Jill Allen
Jill increased her spine density by 30% in 15 months!
See More Read more about Jill Allen.Jill Allen - Pasco, Washington
Hello, my name is Jill Allen. I'm 72 years old. I had pretty thin spine bone readings on my DEXA scan in November, 2018. It was -2.9. It improved in 15 months by 30% up to -1.9 on AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost. I took my Strontium Boost and AlgaeCal just the way they say to do it, four AlgaeCal a day and two Strontium in the evening. I walked about 25 minutes a day, three days a week. That's the only changes I made. I'm really pleased with the 30% improvement in my bone density in my spine. So I just wanted to report how pleased I am with AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost. Thank you.
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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.Teri Crook
Teri boosted her spine density by 15.6%!
See More Read more about Teri Crook.Teri Crook - Phillips, Nebraska
My name is Teri Crook. I'm 65 and a half years old and I'm living the good life in Nebraska.
I have had many issues with bone loss since 2012 and I've been on a lot of different products but nothing really gave me the results that I was looking for on my DEXA scans. So one day I happened to be on Facebook and I saw the advertisement for AlgaeCal. I watch the video and I listened to the customer testaments and I was very encouraged by what I was hearing from these people. Although I was still skeptical, I did some research on it and so did my daughter and from what we had read and from the guarantee, I just decided I really had nothing to loose. So in December of 2019, I ordered my first six bottles of the AlgaeCal Builder Pack. And besides doing AlgaeCal, my husband and I belong to the gym and we go three days a week, we use resistance machines, we walk and we eat a pretty good diet. So after about a year and a half of using AlgaeCal I was really anxious to get a DEXA scan done but because of the insurance, I waited two years and I got these results back and they were awesome. My lumbar spine density went from a 0.756 to a 0.874 a T-score of a negative 2.6 to a negative 1.6 and a z-score of a negative 0.2 which was an increase of 15.6%. My right femoral neck bone density went from 0.571 to 0.608, the T-score of a negative 2.5 to a negative 2.2 and a z-score of a negative 1.1 to a negative 0.6. My left proximal femur bone density went from 0.743 to 0.790, a T-score of a negative 1.6 to a negative 1.2 and a z-score of the negative 0.5 to 0.0, which was an increase of 6.3%. All of these were statistically significant. I was really thrilled with these results because I had told my doctor that I would prove to him that this product would work for me. Now he's a believer. Thank you AlgaeCal for giving me new hope. I'm really excited to tell people about this product because it works for me, it'll work for them too. And I know that I will continue to be an AlgaeCal user for many years. Thank you.
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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.Linda Eason
“To my surprise, everything improved.”
See More Read more about Linda Eason.Linda Eason - Middleburg, Florida
Hi, I'm Linda. I just turned 70 years old and about two and a half years ago my routine DEXA Scan indicated low bone density. I wasn't sure what I needed to do about that. I was eating fairly healthy, exercising some and doing yoga at the Y but a little over a year later I discovered some natural products that looked and sounded promising on Facebook. So I thought I would give them a try. I began taking AlgaeCal and Strontium on a regular basis and continuing to do what I was already doing. About 11 months later, it was past time for my next DEXA Scan. A little over two years after my first one, I was really apprehensive about getting the results, afraid they would be no better or even worse. But to my surprise, everything improved. My lumbar spine in 2018 was negative 2.35, in 2020, it was negative 1.6. My left femoral neck was negative 2.95 in 2018 and improved to negative 1.9 in 2020. My left hip in 2018 was negative 1.08 and in 2020 it had improved to negative 0.8. So based on these results, my doctor advised me to continue doing what I'm doing. So I wanna thank the AlgaeCal community and the products that they are producing that have given me these results, thank you.
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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.Cindy Tracy
Cindy researched and found a way to stop her 10-year bone loss
See More Read more about Cindy Tracy.Cindy Tracy - Canyon Lake, Texas
Hi, my name is Cindy Tracy. I would like to share my story with you.
I was diagnosed with bone loss about 10 years ago. My doctor had advised that I start taking prescription medication. I decided not to, and continued taking calcium and vitamin D, but I noticed that my bone density test was not improving. A friend of mine had recommended that I try AlgaeCal Plus, so I did some research and noticed all of the good reviews and testimonies that were posted online. I started AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium, and these are the two products that I've been using. I started this on March 30th, 2020, and I had a scan on April 30th, 2021. I'm excited to say that my numbers have improved. I have seen a 9.1% increase in bone density, which is amazing.
If you're looking for a product and willing to invest in yourself, I highly, highly recommend AlgaeCal. Thank you.
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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.Valerie Thomas
“My doctor told me it was a pretty astounding increase.”
See More Read more about Valerie Thomas.Valerie Thomas - Phoenix, Arizona
I first learned about AlgaeCal after reading a health and wellness letter from a Google newsfeed.
And after looking over the information and some of the science, I thought, wow, this might really be an effective product. But I had a few more questions so I called the customer service representative and she was able to answer all my questions. And in addition, she told me about the guarantee. And at that point I thought, what have I got to lose? Doctors had been telling me for over 10 years that I needed to improve my bone mass density. And of course they've told me to take calcium. And I took every calcium source under the sun I felt and the problem was, I was, they all caused digestive issues for me. So I ended up quitting. So finally I did try the AlgaeCal and that was about eight months ago. And after using the product, I had no digestive issues whatsoever. In fact, I believe that it helped my digestion and after getting my bone density results, my DEXA scan results, my bone density in my spine increased 2.1 and it increased 0.6 in my hips. And from what my doctor told me that was a pretty astounding increase in that period of time. And I do feel that my overall health has improved. I don't know if that's because of the other ingredients in AlgaeCal including the vitamin D and the magnesium. But my sleep has improved, I do feel stronger. And I'm just really thrilled about this because I think many of you know that health changes are so hard to make and we all fail so much but when you do succeed with something like this, it really gives you the incentive to make other good changes. And I think all in all, it's been a very, very positive experience for me and I just hope other people can find that it is for them too.
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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.Carol Jander
Carol was skeptical about AlgaeCal until she saw her test results
See More Read more about Carol Jander.Carol Jander - Melbourne, Florida
Hi, my name is Carol Jander and I live in Melbourne, Florida. I'm 68 and I have had several DEXA scans over the past many years.
When I turned 66, I thought it might be time to do something about declining bone mass. At that point, my numbers were -2.1 in the lumbar and -0.9 in the hip. I had learned about AlgaeCal probably online when I started looking into alternatives to medications and I actually saw these videos that people had put on the website. And I contacted one of the people who doesn't live too far from me in Florida. And just ask some straight questions about the experience and is it really true, how good this is? So I decided to take it. And after two years of the AlgaeCal Bone Builder Pack with the Strontium, my numbers improved I think pretty well. My lumbar T-score is now -0.9, my left hip actually was a little less dense at -1.0 from a prior -0.9. So that was considered pretty insignificant. The results on the actual test said that it was evidence of treatment. The improvement was likely of result of some type of treatment so that was pretty good. My first year I did do exercises and stayed pretty active. This past year I kind of let it go due to the restrictions and things going on and I was afraid that my results wouldn't be too good but I'm happy to say that the results are good and I'm planning to continue with the whole regimen for another two years and hopefully we'll have even better results next time.
Thank you.
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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.Jensine Olson
Jensine’s research paid off –– she’s now running 5k races
See More Read more about Jensine Olson.Jensine Olson - Highland, Utah
Hi, my name is Jensine Olson and I live in Utah. I am a 69 year old widow, mother of 11 children and grandmother of 11. And this is my AlgaeCal story.
Most of my adult life I took calcium for my bones and during my pregnancies. But I found out later that I was taking the wrong kind of calcium. When I went for my first DEXA scan in March 2020, my results showed that I had low bone density in my hips and even lower bone density in my spine. I wanted to reverse this trend. And without taking drugs. So I began researching and found AlgaeCal online. I went to their website and read all the information and decided that this was the direction that I wanted to go. So I purchased AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost and began taking those. I also upped my weight bearing exercises. I took gym classes three times a week. I did online exercise videos. I walked one to two miles for three to four days a week. And I did things to improve my diet. When I went for my next DEXA scan a year later, 2021. My results showed marked improvement. The T-scores in my hips went from -2.2 to -1.9. And in my spine, the T-scores went from -3.0 to -1.3. I was thrilled that I had found something along with my hard work that has actually improved this status of my bone health right now. I also started taking Triple Power just recently. And I ran in a 5K race with my family. It was a lot of fun but I want to train some more and do another one later in the year where I can run the whole race. I want to thank the AlgaeCal community for their wonderful products, for their information, for being a resource where we can get information, where we can have our questions answered, where we can share our stories and offer support and encouragement to each other as we are all on our bone health journeys.
So thank you AlgaeCal.
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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.Molly Kurland
“I am so happy to have found this product and this wonderful community!”
See More Read more about Molly Kurland.Molly Kurland - Santa Rosa, California
Hi, I'm Molly. And I'm really happy to be part of the AlgaeCal community.
I first had a bone scan when I was in my fifties, and I was studying medical imaging, and I was learning how to do bone scans. So just for fun, I had one done to see what my bones were like. And it came back that I had great bones. My doctor said you have the bones of a 30 year old. So I was very happy and I felt strong. And therefore I was very surprised when I turned 65 and had another bone density scan, and it came back that I had some bone issues, that I had some deterioration in my bones. That really surprised me because I live a very healthy lifestyle. I'm a massage therapist, which means that I work on my feet, so that's weight-bearing activity. And I also go for long walks every day, just for my health and metabolism and good state of mind but that's also more a weight-bearing activity. So the only thing that I could come up with was I had been taking an anti-acid, and, when I was doing research, I learned that anti-acids cause you to not absorb minerals like calcium. So even though I was taking calcium, I may not have been absorbing it. And I was taking the anti-acid for a cough, from a tickle in my throat that the doctor thought was reflux, but I really didn't have reflux, and my cough never went away. So I just stopped taking the anti-acids. I also learned about AlgaeCal while I was doing the research, and I decided to try it because everything I read about it made a lot of sense. So I started taking the AlgaeCal, and I was invited to join their Facebook community which I did, which was great, because lots of people ask questions and there's a lot you can learn just by reading the discussions. So that was really helpful. And they also send you bone healthy recipes in email, and lots of good tips for exercise, and different things you can do to stay strong. So that's what I did. I just practiced all these good things for two years. Two years seem like a really long time to wait, but then finally three days ago I got another bone scan and boom, my bones had improved a great deal. All of this had worked, and I am thrilled. I am so happy to have found this product, and to have found this wonderful community of people that are so supportive.
So I'm very grateful. Thank you.
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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.Vickie Bierman
“I am very, very happy to report that AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium work.”
See More Read more about Vickie Bierman.Vickie Bierman - La Vale, Maryland
Hi, my name is Vicky and I live in Maryland.
I've been taking the AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium for about 15 months now, after tripping on the sidewalk and fracturing my back in two places I knew there was something wrong. I went for a DEXA scan and they said that I had significant bone loss. My doctor wanted me to start taking something as soon as possible. I hope to do something natural. And a friend told me about the AlgaeCal products. I started taking them in December of 2019 and just this past December in 2020 I had my second DEXA scan and the improvement was significant. The bone density improvement was significant and I'm very, very happy to report that AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium works. And I also take their Triple Power Fish Oil which helps get rid of inflammation and I find it to be excellent, also. Thank you, AlgaeCal.
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