Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Osteoporosis

Updated: July 3, 2023

woman stretching

Reviewed By:
Dr. Liz Lipski – AlgaeCal Scientific Advisory Board Member
Professor and Director of Academic Development, Nutrition programs in Clinical Nutrition at Maryland University of Integrative Health.

You know they’re good for you, and you’ve probably heard that fish like salmon are rich in them, but what exactly are omega-3s, and why should you care?

Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the cornerstone nutrients you need for optimal bone health ā€“ and, quite frankly, for optimal health in general. These unique fats can benefit all kinds of inflammatory conditions and support overall immunity [1].  

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids fall under a category of fats known as “essential fatty acids.” Why are they essential? These types of fats are found in nature and are vital for the proper functioning of your body, but you cannot produce them on your own. Therefore, it is essential that you get them through your diet [2]. Seafoods, especially oily fish, are the richest food sources of omega-3s. 

Omega-3 fatty acids include:

  • ALA (Ī±-Linolenic acid)
  • EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid)
  • DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)
omega-3 fatty acids

ALA is the ā€œparentā€ compound of the omega-3 fatty acids. From ALA, the body can synthesize longer chain omega-3s, EPA and DHA. However, this synthesis is not particularly efficient – more on that later! First, let’s look at what these omega-3s can do for your bones.

How Do Omega-3 Fatty Acids Protect Your Bones?

One of the most significant claims to fame for DHA and EPA is their inflammation-fighting activity. While ALA is beneficial in its own right, EPA and DHA are true superstars when it comes to inflammation and bone health. 

When inflammatory chemicals are high, it increases the activity of osteoclast cells (the cells that break down bone), which is why inflammation is so detrimental to bone health [3]. 

By reducing inflammation, EPA and DHA help tame osteoclast activity and preserve bone integrity. 

At the same time, studies show that EPA and DHA can increase the activity of osteoblasts ā€“ the cells responsible for building new bone [4].

In a 2016 study, 117 healthy, postmenopausal women were divided into two groups; one receiving a DHA and EPA-enriched milk and one receiving milk that was only fortified with vitamins A and D. 

After 12 months on their respective milk supplements, the intervention group receiving the omega-3 fats saw a 28.20% decrease in C-reactive protein (a marker for inflammation) and a 17.64% decrease in an inflammatory protein named RANKL which is responsible for activating osteoclasts (bone destroying cells) [5].

In another study, investigators aimed to determine the impact that omega-3 fatty acids had on bone mineral density (BMD). First, they had their volunteers (a group of 1,865 Spanish women aged 20 to 79) undergo a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) to measure their bone mineral density (BMD). 

Next, they had each woman record her dietary intake of calcium, vitamin D, the omega-3s (ALA, EPA, and DHA), and the omega-6s (LA and arachidonic acid) in a food journal.

By comparing the results of the DEXA and food journals, the study showed that the women with normal bone density consumed more DHA and EPA than those with osteoporosis or osteopenia. Furthermore, the women with osteopenia consumed more EPA and DHA combined than those with osteoporosis.

Although, due to the study design, no firm conclusions could be drawn about the impact of omega-3 fats on osteoporosis, the researchers did conclude that omega-3 fatty acid intake was “significantly associated” with BMD at both the hip and the lumbar spine in women with a normal bone density and women with osteopenia [6]. 

The Omega-3 to Omega-6 Ratio

While omega-3 fatty acids are well-known for their anti-inflammatory activity, another class of omega fats is the omega-6 fatty acids, which have a less popular reputation. 

Omega-6 fats aren’t inherently bad, but they can cause inflammation, particularly when you have more omega-6 fats than omega-3 in your diet. And this is becoming more prevalent as our diets have become ridden with processed foods, which are also associated with increased risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, and overall mortality. Vegetable oils, salad dressings, frozen meals, baked goods, salty snacks, protein bars, and fried foods are among the top culprits for overloading on omega-6.  

Omega-6 fatty acids include:

  • LA (linoleic acid)
  • AA (arachidonic acid)
  • GLA (gamma-linolenic acid)
omega-6 fatty acids

LA is the ā€œparentā€ compound of the omega-6 fatty acids. From LA, the body can synthesize longer chain omega-6s, AA and GLA.

While LA and ALA tend to promote inflammation, GLA is actually shown to have anti-inflammatory activity [7]. However, the American diet tends to be much higher in the inflammatory forms, with about 90% of omega-6 intake coming from LA [8].  

How Can Omega-6 Fatty Acids Harm Your Bones?

One of the primary ways in which omega-6 fats can harm your bones is due to their impact on a line of stem cells found in your bone marrow called mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs).

MSCs can become osteoblasts (bone-building cells) or adipocytes (fat cells). Clearly, you’d prefer healthy bones to unhealthy amounts of fat.

But what makes your MSCs become osteoblasts or adipocytes? That’s where the omega 3s and omega 6s come in.

MSCs are influenced by the compounds derived from both omega-6 (linoleic acid [LA]) and omega-3 (alpha-linolenic acid [ALA]) fatty acids. While signals from omega-6 fat steer MSCs in the direction of adipocytes, signals from omega-3s steer them in the direction of osteoblasts.

This means that the more omega-6 are around, the fewer bone-building cells you get, and the more fat cells are produced ā€“ not ideal conditions for bone health [9].

Arachidonic acid (AA) can be particularly troublesome as this omega-6 fat not only inhibits the formation of osteoblasts but also lowers the production of an anti-inflammatory compound called osteoprotegerin (OPG) produced by mature bone-building osteoblasts.

When OPG is active, it inhibits osteoclast formation, giving your bone-building cells a chance to do their job. When it is inactive, however, osteoclasts are allowed to proliferate, and bone breakdown can easily outpace bone building. 

The Omega-6 to Omega-3 Ratio

Although they are inflammatory, omega-6s still play vital roles in our body, such as supporting a healthy immune system. So, the goal is not to avoid them entirely. Instead, we want to aim for a balanced intake of omega-6s and omega-3s. But while our intake of omega-3 fats has significantly declined in the last 150 years, our consumption of omega-6 fatty acids has consistently climbed.   

Ideally, we would be consuming a ratio of around 1:1 omega-6 to omega-3, and no more than 4:1. Nutritious foods provide omega-6s and omega-3s in this healthy ratio. Itā€™s the highly processed foods that skew this ratio, bringing todayā€™s consumption closer to 15:1 ā€“ a far cry from where we need to be for optimal health!

Are You Getting Enough Omega-3s?

There’s currently no universal recommendation for the daily intake of EPA and DHA. Recommended intakes from expert organizations vary from 0.3-4 g/day, with some being geared towards specific health outcomes. For example, the European Food Safety Authority suggests 3 g/day to lower blood pressure and 2-4 g/day to lower triglyceride levels [10].

The top food sources of EPA and DHA are predominantly seafoods, especially oily fish. Refer to the table below to see which seafood contains the most:

Top Food Sources of EPA and DHA

mercury & omega-3 levels in seafood

The most abundant dietary sources of EPA and DHA are wild-caught cold-water fatty fish. While wild fish consume smaller fish and algae (which are naturally rich in omega-3s), farmed fish consume fish feedā€“ which is generally rich in omega-6 fats. 

In fact, one study found that farmed salmon contained three times more fat than wild salmon, with substantially lower omega-3 fats (8.9% vs. 21.1%). The same study also showed that the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio was much higher in the farmed salmon than in the wild [11]. 

Ultimately, with wild-caught fish (which includes most canned salmon, unless labeled as Atlantic salmon), you get more omega-3s, less omega-6, and more protein per pound ā€“ that’s a good deal. 

That said, even wild-caught fish have a drawback ā€“ mercury. 

Mercury accumulates in fish in a form that’s water-soluble and highly bioavailable (meaning easily absorbed by us). When our bodies accumulate mercury, it tends to deposit in our kidneys, causing all types of issues, including potential bone loss due to the role that the kidneys play in vitamin D and calcium homeostasis [12]. 

So, as you can see from the table, it can be challenging to obtain optimal amounts of EPA + DHA on a daily basis. Even if youā€™re a fish-lover! Not to mention the concerns around mercury that would come with consuming that amount of fish daily. 

This is where high-quality omega-3 supplements come in to make up the difference.Ā 

But What About Vegan Food Sources of Omega-3?

While DHA and EPA are found primarily in animal foods, ALA is the main omega-3 found in plant-based foods, particularly nuts and seeds, making it much easier to obtain from dietary sources.Ā 

Unfortunately, although ALA may be converted into DHA and EPA, studies show that the conversion rate is very low ā€“ approximately 6% for EPA and 3.8% for DHA. This means that you can consume all the flaxseeds you like, but you’ll never get close to the amount of DHA your body requires to function optimally. 

Furthermore, studies show that when omega-6 is in the mix at a higher ratio than omega-3, it can further complicate the conversion of ALA to DHA and EPA. Since most plant-based sources of omega-3s will come with a fair portion of omega-6, this makes getting EPA and DHA from vegan foods all the more challenging [13].

Blood testing kit for omega levels

Test Your Omega-3 Levels

Most people in the west are consuming inadequate levels of omega-3s. In fact, research shows that the average intake of omega-3 fats has decreased to less than 20% of what it was 150 years ago. Furthermore, about 95-99% of the population gets fewer omega-3s than are required for optimal health [14].


Because the western diet is generally devoid of omega-3 fats. As mentioned, even our fish supply is now tampered by farmed fishing that produces higher levels of omega-6 than omega-3 fatty acids. 

If you’re interested in figuring out exactly what your omega-3 levels are, there’s a simple at-home test called the OmegaQuant Test. OmegaQuant is a test that’s used by the NIH for their own clinical studies and provides accurate results without having to go to a lab.

Once you know your omega-3 levels, you’ll have a more accurate picture of the right course of action to keep your omega-3s in a healthy range. For most people, this means adding an omega-3 supplement. 

To learn how to choose the best omega-3 supplement, read this article.


Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids play various roles in our bodies, primarily influencing inflammation and the associated immune responses. This can directly impact the health of your bones and every other system in your body. 

Working in direct opposition, omega-3 and omega-6 fats can either promote healthy, strong bones (omega-3) or promote the production of fat cells in your bone marrow (omega-6). While both of these types of fats are necessary for optimal health, if your diet is high in omega-6 and low in omega-3, you could get into big trouble. Unfortunately, due to our modern food supply, it looks like everyone is consuming an omega-6-rich diet these days. 

The good news is that there’s plenty you can do to get your omega-3 ratio up. In addition to adding high-quality seafood to your diet and limiting the amount of processed and refined foods in your diet, omega-3 supplements offer a simple solution that your bones (and the rest of your body) will thank you for.

Sign up for the AlgaeCal Newsletter for more insight into bone health and healthy aging.


Which omega-3 is best for bones?

EPA and DHA are the two omega-3s that provide the most benefit to your health and bones. Oily fish like trout, mackerel, and anchovies provide the most EPA and DHA.

What is the optimal omega-3 Index?

The omega-3 index is a measurement of the omega-3s in your blood. An optimal omega-3 index is 8% or higher, and a low omega-3 index is 4% and below.

How much omega-3 should I take daily?

Thereā€™s currently no universal recommendation for the daily intake of EPA and DHA. But current research shows you gain the optimal health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids when you consume 2 to 4 grams combined of EPA and DHA daily.

When is the best time of day to take an omega-3 supplement?

You can take omega-3 supplements at any time of day, with or without food. That said, some research suggests omega-3s may help with sleep if you take them at night.

Is omega-3 from plants as good as from fish?

The type of omega-3s found in plant foods is ALA, which has a low conversion rate to EPA and DHA. Marine sources of omega-3s, on the other hand, are rich in EPA and DHA, with no conversion necessary.


  1. Saini, R. K., & Keum, Y. S. (2018). Omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids: Dietary sources, metabolism, and significanceā€”A review. Life sciences, 203, 255-267.
  2. Kaur, N., Chugh, V., & Gupta, A. K. (2014). Essential fatty acids as functional components of foods-a review. Journal of food science and technology, 51, 2289-2303.
  3. Calder, P. C. (2010). Omega-3 fatty acids and inflammatory processes. Nutrients, 2(3), 355-374.
  4. Watkins, B. A., Li, Y., Lippman, H. E., & Feng, S. (2003). Modulatory effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on osteoblast function and bone metabolism. Prostaglandins, leukotrienes and essential fatty acids, 68(6), 387-398.
  5. Fonolla-Joya, J., Reyes-GarcĆ­a, R., GarcĆ­a-MartĆ­n, A., LĆ³pez-Huertas, E., & MuƱoz-Torres, M. (2016). Daily intake of milk enriched with n-3 fatty acids, oleic acid, and calcium improves metabolic and bone biomarkers in postmenopausal women. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 35(6), 529-536.
  6. Lavado-GarcĆ­a, J., Roncero-Martin, R., Moran, J. M., Pedrera-Canal, M., Aliaga, I., Leal-Hernandez, O., … & Canal-Macias, M. L. (2018). Long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid dietary intake is positively associated with bone mineral density in normal and osteopenic Spanish women. PloS one, 13(1), e0190539.
  7. Kapoor, R., & Huang, Y. S. (2006). Gamma linolenic acid: an antiinflammatory omega-6 fatty acid. Current pharmaceutical biotechnology, 7(6), 531-534.
  9. Levental, K. R., Surma, M. A., Skinkle, A. D., Lorent, J. H., Zhou, Y., Klose, C., … & Levental, I. (2017). Ļ‰-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids direct differentiation of the membrane phenotype in mesenchymal stem cells to potentiate osteogenesis. Science advances, 3(11), eaao1193.
  10. Candela, C. G., LĆ³pez, L. B., & Kohen, V. L. (2011). Importance of a balanced omega 6/omega 3 ratio for the maintenance of health. Nutritional recommendations. Nutricion hospitalaria, 26(2), 323-329.
  11. Jensen, I. J., Eilertsen, K. E., OtnƦs, C. H. A., MƦhre, H. K., & Elvevoll, E. O. (2020). An update on the content of fatty acids, dioxins, PCBs and heavy metals in farmed, escaped and wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Norway. Foods, 9(12), 1901.
  12. Park, J. D., & Zheng, W. (2012). Human exposure and health effects of inorganic and elemental mercury. Journal of preventive medicine and public health, 45(6), 344.
  13. Gerster, H. (1998). Can adults adequately convert a-linolenic acid (18: 3n-3) to eicosapentaenoic acid (20: 5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (22: 6n-3)?. International journal for vitamin and nutrition research, 68(3), 159-173.
  14. Kaur, N., Chugh, V., & Gupta, A. K. (2014). Essential fatty acids as functional components of foods-a review. Journal of food science and technology, 51, 2289-2303.

Article Comments

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  1. Joanne Vann

    November 3, 2015 , 7:29 am

    This is a great article. I didn’t know that omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial for building and protecting bones. It’s also nice to understand how they do this, and I’ll enjoy remembering this info as I consume my daily omega 3’s!

  2. Monica

    November 4, 2015 , 1:53 am

    Interesting isn’t it! šŸ™‚

    – Monica @ AlgaeCal

  3. Belle

    October 13, 2018 , 4:48 am

    Is this available without the added astaxanthin and curcumin? These can be contraindicated for some people with other health conditions.

  4. Jenna AlgaeCal

    October 15, 2018 , 1:36 pm

    Hi Belle,

    We currently only have one formulation of Triple Power Fish Oil, and we don’t have plans for another at this time. I’ll definitely pass along your feedback — and should we come out with another version in the future you would hear about it through our email newsletter or on our website šŸ™‚

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  5. Gloria Armstrong

    October 13, 2018 , 9:16 am

    I take the algaecal and strontium. Itā€™s been 2 months since starting. Should I be taking 2 T a day of the omega 3 oil or is one enough?

  6. Jenna AlgaeCal

    October 15, 2018 , 1:57 pm

    Good question, Gloria! It’s totally up to you — but we usually recommend taking 2 tbsp/day for the first three months to target inflammation head on and increase your omega 3 levels. Then continuing with 1 tbsp/day after that initial period.

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  7. sandi

    October 13, 2018 , 9:19 am

    I have the the omega 3 blood level test kit i got with a triple power purchase a couple of years ago. Can i still use it?

  8. Jenna AlgaeCal

    October 15, 2018 , 2:21 pm

    Hi Sandi,

    Yes, the kit itself is good for 2 years after purchase!

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  9. Alice Travers

    October 13, 2018 , 10:54 am

    I am Vegan. What are your suggestions for other Vegans and me?
    Flax seed oil, coconut oil?

  10. Jenna AlgaeCal

    October 16, 2018 , 11:04 am

    Hi Alice,

    Other options include chia seeds, hemp seeds, and walnuts! I’ve also tried this omega-3 plant supplement and thought it was quite good — it had a nice flavor and I like that it comes in a liquid form.

    Hope that helps!

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  11. Linda Corsetti

    October 13, 2018 , 1:48 pm

    I would like to see more support from you in favor of Algae Based DHA & EPA. I take Algae Omega instead of Fish Oil. Two tablets supply 715 mg of Total Omega 3’s. I take four tablets daily.

  12. Jenna AlgaeCal

    October 16, 2018 , 11:34 am

    Hi Linda,

    Thank you for your feedback and we definitely understand where you’re coming from! We are simply trying to inform our readers of the latest and most up-to-date research so they can make an informed decision about their health.

    To get the optimal health benefits of omega 3 fatty acids you need to consume 2.6 to 3 grams (2,600 to 3,000 mg) of combined EPA & DHA a day. The top sources of EPA and DHA are predominantly seafoods, especially oily fish — this is why we’re big supporters of fish oil!

    In saying that, we understand many people prefer plant sources and we always make sure to share the research on plant-based alternatives. And it’s fantastic if you’re experiencing benefits from the algae-based supplement you’re taking! šŸ™‚

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  13. Cath Doma

    October 16, 2018 , 4:05 am

    Can you tell me how hemp seeds and hemp seed oil compare for the provision of omega 3? Iā€™m vegetarian and am hoping this is a good alternative to fish oil.

  14. Jenna AlgaeCal

    October 16, 2018 , 11:45 am

    Hey Cath!

    Near the bottom of this post we cover ‘Animal vs Plant-Based Omega 3s’. Hemp seeds or hemp seed oil fit into the plant-based category and aren’t going to provide you with the same bone-protecting benefits as fish oil. You can learn more about why this is in the article.

    You can still take hemp seeds for some benefit! Plus you can increase your omega 3 intake through other sources like brussel sprouts, chia seeds, and flaxseed.

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  15. Sowmya

    November 13, 2018 , 1:02 pm

    I cant find the page written by lara titled ‘why omega 3 fatty acids are crucial for healthy bone’
    Please help

  16. Jenna AlgaeCal

    November 13, 2018 , 2:12 pm

    Hi Sowmya,

    Sorry for the confusion – this is a new version of that article! We’ve updated the content with more in-depth information šŸ™‚

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  17. Dolly Kennedy

    January 4, 2019 , 1:08 am

    I am 93 and have bone loss. What are your thoughts? I try to walk or do a mile on the treadmill and eat healthy ,IMO. I am fortunate that I do not have any obvious effects and walk with a straight back and keep my head in alignment.Any suggestions?

  18. Jenna AlgaeCal

    January 7, 2019 , 2:57 pm

    We’re so glad you reached out, Dolly. It’s wonderful to hear you’re staying active and eating well!

    Itā€™s truly never too late to reclaim your bone health safely and naturally with AlgaeCal — no matter your age or severity of bone loss. We would love to share with you Mildredā€™s story, she is 88 years and has experienced incredible results. You can hear her story and see her DEXA scan results here.

    If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how AlgaeCal works please feel free to call our Bone Health Consultants at 1-800-820-0184 ?

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  19. Betty Simpson

    October 1, 2020 , 6:04 am

    I am somewhat confused. I am looking for help. I have osteoporosis and heart disease. I would like to feel better. I asked earlier in the comments section if I could take your fish oil since I am allergic to shellfish. I was advised not to. However in reading this article, it does not mention shellfish in the contents of this fish oil. Can I or canā€™t I? And if I canā€™t what is another suggestion?

  20. Blaire AlgaeCal

    October 6, 2020 , 11:45 am

    Hi Betty,

    Thank you for reaching out, and we sincerely apologize for any confusion!

    Thereā€™s no shellfish in Triple Power Fish Oil. Many of our customers have shellfish allergies and take our fish oil without a problem! That said, for any severe allergies we do advise consulting with your doctor/allergist for their best recommendation.

    Feel free to call our Bone Health Consultants at 1-800-820-0184 for more information! ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  21. Mary

    August 23, 2021 , 4:35 am

    I currently take Algae Cal Plus and Strontium Boost in pill form. Am I to understand that the Triple Power Omega 3 fish oil should be taken also with this group. Didnā€™t quite understand!?

  22. Ishneet AlgaeCal

    September 1, 2021 , 10:47 am

    Thanks for reaching out, Mary and we are sorry for any confusion!

    Triple Power is our anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fish oil supplement – what it does is it targets inflammation which is one of the underlying causes of bone loss!
    Our Triple Power Omega 3 Fish Oil is in a liquid form and the best time to take the Triple Power is at the same time as the AlgaeCal Plus. In fact, by doing so, this will help increase the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins found in the AlgaeCal such as Vitamin D3 and K2, which will ultimately increase our calcium absorption! Please feel free to reach out to us over the phone at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada toll-free) 5am – 4pm PST for any questions!

    ā€“ Ishneet @ AlgaeCal

  23. Lorna Macintosh

    November 9, 2022 , 4:22 pm

    Such a well written article – so relaxing to absorb.
    Thank you, Monica Straith

  24. Claudia Bosquet

    February 16, 2023 , 6:08 pm

    At the verge of 73 years old ..I’ve learned a lot about the essential role of omega 3 and omega 6 in your body more than when I’ve done my studies at school just by reading you article..thank you and congratulation keep doing the good work..!

  25. Chelsea Dugas

    February 17, 2023 , 7:07 am

    Claudia, we’re so very happy to hear you benefitted from our article! Please be sure to peruse the other informative articles we provide on our BLOG! šŸ™‚

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  26. Hyla Cass MD

    April 20, 2023 , 7:53 pm

    Any reason you don’t reveal the specific amounts of EPA and DHA? They each have different actions and it’s important for me to know the proportions of each. Can you please let us know? Thanks.

  27. Samantha AlgaeCal

    April 21, 2023 , 7:40 am

    Hello Hyla,

    Great question! According to current research, to get the optimal health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids you want to aim to consume 2.6 to 3 grams (2,600 to 3,000 mg) of combined EPA & DHA a day. I hope this helps. šŸ™‚ Donā€™t hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions!

    – Sam @ AlgaeCal

  28. Mary Ann Wright

    July 1, 2023 , 4:36 pm

    There is no mention of EPA and DHA sourced from algae rather than fish oil. Algae is plant based – vegan. How does the EPA and DHA from algae compare to that from fish oil?

  29. Brianne AlgaeCal

    July 3, 2023 , 8:37 am

    Good question, Mary Ann! Whether coming from algae, or fish, EPA and DHA will provide you with the same benefits. Generally speaking, a good quality fish oil, like Triple Power Fish Oil, tend to be a higher potency, and will provide you with more EPA and DHA per serving when compared to Algae. That said, algae based omega 3 oils are a fantastic, vegan option! šŸ™‚

    – Brianne @ AlgaeCal

  30. Judy Elseroad

    July 12, 2023 , 8:36 am

    My hands and arms bruise very easily. Will fish oil cause additional bruising?

  31. Brianne AlgaeCal

    July 12, 2023 , 10:27 am

    Thanks for commenting, Judy! This is a great question, and we’re sorry to hear about your bruising! We’d suggest following up with your doctor for more information about if fish oil is a good fit for you. To help, we have a handy information sheet HERE that you could bring with you to your next appointment! šŸ™‚
    – Brianne

  32. Mary Jane Ostendorf

    July 29, 2023 , 6:53 pm

    As a result of your words I will take.Omega 3 at the hour of sleep.

  33. Brianne AlgaeCal

    July 31, 2023 , 10:27 am

    It’s great to hear you’ll be taking your omega 3’s, Mary Jane! Be sure to take this with food for best digestion and absorption! šŸ™‚
    – Brianne

  34. Jennifer Fjelland

    July 29, 2023 , 8:25 pm

    I can get acid reflux with certain foods, and have heard if I take a fish oil it can trigge acid reflux. Is this true? Would it be best to take it in the morning?
    Thank you,
    Jenna F.

  35. Brianne AlgaeCal

    July 31, 2023 , 10:39 am

    This is a great question, Jennifer, and we’re so sorry to hear about your reflux. When it comes to acid reflux, everyone’s triggers can be different, so it may be best to speak to your healthcare professional about this. We do have a great article on our blog about how to naturally combat acid reflux that you may find helpful HERE. Additionally, you can definitely take this in the morning, however, do be sure to take your omega 3’s with food. I hope this helps!
    – Brianne

  36. Md Nazrul Islam

    September 9, 2023 , 1:56 am

    How omega 369 give can Bangladesh.
    plz help me. my need omega 369. but I live in Bangladesh. plz contact me.

  37. Yoori AlgaeCal

    September 12, 2023 , 7:11 pm

    Thank you for reaching out, Md! My understanding is that omega 3 and 6 are essential, meaning that they need to be obtained from foods, whereas omegas 9 can be produced by the body. Most people get enough omega 6 (and even too much) from foods (think seeds/seed oils in everything and grain-fed meat). So the focus should really be on obtaining omega 3, which can be challenging to obtain through a typical diet. We have a high-quality Omega-3 supplement called Triple Power Fish Oil, and you can get more information on this HERE. I hope this helps!

    – Yoori

  38. Stephanie Kruse RN-BC, MSW, LSW

    January 21, 2024 , 12:28 pm

    Iam a 17 Year Breast Cancer Survivor and have Lymphedema, and Peripheral Neuropathy, Chemo Brain, and Osteopina, and Osteoporosis from my 1Year 2 Months of Chemotherapy, and 2 Months of Radiation!! I take Baby ASA to help with my High Cholesterol, and would like to know if Plain Algae Cal will help all my Permanent Side Effects, and Osteoporosis too? Any Studies done with Lymphedema, Peripheral Neuropathy and Chemo Brain Short Term Cognitive Memory Losses Impairments with Algae Cal?

  39. Yoori AlgaeCal

    January 21, 2024 , 3:02 pm

    Thank you for reaching out, Stephanie. We are sorry to hear of all the health concerns you are facing, and we hope you are getting all the support you need. While AlgaeCal has been clinically supported to increase bone density safely and effectively, we have no studies done on the effect of Lymphedema, Peripheral Neuropathy and Chemo Brain Short Term Cognitive Memory Losses Impairments with AlgaeCal. We recommend discussing with your doctor if AlgaeCal would be a good fit for you at this time. On a side note, for anyone diagnosed with bone loss, we suggest taking our Bone Builder Pack, which includes AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost, for the most optimal results. I highly suggest giving us a call at 1-800-820-0184 (US & Canada Toll-free) for more information on our program and personalized support. We are happy to help!

    – Yoori

  40. Cindy Alvarez

    January 21, 2024 , 3:20 pm

    Is there any allergen in your tablets ?

  41. Yoori AlgaeCal

    January 22, 2024 , 3:47 pm

    Thank you for your interest, Cindy! While most people can take our products without any issue, for any allergies, we do advise consulting with your doctor/allergist for their best recommendation. Once you are ready to give our supplements a try, please proceed with caution in the beginning if you have any allergies or sensitivities. Start with a small dosage, and see how it goes, please.

    Please feel free to give us a call at 1-800-820-0184 (US & Canada Toll-free) or emailĀ [email protected]Ā for more information and personalized support! We are happy to help :).

    ā€“ Yoori

  42. Cindy Alvarez

    January 21, 2024 , 3:22 pm

    Iā€™m sorry should have put this in a minute ago ? Is this tablet great for building neck my bones? I have osteoporosis and some things I cannot take because of my sensitivity to sit and dairy

  43. Yoori AlgaeCal

    January 22, 2024 , 3:43 pm

    Thank you for reaching out, Cindy! Would you be referring to our AlgaeCal Plus? If so, it is the only calcium supplement clinically supported to increase your bone density. Not only do we have the 3 human clinical studies, but I talk to people every – single – day who call in with their DEXA results and report increases. If you are interested, you are more than welcome to view their success stories with our program HERE.

    Furthermore, AlgaeCal is not just a calcium supplement. It naturally contains all the 13 essential bone supporting minerals to provide you with the nutrients you need to rebuild your bone density. Weā€™ve also added Vitamins D, K2, and C to help your body absorb these minerals directly into your bone!

    Please feel free to give us a call at 1-800-820-0184 (US & Canada Toll-free) or email [email protected] for more information and personalized support! We are happy to help :).

    – Yoori

This article features advice based on cutting-edge research from our industry experts to give you the best possible information to support your bone-building journey.

Lara Pizzorno
MDiv, MA, LMT - Best-selling author of Healthy Bones Healthy You! and Your Bones; Editor of Longevity Medicine Review, and Senior Medical Editor for Integrative Medicine Advisors.,
Dr. Liz Lipski
PhD, CNS, FACN, IFMP, BCHN, LDN - Professor and Director of Academic Development, Nutrition programs in Clinical Nutrition at Maryland University of Integrative Health.,
Dr. Emma Gasinski
PT, DPT, RYT - Physical therapist and certified yoga teacher with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professionals,
Dr. Lawrence (Larry) A. May
MD, FACP, Harvard Medical School Graduate, Physician, Author, Public Speaker - Doctor of Internal Medicine at Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center and author of several articles and books, including the widely utilized and best selling medical textbook Primary Care Medicine,