Dr. Marcus Laux Discusses the Benefits of Plant Calcium

Updated: August 26, 2022

The winners for the foods with the most calcium goes to…

Dr. Marcus Laux is a licensed naturopathic physician who earned his doctorate at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon. He has been clinically trained in acupuncture, homeopathy, physical medicine, among other healing modalities.

Dr. Laux has appeared regularly in the media—including CNN, BBC, and Fox. He has served as the chairman for several scientific advisory boards for leading companies in the field of natural medicine, nutrition, and nutritional supplements. He is the coauthor of Natural Woman, Natural Menopause, published by HarperCollins, and Top Ten Natural Therapies, published by Basic Health Publications.

In this video featured on Healing Quest, Dr. Laux discusses the benefits of plant calcium, and in particular, one that stands apart from the rest.

AlgaeCal Featured on – Healing Quest


Most of us have grown up with the belief that strong bones need a steady supply of calcium. The best source of calcium is our diet. Things like dairy foods and dark green, leafy veggies, but getting all the nutrition we need out of modern foods isn’t always easy. So dietary supplements have boomed in recent years, including calcium supplements. And as we learn in today’s natural medicine update, it’s important to pay close attention to the kind of calcium that’s in the supplement we take.

Dr. Laux: How do you feel about eating rocks? I mean let me ask you. When’s the last time you ordered a rock and cheese omelette? Or some delicious key limestone pie? I know it’s outrageous and that’s the point. And the same should be said for your supplements.

The shockingly little known secret is that almost all calcium supplements are made from rock to this day.

Yes, some from egg, oyster shells, beef bones, but not an honest food source. It’s amazingly sad, but it’s true. In fact virtually all calcium supplements come from rock quarries and strip mines. So these calcium supplements are mostly pulverized stone. Some are reactive with chemicals and acids.

Most all conventional calcium supplements today, they actually don’t build any bone, that’s a misunderstood fact.

That’s also true for the drugs as well regardless of their misleading ads. They all simply slow down the natural bone loss process that occurs as we age. They do not create new bone. Worse, by taking large quantities of calcium alone – you can actual upset your body’s mineral balance.

We need a symphony of nutrients to build strong bones!

Calcium is critical. But you need a team of at least 13 other nutrients to build bone. So while we aren’t designed to eat rocks, we are designed to eat plants. One essential thing plants do is pre-digest and properly prepare the earth’s minerals into food form, making them easier for our body to absorb and utilize. So now we have a plant-source of calcium that’s been discovered for us. A simple plant that grows in the pristine waters of South America. It’s called Lithothamnion superpositum (or Algas Calcareas as the locals call it) and it delivers the calcium with all the minerals your bones need in natural proportions. This is the best news since the discovery of calcium itself and this plant-based calcium is uniquely supported by science.

Tests show it’s better absorbed by our bodies, even in terms of other common foods like an orange, a pear or yogurt.

Now because of its whole food nature, it avoids the annoying side-effects frequently encountered with rock sourced calciums. Side effects like:

  • gas
  • bloating
  • constipation

It’s completely green and ecological. New research shows it’s body preferred.

A University study shows human osteoblast cells in-vitro (now these are the cells that build new bone tissue) utilize plant-calcium more effectively than the two leading forms of rock calcium: carbonate and citrate forms.

Plant-based calcium. It’s known as AlgaeCal.

You no longer have to choose from 500 brands of rock only calcium. It’s time to get out of the stone age. Plant power is here to stay and improve not only your bones but your heart, your brain, your teeth and more.

I’m Dr. Marcus Laux for the Natural Medicine Update.

AlgaeCal Can Help Increase Bone Density

Strengthening your bones is possible at any stage of life with the AlgaeCal® Plus and Strontium Boost supplements. This first-ever combination of all the proven bone building ingredients from around the world, helps you build stronger, healthier bones within 6 months – and we guarantee it.

In a six-month randomized, open label human clinical study, 176 women and men ages 18 to 85 used AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost supplements and followed a healthy diet while participating in a light exercise program. In just six months (180 Days), participants experienced a significant average INCREASE in bone mineral density of 2.8% as evidenced by before and after DEXA scans. Highly compliant participants experienced an INCREASE in bone mineral density by an incredible 3.7%.

Published Research

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Lara Pizzorno
MDiv, MA, LMT - Best-selling author of Healthy Bones Healthy You! and Your Bones; Editor of Longevity Medicine Review, and Senior Medical Editor for Integrative Medicine Advisors.,
Dr. Liz Lipski
PhD, CNS, FACN, IFMP, BCHN, LDN - Professor and Director of Academic Development, Nutrition programs in Clinical Nutrition at Maryland University of Integrative Health.,
Dr. Emma Gasinski
PT, DPT, RYT - Physical therapist and certified yoga teacher with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professionals,
Dr. Lawrence (Larry) A. May
MD, FACP, Harvard Medical School Graduate, Physician, Author, Public Speaker - Doctor of Internal Medicine at Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center and author of several articles and books, including the widely utilized and best selling medical textbook Primary Care Medicine,