and stretching side to side as well as head to tail. 
  9. Inhale as you come back up. You can take a moment here to rest, if you like. 
  10. Repeat on your second side.
Trikonasana (Triangle pose) — Osteopenia
Trikonasana (Triangle pose) — Osteopenia

Benefits: This pose stresses the greater trochanters (part of the upper thigh bone), anterior lumbar and posterior thoracic vertebrae (upper and lower spine), and pubic bones. It helps build stamina, focus, and balance.

Contraindications: If you have any of the following conditions, you may want to avoid this pose: Achilles tendonitis; advanced hip arthritis; knee arthritis; ligamentous knee injuries; newly herniated disc; or pubic fracture. 

Props: You’ll need a yoga mat, a chair and a wall for the osteoporosis variation, and a yoga block and a wall for the osteopenia version.

Tip: The wider your stance, the more freedom you’ll have in the hips. But don’t go so wide as to lose stability! Your knees may want to bend and your upper body will tend to shift forward. Keep your legs straight, your leg muscles firm, and your torso lined up directly above your front leg. 

Common misalignments:  

  1. Beginning with a rounded spine 
  2. Rolling into the inner edge of your back foot (pronation)
  3. Throwing the top arm behind you (essentially rotating the upper arm bone internally)

Osteopenia variation instructions:  

  1. Place your yoga mat along a wall, and a block near the end of your mat on the right side. 
  2. Stand with your back to the wall but not touching it, and step your feet apart so that your ankles line up under your wrists when your arms stretch to the sides.
  3. Place your right foot next to the block, and turn the foot and leg parallel to the wall but aim your torso straight out from the wall. Internally rotate your left foot 30 degrees toward the right. Align your right heel with the arch of your left foot. 
  4. With your arms outstretched, incline your torso to the right without bending it. Your hips will shift to the left. Rest your right hand on the block, and your left hand on your waist. 
  5. Lengthen out through the spine. Exhale and shift your hips more to the left.
  6. Extend your torso out over your right leg, bending at the hips, not the waist. 
  7. If you’re unsteady, lean your right hip and one or both shoulders lightly against the wall.
  8.  Roll your left shoulder, left ribs, and left waist back and up, remaining steady in your legs. Stretch your left arm straight up toward the ceiling. Face straight forward, toward the middle of the room. 
  9. Hold for 30 seconds, or as long as you can maintain these actions. Inhale as you come back up. Take a few moments to breathe while standing on your two feet if you like. 
  10. Repeat on your second side.
Trikonasana (Triangle pose) — Osteoporosis
Trikonasana (Triangle pose) — Osteoporosis

Benefits: This pose stresses the greater trochanters (part of the upper thigh bone), anterior lumbar and posterior thoracic vertebrae (upper and lower spine), and pubic bones. It helps build stamina, focus, and balance.

Contraindications: If you have any of the following conditions, you may want to avoid this pose: Achilles tendonitis; advanced hip arthritis; knee arthritis; ligamentous knee injuries; newly herniated disc; or pubic fracture. 

Props: You’ll need a yoga mat, a chair and a wall for the osteoporosis variation, and a yoga block and a wall for the osteopenia version.

Tip: The wider your stance, the more freedom you’ll have in the hips. But don’t go so wide as to lose stability! Your knees may want to bend and your upper body will tend to shift forward. Keep your legs straight, your leg muscles firm, and your torso lined up directly above your front leg. 

Common misalignments:  

  1. Beginning with a rounded spine 
  2. Rolling into the inner edge of your back foot (pronation)
  3. Throwing the top arm behind you (essentially rotating the upper arm bone internally) 

Osteoporosis variation instructions: 

  1. Place your yoga mat next to a wall. Place your chair next to the wall, facing toward you, near the front of your mat. 
  2. Stand with your back to the wall. Step your feet apart so that your ankles line up under your wrists when your arms stretch to the sides. 
  3. Turn your right foot and leg parallel to the wall. Your right toes will be just under the chair. Internally rotate the left foot 30 degrees toward the right. Align your right heel with the arch of your left foot. 
  4. With your arms outstretched, incline your torso to the right without bending it. Your hips will shift to the left. Rest your right hand on the chair seat, and stretch your left hand out to the side.
  5. Lengthen out through the spine. Exhale and shift your hips more to the left. 
  6. Extend your torso out over your right leg, bending at the hips, not the waist. 
  7. If you’re unsteady, lean your right hip and one or both shoulders lightly against the wall. 
  8. Roll your left shoulder, left ribs, and left waist back and up, remaining steady in your legs. Face straight forward, toward the middle of the room. 
  9. Hold for 30 seconds, or as long as you can maintain these actions. Inhale as you come back up. Take a rest and several deep breaths, if you like.  
  10. Repeat on your other side.

Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II) — Prevention
Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II) — Prevention

Benefits: This pose stimulates the femur and pelvic bones. It also improves hip mobility, balance, and leg strength.

Contraindications: If you have any of the following conditions, you may want to avoid or adjust this pose: Adductor tear; Achilles tendonitis; anterior cruciate ligament injury;  chondromalacia patellae; plantar fasciitis; or sacroiliac joint derangement. 

Props: A wall, chair, yoga mat, and block. 

Tip: If you’re tall, try using a cushion or block on the chair seat to make it higher. Align your kneecap by pointing it toward your second toe. 

Common misalignments: 

  1. Shifting the torso forward
  2. Sinking into the lower back
  3. Knocking the front knee in towards center, or forward of the shin ankle

Prevention variation instructions: 

  1. Stand on your mat, raise your arms to shoulder height, and step your feet apart so that your ankles line up under your wrists. 
  2. Turn your right foot and leg out 90 degrees, but don’t turn your torso. Align your right heel with the mid-arch of your left foot. 
  3. Inhale, firm your legs, and lengthen up through your spine. 
  4. As you exhale, bend your right knee until it’s over your ankle. Point your knee toward your second toe. 
  5. Check to see that your right knee is turned out sufficiently and that your shin is vertical. You may need to separate the feet farther and turn out the right thigh more to achieve this. In the full version of this pose, the right thigh should be parallel to the floor, requiring a very wide stance and deep flexion at the hips and knees. 
  6. Move your tailbone down and lift your abdomen as you move your torso back up to vertical. This tailbone action initiates an outward rotation of both thighs, but especially the right one. These actions increase the forces on your pelvic bones and position the knees safely, so be sure to complete them. 
  7. Spread your arms wide, palms down, shoulders back. Look to the right with your head, neck, and spine aligned straight up over the center of your pelvis. 
  8. Broaden your upper chest and embody the strength of a warrior, extending out in all directions from the center of your pelvis. 
  9. Hold for 30 seconds, breathing fully but softly. 
  10. Repeat on the second side.
Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II) — Osteopenia
Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II) — Osteopenia

Benefits: This pose stimulates the femur and pelvic bones. It also improves hip mobility, balance, and leg strength.

Contraindications: If you have any of the following conditions, you may want to avoid or adjust this pose: Adductor tear; Achilles tendonitis; anterior cruciate ligament injury; chondromalacia patellae; plantar fasciitis; or sacroiliac joint derangement. 

Props: A wall, chair, yoga mat, and block. 

Tip: If you’re tall, try using a cushion or block on the chair seat to make it higher. Align your kneecap by pointing it toward your second toe. 

Common misalignments: 

  1. Shifting the torso forward
  2. Sinking into the lower back
  3. Knocking the front knee in towards center, or forward of the shin ankle

Osteopenia variation instructions: 

  1. Place your mat along the wall and the chair in front of the middle of the mat, facing away from you. Stand with your back to the wall, raise your arms to shoulder height, and step your feet apart until your ankles are under your outstretched wrists. Once you have established this wide stance, hold the back of the chair for balance. 
  2. Turn your right foot and leg parallel to the wall, but don’t turn your torso. Your right hip can lightly touch the wall for reference and support. Line up your right heel with the arch of the left foot. 
  3. Inhale, firm your legs, and lengthen up through the spine. 
  4. As you exhale, bend your right knee until it’s over the ankle. Point the knee toward the second toe. 
  5. Using the chair support, lean a bit forward and move both inner groins back. 
  6. Move the tailbone down and lift your abdomen as you move your torso back up to vertical. This tailbone action initiates an outward rotation of both thighs, but especially the right one. These actions result in the desired effect on your pelvic bones and the safest position for your knees, so be sure to perform them fully. 
  7. Continue to hold the chair for balance. When you feel steady, spread your arms wide along the wall, palms down. 
  8. Look to the right, with your head, neck, and spine aligned straight over the center of your pelvis. 
  9. Hold this position for as long as you can, breathing fully and smoothly. Ideally, for 30 seconds. 
  10. Take a rest, if you like. Then, repeat on the second side.
Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II) — Osteoporosis
Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II) — Osteoporosis

Benefits: This pose stimulates the femur and pelvic bones. It also improves hip mobility, balance, and leg strength.

Contraindications: If you have any of the following conditions, you may want to avoid or adjust this pose: Adductor tear; Achilles tendonitis; anterior cruciate ligament injury;  chondromalacia patellae; plantar fasciitis; or sacroiliac joint derangement. 

Props: A wall, chair, yoga mat, and block. 

Tip: If you’re tall, try using a cushion or block on the chair seat to make it higher. Align your kneecap by pointing it toward your second toe. 

Common misalignments: 

  1. Shifting the torso forward
  2. Sinking into the lower back
  3. Knocking the front knee in towards center, or forward of the shin ankle 

Osteoporosis variation instructions: 

  1. Place your yoga mat perpendicular to a wall. Place a chair about 18 inches from the wall, facing it. 
  2. Sit down on the edge of the chair and angle your right knee and foot to the side as much as possible. Your pelvis can turn to the right slightly but try and face toward the wall from the waist up. 
  3. Stretch the left leg off the side of the chair. Turn your left foot and knees slightly toward the right. Adjust your buttocks and thighs back and apart. 
  4. Inhale, lift up from inside, and firm your leg muscles. Straighten the left leg if you can. 
  5. Exhale. Stay soft in your face and neck, but strong in your legs and spine. 
  6. As you continue to breathe, root down through the pelvic bones, widen your thighs, and lift up through your spine. 
  7. Rest your hands on the wall and use that directional reference to bring your upper torso to fully face the wall. Pull your shoulders gently back. 
  8. It may take some effort to maintain the wide position of the legs, but that effort is what will benefit your pelvic bones. 
  9. Stay in the pose for as long as you can steadily maintain the actions, then release. Ideally, hold this pose for 30 seconds. 
  10. Take a rest, if you like. Then, repeat on the other side.

Parsvakonasana (Side angle pose) — Prevention
Parsvakonasana (Side angle pose) — Prevention

Benefits: Stimulates the entire central and peripheral skeleton. 

Contraindications: You may want to avoid this pose if you have any of the following conditions: Carpal tunnel syndrome; coccygodynia; intervertebral disc herniation; ischial bursitis; labral tear of shoulder or hip; or spinal vertebral fracture.   

Props: A yoga mat and a chair. Possibly, a blanket or block. 

Tip: Adjust this pose for your height as necessary. If your front foot doesn’t reach the floor easily, place a block under it. Or if you’re tall, place a folded blanket on the chair seat.

Common misalignments: 

  1. Laterally rounding the side of the torso that’s closest to the floor.
  2. Throwing the extended arm behind the body, which can create problems in the shoulder.
  3. Knocking the bent knee towards the center. Connected to this is turning the chest towards the floor.

Prevention variation instructions: 

  1. Place a block toward the right side of your mat. Step your feet apart so that your ankles line up under your wrists when your arms are stretched to the sides. 
  2. Turn your right foot and knee parallel to the long edge of the mat, but don’t turn your torso. Place your right foot so that the block is on the big-toe side of your foot.
  3. Inhale, firm your legs, and lengthen up through your spine. As you exhale, bend your right knee until it’s over your ankle. Point your knee toward your second toe. 
  4. On your next exhalation, bend your torso to the right and place your right forearm on your right thigh. Place your left hand on your waist. 
  5. Move your left thigh back, revolving slightly inward toward the midline at first. 
  6. Curl your tailbone toward your left heel, tighten your lower belly, and rotate your left knee outward to face straight ahead. 
  7. Place your right hand on the block and raise your left arm straight up toward the ceiling. Then, bring your left arm over your ear, palm facing down. Make sure it’s in the same diagonal line as the rest of your body, not forward or back. 
  8. Stretch in all directions, making sure the muscles of your legs and abdomen are fully engaged. 
  9. Hold for 30 seconds breathing quietly, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. Inhale as you come back up. 
  10. Repeat on your second side.
Parsvakonasana (Side angle pose) — Osteopenia
Parsvakonasana (Side angle pose) — Osteopenia

Benefits: Stimulates the entire central and peripheral skeleton. 

Contraindications: You may want to avoid this pose if you have any of the following conditions: Carpal tunnel syndrome; coccygodynia; intervertebral disc herniation; ischial bursitis; labral tear of shoulder or hip; or spinal vertebral fracture.   

Props: A yoga mat and a chair. Possibly, a blanket or block. 

Tip: Adjust this pose for your height as necessary. If your front foot doesn’t reach the floor easily, place a block under it. Or if you’re tall, place a folded blanket on the chair seat. 

Common misalignments: 

  1. Laterally rounding the side of the torso that’s closest to the floor.
  2. Throwing the extended arm behind the body, which can create problems in the shoulder.
  3. Knocking the bent knee towards the center. Connected to this is turning the chest towards the floor.

Osteopenia variation instructions:

  1. Place your mat alongside a wall. Stand with your back to the wall and step your feet apart so that your ankles line up under your wrists when your arms are stretched to the sides. 
  2. Turn your right foot and leg parallel to the wall, but don’t turn your torso. Your left foot faces straight out from the wall. 
  3. Inhale, firm your legs, and lengthen up through your spine. As you exhale, bend your right knee until it’s over your ankle. Point your knee toward your second toe. 
  4. As you inhale again, incline your torso over your right hip and rest your right forearm on your thigh. Your left hand can rest on your hip. 
  5. Move your left thigh back toward the wall.
  6. Curl your tailbone toward your left heel, tighten your lower belly, and rotate your left knee outward to face away from the wall. 
  7. Roll your left shoulder and chest up toward the ceiling and stretch your left arm straight out from your shoulder. 
  8. Stretch in all directions, pulling your shoulders back toward the wall. 
  9. Hold for 30 seconds breathing quietly, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. Inhale as you come back up. 
  10. Repeat on your second side.
Parsvakonasana (Side angle pose) — Osteoporosis
Parsvakonasana (Side angle pose) — Osteoporosis

Benefits: Stimulates the entire central and peripheral skeleton. 

Contraindications: You may want to avoid this pose if you have any of the following conditions: Carpal tunnel syndrome; coccygodynia; intervertebral disc herniation; ischial bursitis; labral tear of shoulder or hip; or spinal vertebral fracture.   

Props: A yoga mat and a chair. Possibly, a blanket or block. 

Tip: Adjust this pose for your height as necessary. If your front foot doesn’t reach the floor easily, place a block under it. Or if you’re tall, place a folded blanket on the chair seat. 

Common misalignments: 

  1. Laterally rounding the side of the torso that’s closest to the floor.
  2. Throwing the extended arm behind the body, which can create problems in the shoulder.
  3. Knocking the bent knee towards the center. Connected to this is turning the chest towards the floor. 

Osteoporosis variation instructions:

  1. Sit on a chair with your knees wide apart. 
  2. Widen your buttocks and upper thighs to tilt your pelvis and free up your hip joints. 
  3. Open your right knee out to the side and place your foot directly under your knee. 
  4. Lean to the right, moving from your hip, not your waist, and rest your right forearm on your thigh. 
  5. Move your left leg to the left until it stretches straight, keeping your toes and your knee facing forward. 
  6. Activate the muscles of your legs and abdomen and curl your tailbone down toward your left foot. 
  7. Place your left hand on your left hip and roll your left shoulder back until your entire upper body faces outward. 
  8. If you’d like to make this pose more intense, you can turn your torso enough to the left to grasp the back of the chair with your left hand, and look up. 
  9. Hold this pose for 30 seconds breathing quietly and keeping your muscles activated, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. Then, release. 
  10. Repeat on your second side.

Parivrtta Trikonasana (Twisted triangle) — Prevention
Parivrtta Trikonasana (Twisted triangle) — Prevention

Benefits: This pose stresses the hips and anterior lumbar and posterior thoracic vertebrae (upper and lower spine). It helps build flexibility, focus, and balance.

Contraindications: If you have any of the following conditions, you may want to avoid this pose: Achilles tendonitis; advanced hip arthritis; knee arthritis; ligamentous knee injuries; newly herniated disc; or pubic fracture. 

Props: A yoga mat. A chair and a wall for the osteoporosis variation and a block and a wall for the osteopenia version. 

Tip: Try rotating your pelvis in the direction of the twist. This will help you get as much out of the twist as possible, while maintaining length in your spine. 

Common misalignments: 

  1. Beginning with a rounded spine 
  2. Rolling into the inner edge of the back foot (pronation)
  3. Throwing the top arm behind you, essentially internally rotating the upper arm bone

Prevention variation instructions:

  1. Place your yoga mat along a wall. 
  2. Stand facing the wall but not touching it, and step your feet apart so that your ankles line up under your wrists when your arms stretch to the sides. Place your left foot next to the block, and turn the foot and leg parallel to the wall but aim your torso straight out from the wall. Internally rotate your right foot 30 degrees toward the left. Align your left heel with the arch of your right foot. 
  3. Stretch your arms out to either side of you. Gently turn the right side of your torso until you can rest your right hand on the floor in front of your left foot. If you’re tall, you may need to rest your hand on your left shin instead. Allow your left arm to lift up behind you, forming a straight line vertically with your right arm. 
  4. Keep your neck straight and gaze forward. Avoid the temptation to lean into your hand. 
  5. Inhale, firm your legs to keep them straight, and widen your sitting bones. 
  6. Lengthen out through your spine. Distribute your weight more or less equally on both feet. 
  7. Exhale and extend out through both your arms. Feel the twist in your right side and all along your spine. 
  8. If you’re unsteady, you can lean your right hip and shoulder lightly against the wall. 
  9. Hold for 30 seconds breathing evenly, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. Inhale as you come back up. 
  10. Repeat on your second side.
Parivrtta Trikonasana (Twisted triangle) — Osteopenia
Parivrtta Trikonasana (Twisted triangle) — Osteopenia

Benefits: This pose stresses the hips and anterior lumbar and posterior thoracic vertebrae (upper and lower spine). It helps build flexibility, focus, and balance.

Contraindications: If you have any of the following conditions, you may want to avoid this pose: Achilles tendonitis; advanced hip arthritis; knee arthritis; ligamentous knee injuries; newly herniated disc; or pubic fracture. 

Props: A yoga mat. A chair and a wall for the osteoporosis variation and a block and a wall for the osteopenia version. 

Tip: Try rotating your pelvis in the direction of the twist. This will help you get as much out of the twist as possible, while maintaining length in your spine. 

Common misalignments: 

  1. Beginning with a rounded spine 
  2. Rolling into the inner edge of the back foot (pronation)
  3. Throwing the top arm behind you, essentially internally rotating the upper arm bone

Osteopenia variation instructions: 

  1. Place your yoga mat along a wall, and a block near the end of your mat on the right side and another on the left side of your mat. Make sure the two blocks are in line. 
  2. Stand facing the wall but not touching it, and step your feet apart so that your ankles line up under your wrists when your arms stretch to the sides. Place your left foot next to the block, and turn the foot and leg parallel to the wall but aim your torso straight out from the wall. Internally rotate your right foot 30 degrees toward the left. Align your left heel with the arch of your right foot. 
  3. Stretch your arms out to either side of you. Gently turn the right side of your torso until you can rest your right hand on the block. Allow your left arm to lift up behind you, forming a straight line vertically with your right arm. 
  4. Keep your neck straight and gaze forward. Avoid the temptation to lean into your hand. 
  5. Inhale, firm your legs to keep them straight, and widen your sitting bones. 
  6. Lengthen out through your spine. Distribute your weight more or less equally on both feet. 
  7. Exhale and extend out through both your arms. Feel the twist in your right side and all along your spine. 
  8. If you’re unsteady, you can lean your right hip and shoulder lightly against the wall. 
  9. Hold for 30 seconds breathing evenly, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. Inhale as you come back up. 
  10. Repeat on your second side.
Parivrtta Trikonasana (Twisted triangle) — Osteoporosis
Parivrtta Trikonasana (Twisted triangle) — Osteoporosis

Benefits: This pose stresses the hips and anterior lumbar and posterior thoracic vertebrae (upper and lower spine). It helps build flexibility, focus, and balance.

Contraindications: If you have any of the following conditions, you may want to avoid this pose: Achilles tendonitis; advanced hip arthritis; knee arthritis; ligamentous knee injuries; newly herniated disc; or pubic fracture. 

Props: A yoga mat. A chair and a wall for the osteoporosis variation and a block and a wall for the osteopenia version. 

Tip: Try rotating your pelvis in the direction of the twist. This will help you get as much out of the twist as possible, while maintaining length in your spine. 

Common misalignments: 

  1. Beginning with a rounded spine 
  2. Rolling into the inner edge of the back foot (pronation)
  3. Throwing the top arm behind you, essentially internally rotating the upper arm bone 

Osteoporosis variation instructions: 

  1. Place your yoga mat next to a wall. Place your chair next to the wall, facing toward you, near the front of your mat. 
  2. Stand facing the wall. Step your feet apart so that your ankles line up under your wrists when your arms stretch to the sides. Turn your left foot and leg parallel to the wall. Your left toes will be just under the chair. Internally rotate your right foot 30 degrees toward the left. Align your left heel with the arch of your right foot.
  3. Stretch your arms out to either side of you. Gently turn the right side of your torso until you can rest your right hand on the chair. Allow your left arm to lift up behind you, forming a diagonal with your right arm. 
  4. Keep your neck straight and gaze forward. Avoid the temptation to lean into your hand. 
  5. Inhale, firm your legs to keep them straight, and widen your sitting bones. 
  6. Lengthen out through your spine. Distribute your weight more or less equally on both feet. 
  7. Exhale and extend out through both your arms. Feel the twist in your right side and all along your spine. 
  8. If you’re unsteady, you can lean your right hip and shoulder lightly against the wall. 
  9. Hold for 30 seconds breathing evenly, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. Inhale as you come back up. 
  10. Repeat on your second side.

Salabhasana (Locust) — Prevention
Salabhasana (Locust) — Prevention

Benefits: Strengthens the spine and shoulder muscles for better posture. Stimulates the vertebrae.  

Contraindications: You may want to avoid this pose if you have a recent or chronic back or neck injury. 

Props: A yoga mat and a blanket. 

Tip: Your lower back can feel like it gets pinched in this pose. To prevent this, elongate your tailbone and legs away from your lower back and draw your ribs and upper back forward. If you still feel a pinch, don’t rise as far up. Come up carefully and only go as far as is comfortable! 

Common misalignments: 

  1. Placing all the pressure in the lower back by coming up all at once
  2. Hunching the shoulders up towards the ears
  3. Overextending the back

Prevention variation instructions: 

  1. Place your mat on the floor. 
  2. Lie on your stomach with your arms at your sides. Rest your forehead on the mat with your legs straight behind you, hip-width apart. Press your weight evenly across the tops of both feet. 
  3. Lengthen the crown of your head forward and your toes back to create length before you lift. 
  4. Slowly raise your torso, arms, and legs off the floor. 
  5. Turn your palms away from your body, so your upper arm bones rotate externally and your shoulder blades come together. 
  6. Stretch actively from your pelvis down to your feet.
  7. Gaze forward and draw your shoulder blades back towards your spine to prevent them from curling forward. 
  8. Hold for 30 seconds breathing evenly, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. Exhale as you slowly release your body to the ground.
  9. Rest your right ear on the mat and relax your arms at your sides for a few breaths. 
  10. Repeat the pose for the same amount of time, then rest with your left ear on the mat for a few breaths.
Salabhasana (Locust) — Osteopenia
Salabhasana (Locust) — Osteopenia

Benefits: Strengthens the spine and shoulder muscles for better posture. Stimulates the vertebrae.  

Contraindications: You may want to avoid this pose if you have a recent or chronic back or neck injury. 

Props: A yoga mat and a blanket. 

Tip: Your lower back can feel like it gets pinched in this pose. To prevent this, elongate your tailbone and legs away from your lower back and draw your ribs and upper back forward. If you still feel a pinch, don’t rise as far up. Come up carefully and only go as far as is comfortable! 

Common misalignments: 

  1. Placing all the pressure in the lower back by coming up all at once
  2. Hunching the shoulders up towards the ears
  3. Overextending the back

Osteopenia variation instructions: 

  1. Place your mat on the floor. Lay a blanket across the middle of the mat to support your torso. 
  2. Lie on your stomach with your arms at your sides. Rest your forehead on the mat with your legs straight behind you, hip-width apart. Press your weight evenly across the tops of both feet. 
  3. Place your hands underneath your shoulders with your palms facing down. Move your elbows in towards your midline and back towards your feet in order to get your shoulders away from your ears. 
  4. Slowly raise your head, lifting all along your spine, until you’re gazing forward. 
  5. Stretch actively from your pelvis down to your feet.
  6. Pull your shoulder blades back towards your spine to prevent them from curling forward. 
  7. Gently lift your hands and allow them to hover just above the floor.
  8. Hold for 30 seconds breathing evenly, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. Exhale as you slowly release your body to the ground.
  9. Rest your right ear on the mat and relax your arms at your sides for a few breaths. 
  10. Repeat the pose for the same amount of time, then rest with your left ear on the mat for a few breaths.
Salabhasana (Locust) — Osteoporosis
Salabhasana (Locust) — Osteoporosis

Benefits: Strengthens the spine and shoulder muscles for better posture. Stimulates the vertebrae.  

Contraindications: You may want to avoid this pose if you have a recent or chronic back or neck injury. 

Props: A yoga mat and a blanket. 

Tip: Your lower back can feel like it gets pinched in this pose. To prevent this, elongate your tailbone and legs away from your lower back and draw your ribs and upper back forward. If you still feel a pinch, don’t rise as far up. Come up carefully and only go as far as is comfortable! Common misalignments: 

  1. Placing all the pressure in the lower back by coming up all at once
  2. Hunching the shoulders up towards the ears
  3. Overextending the back

Osteoporosis variation instructions: 

  1. Place your mat on the floor. Lay a blanket across the middle of the mat to support your torso if you like. 
  2. Lie on your stomach with your arms at your sides. Rest your forehead on the mat with your legs straight behind you, hip-width apart. Press your weight evenly across the tops of both feet. 
  3. Place your hands underneath your shoulders with your palms facing down. 
  4. Move your elbows in towards your midline and back towards your feet in order to get your shoulders away from your ears. 
  5. Slowly raise your head, lifting all along your spine, until you’re gazing forward. 
  6. Stretch actively from your pelvis down to your feet.
  7. Pull your shoulder blades back towards your spine to prevent them from curling forward. 
  8. Hold for 30 seconds breathing evenly, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. Exhale as you slowly release your body to the ground.
  9. Rest your right ear on the mat and relax your arms at your sides for a few breaths. 
  10. Repeat the pose for the same amount of time, then rest with your left ear on the mat for a few breaths.

Setu Bandhasana (Bridge) — Prevention
Setu Bandhasana (Bridge) — Prevention

Benefits: Strengthens the lower elements of your spine, your core, buttocks, hamstrings, and the deep inner muscles that act as hip stabilizers. Strengthening these muscle groups helps improve balance and stability. 

Contraindications: If you have any of the following conditions, you may want to avoid this pose: Arnold-Chiari malformations; facet syndrome; sacroiliac joint derangement; scoliosis; spinal stenosis; spondylolisthesis; and spondylolysis. 

Props: A yoga mat, a blanket, and a belt.

Tip: Keep your legs and feet parallel. Relax your neck, throat, and jaw as you breathe. Avoid squeezing your buttocks too tightly or pulling your arms towards your feet. 

Common misalignments: 

  1. Turning the toes outward, thus turning the knees out, so that the knees don’t align over the heels
  2. Tucking the pelvis under and gripping the buttocks 
  3. Focusing too much on the backbend in the lumbar spine, as opposed to the thoracic spine

Prevention variation instructions: 

  1. Place your mat on the floor with a folded blanket across its upper half. Lie on your back with the tops of your shoulders on the top edge of the folded blanket and your head on the mat. 
  2. Bend your knees, and place your feet hip-width apart and parallel — about six to eight inches from your hips, depending how tall you are!
  3. Place your arms alongside your body with your palms facing up. 
  4. Exhale and engage your abdominal muscles. 
  5. Inhale and slowly lift your hips and chest. 
  6. Interlace your fingers behind you, but keep your wrists separated. Press your arms down into the floor to propel your torso upward. 
  7. Engage your buttock muscles without squeezing them too tightly. 
  8. Press your shoulders toward the floor by contracting the muscles between your shoulder blades. 
  9. Hold these two actions — shoulders and arms pressing down, pelvis pressing up — for 30 seconds or as long as you can. Continue to breathe evenly. 
  10. Slowly lower back down to the floor and take a couple deep breaths to relax.
Setu Bandhasana (Bridge) — Osteoporosis / Osteopenia
Setu Bandhasana (Bridge) — Osteoporosis / Osteopenia

Benefits: Strengthens the lower elements of your spine, your core, buttocks, hamstrings, and the deep inner muscles that act as hip stabilizers. Strengthening these muscle groups helps improve balance and stability. 

Contraindications: If you have any of the following conditions, you may want to avoid this pose: Arnold-Chiari malformations; facet syndrome; sacroiliac joint derangement; scoliosis; spinal stenosis; spondylolisthesis; and spondylolysis. 

Props: A yoga mat, a blanket, and a belt.

Tip: Keep your legs and feet parallel. Relax your neck, throat, and jaw as you breathe. Avoid squeezing your buttocks too tightly or pulling your arms towards your feet. 

Common misalignments: 

  1. Turning the toes outward, thus turning the knees out, so that the knees don’t align over the heels
  2. Tucking the pelvis under and gripping the buttocks 
  3. Focusing too much on the backbend in the lumbar spine, as opposed to the thoracic spine

Osteoporosis/osteopenia variation instructions: 

  1. Place your mat on the floor with a folded blanket across its upper half if you like. Lie on your back with the tops of your shoulders on the top edge of the folded blanket and your head on the mat. 
  2. Bend your knees, and place your feet hip-width apart and parallel — about six to eight inches from your hips, depending how tall you are!
  3. Place your arms alongside your body with your palms facing up. 
  4. Exhale and engage your abdominal muscles. 
  5. Inhale and slowly lift your hips and chest. 
  6. Bend your elbows 90 degrees and point your fingers up toward the ceiling. 
  7. Engage your buttock muscles without squeezing them too tightly. 
  8. Press your shoulders toward the floor by contracting the muscles between your shoulder blades. 
  9. Hold these two actions — shoulders pressing down, pelvis pressing up — for 30 seconds or as long as you can. Continue to breathe evenly. 
  10. Slowly lower back down to the floor and take a couple deep breaths to relax.

Supta Padangusthasana I (Supine hand-to-foot I) — Prevention
Supta Padangusthasana I (Supine hand-to-foot I) — Prevention

Benefits: Gently and safely stretches the hamstrings and the hips. This helps to increase flexibility in the hips.

Contraindications: If you have an injury to your hamstrings, quadriceps, or shoulders, you may want to avoid this pose. 

Props: A yoga mat, a blanket, a belt, and a chair. 

Tip: In order for this pose to be effective, you need to really engage your legs. You can accomplish this by pushing the ball of your top foot into the strap and pressing the back of your bottom thigh towards the floor or the chair. 

Common misalignments: 

  1. Hiking the hip of the lifted leg up towards the head
  2. Relaxing the bottom leg
  3. Lifting the chin up, thus over extending the cervical spine

Prevention variation instructions: 

  1. Place a yoga mat on the floor, with a blanket across its upper half. Lie on your back with the tops of your shoulders on the top edge of the folded blanket and your head on the mat.
  2. Bend your right knee with your foot on the floor. 
  3. Loop a belt around your right foot and hold both ends of the belt with your right hand. 
  4. Slowly lift your right leg until it’s as straight as possible. If you can, aim for your leg to be at a 60 degree angle from the floor. 
  5. Keep your gaze forward and your breath even. 
  6. Engage your legs by pressing into the belt with your foot and pressing your left thigh into the floor.
  7. Keep your spine straight and your shoulders relaxed.
  8. Hold for 30 seconds breathing evenly, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. 
  9. Gently lower your foot back down and take a moment to rest, if you like. 
  10. Repeat on your other side.
Supta Padangusthasana I (Supine hand-to-foot I) — Osteopenia
Supta Padangusthasana I (Supine hand-to-foot I) — Osteopenia

Benefits: Gently and safely stretches the hamstrings and the hips. This helps to increase flexibility in the hips.

Contraindications: If you have an injury to your hamstrings, quadriceps, or shoulders, you may want to avoid this pose. 

Props: A yoga mat, a blanket, a belt, and a chair. 

Tip: In order for this pose to be effective, you need to really engage your legs. You can accomplish this by pushing the ball of your top foot into the strap and pressing the back of your bottom thigh towards the floor or the chair. 

Common misalignments: 

  1. Hiking the hip of the lifted leg up towards the head
  2. Relaxing the bottom leg
  3. Lifting the chin up, thus over extending the cervical spine

Osteopenia variation instructions: 

  1. Sit slightly forward in a chair, so that you’re not resting against its back. Engage your abdominals and keep your spine straight.
  2. Plant your feet firmly on the floor, hip-distance apart. Lengthen up through your spine. 
  3. Loop a belt around the bottom of your right foot and hold onto it with your both hands.
  4. Slowly lift your right leg until it’s straight out in front of you while maintaining a slight bend in your knee.
  5. Make sure to keep your spine straight and your chest lifting up as your leg lifts. 
  6. Keep your gaze forward and your breath even. 
  7. Engage your legs by pressing into the belt with your foot and pressing into the chair with the bottoms of your thighs. 
  8. Hold for 30 seconds breathing evenly, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. 
  9. Gently lower your foot back down and take a moment to rest, if you like. 
  10. Repeat on your other side.
Supta Padangusthasana I (Supine hand-to-foot I) — Osteoporosis
Supta Padangusthasana I (Supine hand-to-foot I) — Osteoporosis

Benefits: Gently and safely stretches the hamstrings and the hips. This helps to increase flexibility in the hips.

Contraindications: If you have an injury to your hamstrings, quadriceps, or shoulders, you may want to avoid this pose. 

Props: A yoga mat, a blanket, a belt, and a chair. 

Tip: In order for this pose to be effective, you need to really engage your legs. You can accomplish this by pushing the ball of your top foot into the strap and pressing the back of your bottom thigh towards the floor or the chair. 

Common misalignments: 

  1. Hiking the hip of the lifted leg up towards the head
  2. Relaxing the bottom leg
  3. Lifting the chin up, thus over extending the cervical spine 

Osteoporosis variation instructions: 

  1. Sit in a chair, using the back of the chair to help support your spine. 
  2. Plant your feet firmly on the floor, hip-distance apart. Lengthen up through your spine. 
  3. Loop a belt around the bottom of your right foot and hold onto it with both hands.
  4. Slowly lift your right leg until it’s straight out in front of you while maintaining a slight bend in your knee.
  5. Press back into the chair with your spine and lift your chest, as the leg lifts. 
  6. Keep your gaze forward and your breath even. 
  7. Engage your legs by pressing into the belt with your foot and pressing into the chair with the bottoms of your thighs. 
  8. Hold for 30 seconds breathing evenly, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. 
  9. Gently lower your foot back down and take a moment to rest, if you like. 
  10. Repeat on your other side.

Supta Padangusthasana II (Supine hand-to-foot II) — Prevention
Supta Padangusthasana II (Supine hand-to-foot II) — Prevention

Benefits: Gently and safely stretches your hamstrings, calves, and inner thighs. Increases flexibility in the hips and aligns the pelvis. 

Contraindications: If you have an injury to your hamstrings, quadriceps, or shoulders, you may want to avoid this pose. 

Props: A yoga mat, a chair, and a belt. 

Tip: The most challenging part of this pose is keeping your hips facing forward while rotating your leg out to the side. To help achieve this, make sure your abdominals are activated and your bottom thigh is grounding down into the floor or chair. 

Common misalignments: 

  1. Tilting the pelvis towards the lifted leg
  2. Allowing the leg to go too far out to the side, thus making the pose passive
  3. Relaxing the leg that’s on the floor

Prevention variation instructions: 

  1. Place a yoga mat on the floor, with a blanket across its upper half. Lie on your back with the tops of your shoulders on the top edge of the folded blanket and your head on the mat.
  2. Loop a belt around your right foot and hold both ends of the belt with your right hand. 
  3. Slowly lift your right leg off the floor and to the side. Aim for your leg to be at a 60 degree angle. 
  4. Keep your other leg a little more internally rotated, with your toes pointing up and the back of your thigh grounding down. 
  5. Gaze forward and breathe evenly. 
  6. Engage your legs by pressing into the belt with your foot and pressing your left thigh into the floor.
  7. Keep your spine straight and your shoulders relaxed.
  8. Hold for 30 seconds breathing evenly, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. 
  9. Gently lower your foot back down and take a moment to rest, if you like. 
  10. Repeat on your other side.
Supta Padangusthasana II (Supine hand-to-foot II) — Osteopenia
Supta Padangusthasana II (Supine hand-to-foot II) — Osteopenia

Benefits: Gently and safely stretches your hamstrings, calves, and inner thighs. Increases flexibility in the hips and aligns the pelvis. 

Contraindications: If you have an injury to your hamstrings, quadriceps, or shoulders, you may want to avoid this pose. 

Props: A yoga mat, a chair, and a belt. 

Tip: The most challenging part of this pose is keeping your hips facing forward while rotating your leg out to the side. To help achieve this, make sure your abdominals are activated and your bottom thigh is grounding down into the floor or chair. 

Common misalignments: 

  1. Tilting the pelvis towards the lifted leg
  2. Allowing the leg to go too far out to the side, thus making the pose passive
  3. Relaxing the leg that’s on the floor

Osteopenia variation instructions:

  1. Place a yoga mat on the floor, with a blanket across its upper half. Lie on your back with the tops of your shoulders on the top edge of the folded blanket and your head on the mat.
  2. Loop a belt around your right foot and hold both ends of the belt with your right hand. 
  3. Slowly lift your right leg off the floor and to the side. Aim for your leg to be at a 30 degree angle. 
  4. Keep your other leg a little more internally rotated, with your toes pointing up and the back of your thigh grounding down. Don’t let your hip come up off the floor. 
  5. Gaze forward and breathe evenly. 
  6. Engage your legs by pressing into the belt with your foot and pressing your left thigh into the floor.
  7. Keep your spine straight and your shoulders relaxed.
  8. Hold for 30 seconds breathing evenly, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. 
  9. Gently lower your foot back down and take a moment to rest, if you like. 
  10. Repeat on your other side.
Supta Padangusthasana II (Supine hand-to-foot II) — Osteoporosis
Supta Padangusthasana II (Supine hand-to-foot II) — Osteoporosis

Benefits: Gently and safely stretches your hamstrings, calves, and inner thighs. Increases flexibility in the hips and aligns the pelvis. 

Contraindications: If you have an injury to your hamstrings, quadriceps, or shoulders, you may want to avoid this pose. 

Props: A yoga mat, a chair, and a belt. 

Tip: The most challenging part of this pose is keeping your hips facing forward while rotating your leg out to the side. To help achieve this, make sure your abdominals are activated and your bottom thigh is grounding down into the floor or chair. 

Common misalignments: 

  1. Tilting the pelvis towards the lifted leg
  2. Allowing the leg to go too far out to the side, thus making the pose passive
  3. Relaxing the leg that’s on the floor 

Osteoporosis variation instructions: 

  1. Sit in a chair, using the back of the chair to help support your spine. 
  2. Plant your feet firmly on the floor, hip-distance apart. Lengthen up through your spine. 
  3. Loop a belt around the bottom of your right foot and hold onto it with your right hand.
  4. Slowly lift your right leg up and to the side, while maintaining a slight bend in your knee. Only go so far as you can while keeping your hips pointing forward. 
  5. Press back into the chair with your spine and lift your chest, as the leg lifts. 
  6. Keep your gaze forward and your breath even. 
  7. Engage your legs by pressing into the belt with your foot and pressing into the chair with the bottoms of your thighs. 
  8. Hold for 30 seconds breathing evenly, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. 
  9. Gently lower your foot back down and take a moment to rest, if you like. 
  10. Repeat on your other side.

Marichyasana II (Straight-legged twist) — Osteopenia
Marichyasana II (Straight-legged twist) — Osteopenia

Benefits: Stresses and strengthens the lumbar and thoracic vertebrae (the lower and upper spine), shoulder joint, and the femurs. Teaches focus and calm under pressure. 

Contraindications: You may want to avoid this pose if you’re vulnerable to dislocation in your shoulders or hips, have severe shoulder arthritis, or a recently herniated disc.

Props: A chair, a yoga mat, and a blanket. 

Tip: Be mindful of your alignment in this twist, even if it means you don’t twist as far. Move into the twist with full awareness to prevent yourself from going too far.

Common misalignments: 

  1. Knocking the bent knee in towards center
  2. Rounding the spine
  3. Lifting the chin too high, thus over extending the cervical spine

Osteopenia variation instructions: 

  1. Place a yoga mat on the floor, with a folded blanket on its upper half if you like. 
  2. Sit on the edge of the folded blanket with your legs straight forward. 
  3. Pull your buttocks and upper thighs back and apart to help tip your pelvis forward properly. 
  4. Bend your right knee and place your foot flat on the floor close to your hip. Root down through your left leg. 
  5. Inhale, lift your spine, and turn toward the right. Hook your left elbow on the outside of your right knee. 
  6. Keep your spine as tall as possible. Point your left hand straight up. Your right hand stays on the floor to your side and helps to support your spine. 
  7. Inhale and twist more with your exhalation, if it’s available to you. 
  8. Maintain a steady breath and a calm mind, as you hold this pose. 
  9. Hold for 30 seconds or for as long as you can maintain these actions. 
  10. Release and repeat on your other side.

Note: The prevention version of this pose involves a binding. Though beneficial if performed safely, bindings are very challenging and not available to most people. For these reasons, the binding version isn’t pictured here.

Marichyasana II (Straight-legged twist) — Osteoporosis
Marichyasana II (Straight-legged twist) — Osteoporosis

Benefits: Stresses and strengthens the lumbar and thoracic vertebrae (the lower and upper spine), shoulder joint, and the femurs. Teaches focus and calm under pressure.  Contraindications: You may want to avoid this pose if you’re vulnerable to dislocation in your shoulders or hips, have severe shoulder arthritis, or a recently herniated disc. Props: A chair, a yoga mat, and a blanket.  Tip: Be mindful of your alignment in this twist, even if it means you don’t twist as far. Move into the twist with full awareness to prevent yourself from going too far. Common misalignments: 

  1. Knocking the bent knee in towards center
  2. Rounding the spine
  3. Lifting the chin too high, thus over extending the cervical spine 

Osteoporosis variation instructions: 

  1. Place a chair against a wall. Stand facing the seat of the chair with your feet parallel and hip-width apart. 
  2. Place your right foot on the chair seat, with your knee and foot aligned in front of your hip. 
  3. Engage your legs, spinal muscles, and abdomen.
  4. Place your right hand on your waist and your left hand on your right thigh. 
  5. Inhale, stretch up through your spine, and root down through your left leg. 
  6. Exhale and turn your spine (above the pelvis) to the right. Pull with your left hand on your right knee to help yourself twist. 
  7. Keep your left leg firmly rooted and resist the temptation to move it forward. Open your right shoulder back to the right. 
  8. Keep your shoulders and head level, and work carefully in this pose with moderate effort. You don’t want to twist too aggressively, or too gently. Find what feels right for you. 
  9. Hold for 30 seconds or for as long as you can maintain these actions. 
  10. Release and repeat on your other side.

Matsyendrasana (Bent-knee twist) — Osteopenia
Matsyendrasana (Bent-knee twist) — Osteopenia

Benefits: This pose puts a resistive load on the entire skeleton, one side at a time. It stretches the back muscles and encourages mobility in the spine and vertebrae.  Contraindications: You may want to avoid this pose if you have any of the following conditions: Colostomy, herniated lumbar disc, rotator cuff tear, spondylolisthesis, or vertebral fracture.  Props: A yoga mat, a chair, a wall, and a blanket.  Tip: Always lengthen your spine upward before rotating. At the same time, root down through your pelvic bones and use your abdominal muscles to help you twist.  Common misalignments: 

  1. Rolling to the outer edge of the foot that is on the floor
  2. Rounding the spine
  3. Lifting the chin up (over extending the cervical spine), as opposed to the chest

Osteopenia variation instructions: 

  1. Place a folded blanket on your mat and sit on the blanket with your legs stretched out in front of you. 
  2. Bend your left knee and place your left foot on the floor outside your right leg, with your shin vertical. 
  3. Bend your right knee and bring your right foot to the outside of your left hip, with your knee on the floor and pointing forward. 
  4. Place both your hand on your left knee. 
  5. As you inhale, lift your spine up and root down through your pelvic bones. 
  6. As you exhale, turn toward the left. 
  7. Cross your right elbow to the outside of your left knee and point your hand upward and bring your left hand to the floor behind you. 
  8. Gaze over your left shoulder, keeping your spine long. Move deeper into the twist, if you feel comfortable doing so. 
  9. Hold for 30 seconds breathing evenly, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. Slowly release and repeat on your other side. 
  10. After completing both sides, take a moment to feel the effects of this pose on your entire body.

Note: The prevention version of this pose involves a binding. Though beneficial if performed safely, bindings are very challenging and not available to most people. For these reasons, the binding version isn’t pictured here.

Matsyendrasana (Bent-knee twist) — Osteoporosis
Matsyendrasana (Bent-knee twist) — Osteoporosis

Benefits: This pose puts a resistive load on the entire skeleton, one side at a time. It stretches the back muscles and encourages mobility in the spine and vertebrae.  Contraindications: You may want to avoid this pose if you have any of the following conditions: Colostomy, herniated lumbar disc, rotator cuff tear, spondylolisthesis, or vertebral fracture.  Props: A yoga mat, a chair, a wall, and a blanket.  Tip: Always lengthen your spine upward before rotating. At the same time, root down through your pelvic bones and use your abdominal muscles to help you twist.  Common misalignments: 

  1. Rolling to the outer edge of the foot that is on the floor
  2. Rounding the spine
  3. Lifting the chin up (over extending the cervical spine), as opposed to the chest 

Osteoporosis variation instructions:

  1. Place a chair with its left side about six inches from a wall. Sit with your feet parallel and hip-width apart. 
  2. As you inhale, lift your spine up and root down through your pelvic bones. 
  3. As you exhale, turn toward the wall and place both hands on it, wherever they fall comfortably. 
  4. Drag your hands down the wall as if you’re trying to pull it down, so your spine lengthens. You can also place a block between your hip and the wall to help with this. 
  5. Press down through your thighs. Activate your abdominal muscles to help you twist. 
  6. Keep lengthening up through your spine and resist the temptation to tilt your head. 
  7. Continue to breathe and move deeper into the twist, if you feel comfortable doing so. 
  8. Hold for 30 seconds breathing evenly, or for as long as you can maintain these actions. 
  9. Slowly release and repeat on your other side. 
  10. After completing both sides, take a moment to feel the effects of this pose on your entire body.

Savasana (Corpse pose) — Osteoporosis / Osteopenia / Prevention
Savasana (Corpse pose)

Benefits: Allows you to fully relax and reflect after a challenging practice.  Contraindications: Women in the late stage of pregnancy may want to avoid this pose.  Props: A yoga mat. Blankets and eye cover (optional).  Tip: After the initial setup, avoid fussing or fidgeting in this pose. Allow your body to settle and still your mind to reap the most benefits. Common misalignments: 

  1. Allow your body to fully relax in this pose 

Osteoporosis/osteopenia/prevention variation instructions: 

  1. Make sure your space is quiet and safe from distractions. 
  2. Place your yoga mat and use blankets under your head, shoulders, and knees if you like. You can also cover your eyes with a small towel to help relax your face. 
  3. Lie on your back with your arms at your sides and your palms up. 
  4. Let your feet roll apart as you relax. 
  5. Lengthen your buttocks away from your waist if you feel any compression in your lower back. 
  6. Tuck your shoulder blades gently in toward your spine to open the front of your chest.
  7. Guide your attention systematically through your whole body, from head to toe and back again, letting each part relax thoroughly. 
  8. Don’t fret if your mind produces thoughts. Observe them come and go. 
  9. After a few minutes of quiet rest or whenever you feel ready, come slowly out of the pose, stretching your arms and legs, and breathing deeply. 
  10. Respect whatever changes you may feel from your yoga practice and affirm your process of growth and healing.

12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis: Free Printable PDF 

I hope you benefit greatly from these 12 yoga poses. Remember, practicing them can help you improve your bone health in just 12 minutes a day! 

But I know this is a lot of information to take in. So to make it easy for you to adopt this regimen, we put together a free printable PDF of all 12 poses. That way, you can have a hard copy to study, mark up, and follow along.

Simply, click on the button below, input your name and email, and your PDF will be on its way promptly!

Yoga for Osteoporosis Takeaways

For anyone with low bone density, I can’t recommend yoga enough. 

If you’ve never tried it before, don’t be frightened by all the impressive feats of flexibility pictured in the media… 

The 12 poses in Dr. Fishman’s regimen are accessible for almost everybody. Practice them every day, and not only will you cultivate peace, strength, and balance, you’ll also be doing a wonderful favor for your bones. 

If you’re looking for some variety, you may enjoy my yoga videos from the AlgaeCal YouTube page too! Check them out at the following links: 

>> Yoga for Osteoporosis

>> Chair Yoga for Osteoporosis 

Dr. Fishman also offers weekly online classes on his website here! Simply, click on that link and scroll down to recorded web events. Then, click on the meeting recording and enter the access password.

I hope this has been helpful, and I wish you all the best in your practice. Please, don’t hesitate to ask questions or share your thoughts on these yoga poses in the comments below!

Article Comments

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  1. Irma

    August 26, 2016 , 5:31 am

    Thank you for posting these exercises, I will start working on them this weekend.

  2. charlotte

    November 7, 2019 , 5:09 pm

    May I also get a copy of the PDF exercises.
    I admit I’m not into exercise but the video was
    so clear I think I can do this! Thank you so
    very much.

  3. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 8, 2019 , 12:41 pm

    Hi Charlotte!

    So glad to hear the video was nice and clear! You can request a PDF copy by clicking the green button above (near the bottom of the article) 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  4. Kathy Coffman

    December 23, 2022 , 8:05 pm

    I’m not seeing a green button to click on for the PDF to print.
    I’d really like to have this info.
    Thank you

  5. Chelsea Dugas

    December 26, 2022 , 1:40 pm

    Hi, Kathy!

    Sorry for the confusion! I’ve just sent you a copy of our 12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis PDF by email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  6. Susan Difronzo

    January 1, 2023 , 9:18 pm

    Please send me the PDF version of the Yoga, too.

  7. Brianne AlgaeCal

    January 2, 2023 , 9:30 am

    Hi Susan,

    Not to worry! I’ve sent you an email with this PDF! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  8. Elvia Rodriguez

    May 15, 2024 , 8:06 pm

    I would like a pdf by email. I’m looking forward to ge started.

  9. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:35 am

    Elvia, we have sent an email to you of this PDF file. 🙂 Please check your junk/spam folder as our emails sometimes get filtered there. Let us know if you have any questions!
    – Sam

  10. Sally C Kane

    August 28, 2016 , 5:50 am

    Thank you for this information. I’ve practiced yoga for over 40 years and this is the first researched based article I’ve read on how yoga benefits osteoporosis and osteopenia. I’m forwarding the article to all my yogi friends.

  11. Monica

    August 29, 2016 , 9:35 am

    Hi Sally,

    Thank you so much for your feedback and sharing with your friends! We are super excited about this article and the research behind it. Glad you agree 🙂

    – Monica @ AlgaeCal

  12. Shahnaz

    September 19, 2016 , 9:21 am

    Hi Monica. I am a big fan of AlgaeCal and have been using it for 3 years now. It has improved my back and hip bone density. I have recommended this to my friends too. I love your yoga poses,will try them too. Love them all. Thanks for sharing them here.

  13. Monica

    September 20, 2016 , 12:43 am

    Hi Shahnaz,

    Thank you for taking the time to comment! So glad to hear you’re enjoying the information (especially the yoga posts!) on the site. We’ll keep them coming 🙂

    – Monica @ AlgaeCal

  14. Betty

    December 16, 2019 , 2:38 pm

    Please send me a copy,also,thanx so much

  15. Megan AlgaeCal

    December 17, 2019 , 11:22 am

    Hi Betty!

    You should receive a copy of our guide in your email inbox shortly 🙂

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  16. Patricia

    January 1, 2017 , 9:59 am

    Thank you for sharing.

  17. Roxann Sanchez

    July 25, 2017 , 12:26 pm

    Your website is great for the most updated info on helping us! ” The Ultimate Guide to Yoga for Osteoporosis” is something I definitely want to do… Can you send this in a direct email to me so I don’t have to go from link to link to link to get to it? Thank you!

  18. Monica

    July 25, 2017 , 12:29 pm

    Hi Roxann,

    Absolutely. You can request a printable PDF copy above (there’s a green button near the end of the article) :).
    – Monica @ AlgaeCal

  19. Frances Spradley

    August 27, 2017 , 12:27 pm

    I just finished reading your 2013 expanded edition of Your Bones. On page 275 you state that the static poses of yoga cannot build bone. What made you change your mind? Do u still practice Pilates for Osteoporosis. The Osteogenic Loading machine people claim bone cannot be built without OL of 4.2 times body weight. Does yoga do that. They cite research that 10 minutes a week on their expensive machine is all we need to increase BD. Please comment. Thanks.

  20. Lara Pizzorno

    October 18, 2017 , 12:26 am

    Hi Frances,

    What changed my mind was Fishman’s research, which I discuss in the Yoga post. What he presents in his book had not yet been confirmed when I wrote the 2nd edition of Your Bones. Now it has. Here’s the abstract for the latest paper:

    Top Geriatr Rehabil. 2016 Apr;32(2):81-87. Epub 2015 Nov 5.
    Twelve-Minute Daily Yoga Regimen Reverses Osteoporotic Bone Loss.
    Lu YH1, Rosner B1, Chang G1, Fishman LM1.
    Author information
    Assess the effectiveness of selected yoga postures in raising bone mineral density (BMD).
    Ten-year study of 741 Internet-recruited volunteers comparing preyoga BMD changes with postyoga BMD changes.
    Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometric scans. Optional radiographs of hips and spine and bone quality study (7 Tesla).
    Bone mineral density improved in spine, hips, and femur of the 227 moderately and fully compliant patients. Monthly gain in BMD was significant in spine (0.0029 g/cm2, P = .005) and femur (0.00022 g/cm2, P = .053), but in 1 cohort, although mean gain in hip BMD was 50%, large individual differences raised the confidence interval and the gain was not significant for total hip (0.000357 g/cm2). No yoga-related serious injuries were imaged or reported. Bone quality appeared qualitatively improved in yoga practitioners.
    Yoga appears to raise BMD in the spine and the femur safely.
    osteoporosis; yoga
    PMID: 27226695

    Yes, I still do Pilates as well as yoga and last year I discovered barre, which combines Pilates, yoga and ballet exercises and have become addicted to that as well. I exercise at least one hour every day. It’s my break. As my bones are now in excellent shape and have been for several years –within one year of beginning to take AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost — I can do any of the exercises, not only those tailored to be safe and effective for individuals with osteopenia/osteoporosis.

    RE the Osteogenic Loading machine – Loading activates osteocytes, which is why weight-bearing exercise is beneficial. Here’s one of a number of papers discussing this:
    Arch Biochem Biophys. 2008 May 15;473(2):117-23. doi: 10.1016/ Epub 2008 Mar 4.
    The response of bone to mechanical loading and disuse: fundamental principles and influences on osteoblast/osteocyte homeostasis.
    Skerry TM1.
    Author information
    Bone’s response to increased or reduced loading/disuse is a feature of many clinical circumstances, and our daily life, as habitual activities change. However, there are several misconceptions regarding what constitutes loading or disuse and why the skeleton gains or loses bone. The main purpose of this article is to discuss the fundamentals of the need for bone to experience the effects of loading and disuse, why bone loss due to disuse occurs, and how it is the target of skeletal physiology which drives pathological bone loss in conditions that may not be seen as being primarily due to disuse. Fundamentally, if we accept that hypertrophy of bone in response to increased loading is a desirable occurrence, then disuse is not a pathological process, but simply the corollary of adaptation to increased loads. If adaptive processes occur to increase bone mass in response to increased load, then the loss of bone in disuse is the only way that adaptation can fully tune the skeleton to prevailing functional demands when loading is reduced. The mechanisms by which loading and disuse cause bone formation or resorption are the same, although the direction of any changes is different. The osteocyte and osteoblast are the key cells involved in sensing and communicating the need for changes in mass or architecture as a result of changes in experienced loading. However, as those cells are affected by numerous other influences, the responses of bone to loading or disuse are not simple, and alter under different circumstances. Understanding the principles of disuse and loading and the mechanisms underlying them therefore represents an important feature of bone physiology and the search for targets for anabolic therapies for skeletal pathology.
    PMID: 18334226

    However, no research confirming efficacy of the Osteogenic Loading Machine/protocol has been published on PubMed. the company selling the osteogenic load program began conducting an IRB trial in 2014 that is discussed on their website. No results have been published. In the “research” section on their website, they provide 2 other papers. One was written for Performance Health Systems and has not been published in any journal. The other has been published in a peer-reviewed (PubMed listed) journal. Here is the abstract for this paper, which looks encouraging, and I agree with the conclusion – a larger controlled study should be run to look into it.

    J. Jaquish
    Performance Health Systems, Chicago, United States
    Received 4 August 2013; revised 8 August 2013; accepted 9 September 2013
    Aim: To determine bone density adaptation from multiple-of- bodyweight (MOB) compressive force with exercise apparatus designed for osteogenic loading.
    Methods: Osteogenic Loading (OL) apparatus was used to isolate optimal ranges of motion allowing for axial bone loading at levels that could be MOB (force/loading measured by load cells within the OL apparatus). Optimal positions for OL were verified by analysis of force production maximization [1]. Volunteer subjects, mean age of 62.5(+/-8.2 SD), (n=14) performed 4 specific multi-joint movements on the OL apparatus, each lasting 5 seconds. Sessions were repeated once per week.
    Results: Mean peak force/loading for subjects was 9.18(+/-2.63 SD) MOB (hip/legs) and 3.13(+/-0.79 SD) MOB (spine). Since different hospitals and radiology offices were used to gather DXA data, not all subjects had both hip and spine T-scores, and weeks/sessions of using OL were not uniform, the results are presented in a case report format, depicting pre and post DXA of hip and spine. Conclusions: This MOB level of axial force has been seen to improve BMD [2, 3, 4], however has been commonly affiliated with injury. BMD improvement outcomes were observed in all subjects for one or both test sites with no instances of injury or discomfort, at levels of MOB reaching 9.18(+/-2.63 SD) MOB (hip/legs) and 3.13 (+/-0.79 SD) MOB (spine). These results suggest a larger more controlled study be done to further examine the OL stimulus and adaptation.

    I strongly encourage you to get an hour of weight bearing exercise every day. Whatever you find you enjoy and will do consistently will be helpful.
    Be well!

  21. Susan

    November 29, 2020 , 7:19 pm

    Thank you for your amazing yoga/barre videos! I started using your videos to help me when my gym closed because of Covid-19. I am especially interested in increasing done density in my hip.

  22. Elizabeth Pacheco

    March 8, 2018 , 3:30 pm

    Pleasantly surprised that your company goes above and beyond offering quality products by also provide such useful tips and exercises to improve my bone health .Luv it

  23. Monica AlgaeCal

    March 12, 2018 , 2:50 am

    Hi Elizabeth,

    Thanks for the feedback! So happy you hear it 🙂
    – Monica

  24. Joanna Ward

    October 14, 2018 , 9:37 am

    Hi Monica I was so happy to see this post about the effects of yoga on the AlgeaCal site. As a 3 monthh user of AlgeaCal and Strotium boost and one who practices yoga once weekly, I plan to incorporate these 12 minutes into my routine several times a week!! How can I get the Ultimate Guide to Osteoporosis via email so I don’t have to go to each link? I can’t wait until it’s time for my next bone density scan.

  25. Jenna AlgaeCal

    October 16, 2018 , 10:30 am

    So glad you enjoyed this post, Joanna! You can request a copy using the green button above (near the end of the article) 🙂

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  26. Sandy Toomey

    November 13, 2018 , 4:49 pm

    Great yoga info; I did yoga 3X a wk before compression fractures in Jan this yr. Last fracture in late June. Just finished PT which helped a lot. I do exercises for core, legs & back – and walking. do you think keep doing these a little longer? Unsure how long to wait. Yes, taking AlgaeCal with occasional strontium when I can since Aug. Thank you so much! Want to try Pilates too

  27. Jenna AlgaeCal

    November 19, 2018 , 11:51 am

    Hi Sandy,

    So good to hear you’re doing well! It’s best to speak with your doctor or physical therapist before making changes to your exercise regimen — just in case you need to wait longer before starting something new/increasing intensity. ?

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  28. Anna Crowder

    January 12, 2019 , 8:59 pm

    Thank you for an excellent article on osteoporosis exercises. Can you please send me a pdf of the 12 yoga exercises discussed in this article?

  29. Jenna AlgaeCal

    January 14, 2019 , 2:30 pm

    Of course, Anna! Check your inbox for an email from [email protected] 😀

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  30. Sue Carstens

    February 14, 2019 , 3:59 pm

    This is a wonderful article! Thanks for taking the time to include photos. I too would love to have a printable version. I’m committed to doing yoga and this would be perfect. Thanks in advance!

  31. Jenna AlgaeCal

    February 19, 2019 , 2:23 pm

    Hi Sue,

    Love your enthusiasm! You can expect an email with the printable version of this article shortly. ?

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  32. Tara

    March 8, 2019 , 9:25 am

    Such a great article and I have already forwarded it several times. Could you please send me a pdf ….thank you!

  33. Jenna AlgaeCal

    March 13, 2019 , 3:22 pm

    Awesome, thanks so much for sharing Tara!

    You should receive an email with the PDF shortly 🙂

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  34. Gale Martinez

    March 9, 2019 , 6:51 am

    Could you please send me the printable version of the yoga poses for osteoporosis. I am recovering from a hip fracture and want to start some hip strengthening exercises too. Thank you.

  35. Jenna AlgaeCal

    March 13, 2019 , 3:32 pm

    Hi Gale, you should be receiving a copy of the guide shortly!

    We also have a blog post on hip strengthening exercises here. Considering you’re recovering from a hip fracture, it may be a good idea to speak with your doctor before introducing any new movements into your routine!

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  36. Veta Jones

    March 10, 2019 , 3:12 pm

    Please send me the printable version of Yoga for osteoporosis. I’d love to start working on these promptly.
    Thank you!

  37. Jenna AlgaeCal

    March 13, 2019 , 3:53 pm

    Hi Veta, you should be receiving a copy of the yoga guide shortly.

    Hope you find the poses beneficial!

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  38. Carol Steinhauer

    March 12, 2019 , 11:59 am

    I now have osteoporosis and I am learning what I can do to build bone mass. Would you please send me Fishman’s 12 Yoga Poses. Thank you so much

  39. Jenna AlgaeCal

    March 18, 2019 , 11:12 am

    Hi Carol,

    You should be receiving a copy shortly if you clicked the green Request a PDF button above! If you have any questions about AlgaeCal, please feel free to reply directly to the email ❤️

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  40. Margaret Weller

    March 17, 2019 , 3:04 am

    What a great article on yoga exercises aimed at strengthening the core body. I would love to receive the PDF for this article so that I can print it. Many thanks.

  41. Jenna AlgaeCal

    March 18, 2019 , 1:52 pm

    So glad you liked it, Margaret! You should be receiving a copy shortly. Please check your junk/spam folder in case it accidentally ends up there ?

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  42. Carma Reeder

    March 24, 2019 , 9:06 pm

    I have just read through all of the exercises for osteoporosis. I have severe osteoporosis -4 in my spine. I have been taking algaecal since August 2018. I have been going to the pool doing exercises for 6 months. the chlorine is bothering me and would like to do home based exercises. Please send me the pdf’s on all exercises. Thank you so much.

  43. Jenna AlgaeCal

    March 27, 2019 , 10:47 am

    Hi Carma,

    It’s wonderful you’re doing everything you can to see the best possible results! You should receive a pdf copy shortly after clicking the Request a PDF button above. 🙂

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  44. Marjorie Sauer

    March 29, 2019 , 6:26 am

    I would like a printable version of the yoga poses also. I have osteoporosis of the hip and osteopenia in other hip. I do exercises in the swimming pool
    but I want to do more to build my bone mass.

  45. Jenna AlgaeCal

    April 1, 2019 , 3:26 pm

    Sounds good, Marjorie. You should receive a copy in your inbox shortly! Please do check your junk/spam folder in case! 🙂

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  46. Joannie Allison

    March 25, 2019 , 10:46 pm

    I also have Osteoporosis. Would you please send me the printable version of Fishman’s 12 yoga poses for osteoporosis. Thank you so much!!!

  47. Jenna AlgaeCal

    March 27, 2019 , 11:09 am

    Hi Joannie,

    Yes! I hope you find the poses helpful ?

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  48. Parviz

    March 26, 2019 , 11:32 am

    I am a huge fan of AlgaeCal. Thank you for this yoga info. Please send me the printable version to my email asap. Thanks in advance.

  49. Jenna AlgaeCal

    March 27, 2019 , 9:29 am

    So happy to hear this, Parviz!

    You should be receiving a copy in your email shortly. Please do check your junk/spam folder in case it accidentally ends up there 🙂

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  50. Martha Wagner

    May 12, 2019 , 7:36 pm

    Please send me the pdf of these yoga poses!

  51. Jackie

    June 6, 2019 , 10:14 am

    Hi. I have been using AlgaeCal for a few months now because of the amazing results reported on your site. Do you have a CD with the 12 exercises I just watched if not I would appreciate the PDF. I must get started ASAP. So appreciate your information and customer participation. Thank you.

  52. Jenna AlgaeCal

    June 12, 2019 , 10:14 am

    Hi Jackie,

    We don’t have a CD or DVD with the exercises — maybe in the future! For now, you can request a PDF by clicking the green button above (near the end of the article). 🙂

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  53. Jheri

    June 16, 2019 , 6:23 am

    I would greatly appreciate the printable version of the Yoga PDF as well. I am building a strong foundation for bone health with the Algae Cal products and actively adding all suggestions for building strong bones. Thank you, Jheri

  54. Jenna AlgaeCal

    June 17, 2019 , 10:31 am

    So wonderful to hear you’re being proactive, Jheri! You should receive a copy shortly after clicking the Request a PDF button above. ?

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  55. Blaire AlgaeCal

    July 9, 2019 , 12:24 pm

    Absolutely, Paula! You should receive the PDF in your inbox soon ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  56. Rayna Taylor

    July 15, 2019 , 9:47 am

    Really like all the info AlgaeCal puts out. Please send a pdf of The Ultimate guide to Yoga for Osteo porosis.

  57. Megan AlgaeCal

    July 16, 2019 , 11:50 am

    Hi Rayna!

    Thank you! We’re so happy to hear that you enjoy all of our articles.

    You can request a PDF copy using the green button above (near the bottom of the article) ?

    Hope you enjoy the exercises!

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  58. Linda

    July 22, 2019 , 6:02 am

    Could I also please get a printable copy of the yoga poses?
    I’m newly diagnosed and am trying to come up with a doable plan to overcome this.
    Thanks for the great researched information)

  59. Blaire AlgaeCal

    July 23, 2019 , 2:35 pm

    Hi Linda,

    Absolutely! You should receive an email shortly after clicking the green Request a PDF button above ?

    Please don’t hesitate to email [email protected] or call our Bone Health Consultants at 1-800-820-0184 if you have any questions. We are always happy to help ❤️

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  60. Irma T Gonzalez

    July 25, 2019 , 6:01 am

    Can I get a PDF copy of the yoga exercises above. Would love to use them as my Yoga workout. Thank you so much!

  61. Megan AlgaeCal

    July 26, 2019 , 10:33 am

    Absolutely, Irma! You should receive a copy shortly after clicking the Request a PDF button above (do check your spam/junk folder in case).

    We’re so glad to hear you enjoyed the exercises ? Keep up the great work!

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  62. Sandra

    July 27, 2019 , 4:43 pm

    I would love a PDF of the exercises also. Any chance?

  63. Blaire AlgaeCal

    July 30, 2019 , 9:56 am

    Most definitely, Sandra! An email with the PDF attached should pop up in your inbox soon ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  64. Penny

    August 5, 2019 , 7:08 pm

    Ditto! I have tried full-on yoga in classes & not liked it, so never kept it up. These look much more doable with the osteoporosis modifications, I I too would like a pdf version if possible. Thank you.

  65. Blaire AlgaeCal

    August 7, 2019 , 11:33 am

    So glad you find these exercises more doable, Penny! The PDF is on its way to you ❤️ Happy yoga-ing!

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  66. Julie Michaud

    August 21, 2019 , 10:54 pm

    Please send me a PDF as well of this wonderful yoga for osteoporosis. Thank you!

  67. Blaire AlgaeCal

    August 23, 2019 , 2:59 pm

    Absolutely, Julie! You should receive a copy shortly after clicking the Request a PDF button above ? Enjoy!

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  68. Shirley

    November 5, 2019 , 6:08 am

    Please send me a PDF copy of the yoga exercises for osteoporosis. Thank you.

  69. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 5, 2019 , 11:38 am

    You should receive a copy in your inbox shortly, Shirley! Please also check your junk/spam folder just in case 🙂

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  70. Susan Brooks

    November 16, 2019 , 2:04 pm

    Such an interesting article! I would love for you to send me a PDF of yoga poses for osteoporosis.

  71. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 19, 2019 , 12:50 pm

    Hi Susan!

    Happy to hear you enjoyed the information! You can request a PDF copy using the green button above (near the bottom of the article). Enjoy! ?

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  72. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 20, 2019 , 12:18 pm

    You’ve come to the right place, Sandy! A PDF copy of the yoga poses is on its way to you 😀

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  73. Lubby Sandoval

    December 14, 2019 , 12:48 pm

    Could you please send me a copy of this yoga exercises by mail. I have a severe osteoporosis issue in my lower lumbar part and sometimes hurts me more when I was doing some similar every day. I need this modifications. Thank you so much

  74. Blaire AlgaeCal

    December 16, 2019 , 12:18 pm

    Hi Lubby,

    So sorry to hear about your bone loss ❤️ To request a PDF copy of this guide, please click the green button above (near the end of the article).

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  75. Angela Martinek

    December 22, 2019 , 3:26 pm

    Having just been diagnosed I would also love a copy of these exercises.
    Thanks for putting this together.

  76. Blaire AlgaeCal

    December 24, 2019 , 11:25 am

    Sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis, Angela ❤️ A copy of the guide should be arriving in your inbox shortly! Please also check your junk/spam folder just in case ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  77. Anne Lidbetter

    January 27, 2020 , 8:24 pm

    I would also love to get a copy of the exercises. I am a Pilates Instructor and I have Osteopenia. I have just fallen below the line. I am about to embark on Yoga Certification. I predominately work with seniors so this information is excellent. Thank you.

  78. Megan AlgaeCal

    January 28, 2020 , 7:05 am

    Hi Anne!

    It’s great to hear that you’re about to get your Yoga Certification!! We’re excited for you to share your passion with others to help them improve their health ?

    You can request a PDF copy using the green button above (near the bottom of the article).

    Feel free to browse through some of our other exercise posts as well! 🙂

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  79. Mary

    February 4, 2020 , 12:57 pm

    I, also, have osteopenia following a scan. Can I please get a copy of these yoga exercises. I have always wanted to learn yoga, now I have a good reason to. Thank you.

  80. Megan AlgaeCal

    February 5, 2020 , 9:24 am

    Hi Mary, thanks for sharing!

    You can Request a PDF of this yoga guide using the green button above! We’re also here to support you in any way we can, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any bone health questions! Our Bone Health Consultants are very knowledgeable and always ready to help – you can reach them at 1-800-820-0184.

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  81. Joanne Harris

    February 8, 2020 , 8:47 am

    Hello. I have Osteoporosis throughout my body. I have a femur rod in one leg and a stress fracture in the other leg. Have had three cervical procedure in neck. I am beginning to have pain now in lower back. I walk and do strengthening exercise but i think the Yoga exercises will be very helpful also. Will you please send me a copy.

  82. Megan AlgaeCal

    February 11, 2020 , 8:23 am

    Hi Joanne,

    Hope you are able to be pain-free soon ❤️ We also have a Bone Fracture Healing Guide you may find helpful here. To get a copy of our yoga guide, simply click the Request a PDF button above! ?

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  83. Brenda Anguiano

    March 30, 2020 , 5:04 am

    Just found you, love to have pdf of barre exercises. Thank you so much

  84. Blaire AlgaeCal

    March 31, 2020 , 10:04 am

    Hi Brenda,

    So glad you found us! We’ll be emailing you information on our barre exercises shortly ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  85. Terri

    April 8, 2020 , 9:03 am

    Please send me a PDF version of the yoga poses and exercises as I have osteoporosis. Great info you have provided here. Thank you!!

  86. Blaire AlgaeCal

    April 8, 2020 , 12:23 pm

    We’re so glad you enjoyed this information, Terri! You should receive a PDF copy shortly after clicking the green Request a PDF copy above (please check your spam/junk folder in case it accidentally ends up there) ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  87. Gloria E. Omori

    May 29, 2020 , 12:01 pm


  88. Blaire AlgaeCal

    May 29, 2020 , 1:16 pm

    Hi Gloria,

    We’d love to help you in any way we can! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 1-800-820-0184 if you have any questions 🙂

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  89. [email protected]

    June 2, 2020 , 8:48 am

    I just started all these products less than a month ago and just ordered a 3 month supply because I have shrunk over 4 inches and it is disabling because it presses my diaphragm. I need all the help I can get to stop it. I know I can’t go back. I wish I had these exercises in more printable form.

  90. Megan AlgaeCal

    June 2, 2020 , 10:46 am

    Thank you for sharing and we’re looking forward to your bones getting healthier and stronger!

    You can sign up to receive a printable form of these exercises towards the end of this article. You’ll find a green button that says “Request a PDF of Dr. Fishman’s 12 Yoga Poses!”

    Hope this helps and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 1-800-820-0184 ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  91. Blaire AlgaeCal

    April 13, 2020 , 1:49 pm

    Will do, Paula! ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  92. Blaire AlgaeCal

    April 14, 2020 , 9:23 am

    Definitely, Mary! Feel free to also give us a call at 1-800-820-0184 if any questions come up for you ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  93. kitty

    May 29, 2020 , 5:38 am

    where can i see the barre video that people are mentioning here? Also is there a place on youtube or a streaming device to see these videos and use? Love algae cal

  94. Blaire AlgaeCal

    May 29, 2020 , 10:22 am

    Hi Kitty,

    Thanks for reaching out, and for the love! These are great questions.

    You can view the barre videos here. All of these are available on YouTube. I will link some of AlgaeCal’s YouTube videos for you below!

    Barre Workout for Osteoporosis

    Dr. Fishman’s Yoga Method

    Yoga for Osteoporosis Class

    Chair Yoga for Osteoporosis

    Hope that helps! Please let us know if you have further questions ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  95. Kathy

    July 1, 2020 , 9:50 am

    I loved the yoga for osteoporosis class! I saw it was entitled “ Class 1”. Does Cat do additional classes on YouTube with other yoga poses? She is awesome!

  96. Megan AlgaeCal

    July 2, 2020 , 11:59 am

    So happy to hear that you loved the class, Kathy!

    Cat currently has a few yoga videos on YouTube, including a 20-minute class here, a chair yoga class here, and variations for the Dr. Fishman method here.

    She’s always working on more for our community, so stay tuned! We’ll also pass on your wonderful feedback to Cat 🙂

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  97. Pam Henkel

    November 27, 2020 , 4:57 am

    Excellent class learned some new moves for my sore back!u

  98. Clotilde Lake

    June 4, 2020 , 2:15 pm

    I am a cancer survivor and have been using AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost for four years. Also practice yoga and eat plant based meals. I am still loosing bone density. My L3 and T10 are degenerating. What medications cause the problem?

  99. Megan AlgaeCal

    June 5, 2020 , 10:25 am

    Hi Clotilde, thanks for reaching out and sharing a bit about yourself.

    We’re so sorry to hear you’re still losing bone. Have you been taking our products at their full, recommended dosages? We guarantee your results and definitely want to make this right, so please email [email protected] or call 1-800-820-0184 to speak with one of our Bone Health Consultants. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you to figure out what might be going on ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  100. Norah Schwartz

    October 29, 2020 , 8:06 pm

    Hi Clotilde,

    I am also a cancer survivor and have been doing yoga most of my life — as well as Pilates, rock climbing and swimming. My latest Dexa scan shows a decline from osteopenia to osteoporosis. Did you get an adequate response from AlgaeCal, and have you had positive results? I am considering trying it, but have my doubts. I hope you had a good experience.

  101. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 3, 2020 , 11:38 am

    Hi Norah!

    If you’re interested, you can see some of our customers’ inspiring success stories, including before and after DEXA scans, here.

    If you have Facebook, you can also visit the ‘Community’ tab on our main Facebook page (AlgaeCal) where many have shared their experiences.

    Hope this helps and don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 1-800-820-0184 with any questions! 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  102. Lynn Schriner

    June 11, 2020 , 3:51 pm

    This is a hard thing to write. I have been taking AlgaeCal for years. Recently I opened the capsules and put it in water. In 24 hours it NEVER dissolved. So I added apple cider vinegar and it still Never dissolved! I know that calcium not absorbed properly will go into arteries. As a retired Holistic Dr I am VERY concerned. I have pictures of the glasses with the product floating on top.please tell me that research on your products were conducted on humans (not mice) and heart scans were done after a few years of dosing.
    Highly concerned
    Lynn Schriner

  103. Megan AlgaeCal

    June 12, 2020 , 9:12 am

    Hi Lynn, thanks for reaching out and sharing your concerns!

    Rest assured, our studies were on human participants and safety was well established via a panel of 45 blood chemistries and quality of life questionnaire. In our most recent 7-year study, there was specifically no evidence found in cardiovascular risk. You can view our studies here.

    Keep in mind that the digestive system is far more complex than simply being an acidic environment (and that stomach acid is much stronger than apple cider vinegar). There are digestive enzymes as well as a mechanical churning that helps with the digestive process. Rest assured, we know from the positive results from thousands of women and men that AlgaeCal works! Feel free to view some of these stories (with accompanying before/after DXA scans) here.

    Hope this helps put your mind at ease, Lynn! If you still have questions, feel free to reach out to our Bone Health Consultants at 1-800-820-0184 ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  104. Gundula Guldner

    July 4, 2020 , 2:11 pm

    Hi Cat,
    Great to see those yoga poses. I have been practicing yoga for 27 years. Unfortunately I still got osteoporosis ?. It actually is unclear to my GP why I got it. I lead an active lifestyle with plenty of bone building excercises and a calcium rich vegan diet. The only reason I can come up with is that I had my son when I was 44 years old. Not particularly eating a rich calcium diet then and pretty much went from child birth and 3 years of breast feeding into peri meno pause.
    I’m not regretting this and my son is super precious to me. I love your yoga poses as they now give me the support I need as I can’t get into some full poses anymore due to pain. I’ll continue what I do and just started on AlgaeCal. I have no doubt this will help me build new bones. Thank you. Gundula ???

  105. Blaire AlgaeCal

    July 7, 2020 , 10:31 am

    Hi Gundula,

    Thank you for reaching out – it’s wonderful to hear that you have been practicing yoga for 27 years! However, we’re so sorry to hear about your diagnosis.

    While exercise and a balanced diet are important for bone health, for some, this is not enough. After the age of 40, we begin to lose 1% of our bone density per year, sometimes more due to factors like menopause, genetics, lifestyle, etc. To overcome accelerated bone loss, supplementation may be necessary depending on the individual.

    Gundula, it’s great that you have started on AlgaeCal! Have you joined the AlgaeCal Community yet? It’s a supportive space for AlgaeCal customers to learn and grow together! Feel free to join here. We hope you’ll keep us updated on your progress – and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns along the way ❤️

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  106. Peggy Storz

    November 10, 2020 , 2:51 pm

    I am fairly new to the AlgaeCal Community and am so thankful for all the helpful information on this site. I have requested a PDF of the 12 yoga exercises and will certainly try them. I was not aware that yoga would be such a great support for bone health. Thank you so much!

  107. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:26 am

    So glad you’ve joined our community, Peggy!

    Hope you’ll enjoy the yoga classes 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  108. Kathy

    July 8, 2020 , 5:01 pm

    Thank you!

  109. Blaire AlgaeCal

    July 30, 2020 , 3:30 pm

    Our pleasure, Kathy! ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  110. Lynn Spencer

    July 30, 2020 , 3:27 pm

    Love, love, love this yoga practice!! I have been doing it for 9 days now and I see improvement each day. So rewarding and I already am feeling changes in my body. Very exciting. Thank you so much for sharing. I never thought I could be a yoga person.

  111. Blaire AlgaeCal

    July 30, 2020 , 3:30 pm

    Hi Lynn,

    We’re so glad to hear that you love yoga like we do! It truly is amazing, isn’t it?! Keep up the great work ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  112. Kathy

    October 18, 2020 , 6:21 pm

    Thank you for these yoga poses! I am wondering how to choose the version when there is osteopenia in lumbar spine & hip, & osteoporosis in femoral neck. Should I be doing the osteoporosis version for all poses or is there more detail somewhere else about adapting the specific poses? p.s. I am a yoga teacher. Thank you!

  113. Megan AlgaeCal

    October 20, 2020 , 12:17 pm

    Hi Kathy, good question!

    Cat Buckley, RYT, RYOT shares that the goal (even for those with bone loss) is to work your way up to the Prevention version. As you are likely familiar with the yoga poses (great to hear that you’re a yoga teacher!), you may be able to start off with the Prevention version and modify certain poses as needed.

    Hope this helps, Kathy! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  114. Muriel Watkins

    November 8, 2020 , 5:28 pm

    I have been exercising since the age of 15 and I am in my 50s – yoga, treadmill, spinning. I was recently diagnosed with lumbar osteoporosis, osteopenia in the hips and neck. I understand backward bending seems to be fine but not forward bends because it creates a C-curve. Isn’t a back bend a C-curve in the other direction? What is the difference? What other yoga moves can I no longer do?

  115. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 12, 2020 , 10:22 am

    Hi Muriel, thanks for reaching out!

    We checked in with Cat Buckley, RYT, RYOT, and she wanted to share the following:

    “Although they may seem similar, forward folding and back bending apply very different forces on the spine. The key to practicing yoga safely with osteoporosis is to always focus on lengthening the spine as much as possible. In forward bending postures, only go so far as your hips will allow, stay long and straight in the spine and never round and shorten the spine forwards. In back bending poses, you also want to think about lengthening upwards, bringing the bend up into the thoracic (upper spine) rather than the lumber (lower) spine. The same goes for twists – always twist with a long, straight spine, never rounding the upper back into a twist. Focus on ways you can safely intensify your practice – can you hold these challenging standing poses a bit longer? Can you fire up your arm, leg and core muscle harder? These are the actions that will strengthen your bones.”

    Hope this helps, Muriel! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  116. Becky

    November 2, 2020 , 12:08 pm

    I saw several other comments requesting a PDF copy of the exercises. I would appreciate that also. Thank you for the thoroughness of the descriptions – excellent.

  117. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 3, 2020 , 11:34 am

    So glad you enjoyed this guide, Becky!

    You can actually sign up to receive a printable form of these exercises towards the end of this article. You’ll find a green button that says “Request a PDF of Dr. Fishman’s 12 Yoga Poses!”

    Hope this helps and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 1-800-820-0184 ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  118. Patty McMenamin

    November 10, 2020 , 2:36 pm

    I would like a copy as well please. I practice yoga regularly and have found it has really strengthened my body and I feel great! Your descriptions are excellent and helpful.

  119. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:43 pm

    Great to hear you’re already practicing yoga regularly, Patty! Keep up the great work 😀

    To receive a printable form of these exercises, scroll down towards the end of this article. You’ll find a green button that says “Request a PDF of Dr. Fishman’s 12 Yoga Poses!”

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  120. Joan Alexander

    November 10, 2020 , 12:32 pm

    thanks Cat! I really enjoyed the poses for osteoporosis and also the video with Dr Fishman

  121. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:25 pm

    So happy to hear you enjoyed the poses, Joan!

    We’ve passed along your thanks to Cat as well 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  122. Jan Ramirez

    November 10, 2020 , 2:00 pm

    Thanks for the great instructions and videos. I have never experienced yoga, but I am now convinced it is something I definitely need to do.

  123. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:27 pm

    Yay! We’re so happy to hear this, Jan!

    Hope you enjoy going through our guide and the accompanying videos 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  124. GT

    November 10, 2020 , 2:10 pm

    I had no idea yoga could be so beneficial in preventing osteoporosis! Thanks for the very detailed information.

  125. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:27 pm

    There’s definitely a lot more to yoga than meets the eye!!

    Hope you enjoy the guide and videos 🙂

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  126. Diane R Harvey

    November 10, 2020 , 4:59 pm

    I learned a lot reading the benefits of yoga. I wish I’d had this information years ago. Thank you for the insight.

  127. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:37 am

    So happy to hear this, Diane!

    It’s never too late to start healthy practices ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  128. Meg Blanchet

    November 10, 2020 , 2:17 pm

    I have never thought of yoga as something that would help osteoporosis as I thought that exercise needed to be more active and or percussive such as weight lifting, walking or pilates. Thank you for this resource and for widening my understanding!

  129. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:34 pm

    Happy to help in any way possible, Meg!

    So glad you found our guide helpful. Feel free to check out more exercises, as well as recipes and nutrition articles on our blog here. 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  130. sharon friedman

    November 10, 2020 , 2:19 pm

    I have been taking this for about 2 weeks. I think it is helping me sleep better. In the middle of the night, my back would wake me up. That hasn’t happened since about the second day I took the AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost. Here’s hoping it is building stronger bones.

  131. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:35 pm

    Thanks for keeping us updated, Sharon!!

    Glad to hear you’re experiencing a “bonus perk” of sleeping better 🙂 If ever you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] or by calling 1-800-820-0184 (Canada & USA toll-free). We’re always happy to help! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  132. DSC

    November 10, 2020 , 2:21 pm

    I’ll give this a try in the morning! My BMD has improved since I started taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost! I know I need to add more exercise to help with osteoporosis, so this may be just what I need!

  133. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:29 pm

    Fantastic!! Congratulations on your bone density increases 😀

    We hope you’ll enjoy this yoga guide. Feel free to check out more of our bone-healthy exercises here. ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  134. Christine Wilson

    November 10, 2020 , 2:28 pm

    I am amazed at the quality and quantity of free advice given. Thank you

  135. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:30 pm

    Thank you for your very kind words, Christine!

    Feel free to browse through the other exercises, recipes, and nutrition articles on our blog here. 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  136. Shirley Hopkins

    November 10, 2020 , 2:29 pm

    I am having three cervical vertebrae fused next week. Are there any positions I can do that won’t put a strain on the fusion or should I just wait for 4 months?

  137. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:40 pm

    Hi Shirley, thanks for reaching out.

    We would recommend checking in with a physiotherapist or specialist who can assess your current health and help determine the types of poses that are appropriate for you at this time. We also have additional exercise guides that you may find helpful on our blog here. ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  138. Pat Hunter

    November 10, 2020 , 2:32 pm

    Great class!

  139. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:36 pm

    Glad to hear you enjoyed it, Pat!

    Feel free to take a look at more of our bone-healthy exercises here. 🙂

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  140. Annelise Leopard

    November 10, 2020 , 2:33 pm

    Thank you for these great videos filled with advise and useful exercises. I have a titanium rod in my right femur from a ski-accident and my knees are hurting from years of road running (21km’s and 32kms). Really want to try these yoga sessions. I am the “newby” to all.

  141. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:37 pm

    You’re very welcome, Annelise!

    And wow, sounds like you’ve led quite an active lifestyle! Hoping you’ll enjoy these yoga sessions 😀 You can also find more of our bone-strengthening exercises here.

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  142. Carla J

    November 10, 2020 , 2:34 pm

    Hi, skimmed through the article, I so need
    To do these exercises. My problem is motivation. Hopefully this will help.

    Carla J

  143. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:42 pm

    Motivation can definitely be a tricky one, Carla!

    Little tips like scheduling exercises into your calendar or having an accountability partner can help. Do give these yoga sessions a try and please let us know what you think! 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  144. Sue

    November 10, 2020 , 2:36 pm

    I enjoy the yoga classes

  145. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:42 pm

    Wonderful to hear this, Sue!

    Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  146. Heather Kehr

    November 10, 2020 , 2:36 pm

    I’ve never done yoga before so I’m a little nervous about it. Also, I have a bad knee so I can’t put any real pressure on it. Will these exercises hurt my knee?

  147. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:55 pm

    Hi Heather, we hear you!

    Feel free to get started by trying the poses where you’re sitting or lying down. Be sure to also check the “Contraindications” and “Common misalignments” notes under each pose. When progressing, stick with poses that feel challenging but do not worsen your pain. And if in doubt, please consult a health care professional who can help assess your current needs and capabilities ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  148. Esther

    November 10, 2020 , 2:38 pm

    I love the good, thorough pictures that show exactly how to do each move and also give ways to make sure you are in the right position no matter your height, etc.

  149. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:50 pm

    Thank you for your feedback, Esther!

    Feel free to take a look at more of our bone-strengthening exercises here. 🙂

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  150. Laurie

    November 12, 2020 , 4:53 pm

    I have had 8 compression fractures in my spine scared to try anything new

  151. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 18, 2020 , 8:26 am

    Hi Laurie!

    If you’re able to, we would recommend consulting a health professional such as a physical therapist who can help assess your current capabilities. Feel free to also take a look at some of our other exercises here ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  152. Connie

    November 10, 2020 , 2:42 pm

    I am enjoying all your yoga classes.

  153. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:50 pm

    So great to hear this, Connie!!

    Keep up the great work and feel free to check out more of our exercises here. 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  154. Bonnie

    November 10, 2020 , 2:45 pm

    I love that you have all this information for us. The recipes are especially great. Thank you!

  155. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:56 pm

    Thank you for your feedback, Bonnie!!

    We hope you continue to enjoy the content on our blog 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  156. Carolyn

    November 10, 2020 , 2:51 pm

    Love explanations of poses – very clear and helpful instead of just relying on videos/pictures.

  157. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:27 am

    So happy to hear this, Carolyn!

    Hope you’ll enjoy adding the classes to your exercise regimen 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  158. Barbara

    November 10, 2020 , 2:53 pm

    Thank you for this great information.

  159. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 4:00 pm

    You’re so welcome, Barbara! ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  160. Marie Saenger

    November 10, 2020 , 2:56 pm

    After just recovering from a stress fracture in my ankle, I’m back to walking, and it’s great to have these yoga poses so I can build my strength. I’ve been taking AlgaeCal, strontium boost and triple strength fish oil for 3 years now, and my latest DEXA showed a slight BMD improvement in my hip, but a slight worsening in my lumbar spine. I’ve done a lot of the right things, but there’s always room for improvement. I appreciate all the info, exercises and diet tips from AlgaeCal!

  161. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:59 pm

    Hi Marie,

    We’re so sorry to hear about your recent fracture and we’re wishing you a speedy recovery ❤️

    It’s wonderful that you have seen an improvement on your last DEXA scan – congratulations! These results are a good indicator that your body is responding well and you are headed towards further improvement. We are certain you will see great results with your next scan!

    Please do continue to keep us updated on how you’re doing ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  162. Judy Osborn

    November 10, 2020 , 2:59 pm

    I’ve been doing yoga for over ten years and I am
    sure it helps in combination with AlgaeCal

  163. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:40 pm

    Wow! Keep up the great work, Judy ? ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  164. Maureen

    November 10, 2020 , 3:07 pm

    I am new to Yoga. This is a great guide and easy to follow. Thanks so much!

  165. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:39 pm

    Love hearing this, Maureen! It’s our pleasure ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  166. Cathy

    November 10, 2020 , 5:32 pm

    I have not yet taken advantage of this information or videos but live what I see and will definitely be trying some of these!!

  167. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 3:03 pm

    Excited for you to give it a try, Cathy! 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  168. Linda

    November 10, 2020 , 3:14 pm

    I look forward to giving these yoga exercises a try.

  169. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:39 pm

    Great to hear that, Linda! Please let us know how you like them ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  170. Janine

    November 10, 2020 , 3:16 pm

    Is there any contraindication for doing yoga when someone has BPPV (benign positional vertigo)?

  171. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 3:08 pm

    Hi Janine!

    BPPV is generally triggered by changes in your head position. Some forms of yoga will incorporate swift changes in head position, but in these classes, the head often remains upright and the transitions are done very slowly. In saying that, we recommend confirming with a health professional if ever you’re unsure. ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  172. Alison

    November 10, 2020 , 3:21 pm

    Thank you for having 3 versions of the video, where I could do exercises at my own level: Osteoporosis. I also appreciated Dr Fishman’s helpful comments on how the exercises work with osteoarthritis, which I also have.

  173. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:37 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Alison ❤️ We’re so glad you found this information helpful!

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  174. Maddie

    November 10, 2020 , 3:21 pm

    Really enjoyed the videos and the verbal directions that accompany them.

  175. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:36 pm

    Thank you so much for your kind feedback, Maddie! We’re thrilled to hear you enjoyed the videos ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  176. Cheryl d

    November 10, 2020 , 5:53 pm

    Nice videos with good verbal instructions

  177. Danielle Jones

    November 10, 2020 , 3:36 pm

    I love that I can do yoga with my mum to help stimulate bone growth. It’s something we can do together to be proactive.

  178. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:43 pm

    Absolutely, Danielle! We’re so glad you and your mother get to do this together as well ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  179. Beth Day

    November 10, 2020 , 3:38 pm

    I’m having difficulty finding a beginners yoga in my area. The last class I attended, I ended up injuring myself.

  180. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 10, 2020 , 3:42 pm

    We’re so sorry to hear you injured yourself, Beth. It’s definitely best to take it slow and only do what’s comfortable for you! We also recommend speaking with your doctor/physiotherapist before starting any new workout regimen. ❤️

    Wishing you the best in your recovery!

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  181. Barbara Smith

    November 10, 2020 , 8:13 pm

    Thank you, Cat Buckley and Algaecal! I found information on the Fisher Method for increasing bone strength with yoga very interesting. I have been doing yoga 3 times a week via Zoom with yoga instructor in small group since April 2020. I did not know that yoga could increase bone strength. I have been doing Pilates and strength training also. I plan to try the yoga classes available on the site.

  182. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 2:52 pm

    Wow, wonderful to hear you’re regularly practicing yoga and pilates Barbara!

    Keep up the great work and we hope you’ll enjoy these classes! 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  183. [email protected]

    November 10, 2020 , 8:17 pm

    Very informative… I practice yoga most days, so hopefully that will help in keeping my bones strong. Thank you.

  184. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:44 am

    Absolutely, Marcus!

    As you can see from this article, yoga is a bone-healthy exercise. Keep up the great work 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  185. Gerry

    November 11, 2020 , 5:11 am

    I never done yoga don’t know where to start!

  186. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 2:57 pm

    This guide is a great place to start, Gerry!

    Feel free to follow along with the videos and/or read the guide for a thorough walkthrough 🙂

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  187. Patricia Chapin

    November 10, 2020 , 3:58 pm

    I have osteoporosis and have been taking your products for the last year and 1/2. Will have another bone density test in July 2021. I also have arthritis in my knees and severe arthritis in my ankles and feet. The orthopedic doctor recommended ankle replacement surgery for both ankles which I have decided not to have unless it is last resort. I am wondering about doing the exercises with the arthritis diagnosis that I have.

  188. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 16, 2020 , 8:19 am

    Hi Patricia, thanks for reaching out!

    We checked in with Dr. Emma Gasinski, Physical Therapist. She advises that these exercises will be okay for you to do as long as they do not cause too much pain after you are done. A good rule of thumb is that you may feel a 3+ increase out of 10 on a 0-10 pain scale when performing the exercises, but that pain must decrease 2-3 hours after the exercise. It is still very important to exercise and move your body as safely and as much as possible. Make any modifications that you can and possibly try a good orthotic and shoe to help take any load off of the ankle/foot.

    Hope this helps! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  189. Darlene

    November 10, 2020 , 3:59 pm

    I’ll give it a try.

  190. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:28 am

    Please do, Darlene!

    And let us know what you think after giving them a try 🙂

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  191. Sylvia Mary Grech

    November 10, 2020 , 4:02 pm

    I love the yoga video…I’m not very flexible even though I’m active and I find this video very doable.

  192. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:28 am

    Thank you for your feedback, Sylvia!

    So glad to hear you’re enjoying the videos ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  193. Pam Millhorn

    November 10, 2020 , 4:02 pm

    Yoga helps my back!

    Thank you ?

  194. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:29 am

    Fantastic, Pam!

    Yoga definitely has many benefits. Hope you’ll continue to enjoy these classes 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  195. Joy LiBethe

    November 10, 2020 , 4:32 pm

    Appreciate being able to use chair during yoga.

  196. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:29 am

    Thank you for your feedback, Joy!

    Glad you enjoyed the yoga session 🙂

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  197. Connie

    November 10, 2020 , 4:33 pm

    Thank you for all the information. I have to wait another year to get a scan but love taking my Algae Cal and Strontium and looking forward knowing I’m building my bones.

  198. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:32 am

    Great to hear from you, Connie! Thanks for your encouraging feedback 😀

    Have you joined the AlgaeCal Facebook Community yet? It’s a supportive space for AlgaeCal customers to learn and grow together! We’d love for you to join here. ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  199. Kathy Larson

    November 10, 2020 , 4:38 pm

    I just had my dentist appt today and the x-rays showed improved bone mass in the jaw! I am so excited!! Algaecal must be working for me!!! Love it! Exercise is great too!

  200. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:34 am

    Amazing news, Kathy!!

    We’re excited for you 😀 Keep up the great work!

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  201. Claudette Hilliard

    November 10, 2020 , 4:40 pm

    These instructions were very easy to follow and I find this practice is perfect to follow my weight training day.

  202. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:35 am

    Yay, happy to hear this Claudette!

    Feel free to take a look at some of our other exercises here. 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  203. Heather

    November 10, 2020 , 4:51 pm

    Looks interesting. I have to admit, I am super cautious about getting into any exercises, as I fractured 12 vertebrae in less than a year, and at this point still have ongoing pain. I look forward to being strong enough to try them one day, though.

  204. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 3:14 pm

    Hi Heather, sorry to hear about your fractures and the pain you’re in ❤️

    Hoping you’ll be able to work with a health professional who can help you achieve your exercise goals. If you’re interested, you can find more of our exercises here.

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  205. Phyllis

    November 10, 2020 , 4:54 pm

    Thanks for the yoga poses. Hoping they will help my migraines as well since I carry so much tension in my neck and shoulders.

  206. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:36 am

    Our pleasure, Phyllis!

    Hoping you’ll find tension relief soon ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  207. Kathy Beckstead

    November 10, 2020 , 4:55 pm

    I’m really happy to find all the yoga poses for bone health in one place. I will definitely be taking advantage of this instructional site. Thank you so much!

  208. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:36 am

    Great to hear this, Kathy! 😀

    Feel free to take a look at some of our other exercises here.

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  209. Linda

    November 10, 2020 , 5:00 pm

    This is all very interesting. I haven’t done yoga in past but this makes me want to try it. Thank you for intriguing info!

  210. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:38 am

    Glad you enjoyed the info, Linda!

    Please do give the classes a try and let us know what you think 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  211. Barbara K

    November 10, 2020 , 5:03 pm

    Thank you for the information! I never thought yoga to be beneficial for osteoporosis and leaned toward more weight bearing exercise.

  212. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:38 am

    Yoga definitely has surprising benefits, Barbara!

    Hope you’ll give these classes a try ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  213. Sandra Olivier LeBlanc

    November 10, 2020 , 5:06 pm

    Have been doing some of these exercises 3x week for two years now

  214. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:38 am

    Amazing, Sandra!!

    Keep up the great work you’re doing 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  215. Sara

    November 10, 2020 , 5:19 pm

    Thanks for the yoga videos. Can’t wait to try them.

  216. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:47 am

    Excited for you to give them a try, Sara! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  217. Sheila Cunningham

    November 10, 2020 , 5:21 pm

    Thank you so much for these exercises
    I can’t wait to start them

  218. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:48 am

    You’re so very welcome, Sheila! Hope you’ll enjoy the poses 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  219. Mary Anne Sides

    November 10, 2020 , 5:22 pm

    Very interesting info. I need to find a yoga class & discuss all this w/my doctor. Thanks!

  220. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 3:02 pm

    Glad you found the information interesting, Mary!

    Hoping you’ll be able to incorporate some of these poses into your regular routine ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  221. Jocelyne OByrne

    November 10, 2020 , 5:25 pm

    Thank you for the yoga poses & advice. Practicing at home will improve my posture & osteo. I would welcome Algae Cal as a gift.

  222. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 3:02 pm

    Our pleasure, Jocelyne!

    Hope you’ll enjoy incorporating these poses into your exercise routines ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  223. Pat

    November 10, 2020 , 5:27 pm

    I enjoy Yoga Thank you

  224. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 3:03 pm

    Happy to hear this, Pat! Hope you enjoy these classes 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  225. Nina

    November 10, 2020 , 5:53 pm

    I’ve been practicing yoga for several years, and have found it to be very exhilarating. However, I found it very insightful and informative to learn about the studies which Dr Fishman conducted as well as the recommended timeframes for holding the poses. I’ll be referring to his 12 recommended poses and incorporating the recommended timeframes from here on in — thank you, thank you!!

  226. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 3:04 pm

    So happy to hear you found this information helpful, Nina!

    Hope you enjoy adding these poses to your exercise routines ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  227. John J. Follin

    November 10, 2020 , 5:57 pm

    I appreciate all the info, exercises and diet tips from AlgaeCal! Good easy reading from the experts and lots of recipes. Keep it going !!

  228. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 3:01 pm

    So happy to hear this, John!

    Thank you for your lovely feedback ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  229. Susan

    November 10, 2020 , 6:11 pm

    In my opinion, there is no better regimen for strength building and flexibility than yoga. I have been practicing for 20 years and I will continue to practice for as long as I am able. Thank you for advocating the wonderful benefits of yoga.

  230. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:45 am

    It’s our pleasure, Susan!

    So happy to hear you’ve been practicing yoga for 20 years already… keep up the fantastic work! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  231. Patti

    November 10, 2020 , 7:02 pm

    Thank you for the in depth explanations and pictures of each you of a exercise. It is extremely helpful! I would love a pdf so I can print them off. Thank you!

  232. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 2:54 pm

    You’re so very welcome, Patti! We hope you enjoy these classes.

    To receive a printable form of these exercises, scroll down towards the end of this article. You’ll find a green button that says “Request a PDF of Dr. Fishman’s 12 Yoga Poses!” ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  233. Mary Valeria Haynes

    November 10, 2020 , 7:09 pm

    I love the Yoga that Algaecal has provided for us, particularly the Yoga using a chair for those of us who are seniors with poor balance. I can actually stand on one leg now without shaking for more than 15 seconds! Yoga is GREAT! Thank you, Algaecal!

  234. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 3:05 pm

    Wonderful news, Mary!

    Keep up the great work and you’ll only get stronger! 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  235. Rhonda Ruzzo

    November 10, 2020 , 7:12 pm

    Can you also teach some Pilates classes? Thank you!

  236. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:46 am

    Hi Rhonda!

    We do indeed have some pilates classes here. Hope you enjoy! 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  237. Diana Righi

    November 10, 2020 , 7:46 pm

    So glad there are specific Yoga instructions for Osteopenia, which is what showed on my Dexa – I’m looking forward to seeing how these Yoga steps help me. Thank you!

  238. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:47 am

    Thank you for the feedback, Diana!

    Hope you’ll enjoy the poses. Feel free to visit our Bone Health Blog for more exercises, as well as recipes and nutrition articles. ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  239. Michele Maycock

    November 10, 2020 , 8:28 pm

    I love that you emphasize that it matters how long a pose is held! Start with a small amount of time and gradually increase for growing strength! Thank you AlgaeCal!

  240. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:43 am

    Absolutely, Michele!!

    It’s wonderful to notice how you start progressing and advancing 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  241. Lahib Hayder

    November 10, 2020 , 8:35 pm

    I practice Yoga regularly for the past 3 years. I think it delayed my osteoporosis
    During the time of COVID I stopped to studio and started doing them at home. It does not feel the same.
    These classes are excellent and will definitely give a try.
    Thank you so much.
    Lahib Hayder

  242. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 2:51 pm

    Hoping these classes will help you enjoy yoga at home again, Lahib!! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  243. [email protected]

    November 10, 2020 , 8:37 pm

    Love ❤️ the yoga video help a lot and learn different techniques feels so good to stretch and strengthen my posture with my work I stand all day long on my feet !
    Thank you ??

  244. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:42 am

    So glad you enjoyed it, Adeline!!

    Feel free to also try our other exercises here. 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  245. Yvonne Kisch

    November 17, 2020 , 11:46 am

    I have been walking alot this summer. These exercises will take the place of walking as the cold weather is coming in. Glad to have them.

  246. Guy Fagot

    November 10, 2020 , 8:38 pm

    Algaecal and yoga: a winning combo!

  247. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:41 am

    Love this, Guy!! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  248. Jackie Vosgerichian

    November 16, 2020 , 3:05 pm

    I totally agree❣️

  249. Iris

    November 10, 2020 , 8:53 pm

    I am new to yoga but would like to try it to help with my osteoporosis.

  250. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 2:50 pm

    We hope this guide will encourage you to give yoga a try, Iris! 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal


    November 10, 2020 , 10:16 pm

    I enjoyed the yoga sequence. It’s a comfortable pace, clear communication, easy to follow. It’s a thorough body workout that challenges without discouraging if you’re not in your strongest body. Thank you for offering these practices.

  252. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 2:55 pm

    We really appreciate your detailed feedback, Maria! Thank you for taking the time to share and we hope you’ll enjoy practicing these poses regularly ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  253. Lynn

    November 10, 2020 , 10:26 pm

    I like the photos followed by simple directions & modifications. I practice yoga on my own & it’s nice to have another option of a series of poses I can practice without having to figure it out for myself. I love all the healthy resources that Algaecal offers for bone health.

  254. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 3:04 pm

    We’re happy to help in any way possible, Lynn!!

    Hope you continue to enjoy the information on our blog 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  255. S Perkins

    November 10, 2020 , 11:57 pm

    I love that yoga can be adjusted to fit individual needs, for example, Osteoporosis. I was happy to find the video class (Dr. Fishman’s Yoga Method for Osteoporosis), taught by Cat Buckley. As I have missed yoga as it calms my spirit and body. Thank you for a copy of the PDF exercises too.

  256. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 3:00 pm

    We love yoga for that reason too!

    So happy you’ve stumbled upon this guide and we hope you’ll enjoy incorporating these poses into your exercise routine ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  257. Susan White

    November 11, 2020 , 1:24 am

    I am so happy I have found these videos. They are so well done, easy to follow and enjoyable to watch and do. Best of all, they are good for our bones. Thank you so much, your work is greatly appreciated.

  258. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 2:50 pm

    So happy to hear you’re enjoying the videos, Susan!

    Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  259. Robin Thomas

    November 11, 2020 , 1:52 am

    These classes are a great way to stay in shape through the pandemic.

  260. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:40 am

    Absolutely, Robin!

    Feel free to take a look at some of our other exercises here as well! 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  261. Dianne

    November 11, 2020 , 2:28 am

    I’m new to yoga. I look forward to Dr. Fishman’s printout and trying the exercises to help with my osteoporosis/osteopenia, along with my AlgaeCal regimen. Thank you for providing this useful information.

  262. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:41 am

    Our pleasure, Dianne!

    Hope you’ll enjoy the yoga poses 😀 By the way, have you joined the AlgaeCal Facebook Community yet? It’s a supportive space for AlgaeCal customers to learn and grow together! We’d love for you to join here. ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  263. Lisa Reiss

    November 11, 2020 , 3:18 am

    I can’t wait to try these moves!

  264. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:39 am

    We’re excited for you to give them a try, Lisa!!

    Do let us know what you think afterwards 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  265. Tamara

    November 11, 2020 , 3:54 am

    I’ve been doing Cat’s yoga video (version 3) for a month now and it’s excellent. Thank you!

  266. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 11:39 am

    This makes us so happy to hear, Tamara!!

    Keep up the great work and thank you for taking the time to share your feedback ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  267. Janice Davidson

    November 11, 2020 , 4:14 am

    I enjoyed the videos. I will give yoga a try. I requested the PDF copy. Some of the poses appear to involve twists which I thought were not good for anyone with osteoporosis.

  268. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 12:28 pm

    Hi Janice, thanks for bringing this up!

    When done carefully and correctly, with proper alignment, twists can be safe even for someone with osteoporosis. Be sure to follow the tips in our guide for each pose! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  269. Jenni Boudreaux

    November 11, 2020 , 4:31 am

    So much information! Wow! I’m excited to try this out!

  270. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 2:49 pm

    We hope you’ll enjoy the poses, Jenni! 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  271. Janice Bunn

    November 11, 2020 , 4:31 am

    I appreciate the scientific approach to explaining the benefits of yogs. I’ll put more yoga in my workouts as a result. Thx.

  272. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 2:57 pm

    Happy to hear you enjoy the scientific approach, Janice!

    Hope these poses will become a regular part of your workout routines 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  273. Oceanmmi

    November 11, 2020 , 4:53 am

    What great videos and comprehensive instructions for Yoga! I have Osteoporosis and back issues, and it is so refreshing to see yoga instructions that address both issues. Thanks ! I can’t wait to try some poses!

  274. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 3:00 pm

    Thank you for your feedback, Marie!

    Hope you’ll enjoy adding these poses to your exercise routine 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  275. Cheryl

    November 11, 2020 , 6:03 am

    I have never been interested in yoga, but after reading some of your info here I’m convinced I should give it a try. Wish me luck!

  276. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 12:24 pm

    We’re so glad to be able to help in any way possible, Cheryl!

    Do give the poses a try and let us know what you think 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  277. LC

    November 11, 2020 , 6:05 am

    AlgaeCal has been an “angel”send to me. Thanks for the suggestions for moving to increase bone density. I suffered 2 spinal fractures and a broken hand from the same incident of falling before discovering AlgaeCal. AND this traumatic mishap was a blessing and the wake-up call that forced me to find something that is working to help me. I AM SOOOOO GREATFUL!

  278. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 2:49 pm

    Thank you for your very kind words, LC!

    We’re so glad you found AlgaeCal and are on your way to stronger bones! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  279. Julie

    November 11, 2020 , 7:53 am

    I try to do all of these 12 yoga poses every day. I have done yoga for many years, so they come naturally. I hope doing them faithfully will help my bones! I have osteopenia, borderline osteoporosis. Thanks for posting these helpful ideas.

  280. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 12:23 pm

    So great to hear that you’ve been doing yoga for many years already, Julie!

    Consistency definitely helps! Feel free to check out more exercises, as well as recipes and nutrition articles on our Bone Health Blog here. ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  281. Donna M Thompson

    November 11, 2020 , 8:04 am

    I think it’s so wonderful you include yoga on this website. Thanks so much! Yoga is wonderful for the body. I’m a yoga devotee, so I was devasted to learn I have osteo arthritis in the neck and spine (from x-rays from the chiropractor, after injuries), and osteoporosis from a recent, requested DECA scan. My Dr. said she doesn’t usually order them for someone so young. I’m 64. 🙂

  282. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 3:17 pm

    Hi Donna, great to hear you’re a fan of yoga!

    We’re sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. If you’re interested in learning more about bone health, we have several articles you can read on our blog. For example, here’s an article on 6 Common Causes of Osteoporosis .

    If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Bone Health Consultants at 1-800-820-0184. ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  283. Debster

    November 11, 2020 , 9:05 am

    Although I attend Yoga classes a least 5 times a week, I feel these classes are extremely beneficial. I love the guidance with regard to the Osteoporosis.

  284. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 12:22 pm

    So happy to hear this, Debster!

    Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback 🙂

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  285. Kesha

    November 11, 2020 , 9:07 am

    Thanks, these were really helpful!

  286. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 12:22 pm

    Happy to hear this, Kesha!

    Hope you’ll continue to enjoy them 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  287. Rose Soerensen

    November 11, 2020 , 9:42 am

    I am 79 years old with a back full of arthritis. I will pick some of the exercises that I can do. Wish me luck

  288. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 3:09 pm

    Hi Rose!

    Feel free to try the modified poses when needed and be sure to follow the guidelines under Contraindications and Common misalignments for each pose ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  289. Cathleen Howard

    November 19, 2020 , 11:18 am

    Good for you, Rose. I’m the same age and have similar challenges. Back in the day, I practiced Bikram Yoga, but circumstances (some good, some bad) resulted in a lapse in my practice. When I would try a random class, it was usually too difficult for me. I most recently attended a private class led by a young woman, who said she had read about senior challenges but didn’t know much about them. Well, due to my own ego, I overstretched and re-irritated bursitis in my hip. I think this strategy of viewing exercises in 3 levels is the answer because I am stronger in some areas than in others. I wish you good luck and I thinking of you will give me incentive to stick with this program.

  290. Viola Howard

    November 11, 2020 , 9:50 am

    I tried a Yoga class, and I loved It! Just right for me and my age, 74.

  291. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 12:18 pm

    So happy to hear you gave it a try and enjoyed it, Viola!!

    Hope you’ll include these classes as part of your exercise regimen 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  292. Pat Hunter

    November 11, 2020 , 10:22 am

    Great yoga poses no easy to follow.

  293. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 2:56 pm

    Hope you enjoy following the classes, Pat! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  294. Marge F.

    November 11, 2020 , 10:49 am

    I’m inspired to begin . . . and look forward to more videos. Thank you.

  295. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 12:17 pm

    Love hearing this, Marge!

    You can find more exercises, as well as recipes and nutrition articles on our Bone Health Blog here 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  296. Lorraine

    November 11, 2020 , 1:29 pm

    Love your information & yoga exercises.
    Anxious to try them out. I have taken yoga classes but if these help my back I am all in. Thanks.

  297. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 3:12 pm

    So glad you’re enjoying the information, Lorraine!

    Feel free to start slow and progress according to your needs ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  298. Diane Schulert

    November 11, 2020 , 1:31 pm

    Thank you for these yoga exercises. I have 30% lung capacity so yoga is perfect for me to keep in shape!

  299. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 11, 2020 , 2:56 pm

    So happy to hear that yoga is a great choice for you!

    Hoping you’ll enjoy the classes 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  300. JACKIE Johnson

    November 12, 2020 , 11:33 am

    Can’t figure out how to comment si tagging on!
    I plan to share these exercises with the insurer in our 55+ community!! Also hope this clicks off one of my FB options to enter!!

  301. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 12, 2020 , 3:49 pm

    Hi Jackie,

    Thank you for reaching out!

    We’re so sorry for any confusion – there is no Facebook option for the giveaway; however, your comment should click off the blog option. You can always double-check here.

    Jackie, if you’d like to share The Ultimate Guide to Yoga for Osteoporosis on Facebook, you can do so by clicking the “f” on the left-hand side of the page.

    Hope that helps! Let us know if you have any questions ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  302. Lauren

    November 16, 2020 , 2:40 pm

    Can’t wait to try these, thank you for this excellent information!

  303. Anita Taylor

    November 11, 2020 , 4:34 pm

    Great info…now just to do the exercises and stretches!

  304. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 12, 2020 , 3:26 pm

    You can do it, Anita! ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  305. Christie Kaufman

    November 11, 2020 , 5:23 pm

    I have been doing yoga off and on for years but started doing pilates and more yoga classes in the last 2 years. I also started taking AlgaeCal Plus and the Strontium Boost religiously and what do you know, my bone scan showed improvement (both spine and hip). I am thrilled and look forward to getting even more tips from your blogs and videos.

  306. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 12, 2020 , 3:28 pm

    Wow! We are absolutely ecstatic to hear this, Christie! Thank you for sharing and congratulations on your improvement ? ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  307. K

    November 11, 2020 , 6:23 pm

    Thank you for the great pictures of the yoga poses. Very helpful … I am inspired to start this new process.

  308. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 12, 2020 , 3:25 pm

    It’s our pleasure, K! ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  309. Cathy

    November 13, 2020 , 3:36 pm

    I will definitely be spending more time here, very informative, I had forgotten how much I loved yoga but will be starting up again!! Thanks!

  310. Jill Waldman

    November 20, 2020 , 4:45 pm

    I love it ! Requested PDF

  311. Sandra Alcocer

    November 11, 2020 , 6:39 pm

    I learned that holding a pose strengths bones comparable to weight lifting but better since it covers so many more angles to your muscles.

  312. Rita McWilliams

    November 11, 2020 , 7:49 pm

    I’m so pleased to find this yoga program and I look forward to starting.

  313. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 12, 2020 , 3:20 pm

    We’re so happy you found it too, Rita! Let us know how the exercises go ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  314. Sheela Shridhar

    November 12, 2020 , 5:53 am

    I had a fall and spine fracture last year and was reluctant to do physio therapy. I am excited about the yoga exercises and believe that they will help me both physically and mentally. I have requested a PDF of the same. Thank you all at Algaecal.

  315. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 12, 2020 , 3:23 pm

    Hi Sheela!

    We’re so sorry to hear about your injury, and we wish you the very best in your recovery! Please do run any exercises past your doctor/physiotherapist for their best recommendations ❤️

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  316. Lorena Baqueiro

    November 12, 2020 , 6:37 am

    Thanks for the great resources. So many good reasons to practice yoga ?‍♀️!
    I love it

  317. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 12, 2020 , 3:18 pm

    So glad you’re loving it, Lorena! ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  318. [email protected]

    November 12, 2020 , 7:05 am

    Thank you for the videos. I used to go to the gym and do Zumba but I have stopped all exercises since Covid. It’s very hard to be motivated at home but I will try and follow the videos and do some Yoga.

  319. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 12, 2020 , 3:18 pm

    We hear you! It can certainly be difficult to get motivated to exercise at home – But once you start, you’ll find that you want to keep going ? Finding an online workout buddy can also help! ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  320. Louise Carlton

    November 16, 2020 , 5:28 pm

    Great video first time user!

  321. Donna

    November 12, 2020 , 9:50 am

    Using your video is an easy and and convenient way to help strengthen our bones at home during this pandemic. Thank you!

  322. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 12, 2020 , 3:13 pm

    Thank you for your kind feedback, Donna! So glad this has helped you ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  323. Evaline kibblewhite

    November 12, 2020 , 12:01 pm

    Happy to hear that yoga is good for bones I have been advised by my GP to do weight bearing exercise for bones

  324. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 12, 2020 , 3:12 pm

    Absolutely, Evaline! We hope you find these exercises helpful ❤️

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  325. Rae

    November 12, 2020 , 1:54 pm

    These videos are very informative. I’ve enjoyed the classes and am eager to find a Yoga studio near me.
    Thank you, thank you!

  326. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 12, 2020 , 3:12 pm

    So great to hear that, Rae! It’s our pleasure ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  327. Anne Tench

    November 17, 2020 , 3:09 pm

    I’ve looked through the yoga poses and I’m eager to try them out. I do Pilates and there are a lot of similarities.

  328. Edna

    November 13, 2020 , 1:05 pm

    Glad yoga is good for the bones. I need to strengthen my back.

  329. Pat

    November 15, 2020 , 4:58 am

    Thank you for sharing. I am looking forward to making these exercises part of my routine.

  330. Jill Ann Colon

    November 17, 2020 , 4:45 pm

    Awesome!!Will be doing the poses!!

  331. Kae

    November 12, 2020 , 3:59 pm

    The video makes it very doable – thank you for it. Also liked the videos on your YouTube channel!

  332. Theresa

    November 12, 2020 , 5:37 pm

    Thanks for these poses, some of them I already do and excited to try the others!

  333. Linda Vaught

    November 12, 2020 , 6:47 pm

    I love doing yoga; but, it’s been harder to do with the pandemic. Thanks for the videos.

  334. Linda Vaught

    November 12, 2020 , 6:51 pm

    I love doing yoga; but, it’s been harder to do with the pandemic. Thanks for the videos!

  335. Sherry Stawnychy

    November 13, 2020 , 7:43 am

    I’m excited to start trying some of these yoga exercises!!!

  336. Melanie Oxley

    November 13, 2020 , 8:19 am

    Downloaded pdf yoga poses – yay!

  337. Ellen

    November 13, 2020 , 9:19 am

    Thank you for the custom yoga classes that meet the needs for osteoporosis! I’d like to have thes the classes by Cat accessible on youTube.

  338. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 18, 2020 , 8:24 am

    Hi Ellen!

    We do indeed have our videos on YouTube. You can find them here. Enjoy! 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  339. Betty

    November 13, 2020 , 9:39 am

    I’ve tried regular yoga and find it too strenuous, looking forward to trying these moves.


    November 13, 2020 , 3:09 pm

    I was very happy to find the step by step instructions for the 12 yoga poses! Using these and the video I hope to be able to incorporate these into my daily routine. I requested the pdf and got it printed out too. Thank you Algaecal for providing such informative material!

  341. Kim A

    November 13, 2020 , 11:19 pm

    I was recently diagnosed with Osteoporosis in lumbar spine. Also broke two ribs. I hear many good things about Algae Cal on the Facebook groups I’ve joined for Osteoporosis.

  342. Kim A.

    November 13, 2020 , 11:23 pm

    Thank you for sharing the recipes and yoga! Having been recently diagnosed with Osteoporosis, I need all the help I can get.

  343. Debra Remus

    November 24, 2020 , 7:58 pm

    Thank you for helping us find more ways to strengthen our bones

  344. Debra Remus

    November 24, 2020 , 8:00 pm

    Thank you

  345. Dorothy

    November 14, 2020 , 4:37 am

    Thank you for yoga posts. I have a guest room with a mirror on the small closet door which helps me check posture and form. I also like the Barr videos and recipes are great.

  346. Carolyn

    November 14, 2020 , 8:32 am

    I have learned so much and feel so encouraged. I am a 73 year old active woman with low bone density. I can’t wait for my next scan to seen the increase without chemicals. Thank you for this work.

  347. Lisa

    November 14, 2020 , 3:53 pm

    I look forward to trying these yoga poses. This is a very proactive site.

  348. Elizabeth M Rudolph

    November 14, 2020 , 4:54 pm

    These videos and suggestions are wonderful, and so very welcome! Thank you all once again, AlgaeCal!
    Stay safe!

  349. Carolyn Schultz

    November 14, 2020 , 11:06 pm

    I’ve exercised regularly for most of my adult life but yoga is new for me. I’ve been trying to follow Cat’s videos.
    She does a great job of explaining exactly how each part of the body needs to be positioned. I’m a visual learner so being able to watch her do the poses is a great help for me.

  350. Susan Erhardt

    November 15, 2020 , 10:40 am

    After trying a regular yoga class & giving up with all the down to the floor & up again, which is difficult with a bad knee, I found these exercises much more beneficial. Thank you.

  351. Sandy Magrath

    November 15, 2020 , 7:27 pm

    How long after vertebral compression fractures can you start these exercises?

  352. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 20, 2020 , 8:40 am

    Hi Sandy!

    We checked in with Dr. Emma Gasinski, Physical Therapist. She shared that you should start these exercises once you no longer have pain completing the movements. In saying that, please follow your doctor’s advice if you are on certain restrictions as to when to safely begin exercise. ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  353. Kerry Dianne de Graaf

    November 16, 2020 , 12:14 am

    Thankyou for these excellent videos and resource information.
    I have severe osteoporosis and have been taking AlgaeCal Bone Builder for close on 12 months now.
    I have had several broken bones including a wrist and shoulder (after falls) and non trauma, spontaneous severe multiple pelvic fractures after injection.
    I am super keen to add Yoga to my regime.

  354. Susan Siminow

    November 16, 2020 , 9:17 am

    Thank you for all your great resources. Not only do you sell high quality products that work but recipes, exercises and other information.

  355. Matt S.

    November 16, 2020 , 9:49 am

    Great program – note that it is great for men too. Men can have osteoporosis and yoga is a great exercise for older men!

  356. Pamala York

    November 16, 2020 , 10:07 am

    I look forward to checking the Yoga videos and trying out the poses. I’ve been on the AlgaeCal Plus/Strontium Boost going on 6 months now and will have my first scan since starting in December. My last scan was 2 years ago.

  357. Marie Robinson

    November 16, 2020 , 2:15 pm

    Great information and workout.

  358. Ginny

    November 16, 2020 , 2:16 pm

    I need to get going on some of these yoga exercises. I’ve had multiple surgeries on my knees but think some of these might be doable. Thank you for sharing.

  359. Kathryn H McLaughlin

    November 16, 2020 , 2:16 pm

    Thank you for sharing the variety of yoga poses to help with osteoporosis. I have been a yogi for several years and this information is very helpful.

  360. Marie Robinson

    November 16, 2020 , 2:17 pm

    Great information. Great workout

  361. johndeb515

    November 16, 2020 , 2:29 pm

    I’m pleased you added yoga to the Algae Cal website. Yoga has so many benefits.

  362. Monique Le Duc

    November 16, 2020 , 2:34 pm

    These poses appear to be very doable even for someone like me who has scoliosis. Thank you.

  363. Maryann Campbell

    November 16, 2020 , 2:41 pm

    These supplements and exercises are keeping me strong. This is so important for me since osteoporosis runs in my family. I intend to beat the odds!

  364. Lauren

    November 16, 2020 , 2:43 pm

    Amazing exercises, can’t wait to try these!

  365. Linda

    November 16, 2020 , 2:50 pm

    I love how there are many ways to improve our bone health. I would like to try Yoga. Thanks for the informative videos.

  366. joan

    November 16, 2020 , 2:53 pm

    been doing yoga for years … glad to know it’s good for my bones as well and enhancing flexibility, strength and mental and physical balance

  367. susan malloy

    November 16, 2020 , 2:55 pm

    Very useful information, I practice Iyengar Yoga and absolutely love it.

  368. Jacqueline Conrad

    November 16, 2020 , 2:55 pm

    Thank you for the education explaining why yoga is beneficial for osteoporosis. I loved lifting weights in my 30’s, but at 59 it is so much more difficult! I’ll try yoga.

  369. Jean

    November 16, 2020 , 2:55 pm

    It’s good to know the connection between certain yoga postures and increasing bone density

  370. CariP

    November 16, 2020 , 2:56 pm

    The idea of yoga for osteoporosis and bone strengthening is something I never thought of. But watching the videos and trying some of the exercises has been very enlightening. I like the program and will co to use to follow l. Thank you for bringing this to all of us!

  371. Jacque C

    November 16, 2020 , 2:56 pm

    Thank you for the education explaining why yoga is beneficial for osteoporosis. I loved lifting weights in my 30’s, but at 59 it is so much more difficult! I’ll try yoga.

  372. Debra Nordyke

    November 16, 2020 , 2:58 pm

    Very helpful…I didn’t know Yoga could be beneficial to build bone!

  373. susan malloy

    November 16, 2020 , 2:58 pm

    I practice Iyengar Yoga and absolutely love it.
    There is some great information in your blog.

  374. Yvonne

    November 16, 2020 , 3:03 pm

    Thanks algaecal for all your helpful blogs and research on osteoporosis. Enjoyed the yoga class for prevention. I need to get back into my yoga routine and this helped.

  375. Nanyi Albuero

    November 16, 2020 , 3:06 pm

    I take osteo fitness classes and have yet to try the yoga exercises shown here. I am wary about too much stretching but am happy with the osteo fitness classes which I have been taking for the past several years now.

  376. Liz Viering

    November 16, 2020 , 3:07 pm

    I can’t wait to try these yoga poses!

  377. becky

    November 16, 2020 , 3:13 pm

    I am 71 yrs old and have taken yoga off and on over a couple of decades, most recently the first set of yoga classes that Cat recorded. Unfortunately, I’ve gotten very stiff, with balance and coordination getting so bad that I find it very hard to do floor exercises of any kind because it is so hard to get up again. These chair exercises I think I can do, and will give them a try.

  378. Jacque C

    November 16, 2020 , 3:14 pm

    Thank you for the education on yoga for osteoporosis. I really enjoyed weight lifting in my 30’s, but it is much more difficult now that I am 59! I will try these yoga exercises.

  379. photini.brady

    November 16, 2020 , 3:20 pm

    I’m especially looking for help with my balance, and this looks useful. Thanks!

  380. Agnes

    November 16, 2020 , 3:21 pm

    Dr. Fishman’s comments were very helpful. The demonstrated videos ranging in difficulty are really great! Easy to follow and I like that they can be printed out and studied. Thanks so much.

  381. Jill Gover

    November 16, 2020 , 3:26 pm

    I like the three versions offered for each pose. It gives options if a particular pose is too painful and that’s very helpful.

  382. Judith McLaughlin

    November 16, 2020 , 3:54 pm

    How do I get the motivation to do yoga when I’ve broken both hips and have balance issues?

  383. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 25, 2020 , 11:13 am

    Hi Judith, thanks for reaching out!

    We checked in with Dr. Emma Gasinski, Physical Therapist, for her best advice. Here’s what she shares:

    “That is a good question and one that is quite common. Though you have broken both hips and have balance issues, it may seem counterintuitive, but movement is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. The only way you will get stronger or improve your balance is by practicing balance and exercising every day. Changes do not come fast, but the longer you stick with a program, the better your results will be. You also do not only have to do yoga – think of an activity that you enjoy and try that. The best exercise is the one that you will actually do because you enjoy it. You can improve your balance as well as your strength so continue to believe in yourself. Good luck!”

    Hope this provides some encouragement, Judith! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  384. Judith McLaughlin

    November 16, 2020 , 3:56 pm

    Trying again to comment to enter your sweepstakes.

  385. F. Ryan

    November 16, 2020 , 4:25 pm

    Future exercise suggestion … Pilates mat

  386. Connie M. Graves

    November 16, 2020 , 4:28 pm

    The fact that your classes are free is such a wonderful help during these trying times. Thank you!

  387. Melanie Oxley

    November 16, 2020 , 4:56 pm

    Love the taste of triple power omega 3!

  388. Lee

    November 16, 2020 , 5:06 pm

    I have been taking Algae Cal Plus and Strontium Boost almost 3 months and they are truly working. My nails are longer and stronger. I love exercising but my knees hurt some times…I believe yoga exercises will be less stressful on my joints and I’m looking forward to starting your yoga program.

  389. SuAnn Cannon

    November 16, 2020 , 6:07 pm

    It’s exciting that yoga poses can help build bones!

  390. Nana

    November 16, 2020 , 6:09 pm

    What is safe for degenerative changes to vertebrae?

  391. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 25, 2020 , 11:17 am

    Hi Nana, good question!

    We checked in with Dr. Emma Gasinski, Physical Therapist, for her best advice. Here’s what she shared:

    “Hi Nana – Here is a great article to check out regarding more information about Degenerative Disk Disease. This is an article written by the American Physical Therapy Association and has some great education on how having degenerative changes to the spine is normal and often does not mean you are bound to have pain. Any yoga movement will be good for the spine as long as it is not extreme forward folding or forward folding and twisting at the same time. It is important to listen to your body and stop any exercise if you have an increase in pain. It is also essential that you begin a program with your local Physical Therapist that aims at teaching you the proper mechanics and form when perfoming everyday activities in order to not place any more compression on the spine when bending over and doing laundry or picking objects off the ground.”

    Hope this helps, Nana! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  392. Patty Meade

    November 16, 2020 , 6:35 pm

    I look forward to beginning this yoga program as I am new to algae cal and am trying a healthy alternative way to get my bones back ! I love to discipline my body and my mind ! It’s been years since I’ve practiced yoga and I’m excited to start again !

  393. Ellen

    November 16, 2020 , 6:44 pm

    This yoga program looks fantastic and I am excited to give it a try!!

  394. Margaret Edith Cameron

    November 16, 2020 , 8:08 pm

    I will request a PDF copy of the different yoga poses as well. This form of exercise is the best. I was a real fan of pilates and yoga exercises some 15 years ago and was reminded as I looked at the exercises here of the real benefits of this form of exercise. I want to get back at it as I am now taking algaecal products and know this will greatly improve my strength, agility and coordination. I am finding that at my age now in the 70’s, I have lost strength and balance. Thank you for providing this information!

  395. Patricia Kluz

    November 16, 2020 , 8:33 pm

    I love these poses ! The specific directions and modifications are great!

  396. Sneed Nancy P.

    November 16, 2020 , 8:43 pm

    Thank you for the instructions. I will be starting some of these soon. Love AlgaeCal.

  397. Carla LaBombard

    November 16, 2020 , 8:48 pm

    Can’t wait to try the Algae Cal yoga classes. I like yoga ,& looking forward to learning something new that can help my osteoporosis .

  398. Kaden harari

    November 16, 2020 , 10:08 pm

    As a yoga teacher, I really appreciate that you give options for each pose. Your instructions are precise, exact, leaving no room for error or misalignment. Fabulous!

  399. Lori C

    November 17, 2020 , 2:37 am

    I’m happy to have found this. I get a Dex scan in December and am excited to see the results…

  400. pat gladstone

    November 17, 2020 , 5:23 am

    cannot thank you enough for offering these yoga classes. I even printed them out and it is a great help. Especially with Covid, there are few classes available to attend

  401. Deanne

    November 17, 2020 , 5:24 am

    I am looking for something more rigorous. Is that possible with osteoporosis?

  402. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 24, 2020 , 8:25 am

    Absolutely, Deanne! Feel free to browse through the other exercises on our blog here.

    We hope you’ll find a few exercises that you’ll enjoy! 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  403. Kalpana

    November 17, 2020 , 6:50 am

    Very helpful information

  404. J Fox

    November 17, 2020 , 7:34 am

    I read that twisting motions are not recommended for people with osteoporosis. Is this something I should be concerned about?

  405. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 18, 2020 , 8:35 am

    Hi J, good question!

    When done carefully and correctly, with proper alignment, twists can be safe even for someone with osteoporosis. Always twist with a long, straight spine, never rounding the upper back into a twist, and be sure to follow the tips we provide for each pose! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  406. Marguerite

    November 17, 2020 , 7:46 am

    I just got my AlgaeCal in the mail yesterday. I look forward to adding all the yoga for additional health and strength. Thank you for this!!!

  407. Bonnie Girsch

    November 17, 2020 , 8:21 am

    Love using a chair to help take pressure off arthritic feet while doing poses.

  408. Laurie Robb

    November 17, 2020 , 8:25 am

    I have done yoga most of my life. I’m curious about weights. Do you recommend using weights? Not with the yoga but on their own. Also what do you think of vibration machines?

  409. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 20, 2020 , 8:58 am

    Hi Laurie!

    Yes, weights can be safely and effectively used by someone with osteoporosis. Here’s what Dr. Emma Gasinski, Physical Therapist, has previously shared about starting with weights:

    “In order to gain strength, you should be using a weight that will make you struggle around the 8-10 repetition mark. For example, if you’re using a 3# weight for an exercise and are able to do 30 repetitions, this means the weight is too light. If then you try 20# and aren’t able to lift the weight, this is too heavy.

    We encourage you to play around with the weights to find what’s best for you and try to pick a weight where you struggle to do more than 10 repetitions. You can aim for 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions. After each set, rest for 1.5-2 minutes. Your next two sets should still be challenging.

    As you get stronger, you’ll be able to do more than 10 repetitions and this is when you know it’s time to increase the weight! You don’t need to increase the weight a lot – 1 to 2 pounds more should work for most exercises!”

    If you’re interested, we describe some resistance exercises that include weights here.

    We also have a post on vibration machines here.

    Hope this information helps, Laurie! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  410. Marian

    November 17, 2020 , 9:07 am

    What a wonderful wealth of information!
    The yoga does seem like a great place t start….

    Thank you!

    Marian Raitz

  411. Evelina Bryant

    November 17, 2020 , 9:45 am

    Thank you Algaecal for all your support. I have been exercising with weights and some yoga poses, but will add your yoga for osteoporosis poses to my routine.

  412. Janis

    November 17, 2020 , 10:53 am

    As soon as I’m not working two jobs, I plan on doing this!!!

  413. sheila

    November 17, 2020 , 11:12 am

    Thank you for a very interesting and informative video.

  414. Susan Ainsworth

    November 17, 2020 , 11:34 am

    I look forward to trying some of these in the cold winter months ahead hen I can’t get put and walk as much!

  415. Myrtle

    November 17, 2020 , 1:13 pm

    Looks very interesting, will definitely be giving these exercises a go. Very clear and precise instructions, thanks.

  416. Carol

    November 17, 2020 , 2:05 pm

    Hoping to win the Black Friday giveaways.

  417. Lucy

    November 17, 2020 , 3:29 pm

    Yoga has helped me with balance and strength.

  418. Victoria

    November 17, 2020 , 3:41 pm

    Thank you for the exercises. I will try them all.

  419. Betty

    November 17, 2020 , 4:51 pm

    Exercises look very interesting

  420. Jill Ann Colon

    November 17, 2020 , 4:58 pm

    Excellent and informative!!

  421. Connie

    November 17, 2020 , 5:33 pm

    Just requested a PDF copy. Thanks so much

  422. Connie Kristensen

    November 17, 2020 , 5:33 pm

    Just requested a PDF copy. Thanks so much

  423. Stephanie

    November 17, 2020 , 6:05 pm

    This looks like a fantastic site! The information is extremely helpful and concise, and the yoga poses appear to be described well with great photos. I look forward to trying them, and appreciate this resource greatly. Thank you!


    November 17, 2020 , 6:31 pm

    I am thankful to find these yoga exercises!

  425. Rose

    November 17, 2020 , 7:09 pm

    Strength in mind, body, and spirit!

  426. Wendy Raby

    November 17, 2020 , 8:08 pm

    I have never heard this before and look forward to trying it and adding it to my exercise routine.

  427. Barbara Ruga

    November 17, 2020 , 9:48 pm

    Yoga as modified here is a super way to regain confidence in your body. Thank you for these poses.

  428. evie

    November 17, 2020 , 11:38 pm

    Nice exercises! I injured my back a few years ago and have wanted to exercise again but have been very limited in what I can do..These are great and I can do most of them!!! Love the easy instructions..Thank you!!!!!!

  429. Cindy Reich

    November 18, 2020 , 2:53 am

    Really wonderful yoga instructions and pictures to easily guide you through each pose. Thank you for all the other additional very helpful links to information.

  430. Melissa Fernandez

    November 18, 2020 , 3:53 am

    I am new here! I am 47 with severe osteoporosis. The doctors said I can not lift any weight now. I guess I will be starting yoga with you!

  431. TT

    November 18, 2020 , 4:13 am

    Here to learn about yoga and it’s benefits to knees osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, weightloss and other health benefits.

  432. Marybeth

    November 18, 2020 , 6:14 am

    Been doing some yoga and Pilates and taking Bone Builder for almost 2 years. I’m scheduled for a dexa scan Friday and excited to see the results ?

  433. Edda Tubens

    November 20, 2020 , 1:52 am

    Thank you for such valuable information. I’ve been using Algae Cal Plus and Strontuim for quite a while, and I know these yoga exercises will help me strengthen my muscles and accelerate my bone density levels. Thank you

  434. Stephanie Bonck

    November 18, 2020 , 8:02 am

    Thank you for the variations to make yoga possible.

  435. Ann McKone

    November 18, 2020 , 9:30 am

    Forever grateful for this product and the whole program — going to begin these yoga exercises as well!!

  436. Marmee Hasemeyer

    November 18, 2020 , 10:51 am

    I never understood what the big deal is about yoga, but after reading this, I do!

  437. Teresa Radosti

    November 18, 2020 , 11:23 am

    I’ve done yoga off and on for a few years. The stretching and aligning of the body is so important and it feels so good. Glad to see AlgaeCal promoting the benefits of yoga!

  438. Elise Bocking

    November 18, 2020 , 2:15 pm

    Great clear instructions and modifications

  439. Patricia T

    November 18, 2020 , 2:15 pm

    Great videos and instruction!

  440. Elise Bocking

    November 18, 2020 , 2:17 pm

    Great clear instructions and everyone can find 12 minutes somewhere in their day!

  441. Elinor Braden

    November 18, 2020 , 2:51 pm

    Happy to see some chair yoga options for osteoporosis. Thank you!

  442. Mini Shridhar

    November 18, 2020 , 3:23 pm

    Yoga exercises have helped my muscles to remain supple and strong thus giving me stability.
    This yoga exercises PDF is a great guide to keep body and mind strong and as a rejuvenator of bone and muscle strength. The hidden bonus is the tranquility of mind and harmony of body these exercises create. Thank you.

  443. kristine Franz

    November 18, 2020 , 8:29 pm

    I have never tried yoga because of the twisting and up and down on the floor. I am willing to give these yoga exercises a try. Thanks for your dedication in giving all of us the best possible solutions.

  444. Marsha Hamilton

    November 19, 2020 , 11:26 am

    I appreciate all the hard work put forth in the exercise demonstrations, notably the photos! Thanks for everything Algaecal does for me!

  445. Brooks Anderson

    November 19, 2020 , 11:28 am

    Fishman’s books and information are awesome. I didn’t know about the length of time to hold the poses that he explains to get the full benefit.
    The videos that Megan produced of the 12 poses are most helpful to demonstrate Fishman’s books. I have the PDF. AlgaeCal etal provides comprehensive help with exercises and diet to get the most benefit. Thank you.

  446. Ann

    November 19, 2020 , 3:02 pm

    I’m up for anything that will help my bones! Yoga seems a beautiful way to support my efforts in bone building. I’ve been using the Bone Builder pac for about 3 months and am so excited to be able to add in Yoga as exercise that helps. Love the 3 levels of practice! Thank you.

  447. Cindy

    November 20, 2020 , 5:46 am

    I’m excited to get this information… can’t wait to watch these videos and learn something new!

  448. Susan Pope

    November 20, 2020 , 7:04 am

    Thank you for sharing important information to help with bone health!

  449. Pam

    November 20, 2020 , 10:55 am


  450. Danita Overgaard

    November 20, 2020 , 1:38 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing. I already do some of those poses, and so nice to know that they contribute to bone health. I will definately add the other poses to my daily routine.

  451. Nita

    November 20, 2020 , 3:03 pm

    Thanks for the info. I’ve been looking for Yoga for osteoporosis.

  452. ZM

    November 20, 2020 , 3:40 pm

    Very informative. Thank you!

  453. Holly

    November 20, 2020 , 4:48 pm

    I have done Pilates, but not yoga, so this will be new for me. In one year, AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost restored from 8 to 12 years of bone loss in the different areas measured! I’m on board long term!

  454. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 24, 2020 , 8:25 am

    Wow! Amazing results, Holly… thank you for sharing 😀

    Hope you’ll enjoy trying the yoga classes ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  455. Silvia

    November 20, 2020 , 5:02 pm

    Just got my copy of that PDF , and i can wait to try the exercises.

  456. Margaret Hope

    November 20, 2020 , 9:08 pm

    Thank you for such wonderful information and showing the poses is just fantastic.

  457. Carole

    November 21, 2020 , 9:00 am

    Thanks so much!

  458. Sharon B.

    November 21, 2020 , 9:04 am

    Looking forward to trying these out and doing more to improve my bone health in addition to taking the AlgaeCal products!

  459. Carole Eden

    November 21, 2020 , 9:08 am

    Thanks for this and all that you do!

  460. Johanna Arora

    November 21, 2020 , 5:46 pm

    I like how you have made the yoga poses user friendly so that a person with limited abilities can do them. Thanks.

  461. Kathleen Berry

    November 21, 2020 , 9:13 pm

    I’ve always wanted to do yoga but did not know where/how to start. How delightful to follow your yoga classes step by step. I’m a beginner but excited to try!

  462. Cynthia Evanisko

    November 22, 2020 , 6:16 am

    This guide looks fantastic! I just requested a pdf. I will implement immediately.

  463. Jean5264

    November 22, 2020 , 7:15 am

    I love the yoga poses. I incorporate them into my routine every morning. It is great that you provided pictures and explanations on how and why they are good for you. Thank you.

  464. Carol

    November 22, 2020 , 12:47 pm

    Thanks for the exercises. I am in a yoga teacher training and am anxious to share the research.
    Been on Algae Cal Plus for 6 months now. Hoping for an improved bone scan in June! I’ll let you know!

  465. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 24, 2020 , 8:27 am

    So great to hear you’re training to be a yoga teacher, Carol! 😀

    We’re excited to hear about your bone density increases… please do keep us updated ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  466. Sandy

    November 22, 2020 , 1:03 pm

    ? Good information.

  467. Elisa

    November 22, 2020 , 9:12 pm

    Yes, very good information. Would like to see some Pilates exercises in the future too.

  468. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 24, 2020 , 8:23 am

    Hi Elisa!

    We have a great pilates guide here. Hope you enjoy 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  469. Abbie Frank

    November 22, 2020 , 3:02 pm

    These yoga exercises are so helpful!

  470. Abbie Frank

    November 22, 2020 , 3:03 pm

    These yoga exercises are really great and easy to do at home!

  471. Abbie Frank

    November 22, 2020 , 3:04 pm

    Glad to learn how to do yoga at home!


    November 23, 2020 , 8:53 am

    This is yet another useful tool to manage Osteoporosis
    I am in the UK and awaiting my next scan which is delayed due to COVID. However I believe this yoga along with the bone builder pack and all the other useful tools will assist me towards a positive scan result
    Thanks for all the support

  473. Anupam

    November 23, 2020 , 9:34 am

    This is informative and helpful

  474. Vivian

    November 23, 2020 , 10:22 am

    Thank you! I am always looking for healthy, natural ways to build bone density!

  475. Betty Hughes

    May 29, 2021 , 6:06 am

    I’m eager to learn yoga!

  476. Sharon

    November 23, 2020 , 12:38 pm

    I look foward to trying yoga again after loosing my confidence after fracturing two vertebrae in my thorrasic spine .. this looks like a good place to start

  477. Pat Wenzel

    November 23, 2020 , 4:46 pm

    These are great, I can do these. Thank you for presenting exercises specific for those with osteoporosis

  478. Rythmom

    November 24, 2020 , 5:14 am

    These yoga classes feel so good, thank you!!

  479. Marilyn

    November 24, 2020 , 3:04 pm

    These yoga movements will be helpful to do. I have osteoporosis and I am looking at all options to strengthen my bones.

  480. Rekha

    November 25, 2020 , 4:48 am

    Excellent Yoga Classes – with simple instructions. Love them.
    Thank you.

  481. Leon Koch

    November 27, 2020 , 5:13 am

    Thanks for great poses to help my fitness

  482. Sharon Haley

    November 25, 2020 , 9:55 pm

    Thank you for these detailed yoga poses! Can’t wait to start using them to build bone.

  483. Carol

    November 26, 2020 , 8:44 am

    Yoga- amazing for mind, body and soul!

  484. Kathryn

    November 26, 2020 , 9:52 am

    This is a wonderful resource – I’ve been looking for some exercises I could do at home.

  485. Carol Nakata

    November 27, 2020 , 1:52 am

    In studying the NASM course for Personal Trainers, I notice that Dr. Fishman’s yoga addresses the same concerns that NASM does for seniors — balance stabilization and strength. It’s reassuring to know that by doing your yoga exercises, I’m doing what this top notch organization teaches in its training. Also, whereas I was losing weight and muscles due to weak bones, I’ve regained both since using AlgaeCal. This has in turn helped to strengthen and stabilize me to exercise safely. Thank you!

  486. Megan AlgaeCal

    November 27, 2020 , 3:21 pm

    Love that you’re studying the NASM course and regaining strength, Carol!

    Keep up the great work and thank you for taking the time to share ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  487. Rae

    November 27, 2020 , 6:21 am

    Really good information. Excited to start helping my bones with Yoga!

  488. Susan

    November 27, 2020 , 1:51 pm

    Loved the information especially the science behind it. I have requested the pdf.

  489. Betty Kornelsen

    November 27, 2020 , 4:31 pm

    Good poses-exercises.

  490. Naomi

    November 27, 2020 , 5:46 pm

    This yoga will be perfect for me to do at home on our upcoming long winter days when it’s hard to exercise outside. Thanks.

  491. Sharon

    November 27, 2020 , 8:22 pm

    I practice yoga every day. Thank you for all the information you provide to help everyone stay healthy!

  492. Beth

    November 28, 2020 , 7:32 am

    Thanks for this great program. Love yoga!

  493. Susan Yoder

    November 28, 2020 , 9:24 am

    We get wellness credit at work for yoga bc it has been shown to be so beneficial for osteoporosis, balance, muscle tone, metabolism…

  494. Valerie Harmon

    November 28, 2020 , 11:12 am

    Yoga is the best exercise for me–not too intense and I feel better afterward.

  495. mardiz

    November 28, 2020 , 2:12 pm

    Having a strong core is so important to my living the lifestyle I choose to live.

  496. Gail Schroeder-Meeks

    November 28, 2020 , 5:41 pm

    Not sure if I’m commenting in the appropriate place. It’s been a while since I’ve done the yoga. I really enjoyed it but sometimes had difficulty doing it.

  497. Pat Idleman

    November 28, 2020 , 9:46 pm

    I am taking senior yoga classes at the Y. They have really helped me.

  498. Pat Idleman

    November 28, 2020 , 9:48 pm

    I am taking senior yoga classes at the Y. They have really helped me move better.

  499. Pat Idleman

    November 28, 2020 , 9:49 pm

    Yoga classes have helped me a lot.

  500. J. Hess

    November 30, 2020 , 10:10 am

    Thank you for the yoga/barre classes! It helps to stabilize my body and to keep me flexible and moving. Appreciate all your help and concern!

  501. Pat Idleman

    November 28, 2020 , 9:51 pm

    Algae cal has made my pain go away and the yoga classes have helped me move better.

  502. Pat Idleman

    November 28, 2020 , 9:54 pm

    Great video. I will continue with my yoga.

  503. Janet Powers

    November 29, 2020 , 5:16 pm

    These are good exercise looks like they may help lessen muscle tightness. The second one said something about not doing this one if you have disc problems so I may not do that one although it looks like a good one.

  504. Brenda Imm

    November 30, 2020 , 12:11 pm

    Never done yoga, I think I will give it a try.

  505. Susan

    November 29, 2020 , 7:15 pm

    Thank you for your amazing yoga/barre videos! I started using your videos to help me when my gym closed because of Covid-19. I appreciate all your hard work to keep us healthy!

  506. [email protected]

    November 30, 2020 , 8:18 am

    I will have a look at these yoga videos. I used to do yoga 2X a week but the studio went out of business due to Covid-19. Thanks so much!

  507. Sandy

    November 30, 2020 , 11:19 am

    During the pandemic, the yoga class I was attending is canceled so I appreciate the videos for guidance to keep up with my practice.

  508. Scooter

    November 30, 2020 , 10:08 am

    As the gym is not currently a good choice, THANK YOU for offering such a welcoming alternative.

  509. [email protected]

    November 30, 2020 , 10:12 am

    Thank you for these great details–so helpful.

  510. Tina Mendonca

    November 30, 2020 , 10:14 am

    Thank you for the Yoga PDF so beneficial for our total health.

  511. Johanna Bermann

    November 30, 2020 , 10:20 am

    Great information and inspiration! Thank you!

  512. Cyndi Wilkins

    November 30, 2020 , 10:21 am

    I really do feel stronger after 6 months of AlgaeCal. Anxious for my next bone scan!

  513. Helena

    November 30, 2020 , 10:26 am

    Exactly what I was looking for! I will add this yoga video to my mix of other exercises. Thank you!

  514. Silvia S.

    November 30, 2020 , 10:29 am

    I am so excited to start doing these yoga excerises. I also printed out the PDF file!

  515. Janet Larson

    November 30, 2020 , 10:42 am

    What a great resource! Thank you!

  516. Donna Larkosh

    November 30, 2020 , 10:45 am

    I have been doing the “bridge” position prior to seeing it here. I did not know that it was considered a bone builder exercise. I just knew that when I did it, it made my shoulders and back feel better. Now I know why.

  517. Chris

    November 30, 2020 , 10:48 am

    Left yoga class a couple of years ago. Would like to do this at home. I had no idea it wouldn’t hurt my bones…The videos will come in handy!

  518. Victoria

    November 30, 2020 , 10:48 am

    Wonderful videos! I studied yoga for 25 years. My wonderful instructor retired and I haven’t found another who knows enough about modifications to make yoga practice good/safe for me.

    Recently, I heard that my yoga instructor was in her 80’s. Remarkable! I thought she was in her late 50’s or early 60’s. Yoga was clearly good for her bones and body!

  519. Linda Lutz

    November 30, 2020 , 10:56 am

    I have never done yoga, but think it’s time to start. Thanks for the videos and chair yoga options to try

  520. Jara L Fairchild

    November 30, 2020 , 11:11 am

    Thank you for this important reminder to start up my yoga practice again!

  521. Renee

    November 30, 2020 , 11:12 am

    Thanks for these yoga exercises, I started to do them today and feel stronger already

  522. Debbie

    November 30, 2020 , 11:13 am

    Thank you for this blog post and guide to yoga poses for improving bone strength. I broke my ankle in January and then had surgery and was non ambulatory for two months. Then rehab but got Covid-19 and had to stop rehab. I’ve gained so much weight being home I am stiff and a bit of a mess now. I am going to try to do these yoga poses in my effort to get back to myself in some way.

  523. Evaline kibblewhite

    November 30, 2020 , 11:24 am

    Awesome information I thought you had to do weight bearing exercise for bones

  524. Emily

    November 30, 2020 , 11:25 am

    I practice yoga daily and find it a perfect complement to the AlgaeCal products.

  525. Jean

    November 30, 2020 , 11:28 am

    Wish I did this more then I actually do, it makes me feel so good!!

  526. Karen

    November 30, 2020 , 11:33 am

    I am very excited to try the yoga exercises.
    THANK YOU so much for posting them. I am turning 80 in December and I believe yoga will be good for me. I do lift 5 lb weights which also helps with my strength training.

  527. jane swift

    November 30, 2020 , 11:33 am

    have you done osteo chair yoga classes? I don’t think i have seen any.
    also more focus on wrists

    thanks jane

  528. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 30, 2020 , 1:17 pm

    Hi Jane,

    Great question!

    You can check out our chair yoga video here. We also have some wonderful wrist exercises here.

    Hope that helps! ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  529. jane swift

    November 30, 2020 , 11:35 am

    I like Cat’s classes very much

  530. Linda23

    November 30, 2020 , 11:38 am

    I love the yoga program which demonstrates the “how to” so well. Thanks AlgaeCal.

  531. Mimi Harron

    November 30, 2020 , 11:55 am

    thank you for posting the steps, very helpfu

  532. Murthy B

    November 30, 2020 , 11:59 am

    I do believe in yoga and I have been doing yoga for 40+ years though not very regularly. I find these yoga poses scientifically studied, recommended, and documented for bone issues. I congratulate, commend, and appreciate Dr. Fishman for her great work. I am now more encouraged to do yoga more regularly.

  533. Zharriety

    November 30, 2020 , 12:14 pm

    Thank you for sharing about yoga for osteoporosis!

  534. Beverly Northeast

    November 30, 2020 , 12:17 pm

    I have done yoga in the past and my daughter who is in living in Saudi also is a licensed Yoga Teacher but with the yoga I tried here and read over very carefully the moves are adapted to address Osteo and that is fantastic because very few yoga classes have done this. It was gentle, effective, and very rewarding doing this yoga and thank you so very much.

  535. Pamela A White

    November 30, 2020 , 12:29 pm

    Thank you AlgaeCal for all the information you provide. My doctor never mentioned that I had osteopenia, so no support until I got osteoporosis and then just wanted to put me on a drug. Luckily while researching, I found you. I have been taking the AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost for about 9 months. I won’t be able to have a dexascan for another year, but with all the great reviews, I will continue to take both. Thank you again

  536. Maureen Fry

    November 30, 2020 , 12:35 pm

    I have rheumatoid arthritis as well as osteoporosis. The number one exercise that had been recommended for me is yoga. These yoga exercises are wonderful and I can’t wait to start on them!

  537. Gloria Villier

    November 30, 2020 , 12:36 pm

    Thank you for ALL the information you post on your site. Enjoy reading and being involved in the exercises you provide. Having been on the AlgaeCel and Strontium now for the past four months know I am doing the best for my bones and health. Many thanks.

  538. Carole

    November 30, 2020 , 1:07 pm

    I used to go to yoga class before COVID hit. I didn’t realize that yoga was helpful in preventing bone loss. I will add yoga to my health routine.

  539. Nina Lahanis

    November 30, 2020 , 1:27 pm

    love the tutorial and the detailed instructions/pics for the yoga exercises!!

  540. Lori Bendickson

    November 30, 2020 , 1:31 pm

    I have it on my calendar to start doing this but I can’t figure out how to work it into my already too busy routine.

  541. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 30, 2020 , 1:46 pm

    We hear you, Lori! It can be difficult to start incorporating a new regimen into your daily routine.

    We’d love to help you with this! Please call our Bone Health Consultants at 1-800-820-0184 with the details about your daily schedule, and they will be happy to assist you ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  542. Patricia Dally

    November 30, 2020 , 1:45 pm

    With Algae Cal and ZOOM yoga with my teacher I have brought my T-score on my spine from neg. 4.4 in 2014 to neg. 3.4 in 2020. I’ll need to order more quite soon. Pat

  543. Megan AlgaeCal

    December 1, 2020 , 10:07 am

    Wonderful news, Patricia! Congratulations ?

    Feel free to reorder online here or over the phone by calling our Bone Health Consultants at 1-800-820-0184. And keep up the great work exercising! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  544. Pat

    November 30, 2020 , 2:26 pm

    I like the video plus the written instruction. The yoga is very well led, and easy to follow. I like the added props for stability since I also have MS.

  545. Carol T

    November 30, 2020 , 2:29 pm

    I have printed out these exercises and have done some of them. Will continue to exercise, which I love to do

  546. Judy M

    November 30, 2020 , 3:01 pm

    I need to be motivated in order to exercise.
    Reading these posts should do the trick.

  547. Joyce Turner

    November 30, 2020 , 3:02 pm

    I tried yoga when I was younger for flexibility. Didn’t realize until now it could help strenghten my bones too.

  548. Sara in KS

    November 30, 2020 , 3:03 pm

    Thanks for posting the Yoga videos!

  549. BC

    November 30, 2020 , 3:14 pm

    A friend of mine said after exercising yoga for a few months her arthritis was almost gone.

  550. Pat Schmidt

    November 30, 2020 , 3:40 pm

    I love yoga & am going into my 5th year. I have used Algaecal for 3 years. I am 68 years old & have a good bone density reading

  551. SUSAN

    November 30, 2020 , 5:34 pm

    I have a hard time now even getting down on the floor due to autoimmune disease but laying down to stretch out the back I try to do anyway.

  552. LB

    November 30, 2020 , 6:00 pm

    Well, that’s encouraging!

  553. Elizabeth

    November 30, 2020 , 4:53 pm

    Beautiful and safe poses to strengthen bones while increasing flexibility. Thank you!

  554. Saidii S Coon

    November 30, 2020 , 5:29 pm

    I’m always eager to learn more to help with strengthening and building my bones. Thank you for the insightful information.

  555. Kristi

    November 30, 2020 , 7:34 pm

    Thanks for the exercises.

  556. Jeanine Gehringer

    November 30, 2020 , 7:54 pm

    I am taking AlgaeCalPlus and Strontium Boost, and will be interested in the results of my next bone scan. I want to start the Yogi regiment now.

  557. Anne Staeb

    November 30, 2020 , 8:33 pm

    I am very familiar with these poses and love yoga! So happy others see the importance of yoga on all bodies, but especially older ones!

  558. SAL462

    November 30, 2020 , 8:57 pm

    I wouldn’t have looked at this page if not for the contest but now I am going to print it out. It is nice to get some things I CAN do when I have this whole list of things I can’t (including that nice stretch when you lie on your back after exercising and put your knees to the side,can’t believe that is off limits).

  559. Joyce

    November 30, 2020 , 9:57 pm

    Great yoga exercises to build bones.

  560. CF

    November 30, 2020 , 11:37 pm

    Very helpful videos for osteoporosis.

  561. Tamara

    December 28, 2020 , 4:26 am

    Hi – resending my questions. It would be greatly appreciated if you could respond!

    Cat’s video is wonderful – really like the thorough explanations of each pose. Two questions:

    1. What does Cat mean when she says in side-angle pose “curl your tailbone down toward your left (or right) foot” – instruction #6. I don’t quite understand what direction that is because curling your tailbone down would make it go forward, no? Otherwise she would have said “curl your tailbone to the side toward your left (or right) foot”.

    2. Is there a video (or one in the works) for Dr. Fishman’s other series?


  562. Megan AlgaeCal

    December 30, 2020 , 10:28 am

    Hi Tamara, our apologies for missing your questions!

    Thank you for your patience. We reached out to Cat with your questions. Here are her responses below:

    1) The aim of the “curl the tailbone” cue here is to return the pelvis back to neutral, as there is a tendency to tilt the pelvis forward in this pose. Directing the tailbone towards the back foot is another visual cue to encourage an opening in the groin area and to stabilize across both feet.

    2) We don’t have another Fishman series class in the works. However, the live classes in the AlgaeCal Community are greatly inspired by Dr. Fishman’s teachings!

    Hope this helps and thank you again for your patience, Tamara! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  563. Suzanne Scott

    April 5, 2021 , 5:58 am

    The link is not active above to obtain the Free printable PDF. Please send it to me. Please respond.

    Suzanne Scott
    [email protected]

  564. Megan AlgaeCal

    April 6, 2021 , 10:18 am

    Hi Suzanne, sorry about that!

    The link should be working now. Let us know if you still aren’t able to access it and thank you so much for your patience ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  565. Peggy Hyde

    June 3, 2021 , 3:07 pm

    Thank you very much for these yoga videos! I just have a question or two. In searching for yoga poses that a person with bone loss can safely do, I have read that any type of twists should be avoided. (And also other poses, for example the Plow, forward bends, the Boat,
    The Plow, and the Bridge.)
    But you do include a few, as in the Matsyendrasana. At least I think that would be called a twist? What are your thoughts on twists please? I love doing what you have here, as it is such good stretching.
    Again, thank you for sharing these videos with us!

  566. Dr. Emma Gasinski

    June 6, 2021 , 10:48 pm

    Hi Peggy – thank you for the question! It is true that some positions should be avoided when done in a forceful manner and under load or done repetitively – such as forward bending when picking up objects or staying in a prolonged position for too long such as sitting over the computer with a rounded posture. This includes some positions in yoga such as the plow or the forward fold when folding from the spine. You can modify some poses such as the forward fold by placing a chair under your arms so the body does not do as much forceful flexion. A bridge should be okay but a wheel pose should be proceeded with caution especially if you have not performed under guidance.

    Regarding twists – again, when done in a fast velocity, this can be more dangerous. When done respecting the range of motion that you have and proceeding without any pain, this should be okay but this does depend on the severity of the bone loss. A good rule of thumb is to listen to your body and slowly progress the range of motion that you can do without pain. Twisting is a motion that can be done as long as it is not forceful in nature and is done with a straight spine.

    Hope that helps!

    – Dr. Emma @ AlgaeCal

  567. Stephanie Corbisiero

    May 10, 2022 , 5:51 pm

    Thank you for the videos. I will definitely add them to my workout routines. Currently I am jogging on a treadmill about 5 days a week but recently developed a slight pain in one of me knees so having to speed walk and jog intermittently.

  568. Jane Bass

    May 21, 2022 , 7:52 pm

    I do these poses in my yoga class but would like a copy to do on my own on days I don’t have class. They won’t download for me.

  569. Beth Gildin Watrous

    July 12, 2022 , 8:20 pm

    Please send me a copy of 12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis: Free Printable PDF. Thank you very much!

  570. Chelsea Dugas

    July 13, 2022 , 11:52 am

    Hi, Beth! No problem, the PDF has been sent to you by email. Hope this helps! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  571. Dian Hathaway

    September 3, 2022 , 10:38 pm

    Thank you

  572. Chelsea Dugas

    September 6, 2022 , 1:55 pm

    You’re welcome, Dian! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  573. Barbara Parker

    September 6, 2022 , 12:13 pm

    Hello. Can you pls send me the pdf version of the 12 yoga poses. Thanks!

  574. Chelsea Dugas

    September 6, 2022 , 2:01 pm

    Hi, Barbara!
    The PDF version of the 21 yoga poses has been sent to your email! Hope this finds you well! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  575. Christy

    September 6, 2022 , 2:17 pm

    Please email me the 12 yoga poses PDF, thank you! 🙂

  576. Chelsea Dugas

    September 7, 2022 , 11:50 am

    Hi, Christy!

    Of course, the 12 Yoga Poses PDF is headed your way as I write this! Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  577. Roxanne Potter

    September 6, 2022 , 5:48 pm

    I would like the pdf sent to me for yoga exercises for osteoporosis/osteopenia so i can print a hard copy of all the exercises. I was recently diagnosed with a bone density issue and want to get started rebuilding my strength. I did yoga years ago but other life events took over. Time to redo my daily routine and think about my health. Not sure what button I’m supposed to use? Thank you

  578. Chelsea Dugas

    September 7, 2022 , 11:57 am

    Hi there, Roxanne!
    It’s never too late to re-integrate some yoga into your self-care routine! The 12 Yoga Poses PDF has been sent to your email. Be sure to peruse our blog for other wonderful weight-bearing exercise options. Hope it helps! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  579. Diann

    September 8, 2022 , 2:26 pm

    Thank you for sending me the PDF on 12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis.

  580. Chelsea Dugas

    September 9, 2022 , 11:36 am

    Hi again, Diann!
    You’re so welcome! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  581. Sue V.

    September 12, 2022 , 1:48 am

    Is this PDF still available ? If yes, please forward me a copy. Thank you.

  582. Chelsea Dugas

    September 13, 2022 , 1:52 pm

    Hi, Sue!

    The PDF is absolutely still available and I have just sent you a copy by email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  583. Juliette Baysham

    September 20, 2022 , 12:49 am

    Please send free printable PDF of 12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis. Many thanks

  584. Chelsea Dugas

    September 21, 2022 , 12:55 pm

    Hi, Juliette!

    Your PDF copy of the 12 yoga Poses has been sent to your email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  585. Barbara A Grimes

    September 20, 2022 , 2:59 pm

    I really enjoyed learning about these yoga poses and plan to try them soon. I didn’t realize these poses exercised so many muscles and helped to build bone at the same time. Could I also get a free copy of the 12 yoga poses? Thank you for all the information you relate.

  586. Chelsea Dugas

    September 21, 2022 , 1:57 pm

    Hi, Barbara!

    Absolutely! Your PDF copy of the 12 Yoga Poses has been sent to your email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  587. Sheils

    September 22, 2022 , 7:36 am

    Thank you

  588. Rosemary Hauser

    September 22, 2022 , 7:40 am

    Would appreciated the PDF on the 12 yoga Poses to strengthen bones.
    Thanks greatly.
    Continued customer of Algae Cal
    Rosemary Hauser

  589. Chelsea Dugas

    September 23, 2022 , 12:21 pm

    Hi, Rosemary!

    Your copy of the 12 Yoga Poses has been sent to your email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  590. Elaine Burgess

    September 22, 2022 , 8:02 am

    Great yoga routine.Please send PDF of yoga poses so that I can add then into my exercise programme. Many thanks.

  591. Chelsea Dugas

    September 23, 2022 , 12:24 pm

    Hi, Elaine!

    No worries, your PDF copy of the 12 Yoga Poses has been sent to you via email. Hope you enjoy them! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  592. Adele

    September 22, 2022 , 8:27 am

    12yoga posed pdf

  593. Jan

    September 22, 2022 , 8:43 am

    thank you for the exercise info

  594. Kay

    September 22, 2022 , 8:53 am

    12 yoga poses for osteoporosis pdf version

  595. Chelsea Dugas

    September 23, 2022 , 12:42 pm

    Hi, Kay!

    You’ve been sent a copy of our 12 Yoga Poses PDF by email! Hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  596. Sharon Davis

    September 22, 2022 , 9:17 am

    Please send me the 12 Yoga Poses pdf. thank you.

  597. Chelsea Dugas

    September 23, 2022 , 12:51 pm

    Hi, Sharon!

    Of course! Your PDF copy of our 12 Yoga poses has been sent to your email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  598. Gayle St John

    September 22, 2022 , 9:20 am

    I so appreciate all the information and the supportive approach! I am working!!!! Having the PDF will be so helpful! Hoping to stay strong in every way!

  599. Pamela Graham

    September 22, 2022 , 9:38 am

    Please provide PDF of 12 yoga poses

  600. Chelsea Dugas

    September 23, 2022 , 12:56 pm

    Hi, Pamela!

    Your PDF copy of the 12 Yoga Poses has been sent to your email. Hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  601. Pat Haut

    September 22, 2022 , 9:43 am

    please send me the 12 yoga poses for Osteoporosis printable PDF.
    Thank you.

  602. Chelsea Dugas

    September 23, 2022 , 1:00 pm

    Absolutely, Pat! We’ve sent a copy of the 12 Yoga Poses to your email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  603. R Kinner

    September 22, 2022 , 10:24 am


  604. Andy Sicking

    September 22, 2022 , 10:25 am

    Where is the link for the .pdf??? It’s not here!

  605. Chelsea Dugas

    September 23, 2022 , 1:03 pm

    Not to worry, Andy!

    A copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF has been sent to your email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  606. Lauriene Spansel

    September 22, 2022 , 11:38 am

    12 Yoga poses for stronger bones

  607. Chelsea Dugas

    September 23, 2022 , 1:07 pm

    Hi, Lauriene!

    A copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF has been sent to your email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  608. Jeanne jordan robinson

    September 22, 2022 , 11:43 am

    Yoga 12 pdf please:)

  609. Chelsea Dugas

    September 23, 2022 , 1:10 pm

    Hi, Jeanne!

    With pleasure! A copy of the 12 Yoga Poses has been sent to your email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  610. Carmen J Irizarry

    September 22, 2022 , 12:05 pm

    Found the latest information very interesting. Thank you so much. We will practice all possible yoga poses.

  611. Chelsea Dugas

    September 22, 2022 , 1:45 pm

    So happy to hear this, Carmen! Be sure to continue looking through our blog for more exercise suggestions, nutritional information, and recipe ideas! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  612. Martha Styer

    September 22, 2022 , 12:59 pm

    Please send the pdf of yoga poses for osteoporosis. Thank you!

  613. Chelsea Dugas

    September 23, 2022 , 1:26 pm

    Hi, Martha!

    Your copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF has been sent to your email. Enjoy 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  614. Mary-Jane McKitterick

    September 22, 2022 , 2:03 pm

    Please send me the pdf version of the yoga poses for osteoporosis.

  615. Chelsea Dugas

    September 23, 2022 , 1:39 pm

    Hi, Mary-Jane!

    You bet! A copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF has been sent to your email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  616. Donna Grabarek

    September 22, 2022 , 2:55 pm

    Please send printable PDF of 12 yoga poses. Thank you!

  617. Chelsea Dugas

    September 23, 2022 , 1:42 pm

    Hi, Donna!

    No problem! A copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF has been sent to your email. Hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  618. marge grainger

    September 22, 2022 , 3:06 pm

    MUCH appreciated!

  619. Charlene F. Tallman

    September 22, 2022 , 4:51 pm

    Thank you for helping me build bone and improve my osteoporosis diagnosis.

  620. Chelsea Dugas

    September 23, 2022 , 1:44 pm

    You’re so welcome, Charlene! Remember that our Bone Health Consultants are here to support you! You can reach us 7 days a week at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada, toll-free) or email [email protected] with any questions you may have! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  621. Wafa Sturdivant

    September 22, 2022 , 5:14 pm

    Requesting printable pdf of the 12 yoga poses. Thank you.

  622. Chelsea Dugas

    September 23, 2022 , 1:54 pm

    Hi, Wafa!

    Your copy of the 12 yoga Poses PDF has been sent to your email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  623. Toni Aquila

    September 22, 2022 , 7:13 pm

    Thank you for the important info in this article. Please send the PDF of the poses.

  624. Chelsea Dugas

    September 23, 2022 , 2:03 pm

    Hi, Toni!

    No worries, a copy of 12 Yoga Poses has been sent to your email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  625. Rebecca Ferguson

    September 22, 2022 , 7:54 pm

    Thank you for this wonderful information and your website!

    I tried to download the “12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis Free Printable PDF”…and the link did not do anything – and I could not find the “Button Below” to click on. Please send the link for the “12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis Free Printable PDF” to: [email protected]. Thank you very much!

  626. Chelsea Dugas

    September 23, 2022 , 3:03 pm

    Thanks for reaching out, Rebecca!

    No worries, we’ve sent you a copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF to your email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  627. Samiha Kamal

    September 23, 2022 , 12:23 am

    Kindly send me pdf of the 12 yoga poses for osteoporosis. Thank you so much.

  628. Brianne Bovenizer

    September 26, 2022 , 2:01 pm

    Hello Samiha,

    Thank you for this comment! We have sent you a copy of this PDF to your email! Enjoy 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  629. Helen Crawford

    September 23, 2022 , 1:18 am

    yes please I would like to have the PDF of the yoga exercises.

  630. Brianne Bovenizer

    September 26, 2022 , 2:14 pm

    Hi Helen,

    Thank you so much for reaching out to us! We have sent you a copy of this to your email! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  631. Nancy E Harris

    September 23, 2022 , 5:04 am

    please send the free pdf with 12 yoga poses; step by step instructions and tips.

  632. Brianne Bovenizer

    September 26, 2022 , 2:10 pm

    Hi Nancy,

    Thank you for reaching out to us! Not to worry, we have sent you this PDF to your email! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  633. Felice Havelock

    September 23, 2022 , 7:15 am

    Thanks for these yoga exercises….like all of them.
    I will try them all.

  634. Brianne Bovenizer

    September 26, 2022 , 2:18 pm

    Hello Felice,

    Thank you so much for your comment, and we are so happy you liked this article! I have also sent you our 12 yoga poses PDF to your email to enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  635. Connie J Rients

    September 23, 2022 , 11:55 am

    I would very much like the printable PDF for the 12 yoga poses
    Thank you

  636. Brianne Bovenizer

    September 26, 2022 , 2:22 pm

    Hello Connie,

    Not to worry, we have sent you a copy if this PDF to your email, I hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  637. Judi

    September 23, 2022 , 12:02 pm

    Please send me the free printable PDF of the 12 Yoga Poses for osteoporosis. Much appreciated.

  638. Brianne Bovenizer

    September 26, 2022 , 2:26 pm

    Hi Judi,

    Thank you so much for reaching out to us! I have sent you this PDF to your email! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  639. C. Eroh

    September 23, 2022 , 1:40 pm

    Please send yoga PDF

  640. Brianne Bovenizer

    September 26, 2022 , 2:29 pm


    Thank you for the comment! We have sent this PDF to your email 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  641. Jacqui Morrissey

    September 23, 2022 , 2:45 pm

    Can you send me the PDF of the 12 Yoga Poses? Thank you!

  642. Brianne Bovenizer

    September 26, 2022 , 2:31 pm

    Hi Jacqui!

    Thank you so much for commenting on this article! We have sent you this PDF to your email to enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  643. Helyse

    September 23, 2022 , 5:20 pm

    12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis: Free Printable PDF

  644. Brianne Bovenizer

    September 26, 2022 , 1:32 pm

    Hello Helyse,

    Thank you so much for your comment! We have sent you am email with this PDF document! 🙂

    I hope this helps!

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  645. Marsha Carter

    September 24, 2022 , 6:40 am

    Looking forward to the pdf

  646. Brianne Bovenizer

    September 26, 2022 , 1:37 pm

    Hello Marsha,

    Thanks for your comment! We have sent you an email with this PDF, enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  647. Deborah Scott

    September 24, 2022 , 6:42 am

    I would like a copy of the PDF, but I don’t see the green button that is referenced. I just see the option to provide comments on the article.

  648. Brianne Bovenizer

    September 26, 2022 , 1:41 pm

    Hi Deborah,

    Thank you for reaching out!

    Not to worry – I have sent you an email with this PDF document!

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  649. Ellen Zierk

    September 24, 2022 , 7:08 am

    Please send me PDF of yoga. Can’t find the green button.

  650. Brianne Bovenizer

    September 26, 2022 , 1:45 pm

    Hello Ellen,

    Thank you so much for your comment!

    Not to worry, we have emailed you a copy of this PDF! 🙂 I hope you enjoy it!

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  651. Treva Grisham

    September 24, 2022 , 8:30 am

    I can’t figure out how to get the pdf.

  652. Brianne Bovenizer

    September 26, 2022 , 1:48 pm

    Hi Treva,

    Thank you for this comment! Not to worry, we have sent you an email with this PDF! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  653. Julie Johnson

    September 24, 2022 , 11:52 am

    Please send the printable PDF 12 poses. Thank you.

  654. Brianne Bovenizer

    September 26, 2022 , 2:35 pm

    Hi Julie,

    Thanks for reaching out! We have emailed you this PDF, we hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  655. Chris

    September 24, 2022 , 4:17 pm

    “Simply, click on the button below, input your name and email, and your PDF will be on its way promptly!” I don’t see a button to click for the free PDF.

  656. Brianne Bovenizer

    September 26, 2022 , 2:39 pm

    Hi Chris,

    Thank you so much for your comment! Not to worry, we have sent you a copy of this PDF to your email! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  657. Clarissa Cartozian

    September 25, 2022 , 5:41 am

    I would please like the printable 12 yoga poses sent to me.
    Thank you.

  658. Joanne Lloyd

    September 25, 2022 , 5:44 am

    Please send the free printable PDF 12 yoga poses. Thank-you

  659. Brianne Bovenizer

    September 26, 2022 , 2:45 pm

    Hello Joanne,

    Thank you for reaching out! We have sent you a copy of this PDF to your email, enjoy!

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  660. Cynthia Kempinen

    September 25, 2022 , 10:28 am

    Could you please provide link to pdf on yoga for osteoporosis’
    Thank you!

  661. Brianne Bovenizer

    September 26, 2022 , 2:47 pm

    Hi Cynthia,

    Thank you for commenting! We have sent you an email with this PDF. We hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  662. Elizabeth Rouse Fielder

    September 26, 2022 , 6:58 am

    Please send the PDF of the 12 Yoga poses.
    Thank you.

  663. Brianne Bovenizer

    September 26, 2022 , 2:51 pm

    Hello Elizabeth,

    Thank you for reaching out! Not to worry, we have sent you a copy of this PDF to you email! Enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  664. Susan Felzer

    September 27, 2022 , 12:46 pm

    How do I get the printable PDF? Didnt see a place to submit my name.


  665. Chelsea Dugas

    September 28, 2022 , 1:37 pm

    Hi, Susan!

    Not to worry, we just sent you a copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF to your email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  666. Lin Lowe

    September 28, 2022 , 6:30 pm

    Please send your 12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis: Free Printable PDF
    Thanks so much!

  667. Shelby AlgaeCal

    September 29, 2022 , 1:09 pm

    Hi Lin,

    Thank you for reaching out! I’m happy to help, and have already sent you an email including the PDF! I hope you enjoy the poses! 🙂

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  668. Sheryl Robinson

    September 28, 2022 , 7:40 pm

    Please send me the PDF

  669. Shelby AlgaeCal

    September 29, 2022 , 1:06 pm

    Hi Sheryl,

    Thank you for your interest in our yoga poses! I’ve already sent you an email with the PDF – I hope you enjoy! 🙂

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  670. Nani

    September 29, 2022 , 9:47 am

    I would appreciate a pdf of the 12 yoga posts. Thanks.

  671. Shelby AlgaeCal

    September 29, 2022 , 12:59 pm

    Thank you for reaching out, Nani!

    We’re so thrilled that you’re interested in our yoga poses, and I’ve already sent you an email including the PDF! For more great exercises to support your bone health, feel free to click HERE!

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  672. Morgan

    September 29, 2022 , 12:21 pm

    Please send the PDF

  673. Shelby AlgaeCal

    September 29, 2022 , 12:53 pm

    Hi Morgan!

    Thanks so much for your interest in the yoga poses – I’ve already sent you an email with the PDF attached! Hope you enjoy! 🙂

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  674. Cindy Williamson

    October 2, 2022 , 1:37 pm

    Can I get a pdf of the yoga exercises

  675. Chelsea Dugas

    October 4, 2022 , 8:36 am

    Hi, Cindy!

    Absolutely, I just emailed you a copy of our 12 Yoga Poses PDF. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  676. Holly

    October 2, 2022 , 10:21 pm

    Please send me a copy of the pdf. Thank you.

  677. Chelsea Dugas

    October 4, 2022 , 9:24 am

    Hi, Holly!

    With pleasure! You should find a copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF in your inbox. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  678. Pat Hartnett

    October 6, 2022 , 7:23 am

    Please send free YOGA PDF., thank you.

  679. Chelsea Dugas

    October 6, 2022 , 11:25 am

    Hi, Pat!

    Gladly! Please check your email for your copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  680. Teri Walker

    October 6, 2022 , 7:18 pm

    Could not find the “button” to click for the 12 pose pdf file. Please send!

  681. Chelsea Dugas

    October 7, 2022 , 8:00 am

    Hi, Teri!

    Sorry for the confusion, we are working on adding that function. For now, please check your inbox as I’ve emailed you a copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF. Enjoy! 🙂

    -Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  682. Jennifer Hannan

    October 10, 2022 , 11:51 am

    hi, I’d love a copy of the pdf if you’re still sending. thank you!

  683. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 10, 2022 , 2:59 pm

    Hi Jennifer,

    Not to worry, we’ve sent you an email with this PDF to enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  684. Caroline Quince

    October 11, 2022 , 10:03 pm

    Could you please send my a pdf of the 12 yoga poses.
    Thank you very much,

  685. Chelsea Dugas

    October 12, 2022 , 12:22 pm

    Hi, Caroline!

    Thanks for reaching out – I’ve just sent a copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF to your email. Hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal


    October 15, 2022 , 10:15 am

    Can I get a copy of the PDF file for the 12 yoga poses

  687. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 16, 2022 , 11:12 am

    Hello Vicki,

    Not to worry, I have sent you an email with this PDF to enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  688. Judy Eardley

    October 15, 2022 , 2:04 pm

    could you please send me a copy of the yoga-poses. Thanks

  689. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 16, 2022 , 11:18 am

    Hi Judy,

    Thanks so much for commenting! We have emailed you a copy of the PDF! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  690. Teri Jester

    October 15, 2022 , 4:39 pm

    Love the exercise videos.

  691. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 16, 2022 , 11:19 am

    Hi Teri,

    We’re so happy to hear you like the videos! Thanks so much for sharing 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  692. JoEllen DeNicola

    October 15, 2022 , 6:07 pm

    Hi. i am a 42 year practitioner of yoga. For 10 or so if these years I have studied Iyengar yoga, which holds poses for long periods and also uses props as needed.
    I wasn’t concerned with bone density as I eat a low processed food diet , no sugats healthey fresh foods. Then this year my scan was poor wiith T scores in the -3.1 to -2.9 in the left hip and lumbar spine and left femor neck.

    MY QUESTION-Do I pull back from the current intermediate practice which includes twists, significant backbends, single leg balance poses and deep forward bends because I might fracture a bone? Or am i strengthening bone by doing this continued practice?
    I just finished my first month on Algaecal Plus with Strontium.

    my question is

  693. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 16, 2022 , 11:29 am

    Hello JoEllen,

    We’re so sorry to hear about your recent scan results, and are so happy to have you on our program! As everyone’s individual capabilities differ, we would suggest working with a professional, perhaps a personal trainer that specializes in bone health to help guide you through which exercises may or may not be appropriate for your individual situation. That said, our rule of thumb is to listen to your body, and proceed with exercises at your own pace, and comfort level! If you haven’t already joined our community on Facebook, we’d love to see you there! This is a great spot for extra, additional information you may find helpful! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  694. Aruna Goli

    October 16, 2022 , 6:09 am

    Please send me the pdf

  695. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 16, 2022 , 11:22 am

    Hello Aruna,

    We have sent you a copy of this PDF to your email, enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  696. Val

    October 17, 2022 , 2:16 pm

    I’ve practiced these poses for years, starting as soon as I was diagnosed. I’d like the pdf as a refresher for proper alignment.

  697. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 18, 2022 , 2:50 pm

    Hi Val,

    Love to hear you’ve been practicing for years! Not to worry, I have sent you an email with this PDF to enjoy!

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  698. Amy Kaye

    October 18, 2022 , 4:44 am

    Please send me the 12 yoga poses pdf. thank you

  699. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 18, 2022 , 2:53 pm

    Hi Amy,

    I have sent you a copy of this PDF to your email, enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  700. Janice

    October 19, 2022 , 10:34 am

    Interested in the pdf. Mostly preventative because I am capable of them but would also be interested in the osteopenia and osteoporotic to read the details.

  701. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 19, 2022 , 1:02 pm

    Hi Janice,

    Not to worry, I have sent a copy of this PDF to your email. I hope you enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  702. Linda Saling

    October 19, 2022 , 2:13 pm

    May I get a PDF copy of the exercises, please! I’ve done Yoga before but never realized how impactful it could be for our bones.


  703. Chelsea Dugas

    October 20, 2022 , 12:51 pm

    Hi, Linda!

    Absolutely, I’ve just sent you a copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF by email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  704. Debbie Lopez

    October 20, 2022 , 8:17 am

    Thank you

  705. Chelsea Dugas

    October 20, 2022 , 12:56 pm

    You’re welcome, Debbie! We hope you’ll get a chance to try these exercises! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  706. Leah Chasen

    October 20, 2022 , 3:53 pm

    Please send PDF.
    Thank you.

  707. Chelsea Dugas

    October 21, 2022 , 12:32 pm

    Hi, Leah!

    Our pleasure, I’ve just sent you a copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF to your email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  708. Christine K Noble

    October 22, 2022 , 12:49 pm

    Please send me the pdf version of the 11 yoga poses

    Thanks you!

  709. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 23, 2022 , 9:24 am

    Hi Christine,

    I’ve sent a copy of this PDF to your email, I hope you enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  710. Keli Skarin

    October 23, 2022 , 9:25 am

    Love the benefits of yoga!

  711. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 23, 2022 , 10:06 am

    Hi Keli,

    Thanks for commenting! We’re so happy to hear you’re benefiting from your yoga practice! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  712. Beverly Diane Riedel

    October 23, 2022 , 9:59 am

    I cant find the “click the button below” for the free printable PDF for the 12 yoga poses .
    can you email me the PDF please

  713. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 23, 2022 , 10:10 am

    Hi Beverly,

    Not to worry, I have just sent you an email with this PDF, enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  714. Maris Wofsy

    October 23, 2022 , 10:15 am

    Love to have the PDF of the osteoporsis poses. The video was great.

  715. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 23, 2022 , 2:01 pm

    Hi Maris,

    You got it! I have sent the PDF to your email, enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  716. Megan McKinney

    October 23, 2022 , 11:05 am

    I would like the PDF version.

  717. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 23, 2022 , 2:05 pm

    Hello Megan,

    Not to worry, I have sent you an email with this PDF to enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  718. Lydia Leiko Yamamto Pech

    October 23, 2022 , 11:47 am

    Please send me your 12 yoga poses for osteoporosis free printable PDF. Thank you!

  719. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 23, 2022 , 2:09 pm

    Hello Lydia,

    I’ve sent the PDF your way to your email! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  720. Trish Leonard

    October 23, 2022 , 12:51 pm

    Thank you for sending me the free PDF of 12 yoga poses that strengthen bones.

  721. Carla Bremner

    October 24, 2022 , 8:34 am

    Please send the PDF Yoga for Osteoporisis. Thank you.

  722. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 25, 2022 , 9:47 am

    Hi Carla,

    Not to worry, I have sent this over to you via email! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  723. Co Bauman

    October 24, 2022 , 11:51 am

    Would like yoga PDF. Thanks!

  724. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 25, 2022 , 9:52 am

    Hi Co,

    I’ve sent this PDF to you email, enjoy!

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  725. Chris

    October 24, 2022 , 3:48 pm

    I would also like the PDF please, but I do not see a green button for that, only the comment green button.

    Thank you.

  726. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 25, 2022 , 9:56 am

    Hi Chris,

    I’ve sent this along your way by email! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  727. Leigh

    October 24, 2022 , 4:25 pm

    Hello I would like the pdf of the 12 yoga poses please. Thank you! Leigh

  728. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 25, 2022 , 10:01 am

    Hi Leigh,

    I’ve sent this PDF to your email, enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  729. Susanne von Hofe

    October 25, 2022 , 6:38 am

    I would like to get the free printable pdf for the 12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis. The videos look really great, but I like to have a printable pdf to follow them step-by-step. Thank you!

  730. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 25, 2022 , 10:51 am

    Hi Susanne,

    Not to worry, I have sent this PDF to you by email! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  731. sarah

    October 26, 2022 , 11:12 am

    Please send me the 12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis: Free Printable PDF

    Thank you

  732. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 26, 2022 , 1:23 pm

    Hi Sarah,

    You got it! I have sent you an email with this PDF, enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  733. Angela Bednarczyk

    October 28, 2022 , 6:45 am

    12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis: Free Printable PDF – please send that to me. thank you.

  734. Shelby AlgaeCal

    October 28, 2022 , 10:04 am

    You got it, Angela! I just sent you a copy of the PDF to your email address! 🙂

    I hope you enjoy!

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  735. Marsali Hutchinson

    October 28, 2022 , 1:53 pm

    Please send me the PDF of 12 yoga poses for prevention

  736. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 30, 2022 , 2:12 pm

    Hi Marsali,

    We’ve sent you an email with a copy of this PDF, enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  737. Mitzi Kadrmas

    October 29, 2022 , 8:35 pm

    Please email the PDF. Thank you, I have been wondering what exercise platform I should be doing for osteoporosis. I always take my Algae Cal and D3! I turn 65 yrs. Nov 13 and I’m eligible for Silver Sneakers.

  738. Chelsea Dugas

    October 31, 2022 , 1:21 pm

    Hi, Mitzi!

    With pleasure! I just sent you a PDF copy of our 12 Yoga Poses. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  739. Patricia Viola

    October 31, 2022 , 9:47 am

    Please send me the PDF with yoga poses for osteoporosis. Thanks

  740. Chelsea Dugas

    October 31, 2022 , 1:38 pm

    Hi, Patricia!

    No problem, I’ve just emailed you a copy of our 12 Yoga Poses PDF. Hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  741. mliz

    November 1, 2022 , 12:43 pm

    please send me yoga PDF- thank you!

  742. Chelsea Dugas

    November 1, 2022 , 1:24 pm

    Hi there, Mary!

    No problem, I’ve just sent you a copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF to your email. Hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  743. Jaymie Tuttle

    November 2, 2022 , 1:15 pm

    Request for PDF of 12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis.

    Thank You!

  744. Shelby AlgaeCal

    November 3, 2022 , 9:13 am

    Hi Jaymie,

    Thank you for reaching out! I have already gone ahead and emailed you the PDF of our yoga poses, along with some additional goodies – hope this helps! 🙂

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  745. Dianne

    November 2, 2022 , 1:37 pm

    I’d love to have the 12 yoga poses for osteoporosis to print. Thank you.

  746. Shelby AlgaeCal

    November 3, 2022 , 9:09 am

    Hi Dianne,

    Absolutely – I have already sent you an email with a printable version of our yoga poses, and I hope you enjoy! 🙂

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  747. Barbara

    November 2, 2022 , 3:22 pm

    I’m looking for the button to get the pdf, but I’m not seeing it. I’ve tried both Chrome and Edge. Any tips on finding it will be appreciated.

  748. Shelby AlgaeCal

    November 3, 2022 , 8:58 am

    Hello Barbara!

    Thanks so much for your interest in our yoga poses – I’m so sorry to hear you’re having a tricky time accessing them! To make life easier, I have gone ahead and sent you an email with the PDF. I hope this helps, and please let us know if there’s anything else we can do to support you!

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  749. Jeanette Amen

    November 3, 2022 , 7:53 am

    Please send PDF of the 12 yoga poses

  750. Shelby AlgaeCal

    November 3, 2022 , 8:51 am

    Hi Jeanette,

    You got it! I have emailed you a copy of our yoga poses, and I hope you enjoy them! 🙂

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  751. Patricia Ernst

    November 4, 2022 , 3:18 am

    Send me 12 pose printout.

  752. Shelby AlgaeCal

    November 4, 2022 , 9:00 am

    Hi Patricia,

    Thank you for the interest in our yoga poses! As requested, I have sent you an email with the PDF attached – I hope you enjoy them, and please let us know if there’s anything else we can do to help! 🙂

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  753. Sue Metcalfe

    November 4, 2022 , 10:15 pm

    please provide me the printable description of the poses. I’ve been doing yoga for over 10 years; but happy to be able to focus on THESE poses. Thank you!

  754. Brianne Bovenizer

    November 6, 2022 , 9:01 am

    Hi Sue,

    It’s great to hear that you’ve been doing Yoga for 10 years, wow! I’ve sent you a copy of this PDF to your email, enjoy!

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  755. Rebecca Pille

    November 6, 2022 , 12:33 pm

    Please send your free printable PDF: 12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis

    Thank you,

  756. Brianne AlgaeCal

    November 6, 2022 , 1:57 pm

    Hi Rebecca,

    I’ve sent you an email with a copy of the PDF to enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  757. Sandy Tommarello

    November 6, 2022 , 12:46 pm

    Please forward printable PDF

  758. Brianne AlgaeCal

    November 6, 2022 , 2:04 pm

    Hi Sandy,

    Not to worry, I’ve sent you a copy of this PDF by email! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  759. Dorothy Andrews

    November 7, 2022 , 4:12 am

    please send PDF for 12 yoga poses

  760. Brianne AlgaeCal

    November 7, 2022 , 8:45 am

    Hi Dorothy,

    I’ve sent you an email with a copy of this PDF to enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  761. Dawn

    November 11, 2022 , 12:13 am

    I would like to have the PDF of the yoga poses emailed. The information is very supportive. Thank you.

  762. Chelsea Dugas

    November 11, 2022 , 1:52 pm

    Hi, Punita!

    Your copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF has just been sent to your email. Hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  763. Evelyn Jerden

    November 12, 2022 , 10:23 am

    Please send the PDF of the Yoga exercises.
    Thanks, Evelyn

  764. Brianne AlgaeCal

    November 15, 2022 , 9:33 am

    Hi Evelyn,

    Thank you so much for commenting! I’ve sent you an email with this PDF to enjoy 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  765. Claire Lindberg

    November 12, 2022 , 11:51 am

    I am interested in the PDF for 12 yoga poses for osteoporosis
    thank you!

  766. Brianne AlgaeCal

    November 15, 2022 , 9:39 am

    Hi Claire,

    We’ve sent you an email with this PDF to enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  767. Kathleen

    November 12, 2022 , 4:15 pm

    Terrific thanks

  768. Chelsea Dugas

    November 14, 2022 , 7:39 am

    You’re welcome, Kathleen! Please let us know if you have any more questions! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  769. Anna

    November 12, 2022 , 9:35 pm

    I would greatly appreciate your 12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis: Free Printable PDF

  770. Shelby AlgaeCal

    November 15, 2022 , 10:17 am

    Hi Anna,

    Sure thing! I have already sent your copy attached in an email, and hope you enjoy!

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  771. Andrea Blau

    November 14, 2022 , 12:52 pm

    Please may I get a printable copy of the 12 yoga poses?
    Many Thanks,

  772. Shelby AlgaeCal

    November 15, 2022 , 10:04 am

    Hi Andrea!

    Absolutely – I have already sent you an email with the printable PDF attached! I hope this helps! 🙂

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  773. Steve Garrett

    November 14, 2022 , 2:03 pm

    Please send 12 yoga poses PDF

  774. Shelby AlgaeCal

    November 15, 2022 , 9:59 am

    Hello Steve,

    Thanks so much for your interest in our yoga poses! I have sent you an email including the printable PDF, and hope you enjoy!

    If there is anything else we can do to help or support you, please don’t hesitate to reach out at 1-800-820-0184 – any of our Bone Health Consultants would love to assist you! 🙂

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  775. Roxanne Leluk

    November 14, 2022 , 7:49 pm

    Thank you for your offer of the yoga pdf’s.. Your videos are very good !

  776. Shelby AlgaeCal

    November 15, 2022 , 9:51 am

    Hi Roxanne,

    Thanks so much for sharing your lovely feedback – we’re thrilled to hear that you enjoy our videos! 🙂

    Roxanne, we have emailed you a copy of the yoga poses PDF, and we hope you enjoy them!

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  777. Jane Puleo

    November 15, 2022 , 6:40 am

    Please send me the pdf of 12 yoga poses for osteoporosis.
    Thanks so much!

  778. Shelby AlgaeCal

    November 15, 2022 , 9:47 am

    Hello Jane,

    You got it! I have sent you an email with the yoga poses PDF attached, and I hope you enjoy! 🙂

    Of course, if there is anything else we can do to support you, please let us know – we’re always here to help!

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  779. Winnie Fitzgerald

    November 16, 2022 , 12:12 pm

    Please send me a copy of the 12 yoga poses for osteoporosis! Thank you !

  780. Shelby AlgaeCal

    November 16, 2022 , 12:44 pm

    Hello Winnie!

    You got it – I have already sent your copy of our Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis to you in an email! Hope you enjoy! 🙂

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  781. Genevieve Reilley

    November 16, 2022 , 7:18 pm

    Will you please send me the free printable PDF of 12 yoga poses for osteoporosis?
    Thank you,

  782. Chelsea Dugas

    November 17, 2022 , 9:57 am

    Hi, Genevieve!

    I’ve just sent you a copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF. Hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  783. Gina Albano

    November 17, 2022 , 5:41 pm

    I would like the free pdf. Thank you

  784. Chelsea Dugas

    November 18, 2022 , 1:45 pm

    Hi there, Gina!

    No problem, I’ve just sent you a copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF to your email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  785. Barbara

    November 18, 2022 , 2:26 am

    Thx for the pdf

  786. Chelsea Dugas

    November 18, 2022 , 6:17 am

    You’re so welcome, Barbara! 🙂

    Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  787. Tracy

    November 26, 2022 , 11:05 am


    I was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis. Can I have a copy of pdf of 12 yoga poses please?

  788. Brianne AlgaeCal

    November 27, 2022 , 2:35 pm

    Hi Tracy,

    I am so sorry to hear about your recent diagnoses! Not to worry, I have sent you an email with this PDF to enjoy, as well as a little more information on AlgaeCal. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 1-800-820-0184 if you have any questions!

    I hope this helps!

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  789. Sue hanson

    November 26, 2022 , 5:44 pm

    Yoga pdf please

  790. Benita Simonar

    November 27, 2022 , 1:06 pm

    PDF Yoga poses for osteoporosis

  791. Chelsea Dugas

    November 29, 2022 , 8:42 am

    Hi, Benita!

    I just sent you a copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF by email. Hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  792. Julie Holling

    November 28, 2022 , 6:37 pm

    Looking for the free PDF, thank you

  793. Chelsea Dugas

    November 29, 2022 , 8:52 am

    Not to worry, Julie! I just sent you a copy of our 12 Yoga Poses PDF by email. Hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  794. Bonnie Payne

    November 30, 2022 , 2:31 pm

    Thank you for the information.

  795. Shelby AlgaeCal

    December 6, 2022 , 1:45 pm

    Hello Bonnie,

    It was our pleasure! We’re so glad you enjoyed our article, and please do continue to let us know if you have any questions or feedback going forward! 🙂

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  796. catherine hegazi

    December 1, 2022 , 10:25 am

    i know yoga helps and i know a few exercises that i do seated

  797. Shelby AlgaeCal

    December 6, 2022 , 1:30 pm

    Hello Catherine,

    Thank you for reaching out! You are absolutely correct that yoga can be beneficial form of exercise when it comes to supporting our bone health! Additionally, there are many seated exercises that you can do that could be beneficial, and I’ve included a link HERE for more ideas!

    I hope this helps 🙂

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  798. Jennifer N

    December 5, 2022 , 10:32 am

    I like yoga. Glad to know there is research to support the benefits for osteoporosis. It makes me more motivated to do yoga.

  799. Shelby AlgaeCal

    December 6, 2022 , 1:14 pm

    Hello Jennifer,

    Thanks so much for sharing this with us! We’re so glad to hear that the research behind the benefits of yoga for supporting bone health makes you more inclined to practice! 🙂

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  800. Susan Bivins

    December 5, 2022 , 3:58 pm

    I am interested in getting the PDF printed info. Thank you.

  801. Shelby AlgaeCal

    December 6, 2022 , 8:43 am

    Hi Susan,

    You got it – I have emailed you a PDF copy of our Yoga Poses, and hope you enjoy!

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  802. Paula Winters-Buechler

    December 6, 2022 , 10:27 am

    can’t find the pdf to download, no green button

  803. Shelby AlgaeCal

    December 6, 2022 , 12:31 pm

    Hello Paula,

    Thank you for interest in out yoga poses – I’ve already gone ahead and sent your copy to your email address, and you’ll be able to find it in your inbox! 🙂

    Of course, if there’s anything else we can do to support you, please don’t hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-800-820-0184 – any of our Bone Health Consultants would be happy to help!

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  804. Suze

    December 6, 2022 , 9:02 pm

    Thank you for this! I need it!

  805. Brianne AlgaeCal

    December 7, 2022 , 2:41 pm

    Hello Suze,

    We are so happy you liked the information in this article! For even more exercise ideas, click HERE for our main exercise blog 🙂

    Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  806. Sandra Gail Oiler

    December 10, 2022 , 7:22 am

    Thanks for sharing!

  807. Chelsea Dugas

    December 12, 2022 , 1:44 pm

    You’re very welcome, Sandra! Feel free to peruse our exercise blog for more exercise suggestions HERE! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  808. Elaine Haufler

    December 11, 2022 , 5:12 am

    🙏 thank you

  809. Chelsea Dugas

    December 13, 2022 , 11:54 am

    You’re so welcome, Elaine! Please feel free to contact our Bone Health Consultants 7 days a week at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada, toll-free) or email [email protected] for more information and personalized support!

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  810. Reina Mamane

    December 12, 2022 , 8:51 am

    I would like to try them. Thank you. There are centers in Atlanta, Ga and Boca Raton in Florida, where I can take theses classes, Thank you

  811. Chelsea Dugas

    December 13, 2022 , 12:50 pm

    That’s fantastic, Reina! Sounds like you’ll have your pick of locations to follow some classes! I’ve also just sent you a copy of our 12 Yoga Poses PDF by email. Please feel free to contact our Bone Health Consultants 7 days a week at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada, toll-free) or email [email protected] for more information and personalized support! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  812. Kat

    December 12, 2022 , 11:42 am

    Great information. Please send PDF of yoga poses!

  813. Chelsea Dugas

    December 13, 2022 , 1:05 pm

    Hi, Kat!

    No problem, I’ve just sent you a copy of our 12 Yoga Poses PDF by email. Hope you enjoy it, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  814. Stacie

    December 12, 2022 , 4:58 pm

    May I have the PDF please

  815. Chelsea Dugas

    December 13, 2022 , 1:10 pm

    Hi, Stacie!

    Absolutely, I’ve just sent you a copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF by email. Hope you enjoy it, and feel free to let us know if you have any questions! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  816. Denise nelson

    December 13, 2022 , 4:49 pm

    I already take Algecal but not regularly enough. Please send pdf on yoga

  817. Chelsea Dugas

    December 14, 2022 , 12:11 pm

    Hi there, Denise!

    I just sent you a copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF to your email. Hope you enjoy it and feel free to reach out if you have any other questions! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  818. Rainbow Ganges

    December 14, 2022 , 6:42 pm

    Please send the printable PDF of the 12 yoga poses for osteoporosis. I was unable to find the button mentioned to use for getting the PDF.
    Thank you.
    Rainbow Ganges
    [email protected]

    I am looking forward to doing the 12 yoga poses.

  819. Chelsea Dugas

    December 15, 2022 , 9:25 am

    Hi, Rainbow!

    Sorry for the confusion, I’ve just sent you a copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF by email. Hope you enjoy and please let us know if you have any more questions! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  820. Becky Caputo

    December 16, 2022 , 3:01 am

    Thank you for sharing the Yoga Poses for osteoporosis.

  821. Chelsea Dugas

    December 16, 2022 , 6:48 am

    You’re very welcome, Becky! Feel free to check out many other bone-strengthening exercise suggestions on our blog HERE for further support! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  822. Brenda

    December 17, 2022 , 8:29 pm

    Would you please send me a PDF of the Fishman 12 yoga poses for osteoporosis? Thank you very much! I really like your explanations and photos!

  823. Chelsea Dugas

    December 20, 2022 , 12:27 pm

    Hi, Brenda!

    Of course! I’ve just sent you a copy of our 12 Yoga Poses PDF by email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  824. Debi Negrette

    December 18, 2022 , 10:05 am

    I’m looking for the pdf of the 12 yoga poses for osteoporosis

  825. Chelsea Dugas

    December 20, 2022 , 1:10 pm

    Sorry for the confusion, Debi! I just sent you a copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF to your email. Hope you enjoy it and let us know if you have any more questions! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  826. Judy Arndt

    December 18, 2022 , 10:38 am

    I recently fractured my back for the second time. My condition has apparently advanced from very good bone density to osteopenia to osteoporosis in a matter of 10 years. It is time for me to take this seriously. I used to love yoga as a college student and look forward to reacquainting myself with it as a senior.

  827. Chelsea Dugas

    December 20, 2022 , 1:20 pm

    Judy, I’m so sorry to hear this. If you are still in recovery, perhaps our Bone Fracture Healing Guide can help. Getting back into yoga is a wonderful idea as well! Providing your bones with the proper nutrition to heal and grow stronger is also extremely important. If you’re interested in a safe and natural approach to increasing your bone density, AlgaeCal has helped thousands of women and men do so for many years! You can view some of their inspiring success stories HERE if you like!
    For more information and personalized support, you can reach our Bone Health Consultants 7 days a week at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada, toll-free) or by email at [email protected]. Please let us know if you have any questions! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  828. Helen Downing

    December 19, 2022 , 7:52 am

    12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis: Free Printable PDF

    I would like to receive this PDF.
    Thank you!

  829. Chelsea Dugas

    December 20, 2022 , 1:41 pm

    Hi, Helen!

    No problem, I’ve just sent you a copy of the 12 Yoga Poses PDF by email. Enjoy and let us know if you have any more questions! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  830. Terry B Haahr

    December 19, 2022 , 8:27 am

    please email me the printable PDF-12 Osteoporosis poses. Thanks.

  831. Chelsea Dugas

    December 20, 2022 , 1:44 pm

    Hi, Terry!

    Not to worry, I’ve just sent you a copy of our 12 Yoga Poses PDF by email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal


    December 19, 2022 , 8:52 am

    pse can i have the yoga poses – thanks

  833. Chelsea Dugas

    December 20, 2022 , 1:52 pm

    Hi, Judy!

    Gladly! I’ve just sent you a copy of our 12 Yoga Poses PDF by email. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  834. Ellen Croke

    December 19, 2022 , 12:11 pm

    Thank you for offering the free PDF for yoga poses. I’m just recently diagnosed with osteoporosis and was told to start some weight bearing exercises.

  835. Chelsea Dugas

    December 20, 2022 , 2:02 pm

    Sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis, Ellen. I’ve just sent you a copy of our 12 Yoga Poses PDF by email, and you may be interested to peruse more bone-strengthening exercises on our blog HERE. Hope this helps and please let us know if you have any questions! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  836. Eileen Stauss

    December 22, 2022 , 12:54 am

    Thank you.

  837. Lorna Leone

    December 22, 2022 , 4:16 am

    My Dr told me I MUST do weight bearing exercise for my bones.

  838. Chelsea Dugas

    December 22, 2022 , 8:12 am

    Hi, Lorna! We definitely second that advice! Weight-bearing exercise is extremely important for keeping our bones healthy and strong. Please feel free to check out more bone-strengthening exercises on our blog HERE. Hope this helps and let us know if you have any questions! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  839. Jean Olthoff

    December 22, 2022 , 3:56 pm

    Please send me the free pdf of 12 yoga exercises.

  840. Chelsea Dugas

    December 23, 2022 , 6:50 am

    With pleasure, Jean! I’ve just sent you the 12 Yoga Poses for osteoporosis by email. Hope you enjoy them! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  841. Barbara McAlpine

    December 23, 2022 , 7:20 pm

    Please send me the printable PDF. Thank you.

  842. Chelsea Dugas

    December 26, 2022 , 1:26 pm

    Hi, Barbara!

    Not to worry, I’ve just sent you a copy of our 12 Yoga Poses PDF to your email Hope you enjoy it and let us know if you have any questions! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  843. Mikell Adams

    December 27, 2022 , 7:08 am

    please send the PDF for osteoporosis yoga


  844. Chelsea Dugas

    December 28, 2022 , 1:17 pm

    Hi, Mikell!

    Absolutely – I just sent you a copy of our 12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis PDF to your email. Hope you enjoy them! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  845. Mary McCormick

    December 27, 2022 , 2:55 pm

    I would appreciate a PDF copy of the 12 yoga poses for osteoporosis.
    Thank you! Mary

  846. Chelsea Dugas

    December 28, 2022 , 1:23 pm

    Hi, Mary!

    Not to worry, I’ve just sent you a copy of the 12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis PDF by email. Hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  847. Michelle Kuhlman

    December 28, 2022 , 7:29 pm

    I would love a copy of the pdf of the 12 poses for osteoporosis
    Thank you so much!

  848. Chelsea Dugas

    December 29, 2022 , 12:24 pm

    Hi, Michelle!

    No worries, I’ve just sent you a copy of our 12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis PDF by email. Hope you enjoy them! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  849. Sparrow Daenitz

    December 29, 2022 , 3:37 am

    i already dO yOga. I have been diagnosed with severe osteo in my spine and have chosen not to take medications. I am working with yoga instructors. How do I get the pruintable PDF?

  850. Chelsea Dugas

    December 29, 2022 , 12:35 pm

    Hi, Sparrow!

    I’ve just sent you a copy of the 12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis PDF by email. Hope you enjoy them and please feel free to contact our Bone Health Consultants 7 days a week at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada, toll-free) or email [email protected] for any questions, concerns, and personalized support! ! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  851. Tammy

    December 31, 2022 , 7:39 am

    I would like the printable free 12 exercises please.

  852. Brianne AlgaeCal

    January 1, 2023 , 1:56 pm

    Hi Tammy,

    We’ve sent you an email with this PDF – Enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  853. SANDRA

    December 31, 2022 , 11:40 am


  854. Brianne AlgaeCal

    January 1, 2023 , 1:52 pm

    Hi Sandra,

    You are so very welcome! We’re so happy you liked this article! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  855. Misty D Flowers

    January 1, 2023 , 10:49 am

    Please send a PDF of the Poses for Osteoporosis.
    Thank You

  856. Brianne AlgaeCal

    January 1, 2023 , 2:03 pm

    Hi Misty,

    Not to worry, we’ve sent you a copy of this PDF to your email that I hope you find helpful! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  857. Pamela Wyman

    January 1, 2023 , 6:00 pm

    Please send me the pdf. Thank you!

  858. Brianne AlgaeCal

    January 2, 2023 , 9:25 am

    Hi Pamela,

    I’ve sent you an email with a copy of this PDF to enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  859. Karen Loftis

    January 5, 2023 , 7:57 am

    This is great and I am convinced and am going to start your Algaecal supplements

  860. Chelsea Dugas

    January 5, 2023 , 1:05 pm

    That’s fantastic news, Karen! If you’d like to place your first order, you can do so on our website HERE, or feel free to contact our Bone Health Consultants 7 days a week at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada, toll-free), they’ll be more than happy to support you! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  861. Jill Andreoni

    January 5, 2023 , 1:36 pm

    Please send the free printable PDF of Yoga poses for Osteoporosis.
    Thank you!

  862. Brianne AlgaeCal

    January 8, 2023 , 2:25 pm

    Hi Jill,

    I’ve sent you an email with this PDF! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  863. Janet E Gunn

    January 6, 2023 , 8:01 pm

    This is marvelous! Thank you so much for. Love & Peace, Janet

  864. Brianne AlgaeCal

    January 8, 2023 , 2:35 pm

    Hi Janet,

    Thanks so much for commenting, so glad you liked this article!

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  865. Connie

    January 7, 2023 , 5:30 am

    Thank you

  866. Brianne AlgaeCal

    January 8, 2023 , 2:01 pm

    Hi Connie,

    Thank for commenting! You are so very welcome – we’re glad you liked this article! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  867. Mayra Batelli

    January 7, 2023 , 6:44 am

    This is just what I was looking for. Thanks for posting the videos and step by step. It could be overwhelming at times.

  868. Nancy

    January 10, 2023 , 1:30 pm

    I would like to have the PDF for the Yoga poses – Oct 2022 newsletter.
    Thanking you in advance.

  869. Brianne AlgaeCal

    January 10, 2023 , 2:57 pm

    Hi Nancy,

    I’ve emailed you a copy of this PDF, enjoy! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  870. Naomi Weidner

    January 16, 2023 , 2:21 pm

    Greetings. Thanks for this set of instructions and videos. I have tried to download the pdf, but I continually get error messages. Could you send me the pdf via e-mail? Thanks.

  871. Chelsea Dugas

    January 18, 2023 , 8:55 am

    Sorry for the complications, Naomi! I’ve just sent you a PDF copy of our 12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis by email. Hope you enjoy it and let us know if you have any questions! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  872. Doretha Harris

    January 26, 2023 , 4:46 pm

    Love it I have ostephania

  873. Shelby AlgaeCal

    January 27, 2023 , 10:20 am

    Hello Doretha,

    Thank your for reaching out to AlgaeCal – we’re sorry to hear that you’re living with bone loss, but please know that we’re here to support you with improving your bone health moving forward! If you haven’t yet had a chance to speak with our Bone Health Consultants, please feel free to call us at 1-800-820-0184 – we would love to make tailored suggestions to fit your lifestyle!

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  874. Linton Linda

    February 5, 2023 , 8:53 am

    I would love to get PDFs of the osteoporosis versions of the exercises. I’ve been doing a cardio-rehab program but it focuses primarily on endurance, and it is hard on my joints. Your approach makes so much sense! Thank you.

  875. Chelsea Dugas

    February 7, 2023 , 11:37 am

    Hi, Linda!

    I just sent you a copy of our 12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis PDF by email. Hope this helps and enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  876. Fran

    February 18, 2023 , 6:37 am

    Please email the PDF of these exercises as well. Thank you so very much!

  877. Chelsea Dugas

    February 22, 2023 , 5:52 am

    Hi, Fran! I tried sending you the PDF of the exercises to the provided email but they bounced back. Do you have another email we can use?

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  878. Kathleen Emmke

    February 28, 2023 , 5:30 am

    Thank you for your help with this and looking forward to getting back to yoga to help build bone. I have severe osteoporosis and need to work on this daily.

  879. Chelsea Dugas

    February 28, 2023 , 8:08 am

    You’re very welcome, Kathleen! Best of luck and do let us know if you have any questions! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  880. Rosa Lagos

    March 19, 2023 , 10:19 pm

    Very good information
    Thank you

  881. Chelsea Dugas

    March 20, 2023 , 12:30 pm

    You’re very welcome, Rosa! Do let us know if you have any questions!

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  882. sheila olive

    March 23, 2023 , 7:04 am

    Thank you.

  883. Shelby AlgaeCal

    March 23, 2023 , 1:08 pm

    Hi Sheila,

    Absolutely, it’s our pleasure! 🙂

    If there is anything we can do to support you moving forward, please feel free to let us know – we’re always here to help!

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  884. Nubia

    April 9, 2023 , 4:23 pm

    Thank you very much for yoga exercises . I loved it ; clear , slow motion and precise movements .

  885. Chelsea Dugas

    April 10, 2023 , 12:17 pm

    We’re so happy to know you enjoyed these exercises, Nubia! Feel free to check out the other exercises provided on our Exercise Blog. Enjoy! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  886. wendy anderson

    April 17, 2023 , 3:34 pm

    Hi > I have been doing yoga for about 20 years on a very regular basis along with hiking and walking regularly. I am 68 years old . I love yoga but my dexa scan has moved from osteopenia to osteoporosis over the last two years. Maybe I’m not holding poses the right amount of time to stimulate bone growth or maybe it is nutritional or maybe who knows?

  887. Brianne AlgaeCal

    April 18, 2023 , 10:05 am

    Hi Wendy,

    Thanks so much for commenting, and we are so sorry to hear of what you are experiencing. We agree that proper nutrition and exercise are super important for healthy bones! In saying that, someone who is experiencing accelerated bone loss may need additional supplementation. AlgaeCal provides all 13 vitamins and minerals that our bones need and is clinically supported to increase bone density! If you’re interested, you can learn more HERE! If you have any questions, please give us a call at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada toll-free), and any one of our friendly Bone Health Consultants would be happy to help! 🙂

    – Brianne

  888. Alma Mena

    April 23, 2023 , 12:07 pm

    I am a 67 years old female, and I will try to read all the information you are offering in this ad. I would also like to get your free copy of the 12 yoga poses, and you hank you for it.

  889. Yoori AlgaeCal

    April 24, 2023 , 6:25 pm

    Hi Alma!

    You can access the free copy of 12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis HERE. I hope this helps! 🙂

    – Yoori @ AlgaeCal

  890. Michelle Urmanski

    April 24, 2023 , 7:14 am

    Thank you so much for posting these poses!!
    I definitely will start doing them for bone strength!!

  891. Brianne AlgaeCal

    April 25, 2023 , 10:01 am

    So happy you found these poses helpful, Michelle! 🙂

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  892. Tammy Bellville

    May 2, 2023 , 7:07 pm

    Could I get the pdf of the yoga poses? Thank you.

  893. Manja

    May 3, 2023 , 8:39 am

    Hi Tammy,

    Thank you for your interest in our article! You can find and download the PDF HERE. Hope this helps!

    – Manja @ AlgaeCal

  894. Sylvia Thompson

    June 14, 2023 , 4:34 am

    Hoping it can help with back pain from aging

  895. Manja

    June 14, 2023 , 8:52 am

    Sylvia, we recommend targeting pain through gentle exercise, sleep, an anti-oxidant rich diet, and Omega-3 supplements such as our Triple Power Fish Oil which provides antioxidants that help manage pain and stiffness!
    If you are looking for other safe ways to relieve your pain, there are a few natural approaches that you may find effective. You can read about them here.
    Let us know if you have any questions!

    – Manja @ AlgaeCal

  896. Kathy Daniel

    June 18, 2023 , 12:18 am

    My osteoporosis doctor told me to stop yoga, because she doesn’t want me to twist my body or do anything like a “crunch.”

  897. Shelby AlgaeCal

    June 19, 2023 , 1:51 pm

    Gosh, we’re sorry to hear this, Kathy – since your doctor has advised that you stop yoga, we would definitely recommend asking them which other types of exercise they would recommend for you! That said, if yoga is an activity you really enjoy it may even be worthwhile to ask them if there are any yoga poses you can do (perhaps poses that aren’t involving “crunch-like” movements) safely at home.

    Of course, if there’s anything our Bone Health Consultants can do to support you, please do feel free to reach out at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada toll-free) or [email protected].

    – Shelby @ AlgaeCal

  898. Victoria Ebin

    March 6, 2024 , 7:36 pm

    Can you please send me a PDF of the exercises, too?
    Thanks, Victoria

  899. Yoori AlgaeCal

    March 7, 2024 , 2:53 pm

    Of course, Victoria! I have emailed you a copy of “Dr.Fishman’s 12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis” to your email right away :). Please check your inbox!

    – Yoori

  900. Cyndi Anders

    April 25, 2024 , 11:45 am

    I’ve done yoga all my life, I wanted to know which poses were specific to building bone.

  901. Yoori AlgaeCal

    April 25, 2024 , 2:31 pm

    Great to hear, Cyndi! 🙂 Yoga, in general, is great for building bones. According to Dr. Fishman, yoga’s gentle, low-impact movements are ideal for those with bone loss. For more details, please refer to the section titled “3 Reasons Yoga Can Strengthen Your Bones” in this blog article. We also demonstrate “The Fishman Method: 12 Yoga Poses for Stronger Bones” in the article, which you are welcome to try. I hope this helps!

    – Yoori

  902. Linda

    April 29, 2024 , 5:47 pm

    So many more benefits of yoga than I ever dreamed of. This is after being a yoga advocate for decades. Who knew it did so much more? Thank you Dr.!

  903. Yoori AlgaeCal

    April 30, 2024 , 4:12 pm

    That’s fantastic to hear, Linda! It’s incredible how something we think we know so well can still surprise us with its depth and breadth of benefits. It sounds like your journey with yoga has been incredibly rewarding, and I’m glad to hear that this blog article has been helpful :). Thank you for sharing!

    – Yoori

  904. Jodi o

    April 30, 2024 , 2:20 pm

    Curious. Please forward to my email. Thanks.

  905. Yoori AlgaeCal

    April 30, 2024 , 4:21 pm

    Hi Jodi! I have forwarded the PDF file to Dr.Fishman’s 12 Yoga Poses to your email. Please check your inbox! 🙂

    – Yoori

  906. Diana

    April 30, 2024 , 4:38 pm

    This looks amazing! Cant wait to get started!

  907. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 10:50 am

    We’re so glad you’ve found this information resourceful, Diana! 🙂
    – Sam

  908. Patti Felt

    April 30, 2024 , 5:00 pm

    Very fascinating information!!!

  909. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 10:50 am

    Glad you’ve found this information helpful, Patti! 🙂
    – Sam

  910. Joan Nielsen

    April 30, 2024 , 5:12 pm

    I have been practicing yoga for about 10 years. I know it has improved my balance. Not falling is an important way to reduce bone fractures.

  911. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 11:59 am

    This is great news, thank you for sharing the power of Yoga, Joan! 🙂
    – Sam

  912. Cailin McCracken

    April 30, 2024 , 5:44 pm

    Going to have to give yoga a shot!

  913. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 5:38 pm

    Certainly, Cailin! A friendly note to always consult a healthcare professional when adding new exercises to your routine, to err on the side of caution :).
    – Yoori

  914. Marianne

    April 30, 2024 , 7:25 pm

    I was just wondering about yoga for osteopenia.

  915. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 5:49 pm

    Thank you for your comment, Marianne! You can still take advantage of this Guide to Yoga, even if you have moderate bone loss :). A friendly note that we always suggest consulting a healthcare professional when adding new exercises to your routine, to err on the side of caution.

    – Yoori

  916. Marilyn Nugent

    April 30, 2024 , 8:01 pm

    I had no idea that yoga was good to prevent osteoporosis

  917. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 5:57 pm

    Glad you found this article informative, Marilyn! 🙂 If you’re interested, we have a lot more helpful exercise programs you can try out on our blog HERE.

    – Yoori

  918. Jennifer

    April 30, 2024 , 8:06 pm

    Can’t wait to try these yoga poses!

  919. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 5:50 pm

    That’s wonderful to hear, Jennifer, and we hope you’ll enjoy! As always, it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen, especially if you have existing health concerns :).
    – Yoori

  920. Tina

    April 30, 2024 , 8:13 pm

    This is fascinating! I’ll have to try this soon.

  921. Joanne

    April 30, 2024 , 8:36 pm

    Sounds great!

  922. Jan P

    April 30, 2024 , 9:22 pm

    I’m going to print the 12 yoga poses!

  923. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 5:59 pm

    Please feel free to, Jan! 🙂 We hope you enjoy these yoga poses!

    – Yoori

  924. Gina

    May 1, 2024 , 2:17 am

    Thank you for this helpful guide along with the variations to try for each asana and the chair yoga link :it is a relaxing way to practice yoga .

  925. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 6:04 pm

    Always our pleasure, Gina! Glad you find this article helpful :).

    – Yoori

  926. Cathleen Atela

    May 1, 2024 , 3:08 am

    I love all this information in one place.

  927. Judy

    May 1, 2024 , 4:23 am

    Interesting..not sure if this would be beneficial for me with bad back.

  928. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 6:05 pm

    Hi Judy! We understand that this guide to yoga may not be the best fit for everyone. As always, it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen, especially if you have existing health concerns! Remember to listen to your body and modify poses as needed to suit your individual abilities and limitations.

    – Yoori

  929. Marcia Walt

    May 1, 2024 , 5:49 am

    I appreciate how each pose is modified depending on your current bone health.

  930. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 12:05 pm

    We appreciate your feedback, Marcia! 🙂
    – Sam

  931. Sheila Ard

    May 1, 2024 , 5:59 am

    Excellent supplements!!!

  932. Janet K

    May 1, 2024 , 6:00 am

    I’ve printed the exercises to begin today!

  933. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 12:04 pm

    We’re glad to hear this, Janet! 🙂
    – Sam

  934. Marcie Schmitz

    May 1, 2024 , 6:10 am

    Good information!

  935. Ava Archuleta

    May 1, 2024 , 8:19 am

    Thank you. Going to try some of the poses today.

  936. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 12:02 pm

    Enjoy doing yoga, Ava! 🙂
    – Sam

  937. ADL

    May 1, 2024 , 8:32 am

    I’ve been receiving conflicting info on yoga and how it helps osteoporosis. Regardless, I’ve been practicing at my level and its helps with overall wellbeing.

  938. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 6:12 pm

    Thank you for commenting! 🙂 While research on this topic continues to evolve, many experts agree that certain yoga poses can help improve bone density, strength, balance, and flexibility, all of which are important for managing bone loss.

    However, as you mentioned, the most important thing is that you’ve found yoga to be beneficial for your overall well-being. Yoga offers a holistic approach to health, providing physical, mental, and emotional benefits that can enhance your quality of life regardless of specific health conditions.

    – Yoori

  939. Carol Crecelius

    May 1, 2024 , 9:16 am

    love this. wanted to do yoga but was afraid that I would hurt myself.

  940. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 12:22 pm

    Carol, before implementing any new exercise routines, we recommend to have a discussion with your doctor or a physical therapist/physio regarding any limitations!
    – Sam

  941. Chris

    May 1, 2024 , 10:11 am

    Some of us have an artificial hip, bad knee(s), and spine misalignment. At least some of these poses are impossible to do for folks with those issues.

  942. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 6:16 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Chris! It’s always a good idea to practice yoga at your own level and listen to your body’s cues. As always, it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen, especially if you have existing health concerns.

    – Yoori

  943. Ida Z

    May 1, 2024 , 10:12 am

    This is great info! I’m sharing with my family members who need bone support.

  944. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 6:16 pm

    Of course, Ida! We hope your family members will find this helpful as well :).

    – Yoori

  945. Nancy

    May 1, 2024 , 11:36 am

    Loved this article so much! I am used to doing high intensity exercises and have switched to yoga, and this article confirms my decision! Am keeping this for future reference to learn and review! Thank you!

  946. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 12:19 pm

    We’re so glad to hear you’ve found this information useful, Nancy! 🙂
    – Sam

  947. Paula Loughlin

    May 1, 2024 , 11:58 am

    Thanks for all the info!

  948. Kerry Garrett

    May 1, 2024 , 12:02 pm

    Good information.

  949. Susan Grosh

    May 1, 2024 , 12:15 pm

    I look forward to checking out Dr. Fishman’s 12 yoga poses

  950. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 6:20 pm

    We hope you’ll enjoy, Susan! 🙂

    – Yoori

  951. Jan

    May 1, 2024 , 12:40 pm

    Great suggestions!

  952. Cindy Geston

    May 1, 2024 , 12:46 pm

    I have been doing yoga at a local studio for the past 3 years. It’s reassuring to see that they follow a majority of the poses and instructions as these videos. Thanks for sharing.

  953. Patricia

    May 1, 2024 , 1:24 pm

    Looking forward to adding these exercises into my regular daily routine. Thank you for posting

  954. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 6:22 pm

    Always our pleasure, Patricia! We hope you enjoy! 🙂

    – Yoori

  955. Patricia Shaughnessy

    May 1, 2024 , 1:47 pm

    yoga is wonderful not only for bone health but also arthritis.

  956. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 6:46 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Patricia! It’s wonderful to see how yoga can offer holistic support for both bone health and conditions like arthritis :).

    – Yoori

  957. Elizabeth Morgan

    May 1, 2024 , 2:52 pm


  958. Jamie Semkow

    May 1, 2024 , 4:42 pm

    I am new to all of this with a very recent diagnosis. I have always been athletic, but have never tried yoga. It was something I was already planning to do, so this information encouraged me even more to get started! Thanks

  959. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 6:49 pm

    That’s the spirit, Jamie! We are sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis, but we are glad you stumbled across our blog! If you have any questions regarding bone health, please feel free to give us a call at 1-800-820-0184 (US & Canada Toll-free) or email [email protected]. Any one of our Bone Health Consultants would be more than happy to help!

    – Yoori

  960. Nora Roiter

    May 1, 2024 , 5:06 pm

    This yoga”s position help me a lot !!!, thanks for the clear video showing them

  961. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 6:23 pm

    We truly appreciate your lovely feedback, Nora! Glad the video was helpful :).

    – Yoori

  962. Jane Pargiter

    May 1, 2024 , 5:45 pm

    Wondering if Pilates is equal to Yoga in combatting osteoporosis

  963. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 6:52 pm

    Thank you for reaching out, Jane! Both Pilates and yoga offer benefits for bone health, but they approach it in slightly different ways. While both focus on improving strength, flexibility, and balance, they do so through different movements and techniques.

    If you are interested, we have a blog article on Pilates and Osteoporosis HERE. I hope this helps! 🙂

    – Yoori

  964. Jean

    May 1, 2024 , 6:04 pm

    I do yoga and Osteostrong Love it!

  965. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 6:19 pm

    That’s great, Jean! Keep up the great work :).

    – Yoori

  966. Faye Kwan

    May 1, 2024 , 6:15 pm

    I’m excited to try for myself and also share this with my mom!

  967. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 1, 2024 , 6:23 pm

    Glad to hear, Faye! We hope both you and your mom will find this helpful! 🙂

    – Yoori

  968. Patricia Cruthirds

    May 1, 2024 , 8:08 pm

    These exercises are for everyone. There is even chair exercises if you need that and i do. But going one step further and offering exercises for osteopenia and osteoporosis is terrific. The exercises are thoughtful and explained well. I’m interested for sure and have downloaded the pdf. Thank you.

  969. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 2, 2024 , 3:48 pm

    We truly appreciate your positive feedback, Patricia! 🙂

    – Yoori

  970. Allex

    May 1, 2024 , 8:10 pm

    Excellent article! I’ve tried yoga but it didn’t stick the first time. This makes me want to try again!

  971. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 2, 2024 , 3:49 pm

    That’s fantastic, Allex! It’s all about finding the right time and approach that works for YOU :).

    – Yoori

  972. Lee Ann W

    May 2, 2024 , 12:38 am

    Thank you, looking forward to trying these exercises!

  973. Hellen

    May 2, 2024 , 3:37 am

    thank you

  974. Angie Sist

    May 2, 2024 , 3:53 am

    this is FANTASTIC … exactly what I need … truly beautiful ❣🙏🥰

  975. Sharon Gildein

    May 2, 2024 , 4:08 am

    a very enlightening article. I never thought of yoga as a benefit for my bones. my motion is limited due to cancer, but I can do something to try to help.

  976. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 2, 2024 , 4:04 pm

    Of course, Sharon. Finding the right exercise that works for YOU is the key :).

    – Yoori

  977. Bertha Weninger

    May 2, 2024 , 4:20 am

    Yoga is good for our body and soul!

  978. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 2, 2024 , 3:52 pm

    We agree, Bertha!

    – Yoori

  979. Rhonda

    May 2, 2024 , 5:17 am

    Thank you for the educational material. I was just diagnosed and attempting to sort through all the information I can find.

  980. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 2, 2024 , 4:07 pm

    We are sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis, Rhonda. We hope you’ll check out the rest of our blog for more helpful articles, free nutrition information, yummy recipes, and exercises for stronger bones here. And please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions!

    – Yoori

  981. Elinor

    May 2, 2024 , 6:43 am

    Thank you for this community!
    I would really like the pdf of the 12 yoga poses. Thank you

  982. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 2, 2024 , 4:16 pm

    Thank you for reaching out, Elinor! You can access the PDF file HERE. I hope this helps! 🙂

    – Yoori

  983. Jean

    May 2, 2024 , 6:44 am

    Love yoga!!

  984. Jenny

    May 2, 2024 , 8:17 am

    Thank you.

  985. Sharon Egan

    May 2, 2024 , 9:32 am

    I think yoga for older adults is a wonderful exercise.

  986. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 2, 2024 , 4:08 pm

    Absolutely, Sharon!

    – Yoori

  987. Carol Lovelee

    May 2, 2024 , 9:40 am

    So much great info here that I didn’t even know I needed thanks!

  988. Sharon Egan

    May 2, 2024 , 9:43 am

    I think Yoga is a wonderful exercise for older women.

  989. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 2, 2024 , 4:09 pm

    Absolutely, Sharon! 🙂

    – Yoori

  990. J C Baltzley

    May 2, 2024 , 10:30 am

    I think yoga is pretty much always a good idea and I enjoy it but shouldn’t we be doing some impact exercise too? Not necessarily full-on jumping but something like just bouncing either on the floor or on a rebounder?

  991. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 2, 2024 , 4:26 pm

    Great question! Our in-house physical therapist, Dr. Emma Gasinki, actually does not suggest using a trampoline / rebounder to improve bone mineral density for anyone diagnosed with bone loss. The risks of falls and injury outweigh the benefits, and the research does not show positive results. There are many other exercises that can be done and as long as you get on a consistent progressive strengthening as well as continually work on your nutrition, you will slowly see improvements in your bone health.

    When it comes to supporting your bone health, there are two types of exercise in particular that stand above the rest: weight-bearing and muscle strengthening. You can find more exercise programs on our blog HERE. A friendly note to always discuss with a healthcare professional before adding any new exercises to your routine, to err on the side of caution :). I hope this helps!

    – Yoori

  992. Sherry Miller

    May 2, 2024 , 10:44 am

    Good information

  993. Kelley Turnage

    May 2, 2024 , 10:54 am

    Looks to be very helpful in conjunction with my exercise routine.

  994. Sabine

    May 2, 2024 , 11:43 am

    Thank you for this information.

  995. Dawn

    May 2, 2024 , 2:23 pm

    I can’t thank you enough for providing this wonderful information!!!

  996. Susan Weis

    May 2, 2024 , 5:06 pm

    Great info for improving bone strength and density!

  997. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 7:43 am

    We appreciate your feedback, Susan! 🙂

  998. Josette S Furuya

    May 2, 2024 , 5:28 pm

    Interesting article… Thank you for posting the 12 yoga poses with the adaptations!

  999. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 7:44 am

    We’re happy you’ve found this information helpful, Josette!
    – Sam

  1000. Catgirl0

    May 2, 2024 , 5:55 pm

    I would love to try yoga

  1001. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 7:49 am

    We hope this guide will be useful to you!
    – Sam

  1002. Candace

    May 2, 2024 , 7:46 pm

    A great artcle. Yoga has gentle, low-impact movements that are ideal for those with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

  1003. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 7:49 am

    Thank you for sharing, Candace! 🙂
    – Sam

  1004. Candace

    May 2, 2024 , 7:52 pm

    Thank you for posting a very informative article. Yoga has gentle, low-impact movements and yoga is ideal for those with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

  1005. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 8:36 am

    Our pleasure, Candace! We’re glad you’ve found it helpful. 🙂
    – Sam

  1006. Denise Kadrmas

    May 2, 2024 , 8:36 pm

    Thank you very informative

  1007. Janis Strawbridge

    May 2, 2024 , 9:06 pm

    I always thought yoga was too easy , too slow … but, knowing the why and how to do the exercises properly makes a difference . Thank you Janis Strawbridge

  1008. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 8:36 am

    You got that right, Janis!
    – Sam

  1009. Judy Y

    May 3, 2024 , 2:36 am

    I’ve been doing these poses and enjoy them. I can’t say yet if they help my bones but they make me feel better.

  1010. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 8:35 am

    Feeling a positive difference physically is always a great step forward, Judy, so this is great to hear. 🙂
    – Sam

  1011. Karen

    May 3, 2024 , 4:08 am

    Very interesting.

  1012. Judy

    May 3, 2024 , 4:29 am

    Since I have osteoporosis, I never considered yoga as an exercise option, but after reading and watching this blog I am definitely going to incorporate yoga into my routine.
    Thanks for the PDF too!

  1013. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 7:52 am

    We’re happy to hear this, Judy! We’re glad you’ve found this article helpful. 🙂
    – Sam

  1014. TS

    May 3, 2024 , 5:02 am

    Interesting, new info for me!

  1015. Carole

    May 3, 2024 , 5:46 am

    I like yoga and am glad to see there are poses adapted to osteopenia/osteoporosis. I’m going to try them. Thank you for the PDF.

  1016. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 7:53 am

    We’re glad you find our PDF resourceful, Carole. 🙂

  1017. LS

    May 3, 2024 , 5:54 am

    so helpful for getting started with yoga.

  1018. Sheri Cassidy

    May 3, 2024 , 5:56 am

    This article will be very useful to me, during my journey of regaining boneloss with AlgaeCal.

  1019. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 7:55 am

    We’re so happy to hear this, Sheri! 🙂
    – Sam

  1020. Roxanne

    May 3, 2024 , 6:22 am

    great information

  1021. Sydney Andrews

    May 3, 2024 , 6:23 am

    I will stretch more but not participate in Yoga due to it’s origins. Not compromising my faith & values for that practice.

  1022. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 8:20 am

    Thank you for sharing, Sydney!
    – Sam

  1023. charlain

    May 3, 2024 , 6:33 am

    The 12 poses in Dr. Fishman’s regimen are accessible for me to practice at home and not in the gym. Therefore I will use it more frequently like brushing my teeth .every day, create a habit. I want to cultivate peace, strength, and helping my bones

  1024. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 8:20 am

    We’re so happy that you’ve found these poses helpful, Charlain! 🙂
    – Sam

  1025. Polly Fricke

    May 3, 2024 , 6:40 am

    I practice yoga and look forward to adding these options to my practice.

  1026. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 8:38 am

    We’re delighted to hear that you will be incorporating these poses, Polly! 🙂
    – Sam

  1027. DAS

    May 3, 2024 , 6:51 am

    I really loved the video. Tried these poses and was surprised how good it felt afterwards!

  1028. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 8:07 am

    Wow, we’re delighted to hear this! Keep up the great work. 🙂
    – Sam

  1029. Vicki Siefke

    May 3, 2024 , 6:55 am

    All helpful!

  1030. Anne Heyrman

    May 3, 2024 , 7:00 am

    thanks for the yoga poses specific to assist with bone density. I love yoga so it isn’t difficult to add these to the routine

  1031. Janalee Wakefield

    May 3, 2024 , 7:00 am

    I have done yoga for most of my life. It is the best form of exercise for one’s body, in my opinion, but I also enjoy a variety of exercise. It is always good to review poses, espicially being 66 years old.

  1032. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 8:08 am

    Thank you for sharing, Janalee! Yoga is truly healing.
    – Sam

  1033. Jeananne Moloney

    May 3, 2024 , 7:07 am

    Is restorative yoga also good?

  1034. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 8:12 am

    Absolutely, Jeananne! Restorative yoga is a great way for nurturing your body and mind. 🙂
    – Sam

  1035. Kimberly A Morales

    May 3, 2024 , 7:07 am

    Very grateful for these exxercises

  1036. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 8:12 am

    We’re happy to hear this, Kimberly!
    – Sam

  1037. Nancy Watson

    May 3, 2024 , 7:15 am

    Good info!

  1038. Robin

    May 3, 2024 , 7:22 am

    Thank you, will add this too my regiment.

  1039. Anne Lisenbee

    May 3, 2024 , 7:25 am

    I’m at the doctor today… time to ask about exercise

  1040. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 8:18 am

    This is a great idea so that they can help determine the most suitable exercises for your bone health!
    – Sam

  1041. Edna Rodriguez

    May 3, 2024 , 7:52 am

    This is incredible! I have been practicing yoga for years, but thought it was more for stretching and relaxation. I never knew it could have an impact on bone health.Thank you for the education and guidance.

  1042. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 8:16 am

    We’re so happy to hear that you’ve found this information resourceful, Edna! 🙂
    – Sam

  1043. Carolyn Derby

    May 3, 2024 , 8:15 am

    Great articles

  1044. suzanne K

    May 3, 2024 , 8:44 am

    Love the exercise, great reminder of how yoga helps our bones not just mind but body.

  1045. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 10:29 am

    Absolutely, Suzanne! 🙂
    – Sam

  1046. gloria patterson

    May 3, 2024 , 9:07 am

    These look very interesting but I don’t think they is ever a chance that I could be that flexible.

  1047. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 5:55 pm

    Not to worry, Gloria! There’s variations for everyone! 🙂
    – Megan

  1048. Wendy Ratcliffe

    May 3, 2024 , 9:13 am

    Off to do my yoga. Thank you AlgaeCal.

  1049. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 11:23 am

    Our absolute pleasure, Wendy! 🙂
    – Sam

  1050. Sharon Brenton

    May 3, 2024 , 9:25 am

    This is wonderful!

  1051. Jodie Sakima

    May 3, 2024 , 9:30 am

    Exercise is good. This body is the only place I have to live 🙂

  1052. Kathleen Caron

    May 3, 2024 , 9:38 am

    The workouts look inviting, I will give them a try!

  1053. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 11:23 am

    Enjoy, Kathleen! 🙂
    – Sam

  1054. Meg

    May 3, 2024 , 9:39 am

    I’ve been doing yoga off an on for years. I’m happy to see a focus on using yoga to improve bone health.

  1055. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 5:24 pm

    That’s great to hear, Meg! Thanks for taking the time to comment! 🙂
    – Megan

  1056. Toffee Real

    May 3, 2024 , 9:41 am

    Yoga, Pilates and Tap for me!

  1057. Suzy

    May 3, 2024 , 9:56 am

    Thank you so much for all the information on how to improve my bones and overall health

  1058. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 11:24 am

    The pleasure is ours, Suzy. 🙂
    – Sam

  1059. Maggie

    May 3, 2024 , 10:06 am

    Thank you for these instructions. I’ve been practicing for 15 years. and find great relief of pain through yoga.

  1060. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 11:44 am

    Thank you for sharing, Maggie! This is incredible, keep up the great work. 🙂
    – Sam

  1061. Tina

    May 3, 2024 , 10:09 am

    These poses have been so helpful! Yoga works best for me and I am happy to find a routine specifically for osteoporosis.

  1062. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 11:50 am

    We’re so glad to hear that you’ve found these exercises resourceful, Tina. 🙂
    – Sam

  1063. Patti Gute

    May 3, 2024 , 10:39 am

    Wow! Great info. Read through but will go back to see the videos. I have osteoporosis but will give yoga a try. Thank you!

  1064. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 11:51 am

    Our pleasure, Patti! All the best with doing Yoga. 🙂
    – Sam

  1065. Lynn

    May 3, 2024 , 10:42 am

    I’m happy to learn how yoga improves bone density and the pdf with the 12 poses include will be very helpful to practice those. I’ve done yoga over many years, so these are not new to me but I will practice them to help with my newly diagnosed osteoporosis.

  1066. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 11:51 am

    We’re so glad this will be resourceful for you, Lynn! Please let us know if you have any questions. 🙂
    – Sam

  1067. Josie A

    May 3, 2024 , 10:48 am

    This is such helpful info about exercising!

  1068. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 11:52 am

    Thank you for your feedback, Josie! 🙂
    – Sam

  1069. Diane Stallings

    May 3, 2024 , 10:50 am

    When my back and knee issues are figured out, I would like to do this yoga for string bones.

  1070. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 11:53 am

    Wishing you a speedy recovery, Diane! We hope these yoga poses will be beneficial for you in the future. 🙂
    – Sam

  1071. Lauretta Agolli

    May 3, 2024 , 11:00 am

    This is wonderful. Thank you so very much. I’m a 73-year-old woman with osteoporosis and was wondering how often these exercises should be done to maximize the benefits.

  1072. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 11:54 am

    We’re delighted to hear that you’ve found this information helpful, Lauretta! Please let us know if you have any questions. 🙂
    – Sam

  1073. Cathie Traill

    May 3, 2024 , 11:01 am

    Thank you for the excellent resource.

  1074. Bonnie Barker

    May 3, 2024 , 11:17 am

    This is all so new to me–but very helpful in getting started.

  1075. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 11:52 am

    Please let us know if you have any questions along the way, Bonnie! 🙂
    – Sam

  1076. patricia snyder

    May 3, 2024 , 11:17 am

    Yes I do Yoga every week for many years

  1077. patricia snyder key

    May 3, 2024 , 11:19 am

    I do yoga weekly & love it!

  1078. suzanne K

    May 3, 2024 , 11:22 am

    I love the printable version….thank you for making it so easy.

  1079. Suzi

    May 3, 2024 , 11:24 am

    This is great! I’ve been wanting to incorporate Yoga into my routine. This is going to motivate me. I so appreciate the videos to make sure my form is correct and the print out. I can’t wait to start!

  1080. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 5:27 pm

    It’s wonderful to hear that this post motivated you, Suzi!
    – Megan

  1081. Roberta Johnson

    May 3, 2024 , 11:31 am

    I enjoy these yoga videos and feel they have improved my flexibility and balance. Hopefully my next DEXA will also show that they, along with AlgaeCal and dietary changes, have improved my bones!

  1082. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 6:01 pm

    We’re so happy you enjoyed these yoga videos, Roberta!
    – Megan

  1083. Robin Wickes Foster

    May 3, 2024 , 11:37 am

    Thanks for this!

  1084. Kris Johannes

    May 3, 2024 , 11:44 am

    I’ve tried yoga in the past, but my arthritis causes a lot of stiffness such that the exercises are too painful to still maintain basic daily function. Perhaps if I further modify the poses for osteoporosis to help decrease the twisting motions.

  1085. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 4:04 pm

    Of course, Kris! Modifying yoga poses to accommodate your arthritis and bone loss is a great idea. Gentle, modified yoga can still provide many benefits for flexibility, strength, and relaxation without exacerbating pain or discomfort. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider or a qualified yoga instructor who has experience working with individuals with arthritis and osteoporosis. They can provide personalized guidance and recommendations tailored to your specific needs and limitations :).
    – Yoori

  1086. D Pepper

    May 3, 2024 , 11:52 am

    I look forward to trying these poses. Printing the 12 poses is a subtle reminder each day to perform these yoga poses. You have introduced new incite to yoga to treat osteoporosis Thank You!

  1087. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 6:03 pm

    Thanks for sharing this helpful trick, D! We’re so happy to hear you found this post helpful!
    – Megan

  1088. Violetta Marens

    May 3, 2024 , 11:53 am

    Just started my third month of taking AlgaeCal. Started after a very difficult Pilon fracture to my right ankle. I’m really looking forward to improving my bones and strongly believe that the joga exercises will help in strengthening my bones and improve my movements while recovering from the fracture.

  1089. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 4:06 pm

    We are sorry to hear of your fracture, Violetta, but it’s great that you started on your bone-health journey with us! If you have any questions along the way, please feel free to give us a call at 1-800-820-0184 (US & Canada Toll-free) or email [email protected]. We are happy to help!
    – Yoori

  1090. Robin Sherlock

    May 3, 2024 , 11:55 am

    So much wonderful information on keeping our bones strong.

  1091. David Johnston

    May 3, 2024 , 11:56 am

    Thanks for this post.

  1092. Julienne Compagner

    May 3, 2024 , 11:57 am

    Great article

  1093. Anita S

    May 3, 2024 , 12:19 pm

    So helpful to single out specific poses for osteoporosis!

  1094. Julie Dowling Grojean

    May 3, 2024 , 12:26 pm

    Love these exercises! I do them several times per week.

  1095. Mary Davis

    May 3, 2024 , 12:45 pm

    Yes! I have been doing these exact poses for 30 years every day.

  1096. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 1:09 pm

    We’re so glad to hear this, Mary! 🙂
    – Shelby

  1097. Susan

    May 3, 2024 , 12:46 pm

    Lots of valuable information here. Inspires me to look for a live class.

  1098. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 1:10 pm

    So happy to have inspired you, Susan! 🙂
    – Shelby

  1099. Patricia Lano Wenzel

    May 3, 2024 , 12:47 pm

    Thank you for the opportunity to read about these stretches to help build strong bones.

  1100. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 1:11 pm

    It was our pleasure, Patricia!
    – Shelby

  1101. Mary Jo Heher

    May 3, 2024 , 12:48 pm

    This was very informative and helpful and gives a nice of poses as well.

  1102. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 1:12 pm

    We hope you enjoy the poses, Mary Jo!
    – Shelby

  1103. Jackie G.

    May 3, 2024 , 1:00 pm

    Thanks for the information. Looking forward to adding this to my workout.

  1104. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 3, 2024 , 1:34 pm

    It’s our pleasure, Jackie! Wishing you all the best with your workouts. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1105. Carole Warner

    May 3, 2024 , 1:18 pm

    This looks like an excellent exercise program! I’m glad I found it. Will start today.

  1106. Diane Januszkiewicz

    May 3, 2024 , 1:29 pm

    Yoga, done correctly, is astounding, and done incorrectly is a recipe for injury. This approach is perfect and I will be using it!

  1107. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:05 pm

    Absolutely, Diane. The most important thing is to find the one that is safe and works best for YOU! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1108. Sharon Snowdy

    May 3, 2024 , 1:29 pm

    I do a yoga class at my gym once a week. I have a feet up yoga chair to do inverted poses with no strain on my neck.

  1109. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:06 pm

    Great to hear you attend yoga classes, Sharon! Keep up the great work! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1110. Starr Harrison

    May 3, 2024 , 1:32 pm

    Interesting read and thank you for the yoga posses!

  1111. Donna DeMent

    May 3, 2024 , 1:33 pm

    Thank you for this excellent information. And please thank Dr. Fishman for his studies and the program he devised from them.

  1112. Cindy Westby

    May 3, 2024 , 1:34 pm

    I’ve been doing yoga for many years and I’m so glad to see this article specific to yoga and osteoporosis.

  1113. terry jackson

    May 3, 2024 , 1:35 pm

    great article

  1114. De Marco Concetta

    May 3, 2024 , 1:36 pm

    I’ll try for sure. All the moves look very safe!

  1115. Bonita Burnett

    May 3, 2024 , 1:42 pm

    I have been doing yoga for many years. Love it.

  1116. Janet Broeker

    May 3, 2024 , 2:06 pm

    All of these articles are very informative and helpful!

  1117. Maria Kurt

    May 3, 2024 , 2:09 pm

    I can’t wait to start practicing yoga!

  1118. Karen

    May 3, 2024 , 2:11 pm

    Thank you for this very helpful article. I knew yoga was great for my bones and this all validates and encourages me even more!

  1119. Naomi J Greenfield

    May 3, 2024 , 2:13 pm

    Yoga is great. i’ve been doing it for 50 years.

  1120. Karin

    May 3, 2024 , 2:27 pm

    Thank you for the thorough guide with modifications based on your bone density status.

  1121. Susan horovitz

    May 3, 2024 , 2:37 pm

    very informative i have never thought about youga for bines before

  1122. Maddie Rockman

    May 3, 2024 , 2:52 pm

    Unfortunately yoga is not for me. Would appreciate other exercises that are not yoga.

  1123. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 5:35 pm

    Not to worry, Maddie! Feel free to check out our Exercise Blog for some alternative exercises to support your bone health!
    – Megan

  1124. Tina

    May 3, 2024 , 2:55 pm

    These resources are so appreciated! Thank you for giving us so many ways we can improve our bone health!

  1125. Kim

    May 3, 2024 , 2:55 pm

    Started practicing yoga but had no idea how truly beneficial it is for so many reasons.

  1126. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:32 pm

    That’s fantastic to hear! Yoga is indeed a versatile practice with numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits :).
    – Yoori

  1127. Lisa C

    May 3, 2024 , 3:09 pm

    I love that all the yoga poses can be done no matter what is happening with your bones. They can all be modified to suit your particular condition.

  1128. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:36 pm

    Absolutely! The key is to modify based on your own bone health, and find one that is best for YOU!
    – Yoori

  1129. Emily Herrick

    May 3, 2024 , 3:13 pm

    As a long-time yoga practitioner and teacher for 9 years, I strongly encourage everyone to do even a few minutes a day of yoga. It all makes a difference over time. Dr. Fishman’s expertise on yoga for osteoporosis is so appreciated.

  1130. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:38 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Emily! 🙂 This is great to hear from a long-time yoga practitioner and teacher!
    – Yoori

  1131. Pam Lind

    May 3, 2024 , 3:15 pm

    I enjoy doing the yoga as I can, we do not have WiFi where we live so streaming is sometimes difficult.

  1132. Cheryl Peterson

    May 3, 2024 , 3:15 pm

    Thank you!

  1133. Kathleen Rising

    May 3, 2024 , 3:23 pm

    Thank you for all the information on yoga

  1134. Alissa French

    May 3, 2024 , 3:35 pm

    I love yoga and need it for my bone strength

  1135. Marti Burton

    May 3, 2024 , 3:40 pm

    I am excited to get started on doing yoga. Lots of benefits to staying active and exercising.

  1136. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 5:39 pm

    There certainly are many benefits to staying active, Marti! Thanks for taking the time to comment!
    – Megan

  1137. Lori Otto

    May 3, 2024 , 3:41 pm

    I never knew that Yoga was so good for your bones! I learned that yoga engages all of your muscles and bones throughout your entire body, strengthening them. It also releases an anti-inflammatory, which is good because inflammation causes bone loss.

  1138. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 5:38 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Lori! We’re so happy you found this information helpful! 🙂
    – Megan

  1139. Terri Pasek

    May 3, 2024 , 3:43 pm

    this is great information! thank you! I’ve had osteopenia since my forties and just started the bone builder pack. looking to add yoga to my daily life.

  1140. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:41 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Terri, and we are so happy you started on your bone-health journey with us! 🙂 Please never hesitate to reach out if you have any questions along the way!
    – Yoori

  1141. Elaine Zlotnick

    May 3, 2024 , 3:44 pm

    I will start these excersizes immediately

  1142. Rebecca Goodrow

    May 3, 2024 , 3:44 pm

    I used to do Yoga but have not done it in several years. I didn’t know about Yoga releasing a powerful anti-inflammatory, or that holding the poses increases bone strength. This has given me the incentive to return to my Yoga practice.

  1143. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:41 pm

    We are so happy to hear this, Rebecca! Thank you for sharing 🙂
    – Yoori

  1144. Elaine Zlotnick

    May 3, 2024 , 3:46 pm

    I will incorporate these excersizes to my routine thank you

  1145. Elaine Zlotnick

    May 3, 2024 , 3:47 pm

    i look forward to trying these new poses

  1146. Karen Grisell

    May 3, 2024 , 3:51 pm

    Looks like a great practice to do..

  1147. Joni

    May 3, 2024 , 3:56 pm

    This is such wonderful information. I have osteopenia and always wondered if my daily yoga practice was of benefit to my bones.

  1148. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 5:41 pm

    It’s great to hear that yoga is already a part of your daily practice, Joni!
    – Megan

  1149. Pat S

    May 3, 2024 , 4:07 pm

    Yoga is great!

  1150. Therese Keane

    May 3, 2024 , 4:12 pm

    Thank you for the good information on how Yoga can be used to help build bone density.

  1151. Michelle

    May 3, 2024 , 4:42 pm

    So glad yoga can help!

  1152. cindy Heckroth

    May 3, 2024 , 4:43 pm

    I’ll have to look into this

  1153. Anne

    May 3, 2024 , 4:45 pm

    very helpful as I have done yoga for years but appreciate advice to make it more helpful to make is safer for osteoporosis.

  1154. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 6:08 pm

    It is great to hear that yoga has already been a part of your exercise regime, Anne! We’re glad you found this post helpful! 🙂
    – Megan

  1155. Carrie

    May 3, 2024 , 4:45 pm

    This is great. Thanks for identifying the YOGA the specifically targets Osteoporosis.

  1156. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 5:42 pm

    We’re so glad you found this helpful, Carrie!
    – Megan

  1157. Tawny

    May 3, 2024 , 4:59 pm

    Yoga is like magic

  1158. Dawna

    May 3, 2024 , 5:15 pm

    I have never tried yoga but this gives an interesting argument for trying it! 🙂

  1159. Dawna

    May 3, 2024 , 5:16 pm

    I have never tried yoga but this gives an interesting argument for trying it!

    I will definitely watch those videos and give it a go 🙂

  1160. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 6:09 pm

    Great to hear, Dawna! We hope you enjoy! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1161. Carolyn Bradford

    May 3, 2024 , 5:24 pm

    Love Yoga! I practice it 4days a week and can tell a big difference in my body%!

  1162. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 6:09 pm

    This is wonderful to hear, Carolyn!
    – Megan

  1163. Nancy

    May 3, 2024 , 5:25 pm

    I want to try yoga

  1164. Donna Wobbleton

    May 3, 2024 , 5:32 pm

    Wow thank you so much for this information on yoga. I’m excited to start it!

  1165. Carol Metanczuk

    May 3, 2024 , 5:42 pm

    Thank you. These are super helpful .

  1166. Paula Flynn

    May 3, 2024 , 5:45 pm

    Great article! I’ve been taking yoga classes for a few years now and all of the 12 poses are ones we do frequently. Appreciate that the variations of the poses are clearly shown for all ability levels.

  1167. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 5:44 pm

    It’s great to hear that yoga has been a part of your exercise regime for a few years now, Paula! Thanks for taking the time to comment!
    – Megan

  1168. Betsy Baker

    May 3, 2024 , 5:47 pm

    I add my encouragement to anyone who has not tried yoga yet. After more than a decade of regular practice, I am healthier, more flexible, and stronger because of all that yoga does for me: mentally, physically, and spiritually.

  1169. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 5:44 pm

    Thank you for sharing your encouraging experience, Betsy!
    – Megan

  1170. Lynn

    May 3, 2024 , 5:58 pm

    I do some Yoga now & will check out these poses. Thank you for helping us.

  1171. JoDeine

    May 3, 2024 , 6:00 pm

    Love the PDF of the 12 Yoga poses

  1172. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 5:45 pm

    This is great to hear, JoDeine!
    – Megan

  1173. Peggy Donahue

    May 3, 2024 , 6:01 pm

    As a yoga instructor for almost 20 years, I can attest to the validity of the information in this article! Just last Saturday I taught aYOGA FOR BONE HEALTH session!

  1174. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 5:45 pm

    That is great to hear, Peggy! Thank you so much for sharing!
    – Megan

  1175. Debbie Belmessieri

    May 3, 2024 , 6:09 pm

    I appreciate the videos showing the optimum yoga poses for osteoporosis. I will start this regimen!

  1176. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 6:12 pm

    It’s always our pleasure! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1177. Scannura Marianne

    May 3, 2024 , 6:15 pm

    I love doing yoga!

  1178. Scannura Marianne

    May 3, 2024 , 6:21 pm

    Great exercises!


    May 3, 2024 , 6:22 pm

    Thanks for sharing. It’s good to know these yoga exercises that are good for osteoarthritis.

  1180. Scannura Marianne

    May 3, 2024 , 6:23 pm

    Yoga is a great exercise for life!

  1181. Julia Gwinn

    May 3, 2024 , 6:34 pm

    Adding this to my exercise folder . . . as I am recovering from double knee surgeries and happily I am getting stronger. LOVE LOVE the AlgaeCal products as well–as they have reversed my osteopenia!

  1182. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 5:46 pm

    Wishing you a speedy recovery, Julia! 🙂
    – Megan

  1183. Lorena Pugh

    May 3, 2024 , 6:36 pm

    I actually do these, a friend is a yoga teacher and studied under Dr Fisher. She came over and gave me these to do each day, I just need to make the time to do them.

  1184. Mary Ellen Cota

    May 3, 2024 , 6:52 pm

    Yoga is something I always mean to do, and I don’t stick with it long enough. I really like this site and will certainly try harder to form the good habit and stick with it. I have faith that AlgaeCal gives us great and effective information and products. I’m really glad I use AlgaeCal supplements. I know my scans are better.

  1185. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 6:29 pm

    We truly appreciate your lovely feedback, Mary, and are happy to be part of your bone health journey :). If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help!
    – Yoori

  1186. Joanne Elford

    May 3, 2024 , 6:58 pm

    This is great! I’m going to send this link to my mom.

  1187. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 6:24 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Joanne!
    – Yoori

  1188. Dorothy Verrengia

    May 3, 2024 , 7:04 pm

    I do Yoga 3 days a week..My main reason for doing Yoga was to balance my body well to avoid falls which can break bones..Had no idea it can actually help bone density!!

  1189. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 6:32 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Dorothy! Glad that you already do Yoga 3 days a week!
    – Yoori

  1190. Dawn Hensley

    May 3, 2024 , 7:16 pm

    I fractured a vertebrae and am excited to try this yoga.

  1191. Pat

    May 3, 2024 , 7:20 pm

    Good info!

  1192. Christine Chronis

    May 3, 2024 , 7:29 pm

    will definitely try these

  1193. Kim Henry

    May 3, 2024 , 7:31 pm

    Great YouTubes. Thank you, I am going to start a daily practice of yoga, starting tomorrow morning.

  1194. Felicia

    May 3, 2024 , 7:31 pm

    I really enjoyed the video on Yoga and joints, very informative.

  1195. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 6:25 pm

    We’re so glad you found it informative, Felicia!
    – Yoori

  1196. Pamela Hawkins

    May 3, 2024 , 7:41 pm

    I learned something new, didn’t know yoga is anti inflammatory so helps grow strong bones!

  1197. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 6:16 pm

    It’s great to hear that you learned something new from this article, Pamela! Thanks for taking the time to comment! 🙂
    – Megan

  1198. Don Burnet

    May 3, 2024 , 7:45 pm

    Yoga is a great form of exercise because not only does it increase flexibility, but it improves strength, which is especially important for those of us in the over 50 years old group.

  1199. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 6:35 pm

    Right on, Don! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1200. Sylvia Mary Grech

    May 3, 2024 , 8:07 pm

    Love the yoga videos. I started doing some stretches on my own now.

  1201. Pamela Lyndaker

    May 3, 2024 , 8:09 pm

    I really enjoy incorporating yoga in my exercise routine. In this article I learned new poses which I am excited to try!

  1202. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 6:36 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Pamela! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1203. JChi

    May 3, 2024 , 8:14 pm

    Thank you for all of this info! It is definitely helpful to me and I’m sure others!!

  1204. Marolynne Lapp

    May 3, 2024 , 8:17 pm

    This is so very helpful, I will be starting these yoga exercises and doing them daily to help fight my osteoporosis.. Thank You so much

  1205. Lori

    May 3, 2024 , 8:22 pm

    Interesting and very clear instruction. Worth a try!

  1206. Terry J Walker

    May 3, 2024 , 8:22 pm

    This is wonderful we are going to start the yoga sequence tomorrow! THanks.

  1207. Beth

    May 3, 2024 , 8:27 pm

    I need to try some of these. I did Yoga during Covid, but had to stop due to BPPV (dizziness).

  1208. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 6:37 pm

    Remember to listen to your body and prioritize your safety and comfort while exploring different practices and activities, Beth!
    – Yoori

  1209. Mary Louise Martin

    May 3, 2024 , 8:31 pm

    Yoga is great for building bone. I love Dr Fishmans 12 yoga poses that can be done daily and does not take up much of your time. I feel more flexible and better mobility.

  1210. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 6:39 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Mary! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1211. Cyndee Nelson

    May 3, 2024 , 8:38 pm


  1212. Christine Butler

    May 3, 2024 , 8:47 pm

    I do all of these stretches/poses in my pilates practice without the flexion is key. thank you for clarifying the importance of pilates/yoga

  1213. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 6:23 pm

    That’s great news, Christine! It is wonderful to hear that these poses are already a part of your routine! 🙂
    – Megan

  1214. Mary McK

    May 3, 2024 , 8:48 pm

    Wow! A lot of good information. Thanks for sharing about these yoga poses. Now to apply them. I’m so grateful that I learned about Algae Cal.

  1215. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 6:57 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Mary!
    – Yoori

  1216. Marie McGuite

    May 3, 2024 , 8:53 pm

    Outstanding amount of information and resources

  1217. Carol M

    May 3, 2024 , 8:55 pm

    These are wonderful videos. So glad you’ve posted them.

  1218. Loraine Ahearn

    May 3, 2024 , 9:03 pm

    I have tried these yoga poses. Some are a little difficult at 81 years old..

  1219. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 6:58 pm

    We truly appreciate your feedback, Loraine! Please note that it’s essential to listen to your body and avoid any movements or activities that cause pain or discomfort.
    – Yoori

  1220. Jane Zaun

    May 3, 2024 , 9:19 pm

    Yoga can address both prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

  1221. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 6:58 pm

    We agree, Jane! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1222. Rose

    May 3, 2024 , 9:24 pm

    thank you for the videos. I feel better doing yoga the safe way for osteoporosis. I feel great after the exercises.

  1223. Renee Ciocca

    May 3, 2024 , 9:26 pm

    I fell in love with yoga 30 years ago. We aged my practice had changed. Can’t do all that I did when younger. But I believe Yoga for life . Thank you for all this great free information
    Namaste 🙏

  1224. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 6:59 pm

    Namaste, Renee! Keep up the great work! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1225. Barbara Gleason

    May 3, 2024 , 9:28 pm

    Printing these poses as ones to experiment with!

  1226. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 6:59 pm

    Way to go, Barbara!
    – Yoori

  1227. Christine Carlson

    May 3, 2024 , 9:29 pm

    Thank you for differentiating the poses!

  1228. Debra Criswell

    May 3, 2024 , 9:38 pm

    Yoga is an easy exercise to be able to do at home along with the videos.

  1229. Frances Anne Brown

    May 3, 2024 , 9:45 pm

    thank you for clear, simple & and understandable explanations for the positions. I also appreciate that these articles address different conditions such as osteopenia and osteoporosis.

  1230. Susan Louck

    May 3, 2024 , 9:51 pm

    great information for those of us with osteoporosis

  1231. angela

    May 3, 2024 , 9:55 pm

    I am not into yoga much but I think I can give these a try. Thanks for posting.

  1232. Mark

    May 3, 2024 , 10:05 pm

    Once again a great job with a lot of great information.

  1233. Mary L. Tryon

    May 3, 2024 , 10:10 pm

    This is a wonderful program to augment my AlgaeCal regimen! Just what I need right now. The videos are great. Thank you🙂

  1234. Adriana

    May 3, 2024 , 10:18 pm

    I will incorporate these into my existing stretching and exercise routine. Very helpful and easy to follow. Thank you!

  1235. Haydee

    May 3, 2024 , 11:47 pm

    Thank you, I really need to start doing this exercises, my body is losing a lot of muscle strength and I’m a cancer survivor.

  1236. Liz

    May 3, 2024 , 11:51 pm


  1237. June Knight

    May 4, 2024 , 1:06 am

    Great information!

  1238. Jacqueline Smith

    May 4, 2024 , 1:46 am

    Such a detailed page on the benefits of yoga for osteoporosis. I can’t wait to try the exercises through the videos.

  1239. Pam Bianucci

    May 4, 2024 , 2:02 am

    I like that you can choose to do “chair yoga” if you have limitations regarding “floor work”

  1240. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 7:10 pm

    We appreciate your feedback, Pam! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1241. Sheila

    May 4, 2024 , 2:06 am

    I’ve been looking for information on what poses (and how to do them safely for osteoperosis) I could do; this has been very helpful.

  1242. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 7:11 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Sheila!
    – Yoori

  1243. Shaw Judy

    May 4, 2024 , 2:15 am

    Never have done yoga, so this is good information to start

  1244. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 7:11 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Shaw!
    – Yoori

  1245. Shaw Judy

    May 4, 2024 , 2:17 am

    Having never done yoga, this is a good source of information

  1246. Shaw Judy

    May 4, 2024 , 2:20 am

    Good information. Haven’t done yoga

  1247. Mary Jenck

    May 4, 2024 , 2:47 am

    After reading this info I’m definitely going to start yoga. I’ve done a little bit of it before but I need to strengthen myself good info thank you.

  1248. Judith Herrick

    May 4, 2024 , 2:48 am

    I would love to have that kind of flexibility, but my body won’t move in those posit

  1249. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 8:07 pm

    No worries, Judith. It’s always important to listen to your body, and find a workout that is best for YOU. Our blog HERE is an absolute treasure chest of bone-health exercises that you can do. Please consult a healthcare professional before adding in any new exercises to your routine to err on the side of caution. I hope this helps :).
    – Yoori

  1250. SuzyM

    May 4, 2024 , 2:49 am

    I wish there were more Yoga Teachers that were trained to have classes specific to Bone Health and these 12 Poses. There also needs to be more Health Care Professionals that specifically focus on Bone Health and Osteopenia/Osteoporosis. I haven’t found any near me, but if I did I would be seeking them out. It is one of many missing links in our healthcare system. Thank you for being part and sharing your knowledge.

  1251. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 8:08 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Suzy. While we are not medical professionals, if there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  1252. Chris Silvia

    May 4, 2024 , 3:27 am

    Thank you!this was helpful!

  1253. Danita Nellhaus

    May 4, 2024 , 3:45 am

    I attended a yoga for osteopenia and osteoporosis last year and am really trying to modify some of my favorite poses- Yoga is an almost daily routine for me!

  1254. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 7:27 pm

    That’s great, Danita! Thank you for sharing :).
    – Yoori

  1255. Katrina

    May 4, 2024 , 3:49 am

    Thank you! The more tools at our disposal the better!!

  1256. Victoria

    May 4, 2024 , 3:54 am

    Just got back into Yoga. Glad to learn it was the right choice. good and informative article.

  1257. Gail

    May 4, 2024 , 4:15 am

    what a great resource! Thanks, Algeacal!

  1258. Ingrid

    May 4, 2024 , 4:31 am

    Love your videos and the useful information

  1259. Elaine Tipton

    May 4, 2024 , 4:40 am

    I’ve been doing yoga for at least 15 years. I Know it helps! I’m 72 & know I can do things a lot of people 20 years younger can’t. I’ve hiked the Grand Canyon 5 times!

  1260. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 7:23 pm

    That’s great, Elaine! Keep up the great work, and stay strong! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1261. Maureen

    May 4, 2024 , 4:42 am

    Thank you for this valuable resource!

  1262. Patti Wicks

    May 4, 2024 , 4:43 am

    Excellent and thorough article

  1263. Rae Carter

    May 4, 2024 , 4:58 am


  1264. MaryAnn

    May 4, 2024 , 5:13 am

    Yoga is such a gentle exercise! Thank you for the research you have done! I will add it to my exercise routine!

  1265. Juliann Stedwill

    May 4, 2024 , 5:15 am

    Thank you for the video exercises to help me maintain bone health. These are terrific and much appreciated.

  1266. Yvonne

    May 4, 2024 , 5:20 am

    I have followed Dr Fishmans work in osteoporosis and scoliosis for years during my yoga teacher training and it’s great to see his wisdom posted here

  1267. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 4:31 pm

    Thank you for taking the time to share, Yvonne! It’s so neat to hear that you follow Dr. Fishman’s work. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1268. Patricia Prevet

    May 4, 2024 , 5:27 am

    Love yoga and practice regularly to support and strengthen my bones.

  1269. Deirdrea Garcia

    May 4, 2024 , 5:33 am

    I have been practicing yoga for many years but had an instructor that taught optional poses for osteoporosis.

  1270. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 4:30 pm

    Thank you so much for commenting, Deirdrea! It’s wonderful to hear that you’ve been practicing yoga for years already. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1271. Robert J Knox

    May 4, 2024 , 5:47 am

    There is so much here! Looking forward to my next yoga class.

  1272. Kristin Hill

    May 4, 2024 , 5:48 am

    This looks really interesting. I’m always open to new options for increasing my bone strength; thanks for sharing this information!

  1273. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 4:25 pm

    It was our pleasure, Kristin! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1274. Chris

    May 4, 2024 , 6:06 am

    Very helpful information. I look forward to practicing with what I’ve learned.

  1275. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 4:24 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Chris! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1276. Maura

    May 4, 2024 , 6:14 am

    I have used several of these poses for a year now I will add the addiotnal ones to my regime. The videos were quite helpful.


  1277. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 4:23 pm

    We’re so glad you found this article helpful, Maura, and hope you enjoy!
    – Shelby

  1278. Chris Reed

    May 4, 2024 , 6:26 am

    I can’t wait to start practicing the 12 poses. Thank you

  1279. Glennis Hogan

    May 4, 2024 , 6:38 am

    I know people that do yoga but at my age and the issues I have with knees, neck and shoulder I find it prohibited. I have one knee replacement and going to have the other one this late summer. An abundance of pain for years with the knees. So much better now. Neck injury and shoulder also keeps me careful in activities.

  1280. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 8:23 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Glennis. I’m sorry to hear of the challenges you are going through, but I’m glad to hear that you’re experiencing some improvement, especially with your knees. Given your circumstances, it’s understandable that certain activities like yoga may not be suitable or comfortable for you. The key is to listen to your body, and find an exercise routine that works best for YOU! It’s essential to work within your limitations while gradually challenging yourself to progress over time. Consulting with healthcare professionals, such as physical therapists or orthopedic specialists, can provide valuable guidance and support as you navigate your journey toward improved health and well-being.
    – Yoori

  1281. Francie Barnett

    May 4, 2024 , 6:39 am

    Wonderful information

  1282. Susan Klahr

    May 4, 2024 , 6:51 am

    Thank you for posting this. I like that I can watch it on YouTube and get daily guidance.

  1283. Josephine Miranda

    May 4, 2024 , 7:05 am

    Very informative
    I will try these exercises
    I now feel hopeful that my situation …
    Osteoporosis….. can improve
    Thank You

  1284. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 4:19 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Josephine! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1285. Bonnie Benson

    May 4, 2024 , 7:06 am

    Thank you for this great information!

  1286. Anita Querino

    May 4, 2024 , 7:09 am

    yoga is interesting my first time trying it

  1287. Robin Hetko

    May 4, 2024 , 7:41 am

    Thank you. This will be very helpful.

  1288. Charlie Richardson

    May 4, 2024 , 7:46 am

    this is nice ty

  1289. Sue Eichler

    May 4, 2024 , 8:01 am

    This is awesome information. It’s nice to know there actually are proven ways to help fight osteoporosis.

  1290. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 4:17 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Sue! There are many things you can do to improve your bone health, and for personalized support and suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out anytime at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada toll-free) – we’d love to hear from you!
    – Shelby

  1291. Gloria Armstrong

    May 4, 2024 , 8:14 am

    Love these. Thank you

  1292. Nancy Miller

    May 4, 2024 , 8:16 am

    I am surprised at the number of spine-twisting poses. I was told never to do that with osteopenia.

  1293. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 4:14 pm

    We totally understand your concern, Nancy! When it comes to twists and forward bending movements, our registered yoga for bone loss teacher, Cat Buckley, says it’s all about technique. You want to avoid a “C-curve” in the spine (rounding the spine forward). This puts a lot of weight on the vertebrae and can be dangerous for those with low bone density in the spine (luckily, the same is not true for back bending). So, when twisting – make sure you twist with a neutral spine (don’t round your upper back) and power the twist with your core, rather than pulling yourself into it with your limbs. Even with these technique tips, we understand everyone is unique and always encourage them to consult with a specialist before starting any kind of exercise! Hope this helps. 🙂

  1294. Paul Tenzeldam

    May 4, 2024 , 8:25 am

    Excellent article, my wife takes Algaecal daily and does these exercises on a daily basis also.

  1295. Victoria olcus

    May 4, 2024 , 8:28 am

    It’s great to find exercises. I can start doing them this week.

  1296. Connie Kristensen

    May 4, 2024 , 8:30 am

    great article. Always very informative.

  1297. SAK

    May 4, 2024 , 8:43 am

    Yay for yoga. I love the way the article breaks down the movement for 3 levels – Prevention, Osteopenia, and Osteoporosis. Great modifications.

  1298. Tamara Vogt

    May 4, 2024 , 9:14 am

    This looks great. Thank you for posting

  1299. Martie Wayne

    May 4, 2024 , 9:19 am

    Love the 12 yoga poses! I also like that the instructions are clear and easy to understand

  1300. Meg OLeary

    May 4, 2024 , 9:21 am

    This is so helpful and an amazing resource!

  1301. Meg OLeary

    May 4, 2024 , 9:22 am

    This is so helpful and an amazing resource! Thank you for sharing!

  1302. Gail (Wotton) Cheries

    May 4, 2024 , 9:25 am

    This was very interesting & easy to follow. I’m also going to take some more classes online & at the Senior Center. Thanks for the info!

  1303. Gail (Wotton) Cheries

    May 4, 2024 , 9:28 am

    Good work out loved the yoga very easy to follow!

  1304. Ravit Bove

    May 4, 2024 , 9:37 am

    Thank you for posting these important exercises!

  1305. Kai

    May 4, 2024 , 9:44 am

    Looks interesting, thanks!

  1306. Marti

    May 4, 2024 , 9:59 am

    This looks so interesting. So much good information!

  1307. Susanne Mckee

    May 4, 2024 , 10:14 am

    Thank you for providing various levels of each pose. I am overweight and need to start with the osteoporosis level. Hopefully as I progress I will move up to the harder poses.

  1308. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 7:53 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Susanne! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Yoori

  1309. Frances Marie Otto

    May 4, 2024 , 10:39 am

    Thank you for the valuable information and the printable PDF information. I love Yoga and will continue doing it.

  1310. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 9:01 am

    It was our pleasure, Frances! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1311. Mary Cline

    May 4, 2024 , 10:44 am

    Great set of yoga poses and I appreciate the printable PDF!

  1312. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 9:00 am

    Thanks for sharing, Mary! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1313. karen eisenstadt

    May 4, 2024 , 11:12 am

    so happy to have found this article & Dr Fishman’s book after my Osteoporosis diagnosis
    and discovering I might not have to forego my favorite exercise. I’ve printed out the pdf & travel with it!

  1314. Carla

    May 4, 2024 , 11:14 am

    Thank you for these excercises, they are a great help

  1315. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:59 am

    We’re so glad you found them helpful, Carla!
    – Shelby

  1316. Jane

    May 4, 2024 , 11:18 am

    Easy to understand and different levels to meet everyone’s needs. Looks fun – I can’t wait to try them!

  1317. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:58 am

    Thanks for sharing, Jane! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1318. Ingrid White

    May 4, 2024 , 11:20 am

    helpful suggestions for people who were diagnosed with osteoporosis…

  1319. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:58 am

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Ingrid!
    – Shelby

  1320. Debra List

    May 4, 2024 , 11:23 am

    Very helpful. I will be trying yoga.

  1321. laurie grossman

    May 4, 2024 , 11:25 am

    Have to get back to yoga. thanks for reminder

  1322. Nancy Rule

    May 4, 2024 , 11:25 am

    I have become a yoga devotee for the past year. I’m really interested in trying some of these specific exercises to aid in my osteoporosis reversal.

  1323. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:58 am

    Thanks for sharing, Nnacy! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1324. Mary

    May 4, 2024 , 11:40 am

    Definitely will add to my exercise routine

  1325. Barbara Stefl

    May 4, 2024 , 11:54 am

    Walking and gentle yoga are a dynamite combo.

  1326. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:56 am

    They sure are, Barbara!
    – Shelby

  1327. Jean Krause

    May 4, 2024 , 12:01 pm

    His yoga exercises are great. Not too easy not too hard.

  1328. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:55 am

    So glad you enjoy them, Jean!
    – Shelby

  1329. CindyLou

    May 4, 2024 , 12:32 pm

    The exercises are interesting and will attempt to accomplish as much as possible. My issue is that I have 2 rods in my back from T2 down through S3, and then again from C3-C6. My doctors discourage any twisting. This is frustrating as I often desire to “stretch “ my back, but just am not physically able to do it. I do have some wall yoga exercises that they have encouraged me to do, but mostly they prefer me to do pool exercises so as not to over pressure the areas where the rod ends are.

  1330. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 6:51 pm

    Thank you for sharing, CindyLou. It’s essential to listen to your body and avoid any movements or activities that cause pain or discomfort. As always, consult with your healthcare provider or physical therapist before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have medical conditions or physical limitations. They can provide personalized recommendations and guidance based on your individual needs and medical history!
    – Yoori

  1331. Susan

    May 4, 2024 , 12:33 pm

    Would a paraplegic be able to do the chair yoga?

  1332. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:53 am

    Great question, Susan! It’s always a good idea to check in with your health care provider before starting any new exercise to ensure safety. Hope this helps! 🙂
    – Shelby

  1333. Sharon

    May 4, 2024 , 12:47 pm

    Nice videos. I like the options for the poses. Dr Fishman is interesting, I would like to read his book.

  1334. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:54 am

    Thanks for sharing, Sharon! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1335. Judi Rosensweig

    May 4, 2024 , 12:54 pm

    Thank you for this great information!

  1336. Vanessa Bordner

    May 4, 2024 , 1:08 pm

    Yoga is a great addition to an exercise program

  1337. Barbara Salcido

    May 4, 2024 , 1:10 pm

    Wow, great overall explanation. I used to do a lot of yoga for many years and planning to add it back to my routine.

  1338. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:52 am

    Thank you for taking the time to share, Barbara!
    – Shelby

  1339. Kathleen Correll

    May 4, 2024 , 1:16 pm

    Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!! I have been doing Dr. Fishman’s 12 yoga poses for Osteoporosis for a long
    time. I really appreciate your new printable PDF with the three variations. I started the 12 yoga poses before discovering AlgaeCal. And then began the Algaecal supplements in 2018. I love that this community embraces & encourages all types of activity to prevent bone loss, maintain bone strength and/or help to increase bone density.

  1340. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 6:52 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Kathleen, and thank you for choosing AlgaeCal! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  1341. Kathy Sue Brookman

    May 4, 2024 , 1:25 pm

    I’m happy to learn about yoga for osteoporosis.

  1342. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:42 am

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Kathy Sue!
    – Shelby

  1343. Louise Carlton

    May 4, 2024 , 1:39 pm

    looks great can’t wait to try them

  1344. Giselle Harris

    May 4, 2024 , 1:43 pm

    Yoga is good for all over health.

  1345. Jennifer

    May 4, 2024 , 1:43 pm

    Great article and videos! I have been practicing yoga for many years, it is the one exercise that is always a constant in my life. So great to see that yoga is being studied and praised for its many health and wellness benefits.

  1346. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:42 am

    Thank you for taking the time to share, Jennifer!
    – Shelby

  1347. Lucille Colihan

    May 4, 2024 , 1:52 pm

    I printed out Dr. Fishman’s 12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis & will put them on cardboard so I can follow them. I am also interested in the Chair Yoga for Osteoporosis. I will also look at Dr. Fishman’s weekly on line classes! Thank you for all this info.

  1348. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:42 am

    Thanks for commenting, Lucille! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1349. Danielle

    May 4, 2024 , 1:54 pm

    I enjoy yoga so it’s great to know what poses to avoid and how to modify them.

  1350. Ricardo Guerra

    May 4, 2024 , 2:02 pm

    Thank you, really helpful!

  1351. Vanessa Bordner

    May 4, 2024 , 2:22 pm

    Yoga is a great addition to an exercise program.

  1352. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:37 am

    Thank you for taking the time to share, Vanessa!
    – Shelby

  1353. Cory Aeschliman

    May 4, 2024 , 2:23 pm

    This is yet another way to get movement and strength into my day! Thank you for sharing these ideas.

  1354. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:37 am

    It’s truly our pleasure, Cory! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1355. Nancy

    May 4, 2024 , 2:32 pm

    This is valuable. Thank you. I’ll have it at the ready for my daily regime.

  1356. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:34 am

    Thanks for sharing, Nancy! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1357. Anna gabova

    May 4, 2024 , 3:22 pm

    I do yoga 3 times a week and I did not know that holding a pose longer helps with lubrication of the joints

  1358. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:28 am

    Thank you so much for commenting, Anna! 🙂
    – Shelby

  1359. Cheryl

    May 4, 2024 , 3:35 pm

    This is encouraging news!

  1360. Linda Wojnar

    May 4, 2024 , 3:50 pm

    Yoga is a system designed to worship false gods and so is expressly against my Christian Faith. I prefer to do exercises that do not imitate eastern pagan practices. I know there are such exercises I can do.

  1361. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 8:44 pm

    We completely respect your preference, Linda! If you are interested, we have many other bone-health exercises on our blog HERE that you are welcome to explore :).
    – Yoori

  1362. Joan Gomes

    May 4, 2024 , 4:58 pm

    Excellent videos! This is just what I need on my journey to strengthen my bones. Thank you so much!

  1363. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:27 am

    It’s truly our pleasure, Joan! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1364. eileen reilly

    May 4, 2024 , 5:01 pm

    I have just started yoga within the last 6 months and I love it. Good to get more info for yoga and osteoporosis.

  1365. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:26 am

    Thank you so much for commenting, Eileen! 🙂
    – Shelby

  1366. Elaine Tipton

    May 4, 2024 , 5:54 pm

    Yoga is a Great way to strengthen bones & muscle.

  1367. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:22 am

    Thanks for sharing, Elaine! 🙂
    – Shelby

  1368. Trish Schultz

    May 4, 2024 , 6:05 pm

    So much to learn. I’ve never been a fan of yoga. Maybe it’s time to try again.

  1369. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:22 am

    Thanks for sharing, Trish! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1370. Paula Watson

    May 4, 2024 , 6:18 pm

    Love the practical examples and videos for how to pose correctly!

  1371. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:13 am

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Paula! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1372. Julie Arnould

    May 4, 2024 , 6:24 pm

    This is great, I was looking for low impact ways to strengthen myself.

  1373. Alison Glass

    May 4, 2024 , 6:32 pm

    Good information, written and video instructions. Like how 3 variations of each pose were presented.

  1374. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:13 am

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Alison!
    – Shelby

  1375. Julie Arnould

    May 4, 2024 , 6:37 pm

    Great exercises!

  1376. Julie Arnould

    May 4, 2024 , 6:37 pm

    Thank you!

  1377. Linda Malzone

    May 4, 2024 , 6:42 pm

    I do yoga regularly, but I learned a lot from reading this

  1378. Elisabeth Levy

    May 4, 2024 , 6:44 pm

    So glad to find this blog post. I was looking for a summary of the 12 recommended poses!

  1379. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:12 am

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Elisabeth!
    – Shelby

  1380. Jenn Caffery

    May 4, 2024 , 7:24 pm

    I am glad to have access to a yoga practice to help with my osteopenia. The videos are very straightforward with the instructions. It would be helpful for me to be able to print them out. I am not able to access the pdf link.

  1381. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 8:28 pm

    Hi Jenn! You can access the PDF link by clicking HERE. I hope this helps!
    – Yoori

  1382. Diane Oczkowski

    May 4, 2024 , 7:52 pm

    I prefer my Bone Builder class rather than yoga. I build bone and muscle with weights for upper and lower body with warm up beforehand and also stretching after the weight bearing exercises.

  1383. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:09 am

    Thank you for taking the time to share, Diane!
    – Shelby

  1384. Viki Peterman

    May 4, 2024 , 8:50 pm

    I think this is an excellent program to increase my bone density scores. I am going to start tomorrow.

  1385. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:08 am

    Thanks for sharing, Viki! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1386. Georgette Rott

    May 4, 2024 , 9:23 pm

    Great information with doable exercises!

  1387. Kaylyn

    May 4, 2024 , 9:46 pm

    I never realized yoga could help with osteopenia. I was diagnosed with osteopenia back in 2018. I hasn’t progressed too much but I’d like to reverse it. If doing yoga could help with that, I’ll try it. It’s great that you show poses that will help.

  1388. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 8:07 am

    We’re sorry to hear that you’ve been diagnosed with bone loss, Kaylyn, but we’re so happy to know that you’re focusing on turning your bone health around! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out anytime at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada toll-free) – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1389. Sam

    May 4, 2024 , 11:13 pm

    Great article- I like that there are both pictures and descriptions of each

  1390. Fran

    May 5, 2024 , 3:45 am

    sounds like a good plan.

  1391. Fran

    May 5, 2024 , 3:46 am

    yoga sounds good to me

  1392. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 7:58 am

    Thanks for sharing, Fran! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1393. Dolores Gruver

    May 5, 2024 , 4:33 am

    These are great recommendations for all levels of bone density. Thank you.

  1394. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 7:57 am

    Thank you so much for commenting, Dolores! 🙂
    – Shelby

  1395. Stephanie B

    May 5, 2024 , 4:47 am

    What a great resource!

  1396. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 7:56 am

    Thank you so much for commenting, Stephanie! 🙂
    – Shelby

  1397. Penny Goldman

    May 5, 2024 , 5:16 am

    Great information for a great and easy way to stretch

  1398. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 7:52 am

    Thanks for commenting, Penny! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1399. Carolyn Schueppel

    May 5, 2024 , 7:09 am

    This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for and have needed. I started weight training in 2017 because I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. The manager told me yoga wouldn’t help me at all, nor swimming.

    I have not had anyone tell me any different and have stayed away from yoga and spent more time with weights. Interestingly, my own experience with my daily stretching and physical therapy routine has shown me that Dr. Fishman’s observations are correct. Repetition of movements resulted in bone mass building and strengthening. It is so great to have the science behind this explained.

    I love the suggestions on yoga poses. The use of supports and adaptations is very helpful.

    So glad to have checked this out and will look forward to using these ideas.

  1400. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 7:50 am

    We’re so glad you found this article helpful, Carolyn, and hope you enjoy the poses!
    – Shelby

  1401. Carol Ireland

    May 5, 2024 , 7:43 am

    I printed out the PDF and hope this motivates me to do a few Yoga poses on a regular basis!

  1402. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 7:47 am

    Thanks for sharing, Carol! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1403. Deb Heath

    May 5, 2024 , 8:18 am

    I’ve always heard yoga is good for balance, & now know it’s also good for osteopenia.

  1404. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 7:26 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Deb! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1405. Stephanie M Payne

    May 5, 2024 , 9:46 am

    I have been doing Yoga for over 20 years, Dr. Fishman has only strengthen my resolve my commitment to continue my practice. Thank you for all you do for our health.

  1406. Gina B

    May 5, 2024 , 9:59 am

    Important information! Thank you for the printable instructions, I will try these out.

  1407. Shirley Klein

    May 5, 2024 , 10:20 am

    I had a bone density test done fairly recently, and I have definitely improved! Naturally, I am delighted

  1408. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 6:22 pm

    So happy for you, Shirley! Keep up the great work :).
    – Yoori

  1409. Veronika Pilger

    May 5, 2024 , 10:51 am

    Very comprehensive article. Yoga is one of my favourite forms of exercise. Thank- You for all the info

  1410. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 6:23 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Veronika!
    – Yoori

  1411. L. McClellan

    May 5, 2024 , 11:00 am

    Wonderful information and visuals. Thank you.

  1412. Cecelia Severens

    May 5, 2024 , 11:00 am

    Wonderful and helpful info.

  1413. Florence (Flo) Levia

    May 5, 2024 , 11:06 am

    I knew strength training was important to improve bone density, but had no idea that yoga could help. I appreciate the “easy” version as I have osteoporosis, and above all, don’t want to do any harm. Thanks for the research too, without which I would not consider doing this!

  1414. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 6:34 pm

    We’re so happy to hear that you found this post helpful, Flo! Thank you for taking the time to comment and for sharing this lovely feedback! 🙂
    – Megan

  1415. Cecelia Severens

    May 5, 2024 , 11:14 am

    Thanks for such an enlightening article!

  1416. Lynn R. Terelle

    May 5, 2024 , 11:37 am

    I have been doing yoga for more than 20 years and am still battling osteoporosis according to the scans. I’ll just keep on keepin’ on….

  1417. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 8:46 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Lynn. A friendly note that while exercise is important for our bone health, providing the right nutrition to your bones is just as important! Did you know that there are 16 essential bone-supporting minerals and vitamins and it’s important to replenish our bones with all of these? You can learn more about our multi-nutrient, clinically supported approach to stronger bones HERE. I hope this helps!
    – Yoori

  1418. Heidi Kidd

    May 5, 2024 , 12:40 pm

    this looks great!
    will start these!

  1419. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 6:30 pm

    Love hearing that, Heidi!
    – Megan

  1420. Donna Adams

    May 5, 2024 , 12:56 pm

    I have never done yoga before, but having osteoporosis at 59, I will be starting!

  1421. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 6:30 pm

    It’s never too late to start, Donna! We’re so happy that this post inspired you to add yoga into your routine!
    – Megan

  1422. Brenda Goldfarb

    May 5, 2024 , 1:54 pm

    Thanks for the great information.

  1423. sandy

    May 5, 2024 , 2:34 pm

    I love the variations!

  1424. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 6:29 pm

    Thanks for sharing this feedback, Sandy! We’re so happy to hear this! 🙂
    – Megan

  1425. Caitlin Meek

    May 5, 2024 , 2:51 pm

    As a Pilates teacher, I’d love to see info on Pilates as well. It’s a great resistance based, non impactful exercise in addition to yoga!

  1426. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 6:21 pm

    Thanks for taking the time to comment, Caitlin! Feel free to check out our post on Pilates for Osteoporosis HERE! 🙂
    – Megan

  1427. Debbie Schaner

    May 5, 2024 , 2:55 pm

    Wow, I am definitely inspired to do more yoga! Thank you so much!

  1428. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 6:28 pm

    We’re so happy to hear that this inspired you, Debbie!
    – Megan

  1429. Cathe Herbert

    May 5, 2024 , 3:02 pm

    I need this, thank you AlgaeCal! I’ve wondered over the years if I should be learning Yoga, now I’m sorry it took me so long to learn of this information. After I heal from yet another broken bone (finger this time) I’m going to do this. Also, at my age improving my balance will definitely be an extra benefit.

  1430. Cheryl

    May 5, 2024 , 4:01 pm

    1 love this yoga exercise page

  1431. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:52 pm

    I’m glad you enjoyed this article, Cheryl!
    – Kendra

  1432. Alison C-J

    May 5, 2024 , 4:45 pm

    I’m a believer. Thank you AlgaeCal for the holistic approach.

  1433. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 6:27 pm

    Love hearing that, Alison!
    – Megan

  1434. Paula Mantrozos

    May 5, 2024 , 4:46 pm

    Very interesting movements. Thank you for the information and encouragement.

  1435. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 5, 2024 , 6:27 pm

    We’re so glad you enjoyed it, Paula!
    – Megan

  1436. Cynthia Stengel

    May 5, 2024 , 5:16 pm

    This is great, thank you! I appreciate the detail and the differing levels that can be practiced depending on where one is at physically. These are a great addition to the workouts I already do.

  1437. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:50 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Cynthia! We’re glad you found it helpful! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Kendra


    May 5, 2024 , 6:02 pm

    Great moves that I need to start doing!


    May 5, 2024 , 6:06 pm

    These look challenging – looking forward to trying them

  1440. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:49 pm

    You got this, Linda! Please do consult with a physical therapist or personal trainer who can help guide what’s safest for you to do!
    – Kendra

  1441. Connie Finley

    May 5, 2024 , 6:46 pm

    When I was younger, I practiced various yoga poses that were taken from a book written by Rachel Welch. I felt like that helped me with balance and strength. I am now 67, almost 68, and need to start again to strengthen my muscles and help with balance. I feel that these exercises will help.

  1442. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:48 pm

    Way to go, Connie! Here’s to becoming healthier! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Kendra

  1443. K H

    May 5, 2024 , 7:11 pm

    I’m going to start doing these. Thank you.

  1444. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:46 pm

    That’s wonderful to hear, KH!
    – Kendra

  1445. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:48 pm

    We are so happy to hear this, K H! 🙂
    – Shelby

  1446. Gail Rieckhoff

    May 5, 2024 , 7:22 pm

    Yoga is so good for balance and fall prevention. I have a condition where I get vertigo if I have my head below my heart so I will have to modify some of the moves.

  1447. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:46 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing, Gail! I’m sorry to hear about your condition. Please do reach out to a physical therapist or personal trainer who can guide you on what’s safest for you to do! I hope this helps 🙂
    – Kendra

  1448. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:52 pm

    We are so sorry to hear that you’re dealing with vertigo, Gail! Please do exercise caution if you plan to incorporate these poses into your routine – we would hate for you to injure yourself! Of course, it’s always a good idea to check in with a professional before starting any new exercises to ensure safety. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1449. Cynthia Baker

    May 5, 2024 , 7:40 pm

    Thank you for this great info! I’ve been looking for yoga poses for osteoporosis.

  1450. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:43 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Cynthia! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1451. Yoga is a fantastic idea.

    May 5, 2024 , 11:10 pm

    I’m glad there was a mention of chair yoga because I’ve looking into doing just that to help my weight but also my knees. I’ve saved this page to show my orthopedic doctor to see if he thinks my knees can handle doing those poses.

  1452. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:35 pm

    Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It’s wonderful to hear that you’re planning to share the poses with your orthopedic doctor, and we hope you’re able to enjoy them. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1453. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:39 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful!
    – Kendra

  1454. Priscilla Svec

    May 6, 2024 , 4:17 am

    This is very helpful both as an individual and as a PT

  1455. Michelle Martin

    May 6, 2024 , 4:20 am

    Thank you for the great article!

  1456. Sue7

    May 6, 2024 , 5:00 am

    Do you have any other exercises beneficial for the bones? Thank you.

  1457. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 4:59 pm

    Great question, Sue! You’re welcome to check out our exercise blog HERE – it’s full of great information to inspire your workouts going forward! In the meantime, just a friendly reminder to check in with a professional before trying any new workouts to ensure safety. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1458. Tere Moody

    May 6, 2024 , 5:40 am

    Thanks for the pictorial of each yoga position.

  1459. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 9:44 am

    It was truly our pleasure, Tere! 🙂
    – Shelby

  1460. Rose

    May 6, 2024 , 6:29 am

    So good!

  1461. Linda R.

    May 6, 2024 , 6:31 am

    Thanks for the yoga exercises. I know they will help me greatly.

  1462. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 9:44 am

    It was our pleasure, Linda! We’re so happy to hear this. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1463. Lillian Teeple

    May 6, 2024 , 6:51 am

    Always trying

  1464. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:31 pm

    That’s wonderful Lillian! We’re here to support you!
    – Kendra

  1465. Georgiana Johnson

    May 6, 2024 , 7:07 am

    Excellent resource for safe yoga practice. I include yoga, super slow and qigong for bone health.

  1466. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 9:25 am

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Georgiana! We hope you enjoy the poses. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1467. Diane

    May 6, 2024 , 8:18 am

    Unfortunately, I do have osteoporosis. While I’m familiar with yoga, I was not able to understand what to do to alter the poses for that from this post alone.

  1468. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:35 pm

    Hi Diane, so sorry to hear about your bone loss! To make sure you’re doing the right poses for your condition, you would want to navigate to the “Osteoporosis” version of each of the poses. Each pose has a picture attached so you can have a visual reference of it as well! I will follow up with an email that summarizes these poses for you with pictures to help. Please keep an eye out!
    – Kendra

  1469. Marie Louise Sherman

    May 6, 2024 , 8:32 am

    I have found a good Yoga instructor and she does these moves in her class. Thanks

  1470. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 9:53 am

    We are so happy to hear this, Marie Louise! 🙂
    – Shelby

  1471. Constance Chun

    May 6, 2024 , 9:19 am

    This article was very informative and the yoga instructions easy to follow. Thank you very much! I now have hope to improve my osteoporosis scores.

  1472. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 4:34 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Constance! While we’re so sorry to hear that you’re suffering from bone loss, it’s wonderful to hear that you have hope to turn it around – we’re here to support you in any way can going forward, so please don’t hesitate to reach out anytime! Our Bone Health Consultants would love to hear from you at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada toll-free).
    – Shelby

  1473. KathyB

    May 6, 2024 , 9:51 am

    I’ve been doing all these poses for many years, but it didn’t seem to have any effect on my bone density.

  1474. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 4:54 pm

    Thank you for taking the time to comment, Kathy! Weight-bearing exercise and a balanced diet are definitely important for bone health! But for some, this is not enough. After the age of 40, we begin to lose 1% of our bone density per year, sometimes more due to factors like menopause, genetics, lifestyle, etc. To overcome accelerated bone loss, supplementation may be necessary depending on the individual. We would love to answer any questions you may have about the AlgaeCal program, so please don’t hesitate to reach out anytime at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada toll-free). 🙂
    – Shelby

  1475. Kim Thomas

    May 6, 2024 , 11:16 am

    This is great! I am currently 49 and still do high impact, weight bearing exercise but it is nice to know there is a lower impact option for the future

  1476. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:30 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Kim!
    – Kendra

  1477. Elaine Bolling

    May 6, 2024 , 11:49 am

    wow, there’s a lot of information on this I wasn’t aware of. good to know

  1478. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:29 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Elaine!
    – Kendra

  1479. Judy Vlachina

    May 6, 2024 , 12:06 pm

    Thank you for this !

  1480. Jan Pierson

    May 6, 2024 , 1:15 pm

    excellent information here

  1481. Jan Pierson

    May 6, 2024 , 1:29 pm

    Insightful and tempting to try

  1482. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:27 pm

    We’re so glad you found it interesting, Jan!
    – Kendra

  1483. Janis Strawbridge

    May 6, 2024 , 1:55 pm

    Thank you for all this info. I use to think the poses were too easy and couldn’t have much benefit but, they really do 🙂 Thank you .

  1484. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:25 pm

    Thank you for taking the time to share, Janis!
    – Kendra

  1485. Janna

    May 6, 2024 , 2:02 pm

    Yoga is a wonderful! Thanks for all the recommendations. Bookmarked these videos!

  1486. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:23 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Janna! Glad you found these helpful!
    – Kendra

  1487. jan pierson

    May 6, 2024 , 2:08 pm

    I need to get going on this ASAP

  1488. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:22 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Jan! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Kendra

  1489. Karen L Arnett

    May 6, 2024 , 2:42 pm

    I have been practicing yoga for several years and find it very helpful! This article just confirms it.

  1490. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:20 pm

    Glad you’ve been practicing yoga for years, Karen! That’s wonderful! Keep up the wonderful work!
    – Kendra

  1491. Peggy Dargan

    May 6, 2024 , 2:51 pm

    I love this information. Even my favorite Senior yoga classes don’t offer options for osteoporosis in poses.

  1492. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:19 pm

    We’re so glad you found it interesting, Peggy!
    – Kendra

  1493. Cheryl Hector

    May 6, 2024 , 3:47 pm

    Yoga feels so good on the sound after a long work day

  1494. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:16 pm

    Thank you for taking the time to share, Cheryl!
    – Kendra

  1495. Michele

    May 6, 2024 , 5:29 pm

    this was very informative. going to add these yoga poses to my weekly routine

  1496. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 6, 2024 , 5:42 pm

    We’re so glad you found it insightful, Michele!
    – Kendra

  1497. Patricia C

    May 6, 2024 , 6:04 pm

    I love stretching and am going to try these safe-for-osteoporosis yoga poses. Appreciate that there are instructional videos to ensure I do them correctly, too. Thank you!

  1498. Brenda

    May 6, 2024 , 6:37 pm

    Looks like really good info and videos. Am excited to begin.

  1499. Paula Berkey

    May 6, 2024 , 8:41 pm

    The variations of poses are extremely helpful. I have osteopenia. Also getting a fusion on L5. I’m praying I will still be able to do Yoga

  1500. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 7, 2024 , 2:29 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Paula! Please check with a healthcare professional when adding in any new exercises to your routine to ensure safety!
    – Yoori

  1501. Patty Grady

    May 6, 2024 , 9:38 pm

    I love that you have included chair yoga also. This will be helpful for my elderly Mom. Thank you for sharing all of this information!

  1502. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 7, 2024 , 2:32 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Patty! We hope both you and your mom will enjoy :). If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  1503. Patty Grady

    May 6, 2024 , 9:40 pm

    I appreciate you including chair yoga also. This will be very helpful for my elderly Mom. Thank you for sharing this information!

  1504. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 7, 2024 , 2:27 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Patty! We hope both you and your mom will enjoy :). If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  1505. Judi Norby

    May 6, 2024 , 11:02 pm

    thank you AlgaeCal for the free downloads and videos to follow. Have been wanting to participate in chair yoga at silver sneakers,, but now I can do it from home on my computer! Thank you again!

  1506. Ditas Olaes

    May 6, 2024 , 11:09 pm

    Do I select the poses or do all in one time? I take the algae cal bundle for 6 mos now .

  1507. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 7, 2024 , 3:07 pm

    Great question, Ditas! This completely depends on your preference and what feels comfortable for your practice. Some people prefer to focus on a few poses at a time, while others enjoy doing a full sequence. Experiment with both approaches and see what works best for you and your body. Happy practicing!
    – Yoori

  1508. Kay Bolling

    May 7, 2024 , 2:21 am

    interesting, but I prefer other forms of exercise over yoga

  1509. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 7, 2024 , 3:06 pm

    We completely understand your preference, Kay! If you are interested, we have many other exercise programs on our blog HERE. We hope you enjoy!
    – Yoori

  1510. Lisa

    May 7, 2024 , 6:38 am

    love yoga- been doing it weekly for years!

  1511. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 7, 2024 , 3:05 pm

    That’s fantastic, Lisa! Keep up the great work!
    – Yoori

  1512. Lisa McChesney

    May 7, 2024 , 8:45 am

    Love this!

  1513. Angelica

    May 7, 2024 , 10:19 am

    I can’t wait to try these! As someone who’s struggled with HA in the past I am incredibly concerned about my bone health.

  1514. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 7, 2024 , 3:10 pm

    I’m glad you found the article helpful, Angelica! Yoga can be a wonderful way to support your bone health, along with other lifestyle choices. Remember to listen to your body and take it at your own pace as you explore these poses. Wishing you strength and resilience on your journey to better bone health!
    – Yoori

  1515. Carol Kuehner

    May 7, 2024 , 10:30 am

    I found it very interesting that holding poses in yoga, builds bone.

  1516. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 7, 2024 , 2:30 pm

    We’re so glad you found it interesting, Carol!
    – Yoori

  1517. Judy Patterson

    May 7, 2024 , 4:41 pm

    I have done yoga in the past. I can benefit from
    the Prevention level.

  1518. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 7, 2024 , 8:55 pm

    Happy to hear, Judy, and we hope you’ll enjoy!
    – Yoori

  1519. Nancy J

    May 7, 2024 , 5:00 pm

    Thank you for sharing these videos and the information. Knowledge is power and I’m already feeling stronger.

  1520. Vicki May

    May 7, 2024 , 5:18 pm

    Love the information! Thanks

  1521. Kate Trent

    May 7, 2024 , 6:48 pm

    So glad to see the videos!! I did not know they were there!

  1522. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 7, 2024 , 8:51 pm

    We’re so glad you found the videos helpful, Kate! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1523. Marilyn

    May 7, 2024 , 7:21 pm

    Thank you for making yoga easy with the different poses for each level of of progression.

  1524. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 7, 2024 , 8:52 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Marilyn! Enjoy! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1525. Erica Dibello-Hitta

    May 7, 2024 , 7:49 pm

    I agree. Integral tai chi is also beneficial.

  1526. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 7, 2024 , 8:53 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Erica! 🙂 If you are interested, HERE is our blog article on “The Benefits of Tai Chi for Osteoporosis.”
    – Yoori

  1527. Karla M Ely

    May 7, 2024 , 7:52 pm

    The Yoga poses look very easy to do…. not as severe as a “plank”, which I can do. Many of these I can do while seated on my vibration plate, which will amplify the results!

  1528. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 7, 2024 , 8:53 pm

    That’s great, Karla! We hope you’ll enjoy! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1529. Erica Dibello-Hitta

    May 7, 2024 , 7:55 pm

    Could I also have the pdf?
    Thank you in advance!

  1530. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 7, 2024 , 8:55 pm

    Of course, Erica! Please click HERE to access the printable PDF file :). I hope this helps!
    – Yoori

  1531. Sharon Manning

    May 7, 2024 , 8:19 pm

    Thank you so much for all the great info and videos! I’ve never done yoga exercises before and now that I know more, I’m ready to get started! Thank you!

  1532. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 7, 2024 , 8:54 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Sharon! We always suggest discussing with a healthcare professional before adding in new exercises to your routine, to err on the side of caution :).
    – Yoori

  1533. Lori Rampton

    May 7, 2024 , 10:33 pm

    I have never practiced yoga. This was a very interesting article and I can see myself benefitting from these poses.

  1534. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 8, 2024 , 12:47 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Lori!
    – Sam

  1535. Joni Gerry

    May 8, 2024 , 5:39 am

    Yoga is my favorite exercise. interesting adaptions

  1536. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 8, 2024 , 12:49 pm

    We’re so glad you found it interesting, Joni!
    – Sam

  1537. Joni Gerry

    May 8, 2024 , 5:40 am

    Interesting adaptions in the ostiopenia

  1538. Kat

    May 8, 2024 , 6:04 am

    I’m going to give these yoga poses a try. Thanks!

  1539. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 8, 2024 , 12:56 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Kat. 🙂
    – Sam

  1540. Cami

    May 8, 2024 , 7:03 am

    I am so excited to start using these yoga poses! Thank you! I love all of this great info!!!

  1541. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 8, 2024 , 12:56 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Cami!
    – Sam

  1542. Alison Garrity

    May 8, 2024 , 7:38 am

    My doctor highly recommends yoga for my bone health. She even gave me a printout of several yoga poses to try. This article is very helpful and so are the videos. I appreciate the videos and information.

  1543. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 8, 2024 , 12:51 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Alison! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  1544. Debra A Tharaldson

    May 8, 2024 , 7:48 am

    I love the chair yoga exercises! So easy to do!

  1545. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 8, 2024 , 12:52 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Debra! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  1546. Debra A Tharaldson

    May 8, 2024 , 7:49 am

    Thanks for all of the yoga information and exercises!

  1547. Debra Watson

    May 8, 2024 , 8:05 am

    This article is very compelling and motivating for me to want to start yoga. Thank you for such valuable information.

  1548. Debra Watson

    May 8, 2024 , 8:08 am

    This article is very motivating for me to want to start yoga a bone building yoga routine! Thank you for such valuable information.

  1549. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 8, 2024 , 12:54 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Debra! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  1550. Mary Ann Borders

    May 8, 2024 , 8:54 am

    I just started my AlgaeCal journey! Looking forward with optimism.

  1551. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 8, 2024 , 12:55 pm

    We’re so happy to have you onboard toward stronger bones, Mary Ann! You can call us 7 days a week at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada toll-free) for personalized support – we’re happy to answer any questions you may have!
    – Sam

  1552. Melanie Camirand

    May 8, 2024 , 9:52 am

    It’s great informations I didn’t about.

  1553. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 8, 2024 , 12:57 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Melanie. 🙂
    – Sam

  1554. sue corning

    May 8, 2024 , 12:14 pm

    Great information about using yoga poses to prevent osteoporosis fractures and strengthening our bodies. I use these poses to relax each night before going to bed.

  1555. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 8, 2024 , 1:00 pm

    We’re so glad you find this information helpful, Sue! 🙂
    – Sam

  1556. Renee’ Beck

    May 8, 2024 , 12:19 pm

    I do several of these poses 5 mornings a week. But I like her presentation and attention to breath and form.

  1557. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 8, 2024 , 12:59 pm

    Keep up the great work, Renee’!
    – Sam

  1558. Barbara Statser

    May 8, 2024 , 2:37 pm

    I have been going to chair yoga classes since I realized that it will enhance my fight against osteoporosis. I can do it while we travel also to keep up my progress.

  1559. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 8, 2024 , 5:07 pm

    That’s the spirit, Barbara!
    – Yoori

  1560. Suedenat

    May 8, 2024 , 4:25 pm

    Very helpful videos and great to have this guidance on what’s safe for bones.

  1561. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 8, 2024 , 5:05 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Suedenat!
    – Yoori

  1562. Girija

    May 8, 2024 , 7:41 pm

    i am so grateful for the video. I do yoga but now with the diagnosis of osteoporosis, this video will guide me to do it safely.

  1563. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 8, 2024 , 8:18 pm

    Thanks so much for your comment, Girija! We’re so happy you have found this information helpful! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1564. Linda K

    May 9, 2024 , 2:14 am

    I love yoga. Thanks for new ideas to keep my bones safe. I agree to work your way up too.

  1565. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 9, 2024 , 7:46 am

    Thank you for commenting, Linda! 🙂
    – Sam

  1566. Merrilee Currie

    May 9, 2024 , 4:52 am

    It is great to have the chart of the 12 poses. Thank you.

  1567. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 9, 2024 , 7:46 am

    We’re glad you’ve found this helpful, Merrilee! 🙂
    – Sam

  1568. Donna Beavon

    May 9, 2024 , 8:41 am

    thankyou for this info.

  1569. Donna Beavon

    May 9, 2024 , 8:42 am

    thankyou for this interesting information on exercising.

  1570. Donna Beavon

    May 9, 2024 , 8:44 am

    very good information on yoga.

  1571. Donna Beavon

    May 9, 2024 , 8:46 am

    I’m not sure why you won’t take my comment..thankyou for the information on exercising with yoga.

  1572. K Searcy

    May 9, 2024 , 8:58 am

    I have osteopenia and have been wanting to try yoga but didn’t know how to start. Thanks for the information.

  1573. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 9, 2024 , 2:19 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, K!
    – Yoori

  1574. Tamara Stoll

    May 9, 2024 , 10:39 am

    Great information. I’ve done yoga for years but stopped about 3years ago. Too bad! I had no idea it was good for my bones and now they’ve deteriorated. So I’m back on the mat! Thanks for this!

  1575. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 9, 2024 , 2:20 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Tamara! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  1576. Joyce Fiorentino

    May 9, 2024 , 2:55 pm

    I have never tried yoga. I am almost 79 with many fractures

  1577. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 9, 2024 , 7:44 pm

    Hi Joyce! As always, please consult a healthcare professional before trying out any new exercise routine to ensure safety! The key is to find something that works for YOU.
    – Yoori

  1578. Dawn F

    May 9, 2024 , 6:05 pm

    I just started practicing yoga again and am happy to hear how good it is for my bones. Thank you.

  1579. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 9, 2024 , 7:45 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Dawn! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  1580. Lizzy

    May 10, 2024 , 7:03 am

    Yoga is a good way to exercise

  1581. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 10, 2024 , 10:59 am

    You got that right, Lizzy!
    – Sam

  1582. Linda Enger

    May 10, 2024 , 12:02 pm

    I have a yoga teacher certification with emphasis on yoga therapy, and first heard about Dr Fishman’s trainings in 2010 🙂
    I have learned modifications for varied conditions that include osteoporosis, but I have not been teaching nor attending classes ( long story) . It is always great to be reminded of what NOT to do in my home practice. THANK YOU !
    I think Algae Cal is wonderful for sharing this training!

  1583. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 12, 2024 , 8:56 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Linda, and it’s truly our pleasure! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  1584. Dorothy Blake

    May 10, 2024 , 1:40 pm

    I have completed Dr. Fishman’s 12 Yoga Poses training – it’s excellent for all yoga teachers, nurses, physical therapists, and others interested in nurturing others to increase their bone mineral density, balance, mental wellness.

  1585. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 13, 2024 , 8:31 am

    Thanks for sharing, Dorothy! This is wonderful to hear! 🙂
    – Megan

  1586. Louise Zevan

    May 10, 2024 , 3:52 pm

    I cannot do most yoga poses because of impinged hips. So those exercise are out for me. Otherwise, it was good info from the doctor. Things like doing the exercises I can do for (12sec.). And doing them 3 times rather than once – just like PT told me.

  1587. Karen

    May 10, 2024 , 4:58 pm

    I’ve taken yoga before but I’ve discovered Pilates. I plan on exercising more to increase my bone density so this information gets me interested in doing yoga again!

  1588. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 13, 2024 , 8:37 am

    We’re so glad you found this post interesting, Karen!
    – Megan

  1589. Robin Bethune

    May 10, 2024 , 5:07 pm

    I’m so excited to try these exercises for my osteoporosis. I was really into yoga years ago and somehow life got in the way. But I am determined to take advantage of everything that is offered here and anxious to see how it effects my osteoporosis numbers!

  1590. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 13, 2024 , 9:12 am

    We’re so happy to hear that this post inspired you to get back into doing yoga, Robin! Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate!
    – Megan

  1591. Cheryl Rouleau Kozuch

    May 10, 2024 , 7:30 pm

    Great info! I exercise regularly, but don’t do Yoga – going to add it to my weekly exercise.

  1592. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 13, 2024 , 8:43 am

    That’s great to hear, Cheryl! Thanks for sharing!
    – Megan

  1593. DMC

    May 11, 2024 , 6:55 am

    This is a great form of exercise to strengthen bones, and very relaxing as well.

  1594. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 13, 2024 , 8:41 am

    That’s wonderful to hear, DMC!
    – Megan

  1595. Clorinda Pantely

    May 11, 2024 , 8:53 am

    Nice to have printable pdf for exercises!

  1596. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 13, 2024 , 8:43 am

    We’re so glad you found this helpful, Clorinda!
    – Megan

  1597. Frank

    May 11, 2024 , 1:42 pm

    Yoga can really help!

  1598. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 13, 2024 , 8:45 am

    Thanks for taking the time to comment, Frank!
    – Megan

  1599. PatriciaH

    May 12, 2024 , 8:56 am

    Very helpful information and thank you!

  1600. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 12, 2024 , 2:50 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Patricia!
    – Yoori

  1601. Michelle

    May 12, 2024 , 10:03 am

    So happy to see the variations on the excercises for people with osteopenia and osteoporosis. It is well planned and thought out!

  1602. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 13, 2024 , 8:48 am

    We’re so glad you found this information helpful, Michelle! 🙂
    – Megan

  1603. Sunny

    May 12, 2024 , 2:42 pm

    I will try

  1604. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 13, 2024 , 10:30 am

    That’s great to hear, Sunny! You can learn more about our completely natural & clinically supported approach to stronger bones HERE. Any questions, don’t hesitate!
    – Megan

  1605. Cyndi Heaton

    May 12, 2024 , 4:07 pm

    Very good information. One question is Yoga better than Pilates for Osteoporosis?

  1606. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 13, 2024 , 9:06 am

    Great question, Cyndi! Both are a great practices that will support your bone health in different ways! Feel free to check out our post on Pilates for Osteoporosis, if you’re interested!
    – Megan

  1607. Grace

    May 12, 2024 , 4:21 pm

    thanks for sharing

  1608. Marie

    May 12, 2024 , 4:31 pm

    Wonderful information. Great pdf yoga poses.

  1609. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 13, 2024 , 9:02 am

    We’re glad you found this information helpful, Marie!
    – Megan

  1610. Susan Checchio

    May 12, 2024 , 10:24 pm

    I enjoy practicing yoga. I do 20 to 30 minute sessions about 3 times a week. I will definitely learn and then include the recommended poses that are not part of the Wai Lana videos that I follow.

  1611. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 13, 2024 , 8:51 am

    Thanks for sharing, Susan! It’s great to hear that yoga is already a part of your routine!
    – Megan

  1612. Lalena

    May 13, 2024 , 12:23 am

    Thanks for offering videos and a PDF version of these resources. Good to know about the adaptation options for these poses.

  1613. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 13, 2024 , 9:00 am

    We’re so happy to hear that you found this information helpful, Lalena!
    – Megan

  1614. Kerry McBride

    May 13, 2024 , 6:06 am

    thanks for sharing

  1615. Tahmina Shahnazar

    May 13, 2024 , 9:53 am

    I have read all the information on this website and how much amazing is this product and I am definitely planning to get one for my parents

  1616. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 13, 2024 , 10:38 am

    Thank you for taking the time to comment, Tahmina! To learn more about our Bone Builder Pack, go HERE. Please don’t hesitate to give our Bone Health Consultants a call at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada, toll-free), we’re here to support you. 💚
    – Megan

  1617. Maria

    May 13, 2024 , 12:13 pm

    Thanks! Very helpful

  1618. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 13, 2024 , 2:07 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Maria!
    – Yoori

  1619. Maria

    May 13, 2024 , 12:13 pm

    Very helpful, thanks!

  1620. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 13, 2024 , 2:07 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Maria!
    – Yoori

  1621. Maria

    May 13, 2024 , 12:14 pm

    Very helpful, many thanks!

  1622. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 13, 2024 , 2:07 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Maria!
    – Yoori

  1623. Janet M

    May 13, 2024 , 2:08 pm

    I enjoy yoga and I find it is a great help to keep me flexible.

  1624. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 14, 2024 , 2:43 pm

    We are happy to hear that you enjoy yoga. Keep up the great work! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1625. Marc Sheppard

    May 13, 2024 , 3:15 pm

    thank you, 12 minutes a day to stave off breaking bones is well worth the time. the chair yoga seems fun also!

  1626. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 14, 2024 , 2:52 pm

    Always our pleasure, Marc, and we hope you enjoy! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1627. GSib

    May 13, 2024 , 5:31 pm

    I hope that AlgaeCal makes more exercises for people with oestopoenia / oestoporosis via youtube. I would be a regular viewer for sure.

  1628. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 14, 2024 , 2:53 pm

    Thank you for your feedback, GSib! Feel free to visit our YouTube channel HERE for more bone-health exercises! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1629. Jaen Bryan

    May 14, 2024 , 6:09 am

    So much helpful information!

  1630. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 14, 2024 , 2:30 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Jaen!
    – Yoori

  1631. Marylouise Tarr

    May 14, 2024 , 9:07 am

    Can’t wait to try this.

  1632. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 14, 2024 , 2:29 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Marylouise! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1633. Susan Webre

    May 14, 2024 , 9:41 am

    A lot of information!

  1634. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 14, 2024 , 2:29 pm

    It certainly is, Susan! Please feel free to take your time, and let us know if you have any questions!
    – Yoori

  1635. Donna Downs

    May 14, 2024 , 11:30 am

    Nice to know what to do to strengthen my bones.

  1636. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 14, 2024 , 2:28 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Donna :).
    – Yoori

  1637. Debra Bacon

    May 14, 2024 , 12:13 pm

    I had no idea yoga could be beneficial for osteoporosis since the risk of fracture exists.

  1638. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 14, 2024 , 2:51 pm

    Thank you for your comment, Debra! Please note that as everyone has different needs and limitations, we always suggest consulting a healthcare professional or physical therapist before adding in any new exercise routines to ensure safety. Many yoga poses can be modified to accommodate individual needs and limitations, making it a safe and effective exercise option for those with bone loss :). I hope this helps!
    – Yoori

  1639. Gwen Stephens

    May 14, 2024 , 1:24 pm

    Very informative – I love yoga so thank you.

  1640. Michelle Herring

    May 14, 2024 , 2:16 pm

    These are great resources – thank you

  1641. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 14, 2024 , 2:27 pm

    Always our pleasure, Michelle! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1642. Jill schenck

    May 14, 2024 , 3:40 pm

    Very helpful!!

  1643. Lynn Di Cristofaro 02/05/2024

    May 14, 2024 , 10:25 pm

    This entire page is very helpful in guiding me with what I need to go to make my osteoporosis better. I can’t wait to read it thoroughly again and try to do these exercises. Thanks!

  1644. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:07 am

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Lynn! 🙂
    – Sam

  1645. Ingrid

    May 15, 2024 , 1:53 am

    Thank you for this most valuable information with links to videos showing in detail how to do the various levels of yoga poses for maximizing bone strength. Combined with the AlgaeCal supplements to optimize bone-loss prevention all the while increasing bone strength, these exercises will become a vital part of my daily routine.

  1646. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:09 am

    It’s truly our pleasure, Ingrid! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Sam

  1647. Judy Woodruff

    May 15, 2024 , 2:23 am

    Very informative. I’ll get started on these today.

  1648. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:11 am

    We hope you enjoy, Judy. 🙂
    – Sam

  1649. Colleen

    May 15, 2024 , 2:27 am

    I feel strong and balanced during my yoga practice. Thank you for the detailed photos, videos and directions for yoga poses specifically for osteoporosis.

  1650. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:12 am

    It’s truly our pleasure, Colleen! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Sam

  1651. Emma Caron

    May 15, 2024 , 2:59 am

    I will start doing these yoga poses immediately.

  1652. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:12 am

    We hope you enjoy, Emma! 🙂
    – Sam

  1653. Leslie Uyeno

    May 15, 2024 , 3:13 am

    Excellent information! Thanks!

  1654. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:26 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Leslie
    – Yoori

  1655. Tara

    May 15, 2024 , 3:31 am

    Helpful to know what poses are best for osteoporosis, osteopenia, and prevention and the modifications.

  1656. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:21 am

    We’re glad you’ve found this information helpful, Tara! 🙂
    – Sam

  1657. Suzanne

    May 15, 2024 , 3:34 am

    So helpful

  1658. Dawn

    May 15, 2024 , 4:07 am

    Thanks for sharing this resource. It will be a wonderful addition to my bone building toolkit.

  1659. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:14 am

    It’s truly our pleasure, Dawn! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Sam

  1660. Ann Wylie

    May 15, 2024 , 4:07 am

    Excellent information. It’s really helpful to have these guidelines. I can adjust my yoga practice.

  1661. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:14 am

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Ann! 🙂
    – Sam

  1662. rosemarie rossi

    May 15, 2024 , 4:42 am

    great info ty:)

  1663. Liang

    May 15, 2024 , 4:44 am

    This is great espcially for all women! Thank you!

  1664. Arlana Young

    May 15, 2024 , 4:51 am

    I teach yoga to older adults, both Chair and Mat yoga. I hadn’t read about this research before but was pleased to know that I have been using these poses in classes and holding most of them for about 30 seconds!

  1665. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:16 am

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Arlana!
    – Sam

  1666. Namcy Parker

    May 15, 2024 , 4:54 am

    I have been a yoga practitioner for years and have participated in Dr Fishmans’s class. The way the asanas are broken down so that most anyone can do them is very helpful. Participating in yoga has made me feel stronger.

  1667. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:20 am

    We’re so glad to hear this, Nancy! Yoga is truly healing. 🙂
    – Sam

  1668. Namcy Parker

    May 15, 2024 , 4:55 am

    Excellent article. Knowing how to adjust poses is very beneficial.

  1669. Lynn

    May 15, 2024 , 5:16 am

    I love a more natural way to fight this beast.

  1670. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:21 am

    You got it, Lynn!
    – Sam

  1671. Mona Vanderzee

    May 15, 2024 , 5:34 am

    Great article and very helpful information!!!

  1672. Mona Vanderzee

    May 15, 2024 , 5:35 am

    Great article and so helpful!!!

  1673. Maureen McIntosh

    May 15, 2024 , 5:36 am

    Great information!

  1674. Carolyn

    May 15, 2024 , 5:50 am

    This is great information. I have practiced yoga for years, but seeing the modifications is very helpful.

  1675. Vanessa Foley

    May 15, 2024 , 5:58 am

    I’ve been doing these yoga poses almost every morning before work (4 days/week) as they are doable and take only 15 minutes. It’s a great calming way to start my day spent in a busy hospital. I also add strength and short Hiit workouts during the week.

  1676. Jackie Schilling

    May 15, 2024 , 6:05 am

    Thank you this is great

  1677. Deb Campbell

    May 15, 2024 , 6:06 am

    Great article! Yoga is amazing!

  1678. Cindy Lahti

    May 15, 2024 , 6:09 am

    Thank you for these yoga videos, they have helped me in gaining strength where needed.

  1679. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:24 am

    We’re glda you’ve found it helpful, Cindy!
    – Sam

  1680. Jenine

    May 15, 2024 , 6:16 am

    Looking forward to learning and trying your yoga for stronger bones

  1681. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:24 am

    Thanks for sharing, Jenine! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam


    May 15, 2024 , 6:25 am

    Very informative.

  1683. Maria

    May 15, 2024 , 6:39 am

    I discovered these exercises when first diagnosed with osteoporosis. will revisit these 12 stances again! Thanks

  1684. Shawn Tinsley

    May 15, 2024 , 6:44 am

    Very detailed article, I like the way you start with prevention and go to people with osteoporosis.

  1685. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:27 am

    We’re glad you find it helpful, Shawn. 🙂
    – Sam

  1686. Suze

    May 15, 2024 , 6:47 am

    Yoga is beneficial for so many reasons

  1687. TLM

    May 15, 2024 , 6:50 am

    good info

  1688. Michael Taylor

    May 15, 2024 , 6:59 am

    Sent the tips to my wife! Thanks!


    May 15, 2024 , 7:02 am

    Yoga has helped me with mobility in my neck and relieved the tightness in my spine. I am addicted and I’m convinced it is the answer to my balance and important for me to continue as I age

  1690. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:30 am

    Yoga is so healing and we’re glad that it works so well for you, Josephine! 🙂
    – Sam

  1691. Kathy Brown

    May 15, 2024 , 7:08 am

    I have been using yoga for my scoliosis and I’m thrilled to know it can also contribute to my bone density

  1692. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:33 am

    We’re glad you’e found this info helpful, Kathy! 🙂
    – Sam

  1693. Carmela Pinzone

    May 15, 2024 , 7:14 am

    Great tips!

  1694. John Cook

    May 15, 2024 , 7:17 am

    yoga is something one can do throughout life

  1695. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:40 pm

    That’s the spirit, John! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1696. Sue Hunt Hibbard

    May 15, 2024 , 7:18 am

    i learned a lot about the relationship between yoga and bone health

  1697. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:42 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Sue!
    – Yoori

  1698. Susan

    May 15, 2024 , 7:24 am

    Wow, I’m going to try this!

  1699. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:27 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Susan! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1700. Robin B

    May 15, 2024 , 7:36 am

    This is an excellent article! I’ve thought of starting yoga, I even have a mat. This inspires me to actually start, even if I start small ;=)

  1701. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:35 am

    Love the dedication to starting, Robin! We hope you enjoy it. 🙂
    – Sam

  1702. linda nicholas

    May 15, 2024 , 7:39 am

    I wonder if there is something in particular I can do.. as I have frozen shoulder and am going to physical therapy but cannot do a lot if the yoga positions.. please any advice?
    I have been going to therapy for 3 months and don’t feel it getting better. I don’t have full range of motion.
    Thank you so

  1703. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:01 pm

    I’m sorry to hear about your frozen shoulder and the challenges you’re facing with physical therapy. As we are not medical professionals, we suggest further discussing your concerns with your healthcare provider. They can provide guidance and support to help you navigate your recovery journey. We wish you all the best, Linda!
    – Yoori

  1704. Deborah Silar

    May 15, 2024 , 7:45 am

    Saving for later.

  1705. Eileen R

    May 15, 2024 , 7:47 am

    Excellent Information! Unfortunately I recently discovered I have several newish compression fractures and am currently under the care of a Physical Therapist. I am going to show her this article and see what we can incorpoate into my current exercises.
    Thank you.

  1706. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:05 pm

    We are sorry to hear of your compression fractures, Eileen. Of course, it’s always advisable to consult a physical therapist when adding in new exercises to your routine to ensure safety :). Great work!
    – Yoori


    May 15, 2024 , 7:48 am

    Interesting and helpful article. I’m going to print the PDF

  1708. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:39 am

    We hope you enjoy, Susan! 🙂
    – Sam

  1709. Karen D Deluga

    May 15, 2024 , 7:51 am

    I have never tried Yoga before but I will add the 12 poses to my daily stretching exercises.

  1710. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:57 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Karen! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1711. Meg O’Neill

    May 15, 2024 , 7:52 am

    Great video and help to do the poses for bone health

  1712. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:39 am

    It is our pleasure, Meg! 🙂
    – Sam

  1713. Deb Jorgensen

    May 15, 2024 , 7:53 am

    I love all the information we receive from Algae Cal! I like the fact that chair yoga is included. Not long ago went to a program showing how to do chair yoga.

  1714. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:56 pm

    Thank you for your positive feedback, Deb, and we are glad to hear that you love our blog articles!
    – Yoori

  1715. Kris Callas

    May 15, 2024 , 7:57 am

    I have some physical limitations keep g me from many poses , but I do enjoy the way I feel after a good stretch.

  1716. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:09 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Kris! The key is to find something that works for YOU! Happy to hear that a good stretch is helpful for you :).
    – Yoori

  1717. Debra Christoff

    May 15, 2024 , 7:57 am

    I like that you explain everything and show how to do the poses correctly! They are good for strength and balance.

  1718. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:55 pm

    We truly appreciate your positive feedback, Debra, and we hope you enjoy! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1719. A. Young

    May 15, 2024 , 8:02 am

    This is great information, thank you!

  1720. TM

    May 15, 2024 , 8:05 am


  1721. Susan

    May 15, 2024 , 8:14 am

    Great piece – I need to get back to yoga!

  1722. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:29 pm

    We hope this article was helpful for you, Susan! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1723. AGNES TAM

    May 15, 2024 , 8:18 am

    The posted yoga poses are doable for me, I will follow. Thanks.

  1724. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 11:42 am

    We hope you enjoy, Agnes. 🙂
    – Sam

  1725. Pamela Sheehan

    May 15, 2024 , 8:34 am

    I appreciate the printable pdf for the 12 poses so I can “remember” all this info!

  1726. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:54 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Pamela! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1727. Martha Bishop

    May 15, 2024 , 8:38 am

    AlgaeCal offers so much more than just supreme supplements. This website has a wealth of information if you take time to explore the links.
    Thanks so much. I’m

  1728. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:54 pm

    We truly appreciate your positive feedback, Martha! We are so happy to be part of your bone health journey :).
    – Yoori

  1729. Lisa L

    May 15, 2024 , 8:38 am

    Such great advice—yoga has made a tremendous difference in my life.

  1730. Ann M Anderson

    May 15, 2024 , 8:40 am

    I am a big fan of AlgaeCal. My Dexa scan bone density increased using it and the exercises are a nice guide to have!

  1731. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:14 pm

    That’s fantastic, Ann! We are so happy for you :). Keep up the great work, and let us know if you have any questions along the way!

    – Yoori

  1732. Janet

    May 15, 2024 , 8:50 am

    It’s so interesting that yoga poses help with osteopenia and osteoporosis. I really appreciate the pdf with the pictures of the poses. I already do a lot of these but grateful to see the other ones.

  1733. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:20 pm

    Keep up the great work, Janet! 🙂

    – Yoori

  1734. Yvonne McDonnell

    May 15, 2024 , 8:57 am

    I love yoga

  1735. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:58 pm

    Fantastic, Yvonne! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1736. Connie Moffit

    May 15, 2024 , 8:58 am

    What a wonderful offering to share these yoga poses, and the three stages of safety for each pose! I’ve put off resuming yoga since I broke my back (and will likely always fear my fragility due to that). I’ve been unsure about how much I could safely do; and not confident that instructors would be well informed. So this is a gift! Thank you, AlgaeCal and Dr. Fishman.

  1737. Lauren Teller

    May 15, 2024 , 8:59 am

    very good thank you

  1738. Eva Allen

    May 15, 2024 , 9:02 am

    Quite comprehensive. Created my own chart to put in my workout area along with chair. As to the former, you might want to give consideration to creating the former (professionally visual, explanatory, etc.) for purchase. Always good to have optional poses as you do.

  1739. Roe

    May 15, 2024 , 9:03 am

    Great article. I love yoga and now I know the moves to help with my condition.

  1740. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:25 pm

    Happy to hear you found it helpful, Roe!
    – Yoori

  1741. Jane Perry

    May 15, 2024 , 9:17 am

    Love Cat Buckley’s instructional videos. I started with her, moved on to Dr. Fishman’s study and last DEXA scan showed improvement in my spine!

  1742. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:30 pm

    That’s fantastic, Jane! Thank you for sharing :).

    – Yoori

  1743. Little Coral

    May 15, 2024 , 9:18 am

    I sure will give it a try. Thank you for sharing the information !

  1744. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:30 pm

    Always our pleasure, Little :).

    – Yoori

  1745. Katherine J Ramos

    May 15, 2024 , 9:20 am

    Good to know that yoga can assist with bone strength. I was not aware of that at all.

  1746. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:34 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Katherine!

    – Yoori

  1747. Lauren Becker Downey

    May 15, 2024 , 9:24 am

    Thank you for posting these exercises for strengthening muscles and bones.

  1748. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:31 pm

    Always our pleasure, Lauren! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1749. Lauren Becker Downey

    May 15, 2024 , 9:26 am

    Yoga is great for strengthening muscles and building bones. Thank you for this vital information.

  1750. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:31 pm

    Always our pleasure, Lauren!
    – Yoori

  1751. Mary Tarnowski

    May 15, 2024 , 9:29 am

    Yoga poses are so helpful overall, I have printed out the poses to add to mine for osteoporosis. and I think the Breathing smoothly enhances yoga poses too.

  1752. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:37 pm

    Way to go, Mary! We hope you enjoy :).
    – Yoori

  1753. Patti Newbauer

    May 15, 2024 , 9:37 am

    Osteoporosis is no joke.. thank you for this information!

  1754. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:45 pm

    Always our pleasure, Patti! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  1755. Debra J. Damasceno

    May 15, 2024 , 9:49 am

    Thank you! These poses look doable.

  1756. Pamela Wrona

    May 15, 2024 , 9:58 am

    Great article! I have been an on-again, off-again practitioner of yoga for a few decades, but never really thought of it as helping to preserve bone density. I will definitely be adding this yoga poses to my daily routine.

  1757. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:53 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Pamela! We hope you enjoy!
    – Yoori

  1758. Donna Hughes

    May 15, 2024 , 9:59 am

    Love how yoga makes me feel! So glad it is also good for fighting and preventing osteoporosis!

  1759. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:54 pm

    That’s fantastic, Donna! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1760. Kathleen Zolondek

    May 15, 2024 , 10:00 am

    I’m not a big fan of Yoga but will now pay more attention to the classes offered locally, especially the chair yoga. Keeping this article for future reference

  1761. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:55 pm

    That sounds like a great plan! Exploring different classes offered locally, including chair yoga, is a fantastic way to find a practice that resonates with you and meets your needs. Remember, yoga is highly adaptable, and there are many styles and variations to explore, so don’t hesitate to try out different classes until you find what feels right for you. Enjoy your yoga journey!
    – Yoori

  1762. Elizabeth Lasarev

    May 15, 2024 , 10:07 am

    Thank you for these resources.
    Would love a video with the PDF poses.

  1763. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:56 pm

    Always our pleasure, Elizabeth! Demonstration videos can be found under the section “The Fishman Method: 12 Yoga Poses for Stronger Bones”. I hope this helps!
    – Yoori

  1764. Elizabeth Lasarev

    May 15, 2024 , 10:09 am

    Thank you, I found the videos. Will start today.

  1765. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:01 pm

    That’s great, Elizabeth! Enjoy! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1766. Cecil Louise Taylor

    May 15, 2024 , 10:09 am

    As a longtime yogi, I was thrilled to see how the effects are for those who practice I also teach and will pass these on to my students

  1767. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:02 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Cecil!
    – Yoori

  1768. PamelaLynn Stringer

    May 15, 2024 , 10:09 am

    Swell content! I have Osteoporosis and The Ultimate Guide to Yoga for Osteoporosis offers relevant information. I bookmarked this page for future reference. Thanks for sharing.

  1769. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:02 pm

    Always our pleasure, Pamela! 🙂 Enjoy!
    – Yoori

  1770. Mahalia Ryba

    May 15, 2024 , 10:14 am

    I’ve done yoga in the past and enjoyed it. Now that I have 2 replaced hips and osteoarthritis in my knees there’s a lot to think about. Not sure how many of the poses I can do but I can try and also see if there’s an alternative pose for those I can’t do.

  1771. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:04 pm

    Of course, Mahalia. Yoga is highly adaptable, and there are many styles and variations to explore, so don’t hesitate to try out different ways until you find what feels right for you. Enjoy your yoga journey!
    – Yoori

  1772. Kammi

    May 15, 2024 , 10:16 am

    I would like to try this and I will share with my mom as well.

  1773. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:05 pm

    We hope both you and your mom will enjoy, Kammi!
    – Yoori


    May 15, 2024 , 10:18 am

    Thank you so much for this! his is exactly what I’ve been look for!

  1775. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:05 pm

    We are happy to hear, Ann :).

    – Yoori

  1776. Lois Stauffer

    May 15, 2024 , 10:26 am

    Wonderful info.

  1777. LINDA C

    May 15, 2024 , 10:36 am

    Helpful information, thank you

  1778. Sandy Magrath

    May 15, 2024 , 10:46 am

    Great resource!

  1779. Nancy Pinke

    May 15, 2024 , 10:53 am

    I’ve been taking OsteoCal and doing yoga for about two years and my spine has gone from osteopenia to normal on my last scan. Still slight osteopenia in my hips. I’ll be trying these poses to help that!

  1780. Anne Bussell

    May 15, 2024 , 10:57 am

    Thanks for posting these!

  1781. Sylvia Camella

    May 15, 2024 , 10:59 am

    After having a compression fracture, I didn’t even consider yoga as being safe for me. However, I will read this information and watch the videos and look forward to possibly adding this to my workout routines.

  1782. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:21 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Sylvia. We always suggest consulting a physical therapist before adding new exercises to your routine to ensure safety!
    – Yoori

  1783. Diana Grau

    May 15, 2024 , 10:59 am

    the information is very helpful!

  1784. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:15 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Diana :).
    – Yoori

  1785. JoAnne Goodnight

    May 15, 2024 , 11:07 am

    Excellent tutorial! I’ve saved the PDF so I can start doing these!

  1786. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:17 pm

    Way to go, JoAnne!
    – Yoori

  1787. Linda M. Webster Hayes

    May 15, 2024 , 11:08 am

    I really need to do this. I know how important it is for my health. My only problem is that I get dizzy and nauseous when I put my head down.

  1788. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:19 pm

    Hi Linda! Remember, yoga is highly adaptable, and there are many styles and variations to explore, so don’t hesitate to try out different poses until you find what feels right for you. Enjoy your yoga journey!
    – Yoori

  1789. Renee Glover

    May 15, 2024 , 11:11 am

    Great information and help that I need. Thank you!

  1790. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:17 pm

    Our absolute pleasure, Renee :).
    – Yoori

  1791. Nancy Borey

    May 15, 2024 , 11:11 am

    Good information.

  1792. jodie filogomo

    May 15, 2024 , 11:13 am

    I knew I liked yoga for a reason!
    Jodie Filogomo

  1793. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:18 pm

    Happy to hear you enjoy yoga! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1794. Susan

    May 15, 2024 , 11:15 am

    This article takes the mystery out of a balanced yoga practice and structures the approach so that it seems very fun as well as beneficial. Thank you!

  1795. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:22 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Susan!
    – Yoori

  1796. Lisa shovlin

    May 15, 2024 , 11:24 am

    thank you1

  1797. Rebecca Hegemier

    May 15, 2024 , 11:24 am

    May I receive a PDF of the exercises please?

  1798. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:25 pm

    Of course, Rebecca! Please click HERE to access the PDF file for “12-Yoga-Poses-for-Osteoporosis”. I hope this helps! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1799. steve

    May 15, 2024 , 11:25 am

    Thank you!

  1800. Edith Falls

    May 15, 2024 , 11:38 am

    This is great information on yoga. I’m definitely going to give it a try. Thank you!

  1801. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:23 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Edith!
    – Yoori

  1802. Gina DiVincenzo

    May 15, 2024 , 11:39 am

    I’m very happy to learn these modifications to the poses I’ve been doing to help my Osteoporosis. Thank You!

  1803. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:23 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Gina!
    – Yoori

  1804. K Mcelroy

    May 15, 2024 , 11:41 am

    Thank you for this information. I love yoga and have concerns related to safety. This article is very comprehensive and I look forward to trying out the 12 poses.

  1805. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:23 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, K! We hope you’ll enjoy the yoga poses! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1806. Cindy J Robison

    May 15, 2024 , 11:44 am

    wow there is a tremendous amount of educational material about yoga and exercises that are recommended for osteoporosis.

  1807. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:38 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Cindy! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂

    – Yoori

  1808. Cindy J Robison

    May 15, 2024 , 11:47 am

    Thank you for sharing such valuable information on yoga for osteoporosis.

  1809. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:35 pm

    Always our pleasure, Cindy! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1810. Bonnie D

    May 15, 2024 , 11:54 am

    I always knew yoga was good for balance and flexibility but I didn’t know it can help your bones

  1811. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:46 pm

    Certainly, Bonnie! Another reason to enjoy yoga :).

    – Yoori

  1812. Bonnie D

    May 15, 2024 , 11:57 am

    I always knew yoga was good for flexibility and balance. I didn’t know it helps your bones.

  1813. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:36 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Bonnie!
    – Shelby

  1814. LindaMcD

    May 15, 2024 , 12:08 pm

    Love that there are different options for whatever state our bones are in. No reason to NOT do yoga! I also love the addition of pictures that make doing the poses so simple.

  1815. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:51 pm

    Thank you so much for commenting, Linda! We’re so glad you found it helpful :).
    – Yoori

  1816. LakeKitty

    May 15, 2024 , 12:18 pm

    I haven’t attempted yoga in a couple decades but I printed out the guide and will give it a try!

  1817. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:35 pm

    Thanks for sharing! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1818. Sharon Wiles

    May 15, 2024 , 12:22 pm

    I’ve always enjoyed doing yoga, now it’s even more important with my osteoporosis.

  1819. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:56 pm

    Way to go, Sharon!
    – Yoori

  1820. Anna

    May 15, 2024 , 12:22 pm

    I so appreciate Dr. Fishman’s modifications for osteopenia and osteoporosis!

  1821. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:56 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Anna :).
    – Yoori

  1822. Mary Jo Mason

    May 15, 2024 , 12:23 pm

    I thought yoga was a risk for my osteoporosis. Thanks for the info

  1823. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:57 pm

    Hi Mary Jo! While certain yoga poses involve bending and twisting, which may carry a risk of fracture for individuals with osteoporosis or low bone density, many yoga practices can be modified to suit individual needs and capabilities :). Yoga can actually be beneficial for bone health when practiced safely and appropriately!
    – Yoori

  1824. Chris Rudnick

    May 15, 2024 , 12:24 pm

    I love these 12 poses! I have been doing this video on You Tube 4-6 days a week for over a year and love it!

  1825. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:55 pm

    That’s fantastic, Chris! Keep up the great work!
    – Yoori

  1826. SueEllen Thompson

    May 15, 2024 , 12:25 pm

    I will begin this today

  1827. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:34 pm

    Thank you for taking the time to share, SueEllen!
    – Shelby

  1828. Mary Jo Mason

    May 15, 2024 , 12:27 pm

    Thought yoga was a risk for osteoporosis. Thanks for info

  1829. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:55 pm

    You have a point, Mary Jo! While certain yoga poses involve bending and twisting, which may carry a risk of fracture for individuals with osteoporosis or low bone density, many yoga practices can be modified to suit individual needs and capabilities :). Yoga can actually be beneficial for bone health when practiced safely and appropriately!
    – Yoori

  1830. Toby Cummings

    May 15, 2024 , 12:29 pm

    Love yoga. It definitely helps my joints.

  1831. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:34 pm

    We are so happy to hear this, Toby! 🙂
    – Shelby

  1832. Lisa Wineinger Hannon

    May 15, 2024 , 12:34 pm

    Chair yoga is wonderful for my age and joints.

  1833. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:53 pm

    Thank you for commenting, Lisa! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1834. Diane Stretz Thurmond

    May 15, 2024 , 12:46 pm

    This is so helpful. I have always loved yoga and these great explanations are so helpfull.

  1835. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:34 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Diane!
    – Shelby

  1836. Lisa Dresden

    May 15, 2024 , 12:51 pm

    My doctor told me to do yoga. I’m going to give it a try.

  1837. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:30 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Lisa! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1838. Maria Monica Lara

    May 15, 2024 , 12:54 pm

    I have been practiced Yoga for 7 years at the gym but I didn’t know how much the benefit for our body it had. The instructor always describes how to do the postures but never talked about the benefits biologically have theses postures. I never have read about articles or a book between Yoga and osteoporosis. Thanks for sharing the information that has been helpful for our ignorance about what happen in our body while we are practicing it. My body loves all the slow movement and that is why I have been practicing.
    Thanks again

  1839. Katie Williams

    May 15, 2024 , 12:54 pm

    thanks so much for this content–I love yoga, yet many trainers say it doesn’t help build bone strength. I’ve downloaded the poses and will happily continue doing yoga. 🙂

  1840. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 5:09 pm

    Glad to hear you enjoy yoga, Katie! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1841. Lala Hutchison

    May 15, 2024 , 1:05 pm

    Even those simple poses require more balance than I presently have. I think I must work first on balance.

  1842. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:08 pm

    Good for you for listening to your body, Lala! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Kendra

  1843. Claire Brady

    May 15, 2024 , 1:07 pm

    Do yoga for ms. Glad to hear it is
    healthy for my bones as well.

  1844. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:07 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Claire!
    – Kendra

  1845. Janice Milliken

    May 15, 2024 , 1:13 pm

    can’t wait to get flexible!

  1846. Lisanne Dion

    May 15, 2024 , 1:15 pm

    I will try the osteoporosis version but I don’t think I can manage the prevention version yet.

  1847. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:07 pm

    Thank you for taking the time to share, Lisanne! Here’s to one day being able to do the prevention version!
    – Kendra

  1848. Brenda Gardner

    May 15, 2024 , 1:23 pm


  1849. Janie V

    May 15, 2024 , 1:24 pm

    I love your website & all the wonderful resources it provides!! Fabulous!!

  1850. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:05 pm

    We’re so glad to hear it, Janie! Thank you for taking the time to share 🙂
    – Kendra

  1851. Elizabeth R Johnson

    May 15, 2024 , 1:27 pm

    Thank you for sharing these exercises with us. I am committed to strengthening my bones as much as possible and this is helpful.

  1852. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:04 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Elizabeth! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Kendra

  1853. Jaci

    May 15, 2024 , 1:27 pm

    Excellent article and thank you for all the info. I’ve done yoga for years and love it.

  1854. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:04 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Jaci! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Kendra

  1855. Donna Connolly

    May 15, 2024 , 1:34 pm

    I think it’s wonderful how you give exercises to help along with the algaecal

  1856. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:11 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Donna!
    – Shelby

  1857. Denise Contella

    May 15, 2024 , 1:47 pm

    Great info. Never realized that yoga’s so beneficial to bone health.

  1858. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:04 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Denise!
    – Kendra

  1859. Deb Erkman

    May 15, 2024 , 1:48 pm

    I do exercises and stretches, but not yoga.

  1860. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:03 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Deb! Great to hear you’re already exercises! We hope you enjoy learning about these yoga exercises, and perhaps even try them as well 🙂
    – Kendra

  1861. Brenda Burg

    May 15, 2024 , 1:50 pm

    Thank you so very much for having the different variations for each stage of osteoporosis.

  1862. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:02 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Brenda! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Kendra

  1863. Karin Stanley

    May 15, 2024 , 2:05 pm

    I look forward to adding these yoga exercises to help my osteopena and osteoporosis. Thank you

  1864. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:01 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Karin! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Kendra

  1865. Carla Roberts

    May 15, 2024 , 2:07 pm

    Great information. Thank you!!

  1866. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:00 pm

    It was our pleasure, Carla!
    – Kendra

  1867. Yvonne Price

    May 15, 2024 , 2:09 pm

    Great information. Thank you for all the tips!

  1868. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:59 pm

    We’re glad you enjoyed the article, Yvonne!
    – Kendra

  1869. Denise Beyerle

    May 15, 2024 , 2:13 pm

    Wow!! Super helpful!! Thank you so much for all the info!’

  1870. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:45 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Denise! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1871. Deborah Varney

    May 15, 2024 , 2:31 pm

    Yoga is great for the body and even greater for the soul.

  1872. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:48 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Deborah! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Kendra

  1873. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:49 pm

    Right on, Deborah!
    – Yoori

  1874. Ellen Johnson

    May 15, 2024 , 2:33 pm

    Yoga is awesome for flexibility

  1875. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:47 pm

    Agreed, Ellen!
    – Kendra

  1876. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:49 pm

    Absolutely, Ellen!
    – Yoori

  1877. Wendy Post

    May 15, 2024 , 2:34 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I love yoga but am going to try these specific exercises!

  1878. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:47 pm

    Thank you for taking the time to share, Wendy!
    – Kendra

  1879. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:49 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Wendy! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1880. Marilyn Mathis

    May 15, 2024 , 2:38 pm

    Any time I practice yoga, I always feel my body has been on a little healing journey. How wonderful to hear all this research regarding bone health! I was unfamiliar with pgc-1a and found that fascinating.

  1881. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:46 pm

    We’re so glad you found it interesting, Marilyn! Thank you for sharing!
    – Kendra

  1882. Janet Lynn Williams-Reyes

    May 15, 2024 , 2:39 pm

    Great information

  1883. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:44 pm

    Thank you for commenting, Janet!
    – Kendra

  1884. Karen Diekmeyer

    May 15, 2024 , 2:45 pm

    Very informative article. I will try some of the poses
    I have had a hip replacement so I can’t do all of them.

  1885. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:59 pm

    We’re glad you found it informative, Karen! Please do consult with a physical therapist or personal trainer to help guide you on what’s safest for you to do!
    – Kendra

  1886. Shelley Scholzen

    May 15, 2024 , 2:45 pm

    Thank you for this~It really inspires me to get back into Yoga! : )

  1887. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:58 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Shelley! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Kendra

  1888. bridget mazzini

    May 15, 2024 , 2:49 pm

    While I have never enjoyed yoga ( I am not very patient!) I was impressed by Dr. Fishman’s studies, especially study #2. I am inspired to try to incorporate yoga into my new self care routine along with the exercises with Dr. Emma.
    I have one reservation. I believe arthritis in my right hip (getting Xray soon) and some positions are uncomfortabel for me. I will listen to my body and modify but any ideas are appreciated! Sounds like yoga is good for joints too.

  1889. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:57 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Bridget! It’s certainly important to listen to your body when doing exercises! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Kendra

  1890. Donna Adams

    May 15, 2024 , 2:53 pm

    Are headstands and arm balances safe?

  1891. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 2:57 pm

    While exercise is important, we want to be mindful of any inflexion movements or things that could make us fall, Donna! We suggest that you reach out to a physical therapist or personal trainer who understands bone loss to help suggest what’s safe for you, personally 🙂 I hope this helps!
    – Kendra

  1892. Panagiota

    May 15, 2024 , 2:53 pm

    I have always wanted to start yoga and this is a great introduction. The videos are very helpful.

  1893. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:30 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Panagiota!
    – Kendra

  1894. Colleen Ede

    May 15, 2024 , 2:57 pm

    I’ve never done high impact workouts. Yoga makes sense! Thanks for your info!

  1895. Annette Duker

    May 15, 2024 , 3:00 pm

    Thank you for the information!

  1896. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:27 pm

    It was our pleasure, Annette!
    – Kendra

  1897. Bettyanne

    May 15, 2024 , 3:18 pm

    Great Info! Ty for sharing your knowledge.

  1898. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:24 pm

    It was our pleasure, Bettyanne!
    – Kendra

  1899. Laurie

    May 15, 2024 , 3:19 pm

    Looks like a good workout for strength.

  1900. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:24 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Laurie! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Kendra

  1901. Nancy Van Nielen

    May 15, 2024 , 3:27 pm

    The older I get the more I realize the balance is one of the most important things I can work on yoga has been instrumental in helping me do that.

  1902. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:59 pm

    Thank you for taking the time to share, Nancy!
    – Kendra

  1903. Estelle Cohen

    May 15, 2024 , 3:30 pm

    I have beenndealing with significant back injuries following a fall. I am.under the care if an excellent physical therapist who carefully prescribes exercises, some similar yo Yoga. While my physician has recommended PT instead of Yoga at this time, I am completely in agreement with the benefits of appropriate exercise.

  1904. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:58 pm

    We’re so sorry to hear about your back injury, Estelle! I’m glad you have a physical therapist who is guiding you throughout all this. Exactly as you said, while exercise is important, we need to do what’s safest for us to do!
    – Kendra

  1905. Estelle Cohen

    May 15, 2024 , 3:31 pm

    I have bee dealing with significant back injuries following a fall. I am under the care of an excellent osteopath and physical therapist who carefully prescribe exercises, some similar yo Yoga. While my physician has recommended PT instead of Yoga at this time, I am completely in agreement with the benefits of appropriate exercise.

  1906. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:58 pm

    We’re so sorry to hear about your back injury, Estelle! I’m glad you have a physical therapist who is guiding you throughout all this. Exactly as you said, while exercise is important, we need to do what’s safest for us to do!
    – Kendra

  1907. Ray Waldrop

    May 15, 2024 , 3:33 pm

    Yoga is very important

  1908. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:56 pm

    We agree, Ray!
    – Kendra

  1909. Cheryl Cox

    May 15, 2024 , 3:34 pm

    Great options

  1910. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:55 pm

    Thank you so much for commenting, Cheryl! 🙂
    – Kendra

  1911. Sharon Anderson

    May 15, 2024 , 3:35 pm

    I’d like a pdf copy of the exercises.

  1912. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:58 pm

    Keep an eye out for an email from us, Sharon! We’d be happy to email you a copy 🙂
    – Kendra

  1913. Debee King

    May 15, 2024 , 3:43 pm

    I do yoga at home . I have several dvds that I like and each are 30 minutes to an hour.

  1914. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:54 pm

    That’s wonderful, Debee! Keep it up!
    – Kendra

  1915. Jackie Zoellick

    May 15, 2024 , 3:44 pm

    I am glad they divide the yoga exercise up by bone level condition (prevention, osteopenia and osteoporosis).

  1916. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:54 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Jackie!
    – Kendra

  1917. Joan

    May 15, 2024 , 3:45 pm

    A must try for me. Very informative article.

  1918. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:54 pm

    We’re so glad you found it informative, Joan!
    – Kendra

  1919. Kathy J

    May 15, 2024 , 3:46 pm

    This article is a very informative introduction of Yoga. The videos are presented clearly making it easy to follow. After trying some yoga videos in the past, I regrettably didn’t continue. The directions provided in these videos makes me more excited to give yoga another try and I’m determined to follow through this time.

  1920. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:54 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Kathy! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Kendra

  1921. Jackie

    May 15, 2024 , 3:46 pm

    I am glad they divide the yoga exercise up by bone level condition (prevention, osteopenia and osteoporosis).

  1922. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:53 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Jackie!
    – Kendra

  1923. Jane

    May 15, 2024 , 3:47 pm

    This is great refreshing information. As a prior certified yoga instructor, I have failed to keep it up. I will definitely start doing these.

  1924. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:53 pm

    Glad to hear it, Jane!
    – Kendra

  1925. Jane

    May 15, 2024 , 3:50 pm

    Refreshing information. As a prior certified yoga instructor, I have failed to keep up the exercises. I will work it back in!

  1926. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 3:52 pm

    Glad to hear it, Jane!
    – Kendra

  1927. Nancy Swanson

    May 15, 2024 , 3:51 pm

    Will try the yoga

  1928. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:29 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Nancy! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1929. Beata

    May 15, 2024 , 3:53 pm

    . Thank you for PDF Yoga poses! I’ve just printed it out and can’t wait to start practicing🧘‍♀️
    For my bone health!


  1930. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 4:29 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Beata! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Shelby

  1931. Sandi

    May 15, 2024 , 4:02 pm

    i definitely want to try these videos

  1932. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 5:14 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Sandi! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1933. Patty McMenamin

    May 15, 2024 , 4:10 pm

    I love yoga. Great to read about the positions and proper alignment. Thank you

  1934. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 5:14 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Patty!
    – Yoori

  1935. Patty McMenamin

    May 15, 2024 , 4:11 pm

    ILavery helpful information about the positions and proper alignment. Thank you

  1936. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 5:14 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Patty!
    – Yoori

  1937. Karen W Ives

    May 15, 2024 , 4:15 pm

    Very interesting and useful information. Thank you

  1938. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 5:17 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Karen :).
    – Yoori

  1939. Susan H Davenport

    May 15, 2024 , 4:24 pm

    Had no idea Yoga was good for Osteoporosis!! I’ve never done Yoga before & will definitely look into it.

  1940. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 5:18 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Susan!
    – Yoori

  1941. Karen C

    May 15, 2024 , 4:40 pm

    WOW! What fantastic information! I look forward to spending more time on this page and trying the practices.

  1942. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 5:28 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Karen! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1943. Yukiko Amaya

    May 15, 2024 , 4:50 pm

    I have been practicing yoga for many decades and it is wonderful to be reminded of which poses and how long to hold them to specifically benefit stronger bones. Very reassuring to have expert opinion and easy to follow instructions.

  1944. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 5:28 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Yukiko :).
    – Yoori

  1945. Gloria Postigo

    May 15, 2024 , 4:54 pm

    The yoga exercises are great!!

  1946. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 5:12 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Gloria! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1947. Chris n Nicole M

    May 15, 2024 , 4:54 pm

    Gonna give this a try with my wife, we want to be the healthiest Grandparents and still want to be able travel and enjoy this wonderful world!

  1948. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 5:27 pm

    That’s the spirit, Chris! We hope you and your wife will enjoy! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1949. Lynn Imbriaco

    May 15, 2024 , 4:58 pm

    I am a true believer of yoga for life. I do have osteopenia and osteoporosis and have practiced yoga for 6 or 7 years. I can feel the strengthening as poses are fully engaged. It has allowed great improvements in my balance and relief from arthritic pain. I only wished I had begun yoga practice in my 20’s.

  1950. Catherine Morgan

    May 15, 2024 , 5:06 pm

    Thank you! Yoga has always been a passion, and I’m glad to get this great information for modifying the poses – and which poses to do! I’ve bookmarked the page to refer to again.

  1951. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 5:26 pm

    We hope this will be a valuable resource for you, Catherine! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1952. Maureen Chaney

    May 15, 2024 , 5:08 pm

    Good info.

  1953. Jacqueline

    May 15, 2024 , 5:18 pm

    It is great to know the modifications I can make while doing yoga as many of the yoga instructors where I practice don’t know about what poses need to be modified for my osteoporosis.

  1954. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 5:25 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Jacqueline :).
    – Yoori

  1955. Patricia Donovan

    May 15, 2024 , 5:24 pm

    I’m glad to have found these! Looking forward to trying the poses and variations.

  1956. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 5:25 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Patricia!
    – Yoori

  1957. Pam G

    May 15, 2024 , 5:40 pm

    I have all the items I need to do yoga! Now to find a class in my area!

  1958. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 5:54 pm

    Fantastic, Pam! We hope you enjoy!
    – Yoori

  1959. Sandy McDonald

    May 15, 2024 , 5:46 pm


  1960. Marie Diane Schilly

    May 15, 2024 , 5:49 pm

    I’ll take Restorative Yoga over traditional yoga, please and thank you.

  1961. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 5:57 pm

    Restorative yoga is a wonderful choice, Marie!
    – Yoori

  1962. Nancy V Smith

    May 15, 2024 , 5:57 pm

    So much great information! Thank you!

  1963. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 7:35 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Nancy! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  1964. Linda

    May 15, 2024 , 6:01 pm

    I like how asanas are described and linked to strengthening as a way to increase bone density

  1965. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 7:35 pm

    We appreciate your comment, Linda! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1966. Nancy Tryon

    May 15, 2024 , 6:03 pm

    Interesting, indeed. But I think I might break I’m so stiff I’m afraid to start.🤦🏻‍♀️😥

  1967. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 7:37 pm

    Thank you for sharing your concern, Nancy! If you’re unsure where to start or have specific concerns, consider working with a qualified yoga instructor, either one-on-one or in a small group setting. A knowledgeable instructor can provide personalized guidance, modifications, and encouragement tailored to your individual needs and goals.

    Remember, yoga is a journey, and there’s no rush to achieve perfection. Focus on the process, enjoy the benefits of each practice, and be kind to yourself along the way :).

    – Yoori

  1968. Connie Brillhart

    May 15, 2024 , 6:04 pm

    Thank you for this info

  1969. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 7:37 pm

    Always our pleasure :).

    – Yoori

  1970. Lorraine Britton

    May 15, 2024 , 6:06 pm

    Great I formation.

  1971. Allan Harmsworth

    May 15, 2024 , 6:13 pm

    I would suggest excercise in general is good for bone health, Yoga included.

  1972. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 7:38 pm

    Right on, Allan!
    – Yoori

  1973. Janice

    May 15, 2024 , 6:25 pm

    I had read that yoga did not lead to improved bone density, so this article was news to me. Thank you for an informative blog and helpful videos.

  1974. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 7:39 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Janice!
    – Yoori

  1975. M Drew

    May 15, 2024 , 6:30 pm

    I had no idea the benefits of yoga for those who have osteoporosis. Thank you for posting the videos.

  1976. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 7:41 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new!
    – Yoori

  1977. Jin Ho Yeum

    May 15, 2024 , 6:34 pm

    It makes sense that Yoga would be good for people with osteoporosis, but I never thought about it.
    Thank you for the post!

  1978. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 7:41 pm

    Always our pleasure, Jin Ho! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1979. Lynn Koloff Hannah

    May 15, 2024 , 6:39 pm

    I take a senior exercise class and the teacher is yoga certified so she also incorporates some yoga poses in our class

  1980. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 8:09 pm

    Great to hear you are working with a certified yoga instructor, Lynn! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1981. H.S.

    May 15, 2024 , 6:39 pm

    this is great information as I recently discovered yoga at 58 years old.

  1982. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 7:44 pm

    That’s fantastic! We hope you enjoy :).
    – Yoori

  1983. Joni Stewart

    May 15, 2024 , 6:42 pm

    Good options!

  1984. Patricia Holmes

    May 15, 2024 , 6:48 pm

    I actually do chair Yoga with a senior group. I think it is a positive way to grow bone density. I agree that this is an excellent way to manage symptoms of Osteoporosis. My point of view is that a solid routine can help strengthen bones and muscles. In turn this helps reduce risks of injuries. I think it helps me with my balance as well.

  1985. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 7:43 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Patricia. It’s great to hear that you are already doing chair Yoga with a senior group!
    – Yoori

  1986. Lynne Davis

    May 15, 2024 , 6:51 pm

    This looks spectacular. Just what I need to get started.

  1987. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 7:48 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Lynne!
    – Yoori

  1988. Patricia Holmes

    May 15, 2024 , 6:53 pm

    I am finding that the yoga that I do helps me rotate my hips better and gives me better balance when i am walking .I avoid postures that put pressure on my bones or put strain on my.

  1989. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 8:17 pm

    We are happy to hear that you found something that works for you, Patricia!
    – Yoori

  1990. Brenda

    May 15, 2024 , 6:56 pm

    Great article!

  1991. Juli Williams

    May 15, 2024 , 7:04 pm

    Exercises appear challenging, however doable

  1992. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 8:18 pm

    Please go at your own pace, Juli! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1993. Marilyn Venus

    May 15, 2024 , 7:13 pm

    I found these articles and videos very useful. l have practised yoga for some years now, and am glad to have confirmation of it’s bone strengthening capacity. The exercises provided in this article mirror those of my practice, and I’m sure are responsible, along with weights classes and AlgaeCal, in improvements evident in my DEXA scans, taking me from osteoporosis to osteopenia. Marilyn

  1994. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 8:21 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Marilyn! Thank you for sharing :).
    – Yoori

  1995. Sarah Kennepohl

    May 15, 2024 , 7:18 pm

    Thank you for this info, especially the PDF!! I look forward to trying them soon.

  1996. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 8:22 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Sarah! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1997. SEB

    May 15, 2024 , 7:19 pm

    I definitely will try these yoga exercises to improve my bone health and flexibility!

  1998. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 8:22 pm

    We hope you enjoy! 🙂
    – Yoori

  1999. Bonnie Fairchild

    May 15, 2024 , 7:23 pm

    This is very interesting. I can’t wait to start.

  2000. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 7:49 pm

    We hope you enjoy! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2001. Jonelle McCoy

    May 15, 2024 , 7:25 pm

    This was so informative! I was doing some yoga moves in the gym that I didn’t even know were yoga. Thanks for educating us!

  2002. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 8:23 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Jonelle! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  2003. Margaret Bury

    May 15, 2024 , 7:27 pm

    I am so excited to know that yoga is so good for my bones. I can’t wait to start doing some of these classes!

  2004. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 8:44 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Margaret! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2005. Ann Berkey

    May 15, 2024 , 7:29 pm

    I used to practice yoga but stopped when my knees and lower back hurt. With this information about its benefits in osteoporosis, I will start again…and focus on these designated exercises. Thank you!

  2006. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 8:43 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Ann. Please listen to your body, and go at your own pace. We always suggest consulting a healthcare professional when adding new exercises to your routine, to ensure safety! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2007. Kit MacPherson

    May 15, 2024 , 7:31 pm

    This is really fantastic information about Yoga and Osteoporosis. I appreciate all the different variations and the PDF I could download.

  2008. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 8:41 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Kit! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2009. Jackie Simon

    May 15, 2024 , 7:36 pm

    I am told how good yoga is for our health but I feel uncomfortable doing these in my home by myself. I feel more comfortable in a gym with guidance.

  2010. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 8:57 pm

    Of course, Jackie! Please feel free to work with a healthcare professional or a certified instructor on this workout! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2011. Susanne Howard

    May 15, 2024 , 7:36 pm

    I had been doing yoga regularly, prior to my osteoperosis dx. The dx made me nervous of doing more damage than good, so I backed off. It is good to know that you can still practice yoga safely, and that it is actually beneficial.

  2012. Shirley Coleman

    May 15, 2024 , 7:37 pm

    Glad it can all be done at home. I like also how you show prevention, osteopenia and osteoporosis.

  2013. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 8:57 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Shirley! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2014. Kim Clements

    May 15, 2024 , 7:39 pm

    The variations are so motivating to me! I practiced yoga for years but was afraid to continue after several vertebral fractures. Thank you for encouraging this wonderful form of bone-building.

  2015. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 6:28 am

    We’re so happy to hear that you’ve found this information helpful, Kim! 🙂
    – Sam

  2016. Stephanie Bischoff

    May 15, 2024 , 7:45 pm

    Yoga is so wonderful for your body and this article is super helpful! I love the different options for pose variations based on where you are in your bone journey as well.

  2017. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 6:28 am

    Thank you for sharing, Stephanie! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2018. Susanne Howard

    May 15, 2024 , 7:46 pm

    I had been practicing yoga regularly for 20 years prior to my dx. After the dx I pulled back some, as it made me nervous about doing something damaging. I am glad to know that we can still do yoga, even with osteoperosis and will add the 12 exercises to my practice.

  2019. Jodi

    May 15, 2024 , 7:47 pm

    Better yet, you can do it all from home.

  2020. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 6:29 am

    You got it, Jodi!
    – Sam

  2021. Belinda F Timpke

    May 15, 2024 , 7:52 pm

    This is very informative.

  2022. Betsy Donahue

    May 15, 2024 , 8:13 pm

    Have been working with these poses from the book for several years. And bought the book for my sister too.

  2023. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:02 pm

    That’s great to hear, Betsy! Keep up the great work! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2024. Sharon Jackson

    May 15, 2024 , 8:15 pm

    Thank you for this resource!

  2025. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 8:23 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Sharon! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  2026. Karen Hilliard

    May 15, 2024 , 8:19 pm

    In addition to yoga, how about a walking regime?

  2027. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 15, 2024 , 8:24 pm

    Walking is certainly beneficial for our bones and overall health, Karen! 🙂 We hope you enjoy walking along with doing yoga!
    – Yoori

  2028. Linda Butcher

    May 15, 2024 , 8:21 pm

    Didn’t realize there would be modifications for those with osteoporosis and osteopenia.

  2029. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:35 am

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Linda!
    – Sam

  2030. Linda Butcher

    May 15, 2024 , 8:23 pm

    Didn’t realize there would be modifications for osteoporosis and osteopenia in all of the moves.

  2031. Debbie Leschyshyn

    May 15, 2024 , 8:23 pm

    Have never done Yoga but will give it a try

  2032. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:35 am

    Thanks for sharing, Debbie! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2033. Sandra

    May 15, 2024 , 8:24 pm

    Thank you for posting these! This is going to be fun!

  2034. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:35 am

    It was our pleasure, Sandra! 🙂
    – Sam

  2035. Elizabeth Greene

    May 15, 2024 , 8:28 pm

    Very interesting. Thanks for posting

  2036. Carolyn Laby-Bosniak

    May 15, 2024 , 8:38 pm

    I’ve just started taking AlgaeCal this week in preparation for eventual back surgery in several months. Thank you for the Yoga article… especially the Chair Yoga exercise.

  2037. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:36 am

    It’s truly our pleasure, Carolyn! All the best with your back surgery!
    If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Sam

  2038. Peggy NItz

    May 15, 2024 , 8:39 pm

    Very helpful reference. I especially need the video as a step by step reminder to make sure I cover all the various points addressed

  2039. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:57 am

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Peggy!
    – Sam

  2040. Rebecca Venezia

    May 15, 2024 , 8:40 pm

    Such helpful resources! Thank you

  2041. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:57 am

    It is our pleasure, Rebecca! 🙂
    – Sam

  2042. Terri

    May 15, 2024 , 8:41 pm

    Thanks for this OLD/new workout with “osteoporosis” variations.

  2043. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:44 am

    It is our pleasure, Terri. 🙂
    – Sam

  2044. Celeste Filbert

    May 15, 2024 , 8:46 pm

    I love seeing the specific yoga poses that help with bone health. I don’t always do yoga, but your articles on exercise and yoga help me remember to add something new regularly and my bones are getting stronger. Thank you!

  2045. Eileen Kelly

    May 15, 2024 , 8:52 pm

    I would live the pdf version of the yoga practice. I’m so excited to get started.

  2046. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:06 pm

    Thank you for your interest, Eileen! Please click HERE to access the PDF version :). We hope you enjoy!
    – Yoori

  2047. Zea Sonnabend

    May 15, 2024 , 8:52 pm

    I have osteoporosis and I’m going to try these yoga modifications. Thanks!

  2048. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:40 am

    It’s our pleasure, Zea! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2049. Shana

    May 15, 2024 , 9:15 pm

    Very useful – thanks.

  2050. Kimberley Thomas

    May 15, 2024 , 9:21 pm

    Thank you for the great information!

  2051. Mechelle Delaune Wilmot

    May 15, 2024 , 9:23 pm

    These are great to know and have. Thank you.

  2052. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:42 am

    It is our pleasure, Mechelle. 🙂
    – Sam

  2053. Rebecca Larsen

    May 15, 2024 , 9:24 pm

    Haven’t had a density scan done for a long time. I see the need to have one. These exercises can definitely help! I’m glad they are showing pictures—very helpful!

  2054. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:07 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Rebecca! Yes, we do suggest having a DEXA scan if you haven’t done it for a long time!
    – Yoori

  2055. Robert Reuter

    May 15, 2024 , 9:26 pm

    good to know

  2056. Robert Reuter

    May 15, 2024 , 9:28 pm

    good to know and try

  2057. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:43 am

    We hope you enjoy, Robert. 🙂
    – Sam

  2058. Maxine Samuelson

    May 15, 2024 , 9:28 pm

    These yoga poses are well–described and easy to follow.

  2059. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:43 am

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Maxine!
    – Sam

  2060. Susan L Deutsch

    May 15, 2024 , 9:30 pm

    Thank you for this! I stopped practicing a lot of my yoga poses after an osteoporosis diagnosis because I thought the twisting might break a bone. I am so pleased to have something so simply presented that I can follow

  2061. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:43 am

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Susan! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2062. Maureen Chaney

    May 15, 2024 , 9:32 pm

    Will give it a try.

  2063. Vickie

    May 15, 2024 , 9:39 pm

    I love yoga. I have been practicing for many years and the benefits if strength and flexibility are wonderful.

  2064. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:07 pm

    That’s fantastic, Vickie! Keep up the great work!
    – Yoori

  2065. Robert Messmer

    May 15, 2024 , 10:06 pm

    Looks like a lot of work.

  2066. Parviz Moudgil

    May 15, 2024 , 10:28 pm

    I have some physical limitations so I can’t perform all the poses, but it’s very informative.

  2067. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:11 pm

    It’s great to hear that you find the information helpful, Parviz. If you have physical limitations, consider modifying poses to suit your abilities or focus on the aspects that you can comfortably perform. Consulting with a physical therapist or a qualified instructor who can provide personalized modifications might also be beneficial :).
    – Yoori

  2068. Catherine Ross

    May 16, 2024 , 12:30 am

    I used to do yoga all the time…………then I got old and the poses were just too demanding for my body. Thank goodness for the modifications. I’m eager to get back to a practice. Thank you.

  2069. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 5:07 pm

    We’re so glad you found the modifications helpful, Catherine!
    – Kendra

  2070. Chiona Haili

    May 16, 2024 , 12:38 am

    Triangle pose

  2071. Saundra Rowland

    May 16, 2024 , 1:46 am

    not sure I will do this

  2072. Michele L Cline

    May 16, 2024 , 1:58 am

    yoga and bone health. hmmmmm

  2073. Vanessa Romeo

    May 16, 2024 , 3:10 am

    Thank you for the information

  2074. Joann Koechel

    May 16, 2024 , 3:24 am

    Thank you

  2075. Laura

    May 16, 2024 , 3:47 am

    Great article. I do yoga routinely and a few of these are challenging for me. Ow I know they’re worth focusing on.

  2076. Sierra

    May 16, 2024 , 3:53 am

    Yoga is such a great tool for bone density. I was able to increase my density in 3 years by around 9% overall.

  2077. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 5:00 pm

    Wow that’s amazing, Sierra! Thank you for taking the time to share! Keep up the wonderful work!
    – Kendra

  2078. Martha

    May 16, 2024 , 4:03 am

    Thank you for the information about all the poses!

  2079. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:58 pm

    It’s our pleasure, Martha!
    – Kendra

  2080. Clarissa Cartozian

    May 16, 2024 , 4:24 am

    Excellent. I enjoyed watching the videos on 12 exercises with variations. I am going to purchase Yoga for Osteoporosis.

  2081. Diana Bennett

    May 16, 2024 , 4:25 am

    interesting article

  2082. Suzette Sell

    May 16, 2024 , 4:26 am

    Good information

  2083. Rebecca Valicoff

    May 16, 2024 , 4:29 am

    hopefully I’ll try to improve me balance, bones and health

  2084. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:54 pm

    Here’s to your improved bone health, Rebecca! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Kendra

  2085. Cynthia Wingerden

    May 16, 2024 , 4:36 am

    Thank you for this enlightening information. I’m certainly going to be using this!

  2086. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:54 pm

    We’re so glad you found it informative, Cynthia!
    – Kendra

  2087. Kim Dobson-Smith

    May 16, 2024 , 4:46 am

    Great information

  2088. Barbara Encinas

    May 16, 2024 , 4:48 am

    Yoga has been a weekly exercise for me, and it has helped me in many ways.

  2089. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:53 pm

    Thank you for taking the time to share, Barbara!
    – Kendra

  2090. Peggy

    May 16, 2024 , 5:10 am


  2091. Lisa Erickson

    May 16, 2024 , 5:22 am

    Thank you for all these great exercises to help us!

  2092. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:52 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Lisa! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Kendra

  2093. Patty

    May 16, 2024 , 5:30 am

    Will add this to my regular exercise routine.

  2094. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:51 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Patty!
    – Kendra

  2095. Julia

    May 16, 2024 , 5:40 am

    I always thought yoga didn’t create enough impact for bone strengthening and the poses would stress the spine. Now I see that yoga can be beneficial.

  2096. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:48 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Julia!
    – Kendra

  2097. Susan Tereba

    May 16, 2024 , 5:47 am

    Thank you for putting this in a printable form. I appreciate having specific poses for keeping our bones healthy.

  2098. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:55 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Susan!
    – Kendra

  2099. Jennifer Walton

    May 16, 2024 , 5:47 am

    Excellent videos and very informative info

  2100. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:46 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Jennifer!
    – Kendra

  2101. dmasl

    May 16, 2024 , 5:51 am

    I’ve been taking AlgaeCal for several years now

  2102. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:28 pm

    That’s wonderful to hear! Please keep us updated with how you go!
    – Kendra

  2103. Erika Lyn Kimberlin

    May 16, 2024 , 5:59 am

    I’ve really noticed a difference in my sense of well being since starting the 12 yoga poses:)

  2104. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:27 pm

    Wow! That’s wonderful to hear, Erika! Thank you for sharing 🙂
    – Kendra

  2105. Terrie Vorono

    May 16, 2024 , 6:07 am

    These are great guidelines for adapting yoga poses to emphasize bone strength.

  2106. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:26 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Terrie!
    – Kendra

  2107. Rhoda Joyner

    May 16, 2024 , 6:36 am

    This is a great article. I teach Svaroopa® Yoga which is a form of Hatha Yoga and addresses weight bearing and pain. Thank You

  2108. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:23 pm

    That’s wonderful, Rhoda! Thank you for taking the time to share!
    – Kendra

  2109. Jill C Hillenbrand

    May 16, 2024 , 6:40 am

    Love the variations for the poses, thank you!

  2110. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:22 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Jill!
    – Kendra

  2111. Carolyn

    May 16, 2024 , 6:49 am

    I love the yoga poses and plan to start doing more yoga

  2112. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:15 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Carolyn! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Kendra

  2113. Wendy Raby

    May 16, 2024 , 6:53 am

    I am excited to delve into this daily. I have a friend that does hot yoga, but I cannot tolerate the high heat so I did not go to class with her. I can try this at home in the A/C.

  2114. Wendy Wolfe

    May 16, 2024 , 6:55 am

    Wow! I appreciate the specific instructions about how to do each move and why to do it!

  2115. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:15 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Wendy!
    – Kendra

  2116. Denise

    May 16, 2024 , 7:03 am

    Very informative! I’ve saved this article for future reference.

  2117. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:15 pm

    We’re so glad you found it informative, Denise!
    – Kendra

  2118. Gigi Lawton

    May 16, 2024 , 7:12 am

    Yoga is the best!

  2119. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:13 pm

    It sure is, Gigi!
    – Kendra

  2120. Catherine

    May 16, 2024 , 7:12 am

    I hand’t realized that yoga was good for bone health.

  2121. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:13 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Catherine!
    – Kendra

  2122. Amy Simpkins

    May 16, 2024 , 7:12 am

    Very informative

  2123. Joseph Sanders

    May 16, 2024 , 7:20 am

    Movement is the key! First thing in the morning, head outside and breath in the fresh air and let that sunlight in your eyes. Wait a hour before coffee! Balance your life with nature!

  2124. sudeep

    May 16, 2024 , 7:29 am

    These are fantastic. Thank you for providing the support and guidance.

  2125. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:07 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Sudeep! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Kendra

  2126. Anne Heyrman

    May 16, 2024 , 7:31 am

    I love how yoga makes my body and joints feel. I’ve had some lower back issues and have had to modify the final resting pose. Other than that, for my hips I love pigeon.

  2127. Connie Cortina

    May 16, 2024 , 7:37 am

    Good article. I do PiYo almost every day, which incorporates all of the yoga poses but is much more than just yoga.

  2128. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 3:56 pm

    Thank you for taking the time to share, Connie!
    – Kendra

  2129. DNash

    May 16, 2024 , 7:48 am

    The amount of information is comprehensive, however, for reasons I do not care to share, I prefer Pilates and stretching. Thank you for the information.

  2130. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 3:56 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, DNash!
    – Kendra

  2131. Dona Brokke

    May 16, 2024 , 7:53 am


  2132. Martina Malray

    May 16, 2024 , 7:54 am

    This is a wonderful resource. I look forward to adding to my workout routine (walking and Pilates)

  2133. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 3:56 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Martina! Thank you for taking the time to share!
    – Kendra

  2134. Dona Brokke

    May 16, 2024 , 7:54 am


  2135. Martina Malray

    May 16, 2024 , 7:55 am

    Thank you for this wonderful resource. I will add to my walking and Pilates program

  2136. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 3:55 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Martina! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Kendra

  2137. Wendy Norton

    May 16, 2024 , 7:56 am

    Alright already!
    I’ve always liked Pilates, never liked Yoga. But this blog has convinced me to give yoga another whirl – for the sake of my bones. Thanks to everyone involved!

  2138. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 3:55 pm

    That’s wonderful, Wendy! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Kendra

  2139. Wendy Allen

    May 16, 2024 , 7:56 am

    I do yoga and do these poses

  2140. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 3:54 pm

    That’s wonderful, Wendy! Keep it up!
    – Kendra

  2141. Nita Fair

    May 16, 2024 , 8:21 am

    Thank you for all of these good articles and exersises!

  2142. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:12 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Nita!
    – Kendra

  2143. Susan H Davenport

    May 16, 2024 , 8:41 am

    Glad to know this is good for Osteoporosis

  2144. Julia Fazio

    May 16, 2024 , 8:41 am

    I especially like the contraindications and the variations

  2145. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:21 pm

    We’re so glad you found it interesting, Julia!
    – Kendra

  2146. Julia Fazio

    May 16, 2024 , 8:42 am

    Thanks. I like the videos. I especially like the contraindications and the variations.

  2147. Julia Fazio

    May 16, 2024 , 8:45 am

    Thank you. I like the easy to follow videos. I especially like the contraindications and the variations.

  2148. Kim McDAniel

    May 16, 2024 , 8:46 am

    Ive been doing yoga for a couple of years. Love it and now I know it will help osteoporosis. very informative video and great explanations of poses

  2149. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 5:15 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Kim!
    – Kendra

  2150. Linda Erickson

    May 16, 2024 , 8:48 am

    After breaking my femur and hip, I go slow with extreme exercise, but improving everyday

  2151. Mary Lu Lovett

    May 16, 2024 , 8:56 am

    wow, very inclusive. Awesome information for yoga teachers and. students. How can we share this article?

  2152. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 5:14 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Mary! Please feel free to copy and paste the URL link of this article to your friends and family! Thank you for sharing 🙂
    – Kendra

  2153. susan stone

    May 16, 2024 , 9:25 am

    I love yoga as an exercise – who knew it was good for bone loss.

  2154. Joseph Puma

    May 16, 2024 , 9:33 am

    yoga as well as Tai Chi aids in bone support. my wife has been taking algeacal since Aug 2023 and her DEXA scores improved moving her from Osteoporosis level to Osteopenia levels.

  2155. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 5:12 pm

    Wow! That’s amazing, Joseph! Congratulations to your wife! If there’s anything we can do to further support her bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Kendra

  2156. Dave Gandy

    May 16, 2024 , 9:35 am


  2157. Jean Olsen

    May 16, 2024 , 9:50 am

    I have been thinking about yoga for a while. I will find a studio asap

  2158. Marlys Holmstadt

    May 16, 2024 , 10:15 am

    Having physical limitations due to a stroke I will need to find a yoga instructor who can provide guidance as to what I can safely do

  2159. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 5:23 pm

    I’m so sorry to hear about your stroke, Marlys. We’re glad you’re reaching out to a yoga instructor to help guide you with this! 🙂
    – Kendra

  2160. Suzanne R Mickelson

    May 16, 2024 , 10:26 am

    It’s worth a try!

  2161. LesZen

    May 16, 2024 , 10:30 am

    Yoga is so good for the body. I will follow your suggestions.

  2162. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 11:28 am

    Thanks for sharing, LesZen! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Shelby

  2163. D Hughes

    May 16, 2024 , 11:11 am

    Helpful information. Thank you.

  2164. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 11:28 am

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, D!
    – Shelby

  2165. E McD

    May 16, 2024 , 11:11 am

    Love doing these on YourTube!

  2166. Anne-Marie Hamilton

    May 16, 2024 , 11:16 am

    Happy you offer activity at different level as I am new to yoga.

  2167. Leah V Fox

    May 16, 2024 , 11:30 am

    Yoga is presented and demonstrated extremely well. The PDF is super. Thank you.

  2168. Kendra AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 5:20 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Leah!
    – Kendra

  2169. Theresa Szpak

    May 16, 2024 , 12:20 pm

    After learning more about the benefits of Yoga, I decided to do it twice a week, once at the gym with the instructor that gives options 1-3 depending on what’s available to you and once at home with an instructor on Youtube that I used previously. I know I always feel better and more relaxed after each session of Yoga. Anyone can do Yoga!

  2170. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 6:04 pm

    That’s great to hear, Theresa! Keep up the great work! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2171. Darlene

    May 16, 2024 , 12:26 pm

    Best pages ever!!

  2172. PauleeB

    May 16, 2024 , 12:29 pm


  2173. Elaine Buehner

    May 16, 2024 , 1:01 pm

    I have done yoga for years but need to get back into it more regularly.

  2174. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 5:38 pm

    Way to go, Elaine!
    – Yoori

  2175. Gina M Bedrosian

    May 16, 2024 , 1:05 pm

    Thanks for the guide!!!

  2176. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 5:38 pm

    Always our pleasure, Gina!
    – Yoori

  2177. wen budro

    May 16, 2024 , 1:24 pm

    Thank you for the great information. I love that this form of exercise is low impact and gentle. This is helpful as I age.

  2178. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 6:15 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Wen!
    – Yoori

  2179. Darby

    May 16, 2024 , 1:47 pm

    I have been doing yoga for years, but found Dr. Fishman’s research on yoga and osteoporosis very informative. I printed the PDF and I am following the Fishman method for stronger bone. A really nice feature of the AlgaeCal website.

  2180. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 6:00 pm

    We truly appreciate your positive feedback, Darby!
    – Yoori

  2181. Kim Walker

    May 16, 2024 , 1:57 pm

    I have never tried Yoga and never thought I would be able to do it but I am very interested in trying it.

  2182. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 5:33 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Kim! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2183. Debbie Forrester

    May 16, 2024 , 2:01 pm

    Can’t wait to give it a try! Win/win

  2184. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 5:33 pm

    Best of luck to you, Debbie! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2185. Beverly

    May 16, 2024 , 2:40 pm

    I had a few falls but have never had a fracture. I’m going the strength training and nutrition route.

  2186. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 6:23 pm

    That sounds like a proactive approach to maintaining your bone health, Beverly! Keep up the great work! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2187. Sandie Faber

    May 16, 2024 , 2:50 pm

    I’m excited to start incorporating yoga into my daily routine. The 20 minute video on YouTube looks perfect for me! I’ll definitely print the pdf!

  2188. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 5:30 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Sandie!
    – Yoori

  2189. Nancy Haltli

    May 16, 2024 , 2:52 pm

    great information! thank you for sharing. I have done yoga before , it is nice to know which ones will help my bones. I am currently recovering from a broken foot so I am interested in the chair yoga video

  2190. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 5:30 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Nancy! We are sorry to hear of your broken foot. HERE is our bone fracture guide, which I hope will be helpful. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
    – Yoori

  2191. Susan Taylor-Brubaker

    May 16, 2024 , 2:55 pm

    Great ideas!!!

  2192. Sandie Faber

    May 16, 2024 , 3:08 pm

    I look forward to incorporating yoga into my daily routine. The video on YouTube looks perfect for me too. I’ll definitely print the pdf of the 12 yoga poses

  2193. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 5:25 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Sandie!
    – Yoori

  2194. Patricia Ford

    May 16, 2024 , 3:17 pm

    I will look into yoga for Osteoporis

  2195. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:35 pm

    Thank you so much for commenting, Patricia! 🙂
    – Shelby

  2196. Jim

    May 16, 2024 , 3:23 pm

    Thanks for the 12 poses. These appear safe for osteoporosis and doable.

  2197. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 5:25 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Jim! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  2198. Linda McMahan

    May 16, 2024 , 3:41 pm

    I am fused with hardware from C2 to T2. What can you suggest for me? I have mobility issues as a result.

  2199. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 6:13 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Linda. As safety is utmost important, we suggest working with a health care professional / physical therapist to find a workout routine that’s best for you :).
    – Yoori

  2200. Lisa Johnson

    May 16, 2024 , 3:44 pm

    Can’t wait to try some of these ! Here’s to stronger bones!!

  2201. Shelby AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 4:35 pm

    Lisa, if there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Shelby

  2202. Linda

    May 16, 2024 , 3:58 pm

    Thank you for this article on how to do yoga safely with osteoporosis.

  2203. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 5:25 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Linda! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  2204. Mary de Raismes

    May 16, 2024 , 4:08 pm

    The showing of the different yoga poses is very helpful.

  2205. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 5:28 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Mary!
    – Yoori

  2206. Linda BURNS

    May 16, 2024 , 4:12 pm

    Thank you! I printed these and will try yoga!

  2207. Carol

    May 16, 2024 , 4:31 pm

    What a wonderful reference. Thank you!

  2208. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 5:24 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Carol! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  2209. Patricia Hunter

    May 16, 2024 , 4:41 pm

    Great information.

  2210. Denice Wasikowski

    May 16, 2024 , 5:48 pm

    A lot of good information!

  2211. Renee Meaney

    May 16, 2024 , 5:52 pm

    I have been taking yoga classes for almost 30 years now. I can’t say enough positive things about it! All the poses shown above are great for all levels, beginner on up. Even though I have osteoporosis now, I’m still going strong with my yoga practice, and learn something new from every class and every teacher that I’ve ever had! My balance and strength have improved over time, and my mind can settle and enjoy savasana pose at closing. It’s my “me” time.

  2212. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 6:10 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Renee, and we are so happy to hear that your balance and strength have improved over time! Keep up the great work! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2213. TJ Jolene

    May 16, 2024 , 6:17 pm

    I’ve watched a few of the live videos on the group page. I cannot do many due to “challenging knees” but I do the bridge more often now. Thx for the info. I haven’t seen it all on this article…well not yet! Thx guys for the immense and intense info! You’ve got our backs! Appreciate that!

  2214. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 6:26 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, TJ, and I’m glad to hear that you’ve watched a few of our videos on our community page! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  2215. Odie

    May 16, 2024 , 6:51 pm

    I don’t do this

  2216. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:25 pm

    That’s fine, Odie! If you are interested, we have many other exercises that you can try on our blog HERE. I hope this helps!
    – Yoori

  2217. Jonay Casares

    May 16, 2024 , 6:54 pm

    One of the things I like best is the focus on balance. As I age that is harder.

  2218. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:26 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Jonay! Practice is the key, so keep up the great work! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2219. Miranda Summerset

    May 16, 2024 , 6:55 pm

    really interesting

  2220. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:06 pm

    We’re so glad you found it interesting, Miranda!
    – Yoori

  2221. Kathryn Mitchell

    May 16, 2024 , 7:09 pm

    Thank you for the information!

  2222. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:07 pm

    Always our pleasure, Kathryn!
    – Yoori

  2223. lesley

    May 16, 2024 , 7:26 pm

    Excellent videos showing safe for osteoporosis yoga poses. Really good and comprehensive information.

  2224. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:08 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Lesley!
    – Yoori

  2225. Debby

    May 16, 2024 , 7:35 pm

    Amazing yoga moves! Ive heard yoga is so good for you. Would you please send me the pdf article?
    Thank you.

  2226. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:11 pm

    Thank you for reaching out, Debby! Please click HERE to access the PDF file :). I hope this helps!
    – Yoori

  2227. Wenrn

    May 16, 2024 , 7:39 pm

    I love these resources! I had my first DEXA Scan and have Osteoporosis and Osteopenia 😭. I don’t particularly like going somewhere for classes, they can be really pricey.?

  2228. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:10 pm

    We are sorry to hear of your diagnosis, Wenrn. We hope our guide to yoga will be helpful for you! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂

    – Yoori

  2229. SusanMcClain

    May 16, 2024 , 7:43 pm

    thanks for the yoga information..very informative…

  2230. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:07 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Susan!
    – Yoori

  2231. Sherrie Young

    May 16, 2024 , 8:00 pm

    I love the information that was given.

  2232. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 16, 2024 , 8:09 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Sherrie!
    – Yoori

  2233. Amy Winters

    May 16, 2024 , 8:14 pm

    I learned something new! Not just impact sports builds bone density.

  2234. Janice Stocker

    May 16, 2024 , 8:25 pm

    I never knew yoga could help me feel better with having osteoporosis. There are many videos and yoga poses I have been shown that I will start using. Thank you for all the information!

  2235. Kathy Robbins

    May 16, 2024 , 9:05 pm

    So glad to see this page. I will put this plan on my schedule

  2236. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 7:36 am

    We hope you enjoy! 🙂
    – Sam

  2237. Patricia A Hurd

    May 16, 2024 , 9:22 pm

    I do stretching exercises and walking. But these seem doable! I printed them off! Thanks!

  2238. Leanne Converse

    May 16, 2024 , 10:57 pm

    I’m doing weights and stretching and Tai Chi. Don’t really have time to add Yoga

  2239. Susan

    May 16, 2024 , 11:28 pm

    So, weightlifting, stomping, and…YOGA!! Was starting to think bone-enhancing exercise had to be drudgery. Thanks!!!

  2240. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 8:09 am

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Susan!
    – Sam

  2241. Jackie

    May 17, 2024 , 2:11 am

    Thank you for sharing a “healthy”way to exercise for the three levels of osteoporosis. I have had major injuries and surgeries and this helps to follow to prevent and not aggravate my body.

  2242. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 7:38 am

    It’s truly our pleasure, Jackie! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Sam

  2243. Denise Heffel

    May 17, 2024 , 2:25 am

    This was very informative. I had been doing Yoga in the past, but stopped when I got older. I am inspired to start again. I did not know that Yoga can help Osteoporosis.

  2244. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 8:08 am

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Denise! 🙂
    – Sam

  2245. Denise Heffel

    May 17, 2024 , 2:27 am

    All of these articles are very informative. I did not know that Yoga can help Osteoporosis. Something I will start doing again for myself, but also share with my clients.

  2246. Lisa Zbonack

    May 17, 2024 , 4:58 am

    Please send me PDF..Thx

  2247. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 8:13 am

    Lisa, please check your email! We have just sent you it. Sometimes our emails get filtered in the junk/spam mail so please check there as well. 🙂
    – Sam

  2248. Ann Wilson

    May 17, 2024 , 5:16 am

    Thank you!

  2249. Jan Jones Hooson

    May 17, 2024 , 5:59 am

    I have never done yoga and am not sure if it is for me — I might try some of the easier poses and go from there—

  2250. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 8:02 am

    We hope you enjoy it, Jan!
    – Sam

  2251. Jan Jones Hooson

    May 17, 2024 , 6:01 am

    Looks good— will have to try these moves

  2252. Maria

    May 17, 2024 , 6:06 am

    I already do hot yoga a couple of times per week. How many times per week do you recommend to do this 12-posture flow? Thank you!

  2253. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 10:24 am

    Great question, Maria! We don’t have a specific recommendation of how many times to incorporate these poses into your regimen as it would be completely up to you. 🙂
    – Sam

  2254. Adie

    May 17, 2024 , 6:27 am

    Thanks for the thorough info!

  2255. Karen Johnson

    May 17, 2024 , 6:53 am

    Started doing yoga at age 45. I never knew how strong I could feel after doing yoga.
    I wish I would have started doing Yoga at a younger age. The flexibility and balance conditioning is truly challenging and rewarding all at the sametime.

  2256. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 8:03 am

    Thank you for sharing your experience, Karen! 🙂 This sounds incredible. Keep up the great work.
    – Sam

  2257. John F Loftis Jr

    May 17, 2024 , 7:36 am

    Already started yoga a limited basis. Good for balance and some for temporary pain control, but I have a long challenge ahead of me.

  2258. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 8:31 am

    We wish you all the best, John! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Sam

  2259. Michele

    May 17, 2024 , 8:52 am

    Thanks for all the information. Now just to practice, practice, practice.

  2260. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 9:01 am

    We hope you enjoy, Michele!
    – Sam

  2261. Elizabeth Marie Hand

    May 17, 2024 , 9:05 am

    All three videos are well done. The Bone Loss Prevention video suits me the best. I haven’t done yoga class in a dozen years. I may choose to infuse a few poses between weight training workouts.

  2262. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 10:14 am

    Thanks for sharing, Elizabeth! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2263. Elizabeth Marie Hand

    May 17, 2024 , 9:24 am

    Thanks for the refresher with foods to avoid. Let’s hope some day that osteoporosis will not be called “The silent killer.”

  2264. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 10:27 am

    Thank you for sharing, Elizabeth! 🙂
    – Sam

  2265. Sue Lichatowich

    May 17, 2024 , 9:30 am

    I take yoga classes at the gym about 5X a week

  2266. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 10:16 am

    That’s awesome, Sue! Keep up the great work. 🙂
    – Sam

  2267. Denise Smith

    May 17, 2024 , 10:01 am

    Thank you for these helpful tips!

  2268. Susie Dajani

    May 17, 2024 , 10:09 am

    great yoga exercises,very helpful and easy.
    thank you

  2269. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 10:17 am

    It is our pleasure, Susie! 🙂
    – Sam

  2270. Audrone Matutis

    May 17, 2024 , 10:41 am


  2271. Barbara Gritczek

    May 17, 2024 , 11:21 am

    I have been looking for something like this. Thank you!

  2272. Connee DeWolfe

    May 17, 2024 , 11:22 am

    thank you for this article. I know I need to exercise but I have not been very motivated to start. These short videos may be just what I need to begin.

  2273. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 11:27 am

    We’re glad you find it helpful, Connee! 🙂
    – Sam

  2274. E Alexa Anderson

    May 17, 2024 , 12:22 pm

    I have always dismissed yoga as being beneficial for bone building (not for being beneficial in many other ways). This clear, scientific explanation has changed my mind. Thank you.

  2275. Libby Mayes

    May 17, 2024 , 12:36 pm

    I am glad to be reminded of this! I need to add more yoga to my exercise regimen.

  2276. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 3:25 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Libby!
    – Yoori

  2277. Nelsa Ciapponi

    May 17, 2024 , 1:42 pm

    Thank you for these exercises! Cat did a great job demonstrating clearly with variations. Look forward to practicing.

  2278. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 3:27 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Nelsa, and we appreciate your positive feedback! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2279. Veta Jones

    May 17, 2024 , 2:19 pm

    Good information!
    I need to, and will, do yoga more. I was happy to see most of the poses were familiar since my yoga instructor includes them in each session I attend.

  2280. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 3:56 pm

    That’s great to hear, Veta! Keep up the great work!
    – Yoori

  2281. Kim

    May 17, 2024 , 3:24 pm

    I hadn’t considered yoga, but may give these a try!

  2282. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 3:26 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Kim!
    – Yoori

  2283. Pam

    May 17, 2024 , 3:33 pm

    Great! I need this for hips, knees, spine 👍🏼

  2284. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 3:39 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Pam!
    – Yoori

  2285. Leslie Caperton

    May 17, 2024 , 4:40 pm

    this is great info!

  2286. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 7:58 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Leslie!
    – Yoori

  2287. Sheila Hrabchak

    May 17, 2024 , 4:46 pm

    Very informative

  2288. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 17, 2024 , 7:58 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Sheila!
    – Yoori

  2289. Meryl Gordon

    May 17, 2024 , 9:34 pm

    Very helpful!!

  2290. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 19, 2024 , 6:37 pm

    We’re so happy to hear, Meryl!
    – Megan

  2291. toni marongelli

    May 17, 2024 , 10:45 pm

    this looks very interesting and helpful.

  2292. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 19, 2024 , 6:45 pm

    We are so happy to hear this, Toni! 🙂
    – Megan

  2293. Elham

    May 17, 2024 , 11:37 pm

    I love yoga exercises because it’s so gentle and beneficial for bones

  2294. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 19, 2024 , 6:46 pm

    We’re so happy to hear this, Elham!
    – Megan

  2295. Elke Graham

    May 18, 2024 , 1:35 am

    Great information about Yoga and how it will help with osteoporosis. Really like the printable Yoga poses, as I don’t exercise in front of my computer. Thank you so much for all the information in this forum here! I have learned a lot and still learn every time I read a new article from you!

  2296. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 19, 2024 , 6:50 pm

    We’re so happy to hear you learned something new, Elke!
    – Megan

  2297. Linda Peterman

    May 18, 2024 , 4:10 am

    Very helpful! Having both osteoarthritis and now osteoporosis, chair yoga may be the answer for exercise. I will begin this today!

  2298. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 19, 2024 , 7:02 pm

    We’re so happy you found this helpful, Linda!
    – Megan

  2299. Sheri

    May 18, 2024 , 4:43 am

    This Ultimate Guide to Yoga for Osteoporosis is a a wonderfully comprehensive resource! Cutting though the vast amount of information to hone in on the most beneficial poses and at the same time offering the safest techniques for every stage of Osteoporosis. Thank you

  2300. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 19, 2024 , 7:43 pm

    We’re so happy to hear that you found this guide helpful, Sheri!
    – Megan

  2301. Tracy

    May 18, 2024 , 5:18 am

    Yessss, this is just what is needed!
    I’m returning to Yoga!
    The poses will start you on a good foundation, thanks Algaecal

  2302. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 19, 2024 , 7:44 pm

    It’s our pleasure, Tracy! We’re so happy to hear that this was just what you needed. 🙂
    – Megan

  2303. Jenifer Zihlman

    May 18, 2024 , 6:26 am

    Have done yoga for years and feel this has been what has helped to keep me all together

  2304. Cherie

    May 18, 2024 , 7:38 am

    going to incorporate this!!

  2305. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 19, 2024 , 8:26 pm

    Love hearing that, Cherie!
    – Megan

  2306. CatB

    May 18, 2024 , 9:04 am

    Very interesting ! Another reason for me to try yoga, beyond balance et relaxation !

  2307. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 19, 2024 , 8:01 pm

    Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, Cat! There certainly are many benefits to doing yoga!
    – Megan

  2308. Diane K McHugh

    May 18, 2024 , 11:30 am

    I saved the free printable PDF for yoga moves for osteoporosis. Thank you! It will come in handy to use.

  2309. Karen Davis

    May 18, 2024 , 12:10 pm

    I love this! I practice yoga everyday and it helps me with balance.

  2310. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 19, 2024 , 7:57 pm

    It’s wonderful to hear that yoga is already a part of your daily practice, Karen!
    – Megan

  2311. Teri McHugh

    May 18, 2024 , 12:11 pm

    I’ll start today!

  2312. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 19, 2024 , 8:00 pm

    This is wonderful to hear, Teri!
    – Megan

  2313. Kim R

    May 18, 2024 , 12:53 pm

    The info about on the 12 yoga poses has convinced me the importance of continuing the practice. That along with upping my weight bearing exercise.

  2314. Manja AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:59 am

    That’s fantastic to hear, Kim! Yoga can be incredibly beneficial for bone health, especially when combined with weight-bearing exercises. The combination of yoga poses that specifically target strength, balance, and flexibility, along with weight-bearing exercises, can help improve bone density and overall bone health.
    Keep up the great work with your practice and exercise routine! If you have any questions or need further guidance on incorporating yoga or weight-bearing exercises into your routine, feel free to ask.
    – Manja

  2315. Jewels

    May 18, 2024 , 1:02 pm

    Thank you for the PDF yoga poses link. I had to start aquatic therapy following a L2 compression FX back in January and now will be building back into land exercises this next week. I will take these poses to my PT to see if there are any I could start doing now.

  2316. Manja AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 9:01 am

    You’re very welcome, jewels! It’s great to hear that you found the PDF yoga poses helpful, especially as you transition from aquatic therapy to land exercises. Consulting with your physical therapist about incorporating these poses into your routine is an excellent idea. They can provide personalized guidance on which poses are safe and beneficial for your recovery process.
    Wishing you a smooth transition back to land exercises and continued progress on your journey to recovery! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out.
    – Manja

  2317. Jean Alice Walker

    May 18, 2024 , 2:27 pm

    Compelling information! I’ve requested the 12 Yoga Poses pdf with intent of trying out these poses. This article prompts me to begin attending the yoga class at my health club.

  2318. Manja AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:20 am

    That’s fantastic to hear, Jean! Yoga can be incredibly beneficial for both physical and mental well-being, especially when it comes to bone health. Attending a yoga class at your health club is a wonderful way to get started, as you’ll have the guidance of an instructor and the support of fellow participants. Don’t hesitate to explore the 12 Yoga Poses PDF as well—it’s a great resource to complement your practice. If you have any questions or need further guidance as you begin your yoga journey, feel free to ask. Enjoy your practice!
    – Manja


    May 18, 2024 , 4:11 pm

    I’ve always loved yoga, now I have lots of extra reason to keep practicing!!

  2320. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 19, 2024 , 8:00 pm

    We’re so happy to hear this, Janet!
    – Megan

  2321. Barbara Canty

    May 18, 2024 , 5:11 pm

    I’ve never been a fan of yoga but I’m going to try these suggestions

  2322. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 19, 2024 , 7:56 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Barbara!
    – Megan

  2323. Angela Lankford

    May 18, 2024 , 8:22 pm

    Thank you for sharing this. I need anything that will help.

  2324. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 19, 2024 , 7:10 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Angela! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Megan

  2325. Deborah Beck

    May 18, 2024 , 10:17 pm

    Thank you for the very thorough and useable information and exercises for a beginner to yoga!
    Plan to make it part of my routine.

  2326. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 19, 2024 , 8:00 pm

    It’s wonderful to hear that you will be making yoga a part of your routine, Deborah!
    – Megan

  2327. Pam

    May 18, 2024 , 11:35 pm

    I think this is just what I need. Thank you!

  2328. NP

    May 19, 2024 , 3:22 am

    We are finding slow excercise increases resistnce that offers benefits over fast moements for longer periods of time.

  2329. Manja AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:47 am

    That’s an insightful observation, NP! Slow exercises that focus on building resistance can indeed offer unique benefits, especially for those managing osteoporosis. They allow for controlled movements that promote muscle strength, stability, and balance while minimizing the risk of injury. This approach aligns well with the principles of yoga, which often emphasize slow, deliberate movements coordinated with breath awareness. Incorporating such exercises into your routine can contribute to overall bone health and well-being. 🙂
    – Manja

  2330. LisaM

    May 19, 2024 , 5:36 am

    Thanks for the super helpful info!

  2331. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 19, 2024 , 8:10 pm

    It’s our pleasure, Lisa! Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate!
    – Megan

  2332. Mary L Mixter

    May 19, 2024 , 8:37 am

    I have been doing hot yoga 2-3 sometime 4 x week for over a decade. I love it. The heat helps my muscles to relax and because I enjoy this mind body practice I have been able to stick with it. It has improved my balance, my flexibility and my strength.

  2333. Manja AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 11:16 am

    That’s fantastic to hear, Mary! Hot yoga can offer a multitude of benefits, and it’s wonderful that you’ve been able to enjoy and stick with it for over a decade. The heat in hot yoga classes can indeed help muscles relax, allowing for deeper stretches and enhanced flexibility. Additionally, the mind-body aspect of yoga can contribute to improved balance and strength over time. Keep up the great work, and continue to enjoy the many benefits of your yoga practice! If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out.
    – Manja

  2334. Pam Littlewolf

    May 19, 2024 , 8:58 am

    yoga exercise is so great especially for lubricating the joints, etal. and feel good to the soul.

  2335. Manja AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 11:19 am

    Absolutely, Pam! Yoga is indeed a wonderful practice that offers numerous benefits for both the body and the soul. Its gentle movements and stretches help to lubricate the joints, promoting flexibility and mobility, which is especially beneficial for those managing osteoporosis. Additionally, the mindfulness and breathwork incorporated into yoga can have a calming effect on the mind, promoting relaxation and overall well-being. It’s truly a holistic practice that nurtures both physical and mental health. Keep enjoying your yoga practice, and if you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out!
    – Manja

  2336. pegmcc

    May 19, 2024 , 9:32 am

    This article is extremely informative. I’ve watched the video’s and would like a copy of the PDF. I am ready to start a yoga practice.

  2337. Mary Guenter

    May 19, 2024 , 1:00 pm

    I’ve never tried yoga but it looks like something I’d enjoy

  2338. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 19, 2024 , 8:23 pm

    This is wonderful to hear, Mary! If you’re interested, we also have a post on Pilates for Osteoporosis HERE! 🙂
    – Megan

  2339. Claire

    May 19, 2024 , 1:38 pm

    Thank you for the information. This is something that I will be working on.
    Thank you Claire

  2340. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 19, 2024 , 7:19 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Claire! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Megan

  2341. Ellen Cramer

    May 19, 2024 , 5:08 pm

    My friend told me her bone density scans have improved since taking this… I’m going to try it!

  2342. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 19, 2024 , 7:28 pm

    Thank you for reaching out, Ellen! To learn more about our Bone Builder Pack, go HERE. Please don’t hesitate to give our Bone Health Consultants a call at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada, toll-free), we’re here to support you. 🙂
    – Megan

  2343. Barbara A Borries

    May 19, 2024 , 9:15 pm

    Thank you for posting. Very informative!

  2344. J

    May 20, 2024 , 1:52 am

    Interesting! I have always worked out, and enjoy it. However, I have not really given yoga much of a thought. Maybe it’s time. : )

  2345. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 6:36 pm

    You should certainly give it a try, J! We hope you enjoy!
    – Yoori

  2346. Paula Listen

    May 20, 2024 , 3:05 am

    Really good information!

  2347. Bonnie McCrossen

    May 20, 2024 , 3:47 am

    Yoga and stretching are a good way to start the day

  2348. Nancy Powers

    May 20, 2024 , 4:05 am

    Love the chair yoga

  2349. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:54 am

    Thanks for sharing, Nancy! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2350. G2foxy4ya

    May 20, 2024 , 4:06 am

    Enjoyed this article

  2351. david santana

    May 20, 2024 , 4:11 am

    thank you for the information


    May 20, 2024 , 4:31 am

    I struggle to have the motivation to exeercise.

  2353. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 4:23 pm

    I understand; finding motivation to exercise can be tough. Sometimes setting small, achievable goals or finding an activity you enjoy can make a big difference!
    – Yoori

  2354. Elizabeth Moran

    May 20, 2024 , 4:44 am

    Thank you for this valuable information!

  2355. Christa Trimner

    May 20, 2024 , 5:04 am

    I need to try these poses!

  2356. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:59 am

    We hope you enjoy, Christa! 🙂
    – Sam

  2357. Cindy Reynolds

    May 20, 2024 , 5:12 am

    For the first time I understand more clearly why it is important to hold a pose for the proper amount of time to aid in bone growth.

  2358. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 6:38 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Cindy!
    – Yoori

  2359. Kathy Petrillo

    May 20, 2024 , 5:45 am

    I love yoga because I always feel so good after a workout! I didn’t know it helped my bones!

  2360. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:53 am

    This is great, Kathy! Keep up the amazing work. 🙂
    – Sam

  2361. Susan Hamilton

    May 20, 2024 , 5:49 am

    Greatly appreciate this information!. Look forward to incorporating it into my routine.

  2362. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:53 am

    Thanks for sharing, Susan! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2363. Brian T Stokes

    May 20, 2024 , 6:09 am

    I’m grateful for the encouragement and the science that supports it

  2364. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:58 am

    Thank you for taking the time to share, Brian!
    – Sam

  2365. Kathy Gudgel

    May 20, 2024 , 6:18 am

    Thank you for this great resource. Looking forward to doing these.

  2366. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:58 am

    It was our pleasure, Kathy! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2367. Brig V

    May 20, 2024 , 6:21 am

    I learned a lot today!

  2368. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:57 am

    We are so happy to hear this, Brig! 🙂
    – Sam

  2369. Deborah Neely

    May 20, 2024 , 6:30 am

    Lots of helpful information! Thank you for providing such great exercises for osteoporosis.

  2370. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:52 am

    It’s truly our pleasure, Deborah! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Sam

  2371. virginia Ann nicholson

    May 20, 2024 , 6:35 am

    Wonderfully informative, and much of this information was new to me, not anything widely written about.

  2372. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:59 am

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Virginia!
    – Sam

  2373. Diane Tullo

    May 20, 2024 , 6:38 am

    I’m interested in how yoga can help make my bones stronger.

  2374. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:57 am

    We hope you find these variations helpful, Diane! 🙂
    – Sam

  2375. Kathleen Mitchell

    May 20, 2024 , 6:39 am

    I did Yoga off and on for years but once I was diagnosed with osteoporosis I was afraid to do most of the poses for fear of twisting and causing a bone fracture. Thank you for this information. Now I feel I can start this practice again.

  2376. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 6:41 pm

    You’re truly welcome, Kathleen! We still suggest consulting a healthcare professional or a physical therapist before adding in any new exercises to your routine to ensure safety!
    – Yoori

  2377. Gail Barnett

    May 20, 2024 , 6:50 am

    I can’t wait to try some of these exercises!

  2378. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 6:40 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Gail!
    – Yoori

  2379. Lara McDonald Flint

    May 20, 2024 , 6:52 am

    This is so interesting and something I can’t wait to try. My grandmother had severe osteoporosis and I want to protect myself!

  2380. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 10:23 am

    We hope you enjoy, Lara! If you’re interested in a safe and natural approach to increasing your bone density, AlgaeCal is the only calcium supplement that is clinically supported to do so! You can always call our Bone Health Consultants at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada toll-free) who would be happy to answer any questions you may have. 🙂
    – Sam

  2381. Kim

    May 20, 2024 , 7:11 am

    I’ve been doing yoga for many years and truly believe it has profound effects on the body. I love it and cannot wait to get on my mat each day. If I have to skip a day, I just don’t feel complete.

  2382. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 10:23 am

    Thank you for sharing, Kim! Keep up the great work. 🙂
    – Sam

  2383. Denise

    May 20, 2024 , 7:29 am

    Thank you for all of this practical and comprehensive information. Since learning I should avoid rounded-back poses, I’ve been nervous about yoga generally. Now I have guidance that will free me to go ahead and start a yoga practice for my osteopenia.

  2384. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 10:24 am

    Our pleasure, Denise! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2385. Sylvia

    May 20, 2024 , 8:10 am

    Thank you for sharing about Yoga. I do prefer doing low impact exercises.

  2386. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:58 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Sylvia! Enjoy! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2387. Diane Soloven

    May 20, 2024 , 8:10 am

    Great guidance for exercises that are safe and build bines.

  2388. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:58 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Diane!
    – Yoori

  2389. Libby

    May 20, 2024 , 8:10 am

    So glad I found these poses. I’ve been looking but wasn’t sure if they were safe for me. Now I can do this routine with confidence. Thank you!

  2390. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 10:25 am

    It is our pleasure, Libby! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2391. Nohora F

    May 20, 2024 , 8:20 am

    I recently started practicing yoga and am grateful for The Ultimate Guide to Yoga for Osteoporosis. It provides different variations based on individual needs, which I find super helpful. I’m definitely planning to keep practicing!

  2392. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:49 am

    We’re so happy to hear this, Nohora! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2393. nancy P

    May 20, 2024 , 8:22 am

    Great information

  2394. Nohora F

    May 20, 2024 , 8:27 am

    “Thank you for your helpful article. I will start implementing the recommendations.”

  2395. Dana Berisha

    May 20, 2024 , 8:31 am

    Amazing resource!

  2396. Aldina Hovde

    May 20, 2024 , 8:38 am

    These are great, thank you so much for all that you do!

  2397. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 10:25 am

    We truly appreciate your feedback, Aldina! 🙂
    – Sam

  2398. joan

    May 20, 2024 , 8:41 am

    I love the focus on yoga …so much interesting information …

  2399. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:57 pm

    We’re so glad you found it interesting, Joan!
    – Yoori

  2400. Cherry Morris

    May 20, 2024 , 8:42 am

    I will share this information with my family!

  2401. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:57 pm

    Please do, Cherry! We hope both you and your family will enjoy!
    – Yoori

  2402. Debbie Ventre

    May 20, 2024 , 8:43 am

    Great exercise information. I have a spinal fusion. Unfortunately a lot of these poses, can’t do. But, thanks

  2403. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 4:30 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Debbie! We hope you can work with your doctor to find an exercise that is safe for you! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2404. Dina Discola

    May 20, 2024 , 8:46 am

    great articles. thank you for providing this

  2405. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:43 am

    Our pleasure, Dina! 🙂
    – Sam

  2406. Susan

    May 20, 2024 , 8:52 am

    It works, reversed my osteoporosis with the program

  2407. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:56 pm

    That’s incredible news, Susan! Congratulations! 🙂 Keep up the great work, and let us know if you have any questions along the way.
    – Yoori

  2408. Pam Littlewolf

    May 20, 2024 , 8:52 am

    very interesting article. I like how the exercises slowly flow into the next one.
    I also have fibromyalgia & I think these exercises can work for this too. ❤️👍

  2409. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 10:27 am

    Thank you for commenting, Pam! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2410. Dawn Nolt

    May 20, 2024 , 9:16 am

    Thank you again for this helpful information for bone health.
    I appreciate all the information AlgaeCal constantly gives us to help us maintain good bone health!

  2411. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:55 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Dawn! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  2412. susan Munford

    May 20, 2024 , 9:27 am

    I started Yoga a few years ago and I love it!!

  2413. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:46 am

    Thank you for sharing, Susan! 🙂
    – Sam

  2414. Margo

    May 20, 2024 , 9:31 am

    Definitely going to try this. Too young to have bone density isdues!

  2415. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:55 pm

    We hope you’ll find this helpful, Margo!
    – Yoori

  2416. Ellen

    May 20, 2024 , 9:33 am

    I love Dr. Fishman’s yoga poses!

  2417. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:37 am

    Thank you for sharing, Ellen! 🙂
    – Sam

  2418. Mae Sakamoto

    May 20, 2024 , 9:46 am

    Great information. Looking forward to trying out these moves.

  2419. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:37 am

    Thank you for sharing, Mae! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2420. Dianne Keffales

    May 20, 2024 , 9:57 am

    Wonderful and easy to follow!

  2421. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:36 am

    Thank you for commenting, Dianne! 🙂
    – Sam

  2422. Linda L Greenawalt

    May 20, 2024 , 10:23 am

    It’s nice to know there are yoga poses that are beneficial.

  2423. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:33 am

    Thank you for commenting, Linda! 🙂
    – Sam

  2424. Susan Carroll

    May 20, 2024 , 10:27 am

    Great article

  2425. Sallie Shankle

    May 20, 2024 , 10:27 am

    Thank you for so much information.

  2426. Kathryn M Haskins

    May 20, 2024 , 10:30 am

    Excellent article.

  2427. Joyce N Wonderly

    May 20, 2024 , 10:31 am

    Good information. I have not tried yoga but it sounds like I need to. Thank you!

  2428. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 10:31 am

    Our pleasure, Joyce! We hope it’s something you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2429. Jill Ann Colon

    May 20, 2024 , 10:32 am

    I am thrilled to be a part of the Algaecal Community and to be able to view excellent articles such as this! I loved the videos it was
    outstanding and I cannot wait to try them out on my road to recovery!!

  2430. Aleta Ledendecker

    May 20, 2024 , 10:41 am

    Because of multiple joint replacements, my ability to do yoga is limited, but I do what I can!

  2431. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:55 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Aleta. The key is to find what works best for YOU! We are happy that you are doing all that you can :). Keep up the amazing work!
    – Yoori

  2432. Barbara

    May 20, 2024 , 11:20 am

    Great info! Thank you!

  2433. Dale

    May 20, 2024 , 11:21 am

    I enjoy yoga on a regular basis and I’m so grateful for the tips in the preventive video.

  2434. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:53 pm

    We are happy to hear that the video was helpful, Dale!
    – Yoori

  2435. Julia Amundsen

    May 20, 2024 , 11:23 am

    I just had both knees replaced and have lower back issues. Is yoga safe to do than?

  2436. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:52 pm

    We are sorry to hear, Julia. It’s always best to consult a healthcare professional or a physical therapist when adding in new exercises to your routine to ensure safety, especially if you have health concerns. I hope this helps!
    – Yoori

  2437. Barbara B

    May 20, 2024 , 11:32 am

    I have been doing morning yoga for about a month and it really helps. The step-by-step instructions in this blog are very helpful, as is the PDF.

  2438. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:51 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Barbara! Morning yoga sounds like a great way to start the day!
    – Yoori

  2439. RA JA

    May 20, 2024 , 11:53 am

    what a relief to be assured there’s an efficacious exercise regimen for someone likee who’s grappling with early onset severe osteoporosis, advanced stage

  2440. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:50 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, RA. It’s still always best to consult a healthcare professional or a physical therapist when adding in new exercises to your routine to ensure safety!
    – Yoori

  2441. Euni in Rickey

    May 20, 2024 , 11:55 am

    still kinda new at this
    anticipating good results

  2442. Audrey Dirisio

    May 20, 2024 , 12:13 pm


  2443. Karen Nealon

    May 20, 2024 , 12:15 pm

    I have used these exercises and they are helping my flexability and movement. Easy to do poses!

  2444. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 11:29 am

    Thank you for sharing, Karen! We’re so glad to hear this. 🙂
    – Sam

  2445. Michelle Lynn Geil

    May 20, 2024 , 12:23 pm

    Thank you! This confirms that the yoga I practice has benefits above and beyond the basics, and can truly help my bones. Such a relief and will keep me going on the yoga path 😊

  2446. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:49 pm

    Keep up the great work, Michelle! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2447. Kathleen Dickman

    May 20, 2024 , 12:25 pm

    I have osteoporosis.. Yoga seems great for this!

  2448. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:48 pm

    We hope you’ll find this helpful, Kathleen!
    – Yoori

  2449. Rein

    May 20, 2024 , 12:26 pm

    Very useful information.
    Thank you

  2450. BobD

    May 20, 2024 , 12:26 pm

    will def add these to my physical therapy routine for my THR

  2451. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:48 pm

    Thank you so much for commenting, Bob!
    – Yoori

  2452. Christine E

    May 20, 2024 , 12:29 pm

    This is encouraging – “low key” exercise can still benefit bone health… and our minds, too, in this case!

  2453. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:47 pm

    Right on, Christine!
    – Yoori

  2454. Farnoush C Gidanian

    May 20, 2024 , 12:34 pm

    Thank you

  2455. Kathleen Dickman

    May 20, 2024 , 12:35 pm

    Yoga seems really good for Osteoporosis. I promise to try it

  2456. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:41 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Kathleen! Please go at your own pace :).
    – Yoori

  2457. Maureen

    May 20, 2024 , 12:44 pm

    I started yoga a couple years ago and find it very relaxing and helpful.

  2458. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:20 pm

    Happy to hear you practice yoga reguarly!
    – Yoori

  2459. Therese

    May 20, 2024 , 12:47 pm

    I need to come to this website more often. There is a ton of information! And thanks for having a pdf version of the yoga poses!

  2460. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:18 pm

    Always our pleasure, Therese! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2461. Valerie

    May 20, 2024 , 12:50 pm

    I’m really enjoying the chair yoga!

  2462. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:18 pm

    That’s fantastic, Valerie!
    – Yoori

  2463. Bliss Wood

    May 20, 2024 , 1:00 pm

    I’m grateful to have this expert advice to help reverse osteoporosis. Not many doctors are helpful with my condition.
    May I have a pdf of this information, please? Thank you.

  2464. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:16 pm

    Of course, Bliss! Please access the PDF version HERE. I hope this helps! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2465. Susanne

    May 20, 2024 , 1:04 pm

    These are great modifications if the original yoga poses!

  2466. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:15 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Susanne!
    – Yoori

  2467. Justine Noonan

    May 20, 2024 , 1:04 pm

    I am very impressed with this information and will incorporate this into my yoga practice.

  2468. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:15 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Justine. Enjoy!
    – Yoori

  2469. K martin

    May 20, 2024 , 1:06 pm

    Please send PDF version. Thanks!

  2470. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:56 pm

    Hi K! Please access the PDF version by clicking the link HERE. I hope this helps!
    – Yoori

  2471. Joy Warth

    May 20, 2024 , 1:08 pm

    Thank you for helping us save our bones from this horrific disease- osteoporosis made my Mom give up😞

  2472. Suzanne Eldred

    May 20, 2024 , 1:27 pm

    Thanks for the guide. Lots of good info

  2473. jane connor

    May 20, 2024 , 1:53 pm

    Thank you for the yoga options !

  2474. Jayne

    May 20, 2024 , 1:54 pm

    Stretching & bone health for the win!

  2475. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:23 pm

    Way to go, Jayne!
    – Yoori

  2476. Cynthia Melguizovski

    May 20, 2024 , 1:58 pm

    Thank you for sharing this informative article . I had no idea that Yoga was an ideal form of exercise for people with osteoporosis.

  2477. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:14 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Cynthia!
    – Yoori

  2478. Loretta R

    May 20, 2024 , 2:00 pm

    Hope for “recovering” from osteoporosis

  2479. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:14 pm

    We hope you’ll get benefit from this article, Loretta! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  2480. Beatrice

    May 20, 2024 , 2:03 pm

    Most informative!. Thanks!

  2481. Georgia Gardner

    May 20, 2024 , 2:09 pm

    Algae Cal You Tube page looks very interesting and worth a try.

  2482. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:03 pm

    We hope you enojoy!
    – Yoori

  2483. Francesca Messenger

    May 20, 2024 , 2:11 pm

    Love the 12 poses for Yoga. I will be doing these starting next week as they are safe for my herniated back

  2484. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:02 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Francesca! It’s still always best to consult a healthcare professional or a physical therapist when adding in new exercises to your routine to ensure safety.
    – Yoori

  2485. Lynda K Mackey

    May 20, 2024 , 2:12 pm

    This is a very informative site. Thanks for all the info.

  2486. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:02 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Lynda! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  2487. Pat

    May 20, 2024 , 2:20 pm

    please send pdf of this article

  2488. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:56 pm

    Hi Pat! Please access the PDF version by clicking the link HERE. I hope this helps!
    – Yoori

  2489. Tabitha Olson

    May 20, 2024 , 2:22 pm

    Yoga is super hard for me with my spine but it is good to know.

  2490. Mary Brown

    May 20, 2024 , 2:32 pm

    Great informative article- thank you- I have always wanted to try yoga – I do pilates and can’t seem to get any muscle with my weight lifting.
    Now I’m going to set my mind on yoga!

  2491. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:35 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Mary!
    – Yoori

  2492. Victoria Lieberman

    May 20, 2024 , 2:40 pm

    Thank you for the article…it will inspire me to do MORE yoga to cause my body to release a powerful anti-inflammatory.

  2493. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:34 pm

    Happy to hear this was a good inspiration for you, Victoria!
    – Yoori

  2494. Sherril Kelly

    May 20, 2024 , 2:41 pm

    Nice comprehensive routine! The pdf is a great reference. Thanks for making it easy.

  2495. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:34 pm

    Happy to hear, Sherrill!
    – Yoori

  2496. Mary Brown

    May 20, 2024 , 2:42 pm

    Great informative article – thank you – I have always wanted to try yoga – I have always done pilates and don’t get great results with weights……My mind is now going to be set on yoga.

  2497. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 11:30 am

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Mary! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2498. In Yol Moore

    May 20, 2024 , 2:49 pm

    Great yoga exercise programs, thank you. I need to take time and try to follow these yoga poses.

  2499. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:59 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, In Yol! Of course, please go at your own pace :).
    – Yoori

  2500. Arlene McCue

    May 20, 2024 , 2:53 pm

    Great information. Interesting to learn about all these additional benefits of yoga!

  2501. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:59 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Arlene!
    – Yoori

  2502. Dolores

    May 20, 2024 , 2:53 pm

    WOW! Great poses and description of each.

  2503. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:59 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Dolores!
    – Yoori

  2504. Dolores

    May 20, 2024 , 2:54 pm

    WOW! Great poses and description of each. I appreciate the photos of each pose and will incorporate them into my daily exercise regime.

  2505. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:59 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Dolores!
    – Yoori

  2506. Anne Brewster

    May 20, 2024 , 3:00 pm

    This is a great resource, Thank You!

  2507. Linda Ferland

    May 20, 2024 , 3:01 pm

    Exercise is very important for building bone.

  2508. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:33 pm

    We agree, Linda!
    – Yoori

  2509. Melanie

    May 20, 2024 , 3:03 pm

    Great information!

  2510. Annie E

    May 20, 2024 , 3:12 pm

    What a thorough article! I am looking forward to tuning into Youtube to try some of the courses!

  2511. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:32 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Annie!
    – Yoori

  2512. Ruby Barna

    May 20, 2024 , 3:14 pm

    I practice yoga, and found your article very informative. Thank you

  2513. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:31 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Ruby!
    – Yoori

  2514. Kathy Donley

    May 20, 2024 , 3:15 pm

    sounds like a great low impact way to get your exercise in without strain on your body.

  2515. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:31 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Kathy :).
    – Yoori

  2516. Anne

    May 20, 2024 , 3:18 pm

    First time visiting algaecal website and plan on purchasing this book.

  2517. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:31 pm

    Welcome, Anne! We hope you enjoy all the bone-health information we provide on our blog :).
    – Yoori

  2518. Jody Jung

    May 20, 2024 , 3:24 pm

    Very helpful

  2519. Rosemarie Bement

    May 20, 2024 , 3:25 pm

    Can”t wait to try some of these poses

  2520. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:52 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Rosemarie!
    – Yoori

  2521. Rosemarie Bement

    May 20, 2024 , 3:26 pm

    I just found out i have osteoporosis and will be adding some of these poses to my routine

  2522. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:52 pm

    We are sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis, Rosemarie. If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂

    – Yoori

  2523. Linda

    May 20, 2024 , 3:35 pm

    Awesome information on yoga.

  2524. Linda

    May 20, 2024 , 3:37 pm

    Thank you for the useful information.

  2525. Linda

    May 20, 2024 , 3:37 pm

    Thank you for the useful information. it’s very helpful.

  2526. Judy Reiter

    May 20, 2024 , 3:44 pm

    Thank you in general to practice Yoga. I get focused on weight training and forget importance of basic Yoga moves.

  2527. Roberta M. Griffin

    May 20, 2024 , 3:46 pm

    Can’t wait to try Dr. Fishmans’ method.

  2528. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:50 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Roberta!
    – Yoori

  2529. Roberta

    May 20, 2024 , 3:46 pm

    Can’t wait to try Dr. Fishmans’ method.

  2530. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:50 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Roberta!
    – Yoori

  2531. Trish Harrison

    May 20, 2024 , 3:48 pm

    This is interesting. I’ll have to look into it.

  2532. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:50 pm

    We’re so glad you found it interesting, Trish!
    – Yoori

  2533. Linda

    May 20, 2024 , 3:48 pm

    The quick guide on the 12 yoga poses is great! I’ve done yoga off and on for many years but I want to make this a standard start to my day and with this guide there are no excuses.

  2534. Gloria

    May 20, 2024 , 4:09 pm

    Thank you for all this information and choices of how to plug into Yoga for bone health.
    I really liked learning of the alternative to weight bearing exercises for bone health and strengthening. It was also interesting to hear that the optimum time for holding a pose is 36 seconds. That seems doable, if not now then in the near future for my 77 year old bones.

  2535. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:21 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Gloria :). Of course, please go at your own pace, and we hope you enjoy!
    – Yoori

  2536. Marlene

    May 20, 2024 , 4:10 pm

    I look forward to trying these poses

  2537. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:20 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Marlene!
    – Yoori

  2538. Diane Wood

    May 20, 2024 , 4:15 pm

    This was a very complete and thorough article. Now if it only came with motivation to do all the poses!

  2539. Lynda K Mackey

    May 20, 2024 , 4:15 pm

    Great information! Thanks

  2540. Sandra

    May 20, 2024 , 4:47 pm

    So looking to learn proper ways to do yoga safely to help my bones. My 49+ daughter is a yoga teacher & I’ve been sharing with her this info.

  2541. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:23 pm

    That’s great, Sandra! She can be your personal instructor :). We hope you enjoy!
    – Yoori

  2542. Deborah White

    May 20, 2024 , 4:57 pm

    thank you so much for all the information. it was very informative and helpful.

  2543. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:19 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Deborah :).
    – Yoori

  2544. Mary MoeGeorgia

    May 20, 2024 , 5:10 pm

    Thank you for posting!! I’ve been looking for exercises to strengthen my bones & maintain my posture. This fits the bill for both.

  2545. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:16 pm

    Our absolute pleasure, Mary! We hope you enjoy :).
    – Yoori

  2546. Wancaril

    May 20, 2024 , 5:13 pm

    It is helpful to have this on video, to know how long to hold, etc

  2547. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:14 pm

    Glad to hear that the video demonstrations are helpful, Wancaril!
    – Yoori

  2548. Elvia Rodriguez

    May 20, 2024 , 5:23 pm

    It’s great to have the video and Pdf.

  2549. Sandy Whitworth

    May 20, 2024 , 5:25 pm

    I appreciate the resources that AlgaeCal provide to give full spec spectrum aid to combat osteoporosis.

  2550. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:08 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Sandy :).
    – Yoori

  2551. Nancy

    May 20, 2024 , 5:25 pm

    Love how you back up your articles with sound research; it takes the confusion out of all the “info” floating around out there.

  2552. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:07 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Nancy :).
    – Yoori

  2553. Barbara Smith

    May 20, 2024 , 5:27 pm

    Thank you for this detailed in formation on yoga for Osteoporsis, Osteopenia, and for Prevention.

  2554. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:07 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Barbara :).
    – Yoori

  2555. Debbie Pires

    May 20, 2024 , 5:27 pm

    I have been practicing Yoga for several years and find it beneficial in my overall Health.

  2556. Cindy Villa

    May 20, 2024 , 5:30 pm

    Wow lots of twisted stretching. I hope I get bettered at it!

  2557. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:07 pm

    Hi Cindy! Please go at your own pace! It’s always best to consult a healthcare professional or a physical therapist when adding in new exercises to your routine to ensure safety.
    – Yoori

  2558. Stephanie

    May 20, 2024 , 5:32 pm

    I enjoyed these poses very much, and appreciated the clear spoken guidance, video, and text. Thank you!

  2559. Debbie Lyons

    May 20, 2024 , 5:40 pm

    Thank you for these helpful exercises!

  2560. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:06 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Debbie :).
    – Yoori

  2561. Shirley Donald

    May 20, 2024 , 5:44 pm

    Very informative article. I have osteopenia so may try the variation version of yoga poses. Also very stiff from arthritis.

  2562. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:14 pm

    Happy to hear you found it informative, Shirley! Please go at your own pace! It’s always best to consult a healthcare professional or a physical therapist when adding in new exercises to your routine to ensure safety.
    – Yoori

  2563. Susan Hitchcock

    May 20, 2024 , 5:46 pm

    Awesome information. Had no idea yoga could be this beneficial!!

  2564. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 6:55 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Susan!
    – Yoori

  2565. Gary Einhorn

    May 20, 2024 , 5:52 pm

    I agree that Yoga is an excellent support for the Algae Cal program. I have been on the Algae Cal program for over a year and Yoga is a great addition.

  2566. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 6:54 pm

    Right on, Gary! Keep up the great work!
    – Yoori

  2567. Debbie Anderson

    May 20, 2024 , 6:05 pm

    I didn’t realize how much yoga helped with bone density!

  2568. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 6:53 pm

    It sure is a wonderful exercise for our bones!
    – Yoori

  2569. Tracy Hayes

    May 20, 2024 , 6:08 pm

    Very interesting! This motivates me to try yoga. Thank you!

  2570. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 6:53 pm

    That’s fantastic, Tracy! We hope you enjoy :).
    – Yoori

  2571. Angela

    May 20, 2024 , 6:10 pm

    Great article and video! It’s good to know that we we can get excellent benefits from doing specific yoga poses. I look forward doing them on a regular basis. Thank-you!

  2572. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 6:50 pm

    Absolutely, Angela! We’re so glad you found it helpful :).
    – Yoori

  2573. Mary Davis

    May 20, 2024 , 6:10 pm

    very informative, like trying something different. very informative nice to have it more available.

  2574. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 6:50 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Mary!
    – Yoori

  2575. Melinda

    May 20, 2024 , 6:12 pm

    Very informative!

  2576. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 6:49 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Melinda!
    – Yoori

  2577. Sherri Puerto

    May 20, 2024 , 6:13 pm

    Wonderful information for those of us with osteoporosis!

  2578. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 6:50 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Sherri!
    – Yoori

  2579. Ellen Carroll

    May 20, 2024 , 6:16 pm


  2580. Elaine

    May 20, 2024 , 6:16 pm

    Excellent articles. Hope I can find again.

  2581. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 6:48 pm

    Feel free to save this in your bookmark for easy access, Elaine!
    – Yoori

  2582. Ellen Carroll

    May 20, 2024 , 6:17 pm

    Thanks, I need time to do this

  2583. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 6:48 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Ellen!
    – Yoori

  2584. Karen Jaras

    May 20, 2024 , 6:17 pm

    What if you are already suffering from extensive bone damage? Is there alternatives?

  2585. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 6:55 pm

    Thank you for reaching out, Karen! While this guide to yoga has been adjusted to fit those with bone loss, we suggest consulting a healthcare professional or a physical therapist when adding in new exercises to your routine to ensure safety. I hope this helps!
    – Yoori

  2586. Sherri Puerto

    May 20, 2024 , 6:20 pm

    Great practical tips for osteoporosis!

  2587. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 6:51 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Sherri!
    – Yoori

  2588. Elaine

    May 20, 2024 , 6:21 pm

    Excellent new information for me. Thank you

  2589. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 6:52 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Elaine!
    – Yoori

  2590. Melanie Oxley

    May 20, 2024 , 6:22 pm


  2591. Angela Scalia

    May 20, 2024 , 6:25 pm

    Thank-you for providing us with great information on which yoga poses are beneficial for osteoporosis! I will incorporate these into my weekly exercise regime.

  2592. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 6:52 pm

    Our absolute pleasure, Angela! We hope you enjoy! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2593. tracy wilcox

    May 20, 2024 , 6:30 pm

    I have practiced yoga for decades. Wonderful

  2594. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 6:48 pm

    That’s fantastic, Tracy!
    – Yoori

  2595. Jane Moisey

    May 20, 2024 , 7:07 pm

    Thanks for the informative article, will be looking for his books.

  2596. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:09 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Jane!
    – Yoori

  2597. Sandra Shrewsbury

    May 20, 2024 , 7:12 pm

    All the videos were so informative!!
    Will definitely give them a try !
    Thank you
    Sandra Shrewsbury

  2598. Brenda Carey

    May 20, 2024 , 7:17 pm

    I love yoga!

  2599. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:21 pm

    That’s great, Brenda!
    – Yoori

  2600. Tracy Rubstello

    May 20, 2024 , 7:50 pm

    Thank you for this article…I had no idea that Yoga was so good for my bones! I, too, would like a PDF of the poses if you can send that to me. Thank you for all your site does to help those of us with osteoporosis find help and encouragement.

  2601. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 7:55 pm

    Happy to hear you found it helpful, Tracy! Please access the PDF version by clicking the link HERE. I hope this helps!
    – Yoori

  2602. Florence Camacho

    May 20, 2024 , 8:07 pm

    Yoga is the next thing to add to my bone health regiment. Thank you.

  2603. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:22 pm

    We hope you enjoy!
    – Yoori

  2604. Margie Haines

    May 20, 2024 , 8:11 pm

    I never thought yoga was something for me. But this is an entire class I can do at home at my own pace.

  2605. Laurel

    May 20, 2024 , 8:11 pm

    Good information. I’ve printed out the PDF and will get started.

  2606. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:22 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Laurel :).
    – Yoori

  2607. Kathy Gorski

    May 20, 2024 , 8:20 pm

    I would love a PDF of the yoga poses for Osteoporosis. Thank you

  2608. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:20 pm

    Of course, Kathy! Please access the PDF version HERE. I hope this helps! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2609. Diane Montgomery

    May 20, 2024 , 8:42 pm

    Very interesting. I think this would help my osteoporosis. I will try to add this to my daily routine.

  2610. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:44 pm

    We hope you’ll enjoy, Diane!
    – Yoori

  2611. Renee black

    May 20, 2024 , 8:56 pm

    I love how yoga is low impact yet a very strong workout

  2612. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 20, 2024 , 8:59 pm

    Absolutely, Renee! We hope you’ll enjoy yoga! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2613. Machelle Kelchner

    May 20, 2024 , 9:30 pm

    What a thorough article!

  2614. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 10:58 am

    Thank you for sharing, Machelle!
    – Sam

  2615. Rebecca

    May 20, 2024 , 9:41 pm

    I had no idea that yoga could be so beneficial for osteoporosis. I have re-started my yoga practice after years of neglect, and now more than ever as I age I need to do this. I’ll definitely continue to practice these yoga moves. I’m excited to see the results and changes in my body over time.

  2616. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 11:27 am

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Rebecca! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2617. Daniel Lichterman

    May 20, 2024 , 9:58 pm

    very pleased to know that yoga can improve bone density

  2618. Mary Ann Schran

    May 20, 2024 , 9:59 pm

    Very informative and motivating. I am just starting back with yoga classes.

  2619. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 11:24 am

    Thank you for sharing, Mary Ann!
    – Sam

  2620. Judith K Sherven

    May 20, 2024 , 10:09 pm

    Very much appreciate that the Yoga for bone building exercises are printable!
    Will be doing them!

  2621. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:21 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Judith! We hope you enjoy!
    – Yoori

  2622. Judith K Sherven

    May 20, 2024 , 10:11 pm

    These look like I can do them! THNX

  2623. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 11:45 am

    We hope you enjoy, Judith! 🙂
    – Sam

  2624. Janice

    May 20, 2024 , 10:16 pm

    Never thought I’d be able to do yoga again. After reading this article it gives me encouragement to try it again after all these years of worry. I thank you for this article.

  2625. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 11:47 am

    It’s truly our pleasure, Janice! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Sam

  2626. Kevin Elder

    May 20, 2024 , 10:59 pm

    great information

  2627. Ray Andreassen

    May 20, 2024 , 11:36 pm

    It seems Yoga is becoming a bigger player in heal problems

  2628. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 6:13 pm

    It does seem that way, Ray! Yoga has gained popularity not only for its physical benefits but also for its potential to improve overall health and well-being, including bone health :).
    – Yoori

  2629. Sheila B.

    May 21, 2024 , 1:01 am

    Excellent article.

  2630. Patricia

    May 21, 2024 , 3:27 am

    Very interesting & informative

  2631. Nancy Chambers

    May 21, 2024 , 3:41 am

    These Yoga videos are exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.

  2632. Helen McCauley

    May 21, 2024 , 3:42 am

    I find this interesting, something I didn’t know about. It sounds like it will be more joint friendly than the exercises that I have been doing.

  2633. Karen

    May 21, 2024 , 3:49 am

    Been practicing yoga for a few years and didn’t realize how beneficial it is for my bones. Thanks for the info.

  2634. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 10:52 am

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Karen! 🙂
    – Sam

  2635. elizabeth reichheld

    May 21, 2024 , 4:15 am

    Fantastic resources!

  2636. Diana Buckel

    May 21, 2024 , 4:16 am

    Thank you for the article. I will be adding yoga to my daily workout routine.

  2637. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 10:53 am

    Thanks for sharing, Diana! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2638. Mary

    May 21, 2024 , 4:20 am

    Thank you for all of the great information!

  2639. Donna

    May 21, 2024 , 4:27 am

    Great article

  2640. Donna

    May 21, 2024 , 4:29 am

    I love the exercises

  2641. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 11:32 am

    We are so happy to hear this, Donna! 🙂
    – Sam

  2642. SophieP

    May 21, 2024 , 4:37 am

    Great tips for improving flexibility and helping my bones!

  2643. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 11:36 am

    Thank you for commenting, Sophie! 🙂
    – Sam

  2644. Kimi Boquette

    May 21, 2024 , 4:40 am

    I just downloaded the yoga poses. Cannot wait to get started.

  2645. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 10:51 am

    Thank you for sharing, Kimi! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2646. Susan Grosh

    May 21, 2024 , 4:45 am

    This is great information. Thank you . I will be adding more yoga to my exercise regiment.

  2647. Jo Brower

    May 21, 2024 , 4:53 am

    I appreciate Dr. Fishman’s advice. Good article on YOGA. He encouurages me to get back into it carefully.

  2648. Tina Ottman

    May 21, 2024 , 4:55 am

    This is super helpful for a yoga novice like me!

  2649. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 10:50 am

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Tina!
    – Sam

  2650. Rosie Alexander

    May 21, 2024 , 5:34 am

    I find most exercises irritate my knees. I will work harder to pursue my quest for stronger bones.

  2651. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 6:03 pm

    There are still plenty of low-impact exercises and activities that can help strengthen your bones without putting too much strain on your knees. Swimming, cycling, water aerobics, and tai chi are all excellent options that can improve bone density and overall fitness while being gentle on the knees.

    We hope you can work with your doctor to find an exercise that will be safe for you, Rosie!
    – Yoori

  2652. Elaine

    May 21, 2024 , 5:41 am

    All information is new to me. Need to try yoga

  2653. DebbieB73

    May 21, 2024 , 6:07 am

    GREAT info & movement therapy. I’ve done yoga every morning for over 20 years & I can say it is one of the best decisions I ever made for my overalll health & well-being.

  2654. Debra Brooks

    May 21, 2024 , 6:09 am

    GREAT info & movement therapy. I’ve done yoga every morning for over 20 years & I can say it is one of the best decisions I ever made for my overalll health & well-being.

  2655. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 11:44 am

    Thank you for sharing, Debra!
    – Sam

  2656. Jess Bonasso

    May 21, 2024 , 6:16 am

    Great article!

  2657. susan zieke

    May 21, 2024 , 6:20 am

    Thank you

  2658. Lynn

    May 21, 2024 , 6:22 am

    This is so great! I did yoga for over 50 years before being diagnosed with Osteoporosis. I’m so pleased to know I can return to a safe yoga practice. Thank you!

  2659. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 11:43 am

    Thank you for sharing, Lynn!
    – Sam

  2660. Marian Greene

    May 21, 2024 , 6:28 am

    I was very happy to see all the variations presented for different levels, osteoporosis and osteoporosis.

  2661. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 6:02 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Marian! Thank you for sharing :).
    – Yoori

  2662. Janine Gagnier

    May 21, 2024 , 6:49 am

    Have found a wonderful local yoga class Yoga for Healthy Aging which incorporates much of this information.

  2663. Norma

    May 21, 2024 , 7:04 am

    Thank you for all this great information.

  2664. Jacky

    May 21, 2024 , 7:17 am

    I absolutely need to get started on this yoga routine; I just need to make the time, no excuses

  2665. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 10:47 am

    We hope you enjoy, Jacky. 🙂
    – Sam

  2666. BettyLou Hayward

    May 21, 2024 , 7:24 am

    Very good advice and glad to have access to this information and the exercises

  2667. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 11:48 am

    Thank you for sharing, BettyLou! 🙂
    – Sam

  2668. Bernardita Olaes

    May 21, 2024 , 7:32 am

    been on Agae cal plus 6mos and so far i love it!

  2669. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 11:42 am

    We’re so happy to hear this, Bernardita! 🙂
    – Sam

  2670. Elena McCreery

    May 21, 2024 , 7:46 am

    Thank you so much for this. I can’t wait to use the guide. I especially like that is has the variations.

  2671. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 11:47 am

    It is our pleasure, Elena! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2672. Cindy

    May 21, 2024 , 7:51 am

    I had no idea such movements could help bones. The exercises look really good for a 76 year old with some muscle deficiency.

  2673. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:57 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Cindy! We hope you enjoy! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2674. Pam

    May 21, 2024 , 8:05 am

    Looking for to trying the 12 yoga poses for better bone health

  2675. Lin Chapman

    May 21, 2024 , 8:16 am

    This will be the perfect way for me to get back into daily yoga. Thanks for making it so relevant for my bones!

  2676. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:56 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Lin! We hope you enjoy :).
    – Yoori

  2677. Laureen

    May 21, 2024 , 8:23 am

    Thanks for sharing this information. I’ve been trying to find a variety of ways to improve my bone density. Great to see research supporting the use of yoga for improving bone density.

  2678. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 10:46 am

    It’s truly our pleasure, Laureen! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Sam

  2679. MSanner

    May 21, 2024 , 8:26 am

    Thank you for the exercises in pdf form

  2680. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 11:40 am

    It is our pleasure, Maureen! 🙂
    – Sam

  2681. Barbara ness

    May 21, 2024 , 8:51 am

    Great information

  2682. Barbara ness

    May 21, 2024 , 8:56 am

    I want to try this

  2683. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:19 pm

    Please feel free, Barbara! Please go at your own pace! It’s always best to consult a healthcare professional or a physical therapist when adding in new exercises to your routine to ensure safety :).
    – Yoori

  2684. Deb Shore-Dundas

    May 21, 2024 , 9:05 am

    I’m going to try these videos!

  2685. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:19 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Deb!
    – Yoori

  2686. Betty Kornelsen

    May 21, 2024 , 9:06 am

    Great exercises and streatches, well worth trying.

  2687. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:19 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Betty!
    – Yoori

  2688. Betty Kornelsen

    May 21, 2024 , 9:08 am

    I love seeing new exercises and streatches that will help my osteoporosis.

  2689. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:20 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Betty! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2690. Laura segler

    May 21, 2024 , 9:14 am

    Can’t wait to start! It’s never too late.

  2691. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:16 pm

    Exactly, Laura! It’s never too late to build bones :).
    – Yoori

  2692. Kelley Didion Peters

    May 21, 2024 , 9:40 am

    Love this guide! So thorough and the exercises are accessible to all levels.

  2693. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 10:44 am

    Thank you for your feedback, Kelley! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2694. Connie

    May 21, 2024 , 9:54 am

    Thank you for all the wonderful information! So helpful!! Yoga and exercise can help a lot.

  2695. Connie Merritt

    May 21, 2024 , 9:55 am

    It is so helpful, and I will try it. Thank you for the wonderful yoga exercises.

  2696. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 11:39 am

    We’re glad you found it helpful, Connie!
    – Sam

  2697. h r gillman

    May 21, 2024 , 10:05 am

    i’m not sure a guy my size can do those moves.

  2698. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:42 pm

    Most of these moves shouldn’t be an issue, so we hope you’ll give them a try! 🙂 Keep in mind, yoga is a practice that can be adapted to accommodate individuals of all body types, sizes, and abilities. Listen to your body, honor your limitations, and explore activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.
    – Yoori

  2699. Nancy Sturrock

    May 21, 2024 , 11:19 am

    Thank you for posting these exercises! I need to incorporate them in my daily routine.

  2700. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:14 pm

    It’s our pleasure, Nancy! We hope you enjoy :).
    – Yoori

  2701. Betty Warrington-Kearsley

    May 21, 2024 , 11:55 am

    I have practised Yoga for years – on and off -depending on where I am in my travels. I also have moderate osteoporosis. Sometimes I join in a group practice whether Hatha Yoga (usually). or hot yoga only occasionally, but My niece is a Zen Yoga teacher in London, UK., who teaches Yoga teachers who wish to practice Zen Yoga Teaching. Any time I am in London, I practise with her. Yoga is portable and I carry it with me everywhere I go, and never fail to practise a few asanas in the morning to start the day feeling lithe and looser in my joints!

  2702. Nancy Thorpe

    May 21, 2024 , 12:15 pm

    The yoga exercises have been very beneficial for my body and feel better after having coompleted a session.

  2703. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:13 pm

    That’s great to hear, Nancy! Thank you for sharing :).
    – Yoori

  2704. Terri OSullivan

    May 21, 2024 , 12:35 pm

    thanks for the printout

  2705. Angie Serna Biehunko

    May 21, 2024 , 12:49 pm

    Thank you for sharing these.

  2706. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:06 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Angie! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  2707. Angie Serna Biehunko

    May 21, 2024 , 12:50 pm

    Will definitely try these

  2708. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:06 pm

    We hope you enjoy!
    – Yoori

  2709. Mary T. Weiler

    May 21, 2024 , 12:58 pm

    Thank you for posting and describing these yoga exercises. They will definitely help with my osteopenia and sciatica!

  2710. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:06 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Mary! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  2711. jeannemarie

    May 21, 2024 , 1:07 pm

    these gave me some new insight into how I can incorporate yoga into my exercise routine

  2712. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:06 pm

    Fantastic, Jeannemarie! Thank you for sharing :).
    – Yoori


    May 21, 2024 , 1:25 pm

    Thank you dearly for being a super option against Osteoporosis! Thank you for the Yoga tips!

  2714. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:04 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Janet! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori


    May 21, 2024 , 1:26 pm


  2716. Judy B

    May 21, 2024 , 1:57 pm

    Very clear explanation of the benefits of yoga which I will definitely start trying. Thanks for the videos as well!

  2717. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:01 pm

    Always our pleasure, Judy!
    – Yoori

  2718. Sharon Larson

    May 21, 2024 , 2:21 pm

    Thank you for offering this instruction

  2719. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:01 pm

    Always our pleasure, Sharon!
    – Yoori

  2720. Jessica Calvo

    May 21, 2024 , 2:37 pm

    This is a great way to start your routine. Thank you.

  2721. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:00 pm

    Always our pleasure, Jessica! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2722. Jo Campbell

    May 21, 2024 , 2:48 pm

    I’m sure this article is helpful for many people. As a practicing traditional Catholic, I do not do yoga. Thsnk you.

  2723. Carling Zuber-Vescio

    May 21, 2024 , 2:53 pm

    This is great to know!

  2724. Belinda Williams-Collins

    May 21, 2024 , 5:11 pm

    Have this condition is a great incentive for me to get back into yoga.

  2725. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:13 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Belinda!
    – Yoori

  2726. Michele Borges

    May 21, 2024 , 5:33 pm

    I used to always do yoga. Now with a neck injury and other discs on my back I get through the day. I miss my yoga mat. And no, modifications won’t work. I exercise in the pool, And stretch.

  2727. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 5:38 pm

    We are sorry to hear, and we wish you a speedy recovery, Michele. If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help!
    – Yoori

  2728. Dee

    May 21, 2024 , 5:41 pm

    what does one do when you are still recovering from a broken leg… the bone has healed but these types of poses would cause pain?

  2729. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 6:05 pm

    Hi Dee! It’s always best to consult a healthcare professional or a physical therapist when adding in new exercises to your routine to ensure safety, especially if you are in the healing process! We wish you a speedy recovery!
    – Yoori

  2730. Cindy B

    May 21, 2024 , 5:55 pm

    Very interesting

  2731. Marsha Brletrick-Ward

    May 21, 2024 , 6:32 pm

    There’s a lot of good information on this site. I messaged the link to my cell phone for quick reference. I eager to get started on my new yoga exercise.

  2732. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 21, 2024 , 6:33 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Marsha! :).
    – Yoori

  2733. Kara

    May 21, 2024 , 8:10 pm

    I am looking forward to doing yoga again. You got me motivated!

  2734. Manja AlgaeCal

    May 22, 2024 , 8:10 am

    That’s wonderful to hear, Kara! I’m so glad our blog post inspired you to get motivated about practicing yoga again. Rediscovering an activity you once enjoyed can be such a rewarding experience. Yoga offers so many great benefits for the mind, body and spirit. Wishing you all the best in reigniting your yoga practice!
    – Manja

  2735. Luann Feld

    May 21, 2024 , 9:22 pm

    I might get inspired to start yoga again 🙂

  2736. Jennifer nickita

    May 22, 2024 , 4:08 am

    I started prioritizing yoga class since my diagnosis and I love it. Feels good and I know it is good for my bones. I like the modifications that are shown in this article to make it accessible to all. I am respectful of what my body is telling me during yoga.

  2737. Malgorzata

    May 22, 2024 , 6:09 am

    Thank you for sharing . I may finally get to do some yoga. 🧘

  2738. Manja AlgaeCal

    May 22, 2024 , 9:07 am

    You’re welcome, Malgorzata! We’re thrilled to hear yoga might be a good fit for you. It’s a wonderful way to improve flexibility, balance, and strength, all of which can be beneficial for bone health and managing osteoporosis.
    Have fun exploring yoga!
    – Manja

  2739. Christy

    May 22, 2024 , 7:26 am

    Great information!!

  2740. Natalie v

    May 22, 2024 , 7:33 am

    Great information, thank you! I’ll be sharing these poses with my mom

  2741. Manja AlgaeCal

    May 22, 2024 , 9:15 am

    That’s wonderful to hear, Natalie! Sharing yoga with your mom is a great way to support her bone health and well-being together.

    Yoga can be a fantastic activity for people with bone loss, but it’s important to prioritize safety. I hope the guidelines and modifications provided in this article will help her with that.

    Happy yoga practice!
    – Manja

  2742. Dotty R Forrest

    May 22, 2024 , 7:53 am

    Sorry yoga is against my Religion

  2743. Manja AlgaeCal

    May 22, 2024 , 9:23 am

    That’s interesting to hear, Dotty. While some yoga practices may have religious connotations, many focus solely on the physical postures and breathing exercises.

    You can approach yoga purely as a form of exercise that improves flexibility, balance, and strength – all beneficial for bone health.

    Perhaps other exercises like tai chi, water aerobics, or gentle weight training might be a good fit for you.
    We have many articles on our Exercise Blog outlining various other exercises for bone loss.

    Ultimately, the most important thing is to find an activity you enjoy and that supports your bone health.
    – Manja

  2744. Amy liu

    May 22, 2024 , 9:17 am

    thanks for all the information

  2745. Tracie Stein

    May 22, 2024 , 9:41 am

    I like doing the Fishman routine with Cat Buckley.
    Well organized video and easy to follow. I feel great after doing it.

  2746. Manja AlgaeCal

    May 22, 2024 , 12:15 pm

    That’s fantastic to hea, Tracier! The Fishman routine is indeed a wonderful choice for supporting bone health through yoga. We’re delighted you found the video well-organized and easy to follow, and most importantly, that you feel great after practicing it. If you have any questions or need further guidance on incorporating yoga into your osteoporosis management, feel free to reach out. Keep up the great work!
    – Manja

  2747. Cay

    May 22, 2024 , 9:57 am

    Great information! Thank you for the yoga poses with instructions.

  2748. Manja AlgaeCal

    May 22, 2024 , 12:17 pm

    You’re very welcome, Cay! We’re glad you found the information helpful and the yoga poses with instructions useful. If you have any further questions or need additional guidance on incorporating yoga into your osteoporosis management, feel free to reach out. We’re here to support you on your journey to better bone health!
    – Manja

  2749. Cay

    May 22, 2024 , 9:58 am

    Yoga poses with instructions will be helpful! Thank you

  2750. Manja AlgaeCal

    May 22, 2024 , 12:23 pm

    You’re very welcome, Cay! I’m glad to hear you found the yoga pose instructions and visuals included helpful. Providing clear, step-by-step guidance on how to properly and safely perform bone-strengthening yoga poses is so important when recommending this practice for osteoporosis management. Having those instructional visuals allows you to ensure your form is correct to reap the full benefits while minimizing any injury risk. Wishing you the very best in your yoga and bone-health journey!
    – Manja

  2751. Mariann

    May 22, 2024 , 11:18 am

    Very thorough explanation. Especially enjoyed the science and bibliography. Very easy to access each area presented. Thank you.

  2752. Manja AlgaeCal

    May 22, 2024 , 12:44 pm

    Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback, Mariann! I’m delighted to hear you found the explanations to be very thorough and easy to navigate.

    Providing a science-backed approach with referenced sources is extremely important to us, especially when discussing therapeutic practices like yoga. We want our readers to feel confident that the information is well-researched and credible.

    Wishing you all the best on your bone health journey!
    – Manja

  2753. Sandra Lee Catt

    May 22, 2024 , 11:38 am

    Thank you for the variations

  2754. Manja AlgaeCal

    May 22, 2024 , 12:45 pm

    You’re very welcome, Sandra! We’re glad you found the variations helpful. Yoga is wonderfully adaptable, and incorporating variations can make it more accessible and beneficial for individuals with varying levels of experience and physical abilities. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. We’re here to support you on your yoga journey towards better bone health!
    – Manja

  2755. Ruth

    May 22, 2024 , 12:02 pm


  2756. Cay

    May 22, 2024 , 12:11 pm

    I printed off the 12 yoga poses for osteoporosis! Helpful!

  2757. Linda Sorensen

    May 22, 2024 , 12:29 pm

    Thank you for the info


    May 22, 2024 , 12:41 pm

    Good exercises to know. Helpful video,

  2759. Maria Whyte

    May 22, 2024 , 12:58 pm

    I have never done yoga before and I found that some of these were quite the challenge, but I am willing to give it a try

  2760. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 22, 2024 , 7:07 pm

    Hi Maria! Please go at your own pace! It’s always best to consult a healthcare professional or a physical therapist when adding in new exercises to your routine to ensure safety :). We hope you enjoy!
    – Yoori

  2761. Linda

    May 22, 2024 , 1:33 pm

    I am a big fan of yoga and it continues to be a part of my life. Love the PDF with the variations for the poses – very helpful as my right hip is a little less flexible than it has been.

  2762. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 22, 2024 , 7:08 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Linda! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2763. Tracy Iglesias

    May 22, 2024 , 1:55 pm

    I am going to try the Chair Yoga video, I can’t handle regular yoga with my pain issues, but maybe chair yoga might work.

  2764. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 22, 2024 , 7:09 pm

    Thanks for commenting, Tracy, and please go at your own pace! It’s always best to consult a healthcare professional or a physical therapist when adding in new exercises to your routine to ensure safety.
    – Yoori

  2765. Elaine Finn

    May 22, 2024 , 5:28 pm

    I already do some similar exercises but don’t want to do any yoga poses.

  2766. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 22, 2024 , 6:44 pm

    That’s fine, Elaine! The key is to find something that works for you, and you can enjoy :).
    – Yoori

  2767. Patricia Hunter

    May 22, 2024 , 5:35 pm

    Interesting variations on yoga poses.

  2768. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 22, 2024 , 6:43 pm

    We’re so glad you found it interesting, Patricia!
    – Yoori

  2769. Em Walden

    May 22, 2024 , 5:41 pm

    Definitely going to be checking out these exercises

  2770. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 22, 2024 , 6:43 pm

    We hope you enjoy! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2771. Ann Gardner

    May 22, 2024 , 6:50 pm

    Very informative. Have added yoga to my exercise routine. Love the detailed instructions and photos of the poses.

  2772. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 22, 2024 , 7:13 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Ann :). Enjoy your yoga practice!
    – Yoori

  2773. Susan Hoglund

    May 22, 2024 , 7:22 pm

    Thank you for the useful information and helpful visuals.

  2774. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 22, 2024 , 8:47 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Susan! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  2775. Christine

    May 22, 2024 , 8:24 pm

    can’t wait till I’m healed from my shoulder surgery to do yoga.

  2776. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 22, 2024 , 8:49 pm

    We wish you a speedy recovery, Christine!
    – Yoori

  2777. Rena Maureen Miller

    May 22, 2024 , 9:05 pm

    Thank you. I’m excited to get started.

  2778. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 23, 2024 , 2:39 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Rena! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2779. Rena Maureen Miller

    May 22, 2024 , 9:07 pm

    Thank you I’m excited to get started

  2780. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 23, 2024 , 2:39 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Rena! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2781. roro

    May 23, 2024 , 3:02 am

    I haven’t tried yoga in a long while. I will start some of these poses again, to help control my osteopena.

  2782. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 23, 2024 , 2:43 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Roro! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2783. Gwendolyn Funk

    May 23, 2024 , 4:15 am

    Wonderful resource. Thanks for sharing!

  2784. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 23, 2024 , 2:34 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Gwendolyn!
    – Yoori

  2785. Cindy

    May 23, 2024 , 11:10 am

    I feel so much better when I find time for yoga!

  2786. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 23, 2024 , 2:35 pm

    That’s great to hear :). Thank you for sharing, Cindy!
    – Yoori

  2787. Donna Danielson

    May 23, 2024 , 11:45 am

    Would love the pdf.

  2788. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 23, 2024 , 2:36 pm

    Of course, Donna! Please access the PDF version HERE. I hope this helps! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2789. Andrea Lyford

    May 23, 2024 , 4:01 pm

    This inspires me to get moving and do more!

  2790. Marie

    May 23, 2024 , 6:48 pm

    Yoga seems way too complicated.

  2791. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 24, 2024 , 10:35 am

    It might be a good idea to try yoga exercises for beginners, Marie, to ease into it!
    – Sam

  2792. Sandra Metcalf-Moore

    May 23, 2024 , 7:00 pm

    very informative. I had no idea that doing yoga builds bone health. The guided vatiations of yoga exercises is very helpful especially for those new to yoga.

  2793. Sandra Metcalf-Moore

    May 23, 2024 , 7:06 pm

    This was so informative. I knew yoga was excellent for your health but didn’t know it strengthened your bones. The videos are easy to follow especially those new to yoga.

  2794. Janet Lysak

    May 23, 2024 , 7:51 pm

    I am so impressed with all the research you have done. Thank you for helping me and thousands of others.

  2795. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 24, 2024 , 10:36 am

    It’s truly our pleasure, Janet! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Sam

  2796. Paul Edward Montador

    May 23, 2024 , 7:59 pm

    Have been looking into yoga for a while, might just have to jump and try it!!

  2797. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 24, 2024 , 10:37 am

    We hope you enjoy, Paul. 🙂
    – Sam

  2798. Dlaw

    May 23, 2024 , 8:02 pm

    Are these videos free?

  2799. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 24, 2024 , 10:37 am

    They certainly are! 🙂
    – Sam

  2800. Janet Lysak

    May 23, 2024 , 8:22 pm

    Never thought yoga could be so beneficial! Thank you

  2801. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 24, 2024 , 10:37 am

    Thank you so much for commenting, Janet! 🙂
    – Sam

  2802. Michelle

    May 23, 2024 , 9:19 pm

    Thank you so much for the step by step and these amazing videos.
    I will be doing this and sharing.

  2803. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 24, 2024 , 10:39 am

    Thanks for sharing, Michelle! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2804. JSS

    May 23, 2024 , 10:28 pm

    Excellent exercises and love the images for guidance, thank you!

  2805. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 24, 2024 , 10:40 am

    It’s truly our pleasure, Jenny! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Sam

  2806. Sherry Varner

    May 23, 2024 , 11:39 pm

    Thank you for this information! I love the AlgaeCal company and all the valuable information, and I plan to do these yoga poses regularly!

  2807. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 24, 2024 , 10:41 am

    Thank you for commenting, Sherry! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2808. Paulette B.

    May 24, 2024 , 6:51 am

    I look forward to trying the yoga poses!

  2809. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 24, 2024 , 10:43 am

    We hope you enjoy them, Paulette! 🙂
    – Sam

  2810. Terry Nickel

    May 24, 2024 , 7:42 am

    Love yoga

  2811. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 24, 2024 , 10:43 am

    Thank you for commenting, Terry!
    – Sam

  2812. Pamme

    May 24, 2024 , 9:58 am

    Looking forward to trying these!

  2813. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 24, 2024 , 10:44 am

    We hope you enjoy, Pamme! 🙂
    – Sam

  2814. Rita Aulita

    May 24, 2024 , 10:23 am

    Very educational article.

  2815. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 24, 2024 , 10:54 am

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Rita!
    – Sam

  2816. Penny Korethoski

    May 24, 2024 , 1:03 pm

    I love the PDF of 12 Yoga Poses: Step-by-Step Instructions and Tips!! Downloaded it as I am a visual person so this will be perfect to follow along 🙂 Thank you 🙏

  2817. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 24, 2024 , 2:12 pm

    We are so happy to hear that the PDF guide was helpful for you, Penny! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2818. Bonnie Douglas

    May 24, 2024 , 2:02 pm

    Will have to try some of these yoga stretches.

  2819. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 24, 2024 , 2:16 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Bonnie!
    – Yoori

  2820. Alaina Eckert

    May 24, 2024 , 3:34 pm

    Good to know that yoga can benefit people with osteoporosis.

  2821. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 24, 2024 , 5:20 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Alaina!
    – Yoori

  2822. Steve Kannall

    May 24, 2024 , 4:32 pm

    Yoga looks good but any form of exercise is better than none at all.

  2823. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 24, 2024 , 5:20 pm

    Right on, Steve!
    – Yoori

  2824. Anne McKernan

    May 25, 2024 , 1:08 am

    Thank you. This is a wonderful compilation of info and resources

  2825. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 26, 2024 , 2:28 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Anne!
    – Yoori

  2826. JJ

    May 25, 2024 , 1:32 am

    very helpful

  2827. Andrea Patron

    May 25, 2024 , 4:25 am

    thank you for posting these yoga poses with detailed information and explanation about how I can perform them safely and effectively

  2828. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 26, 2024 , 2:27 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Andrea! We are happy that you find the instructions helpful :).
    – Yoori

  2829. Mabel Turner

    May 25, 2024 , 7:27 am

    Instructions very clear, poses seem easy to do. Instructor was excellent

  2830. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 26, 2024 , 2:25 pm

    We truly appreciate your positive feedback, Mabel!
    – Yoori

  2831. Lynn

    May 25, 2024 , 9:32 am

    I’m very excited to give yoga a try. Thank you.

  2832. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 26, 2024 , 2:25 pm

    We hope you enjoy!
    – Yoori

  2833. Diane Proctor

    May 25, 2024 , 9:56 am

    Great info!

  2834. Debbie Larose

    May 25, 2024 , 10:14 am

    awesome article learned alot thank you

  2835. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 26, 2024 , 2:24 pm

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Debbie!
    – Yoori

  2836. Cheryl Behn

    May 25, 2024 , 10:45 am

    Thank you

  2837. Jeanie

    May 25, 2024 , 11:00 am

    I have used Dr Fishman’s yoga book in the past, and I like it very much! Glad to see the info here!

  2838. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 26, 2024 , 2:24 pm

    That’s great, Jeanie!
    – Yoori

  2839. Kim Trotta

    May 25, 2024 , 1:13 pm

    Super great info

  2840. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 26, 2024 , 2:22 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Kim :).
    – Yoori

  2841. Steve Kannall

    May 25, 2024 , 4:01 pm

    very good to know

  2842. Ella Solbrack

    May 25, 2024 , 4:58 pm

    It is good to know that Yoga can stimulate bone building. Yoga can help improve posture, balance, coordination, strength, and mobility. Yoga also promotes a sense of peace and well-being’. I’ll give it a try!

  2843. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 26, 2024 , 2:22 pm

    Right on, Ella! We hope you enjoy! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2844. Donna

    May 25, 2024 , 7:17 pm

    Yoga is much better for you because it is low impact and doesn’t affect your joints

  2845. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 26, 2024 , 2:15 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Donna! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2846. Jane K. Boston

    May 26, 2024 , 10:58 am

    I regularly use these yoga poses. Thank you, Jane Boston

  2847. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 26, 2024 , 2:12 pm

    That’s fantastic! Keep up the great work! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2848. Sandra Cameron

    May 26, 2024 , 2:04 pm

    Good too know how exercise heals

  2849. Yoori AlgaeCal

    May 26, 2024 , 2:11 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Sandra! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2850. Elizabeth

    May 26, 2024 , 6:48 pm

    Love yoga and do it twice a week, I’ll try to do these poses daily.

  2851. Eileen

    May 26, 2024 , 9:15 pm

    It’s interesting reading about the positive effects of yoga on bone strengthening. I’m looking forward to trying the different poses.

  2852. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 27, 2024 , 1:27 pm

    We’re so glad you found it interesting, Eileen!
    – Megan

  2853. Joanie DiMatteo-Godsey

    May 26, 2024 , 9:49 pm

    I need to sign up for a yoga class!

  2854. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 27, 2024 , 1:33 pm

    Thanks for taking the time to comment, Joanie! In the meantime, feel free to check out our Exercise Blog for loads of bone-supporting exercises you can do at home!
    – Megan

  2855. Joanie DiMatteo-Godsey

    May 26, 2024 , 9:49 pm

    Yoga is so important for core health!

  2856. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 27, 2024 , 1:24 pm

    Thank you so much for commenting, Joanie! 🙂
    – Megan

  2857. Patricia

    May 27, 2024 , 5:43 am

    It’s great to have the variations for prevention, osteopenia and osteoporosis. This serves also as “ability” levels, very useful!
    I was happy to see that I’m already doing a couple of the poses, so now I just have to build up on that.
    The instructions and photos are very helpful.

  2858. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 27, 2024 , 1:23 pm

    We are so happy to hear this, Patricia! 🙂
    – Megan

  2859. Christine Johnson

    May 27, 2024 , 8:06 am

    Thank you

  2860. Leslie Malcolm

    May 27, 2024 , 10:05 am

    good advice

  2861. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 27, 2024 , 1:04 pm

    Thank you so much for commenting, Leslie!
    – Megan

  2862. Evelyn Schneider

    May 27, 2024 , 11:50 am

    The information is good and easy to follow. I downloaded a PDF copy which I will print later.I definitely will work this into my activity scheduled.

  2863. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 27, 2024 , 1:04 pm

    We are so happy to hear this, Evelyn! 🙂
    – Megan

  2864. Cindy Bishop

    May 27, 2024 , 2:52 pm

    Good information

  2865. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 27, 2024 , 3:07 pm

    We’re so glad you found it interesting, Cindy!
    – Megan

  2866. CBertrand

    May 28, 2024 , 10:45 am

    Amazing content. Thank you for posting the 12 pose video. I really missed yoga since having my diagnosis last year,

  2867. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 28, 2024 , 11:27 am

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Carole!
    – Megan

  2868. Gabriela

    May 28, 2024 , 11:22 am

    I have been practicing Yoga for some years, and I am happy to learn that these poses help with osteopenia/osteoporosis.

  2869. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 28, 2024 , 11:38 am

    We are so happy to hear you learned something new, Gabriela!
    – Megan

  2870. Susan Bistram

    May 28, 2024 , 11:27 am

    This is a very comprehensive article.
    Shows many yoga poses and how to do them. Very informative.

  2871. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 28, 2024 , 11:44 am

    We’re so happy to hear that you found this information helpful, Susan!
    – Megan

  2872. Jane Stanley

    May 28, 2024 , 1:27 pm

    I downloaded the poses

  2873. Manja AlgaeCal

    May 29, 2024 , 8:12 am

    That’s fantastic, Jane! We hope you find the poses helpful in your bone health journey. Remember to listen to your body and modify any poses as needed to ensure they’re safe and comfortable for you. If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out. Enjoy your yoga journey!
    – Manja

  2874. Lee Ann Munson

    May 28, 2024 , 5:21 pm

    I never knew that Yoga helped so many bones and muscles at the same time!

  2875. Manja AlgaeCal

    May 29, 2024 , 8:51 am

    You’re absolutely right Lee Ann – yoga works so many bones and muscles at the same time, which is why it’s an excellent exercise for osteoporosis. The weight-bearing poses apply gentle stress to stimulate bone formation, while also improving strength, flexibility and balance by engaging muscles throughout the body. Yoga’s low-impact nature makes it ideal for promoting overall musculoskeletal health for those with or at risk of osteoporosis. It’s great you recognize yoga’s multifaceted benefits!
    – Manja

  2876. Ruth Horst

    May 28, 2024 , 6:13 pm

    Very good and useful information here.

  2877. Gerri Alfino

    May 28, 2024 , 7:18 pm

    Getting back into my yoga practice and VERY GRATIFIED to learn of benefits for building bone density!

  2878. Manja AlgaeCal

    May 29, 2024 , 9:03 am

    It’s excellent that you’re getting back into your yoga practice and are gratified to learn about the benefits for building bone density, Gerri. You’re absolutely right that yoga’s weight-bearing poses can help counteract bone loss over time. But the advantages extend beyond just the bones – yoga also improves muscle strength, flexibility, balance and coordination, which further supports the skeletal system and reduces fall risk. Stick with your consistent practice – it’s an empowering way to holistically target osteoporosis while gaining physical and mental benefits. Wishing you the very best on this bone-healthy yoga journey!
    – Manja

  2879. Lisa

    May 29, 2024 , 6:37 am

    This is encouraging. Thank you

  2880. Cynthia Schrick

    May 29, 2024 , 11:31 am

    Great article! This was very helpful. I plan on using the yoga videos several times a week!

  2881. Manja AlgaeCal

    May 29, 2024 , 11:59 am

    We’re thrilled to hear that you found the article helpful, Cynthia! Incorporating yoga into your routine several times a week can be incredibly beneficial for your overall health and well-being. Our yoga videos are designed to support your journey to better bone health, flexibility, and strength. If you have any questions or need further guidance as you start your yoga practice, feel free to reach out. We’re here to support you every step of the way. Enjoy your yoga sessions, and thank you for your support!
    – Manja

  2882. Ina

    May 29, 2024 , 2:48 pm

    Awesome article and instructions on the yoga poses and different levels.

  2883. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 29, 2024 , 3:44 pm

    Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, Ina! We hope you found these helpful! 🙂
    – Megan

  2884. Kathy

    May 29, 2024 , 3:12 pm

    It’s so nice to know there are other options when it comes to strengthening bones that are easier on joints. Weight bearing exercise sometimes is difficult. And I thought those were my only. How es. Love the videos!

  2885. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 29, 2024 , 3:46 pm

    We’re so happy to hear that you found these helpful, Kathy! If you’re looking for more bone-building exercises to add to your routine, visit our exercise blog HERE. Any questions, don’t hesitate! 🙂
    – Megan

  2886. Jamice

    May 29, 2024 , 4:33 pm

    thanks for the info

  2887. CynthiaJO

    May 29, 2024 , 5:24 pm

    Yoga is so important…great information provided here.

  2888. Pam

    May 29, 2024 , 5:44 pm

    Very informative!

  2889. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 30, 2024 , 8:14 am

    Thank you for commenting, Pam! 🙂
    – Sam

  2890. Aali R

    May 29, 2024 , 8:12 pm

    Thank you for this very informative article and precise yoga routine for the osteoporosis. I have started following simple yoga stretches on AlgaeCal fb page and they are already making difference. Thanks again.

  2891. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 30, 2024 , 8:15 am

    We’re so glad you’ve found this information helpful, Aali! 🙂
    – Sam

  2892. Linda Wiemers

    May 30, 2024 , 2:23 am

    Thank you for this information.

  2893. Danielle kelly

    May 30, 2024 , 5:48 am

    I will be starting yoga today! Thank you for all the information, I feel there’s hope in building strong bones.

  2894. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 30, 2024 , 8:18 am

    Our pleasure, Danielle! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2895. Jacki poulin

    May 30, 2024 , 7:33 am

    Good stuff

  2896. Jacki poulin

    May 30, 2024 , 7:35 am

    Good stuff

  2897. Sarah Gillen

    May 30, 2024 , 10:05 am

    What a great resource, to have each asana listed with concerns we might have about our bodies. I’ve practiced yoga for over 50 years, and I do most of mine at home to be careful of injuries and treatments for osteopenia. I’m looking forward to using some of these.

  2898. Mary Beth

    May 30, 2024 , 10:33 am

    I’ve been doing yoga for years. It’s good to know that there’s science to back up the benefits of yoga. I’ll continue practicing!

  2899. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 30, 2024 , 12:18 pm

    Keep up the great work, Mary Beth! 🙂
    – Sam

  2900. Gina

    May 30, 2024 , 10:44 am

    I have seen grey results with algaecal. Thank you! 🙏

  2901. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 30, 2024 , 12:19 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Gina! 🙂
    – Sam

  2902. Cindy Ivey

    May 30, 2024 , 11:35 am

    Dr. Fishman’s approach to holding a pose for 30 seconds seems right on!

  2903. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 30, 2024 , 12:20 pm

    Thank you for commenting, Cindy! 🙂
    – Sam

  2904. Rose Hevrin

    May 30, 2024 , 1:31 pm

    There is so much included in this article and the videos – I am so excited to have a customized plan, and know I’m helping ostepenia- thankyou so much!

  2905. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 30, 2024 , 3:02 pm

    We’re so happy to hear that you found this helpful, Rose!
    – Megan

  2906. Delanna Allen

    May 30, 2024 , 1:41 pm

    i used to do yoga 2x a week. now i just need to find a class locally

  2907. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 30, 2024 , 3:07 pm

    Thank you for taking the time to comment, Delanna! It’s great to hear that yoga has been a part of your routine. In the meantime, feel free to check out our Exercise Blog for some bone-supporting exercises you can do at home! 🙂
    – Megan

  2908. Debbie Yanacek

    May 30, 2024 , 2:47 pm

    This article is very educational. I look forward to starting these exercises.

  2909. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 30, 2024 , 3:19 pm

    We’re so glad you found this helpful, Debbie! We hope you enjoy doing these exercises and let us know if you have any questions! 🙂
    – Megan

  2910. Pat Lotfi

    May 30, 2024 , 6:36 pm

    Fantastic collection of information that illustrates the multitude of yoga benefits for bone health. I’ll be referring to this OFTEN! Thank you!

  2911. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 31, 2024 , 7:19 am

    We hope you enjoy, Pati! 🙂
    – Sam

  2912. Donna Kearns

    May 30, 2024 , 8:03 pm

    I do a lot of other exercises besides yoga.

  2913. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 31, 2024 , 7:20 am

    Keep up the great work, Donna!
    – Sam

  2914. Katrina

    May 31, 2024 , 6:04 am

    Wonderful! Thank you!

  2915. Cathy

    May 31, 2024 , 6:31 am

    Love yoga!

  2916. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 31, 2024 , 9:45 am

    Thank you for commenting, Cathy!
    – Sam

  2917. Linda Wiemers

    May 31, 2024 , 6:59 am

    I am so glad to know this information.

  2918. Janice

    May 31, 2024 , 7:08 am

    Yoga also has additional health benefits!

  2919. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 31, 2024 , 9:46 am

    You got that right, Janice!
    – Sam

  2920. JoAnn Larsen

    May 31, 2024 , 9:06 am

    I was under the impression that strength training was the best for osteoporosis, but it looks like yoga can really help too.
    I am excited to start yoga and hopefully help with my severe osteoporosis. Thank you for all this great information.

  2921. Samantha AlgaeCal

    May 31, 2024 , 9:50 am

    We’re glad you’ve learned something new, JoAnn! We hope you enjoy. 🙂
    – Sam

  2922. Kanako

    May 31, 2024 , 11:49 am

    Right now I am only doing chair yoga but will definitely try these soon

  2923. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 2, 2024 , 6:26 pm

    We hope you enjoy, Kanako!
    – Yoori

  2924. Barbara Speedling

    May 31, 2024 , 1:08 pm

    Thank you — I really appreciate this info!

  2925. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 2, 2024 , 6:25 pm

    It’s truly our pleasure, Barbara! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  2926. Mary Davies

    May 31, 2024 , 2:05 pm

    Very interesting, I have downloaded all the info to read this evening. Thank you.

  2927. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 2, 2024 , 6:25 pm

    We’re so glad you found it interesting, Mary!
    – Yoori

  2928. Barbara Levy

    May 31, 2024 , 3:29 pm

    Really good to know that yoga helps.

  2929. George Meek

    May 31, 2024 , 4:11 pm

    Very informative information as I suffer from a cracked lower lumbar L3 and am told I now have arthritis .

  2930. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 2, 2024 , 6:24 pm

    We are happy you found it informative, George! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help.
    – Yoori

  2931. Aganaze Jones

    May 31, 2024 , 4:53 pm

    OMG! Thank you so very much for these very vital and necessary resources for the health of Not just our bones, but our bodies, minds, And spirits!

  2932. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 2, 2024 , 6:30 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Aganaze! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2933. Margaret Snyder

    May 31, 2024 , 6:56 pm

    Thank you for the variations. I used to do a lot of yoga, but after breast cancer and several surgeries, my body can’t do what my brain says it can.

  2934. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 3, 2024 , 5:22 pm

    I’m sorry to hear about the challenges you’ve faced, Margaret, but it’s great that you are proactive about your health. Adjusting your approach to exercise and wellness can still provide significant benefits, even with limitations due to surgeries and breast cancer recovery!
    – Yoori

  2935. Linda Conway

    May 31, 2024 , 7:10 pm

    Been practicing for over 7 years now. Not only asana beneficial but pranayama, meditation as well!!

  2936. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 2, 2024 , 6:29 pm

    Right on! Keep up the great work :).
    – Yoori

  2937. Kristin Smith

    May 31, 2024 , 7:40 pm

    I’ve taken and even taught yoga for years but with a recent osteoporosis diagnosis, yoga takes on a whole new importance. I am so grateful for this guide so I know how to target my diagnosis.

  2938. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 2, 2024 , 6:28 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Kristin! If there’s anything we can do to support your bone health journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re always here to help. 🙂
    – Yoori

  2939. Debbie Hislop

    May 31, 2024 , 8:03 pm


  2940. Krista

    May 31, 2024 , 8:49 pm

    Another reason, ontop of many, for me to continue practicing and loving yoga!!

  2941. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 2, 2024 , 6:27 pm

    Right on, Krista!
    – Yoori

  2942. Martha A

    June 1, 2024 , 1:59 pm

    definitely need this..

  2943. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 2, 2024 , 6:32 pm

    Please feel free to give this a try, Martha!
    – Yoori

  2944. Theresa Gilbertson

    June 2, 2024 , 11:37 am

    Enjoyed this article. I’ve never done yoga before but now with osteopenia it seems likely to be the best exercise regimen I can try.

  2945. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 2, 2024 , 6:34 pm

    We are glad you enjoyed this article, Theresa!
    – Yoori

  2946. Christine Kirby

    June 3, 2024 , 5:34 am

    Great information.

  2947. Denise G Berdan

    June 3, 2024 , 9:43 am

    Excellent clearly done video! Inspires me to try yoga!

  2948. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 3, 2024 , 5:09 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Denise! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2949. Denise G Berdan

    June 3, 2024 , 9:46 am

    Very concise and clear information!

  2950. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 3, 2024 , 5:08 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, Denise! 🙂
    – Yoori

  2951. LiVi

    June 3, 2024 , 10:26 am

    I look forward to trying these videos. I no longer participate in high impact exercises so this will be great to add into my fitness routine. I subscribed on YouTube so I don’t miss great content that will help me improve my Osteoporosis.

  2952. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 3, 2024 , 5:20 pm

    We hope you find these exercises helpful, LiVi!
    – Yoori

  2953. Andrea L. Smith

    June 3, 2024 , 5:00 pm

    This is great information, as I’ve done Yoga, but appreciatge knowing how to get the most out of it!

  2954. Ed

    June 4, 2024 , 4:26 pm

    Weight training enthusiast that I am, never seriously considered yoga. This article definitely thinking about it as an antidote for low bone density.

  2955. Manja AlgaeCal

    June 5, 2024 , 7:31 am

    Great to hear our yoga for osteoporosis article has piqued your interest in trying this low-impact exercise for improved bone density, Ed. While weight training is excellent, adding yoga can be a valuable complementary practice with its weight-bearing poses and muscle-strengthening benefits.

    We encourage you to give yoga a try, even once or twice weekly alongside your weight routine. The low-impact nature is ideal for bone health.
    Let us know if any other questions come up!
    – Manja

  2956. Laura

    June 4, 2024 , 6:53 pm

    I started yoga in college and I instantly fell in love with it! Yoga is challenging yet relaxing…perfect for a type A personality like myself! I mainly practiced yoga for it’s physical and mental benefits. I didn’t realize it had so many physiological benefits as well! Looking forward to practicing yoga for many more years to come!

  2957. Manja AlgaeCal

    June 5, 2024 , 7:37 am

    It’s wonderful to hear about your love for yoga, Laura! Yoga truly offers a perfect balance of challenge and relaxation, making it an ideal practice for all personality types. It’s fantastic that you’ve been experiencing the physical and mental benefits of yoga since college. And now, knowing about its physiological benefits for bone health adds even more value to your practice. Here’s to many more years of joyful and fulfilling yoga practice! If you ever have any questions or need guidance on your bone health journey, feel free to reach out. Keep shining on your path to wellness!
    – Manja

  2958. Hoda

    June 4, 2024 , 9:36 pm

    Thank you for sharing, all great information and would like to incorporate into my daily routines.

  2959. Manja AlgaeCal

    June 5, 2024 , 7:45 am

    You’re welcome, Hoda! We’re thrilled to hear that you found the information helpful and that you’re interested in incorporating yoga into your daily routine. Yoga can be a fantastic way to support your bone health while also promoting overall well-being.

    If you have any questions or need further guidance as you start your yoga practice, feel free to reach out. We’re here to support you on your journey to better bone health!
    – Manja

  2960. sree hanth

    October 10, 2024 , 1:39 am

    Osteoporosis can be maintanined to some extent by doing yoga

  2961. Yoori AlgaeCal

    October 10, 2024 , 6:08 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Sree, and we hope you enjoyed our guide to yoga article! 🙂

    – Yoori

This article features advice based on cutting-edge research from our industry experts to give you the best possible information to support your bone-building journey.

Lara Pizzorno
MDiv, MA, LMT - Best-selling author of Healthy Bones Healthy You! and Your Bones; Editor of Longevity Medicine Review, and Senior Medical Editor for Integrative Medicine Advisors.,
Dr. Liz Lipski
PhD, CNS, FACN, IFMP, BCHN, LDN - Professor and Director of Academic Development, Nutrition programs in Clinical Nutrition at Maryland University of Integrative Health.,
Dr. Emma Gasinski
PT, DPT, RYT - Physical therapist and certified yoga teacher with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professionals,
Dr. Lawrence (Larry) A. May
MD, FACP, Harvard Medical School Graduate, Physician, Author, Public Speaker - Doctor of Internal Medicine at Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center and author of several articles and books, including the widely utilized and best selling medical textbook Primary Care Medicine,