Protect Your Bones
If you want to protect your bones from age-related weakening, then here’s welcome news. Studies show that specific physical exercises help prevent bone loss. In fact, they can even stimulate your bones to become stronger. Scientists call this ‘Wolf’s Law.’ And it explains why having frail bones doesn’t have to be an inevitable part of aging.
Positive choices you make now can make a huge difference to your quality of life as you get older.
Sir Muir Gray, Director of the optimal aging program at The University Of Oxford.

Do What You Enjoy
The best exercises for optimal aging are the ones you enjoy the most. That’s because if you choose an activity you like doing, you’re more likely to stick with it over time. And because your bones are living tissues, they’ll become stronger the more you use them. That’s why health experts say that regular weight-bearing exercise is a great way to protect your bone health.
Here are a few of our favorites:
1. Take Up Tennis
Tennis is better for your bones than running, cycling or going to the gym, according to a recent study from Liverpool Hope University. It improves bone mass through the legs and hips. And it even helps strengthen your arm and wrist, said Dr. Matthew Jackson, who carried out the research.
2. Get Gardening
With its bending, kneeling, and gentle lifting, gardening is great for your bones. In fact – gardening is doubly good for your bone health. That’s because just 15 minutes of gardening provides exposure to sunshine, which increases the production of vitamin D. This, in turn, allows the body to absorb more calcium – which is vital for strong bones.
3. Walk Yourself Stronger
Walking is an easy way to boost your bone health. With each step, the bones in your leg get a jolt, which stimulates them to become stronger. American researchers at Tufts University found that post-menopausal women who walk at least a mile a day have better bone density than women who walk less.

4. Try Yoga
(Safe Poses That Anyone Can Do)
Yoga helps your bones in a way that no other exercise can, says leading yoga expert Dr. Loren Fishman. Two clinical studies showed that a daily practice of 12 yoga poses will improve your bone health. And best of all – you can perform these super-safe poses in the comfort of your own home. See the poses here

5. Buy A Band
(This Works Even If You’re Totally Out Of Shape)
Working out with a resistance band is a great way to help strengthen your muscles. And that’s important because when muscles pull against bones – it causes them to become stronger and denser, according to Harvard Medical School.⁵ And best of all, they’re safe and easy to do.
Check With Your Doctor
Before starting any new exercise program, it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor. You might need some tests before you begin, including:
- Bone Density Test
- Fitness Assessment
Exercise Isn’t Enough
Regular exercise will improve your bone health. But your bones also need nutrients. In fact, studies show that a precise combination of 16 nutrients will protect you from bone loss – and even make your bones stronger.⁶
The Nutrients In AlgaeCal Plus Will Make You Stronger
AlgaeCal Plus is a unique calcium supplement that contains all 16 essential bone-building nutrients. The fact is, most calcium supplements only contain one mineral: calcium. But AlgaeCal, with its 16 minerals and vitamins, is a complete bone-building supplement that has everything your bones need to stay healthy and strong.

We regularly consult with highly regarded scientific and nutritional experts. We have developed close ties with some of America’s leading medical professionals. And since launching 20 years ago, we’ve continually received positive feedback from thousands of happy customers.
Karen Woody
January 21, 2023 , 7:48 pmLooking for the yoga exercises