How Much Calcium Do I Need Daily?

Updated: February 17, 2025


How Much Calcium Do You Need in a Day? | Daily Calcium Requirement by Age | Benefits of Calcium for Bone Health | Risks of Getting Too Little Calcium | How Much Calcium Is Too Much Calcium? | Takeaways

It’s easy to see why people think you can get enough calcium by drinking milk every day. Remember those ‘milk does a body good’ commercials from way back when? For two decades they told us that milk is what makes bones strong. After all, it’s loaded with calcium. 

And, as you know, our bones need calcium to stay strong and healthy. So okay, we get it — we need calcium. But how much?

I’m Lara Pizzorno, author of Healthy Bones Healthy You, and a member of the American Medical Writers Association with 30 years of experience specializing in bone health. And today I’m talking about all things calcium. How much do you need? And are Americans getting enough? Are you getting enough to have healthy bones?

How Much Calcium Do You Need in a Day?

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, (NHANES),1 most Americans are not doing a good job of getting enough calcium.

Time with Grandmother

The two groups at risk of not getting adequate amounts of calcium from their diets are children aged 9–18 and then adults aged 51 and older. 

In the group of children aged 9–18, this is especially important because they’re supposed to be accruing 40% of the bone mass they need to carry them through their lives. 

And if they don’t get enough calcium during these important bone-formative years, they’ll be at much higher risk of osteoporosis later. This group of individuals are supposed to get 1,300 mg of calcium a day. But typically their diet supplies a maximum of about 935 mg a day — a serious shortfall.In the group of adults aged 51 and older, the daily calcium requirement is 1,000–1,200 mg. But many in this group are only getting 674 mg of calcium per day from their diet.

Daily Calcium Requirement By Age

Of course, there are several age groups that don’t fall into the 9–18 or 51 and older categories. For a full breakdown of calcium requirements for all age groups, check out the Recommended Dietary Allowances for Calcium2

0-6 months*200 mg200 mg
7-12 months*260 mg260 mg
1-3 years700 mg700 mg
4-8 years1,000 mg1,000 mg
9-13 years1,300 mg1,300 mg
14-18 years1,300 mg1,300 mg
19-50 years1,000 mg1,000 mg
51-70 years1,200 mg1,200 mg
>70+ years1,200 mg1,200 mg

Pregnant and Lactating women between the ages of 19-50 years require 1,000 mg of Calcium and those between the ages of 14-18 require 1,300 mg.

Benefits Of Calcium For Bone Health

As you can see, your body’s need for calcium doesn’t lessen with age. That’s why it’s important to supply your bones with the calcium they need. 

After all, more than 99% of your total body calcium is stored in your bones and teeth,3 where it supports their structure and is ready to be called into action for many other critical functions.

A few of these functions include muscle contraction, the secretion of enzymes and hormones, and sending messages through the nervous system. The amount of calcium in your body fluid and tissues is closely regulated so that these vital body processes function efficiently.

Calcium also brings these benefits to the table:

  • balances blood pressure
  • reduces colorectal cancer 
  • eases PMS symptoms 
  • combats kidney disease 
  • promotes weight loss 
  • promotes dental health

So it’s particularly important to consume enough calcium (and its helper minerals and vitamins such as magnesium, vitamins D3, K2, C, boron, and trace minerals).

Eggs and greens

Risks Of Getting Too Little Calcium

When you don’t get enough calcium or don’t absorb enough, bone breakdown occurs because the body removes the calcium stored in bones to keep more urgent functions going — such as generating a heartbeat.

This is especially problematic for older adults since we begin to resorb more bone much more rapidly as we get older. This is due to the decline in hormones: estrogen in women and testosterone in men.

The estrogen drop-off happens sooner in women. But men also experience a dip in the amount of testosterone they produce. In men, a small amount of testosterone is converted to estrogen. 

And that estrogen is critical for men’s bones. So both genders need to ensure they’re getting enough calcium to make up for the deficits that come with advancing age.

A number of studies have been done that show that calcium supplementation can help make up for this shortfall. 

A very famous calcium researcher named Robert Heaney published a study4 in The Journal of The American College of Nutrition in 2001 that showed that women who did not take calcium supplements lost bone at a rate of 1% per year. But women who did take calcium supplements only lost bone at a rate of 0.014% per year. So that’s about a 100% lower rate of bone loss. Calcium supplementation can really help make up the deficits that we experience with age.

How Much Calcium Is Too Much Calcium?

It’s clear that not getting enough calcium is bad for your bones. But what happens if you get too much calcium? If you’ve ever wondered this, you’re not alone. One of AlgaeCal’s Facebook Community members, Cindy, said:

I have a question about how much calcium is too much. My doctor told me to be careful because too much calcium can cause kidney stones. Is this true with the type of calcium in AlgaeCal?” 

Welcome, Cindy! You’re in the right place! And that’s a great question. 

While you don’t want to exceed the recommended daily allowance for calcium, you also need to pay attention to the form of calcium you take.

AlgaeCal is easier for the body to absorb because it’s a natural plant-sourced calcium. So it’s similar to the calcium you get from eating vegetables such as broccoli, kale, and peas. 

That means it’s the best form of calcium to take. As you may know, your bones are made up of more than just calcium. They’re made up of a matrix of vitamins and minerals. 

And that’s why AlgaeCal contains all 13 known essential bone-supporting minerals (calcium, magnesium, boron, copper, manganese, silicon [silica], nickel, selenium, strontium, phosphorus, potassium, vanadium, and zinc).

Together, all these vitamins and minerals are clinically supported to maintain and improve bone mineral density. Plus, they work together to optimize absorption and transfer calcium directly to your bones rather than soft tissues like your arteries or kidneys. 



As you know, taking an adequate amount of calcium daily is key to having strong, healthy bones. Of course, as you age, your bones need more of a calcium boost. So focus on eating calcium-rich foods with plenty of bone-friendly nutrients. 

And take a daily calcium supplement. Remember, it isn’t necessary to reach for the highest dosage you can find. 

Consider that a recent meta-study has shown that lower dose calcium supplementation, combined with vitamin D, was most effective at preventing osteoporosis-related fractures, whereas high dose (1,000 mg) calcium supplementation was not. 5,6,7

In one human study,8 three groups of post-menopausal women each took different AlgaeCal formulations with all groups increasing bone density at one year.  

The smallest average increase among the 3 groups was 1.3% — an extraordinary result. So if you’re really serious about staying on top of your bone health, take a daily calcium supplement like AlgaeCal Plus.

Hope this has been helpful and let us know in the comments if you have any questions or concerns about your calcium intake!

AlgaeCal Plus Benefits


  3. “Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride.” National Library of Medicine (1997). 
  4. Heaney, R, Dowell, S, et al. “Absorbability and Cost Effectiveness in Calcium Supplementation.” Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Vol. 20 (2001) Issue 3.
  5. Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Willett WC. “Comment on the IOM Vitamin D and Calcium Recommendations.” Harvard School of Public Health: The Nutrition Source (2010).
  6. Zoler ML. “High Vitamin D Intake Linked to Reduced Fractures.” Family Practice News (2010).
  7. Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Orav EJ, Willett, WC, et al., “A Higher Dose of Vitamin D is Required for Hip and Non-vertebral Fracture Prevention: A Pooled Participant-based Meta-analysis of 11 Double-blind RCTs.” The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 2010 Annual Meeting (2010).
  8. Gilbert R. Kaats, Harry G. Preuss, Harry A. Croft, Samuel C. Keith, Patti L. Keith. “A Comparative Effectiveness Study of Bone Density Changes in Women Over 40 Following Three Bone Health Plans Containing Variations of the Same Novel Plant-sourced Calcium.” Int J Med Sci (2011). doi: 10.7150/ijms.8.180   

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  1. Georgiana

    September 30, 2014 , 3:31 pm

    I was unable to absorb calcium carbonate or calcium citrate. Not until I used Algae Cal and Strontium did I see an increase in my bone density. Thank Goodness

  2. Monica

    September 30, 2014 , 3:47 pm

    Hi Georgiana,

    Thank you for sharing your story. It’s great to hear that AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost increased your bone density!

    – Monica @ AlgaeCal

  3. Florence

    December 2, 2014 , 7:58 am

    I have osteopenia and had a hip fracture when I took a fall a couple of years ago. I was told by one MD to take Calcium Citrate and another told me not to take it because we get enough Calcium in our diet. (My father had calcium deposits when he died in surgery for an angioplasty at age 75.) What I have read about your product makes sense and I am interested but it is out of my budget at this time. Is there any way of earning your product. I would like to see an improvement in my bone density.

  4. Monica

    December 2, 2014 , 8:40 am

    Hi Florence,

    Thank you for your interest in AlgaeCal. Unfortunately, we do not offer a way to earn our product, but we do offer a significant discount if you buy multiple bottles of AlgaeCal and is explained on our products page.

    – Monica @ AlgaeCal

  5. Sandra Finch

    December 2, 2014 , 9:20 am

    What about the Calcium/Magnesium ratio? What kind of magnesium is best since I have recently found out I am deficient in magnesium.

  6. Monica Lam-Feist

    December 3, 2014 , 10:21 am

    Hi Sandra,

    With regards to calcium and magnesium, a 2:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium is necessary for proper absorption of calcium. The human body has a natural ratio of 2:1 calcium to magnesium and this is the same in AlgaeCal Plus. Too much magnesium will compete with calcium for absorption, but with this 2:1 ratio, it will not as it is the most efficient ratio.

    As for what kind of magnesium is best, there are no significant studies that have proven any one form of magnesium is better than the others. The magnesium we used in AlgaeCal’s study is magnesium oxide combined with magnesium carbonate. Because magnesium must be bound with another substance to be absorbed adequately, we chose these forms because their molecular mass is higher.

    Let me know if you have any other questions,

    – Monica @ AlgaeCal

  7. Mary Ulsh

    December 2, 2014 , 11:18 am

    The best way to get the calcium a person needs is taking whole food supplements. Also eating food like cheese, yogurt and vegetables like broccoli and kale. Regular calcium supplements do not work. I have taken calcium supplements for years and they did nothing for me. When I can I will buy AlgaCal as it is whole food supplement.
    Sincerely, Mary Ulsh

  8. Monica

    December 2, 2014 , 11:52 am

    Hi Mary,

    Thank you for your comment! You’re right, it’s important to supplement as well as eat calcium-rich foods for your bone health.

    – Monica @ AlgaeCal

  9. April

    December 3, 2014 , 2:01 pm

    I thought if you got too much calcium it clogs your arteries. I overheard a doctor say that you have to track your calcium intake as to not “overdo” it but eating too much calcium in food and taking supplements also. Excess calcium ends up in your blood and causes problems?Can you address this? Thank you.

  10. Monica

    December 3, 2014 , 3:24 pm

    Hi April,

    Great question. AlgaeCal is easier for the body to absorb because it is a natural plant sourced calcium similar to calcium you get from eating vegetables such as broccoli, kale and peas. Studies have shown that calcium from whole foods like AlgaeCal, does NOT increase heart attack risks because foods that naturally contain calcium also supply other minerals.

    Your bones are not solely made up of calcium, but are made up of a matrix of vitamins and minerals. That is why AlgaeCal has additional magnesium, boron, vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 as well as 70 other trace minerals, which optimize absorption and transfer calcium directly to your bones rather than soft tissues like arteries, kidneys etc. All these factors translate to an absorption rate of 97% for AlgaeCal. AlgaeCal is also much safer for you because it is more effective at a lower dosage. In our human study, all 176 participants were able to increase their bone mineral density of up to 1% in 12 months with taking 720 mg of calcium from AlgaeCal daily.

    I hope this answered your question. If you have any others, please do not hesitate!

    – Monica @ AlgaeCal

  11. Goretti Ferreira

    January 2, 2017 , 5:44 am

    Hello I like to know if Alga Cal and strontium will help someone that already have significant bone loss, or that supplement is good to prevent that.

  12. Monica

    January 2, 2017 , 9:11 am

    Hi Goretti,

    AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost are clinically supported to INCREASE bone density in people who are suffering bone loss. If you are looking to maintain your current bone density, we recommend just using AlgaeCal Plus.

    – Monica @ AlgaeCal

  13. Danish Riaz

    January 31, 2019 , 2:25 am

    Your math here is incorrect and misleading. Please explain how going from 1% to 0.014% is a 1000% difference? Its a 71.42% difference.

    “A very famous calcium researcher named Heaney, published a study in The Journal of The American College of Nutrition in 2000 that shows that women who did not take calcium supplements lost bone at a rate of 1% per year. But women who did take calcium supplements only lost bone at a rate of 0.014% per year. So that’s about a 1000% lower rate of bone loss. Calcium supplementation can really help make up the deficits that we experience with age.”

  14. Jenna AlgaeCal

    February 4, 2019 , 10:56 am

    Hi Danish,

    You’re right, we had a typo there! The difference should actually be 100%, and I’ve updated that in the blog post. You can use this online calculator to see how we got that number. 🙂

    – Jenna @ AlgaeCal

  15. frances mccaffrey

    October 4, 2020 , 9:05 am

    Hello could you please tell me if calcium tablets should be taken with the algaecal or is it not necessary ,as the doctor has advised my mum to do so.

  16. Blaire AlgaeCal

    October 6, 2020 , 11:33 am

    Hi Frances,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Once starting AlgaeCal Plus, additional calcium supplementation is not necessary. Feel free to give our Bone Health Consultants a call at 1-800-820-0184 if you have further questions! ?

    – Blaire @ AlgaeCal

  17. BJ

    December 29, 2020 , 7:40 am

    Would adding 600mg of magnesium to my algaecal and strontium daily doses help or hurt my bones? The mag def helps me with digestion and staying regular. Thx

  18. Megan AlgaeCal

    December 29, 2020 , 2:14 pm

    Hi BJ!

    We recommend aiming for a 2:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium each day. As the daily recommendation for calcium is 1200mg, this would mean 600mg of magnesium. Keep in mind, however, that AlgaeCal Plus provides 350mg of magnesium in a daily serving. You may want to start with a lower additional dose of magnesium.

    Hope this helps and if you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to our Bone Health Consultants at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada toll-free). ❤️

    -Megan @ AlgaeCal

  19. Robin Sherlock

    August 21, 2022 , 8:11 pm

    If I’m taking algae-cal, do I need additional calcium supplements? Or am I getting the right amount? I have osteoporosis and I’m a 59 year old woman.

  20. Kirby Johnson

    August 22, 2022 , 1:43 pm


    Thank you for reaching out <3 Regardless of any bone loss you've experienced, we don't suggest supplementing with additional calcium while taking AlgaeCal Plus. Instead, we encourage our customers to get the remaining ~500 mg of calcium from their diet in the form of whole foods. You can find a helpful resource to easily implement calcium-rich foods into your daily diet on our blog HERE.

    This in combination with the 720 mg of plant-based calcium found in AlgaeCal Plus will provide you with the recommended total calcium intake for adults of 1000-1200 mg per day. AlgaeCal has been shown to be more effective at increasing bone density at this lower dosage than traditional calcium supplements at higher dosages. Hope this information helps! If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to let us know!

    – Kirby @ AlgaeCal

  21. Rebecca Mogensen

    August 22, 2022 , 11:17 am

    When I read this article I was expecting to find out the best sources of calcium supplementation to reach the 1200 a day. Algae Cal only offers 720 mg daily. I eat cheese, yogurt, and milk to make up the extra 400 mg daily. I was even advised to do this from website, but this article implies that isn’t so good. I also take about 5,000 IU of vitamin D daily. What would you advice for extra calcium?

  22. Kirby Johnson

    August 22, 2022 , 1:51 pm


    So sorry for any confusion! We absolutely encourage our customers to get the remaining ~500 mg of calcium from their diet in the form of whole foods; keep up all your fantastic work on that front! If you’re looking for other ways to get calcium naturally from your diet, you may find our blog article HERE to be a helpful resource.

    This in combination with the 720 mg of plant-based calcium found in AlgaeCal Plus will provide you with the recommended total calcium intake for adults of 1000-1200 mg per day. Hope this information helps! You’ll also find plenty of creative and delicious ways to naturally support your bone health through food HERE. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to let us know!

    – Kirby @ AlgaeCal

  23. Joan B Von Wolff

    August 23, 2022 , 11:54 am

    Everything that I read says Strontium tries to replace calcium and they should be taken
    at least two hours apart?

  24. Kirby Johnson

    August 24, 2022 , 4:14 pm


    Thank you so much for reaching out – that’s right! Calcium and strontium use the same absorption pathway so we advise taking Strontium Boost and AlgaeCal Plus at least 2 hours apart from one another. If taken too closely together, they will compete for absorption (with your body preferentially absorbing calcium)! If you have any further interest, you’re always welcome to read about this in greater detail on our blog HERE. Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any follow-up questions <3

    - Kirby @ AlgaeCal

  25. Daphlin Thomas

    September 10, 2022 , 1:35 pm

    Went to the dentist and I told him I have severe osteoporosis he asked what I was taking. I said algae cal plus he asked does it have phosphorus in it I said I didn’t know he’s concerned What would that have to do with the dentist and if not what’s that got to do with my bones

  26. Chelsea Dugas

    September 13, 2022 , 12:59 pm

    Hi, Daphlin!

    The concern with phosphorus is that too much can impact bone density by disrupting the hormonal regulation of calcium and vitamin D. Luckily, AlgaeCal Plus does not contain phosphorus, so your dentist need not worry! In fact, you can provide him with THIS handy information sheet on AlgaeCal at your next visit if you like. Hope this helps!

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  27. Betty

    October 4, 2022 , 2:38 pm

    Will Algae Cal Plus cause constipation like calcium supplements?

  28. Chelsea Dugas

    October 5, 2022 , 12:39 pm

    Great question, Betty!

    It is not common to experience constipation with AlgaeCal. Most calcium supplements cause constipation because they supply only calcium or calcium and vitamin D. It takes a variety of nutrients for proper absorption of calcium, and AlgaeCal Plus provides all of these…in the right amounts! For more information on this topic, please visit our website HERE. Hope this helps to answer your question! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  29. Donna

    October 9, 2022 , 2:20 pm

    What is strontium? Is it safe? If you take bone density meds can you still take algae cal and algae cal plus?

  30. Chelsea Dugas

    October 11, 2022 , 9:10 am

    Thanks for reaching out, Donna!

    Did you know there are different forms of strontium? We use natural strontium citrate, which is clinically supported to be beneficial for bone health – without side effects! You can learn more HERE. AlgaeCal is not contraindicated with bone medications and provides the vitamins and minerals that are needed for healthy bones. If you would like to review this with your doctor, we suggest bringing THIS information sheet to your next appointment. Please don’t hesitate to call our Bone Health Consultants at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada, toll-free) or email [email protected] if you have further questions or concerns. Hope this helps to answer your questions! 🙂

    – Chelsea @ AlgaeCal

  31. Reynaldo Bazan Jr.

    May 25, 2023 , 8:29 am

    Is to much calcium bad for the lever?

  32. Megan @ AlgaeCal

    May 25, 2023 , 9:20 am

    Thanks for sharing your concern, Reynaldo! AlgaeCal is a whole food source of calcium with a wide variety of naturally occurring trace minerals, plus added vitamin D3, K2, and C, and boron! This perfect balance of vitamins and minerals all work together to keep calcium out of soft tissue like the heart and arteries, and deliver it straight to where it’s needed – our bones! With this in mind, we would not expect for AlgaeCal to be bad for your liver. The safety of AlgaeCal is confirmed in all three of our human clinical studies. To review the research, visit our website HERE. Let us know if you have any questions!

    – Megan @ AlgaeCal

  33. Sharon M Whiting

    September 19, 2023 , 4:03 am

    thanks for this info. my calcium is in the per normal range 5.4. how much calcium mg should I take

  34. Samantha AlgaeCal

    September 19, 2023 , 10:19 am

    Great question, Sharon! The recommended total calcium intake for adults is 1200mg per day from both supplements and foods. I hope this helps. 🙂
    – Sam

  35. Leri Idrisalman

    September 30, 2024 , 2:50 pm

    Im 52 and my doctor recommended 1200mg of algae cal. And 1000iu or Vit D. So many capsules of Algae Cal will I take?

  36. Yoori AlgaeCal

    September 30, 2024 , 6:30 pm

    Thank you for reaching out, Leri! We recommend taking 4 capsules of AlgaeCal Plus daily. AlgaeCal is very intentionally designed with 720mg of calcium in your daily dose and that’s because we take into consideration that the average dietary intake of calcium is 400-500mg of calcium daily, so that plus AlgaeCal Plus is approximately 1200mg per day – and it’s all coming from whole food, body friendly sources!

    Please note that AlgaeCal Plus provides 1600IU of vitamin D per daily 4 capsules. If your doctor suggested getting 1000IU daily, this should be sufficient to maintain your vitamin D blood level. We recommend retesting your vitamin D blood level once or twice a year, as the level can fluctuate from time to time. I hope this helps!

    – Yoori

This article features advice based on cutting-edge research from our industry experts to give you the best possible information to support your bone-building journey.

Lara Pizzorno
MDiv, MA, LMT - Best-selling author of Healthy Bones Healthy You! and Your Bones; Editor of Longevity Medicine Review, and Senior Medical Editor for Integrative Medicine Advisors.,
Dr. Liz Lipski
PhD, CNS, FACN, IFMP, BCHN, LDN - Professor and Director of Academic Development, Nutrition programs in Clinical Nutrition at Maryland University of Integrative Health.,
Dr. Emma Gasinski
PT, DPT, RYT - Physical therapist and certified yoga teacher with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professionals,
Dr. Lawrence (Larry) A. May
MD, FACP, Harvard Medical School Graduate, Physician, Author, Public Speaker - Doctor of Internal Medicine at Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center and author of several articles and books, including the widely utilized and best selling medical textbook Primary Care Medicine,