Paula Brown
How Paula rebounded after a disappointing DEXA scan
See More Read more about Paula Brown.Paula Brown - Disney, Oklahoma
Hi. I'm Paula, and I'm 71, and I'm from Oklahoma.
And I am here to share my success story with AlgaeCal. Two years ago in November, I had a DEXA scan that revealed my T-score for my hip was a negative 3.7. And for my lumbar spine was a negative 1.5. These scores were very disappointing, and I began to research. That's when I discovered AlgaeCal. And I began taking AlgaeCal in March of 2019. After taking it for a year and nine months, I had a DEXA scan just November 17, that revealed that my scores had improved. And my T-score for my hip, which had been a negative 3.7 is now a negative 1.3. That's a really big change, and I was thrilled. My lumbar spine, which had been a negative 1.5 is now a negative 0.8. I exercise regularly and I will continue to take the AlgaeCal, and will look forward to continued increases in my bone health.
Thanks to AlgaeCal.
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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.Rocki Holder
“A normal bone scan was the greatest thrill I’ve had in a long time”
See More Read more about Rocki Holder.Rocki Holder - Austin, Texas
Hi, I'm Rocki Holder, Here to tell you my story about my AlgaeCal success.
Five years ago, I was told I had severe bone loss. We were moving across the state, so I just kind of ignored it. And then three years ago, I'm a 40 year Communications Professor. I was starting my second year, first day at a new university in San Antonio, walking to the first class, I fell on slick concrete. I fractured my knee cap, I had a head injury, nine stitches in my face, dislocated shoulder. But the worst thing was I broke my arm in two pieces at the elbow. And the surgeon said my bone loss was so bad, he didn't know if that would ever heal and work correctly. So I immediately, I was in the hospital and rehab for a month. So I immediately started researching. So I searched and searched, and AlgaeCal just hit all of the buttons. And it was natural. They had proven success, so I started it. And my doctors were like, "Oh, well, you don't need to do that." I'm like, no, I wanna give it a try. So at the next bone scan, I still had severe loss, but it wasn't as bad. That was two years ago. This bone scan, I have normal bone density. I was like, what? And my doctor was like, what? And I said, "Now, do you wanna know what I'm taking?" And she wrote it down, and so did the surgeon, and so did the physical therapist. Because a great example of it, my arm and elbow were in a cast, then a brace, then a sling. And so I had to have the, all the screws and hardware taken out, and I had seven screws, about this long in my elbow. So then I had to go back into the cast and all that. And they said, no, you'll have to wait until the, the holes fill in, in your bones, from where the screws were, and it may take awhile. So I went back in six weeks and they x-rayed it, and the bone, all the bones were already filled in, and he was like, I've never seen that happen. So it has worked for me and I know everyone is different, but to have a DEXA scan of normal bone density was the greatest thrill I've had in a long time. And by the way, my elbow is working. Which is great.
And thank you, AlgaeCal.
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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.Kay Christianson
From skeptical to a 5.3% BMD increase in 6 months
See More Read more about Kay Christianson.Kay Christianson - Albert Lea, Minnesota
Hi, my name is Kay Christianson, and I live in Albert Lea, Minnesota.
My story is that in July of 2019, I unfortunately had a bike accident, where I fractured my right hip and my right wrist. I had about a 10-week recovery of just getting those bones to heal, and during that time, I did some research on what I might do to help improve my bone density. I Googled and found out about AlgaeCal and Strontium. I'm a registered nurse and can sometimes be quite skeptical about certain products. And so I really researched to find out how safe these would be for me if this would be an option for me to try. I also know that exercise is important and have kettlebell exercises for resistance training that I planned to start in again after I was recovered from my accident. In December of 2019, I had a bone density test done, which results showed my T-score of lumbar spine being at a minus 1.0 and my hip at a minus 2.2. At that time, I started the AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost as recommended, as well as the kettlebell exercises. Six months later, I had a repeat bone density test done to see the results. The lumbar spine result came back at a -0.5, which was a 5.3% increase positive of bone density. My hip came back with a T-score of -2.0, which showed a positive 2.1% change in bone density. Well, I was delighted with these results at just after six months, and I am very pleased to continue using these products and look forward to my next bone density scan.
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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.Susan Mathews
Susan Has Renewed Hope That She Can Get Back to Gardening!
See More Read more about Susan Mathews.Susan Mathews - North Port, Florida
Hi, my name is Susan, and I'm 70 years young. I live in Southwest Florida, with my husband and Papillon dog, and this is my AlgaeCal success story.
We are long-time gardeners, but lately, I've had to switch to bonsai, small plants, because I was concerned about my bone loss. I saw it coming, years ago, and I tried to fight it with diet and Vinyasa yoga, but that was not enough, and bone loss progressed. My scores had gone down by minus 12% and minus 5.2% DEXA to DEXA. Consequently, I fractured a cervical bone, when I fell on my bike. Then, I found AlgaeCal online. It sounded too good to be true, but I was convinced by the six-month guarantee. So now, it's been two years that I've been taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost daily. I also supplement Omega-3s, B, and D. I eat a whole foods plant-based diet with no oil, to fight inflammation. And my recent DEXA showed positive 7.9% improvement, left femoral neck, and 2.7% improvement, L-1 to L-4. So, I'm still enjoying bonsai, but I'm staying optimistic that I will get back to a greater level of other gardening activity, thanks to AlgaeCal.
Thank you.
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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.Eileen Connor
How a Trip to France Led Eileen to a 16.8% BMD Increase
See More Read more about Eileen Connor.Eileen Connor - Olympia, Washington
Hi, my name is Eileen Connor, and I'm 72, and I live in Olympia, Washington, and I want to give a big shout-out to AlgaeCal and Strontium.
When I was in my late 30s, I was diagnosed with a thyroid condition, which was going to cause eventual bone loss. By the time I was 50, I was experiencing bone loss and I took my doctor's advice, started being serious about taking calcium and doing weight-bearing exercises, joined a gym, and worked out five or six days a week. And I've been doing that for the last 20 years. But in my 70th year, my bone loss got quite a bit worse. And I said, "Hmm, let me think about it, and talked to some friends, went on a trip to France and met up with a college roommate from 50 years ago, who now lives in England. And she said, I've been taking AlgaeCal and Strontium. I order it from the States and it comes from your neck of the woods. When you go home, why don't you look into it and give it a try? So that's what I did. I came home, looked into AlgaeCal and Strontium, and decided that for two years I was gonna take it, continue working out, and a couple of weeks ago, I had a bone density scan after two years, and my lumbar region had a 16.8 increase in density, statistically significant, and a 4.3 increase in my total hip site, also statistically significant. I'd recommend AlgaeCal and Strontium to anybody my age, or younger if you're experiencing bone loss.
Thank you, I'll keep taking it and be religious about it.
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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.Cherie Mathews
“1 year of Using AlgaeCal Has Changed my Life”
See More Read more about Cherie Mathews.Cherie Mathews - Austin, Texas
Hello, my name's Cherie Mathews, I'm from Austin, Texas.
And I just wanted to give a shout out to AlgaeCal because even at the age of 30, I used to be a long distance runner, and I used to hear the warnings from the doctors that I have light bones, thinning bones. And now I'm 60 so you can imagine what my reports and my warnings are now. I always wanted something natural. I've always been doing exercise. I did include a AlgaeCal after seeing it on Facebook and I thought, well, all these people, they just can't be, just making this up, so I'm gonna give it a try. So I can tell you that one year of using AlgaeCal has changed my life, changed my reports that I'm getting by substantial a number and given me a lot more confidence because my husband and I, we ride motorcycles all over the world and we jump into Snowbowls and we're very active people. So it started bothering me that maybe I'd have to slow down a little bit, be a little more careful. With my new, wonderful reports, I'm gonna have to say I'm as active, if not more, than I was even before 'cause I have a lot of confidence now, I even feel better. So I just wanted to say thank you AlgaeCal. Thank you for the online platform that you have for people to learn about strengthening and eating right and exercising. Anyways, thank you so much for all that you've done for us and thank you for changing my life.
Thank you.
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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.Elaine Bouska
Elaine Used These 3 Products to Improved her BMD 15.4%
See More Read more about Elaine Bouska.Elaine Bouska - Stoddard, Wisconsin
Hello, my name is Elaine Bouska and I live near La Crosse, Wisconsin, and I'm here to share the wonderful results I've gotten since I started using the AlgaeCal products.
I use the AlgaeCal Plus, the Strontium Boost, and also the fish oil. And I've been using these products for two years. I just had my scan, my DEXA scan, and I was thrilled with the results. In the lumbar spine, I've increased my bone density by 15.4%. And in my hips, the bone density has increased by 8.2%. So I am just so excited with these results and I look forward to continuing using these wonderful products.
So thank you, AlgaeCal.
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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.Elise La Rocco
Elise’s Doctor Suggested She Use AlgaeCal & it Paid off!
See More Read more about Elise La Rocco.Elise La Rocco - Cold Spring, New York
Hi, my name is Elise La Rocco, and I live in Cold Spring, New York.
Four years ago, I had my first DEXA scan and it show I had bone loss. I immediately started doing all the right things, working out with weights, taking calcium supplements, and adding a lot of greens to my diet. In fact, I was probably in the best shape I had been in decades, but two years later I had my second DEXA scan and it showed that my bone density was worse. My doctor suggested I try AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost, as two of her patients saw incredible results. I looked into it and saw that they gave a money back guarantee to increase your bone density. So I took it for two years and recently, I had my third DEXA scan and my doctor called me so excited, saying that my improvement in my bone density was amazing. Compared to my previous scan, my recent T-score for my lumbar spine increased 19.2%, from a T-score of minus 0.4 to 1.4. My right femur increased 10.8%, from a T-score of minus 1.9 to minus 1.2. And my left femur increased 9% from a T-score of minus 1.9 to minus 1.4. What does that mean? The ten-year probability of me having a major fracture due to my low bone density was cut almost in half from 15% to 8.5%. And the 10 year probability for me having a hip fracture was cut by more than half, from 2.6% to 1.1%.
So that's why I take AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost, because they work.
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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.Judy Sparrow
How Judy scored 2 BMD increases in a row
See More Read more about Judy Sparrow.Judy Sparrow - Williston, Florida
My name is Judy Sparrow and I'm 64 years old.
Five years ago I was shocked to learn I had severe bone loss. My T-score was a negative 4.0 in my lumbar spine. I didn't feel any pain that's why it was such a shock to me. I went home and I found AlgaeCal, I placed my order, started taking the AlgaeCal Plus and the Strontium Boost, and I knew I had to make other changes so I switched from coffee to tea, I switched from cows milk to almond milk. I walked every day, tried to get 20 minutes of sun as many days as possible, and a physical therapist guided me and showed me how to do back extension so I could strengthen the lumbar spine. So by making all these changes to my lifestyle I'm happy to say that that negative 4.0 and it went up to negative 3.2, and then it went to a negative 2.8. I'm looking forward to my fifth bone scan because I'm confident that it's going to be better just like the other ones were, and I learned that bone loss is reversible and AlgaeCal team will help you to do that.
Thank you for listening to my testimonial.
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