Success Stories Bone Builder Pack

Lisa Reiss

Why both Lisa and her doctor approve of AlgaeCal

Read more about Lisa Reiss.

Lisa Reiss - Selden, New York

Hi, my name is Lisa Reiss and I'm 55 years old.

A few years ago, I was told that my bone density was low. I was really nervous and I did some research and I discovered AlgaeCal and I printed up everything I could from the website and showed my doctor. He approved and he said I could try it and in under two years, my bone density has increased 6.6% in my spine and 5.6% in my hip. I am so excited that I discovered AlgaeCal, Strontium Boost and Triple Power, and I plan to take it until my bone density is normal. I'm determined and I know it's gonna happen.

Thank you so much, AlgaeCal. So happy I found you.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Roxane Cummings

“I’ve had no side effects. And the results have been amazing!”

Read more about Roxane Cummings.

Roxane Cummings - Cope, South Carolina

Hi, my name is Roxanne Cummings.

At age 54, I had my first bone scan and realized that I was dealing with some bone loss. This was quite a surprise. I have always tried to eat right, at least for the last 10 or 15 years, I exercised daily and thought I was in pretty good health. So bone loss was something that wasn't even on my radar. I decided to add a vitamin D supplement to my daily routine and some calcium, and just sorta continued on. My followup bone scan two years later showed that what I was doing wasn't working. The bone loss had continued and progressed somewhat, not a great deal, but my vitamin D and calcium supplements certainly had not stopped the bone loss. I began doing more research and my research led me to the AlgaeCal website. I was so encouraged by what I saw and read there. It was a natural product, no side effects and those who had tried it showed some remarkable results. So in August of 2019, I began taking AlgaeCal and the Strontium Boost. And I did it faithfully for two years, waiting for my next bone scan. Well, that happened this past August in August of 2021. And when I got the results, I just sat there scared to open them, not knowing what I would find. But I was thrilled with the improvements in my bone density. My lumbar spine T-score had improved from a negative 2.5 to a negative 2.0 and the report indicated that there was a positive, significant change of 7.8% in mineralization. And my proximal femur T-score improved from a negative 1.6 to a negative 0.4, with a 6% increase in mineralization. I was thrilled!

Thank you, AlgaeCal, you've been an answer to prayer. I've had no side effects and the results have been amazing.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Julie Maguire

“I hope that my experience can serve as hope for you.”

Read more about Julie Maguire.

Julie Maguire - Oak Ridge, New Jersey

Hi, I'm Julie. And I'm really excited to be able to share my experience using AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost over the past two years.

I had been progressively seeing less bone density on my DEXA scan results for many years. But the one from 2019 really was very scary for me. Everything was going in the wrong direction. And I had firsthand experience with low bone density problems from my mom. She broke her hip when she was 68 years old, and her life quality was never the same after that. So I started researching on the internet, and I came across AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost, the bone builder package. And I really liked what I read about the formulations and how AlgaeCal is from marine algae. And it has 13 essential minerals that are needed for our bone building. And then adding on the Strontium Boost, which was found to help build bone, but also to slow down the bone breaking down process. So I was pretty much sold at that point. But what really just got me were the testimonials from all these people on the site, saying how the results were, sharing their DEXA results. And I just knew at that moment, I needed to try this. And I kind of stepped out in faith that this was going to be the right direction for me. So what I ended up doing, you know, I started taking my AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost, and I actually had the help of a physical therapist. I added more activity into my day. I changed some of my eating habits. I stayed hydrated. And, lo and behold, things got better. My most recent DEXA scan, and this was from September of 2021, I showed improvement, and I was so excited. I'm going to read to you the actual results that the DEXA said. And I hope you find it as amazing as I found it. Okay, compared to 2019, there has been a 12.9% increase in bone density of the spine, a 10.1% increase in the bone density of the left hip, and an 8.3% increase in the bone density of the right hip. I feel stronger. I feel more capable. I have better balance. You know, it takes a village to build bone, and AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost is part of that village for me. So I hope that my experience can serve as hope for you. And thank you to AlgaeCal and the AlgaeCal online community. I wish you luck with your journey. I will continue using AlgaeCal Plus, and the Strontium Boost, because I'm not done yet.

Thanks so much, bye.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Joyce Tello

“I am so grateful to the bone health consultants!”

Read more about Joyce Tello.

Joyce Tello - Bismarck, North Dakota

Hi! My name is Joyce and it is with deep gratitude that I share my success in using AlgaeCal.

I started taking these supplements about two years ago and I also use the Strontium Boost. The outcome has been truly amazing. I recently had a DEXA scan and the results were outstanding with a total increase of 31% overall. I've been waiting years for this outcome and I am just so grateful to the bone health consultants and your wonderful product.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Kathy DeLuca

“I couldn’t ask for better results . . . and my life is better!”

Read more about Kathy DeLuca.

Kathy DeLuca - Gilbert, Arizona

Hi, my name is Kathy DeLuca, and I'd just like to let you know about the great results I've had using AlgaeCal.

Well, started out in 2019. I was very shocked after having a DEXA scan to see the bone loss that I did. Especially in the right hip, I had a negative 3.1 T-score. So I knew I had to do something and I researched online and I came across AlgaeCal on Facebook and I read everything they said and I was willing to take a try. And so I've been on it for a year and a half now. So in 2019, as I said, my right hip was negative 3.1, which was alarming. And now in 2021, my T-score on my right hip was negative 2.7. So I'm really heading in the right direction. And I'm very happy to say that the AlgaeCal has improved my scores and now I'm not so fearful of falling like I was before and I'm looking forward to continuing with AlgaeCal and getting good results in the coming year. So 2019 to 2021, definitely good results. And now my next DEXA will be 2024. So I'll keep you tuned in then, too. But in the meantime, I couldn't ask for better results. I've gone up considerably and my life is better.

So thank you so much and I wish you well.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Barbara Watson

Why Barbara’s looking forward to her next DEXA scan

Read more about Barbara Watson.

Barbara Watson - Chicago, Illinois

Hi, in 2016, it was determined that I had extensive bone loss. And my doctors indicated that I needed to go on medication, which I did immediately.

In 2018, I had my next DEXA bone scan and it showed that my bones loss had increased. That was devastating. I wanted to do my own research and determine what to do, and that is exactly what I did. And I discovered AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost. And after reading about them, I was so impressed, I started taking AlgaeCal Plus immediately. After two years, 2020, I went back for my DEXA bone scan and my numbers had improved significantly. I will say this, that my T-scores and my Z-scores on my spine had improved. For example, my total T-scores for my spine in 2018 were -2.9. In 2020 the scores were -2.2. So scores had gone down, which is good. My hip scores weren't that impressive though. My hip scores went down just a little. In 2018, my hip right T-score was a -1.6 and in 2020 it was a -1.2. So that was not good, but I'm encouraged because overall my bone mass density showed an increase of 11.1% over 2018, which was a negative 5.8%. So that just shows me that AlgaeCal has worked in my body. And I'm so encouraged. I know there's more work to do, and I'm looking ahead and looking forward to 2022. Overall, my classification showed that I improved in my overall bone health, and that's what was encouraging to me. So I would say to you that if you are trying to decide whether or not to take AlgaeCal, I would say give it a try, give it a try. I did. And I have seen such great improvement that I'm encouraged, and I hope that, that you will be encouraged too and try AlgaeCal.

Thank you.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Janice Nowlan

When exercising wasn’t enough, Janice did this to improve her bones

Read more about Janice Nowlan.

Janice Nowlan - Fort Myers, Florida

Hi, my name is Jan and I'm 71 years old and I've been dealing with bone loss issues for several years.

I've tried a few different things and I've gone to the gym and exercised my whole life. I had to stop recently because of some back issues, but I've always tried to take care of my health and I've tried to eat healthy, and I still do, recently though, well, about six months ago, I ran across an advertisement for AlgaeCal, and I read some of the testimonials from the other people that had used it. And it sounded pretty good. So I thought, well, I'm going to give this a try. So I got the AlgaeCal, I followed the regimen. I did two with breakfast, two with dinner and one or two Strontium Boost at night before I went to bed. And did this for about six months, and I decided to have another DEXA scan. I had had one eight months previous and it showed that I was still losing bone, It wasn't good. So I had one at the beginning of, well in mid August, I had one, and now it showed great results. I couldn't believe it. I was amazed at the results and let me give them to you. I had my spine previously was -2.0, and it went to -1.0, my neck was -2.1 and it went currently to -0.4. My hip was -1.3 and it went to -0.2, which is normal. It's not osteopenic in my hip anymore. So those are my T-scores. I was really grateful to AlgaeCal, I'm going to continue. I have not found anything else that worked as well as this. So I hope that you all have as good results as I do or even better.

So have a great day and God bless. Bye Bye.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Judy Litkey-Noel

Judy’s results were so inspiring, her friends started taking AlgaeCal

Read more about Judy Litkey-Noel.

Judy Litkey-Noel - Bridgewater, New Jersey

Hi! My name is Judy. I recently turned 71, and I've been taking AlgaeCal with Strontium for the past two years.

Like many of you, I was really discouraged by mainstream medical recommendations, and I made the decision to try to do things my way, and took the gamble of just, you know, healthy eating, exercise, and normal supplements. Unfortunately, with that particular gamble, I got worse, and now I felt this devastation over having made the wrong decision, losing time, and what were my options? What was I going to do now? I came across this information about AlgaeCal, on Facebook. Of all places, right? And I decided to start reading and delving into it, and everything that they wrote and said just made sense to me. All of a sudden it clicked. And so year number one, I strap myself in and just prayed that it would work. Then my first DEXA scan result came back, and I almost had to look twice to see that I was reading it correctly. So, on June 10th, 2020, my lumbar spine was a minus 2.0, as compared to minus 2.8 the previous year, which was an 11.4% increase. This year in 2021, June, the lumbar spine was minus 1.7, which was another increase of 4.3%. And the left hip was still minus 1.9, which was stable. So, I thank AlgaeCal from the bottom of my heart. I sing your praises to anyone who's struggling with this situation, and not knowing what to do. And so far I have two friends who are taking the product and again, hoping for good results just as I was able to get.

So thank you, everyone. I am extremely grateful.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Carol Adams

What Carol wants everyone on a bone-health journey to know

Read more about Carol Adams.

Carol Adams - Samson, Alabama

Hi, I'm Carol Adams and I'm recording this for AlgaeCal.

And the reason is because I want to help other people that have problems with bone loss. I was experiencing this. Found out a couple of years ago that I was beginning to lose bone density. And so I ran into a friend, a good friend, that told me about the AlgaeCal and the products. So I decided to try it and I've been on it a year and it has really helped me. I had my two year DEXA scan and it had increased. So I am just so happy and ecstatic about that that it has helped my bones, the density, to increase.

And so I decided to get on here and tell others it's AlgaeCal and the other product of theirs I take is Strontium.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.