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AlgaeCal Reviews: Their Bones Got Stronger. Yours Can Too.

AlgaeCal customers have been sharing their experience.

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“I got a phone call from my doctor asking me, "what is your secret?"”

Annie Croell

Chatsworth, California


Annie Croell - Chatsworth, California

I was looking for a solution to my bone density problem. And I came upon AlgaeCal online.

I was told in my early 40's that I needed to start taking calcium. My mother suffers from very bad bone density and has had multiple fractures and I didn't want that to happen to me. I've had numerous issues with acid reflux and I have a hiatal hernia and taking any kind of calcium in the past felt like I was swallowing rocks and it was very upsetting to my stomach and I could just never tolerate it. I found AlgaeCal and was really pleasantly surprised that I didn't have any issues in taking it. And I did the bone builder pack and I have gone, my T-scores have gone from a -3.0 to a -2.0 in about two and a half years. My bone density is basically normal in every part of my body now except for my spine which I anticipate having normal results probably within another year. I am a firm advocate for taking charge of your own life and your own health and stop being a victim, seek out the information you are never gonna find more support than you find in the AlgaeCal community. I am awed at the information that is available there from the team at AlgaeCal and just the support from the community that participate in helping people find solutions to their problems. I have my sister, my cousin, my friends when my bone density was done. Later that evening I got a phone call from my doctor asking me, what is your secret? And I knew she was going to be calling me. I knew it based on my results. They were so stellar, so amazing, to have year after year showing the increase in my bone density. I knew she was going to call. It was great. It was very validating and rewarding. Anyway that's my story.

I'm a firm advocate for AlgaeCal. I love the team, I love the product and I couldn't be happier, thanks.

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“I’ve had no side effects. And the results have been amazing!”

Roxane Cummings

Cope, South Carolina


Roxane Cummings - Cope, South Carolina

Hi, my name is Roxanne Cummings.

At age 54, I had my first bone scan and realized that I was dealing with some bone loss. This was quite a surprise. I have always tried to eat right, at least for the last 10 or 15 years, I exercised daily and thought I was in pretty good health. So bone loss was something that wasn't even on my radar. I decided to add a vitamin D supplement to my daily routine and some calcium, and just sorta continued on. My followup bone scan two years later showed that what I was doing wasn't working. The bone loss had continued and progressed somewhat, not a great deal, but my vitamin D and calcium supplements certainly had not stopped the bone loss. I began doing more research and my research led me to the AlgaeCal website. I was so encouraged by what I saw and read there. It was a natural product, no side effects and those who had tried it showed some remarkable results. So in August of 2019, I began taking AlgaeCal and the Strontium Boost. And I did it faithfully for two years, waiting for my next bone scan. Well, that happened this past August in August of 2021. And when I got the results, I just sat there scared to open them, not knowing what I would find. But I was thrilled with the improvements in my bone density. My lumbar spine T-score had improved from a negative 2.5 to a negative 2.0 and the report indicated that there was a positive, significant change of 7.8% in mineralization. And my proximal femur T-score improved from a negative 1.6 to a negative 0.4, with a 6% increase in mineralization. I was thrilled!

Thank you, AlgaeCal, you've been an answer to prayer. I've had no side effects and the results have been amazing.

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“My doctor said I should try AlgaeCal”

Lisa Reiss

Selden, New York


Lisa Reiss - Selden, New York

Hi, my name is Lisa Reiss and I'm 55 years old.

A few years ago, I was told that my bone density was low. I was really nervous and I did some research and I discovered AlgaeCal and I printed up everything I could from the website and showed my doctor. He approved and he said I could try it and in under two years, my bone density has increased 6.6% in my spine and 5.6% in my hip. I am so excited that I discovered AlgaeCal, Strontium Boost and Triple Power, and I plan to take it until my bone density is normal. I'm determined and I know it's gonna happen.

Thank you so much, AlgaeCal. So happy I found you.

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“It was as if I was given back 30 years”

Mimi Guzman

Sandy, Utah


Mimi Guzman - Sandy, Utah

Hello, I'm Mimi. It's October, 2020, and I'm turning 74 this month. I was living abroad for six years, from the time I turned 63 to my 69th year and I was not taking calcium supplements. When I returned to the U.S. I was told that I was high risk for bone fractures. I'm 5'2, and weigh 95 pounds, so I'm definitely small boned. I live in Utah. We have wonderful hiking trails that I like to go on, and I also like to bike, and I have had a walking routine of three miles a day, at least six days a week, for some time, I was concerned if I had an accident and fell, I could easily break a bone. I saw the ad for AlgaeCal somewhere on the internet. I read all the material, I heard some of the testimonials, and I decided I was going to exercise faith that this was my solution. I took AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost starting in June of last year. Then a couple of weeks ago, I went to my doctor and he ordered a DEXA scan of my wrist, right there at his office, and when he came back in the room, I couldn't see his smile, because he was wearing a mask due to COVID, but from the tone of his voice, and the expression of his eyes, I could tell it was something important. And then he said, "well, you have super bones." And I jumped for joy. And I said, "yes, my bone supplement worked!" It was nothing short of a miracle to me. It wasn't just that my bone density loss had stopped, but my bones were back to normal. I went from a T score of -2.6 in 2016 to -0.6. I was thrilled, it was as if I was given back 30 years. I want to thank Dean Neuls and his team for bringing this wonderful, natural product to the market, and I'm telling all my girlfriends about AlgaeCal.

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“I wanted a natural alternative to restoring my bone density”

Laura Farrell

Spring, Texas


Laura Farrell - Spring, Texas

Hello, my name is Laura Farrell. I am 53 years old.

In 2019, I had a DEXA scan and my doctor let me know that my scores indicated bone loss in my spine and hip. So I decided I wanted to seek out a natural alternative to restoring my bone density. And I came across AlgaeCal Plus. I watched all the videos and read all the success stories. And so I immediately called and ordered a year's worth of Strontium Boost and AlgaeCal Plus. And fast forward to May of this year, 2021, I am happy to report that my scores have improved. My spine is now in normal range and my hip has improved quite a bit. So I am a believer of AlgaeCal Plus, I will continue to take it. And I put my 76 year old mother on it who also suffers from bone loss. She is excited about my results and looks forward to her next DEXA scan. And I'm sure she will also have improved scores because AlgaeCal Plus works. Thank you.

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Real Stories From Women and Men Who Are Increasing Their Bone Density

Watch genuine AlgaeCal reviews from people who’ve used AlgaeCal products to reclaim their bone health. Thousands of people have completely changed their lives and rediscovered their independence by trying AlgaeCal’s natural, clinically supported products. Products like AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost — the bone-building duo that’s guaranteed to increase your bone density — and Triple Power Omega 3 Fish Oil — the best-tasting way to help ease the inflammation that accelerates bone loss. If you’re considering trying AlgaeCal products, take the time to watch or read these reviews from AlgaeCal customers. The women and men you’re about to see are among many who’ve increased their bone density and are actively enjoying life again. And they want to share their success!

Bill Cavnar

“My doctor was surprised to see such a large improvement.”

Read more about Bill Cavnar.

Bill Cavnar - Michigan, USA

My name is Bill Cavnar and I am 73 at the time I record this in May 2024. Back in October 2018, when I was 67, I had a DEXA scan which my doctor had ordered as part of my annual physical. I later learned that the scan showed that I had a T-score of -2.6 for my left hip.

A T-score this low is a clear indicator of severe bone loss throughout my whole body. Unfortunately, I did not hear about this at the time because somehow I fell through the cracks at the clinic I was going to, and no one alerted me to the fact that I now was at a higher risk for fractures and serious fractures at that.

I should have learned about bone loss calmly and safely in a doctor's office, but instead I learned about it in a much more painful and stressful way a few months later in 2019, February 2019, when I fell on the ice while shoveling snow. That fall severely fractured my left humerus, which is the bone from the shoulder to the elbow.

The resulting multiple fractures in the humerus required surgery to implant a steel plate in my arm to hold the bone together, followed by months of difficult recovery. During the recovery period following surgery. I finally learned that the severity of this fracture was the result of very serious bone loss, not just in my humerus, but across my whole body.

As shown by my very low T-score, this loss made the fracture much more serious than it would have been had I been maintaining a healthy bone density. My wife, Mary, now became concerned about this risk for me, but also for herself. In the fall of 2019, she began doing a lot of research into various measures for addressing bone loss like this, including changes to our diet and addition of supplements of different kinds.

During these months of research, she discovered AlgaeCal and was immediately intrigued. She spent a lot of time on the AlgaeCal website, and by late 2019, she had decided that she wanted to try it for herself. She ordered a supply of AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost and began taking them right away. As she was researching AlgaeCal, Mary also began showing me the various resources that she had seen.

It took a while, but by the end of 2019, she had convinced me that I should give this a try as well. Consequently, I also began taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost in January of 2020. Mary and I have both continued taking AlgaeCal since that time. We have also continued to focus on other ways to improve our overall health, including some additional exercise efforts and some diet changes.

All of these measures have contributed to our overall improved health. Finally, in April 2024, I had the opportunity to have another DEXA scan. When I received the report for this scan, Mary and I scheduled a phone call to the AlgaeCal Bone Health Consultants to discuss the report and to compare it with the 2018 report. That conversation confirmed what I had thought, namely, that I had indeed made significant progress and improvement in my bone health.

As I mentioned earlier, the 2018 T-score of -2.6 signified a dangerously low bone density, which left me very vulnerable to fractures. The 2024 DEXA scan showed that my T-score had moved from -2.6 up to -2.3, meaning that I had moved out of the most severe class of bone loss Incidentally, my new primary care doctor was very surprised to see any improvement at all, especially one this large.

I'm not done yet. I would really like to raise my T-score all the way back to -1. So my wife Mary and I will continue to take AlgaeCal to see how far we can improve it. Thank you for listening.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Jan Thatcher

“I healed faster than anybody thought I would.”

Read more about Jan Thatcher.

Jan Thatcher - Iowa, USA

Hi, my name is Jan Thatcher and I live in southeast Iowa. I'm about to turn 75 on Saturday.

I first found out about AlgaeCal when I had a bone density test done in 2017 and I had a score of -3.2. Well in those days I didn't know what that meant but I had to do something about it and I was pretty sure I wasn't going to be taking Western medicine. So I started taking it and the following year I had a bone scan done and it had improved to -2.3 which put me out of great concern as far as my doctor was concerned.

And we have to wait a good five years here before we do another insurance covered bone scan so I just had another one done and I am thrilled to report I am -0.8 which means I'm nobody's concern at this point and I just have to say for a natural product to work this effectively and to save me from weakening bones which all my female progenitors had in spades, it's wonderful.

I healed faster than anybody thought I would. My bones are in much better shape than the average 75 year old. So I want to thank you very very much for your product and your excellent customer service.

This has really been an amazing transformative journey for me. Thanks a lot.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Maureen Mo Huddleston

“Thank you, AlgaeCal, for helping getting my bone density back to normal.”

Read more about Maureen Mo Huddleston.

Maureen Mo Huddleston - Texas, USA

Hi, my name is Maureen Huddleston and I've been a registered nurse for, let's say a little over 50 years. And I am currently a health coach and I help other people with various health issues using different natural and alternative solutions besides mainstream medicine.

I'd like to share my personal bone loss journey with you. And it goes back and starting in 2019, I had a DEXA scan that showed my lumbar T score was minus 2.5. And the results on the report said I was at a high risk of fracture due to my bone loss. So for the past 15 years or so, I've been interested in finding alternative and natural solutions to health issues. And so I started researching bone loss on the internet. And one day I came across a Facebook post on AlgaeCal. Well, I checked out the post, then I checked out the company and the website. I did my due diligence and my research. And I made the decision to start using the Bone Builder Pack. And I started taking two capsules of AlgaeCal Plus twice a day. And I added the strontium capsules at bedtime, two of those.

So one year later in 2020, I had my second DEXA scan, which showed that my lumbar T score had improved to minus 1.7. So I was really excited and continued to use both of these natural products for the next year. Now I'm 73 years, well, okay, now I've told you, I'm 73 years old. And I know that my bone loss didn't happen overnight. So restoring my bone density back to normal, I knew was gonna take some time. So I was patient with this process, especially since I knew it was working.

In 2022, I had my third DEXA scan. And my lumbar T score had improved to minus 0.8. Now, some people can't get a DEXA scan other than every two years with their insurance. But I paid out of pocket, it was like $75. And I had, so I had annual DEXA scans. So the next year was 2023, and I went in for my fourth DEXA scan. And after the scan, I was talking with the technician and I showed her my three previous DEXA scan reports. And she asked what I was doing because she typically had not seen any kind of improvements like she saw online. And when I said, how often does this happen? And she said, no, they never see people getting better. They usually see them just getting worse or at the very best, maybe just maintaining. But they don't see people reversing their bone density back to normal, back to the normal range like mine did.

The results of this bone scan showed that my T score was now down to minus 0.6, which was a 76% improvement from where I started. So I'm super excited about this and I've told a number of people about this who've had similar issues with their bone loss. I tell them that there's a money back guarantee if their next DEXA scan doesn't show improvement, so what do they got to lose to try it? I'm so grateful that I found the Facebook ad. Thank you, AlgaeCal, for helping getting my bone density back to normal with this amazing natural product.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Acey Lampe

“I hope more and more people will try this product because it really does work!”

Read more about Acey Lampe.

Acey Lampe - Missouri, USA

Hi, my name is Acey, I live in the Midwest. And in 2021, my doctor told me I needed to have a baseline DEXA scan when I turned 70 years old. So when I got the results back, I was flabbergasted. I had severe bone loss.

And to make matters worse, I'm a very, very active person. I'm a college professor, I play pickleball four or five days a week. And so to know that I had such severe bone loss, it was really devastating.

So I started looking for something natural to take. A lot of my girlfriends had told me about some of the negative experiences that they had had taking some prescription drugs. And I thought, "Well, I'm just gonna try something on my own." So I started taking it in the fall. And I told my doctor, I said, "Just give me a year to try it." And if it doesn't work, then I said, I'll look at some alternative medications.

So I started taking it. And about three months into taking it, I fell and broke my hip.

And I thought, "Well, I'm just gonna keep taking it and see if I can improve my bone loss." Sure enough, the next year when I took my DEXA scan, my numbers had improved immensely. In fact, my doctor couldn't even believe it. But to make matters even better, the following year, I took a DEXA scan again and I was almost back to normal. Although I still have some bone loss in my spine, I don't worry about falling and breaking anything.

I know I might fall and I might break something, but it hasn't happened. And my bones are better than they've been in a very, very long time.

So anyway, I wanna thank AlgaeCal. I've told all of my friends about it. In fact, that's one of the things I told my doctor. I said, "You know, you really need to tell your wife about this product." So anyway, thank you, AlgaeCal. I hope more and more people, both men and women, will try this product because it really does work.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Bernadette Di Madonna

“AlgaeCal is not just a great product, it’s a thriving community.”

Read more about Bernadette Di Madonna.

Bernadette Di Madonna - South Carolina, USA

I'm Bernadette DiMedonna. I'm a retired medical billing specialist and a 15 year aggressive breast cancer survivor. I would like to share my bone loss journey with you and describe how AlgaeCal gave me the confidence that I needed to believe that I could beat this health problem too.

Flashback to my early 50s when I was first diagnosed with mild bone loss, my doctors suggested over the counter calcium supplementation to which I agreed, but year after year, my bone density decreased. About that time, my mother had broken her hips one after the other, which led to her passing and so this diagnosis was now very frightening for me. Fast forward into my early 60s, my condition became so severe that my doctors insisted on intravenous infusion, but I was very unsettled about the side effects.

Then by my late 60s, my T-score was a minus 4.24 and I knew something had to be done. When I came upon the AlgaeCal website and I read. It just made perfect sense to me. I knew it in my bones. This was the product for me. My doctors argued that I was being foolish and that my condition was too severe to be effectively treated with natural supplementation, but I made the medically unpopular decision to embark on a regimen of AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost and within nine months, my T-score jumped to a minus 3.50.

My doctors were shocked.

Frankly, I was a little shocked too, but I was delighted and very relieved and it was effortless.

Today, I'm a 72-year-old woman who exercises. I attend cooking classes. I'm a gourmand. I do reading and crafting and I basically live life to the fullest. I'm no longer afraid of falling, which I did accidentally about a month and a half ago. I had a clumsy moment in the dark and I fell down a few stairs, jumped right back up and got on with my day. No adverse effects whatsoever.

In all my research, AlgaeCal has proven to me to be the most authentic and reliable product on the market. I will always be an AlgaeCal client. The product has worked wonders for me and I endorse it 100%. Another thing that impresses me about AlgaeCal is that it's not just a great product, it's a thriving community.

It was important to me to have access to their bone health consultants in the event that I had any questions or concerns and to have camaraderie with others who have had the same successes as me. AlgaeCal has a newsletter with great recipes and that helps me to eat wisely and to ensure that the products are working to their maximum potential. And the recipes are fantastic, they taste great. Thank you for listening to my story. Going forward, I hope you will take great care of yourself because you're worth it. And I also hope that someday I will hear your story as well.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Carlene Race

“My bone mass in my spine had increased 10.8%.”

Read more about Carlene Race.

Carlene Race - New York, USA

I was desperate. I needed an answer. I needed results. Hello, my name is Carlene and I'd like to share the results I've had with AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost, the bone building pack. I was born with congenital scoliosis and as a result of that, I had to be very careful all my life. I've worked hard to keep the muscles toned around my spine to support it. Unfortunately, in 2013, I was told that I had a low bone mass. I had had a DEXA scan and I'd crossed over.

I began to take calcium supplements and vitamin D and exercise harder. Unfortunately, by 2021, my bone mass had decreased to the point in my spine that I was at severe risk of fracture. So the doctor wanted to put me on the traditional medication.

I did some research on the side effects and decided that wasn't for me. So I prayed for another answer and as I did my research and searched online, I came across the AlgaeCal products and studied the reviews and looked at their human studies. And I decided to jump in with both feet because at this point, I was desperate. I needed an answer. I needed results.

So I faithfully took the Bone Builder pack, the AlgaeCal Plus and the Strontium Boost for a full two years. And two weeks ago, I had another DEXA scan.

The tech said to me, "How are you treating your significant bone loss?" And I said, "I'm treating it myself with AlgaeCal and Strontium."

So she said, "Well, I've seen some people who've done that and they've had some good results. I said, well, I expect to see the same."

Well, happily, my bone mass in my spine had increased 10.8%.

I went from severe loss of negative 2.5 in my spine to negative 1.8. There was a 10.8% increase in my spine. Same thing for my hips. And in fact, on the report from the lab, they marked that it was a significant increase.

So I am very grateful. I am very grateful for this product. I am so thankful that I do not have to worry about spinal fractures or hip fractures at this point in my life.

Thank you so much. Have a good day.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Deborah Kirkpatrick

“I wish I had found out about AlgaeCal many years ago.”

Read more about Deborah Kirkpatrick.

Deborah Kirkpatrick - Kingston, Ontario

"My name is Deborah Kirkpatrick. I'm from Kingston, Ontario, Canada. My downward spiral began in 1995. Doctors started prescribing pharmaceuticals only because I'm petite, no other reason. I had bone loss consistent year after year after year until 2019 when my vertebrae partially collapsed with 12 fractures. It was horrible. The pain was horrible. It caused kyphosis. It's continuing to cause great pain in anguish in my life. My bone density score was -5.7 when this happened. And I was devastated.

I saw AlgaeCal advertised on Facebook and I thought "well... it sounds promising." And I started it. I take AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium daily. And here we are four years later, my bone density score is now -3.4, which is an absolutely amazing increase. It's just beyond anything I could have ever hoped for.

And I just, I'm so happy. I exercise, I swim, I do weights. I'm basically a healthy person, except for the devastation of what doctors did to my bones. And now I'm on a road of recovery. The damage can't be fixed, but AlgaeCal is turning my life around. I only wish I had found out about AlgaeCal many years ago, but as you know, we can't rewind. So just going forward now with AlgaeCal and it's amazingly promising results."

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Carol Miller

“Thank you. AlgaeCal for being faithful to put this product out.”

Read more about Carol Miller.

Carol Miller - Longview, Texas

Hello, this is Carol Miller and I want to share a testimony. I'm going to start with the story that happened two weeks ago tonight. My husband and I, Richard, we were out walking in our neighborhood. Richard turned to look at Jupiter and I didn't turn and when I did, I accidentally clipped his foot. Bam! Head first on the pavement. My hands were slammed into the pavement. Then my knee hit the pavement and I was like, "Don't move me." I didn't know what the pain was, just horrific to me at that time. But I kind of started feeling around these and I thought, "I'm okay." We got me to the side of the road and we got to the ER. They took x-rays of my knee, my kneecap and the tibia and they also took a CAT scan right up here where I had a knot on my head. They came back with the results.

You have no, no broken bones. When I read the reports on the x-rays, it said osteopenia. Say that word. Osteopenia. A 77 year old woman would want to be able to declare that she has osteopenia.

Years before, I had osteoporosis and the way I discovered it, I had this hip, my left hip that was just not happy. Pain, all the time. Went to the orthopedic and he encouraged me that I was at the level that I needed to have a hip replacement. I was also diagnosed with osteoporosis.

We have the hip replacement and to cap it all off, just a couple months later to the day, I am, we have a little creek that runs by our house. I think I saw a weed that might need to be pulled and bent over and the next thing I knew I am in the creek and my knee is totally bent back. The diagnosis was a broken tibia.

After this hip replacement and this tibia, I began to look for supplements that could help me. And so I found AlgaeCal,Strontium Boost. It was online and I've been doing AlgaeCal faithfully. You know, AlgaeCal gives you your money back guarantee if you don't have an improvement. So I kind of thought, well, I won't lose anything if I do it. But if I don't do it fairly where it's just these products that I'm using, then I'm not actually being so honest. So I like to be honest. I took bone density scans. I had to take it every two years. And the first two years after all of this, it came back osteopenia. And I did a happy dance. I had it, the shackles were off my feet.

And so even at the next DEXA scan, my scores are continuing to go up. And then to be able to walk through this fall and hit my head. I knew I had a hard head. My husband had told me that before. But I think the most amazing parts were both of my wrists had been broken and they didn't break. And my knee, I hit the good knee, which is not one that you would want to have broken. But those places in the natural should have broken something. And so once again, I give kudos. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. AlgaeCal for being faithful to put this product out.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Gayle Bowman

“I couldn’t believe the results. My doctor couldn’t believe the results.”

Read more about Gayle Bowman.

Gayle Bowman - Michigan

Oh my god. I couldn't believe the results. The technician couldn't believe the results. My doctor couldn't believe the results.

Everybody's like, "what are you using? What are you using? So I can tell our other clients!"

I first found out about bone loss in a retirement article that I'd read that said that women over fifty should have their bone density checked.

Well, I didn't even know what bone density was, but I put it on my list of things to do with the doctor.

I was surprised to find out the results.

You know, I consider myself a very healthy person, but the numbers surprised me.

So my first thing I did was, you know, increase my calcium. Let's get those bones strong.

I don't wanna trip and fall and break a leg easily now that I'm over fifty. And one of my doctors recommended AlgaeCal. Of course I've never heard of it. I looked into it.

I ordered it.

Since then, I've been getting annual bone density studies.

And I am happy to report that my numbers have actually doubled since the baseline one was first done in 2021.

Oh, my god. I couldn't believe the results! The technician couldn't believe the results. My doctor couldn't believe the results.

Everybody's like, "what are you using? What are you using? So I can tell our other clients!", and I've told them I was using AlgaeCal. And the great thing was with the guarantee that they offer, you would get everything back that you invested in AlgaeCal if your numbers didn't improve!

What did I have to lose?!

I am a subscriber for life!

Thank you, AlgaeCal.

Thank you for saving my bone density and for making me feel healthier and happier than I ever have.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

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