The Definitive Guide to Protein and Bone Health

Updated: March 6, 2023

The Fundamentals of Protein and Bone Health | How Protein Benefits Bone Health | Provides the Structural Framework for Bone | Increases Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Levels | Crucial for Your Muscle Mass and to Prevent Sarcopenia | Calcium and Protein Work Together | Debunking the Acid Ash Hypothesis | How Much Protein Do You Need? | Top Food Sources of Protein | Protein and Bone Health Takeaways

There’s a common misconception that a high-protein diet is bad for bone health. 

But nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, years of research show that getting plenty of protein is crucial for bone density — provided you get enough of a key mineral.  

That’s why we’re taking a deep dive into the research on protein and bone health, including the truth behind the much debated “acid-ash hypothesis.” We’ll also break down how calcium and protein work together, exactly how much protein you need, and the best places to get it. 

So let’s get started!

The Fundamentals of Protein and Bone Health

Proteins are your body’s “building blocks.” In fact, they form the foundation of every living thing! But what are proteins, exactly? 

Under a microscope, proteins are made out of long chains of amino acids linked together like lego blocks. All told, there are 20 amino acids1 needed for metabolism and human growth. 

Eleven of these are classified as nonessential, meaning your body can produce them. Nine of these are classified as essential, meaning your body can’t produce them, and you have to get them through your diet.

And when it comes to your bones, protein is especially important. Protein makes up roughly one-third of your bone mass2 (the amount of protein your bones contain) and half of your bone volume (the amount of space protein takes up). 
The protein in your bones is continuously broken down and built back up, as part of your bone remodeling process. Unfortunately, the protein that’s broken down isn’t reabsorbed and reused. That’s why you need a daily supply of protein to maintain your bone density. (We’ll cover the ideal amount a little later on). 

How Protein Benefits Bone Health

You know now how protein is crucial for your bone remodeling process. But the bone health benefits don’t stop there; here are three additional ways protein provides vital support for your bones.

Provides the Structural Framework for Bone

Your extracellular bone matrix is made primarily of collagen3, and yes, collagen is a protein. This soft collagen matrix is like a flexible framework for bone. 
Calcium hardens this framework and adds strength to it. Together, collagen and calcium make your bones strong, yet flexible enough to withstand stress.

Increases Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Levels

Calcium and protein complement one another. When you get adequate calcium in your diet, a higher protein intake benefits bone mineral density and reduces hip fracture risk. 

Protein stimulates the production of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1)4, a hormone that’s key to bone growth5. IGF-1 boosts calcium absorption and enhances muscle tissue and strength, which synergistically supports bone strength. 
Remember, your muscles and your bones are tightly intertwined — that’s why it’s called your musculoskeletal system!

Supports Muscle Mass and Prevents Sarcopenia

When you don’t consume enough protein6, your ability to build new muscle and replace damaged muscle is compromised. Over time, this leads to a lower rate of muscle protein synthesis and a loss of muscle mass

What’s more, not being proactive about getting enough protein as you age can lead to sarcopenia7 — a condition where your muscle mass shrinks and your muscle cells are replaced by fat. 

As mentioned earlier, your muscles and your bones are closely linked. After all, muscle contractions put stress on your bones and stimulate them to rebuild. 
As you age, your ability to use the protein you consume to build muscle8 (called your anabolic response) lessens. That’s why older adults need to consume more protein than young adults to maintain muscle mass.

Calcium and Protein Work Together

Of course, we can’t talk about bone health and not mention calcium. As you know, it’s a key mineral for bone health. In fact, both calcium and protein are major components of bone tissue. Research shows these nutrients complement one another.9 
Specifically, when you get adequate calcium in your diet, a higher protein intake benefits bone mineral density (BMD) and reduces hip fracture risk10. That’s why you need a balance of calcium and protein11 for strong, healthy bones.

Debunking the Acid-Ash Hypothesis

There’s been much debate over the “acid-ash hypothesis.” In brief, this hypothesis suggests that high protein intake (particularly from animal sources) leads to increased acid production and bone resorption. This is attributed to high levels of sulfur-containing amino acids in animal proteins, which generate an acid load.

The idea is that the body tries to neutralize this “acid load” by recruiting calcium from bone, which leads to hypercalciuria (excess calcium in urine), bone loss, and osteoporosis.

This theory has made many wonder whether protein weakens bones. 

Fortunately, it doesn’t. You see, your body is well-equipped to regulate your acid load.12 Your kidneys and lungs work as a team to maintain acid-base homeostasis13 — a healthy balance of acid and alkaline (neutral) substances in your body. 

Generally, excess acid from food is easily dealt with. (Note there are exceptions to this rule, like for people with chronic kidney disease.14
So acid production from a high-protein diet15 is unlikely to affect this balance.

So How Much Protein Do You Need?

The current recommended daily allowance (RDA) for protein intake is 0.8 grams per kg of body weight.16 But this RDA was set over a decade ago, and experts now believe it’s not an adequate amount.

The recommendations were based on studies conducted in young, healthy adults. So the RDA fails to take into account the physiological changes that occur with aging such as sarcopenia and the reduced ability to make muscle.

Bearing these points in mind, more recent research recommends that older adults consume 1–1.5 grams of protein per kg of body weight. 

One double-blind randomized controlled trial17 on 120 adults ages 70 to 85 ate between 0.8 grams to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight each day. After three months, the participants who received 1.5 g of protein per kg a day experienced the most beneficial effects (measured by muscle mass and walking speed).

For the most accurate calculation of your protein needs, you must take your age, body weight, and activity level into consideration. That sounds complicated, but don’t worry! The visual below makes it easy for you.

Top Food Sources of Protein

What makes for a “high-quality” protein? 

There are several factors to take into consideration, including the amount of protein per gram, whether it’s a complete or incomplete protein, and how it’s raised (grass fed vs. grain fed, organic vs. factory farmed, etc). 

Let’s take a closer look at how the different types of protein stack up.

Animal Protein vs. Vegetarian Protein

Animal protein has a couple of advantages over vegetarian protein. 

If you look at the amount of protein per gram, animal protein wins out. In general, vegetarian protein sources fall short of the protein content animal sources offer so you need to eat more calories with plant proteins, which can be an issue if you’re concerned about controlling body fat. 

Second, all animal protein sources are considered complete proteins. That means they provide all eight essential amino acids you need to get from your diet. On the other hand, vegetarian proteins are typically incomplete, meaning they lack one or two essential amino acids. (Note there are a few exceptions to this rule, like quinoa and soy.)

If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, the key is to consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes to ensure you get all the essential amino acids. For a more in-depth look at vegetarian protein, visit this page.

Download our printable PDF of 10 Great Sources of Protein for Healthy Bones.

Protein and Bone Health Takeaways

Don’t shy away from protein. After all, the acid-ash hypothesis18 is unsupported by science.

Protein is a crucial component of every cell in your body. You need it to repair and build tissues, and it’s a key building block for cartilage, blood, skin, muscles, and bones. 

In fact, the latest expert consensus19 stresses the importance of protein for strong, healthy bones! 

But as you know, you need more than protein to build strong bones — you need calcium too. If you’re serious about your bone health, it’s important to also take a calcium supplement that’s been proven to increase bone density, like AlgaeCal Plus.

No matter your diet or lifestyle, there are plenty of protein options for you! Just remember to think about what you don’t want from protein too. Pesticides, herbicides, hormones, antibiotics, and preservatives won’t benefit you or your bones. So make sure you choose high-quality, organic, grass-fed, and wild-caught options whenever possible.


1. J Miguel Martínez Sanz, A Norte Navarro, et al. An Overview on Essential Amino Acids and Branched Chain Amino Acids, Nutrition and Enhanced Sports Performance (Second Edition), Academic Press, 2019, Pages 509-519.

2. Robert P Heaney, Donald K Layman, Amount and type of protein influences bone health, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 87, Issue 5, May 2008, Pages 1567S–1570S.

3. Florencio-Silva, et al. Biology of Bone Tissue: Structure, Function, and Factors That Influence Bone Cells, BioMed Research International, Volume 2015, Article ID 421746.

4. Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides, Second Ed. 2013

5. Kerstetter, J. E., Kenny, A. M., & Insogna, K. L. (2011). Dietary protein and skeletal health: a review of recent human research. Current opinion in lipidology, 22(1), 16–20.

6. Carbone, J. W., & Pasiakos, S. M. (2019). Dietary Protein and Muscle Mass: Translating Science to Application and Health Benefit. Nutrients, 11(5), 1136.

7. Santilli V., Bernetti A., et al. Clinical Definition of Sarcopenia. Clinical Cases of Mineral Bone Metabolism. 2014 Sep-Dec; 11(3): 177–180

8. Wall, B. T., Gorissen, S. H., Pennings, B., Koopman, R., Groen, B. B., Verdijk, L. B., & van Loon, L. J. (2015). Aging Is Accompanied by a Blunted Muscle Protein Synthetic Response to Protein Ingestion. PloS one, 10(11), e0140903.

9. Bess Dawson-Hughes, Susan S Harris, Calcium intake influences the association of protein intake with rates of bone loss in elderly men and women, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 75, Issue 4, April 2002, Pages 773–779

10. Rizzoli, R., Biver, E., Bonjour, JP. et al. Benefits and safety of dietary protein for bone health—an expert consensus paper endorsed by the European Society for Clinical and Economical Aspects of Osteopororosis, Osteoarthritis, and Musculoskeletal Diseases and by the International Osteoporosis Foundation. Osteoporos Int 29, 1933–1948 (2018)

11. Heaney, R. Effects of Protein on the Calcium Economy, International Congress Series, Volume 1297, March 2007, 191-197

12. Fenton, T., Lyon, A., et al. Meta-Analysis of the Effect of the Acid-Ash Hypothesis of Osteoporosis on Calcium Balance, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, Volume 24, Issue 11, Dec. 2009, 1835-1840

13. Hamm, L. L., Nakhoul, N., & Hering-Smith, K. S. (2015). Acid-Base Homeostasis. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN, 10 (12), 2232–2242.

14. T. Banerjee, D. C. Crews, D. E. Wesson, A. M. Tilea, R. Saran, N. Rios-Burrows, D. E. Williams, N. R. Powe. High Dietary Acid Load Predicts ESRD among Adults with CKD. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 2015; DOI: 10.1681/ASN.2014040332

15. Kerstetter, J. E., Kenny, A. M., & Insogna, K. L. (2011). Dietary protein and skeletal health: a review of recent human research. Current opinion in lipidology, 22(1), 16–20.

16. Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein and Amino Acids, 2005  

17. Yongsoon Park, Jeong-Eun Choi, Hwan-Sik Hwang, Protein supplementation improves muscle mass and physical performance in undernourished prefrail and frail elderly subjects, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 108, Issue 5, November 2018, Pages 1026–1033

18. Fenton TR, Tough SC, Lyon AW, Eliasziw M, Hanley DA. Causal assessment of dietary acid load and bone disease: a systematic review & meta-analysis applying Hill’s epidemiologic criteria for causality. Nutr J. 2011 Apr 30;10:41. doi: 10.1186/1475-2891-10-41.

19. Rizzoli, R., Biver, E., Bonjour, JP. et al.Benefits and safety of dietary protein for bone health—an expert consensus paper endorsed by the European Society for Clinical and Economical Aspects of Osteopororosis, Osteoarthritis, and Musculoskeletal Diseases and by the International Osteoporosis Foundation. Osteoporos Int 29, 1933–1948 (2018)

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  1. Govind Sharma

    September 21, 2014 , 5:08 am

    I like to read more. Thank you very much!

  2. Penny BooB

    April 29, 2017 , 7:38 am

    STOP THE EMAILS PLEASE…………………….I know longer wat your emails

  3. Monica

    May 1, 2017 , 8:27 am

    Hi Penny,

    Sorry to see you go! But no problem at all, we will take you off our newsletter list.
    – Monica

  4. Sherry Thompson

    April 29, 2017 , 9:17 am

    Always informative and interesting reading. Thank you for sharing your research.
    Sherry B

  5. Monica

    May 1, 2017 , 8:25 am

    Thanks for taking the time to comment, Sherry. Glad you’re enjoying the content 🙂

    – Monica

  6. Sheryl Mottus

    April 29, 2017 , 8:44 pm

    Excellent post. Very comprehensive and helpful information.

  7. Monica

    May 1, 2017 , 8:25 am

    Thanks, Sheryl. Wonderful to hear and truly appreciate the feedback!
    – Monica

  8. Charlotte Thornton

    April 29, 2017 , 10:02 pm

    This has been a HUGE help to me, to understand the role protein plays in bone health. I’m learning so much from these weekly newsletters, I cant thank you enough. I look forward to them, then pass them to my children so they can support me in my journey to overcoming osteoporosis, and others who are in need of the information. Thank you Thank you

  9. Monica

    May 1, 2017 , 8:25 am

    Hi Charlotte,
    So glad this post was valuable for you! Including the weekly newsletters.

    If there are any topics you are interested in, please let us know! We may already have it or can write something new as well 🙂
    – Monica

  10. Rosalinda Carino

    May 9, 2018 , 5:56 pm

    Your message is very informative. What can you say about the food supplement that contains high amino acids in combinations in a tablet form can this replace the food we eat on daily basis? My daily breakfast is one hard boiled egg a slice of grass feed butter(Kerrygold) spread over 2 slices of toasted white bread; half a teaspoon of dark chocolate(cacao)powder; 1/2 tsp. virgin coconut oil cold expressed; 2 tbsp. of garlic extract & tea-bag of Japanese green tea in a beer-mug size cup of hot water.(the garlic juice comes from 3 bulbs of garlic(skin-out) into a blender set at liquid with a beer-mug size of water and set it up at room tempt.. until it turns greenish-blue(the color is due to sulphur) and take 2 tbsp. of this extract that passes thru a sieve. Keep refrigerated & sake it on use for the extract settles at the bottom of the jar. Thank you again for sharing such good food info.

  11. Jenna AlgaeCal

    May 14, 2018 , 2:52 pm

    Hi Rosalinda,

    So great to hear you find our content informative! While amino acids can be beneficial when incorporated into your daily regimen, there is no replacement for a healthy and varied diet.

    If you’re looking to refine your diet and supplementation for the best benefit, we’d suggest working with a naturopathic doctor or holistic nutritionist who can consider your unique needs 🙂

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  12. Elvira

    May 9, 2018 , 10:15 pm

    Hi there,

    Thank you so much for your emails that are much appreciated. I think this is a subject that everyone can benefit from reading. As I know so many people who suffer from Osteopenia or Osteoporosis. Thank you for all the info, it is very beneficial.
    Kind regards,
    Elvira. 🙂

  13. Jenna AlgaeCal

    May 11, 2018 , 9:19 am

    Thanks for the kind words, Elvira! We’re so glad you enjoy the information we share 🙂 If you ever have questions please don’t hesitate to let us know!

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  14. Stuart

    July 21, 2018 , 2:47 pm

    Thanks so much for these in depth longer articles,. I enjoy reading all the excellent info, One question i have is about calculating protein needs. Is this based on ideal weight or present weight,. I have read both opinions,. Thanks.

  15. Jenna AlgaeCal

    July 23, 2018 , 3:13 pm

    Hi Stuart,

    Happy to hear you’re enjoying our articles!

    The calculator in this post is based on current weight. For those looking to lose or gain weight, this article has a great macro calculator based on ‘ideal weight.’

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  16. Trisha

    July 24, 2018 , 3:24 pm

    I have recently been diagnosed with low bone density. I started weight training with a trainer, stopped drinking sodas, limiting sugar and salt in my diet and I’m taking a calcium supplement with Vitamin D every day. My goal is to stay off the bone medicine which my doctor recommends. How long should I wait before I have another Dexa scan?

  17. Jenna AlgaeCal

    July 31, 2018 , 2:14 pm

    We’re so glad you reached out, Trisha!

    Based on our human clinical studies, measurable results on a DXA scan can be seen in as little as 6 months time when taking our Bone Builder Pack (AlgaeCal Plus & Strontium Boost). That said, AlgaeCal is unique in that it’s the only calcium supplement with clinical trials showing it can increase bone mineral density – all other calciums have only been able to slow down bone loss. For this reason, we aren’t able to provide a time frame on when you might see results with other products.

    If you have any questions we encourage you to give our Bone Health Consultants a call at 1-800-820-0184!

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  18. Benjamin J Tetschner

    October 8, 2018 , 1:07 pm

    This article was incredibly useful. Thank you!

  19. Jenna AlgaeCal

    October 9, 2018 , 11:31 am

    Happy to hear you found it useful, Benjamin! 🙂

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  20. Annie

    September 14, 2019 , 7:53 am

    Very helpful and insightful information! I have worked for overbearing 20 years in a health food store and my boss is a vegetarian. After I found out I had severe osteoporosis he urged me to go vegetarian. I have been unwilling to do that. Your information is extremely useful as it sheds light on the whole ‘calcium shedding in urine’. Thank you so much!

  21. Megan AlgaeCal

    September 17, 2019 , 10:09 am

    Thanks for taking the time to share, Annie!

    We’re so glad you found our information helpful ? Be sure to check out some of the other nutrition articles, recipes, and exercises on our blog to further support your bone health! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  22. Jo Ann Stock

    July 5, 2020 , 9:08 am

    This post is excellent and most informative especially for those who have not been formerly schooled in nutrition science. As a Registered Dietitian for over 40 years I value the importance of keeping up with the most current research and evidence based science to guide us in our health journeys. The AlgaeCal team does a great job at providing sound information from credible sources that I can have confidence in. Thank you so much for your wonderful newsletters, blogs, recipes, exercises, etc. and products that all work so well together.

  23. Megan AlgaeCal

    July 7, 2020 , 10:00 am

    So happy to hear this, Jo Ann!!

    Your feedback is very valued and much appreciated ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  24. Guillermo Gomez

    July 5, 2020 , 1:48 pm

    Practically al the information you email us is very important and useful to keep our bones and health in the best possible shape. I have a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and my research was in mineral nutrition, mainly on copper metabolism Thus, I really appreciate your efforts to educate us. However, I have the feeling that not eveybody would fully understands all the concepts expressed in your newsletter. Are you following up the application of these concepts by your readers?
    Perhaps you may need to consider to breakdown the Information in a few parts that would make easier for readers to understand the basic theories.

  25. Blaire AlgaeCal

    July 7, 2020 , 10:42 am

    Hi Guillermo,

    We’re so glad to hear that you have been finding our emails useful! And we thank you very much for your feedback – we will certainly pass your message onto our team ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  26. Brittha Buckley

    July 5, 2020 , 10:46 pm

    Thank you very much. Very useful information….

  27. Megan AlgaeCal

    July 7, 2020 , 9:52 am

    Glad you enjoyed the information, Brittha!

    Feel free to browse some of our other posts here. 🙂

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  28. Janice Lynn Jones

    July 6, 2020 , 10:34 pm

    I read with great interest your comments and studies on consuming to much protein. I’ve been concerned regarding this issue, and with your studies have decided to add more proteins into my diet.
    I have a question which I haven’t seen addressed.
    When striving to strenthen our bones, how does ones sleep patterns figure into the process? Should we be trying to get 8 hours sleep, is 6 hours sleep a night enough to be building our bones?

  29. Megan AlgaeCal

    July 7, 2020 , 10:12 am

    Hi Janice!

    We’re happy to hear that you found our article on protein helpful. With regards to sleep, it’s definitely important to be getting a good night’s rest. A recent study found that postmenopausal women who slept less than 5 hours a night had lower bone mineral density compared to women sleeping 7 hours a night. So it may be a good idea to aim for more than 5 hours, and closer to 7 hours of sleep per night! 🙂

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  30. kaden harari

    July 29, 2020 , 11:18 pm

    What a comprehensive and informative article- Thank you! I have been vegan for a long time and now am questioning/blaming… that lifestyle for my osteoporosis ( I’m 55, very active and THOUGHT I was taking care of my body…) What is the protein-calcium ratio for bone support? I started a little over a month ago taking Algae Cal and already see an improvement in my nails…..

  31. Blaire AlgaeCal

    July 30, 2020 , 10:01 am

    Hi Kaden,

    Thank you for reaching out – we’re so glad you found this article informative!

    The recommended calcium intake for adults is 1000-1200 mg per day. AlgaeCal provides 720 mg of calcium and additional vitamins and minerals which help in the absorption and direction of calcium. We also take into consideration that people will be getting about 500 mg of calcium from their diet – this means that you’re reaching the recommended amount of calcium all through natural sources!  

    Protein consumption needs can vary from person to person. However, as stated in the article, “recent research recommends older adults consume 1-1.5 g of protein per kg of body weight.” Feel free to use the formula above to calculate how much protein you should be consuming!

    Hope that helps! Let us know if you have further questions ?

    -Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  32. Denise Ahern

    August 10, 2020 , 4:31 pm

    Due to finishing chemo therapy in January for a large B-cell non-fiction Hodgkin lymphoma, I had been leaning towards a whole food plant based diet. Have been reading research about plant based protein being better to prevent cancers. Do you have research concerning this? I always enjoy your emails and information.


  33. Megan AlgaeCal

    August 12, 2020 , 10:47 am

    Hi Denise, thank you for your kind words!

    We currently don’t have an article on the relationship between plant-based protein and cancer prevention. We’d love to point you to an article here that may provide you with some helpful information.

    Feel free to also check out some of our recipes – you’ll find that many of them are plant-based and are of course bone-healthy! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  34. Faye

    September 13, 2020 , 6:04 am

    I just want to say I APPRECIATE you for sharing your gift, knowledge, and wisdom in this piece of writing. Highly informative and SUPER EASY to understand, as well as, readily applicable ?

  35. Blaire AlgaeCal

    September 15, 2020 , 1:44 pm

    Thank you so much for your kind words, Faye! ❤️

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  36. [email protected]

    September 16, 2020 , 10:56 pm

    Thank you. For the excellent article.
    Wish I had known all this a long time ago but better late than never.

  37. Blaire AlgaeCal

    September 17, 2020 , 11:48 am

    Our pleasure, Betty! It’s never too late to reclaim your bone health ❤️

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  38. Carrie

    February 2, 2021 , 1:35 pm

    Very interesting article and so helpful in determining the amount of protein I need every day!

  39. Blaire AlgaeCal

    February 2, 2021 , 2:29 pm

    So glad you found this information helpful, Carrie! ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  40. Jan

    April 3, 2021 , 10:55 am

    Thanks, very helpful. I have started adding collagen from grass fed cows to coffee and yogurt or kefir to up my protein each day without having to prepare more food.

  41. Megan AlgaeCal

    April 5, 2021 , 1:43 pm

    Glad you enjoyed the information, Jan!

    Thanks for sharing 😀

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  42. Mary

    April 4, 2021 , 12:52 pm

    I’m a female who’s 6’3″, 180lbs, a frame that would be described as slender. I’ve been extremely active (think, Olympic level, professional athlete, 5hrs/day, 6days/week active) most of my life and thought I wouldn’t get hit with the family curse of osteoporosis. But, alas, I now have osteopenia. I’ve been taking AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost 2+ years now. I’ve noticed how much more protein I need now and am frightened by the loss of muscle. By your calculations, I need 98-122g of protein a day–is that right?! That seems like an incredibly high amount. How can I get that in my diet?

  43. Megan AlgaeCal

    April 6, 2021 , 10:45 am

    Hi Mary, thanks for reaching out!

    Yes, your calculations are correct. Depending on your diet, you may be surprised to see how much protein you’re already getting! For example, half a chicken breast has around 30 grams of protein. It may help to track your diet for a few days to see how much protein you typically get and to get a better picture of where you can add protein to your meals/snacks. There are several apps that can help with diet tracking and nutrient calculations.

    People that have a hard time getting enough protein often find that smoothies are a great way to boost protein intake. You can add protein-rich foods such as nut butters, nuts/seeds, tofu, Greek yogurt (Greek has much higher protein content than regular yogurt), milk, or even protein powder. We have a few smoothie recipes you can play around with here.

    Hope this helps, Mary! ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  44. Kathleen Aispuro

    June 14, 2021 , 2:40 pm

    I am in the process of choosing something to do about my osteoporosis. I would like to try Algae Cal but my doctor says he thinks it is a poor decision. I wanted to know what I can tell him to convince him it may not be a bad decision. I asked if he would approve it until my next scan. No deal. He wants me to take prescriptions which I fear very much the side affects to. What can I say?

  45. Megan AlgaeCal

    June 17, 2021 , 8:59 am

    Hi Kathleen, sorry to hear this.

    Many doctors are less familiar with natural products and may not be aware of the options available. It’s typically not covered in their education and it can be extremely difficult to keep up with the flood of new studies being reported in published journals.

    Rest assured, please let your doctor know that AlgaeCal has 3 human clinical studies published in peer-reviewed journals showing it increases bone density safely and naturally. We have an information sheet you can share with your doctor here: More and more doctors who are seeing the results of AlgaeCal first-hand, through their patients’ improved bone scans, are now recommending AlgaeCal. You may refer your doctor to our page here, which includes scanned copies of before/after DEXA results.

    Hoping this helps, Kathleen! If you have any other questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada toll free). ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  46. Audrey J Brown

    October 10, 2021 , 3:32 pm

    Can I take calcium along with AlgaeCal.Thanks.

  47. Kirby Johnson

    October 12, 2021 , 9:16 am

    Hi Audrey,

    Really great question, thanks so much for asking! If you are taking the full dose (4 capsules) of AlgaeCal Plus along with a balanced diet, you wouldn’t need to take any additional calcium or magnesium. Another important consideration is vitamin D3; you may benefit from additional vitamin D3 depending on your current vitamin D3 blood levels. You can learn more about testing and additional supplementation recommendations HERE. AlgaeCal Plus includes a maintenance dose of vitamin D3 levels, but it’s important to know your vitamin D3 blood levels in order to get in the optimal range for bone building. If you’d like any further information regarding AlgaeCal and how best to take it, you can always reach our Bone Health Consultants at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada toll-free) 5am – 4pm PST weekdays, 6am – 4pm PST weekends. You can always leave a voicemail if we’re out of the office!

    – Kirby @ AlgaeCal

  48. Pamela Baker

    May 14, 2022 , 2:50 pm

    I’m on the right track, according to what I am reading in this article. Addition and more specific information is always helpful and, frankly, stress reducing to know I am heading in the right direction. Thank you for this valuable information.

  49. Joanne Newton

    May 15, 2022 , 6:56 am

    wow – thanks so much for how I can actually eat better and with intention for my bones.

  50. Mahin

    July 11, 2022 , 5:09 pm

    Thank you very much for sending me this article
    Which is very informative and useful and specially I learned so many things about the role of collagen in BMD.
    Thanks to Algae Cal

  51. Toni Weyand

    July 30, 2022 , 8:11 am

    I’m confused. I weigh 117 lbs which = 53.2 kg according to your figures. This calculates to 79.8 grams of protein per day. This is about 2.81 oz of protein per day. The average meal is usually 3-4 oz of meat per meal. I would guess most women are eating that much protein per day. I guess I don’t understand where this is leading?

    I also am consuming 20 grams of collagen per day which = 18 grams of protein. How does calculate into this scenario?

    Thank you for the help.

  52. Chelsea Dugas

    August 2, 2022 , 7:21 am

    Sorry for the confusion, Toni!
    Your calculations are correct, however, it seems there is some variance in recommendations online as to what the daily allowance of healthy protein should be. Some associations recommend no more than 4 oz of healthy protein per day, with about 15-30 grams per meal. This would make more sense with the calculations in this article.

    Collagen is a wonderful addition to your diet as it has many health benefits, though it is not considered a complete protein. It contains 19 amino acids, however, is lacking in tryptophan, which is one of the main 9 amino acids that make up a complete protein. We have an interesting article on collagen and bone health HERE if you’re interested! Hope this information helps to clarify a bit!

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  53. sharon brink

    October 15, 2022 , 9:42 am

    I have read that minerals build bones, rather than just calcium….

  54. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 16, 2022 , 11:06 am

    Hello Sharon,

    Thank you for your comment! You are absolutely correct! The bones require a variety of nutrients. There are 13 minerals total that are needed to fully support the bones, and calcium is just one of them! For more information on this, visit our blog post: 13 Essential Nutrients for Bone Health & How to Get Them!

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  55. Janine Goulet

    October 18, 2022 , 1:13 pm

    How do I find out how much I consume in a day with my meals….and the balance could be in a protein shake?

  56. Brianne Bovenizer

    October 19, 2022 , 12:28 pm

    Hi Janine,

    Thank so much for commenting! There are a few different apps you could try downloading if you have a smartphone or tablet, for example, MyFitnessPal, where you can input all of the foods you eat, and it will let you know how much protein and other nutrients you consume! I’d suggest doing this for a couple of days, or a week to get a better idea of how much you generally take in each day! From there, a protein shake is certainly a great way to make up the difference. I’ve also provided an article from our blog HERE with some protein rich foods that would also be a great addition to your diet! 🙂

    I hope this helps!

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  57. Magali Sajan

    November 27, 2022 , 11:55 am

    Excellent information because I have osteoporosis since 25 years ago, but I still fine without no fractures. I am having yearly for 5 years an infusion and on December I will get a bone density scan to see how I am doing 🙏😊

  58. Chelsea Dugas

    November 29, 2022 , 8:03 am

    Happy to hear you are fracture-free, Magali! I also hope your next bone scan comes back with encouraging results! If you’re interested, you can find many more informative articles focused on bone health HERE, and feel free to contact our Bone Health Consultants at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada, toll-free) or email [email protected] for more information and personalized support! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  59. Euni in Rickey

    July 27, 2023 , 11:22 am

    Thank you for the information on protein!
    I always thought I got enough….but not so.
    The chart of foods listed with # of grams is very helpful.
    Thank you! You are promoting good health habits!

  60. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    July 27, 2023 , 2:21 pm

    We’re so glad you found this post helpful, Euni! If there is anything else we can do to support you on your bone health journey, please just reach out! 🙂
    – Megan

  61. Sharon Diane Chambers

    January 6, 2024 , 4:40 pm

    Very helpful to me, an 80 year old woman with diffuse osteopenia, severe degenerative disease of lumbosacral spine, moderate levoscoliosis of lumbar spine. I will continue to eat better for my bones. I’ve always loved animal products.

  62. Yoori AlgaeCal

    January 8, 2024 , 6:16 pm

    That’s the spirit, Sharon! We are glad to hear that this article was helpful for you :).

    – Yoori

  63. Carmen Carlson

    February 15, 2024 , 12:41 pm

    This was so helpful, now I know how much protein I need to take daily and what has the best protein for me, I’m 65 years old and just find out I have Osteopenia.

  64. Yoori AlgaeCal

    February 15, 2024 , 2:10 pm

    We are glad to hear that the article was helpful for you, Carmen! 🙂 On the other hand, we are sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis, if you are interested in natural approach to increasing your bone density, AlgaeCal is the only calcium supplement clinically supported to do so! Please feel free to give us a call at 1-800-820-0184 (US & Canada Toll-free) or email [email protected] for more information and personalized support! We are happy to help :).

    – Yoori

This article features advice based on cutting-edge research from our industry experts to give you the best possible information to support your bone-building journey.

Lara Pizzorno
MDiv, MA, LMT - Best-selling author of Healthy Bones Healthy You! and Your Bones; Editor of Longevity Medicine Review, and Senior Medical Editor for Integrative Medicine Advisors.,
Dr. Liz Lipski
PhD, CNS, FACN, IFMP, BCHN, LDN - Professor and Director of Academic Development, Nutrition programs in Clinical Nutrition at Maryland University of Integrative Health.,
Dr. Emma Gasinski
PT, DPT, RYT - Physical therapist and certified yoga teacher with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professionals,
Dr. Lawrence (Larry) A. May
MD, FACP, Harvard Medical School Graduate, Physician, Author, Public Speaker - Doctor of Internal Medicine at Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center and author of several articles and books, including the widely utilized and best selling medical textbook Primary Care Medicine,