Planking Exercises for Stability and Bone-Strength

Updated: November 21, 2018

planking exercises

Your abdominals are what allow you to sit straight, stand upright, and pretty much function as an able-bodied person. Core strength is also incredibly important to your overall balance and mobility because those muscles attach to your hips and pelvis.

Balance and mobility are vital to staying healthy and fit into your golden years. Poor balance is a leading cause of falls and fractures while staying mobile and able allows you to perform bone-healthy weight-bearing exercises.

We love weight-bearing exercises because they are great for building and maintaining bone density, and often don’t require a gym or fitness equipment. These exercises are also low impact, which makes them more suitable for people suffering from osteoporosis.

In this post, I’m going to teach you about one of my favorite osteoporosis-friendly exercises — the plank! By practicing the perfect plank, you will slowly improve your balance and posture. And the best part is, you can do these exercises in the comfort of your own home.

In the following exercises I use:

  • a yoga mat
  • a Bosu ball

Benefits of Core Strength for Osteoporosis

Core exercises use the muscles around the midsection which include the pelvic floor, abdominal, and spinal muscles.

By improving your core strength, you get the added bonus of improving your:

  • balance
  • spinal strength
  • pelvic strength
  • ease of day-to-day activities
  • posture

The key to strengthening your abdominals, particularly if you’re older or have osteoporosis, is to make sure you’re safely gaining strength. That means in addition to knowing which movements are okay for you to do, you need to know which ones are best to avoid.

The most damaging movements to delicate spines involve twisting and bending (flexion). There’s a finite range of motion in your spine, and pushing that range too far can result in fractures and muscle strain.

And these unsafe motions extend beyond the gym. Sports like skiing and golf can be especially punishing to your spine. A study comparing 59 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis looked at the impact of extension exercises (increase in the angle of the joint or straightening of a joint) compared to flexion exercises (decrease in the angle of a joint by bending). The study found that only 16% of extension participants suffered vertebral compression fractures in six years of follow-up exams. That’s compared to 89% of flexion participants, 53% of those that did extension and flexion, and 67% of the sedentary control group.

Researchers concluded that extension and isometric exercises (joint angle and muscle length do not change during contraction) are more appropriate for postmenopausal patients with osteoporosis.

flexion vs extension movementsThe following are core-related exercises that you should avoid.

Forward Flexion Exercises to Avoid:

  • Crunches: Also known as sit-ups, crunches are a popular way to strengthen the abdominal muscles. However, for those with osteoporosis it can increase your risk of vertebral fractures because of the pressure it puts on the spine and because of the hip hinge position. This is particularly hard on the spine if you do raised-leg crunches.
  • Lumbar rolls: This is a common movement in yoga where you lie down with your back on the mat and bring your knees into your chest with your hands, curving your spine. Then, you gently roll back and forth in a see-saw motion. This not only incorporates the dreaded forward flexion of the spine, but it also adds loading where even more strain is put onto your spine. This further increases risk of fracture.

Side-Bending Exercises to Avoid:

  • Standing side bend:  The standing side bend has you stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms by your sides. While keeping your back straight, you bend at the waist left or right as far as is comfortable. Pause, then come back up. However, this movement describes lateral flexion, which again, puts a load on certain parts of the spine at risk for fracture.

Rotational core exercises to avoid:

  • Russian Twist*: Chances are you’ve done your fair share of Russian Twists, even if it’s just in your day-to-day life grabbing something beside you off the counter. But if you suffer from osteoporosis, this is definitely an exercise you want to avoid as it combines full flexion of your spine and adds rotation.
  • Lunge with a twist*:  This pose strengthens and stretches the abdominals, quadriceps, hips, and thighs. However, the added twist rotation can put a strain on your back and can easily lead to injury.

*Twists done at moderate range, in gentle motion with a long spine may be safe. However, the National Osteoporosis Foundation cautions against “twisting of the spine to a point of strain.” So be aware of your body and its limitations – do not exaggerate the twist, which can compromise your spine. 

It may seem like a long list of movements to avoid, but it’s because they all involve the same bending and twisting motions. But bending and twisting aren’t the only ways to engage your core and strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Keep reading to learn about our top three movements to strengthen your core that don’t require bending, side collapsing or rotational movements.

3 Easy and Modifiable Planking Exercises for Bone Strength

We love these exercises because they’re modifiable. Not only for people of various fitness levels but for people with varying degrees of bone density. And while we feel these are osteoporosis-safe movements, always check with your doctor or physiotherapist before starting a new exercise regime.

And of course, if you feel any pain during any of these exercises, STOP!

The Forearm Plank

This is one of the most common variations of the plank and is an isometric hold. This exercise can be made easier by performing on bent knees or by angling your body up on an elevated bench or a platform.

  1. Place your forearms directly under your shoulders, a bit wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. You can either clasp your hands together (which is what I’m doing here) or you can lay your palms down flat on the mat.
  3. Lift from your knees first, then tuck your toes into the floor and push up. Make sure your glutes and body are squeezed and stabilized. Do not lock your knees!
  4. Your head should be in line with your spine. You can either look down towards the ground or straight ahead.
  5. Hold for 10-20 seconds, then lower yourself slowly down.
  6. Repeat 3-5 times.

Advanced: Once you’ve mastered the forearm plank, try the standard plank. This plank goes one step further by holding your entire body up with your hands instead of your forearms. You can also add weights to your hips (ie: sandbags) or alternate by raising one foot off the floor.

The Bent-Knee Side Plank

Here your core and leg muscles are being exercised isometrically – but they can also be performed as a dynamic movement by moving your hips up and down.

  1. Lie on your side on your mat.
  2. Place your right forearm under your shoulder on the mat, perpendicular to your body.
  3. Bend your right knee and place your left leg on top of the bottom leg (straight out).
  4. Straighten your hips.
  5. Engage and stabilize your core and lift your body upwards while keeping your hips and spine in line.
  6. Raise your left arm to the ceiling.
  7. Hold for 20–30 seconds, then lower yourself slowly down.
  8. Repeat 3–5 times.

Advanced: Once you’ve mastered the bent-knee side plank, try the regular side plank. Instead of using the bottom leg for support, both legs will be straight when you lift your body.

The Stir The Pot Plank

This exercise targets every muscle in your core, as well as your forearms, shoulders, and glutes.

Before you attempt this exercise, make sure you have mastered the forearm plank, the standard plank, the bent-knee side plank, and the side plank. Keep in mind that your form for stir the pot and other planks are the same. Remember to keep your core engaged and spine stabilized – meaning no arching or hunching.

  1. Place your knees shoulder-width apart and kneel on the mat.
  2. Place a medium Bosu ball a few inches in front of you.
  3. Reach out and place your forearms on the ball at a 90-degree angle.
  4. Make sure your core is stabilized and engaged and start ‘stirring’ by making circular movements with the ball.
  5. Do 10 circles clockwise, then switch and do 10 circles counter-clockwise.
  6. Break and repeat 3–5 times.

Advanced: once you have mastered this exercise, plank your entire body with the Bosu ball (meaning your knees are no longer on the mat — raise your whole body). In addition, you can also make bigger circles. You’ll see that there is slight flexion from the waist, but not the back or spine, which is where you want to avoid flexion.

Common Planking Mistakes & How to Fix Them

Again, it’s all about safety. On top of doing appropriate exercises based on your health and range of motion, you need to know how to do those exercises properly.

Every time you exercise, keep the following in mind:

  • Choose a comfortable position
  • Focus on correct technique
  • Activate deep abdominal muscles gently
  • Listen to your body and modify accordingly
  • Progress steadily but gradually

Plus three more specific to planking…

  • Don’t forget to breathe! It’s common to hold your breath when you are in a strenuous pose for an extended period of time. But don’t deny your body of oxygen. This can bring on dizziness or nausea. Remember to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  • Don’t collapse your lower back! Focus on engaging your core at all times. You put stress on your lower back when it collapses and dips below your hips. To combat this, engage your core by pulling your belly button towards your spine. This will protect you and keep your spine safe.
  • Don’t reach your butt to the sky! Don’t dip your butt too low or high (it’s not meant to look like downward dog).  Aim for your back to be flat enough where you can feel your core being engaged from the very top to the bottom.

Planking is a great exercise to strengthen your core and help support your spine, but it’s just one of many osteoporosis-friendly exercises you can try.

For more osteoporosis-safe exercises, check out our exercise blog posts, including Hip Strengthening Exercises You Can Do Anytime, Anywhere and our Ultimate Guide to Yoga for Osteoporosis.

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  1. Gina vslle

    July 8, 2016 , 8:41 am

    Holding the blank position on the floor for 60 seconds x 3 sets. You will strengthen your back abs and obliques. If you place your hands up by your forehead you will be toning lower abs . Enjoy!

  2. Monica

    July 8, 2016 , 8:55 am

    Great suggestions, Gina!

    Thanks for adding to this workout 🙂

    – Monica @ AlgaeCal

  3. Cindy Johnston

    July 8, 2016 , 2:55 pm

    Can you show a video of holding your hands up near your forehead? I can’t picture it.

  4. Monica

    July 11, 2016 , 11:55 am

    Hi Cindy,

    Each exercise shows the full motion – is there a specific one you are referring to?

    – Monica @ AlgaeCal

  5. Barbara

    February 14, 2018 , 11:01 am

    I have 2 bad shoulders. Are there any modifications that can be made to alleviate stress on those joints, yet still strengthen the core?

  6. Monica AlgaeCal

    February 19, 2018 , 10:03 am

    Hi Barbara,

    Modified planks may still put some stress on your shoulders and joints. Instead, I’d try the following exercises that focus more on your abdominals specifically:

    Dead bug
    – Start by laying on your back with your arms extended above you and your knees bent in a 90-degree angle, thighs perpendicular to the floor.
    – Then activate your abs and flatten your back to the floor
    – Slowly lower the left arm and right leg down to the floor at the same time (make sure to keep your back on the ground still)
    – If and when your back starts to arch, that’s your limit
    – Bring yourself back to starting position and alternate
    To protect your shoulders, if at any point you feel pain, come out of it. You can keep your arms in neutral and alternate lower either leg instead
    Flutter leg kicks
    – Lie down on a mat with your arms by your side, palms down and legs extended
    – Press your back into the mat and lift your legs 3-6 inches off the ground
    – While keeping your legs straight, lift one slightly leg higher than the other and switch (like they’re fluttering)
    You can also place your hands under your buttocks for support.

    Let me know if these work for you and your shoulders, Barbara!
    – Monica

  7. Gloria

    April 6, 2018 , 10:40 am

    Above, it says to avoid Russian Twists if you have Osteoporosis, due to the twisting motion. You recommend doing them, so now I’m confused.

  8. Monica AlgaeCal

    April 6, 2018 , 11:01 am

    Hi Gloria,
    Thanks for reaching out. If you have low bone density Russian twists should be avoided due to the twisting motion. Apologies for any confusion!

    – Monica

  9. Catherine

    April 7, 2018 , 6:57 am

    Would you please show us someone doing a lunge with a twist (of NOT what to do)!!! We do something like this in yoga and I would like to visually see..maybe what we do in class is actually OK to continue with!
    Thank you,

  10. Monica AlgaeCal

    April 12, 2018 , 1:13 am

    Hi Catherine,

    I really enjoy yoga myself! I’d have a quick chat with your instructor before your next class and let him/her know that you have low bone mineral density or osteoporosis. They will be able to show you any modifications for exercises with twists, or rounding of the spine (ie. cat-cow).

    Twists within a moderate range with a long spine may be ok (however, National Osteoporosis Foundation guidelines cautions against twists of the spine to the point of strain). So it seems that extreme twists should, of course, be avoided and that moderate range twists by using gentle motion could be ok. But, if at any point you feel pain or discomfort you should stop.

    – Monica

  11. Renee Sullins

    April 7, 2018 , 7:03 am

    THANK YOU! I’ve been researching what NOT to do for quite some time – to no avail! I’ve been hesitant and fearful of damaging my spine. This is SO helpful and encourages me greatly to work on my core strength and building muscle.

  12. Jaclyn

    April 7, 2018 , 12:31 pm

    Are there any core strenghthing exercises that I can do while sitting down? (I have peripheral neuropathy in my hands/arms. I also have 2 frozen shoulders. On top of that, I have osteoporosis in hips, spine, wrists, etc.)
    Thanks so much!

  13. Monica AlgaeCal

    April 11, 2018 , 12:43 am

    Hi Jaclyn,

    Yes, there are definitely some exercises you can do while sitting down!
    For instance, the seated march:
    – Sit in a chair with your knees and hips at 90 degrees.
    – Activate your core and lift your right leg up, then lower back down (make sure your back is straight and not bending into forward flexion to compromise in any way)
    – Repeat with your left leg
    Advanced: After you lift your leg, try straightening it out in front of you. Then bending it and lowering back down.

    You can also try a seated arm raise, depending on your shoulder mobility (which will strengthen both your core and shoulders)
    – Sit in a chair with your arms in front and palms facing each other with elbows straight
    – Activate your core and raise your left arm overhead then start to lower down
    – When your left arm is lowered down about halfway, start lifting your right arm so they are alternating in motion
    – Again, keep your back straight and do not arch or lean forward.
    Advanced: you can add light hand weights

    In addition, we also have the following seated exercise post

    Hope that helps, Jaclyn.
    – Monica

  14. Mary

    April 8, 2018 , 3:38 am

    I enjoy the Pilates exercise of lying on back, then arching back up and then raising one leg up at a time (with weights round my ankles) this seems to reallly strengthen the buttocks area – is this safe to do with osteoporosis please?

  15. Monica AlgaeCal

    April 12, 2018 , 12:40 am

    Hi Mary,

    I believe you may be describing flutter kicks or alternating leg raises? In both cases there should be no arching of the back, rather you should push your back into the mat to protect your spine and ensure you’re not placing any unnecessary stress on your back. Since I’m unsure which exercise you are referring to at this time (sorry!), it’s always best to discuss safe movements with your instructor and if at any point you’re experiencing discomfort or pain, stop and try a modified version.

    If you’re interested in safely strengthening your glutes, I have another post that focuses on Hip-Strengthening exercises here:

    I think you’ll love the glute bridge!

    – Monica

  16. Lmc

    April 8, 2018 , 6:23 pm

    Thank You for this wonderful exercise info. I’ve had osteoporosis now for 2 years and miss being a runner. Trying to find exercises that help me feel energized!!!

  17. Monica AlgaeCal

    April 11, 2018 , 12:45 am

    You’re welcome, Lmc! Thanks for taking the time to comment, we so appreciate the feedback.
    – Monica

  18. Deborah

    April 13, 2018 , 8:02 pm

    I have very mild osteoporosis in one hip, osteopenia in the other and spine. My problem is that I also have lordosis, a form of scoliosis in which the lower end of the spine curves abnormally inward. Is there a move I should not make? I already have a sort of arched back, or it seems so. Do I just try to flatten it as much as I can?

  19. Monica AlgaeCal

    April 18, 2018 , 3:37 am

    Hi Deborah,

    Those are great questions. From some initial research, it looks like back-bending postures that flatten the thoracic spine and twisting the torso against the pelvis are not recommended as they can worsen your scoliosis. However, it is best to discuss with your doctor on what exercises should be included (or not) in your scoliosis exercise program.

    – Monica

  20. Carol

    March 15, 2019 , 10:24 pm

    I found out I have osteoporosis 2 years ago. I was also very vitamin d deficient and my calcium was low. My hips have increased in bone density but my lower back hasn’t improved what exercises can I do to help?

  21. Jenna AlgaeCal

    March 18, 2019 , 3:47 pm

    Hi Carol,

    Glad you reached out! Have you worked with your doctor to adjust your vitamin D level? As well as determine the cause of your low blood calcium level? If not, it would be a great idea to check in with your doctor to make sure these levels are in the optimal ranges — as they can affect your bone health.

    It’s wonderful to hear you’ve seen bone density increases in your hips, and you’re proactively looking to strengthen your spine. We do have a post on exercises for osteoporosis of the spine here that you may find beneficial!

    Here are a few other resources to help you see the best possible results on your next DEXA scan:
    Natural Osteoporosis Treatments You Need To Know About
    Osteoporosis Exercises
    Osteoporosis Diet & Nutrition

    Hopefully this is helpful, Carol! If you have any questions you can email [email protected] or call our Bone Health Consultants at 1-800-820-0184. ❤️

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  22. Connie Macinko

    July 27, 2019 , 8:32 pm

    Some of this info contradicts the osteoporosis yoga exercises given earlier – bending and twisting the spine. Are these exercises better?

  23. Megan AlgaeCal

    July 30, 2019 , 11:01 am

    Hi Connie, great question and we’re glad you reached out!

    When bending for the yoga exercises, be sure that you are bending at the top of your thighs, not at your waist! One thing that helps with this is to try and keep your spine long. The twisting motions in the yoga exercises are done in the supine position, which means it can be safe to twist in a slow, controlled manner. Both sets of exercises are great options – as long as they’re done carefully! As always, listen to your body and stick to exercises that are comfortable for you.

    Hope this helps, Connie! ?

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  24. Pat Stuka

    October 25, 2019 , 8:55 am

    I have been diagnosed with spondololisthesis and cannot bend my back backwards beyond vertical. Is this exercise still building core muscles if I just hold the position without moving?

  25. Blaire AlgaeCal

    November 1, 2019 , 11:16 am

    Hi Pat,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Not to worry, these exercises don’t require you to bend your back backward. You’ll definitely get a great core workout by holding the position 😀

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  26. Pat Stuka

    January 2, 2020 , 6:17 pm


  27. Beth McFadden

    August 18, 2020 , 5:09 pm

    I was just diagnosed with Osteopenia and Type II diabetes 🙁 I would like to join the Forum in order to prevent it from getting worst. I was runner and I go to the Gym and do Aerobic but because of Covid 19 I was afraid to go outside and I have gained weight but I started to go for a walk between 2-3 miles everyday.

  28. Blaire AlgaeCal

    August 20, 2020 , 2:51 pm

    Hi Beth,

    We’re so sorry to hear about your recent diagnoses ❤️

    Beth, it’s great that you are staying active! Walking is an extremely effective exercise. We have an in-depth guide to osteoporosis exercises that you may find helpful – you can check it out here.

    Feel free to give our Bone Health Consultants a call at 1-800-820-0184 or email [email protected] if you have any questions!

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  29. Marilyn

    April 21, 2021 , 6:34 pm

    I would like to see exercises designed more for the 70-80 yr. old woman.

  30. Blaire AlgaeCal

    April 22, 2021 , 2:56 pm

    Thank you for your feedback, Marilyn!

    We do try our best to offer exercise advice that is accessible to everyone, including those in their 70s and 80s. Of course, everyone’s mobility differs and, therefore, it’s always recommended to speak with your doctor/physical therapist before trying a new exercise regimen. Marilyn, we will also keep your comment in mind for future posts — thank you again! ❤️

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  31. Jan Cox

    May 30, 2021 , 8:34 am

    Thank you so much for showing us all these exercises.
    I have shared them with my trainer, so I can do them with her.

  32. Lei Beng Wu

    August 16, 2021 , 2:31 pm

    Hope I can trial out with Algae-cal Plus! Because I has knee pains and osteoporosis issues,

  33. Megan AlgaeCal

    August 17, 2021 , 11:31 am

    Hi Lei!

    It sounds like AlgaeCal Plus can definitely be helpful for you! You can purchase it on our website here or if you prefer, you can also order over the phone at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada toll-free). We’re available 5am-4pm PST on weekdays and 6am-4pm PST on weekends and would love to hear from you and help answer any questions you might have as well. 🙂

    – Megan @ AlgaeCal

  34. Julie Arneson

    May 15, 2022 , 5:08 am

    I’ve been doing the standard plank for awhile now and love it, will definitely be adding the side ones and the ball one. Thanks

This article features advice from our industry experts to give you the best possible info through cutting-edge research.

Lara Pizzorno
MDiv, MA, LMT - Best-selling author of Healthy Bones Healthy You! and Your Bones; Editor of Longevity Medicine Review, and Senior Medical Editor for Integrative Medicine Advisors.,
Dr. Liz Lipski
PhD, CNS, FACN, IFMP, BCHN, LDN - Professor and Director of Academic Development, Nutrition programs in Clinical Nutrition at Maryland University of Integrative Health.,
Dr. Loren Fishman
MD, B.Phil.,(oxon.) - Medical Director of Manhattan Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and Founder of the Yoga Injury Prevention Website.,
Prof. Didier Hans
PHD, MBA - Head of Research & Development Center of Bone Diseases, Lausanne University Hospital CHUV, Switzerland,