I really didn’t want to share this silly video with you. I mean, what does churning butter have to do with bone health anyway? (Oh, I guess we could research up some connection between the amazing fat-soluble vitamins in hand churned butter and bone density – but it would definitely be a stretch!)
Anyway, my wife Viv (AlgaeCal’s COO) and Monica (AlgaeCal’s Content Manager) overruled me!
So here you go. Have a chuckle at my expense.
Watch the video below.

Dean’s Homemade Butter
- 1 cup heavy whipping cream
- water cold
- 1/2 tbsp salt
- 1 stand mixer, hand mixer, or whisk
- 1 large bowl
- 1 strainer
- Take 1 cup of organic whipping cream and place into a large electric mixer. If using a hand mixer or mixing by hand, place into a large bowl.
- If using an electric mixer, set on low speed, then raise to medium speed. If using a hand mixer, turn on low and then raise to medium speed. Or if by hand, whisk away! (About 2 minutes)
- Once most of the whipping cream has turned solid, take a strainer and pour the remaining cream through it. Either into a bowl or cup. This excess cream is called buttermilk! You can save it and use it in baking or drink it! (It’s delicious).
- Once your butter has been separated from the buttermilk, rinse with cold water to get rid of the remaining buttermilk. Repeat until the water runs clear. * Removing the excess buttermilk prevents your butter from going sour.
- Place your homemade butter in a container or butter dish! (Use within 2-3 weeks) Enjoy!
- Optional addition: Add 1/2 tsp. of salt to your butter and mix well before placing into your butter dish.

Ok now you know what kind of silliness goes on in my house on an otherwise quiet evening.
Let me know if you enjoy us getting a bit personal once in awhile. Please give us your thoughts in the comment section below the blog post.
Dean Neuls
January 25, 2016 , 9:41 amI was a little apprehensive about sharing personal content that is pretty much irrelevant to bone health, but was talked into it! What is your advice? The occasional piece like this helpful to get to know us at Team AlgaeCal, or should we keep it purely professional? Pls comment! 🙂