Collagen for Joint Pain: A Complete Guide

Updated: February 18, 2025

Grandma in garden with grandkid

Do you feel your joints protesting when you climb out of bed, bend to tie your shoes, or kneel to join your grandkids in their games? You’re not alone. Each year, joint pain impacts countless Americans.1 And it’s mainly caused by the erosion of joint cartilage due to factors like aging, intense exercise, and joint overload.

In this article, we will examine how a lack of collagen might be the root cause of this cartilage erosion. We’ll also reveal the best collagen to take to repair cartilage and relieve achy joints – including the scientific research behind it.

The Role of Collagen in Your Joints

Think of collagen as the glue that holds your body together. It offers structure and support to all your connective tissues, including your skin, bones, ligaments, tendons, and – most importantly –  the cartilage that protects your joints.2

In your knees, this cartilage ranges in thickness from 1.69 to 2.55 mm,3 which is roughly 2 to 3 times the thickness of a standard credit card. This layer of cartilage plays a crucial role in the smooth and efficient functioning of your knee joint:

Shock Absorption: Cartilage acts as a shock absorber, cushioning the knee joint during activities like walking, running, and jumping, thereby protecting the bones from impact.

Smooth Movement: The cartilage provides a smooth, slippery surface that enables the bones of the knee joint to glide effortlessly over each other with minimal friction during movement.

Joint Stability: By fitting snugly into the contours of the bones, cartilage helps to stabilize and support the knee joint, ensuring it moves correctly and efficiently.

Load Distribution: It helps in evenly distributing the load and stress across the knee joint during weight-bearing activities, which prevents excessive wear on any one part of the joint.

older couple running down stairs

Healthy knee cartilage is essential for maintaining mobility, flexibility, and joint health. As your cartilage wears down, you may experience joint pain, stiffness, clicking, creaking, locking, and swelling.

Aging Hurts. But It Doesn’t Have To! 

When you’re young, your joints are smooth and pain-free because you have plenty of collagen, keeping your cartilage thick and strong. But as you hit your late 20s, collagen production starts to slow. And by the time you celebrate your 40th birthday you’re losing around 1% of your collagen annually. Now, a 1% loss might not sound like much. But the compounding effects of this annual loss really add up – and by the time you’re 60, you’ve lost 50% of your collagen… 

That means your cartilage gets thinner and thinner every year, and that’s why you end up with joint problems.

So, it’s important to replace the collagen in your body. Foods like bone broth and gelatin are great sources of collagen, and other foods rich in Vitamin C, copper, and zinc help your body produce and synthesize collagen. And while those are great, it’s a good idea to supplement your collagen intake—after all, it’s not always convenient to have a pan of bone broth simmering in your kitchen!

Which Collagen Supplement Is Best For Joint Health?

Since collagen plays such a pivotal role in your joint health, it’s important to choose the right one. But with hundreds of collagen supplements on the market, how do you know which one to choose? 

You walk into your health food store looking for something to ease your joint pain, and you’re met with a bewildering array of options. Do you go for Type I, II, or III? Should it be hydrolyzed, peptides or undenatured? And what about sources? Do you need bovine, fish, or chicken? How do you know… really know… which of these collagens will work! 

This is your health we’re talking about! So you shouldn’t have to guess.

Another problem with most collagens is that they can taste awful and are annoyingly clumpy. No matter how you stir, shake, or blend them, they either gloop up or totally throw off the taste of your morning coffee or smoothie.

Plus, you may have noticed they can be rough on your stomach and leave you with a ‘heavy’ bloated feeling.

So when shopping for a collagen supplement, there are three things you’ll want to look for:

1. Clinically Supported Ingredients
You don’t want collagen. You want clinically supported collagen. Specifically, you want a Type II collagen that’s backed by rigorous scientific studies to regrow knee cartilage and improve the range of motion in your knee joint. 

2. Clinically Backed Doses
Some collagen supplements might have the right ingredients but the wrong dose! If research suggests you need 5g of collagen for joint relief, but your supplement provides only 1.2g, it won’t be effective. You’re not getting the necessary dose, so you’re essentially throwing money away.

3. Soluble, Palatable, & Digestible
The best self-care routines are the ones that you can easily stick to. That’s why it’s important to choose a collagen powder that dissolves easily, has no taste, and is gentle on your digestive system to ensure you can maintain your routine.

When it comes to collagen for your joints, two collagen powders stand out – Fortigel® and UCII®. These are both patented collagens that are backed by dozens of scientific studies.

The Scientific Studies Behind Fortigel®

Regrows Cartilage

A 2011 study by Tufts Medical Center and Harvard University examined the long-term impact of Fortigel® on early-stage knee osteoarthritis sufferers. The study divided 30 participants into two groups: one received a daily dose of 10 grams of Fortigel® for 48 weeks, and the other was given a placebo.

MRI scans were taken at the start, halfway through, and at the end of the study period. Remarkably, those taking fortigel® saw an 8% increase in knee cartilage density after 48 weeks, a significant improvement over the placebo group.4 You can see the medical images from the study below, illustrating the positive changes.

fortigel study

These results indicate that Fortigel® can help regrow joint cartilage in the knee. This is extremely promising for anyone experiencing wear and tear in their joints from overexercise/overuse, injury, or aging.

Reduces Joint Pain

A 2008 study at Penn State University recruited 147 athletes who were experiencing activity-related joint pain.5 The athletes were split into two groups for the study: one received a daily dose of 10 grams of Fortigel®, while the other was given a placebo, over a period of 24 weeks. To assess the severity of their symptoms, both the attending physician and the participants themselves used a 1 to 10 scale, where 1 represented the absence of symptoms and 10 indicated extremely severe symptoms.

man stretching

Those who took Fortigel® reported feeling less joint pain.

In a 2021 study at the University of Freiburg, researchers discovered that taking just 5g Fortigel® significantly eased joint pain related to physical activity. They invited 180 active young people, all dealing with knee pain during sports, to participate in their study.

The participants were randomly assigned into two groups. One group received Fortigel®, while the other group got a placebo. After three months, they evaluated everyone’s knee pain. The result? The participants who had taken Fortigel® reported less pain during sports than those who got the placebo. This greatly reduced the need for over-the-counter pain relievers, ice packs, gels, and trips to the physiotherapist.   

The study showed that Fortigel® had a positive effect on knee joint pain—particularly during activity. In fact, participants saw a 38% reduction in “pain during activity” after taking Fortigel® compared to the placebo group.

The Scientific Studies Behind UCII®

Makes Joints Feel Younger

Over time, people tend to lose a bit of the flexibility in their knees – about 1 degree per decade on average. But, a 2022 study found that UC-II® collagen can significantly change that.6

In this double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled human clinical trial, 96 active, healthy male and female volunteers between the ages of 20 and 55 were randomized to a control group or a group which took 40 mg of UC-II daily for six months. During that time, the researchers evaluated joint flexibility, joint discomfort, and daily step count.

One paper focused on metrics of knee flexibility, while the other focused on joint discomfort.

Knee Flexibility

In the study, the group taking UCII® saw knee flexibility improve 15 times more than those taking the placebo. Specifically, the UCII® group gained an average of 3.23 degrees in knee flexibility. This improvement is like reversing joint age by over a decade.

Knee Comfort

Participants taking 40 mg of UC-II® collagen for 24 weeks experienced a notable reduction in knee pain during activities like twisting, walking downstairs, and on flat surfaces, and saw a decrease in joint discomfort post-activity, particularly those aged 20-35.7

Impressively, those on UC-II® collagen walked an extra 747 steps daily. This study underscores UC-II® collagen’s ability to not only make walking more comfortable but also to help individuals easily achieve their daily step goals, promoting a more active and comfortable lifestyle.

woman running


Fortigel® and UCII® are clinically supported collagens. A wide portfolio of studies proves these collagens can regrow cartilage, reduce pain, and improve flexibility in the knee. So you can see why we included BOTH these collagens – in full clinical doses – in AlgaeCal’s Collagen.

That’s right! We launched our very own collagen supplement. We’re calling it Collagen Complete. Because not only does it include BOTH these joint-supporting collagens – it also contains full clinical doses of Verisol® Collagenclinically supported to reduce wrinkles, strengthen nails, and thicken hair. And Fortibone® Collagen – clinically supported to increase bone density

Collagen complete

Together these 4 clinically supported collagens can help you look and feel up to 10 years younger. We’ve already started taking this whole-body collagen at the office, and so far we’re feeling GREAT about the results.

Can Collagen Help with Joint Pain and Knee Pain?

Collagen plays a crucial role in cartilage, which acts as a cushion for joints. Research indicates that taking collagen supplements may help alleviate joint pain and enhance mobility by aiding in cartilage repair and lowering inflammation.

What Type of Collagen Is Best for Joint Health?

Type II collagen is especially advantageous for joint health since it is the main component of cartilage. Hydrolyzed collagen peptides (Types I and III) can also contribute to the overall health of connective tissues.

 How Long Does It Take for Collagen to Work for Joint Pain?

Research suggests that significant improvements in joint pain and function can be observed within 8 to 12 weeks of regular collagen supplementation.

 Does Collagen Help with Osteoarthritis?

Yes, studies indicate that collagen supplementation can alleviate symptoms of osteoarthritis by enhancing cartilage integrity and reducing joint stiffness.

How Much Collagen Should I Take for Joint Health?

Research recommends a daily intake of 10 grams of hydrolyzed collagen to effectively support joint health and minimize pain. It’s always best to consult your healthcare provider for tailored advice.

Article Sources

  2. Sophia Fox AJ, Bedi A, Rodeo SA. The basic science of articular cartilage: structure, composition, and function. Sports Health. 2009;1(6):461-468.
  3. Shepherd DET, Seedhom BBThickness of human articular cartilage in joints of the lower limbAnnals of the Rheumatic Diseases 1999;58:27-34.
  4. T.E. McAlindon et al: Change in knee osteoarthritis cartilage detected by delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging following treatment with collagen hydrolysate: a pilot randomized controlled trial, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, Volume 19, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 399-405
  5. Clark KL, Sebastianelli W, Flechsenhar KR, Aukermann DF, Meza F, Millard RL, Deitch JR, Sherbondy PS, Albert A. 24-Week study on the use of collagen hydrolysate as a dietary supplement in athletes with activity-related joint pain. Curr Med Res Opin. 2008 May;24(5):1485-96.
  6. Schön et al. (2022). UC-II® undenatured type II collagen for knee joint flexibility: a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study. J Integr Complement Med.
  7. Knaub et al. (2022). UC-II® undenatured type II collagen reduces knee joint discomfort and improves mobility in healthy subjects: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study. J Clin Trials.

Article Comments

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  1. Nina Harris

    June 7, 2024 , 5:51 am

    I’m eating a whole foods, plant-based diet since being diagnosed with cancer. This means I can’t take collagen, as it comes f on animals.

    Is there a vegan supplement that will trigger cartilage growth?

    thank you

  2. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 11, 2024 , 5:11 pm

    Thank you for reaching out, Nina, and great question! While collagen supplements are derived from animal sources, there are alternative vegan supplements that may support cartilage health and overall joint function. However, it’s important to note that these alternatives may not directly “trigger” cartilage growth in the same way collagen does, but they can still provide support for joint health and potentially aid in overall healing and recovery. We actually have a blog article on A Vegetarian’s Guide to Collagen HERE, which I hope will be helpful for you :).

    Before starting any new supplement regimen, it’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider, especially given your cancer diagnosis and any ongoing treatments. They can provide personalized guidance based on your individual health needs and ensure that any supplements you take are safe and appropriate for you. I hope this helps!
    – Yoori

  3. Pat H.

    June 7, 2024 , 7:08 am

    Sounds great!! When will it be available to your customers?

  4. Samantha AlgaeCal

    June 7, 2024 , 11:53 am

    Thank you for your interest, Pat! Our collagen formulation will be releasing on June 18th. Please stay tuned for more information. 🙂
    – Sam

  5. Debra Marsala

    June 7, 2024 , 5:47 pm

    Awesome I can’t wait my social Security money should start coming in so I’ll be buying collagen and hope to get some other vitamins for my bones

  6. Lisa Sams

    June 8, 2024 , 5:19 am

    This sounds great! I’ve been trying to decide on a Collagen supplement. When will it be available?

  7. Donna Thompson

    June 7, 2024 , 8:09 am

    is this forthcoming, or available now?

  8. Samantha AlgaeCal

    June 7, 2024 , 10:28 am

    Great question, Donna! Our collagen supplement is forthcoming and will be launching on June 18th. Please stay tuned for more details. 🙂
    – Sam

  9. Ranelle Christle

    June 8, 2024 , 6:03 am

    Will it be in capsules?

  10. Helen Rounce

    June 7, 2024 , 9:06 am

    When is your collagen available?

  11. Samantha AlgaeCal

    June 7, 2024 , 10:29 am

    Thank you for your interest, Helen! Our collagen product will be launching on June 18th! 🙂
    – Sam

  12. Kathryn Thorngren

    June 7, 2024 , 7:33 pm

    yes, I am very interested in this product… let me know when its available

  13. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:34 pm

    Thank you for your interest, Kathryn! We are currently putting final touches to our Collagen Complete product launch, and we will be sure to share the news via email newsletter and our social media channels when it is launched. So keep your eyes peeled for the exciting announcement when it’s ready to go live!
    – Yoori

  14. Doris Fundora

    June 7, 2024 , 9:08 am

    When will this be available? I’m interested!!

  15. Samantha AlgaeCal

    June 7, 2024 , 10:29 am

    Thank you for your interest, Doris! Our collagen product will be launching on June 18th! 🙂
    – Sam

  16. June Wiaz

    June 7, 2024 , 9:15 am

    What are your sources for the collagen? I also have concerns about kidney effects, as I have read that collagen can be hard on the kidneys.
    Looking forward to your response!

  17. Roz

    June 7, 2024 , 9:37 am

    This sounds too good to be true! Would love to see those studies.

  18. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 11, 2024 , 5:25 pm

    The benefits of collagen are certainly mesmerizing, Roz! We have the links to the referenced studies under “Article Sources” tab in this blog article :).
    – Yoori

  19. Michelle Kaufman

    June 7, 2024 , 10:35 am

    I’ve read that taking too much collagen will result in arterial plaque. As a person with the lipid gene Lp(a) which is a hyper amount of cholesterol in the blood, how can I tell what is the right dose?

  20. Pam Smith

    June 7, 2024 , 11:09 am

    List ingredients, please. I am a 74 and 54 year long vegetarian. I have been taking Algae Cal and your D3 for several years because they are vegetarian—and have helped me.
    My guess is your collagen is not vegetarian. Please advise.

  21. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 11, 2024 , 5:26 pm

    Thank you for your interest, Pam. To answer your question, Collagen Complete is made from grass-fed beef and cage-free chicken sources. If you are interested, we have a blog article on A Vegetarian’s Guide to Collagen HERE, which I hope will be helpful for you :).

    – Yoori

  22. carol longsworth

    June 7, 2024 , 11:53 am

    What are the side effects?

  23. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 11, 2024 , 5:27 pm

    We appreciate your interest, Carol! Generally, taking collagen supplements is considered safe for most people! We will have more details on our Collagen Complete to share with you when the product is ready to go live :).
    – Yoori

  24. Laura Nyirady

    June 7, 2024 , 12:14 pm

    my husband and I are both vegan.
    What do you suggest for that?
    We are already taking your algae cal and Strontium, and would love to add the collagen, but do not want to use any animal based products. Any suggestions?
    Thanks, Laura

  25. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 11, 2024 , 5:45 pm

    Hi Laura! Collagen Complete is made from grass-fed beef and cage-free chicken sources, and we are sorry that this would not be a good fit for our vegan customers. If you are interested, we have a blog article on A Vegetarian’s Guide to Collagen HERE, which I hope will be helpful for you :).
    – Yoori

  26. Sally

    June 7, 2024 , 12:16 pm

    Will the collagen supplement come in capsules? If so, how many would we have to take per day? If capsules, can they be opened and put in a smoothie?

  27. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:36 pm

    Thank you for reaching out, Sally! Currently, we are putting the finishing touches on all our FAQs and wonderful information resources for our customers. While we don’t have all the specifics to share at this moment, once the product launches, you should have all the information you need. We truly appreciate your patience in the meantime :). We will be sure to send out an email newsletter when the product launches, so stay tuned!
    – Yoori

  28. Virginia Tang

    June 7, 2024 , 1:12 pm

    When will this product be available.

  29. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:36 pm

    Thank you for your interest, Virgina! We are currently putting final touches to our Collagen Complete product launch, and we will be sure to share the news via email newsletter and our social media channels when it is launched. So keep your eyes peeled for the exciting announcement when it’s ready to go live!
    – Yoori

  30. Kim

    June 7, 2024 , 1:49 pm

    What about bone on bone osteoarthritis?

  31. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 11, 2024 , 5:53 pm

    Great question, Kim! In the case of bone-on-bone osteoarthritis (OA), where the protective cartilage cushion between bones wears down, leading to bones rubbing against each other, collagen supplements may provide some relief for symptoms associated. Please feel free to further discuss this with your doctor on their best recommendations!
    – Yoori

  32. Monika Hines

    June 7, 2024 , 2:56 pm

    Sounds great! I’m waiting for it to come on the market.

  33. Vickie Harris

    June 7, 2024 , 3:51 pm

    Will it help for knee pain from rheumatoid arthritis?

  34. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 11, 2024 , 5:42 pm

    Thank you for reaching out, Vickie! As you may have read in the article, Fortigel® and UCII® are clinically supported collagens that are part of our Collagen Complete formula. These collagens have been extensively studied, and a wide range of research has supported their ability to regrow cartilage, reduce pain, and improve flexibility in the knee! 🙂
    – Yoori

  35. Julie

    June 7, 2024 , 6:29 pm

    Looking forward to starting this!

  36. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:34 pm

    We appreciate your interest, Julie! 🙂 Stay tuned for the exciting news when it is ready to go live!
    – Yoori

  37. Kim W

    June 7, 2024 , 6:50 pm

    Is it safe to take Fortigel and AlgaeCal Plus together?

  38. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 11, 2024 , 5:43 pm

    Great question, Kim! My understanding is that Fortigel and the nutrients in AlgaeCal Plus aren’t expected to interact and don’t require separation :).
    – Yoori

  39. Michelle Kaufman

    June 7, 2024 , 6:53 pm

    I have read that too much collagen can add to plaque in arteries. I carry a lipid gene called Lp(a) which is hypercholesterolemia so I want to be sure I take the right amount of collagen for my body and keep my arteries clear! I’m interested but would appreciate more details on this. Thank you!

  40. Sharon

    June 7, 2024 , 7:59 pm

    What is this made from? What are the ingredients?

  41. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:33 pm

    Thank you for your interest, Sharon! Currently, we are putting the finishing touches on all our FAQs and wonderful information resources for our customers. While we don’t have all the specifics to address your question at this moment, once the product launches, you should have all the information you need to make an informed decision. Stay tuned! 🙂
    – Yoori


    June 7, 2024 , 10:03 pm

    when can I order this product?

  43. Candy Cumming

    June 8, 2024 , 12:51 am

    I have patella femoral syndrome. Will this help?

  44. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 11, 2024 , 5:50 pm

    Thank you for reaching out, Candy! Collagen supplements have gained popularity for their potential benefits in supporting joint health, but based on my research, scientific evidence supporting their use for PFS (patella femoral syndrom) specifically is limited. It’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have a specific medical condition like PFS :).
    – Yoori

  45. Ann

    June 8, 2024 , 3:51 am

    Looking forward to it ! Beyond the quality of the ingredients, the fact you highlight it is “taste free” is great We wish you would consider making a “taste free” version of your fish oil !!! The taste is SO sweet flavored, I know several who cannot take it. It actually gives me a headache …

  46. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 11, 2024 , 5:54 pm

    We truly appreciate your interest and feedback, Ann! While many of our community members love the taste of our Triple Power Fish Oil, we completely understand that this may not be the best fit for everyone. I’d be happy to share this feedback with our team for consideration :).
    – Yoori

  47. Susan hardy

    June 8, 2024 , 4:05 am

    I can not tolerate algaecalas it causes loose stools. Is the fortigel orUC11 have any such side effects and has it been tested on seniors

  48. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 11, 2024 , 5:58 pm

    Thank you for sharing your concern, Susan. Generally, taking collagen supplements is considered safe for most people. For your peace of mind, we provide a 1 year Risk Free Returns Policy for all our supplements, where we are happy to refund any unopened or even partially used bottles within a year of your purchase date, so I hope you’ll give our Collagen Complete a try when it is launched with a peace of mind!

    We are truly sorry to hear that you’ve experienced discomfort while taking AlgaeCal. Experiencing loose bowels is often something that is easily rectified through dietary changes and the right nutrition, as it can be caused by not having the optimal 2:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium. If you haven’t already, please give us a call at 1-800-820-0184 (US & Canada Toll-free) or email [email protected], and we’d be happy to provide personalized support for you!

    – Yoori

  49. Gloria Donahue

    June 8, 2024 , 4:37 am

    I had knee replacement 18 months ago, during this time frame I had a sjogrens relapse which included severe muscle and joint pain and was bed ridden. I could not complete the needed physical therapy within the required timeframe to gain normal flexibility. As result have stiff knees and scar tissue issues. Would this help me ? I do knee excersizes hoping one day it will kick in.

  50. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 11, 2024 , 6:47 pm

    I’m truly sorry to hear about the challenges you’ve been facing, Gloria. As for Collagen Complete, while it’s not a guaranteed solution, we are very hopeful that it will be beneficial for your condition as it helps with joint health and flexibility, aiding in managing stiffness. It might be worth discussing with your healthcare provider to see if it could be a beneficial addition to your treatment plan! We will have more details to share with you once the product is ready to be launched, so stay tuned!
    – Yoori

  51. Suzie

    June 8, 2024 , 5:35 am

    is it vegan?

  52. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 11, 2024 , 5:58 pm

    Thank you for your interest, Suzie! Collagen Complete is made from grass-fed beef and cage-free chicken sources, so it is not vegan.
    – Yoori

  53. Ranelle Christle

    June 8, 2024 , 5:44 am

    When and where can this new collagen be purchased?

  54. Suzie

    June 8, 2024 , 5:55 am

    Of course it’s not Vegan. stupid me.

  55. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 11, 2024 , 5:59 pm

    Thank you for your interest, Suzie! Collagen Complete is made from grass-fed beef and cage-free chicken sources, so it is not vegan. If you are interested, we have a blog article on A Vegetarian’s Guide to Collagen HERE, which I hope will be helpful for you :).

    – Yoori

  56. Wayne Morrow

    June 8, 2024 , 6:10 am


    I, too, am interested in ordering your collagen. And I assume, as is true for many of your prospective clients, I need to know how you source your ingredients, what they are, whether are not they are organic and what contamination testing you are doing to ensure purity.

    Kidney impact is also critically important. How are you addressing the research on that issue?

    Thank you for all you do.

  57. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:32 pm

    Thank you for your interest, Wayne, and great question! Currently, we are putting the finishing touches on all our FAQs and wonderful information resources for our customers. While we don’t have all the specifics to address your question at this moment, once the product launches, you should have all the information you need to make an informed decision. We appreciate your patience!
    – Yoori

  58. David geddes

    June 8, 2024 , 6:46 am

    Sounds very interesting. When available? What is the cost?

  59. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:29 pm

    Thank you for your interest, David! Currently, we are putting the finishing touches on all our FAQs and wonderful information resources for our customers. While we don’t have all the specifics to address your question at this moment, once the product launches, you should have all the information you need to make an informed decision. We truly appreciate your patience in the meantime :). We will be sure to send out an email newsletter and post it on our social media channels when the product launches, so stay tuned!
    – Yoori

  60. Therese Burmeister

    June 8, 2024 , 6:47 am

    would love it if your collagen complete would be in a powder form vs supplement. older adults don’t alway breakdown supplements

  61. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:28 pm

    We appreciate your feedback, Therese! I will be happy to share this with our team. Stay tuned for more information on our Collagen Complete in the next few days! 🙂
    – Yoori

  62. Rebecca Flowers

    June 8, 2024 , 8:45 am

    I would very much like to try this product when it comes out. Please let me know!!

  63. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:27 pm

    Of course, Rebecca! We will be sure to share the news when it is launched. So keep an eye on your email inbox (if you are signed up to receive our newsletters) and our social media channels for the exciting announcement when it’s ready to go live! Stay tuned for updates in the coming days and weeks! 🙂
    – Yoori

  64. Rosanna Cox

    June 8, 2024 , 9:50 am

    Are you selling this if so, I would love to buy some.

  65. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:27 pm

    Thank you for your interest, Rosanna! We are currently putting final touches to our Collagen Complete product launch, and we will be sure to share the news when it is launched. So keep an eye on your email inbox (if you are signed up to receive our newsletters) and our social media channels for the exciting announcement when it’s ready to go live! Stay tuned for updates in the coming days and weeks! 🙂
    – Yoori

  66. Patricia

    June 8, 2024 , 11:04 am

    I’m really looking forward to trying this product! I believe you have mentioned it will be affordable, that’d be great!

  67. Kathleen Forgione

    June 8, 2024 , 11:11 am

    Please advise when collagen formula will be available for customers.

  68. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:41 pm

    Absolutely, Kathleen! We will be sure to share the exciting news via our email newsletters and social media channels, so keep your eyes peeled! 🙂
    – Yoori

  69. Tanya Dobbs

    June 8, 2024 , 1:00 pm

    Interesting! I see from the comments that the product will be released this month, what form will it be in…pill form or powder?

  70. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:44 pm

    Thank you for your interest, Tanya! While we don’t have all the specifics to share at this moment, once the product launches, you should have all the information you need! We truly appreciate your patience in the meantime :). We will be sure to send out an email newsletter when the product launches, so stay tuned!
    – Yoori

  71. Kathleen Emmke

    June 8, 2024 , 1:12 pm

    When will this be available? I take a collagen supplement now, but don’t have any evidence it is helping. Please advise when yours will be available and the cost as I am definitely interested. Many thanks.

  72. MaryJane

    June 8, 2024 , 4:09 pm

    Can we pre order now?

  73. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:42 pm

    Hi MaryJane, we are sorry that the Collagen Complete is not available for pre-order. However, we hope to have this launched in the next few days, and we will be sure to inform you via email newsletters and social media channels when it is avilable! 🙂
    – Yoori

  74. Vivian M Carr

    June 8, 2024 , 5:03 pm

    when is Collagen Complete going to be available?

  75. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:44 pm

    We appreciate your interest, Vivian! We are in the final stages of our Collagen Complete product launch, and we will be sure to share the news via email newsletters and social media channels when it is ready to go live! Thank you for your patience in the meantime :).
    – Yoori

  76. Vivian M Carr

    June 8, 2024 , 5:05 pm

    when is it going to be available?

  77. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:44 pm

    We appreciate your interest, Vivian! We are in the final stages of our Collagen Complete product launch, and we will be sure to share the news via email newsletters and social media channels when it is ready to go live! Thank you for your patience in the meantime :).
    – Yoori

  78. Mary N Nell Pettitt

    June 8, 2024 , 5:18 pm

    Does this have fish oil in it, or is it strictly collagen. If it a huge pill or is it in a capsule.
    I tried to take Dr. Mercola’s collage and I could not get it down. It was too large for my esophagus.

  79. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 11, 2024 , 6:45 pm

    Thank you for your interest and sharing your concern, Mary! We do not have the details ready to share at this time, but once the product is ready to go live, you should have all the information you need to make an informed decision. We truly appreciate your patience in the meantime :). We will be sure to send out an email newsletter when the product launches, so stay tuned!
    – Yoori

  80. Mary Schowengerdt

    June 9, 2024 , 9:17 am

    Why were the studies done on those in their 50’s and younger?
    These studies don’t appear to include older seniors who have the most knee pain and would do anything other than knee replacement.

  81. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 11, 2024 , 9:03 pm

    Thank you for sharing your concern, Mary. While we don’t have access to the specific reasons behind the age criteria for the participants in the study, it’s essential to acknowledge that research methodologies can vary, and study populations are often selected based on specific criteria to achieve particular research goals. The focus on individuals in their 50s and younger might have been influenced by factors such as the study’s scope, duration, and objectives.

    However, you bring up a really great point! We recognize that knee pain affects individuals of all ages, especially older seniors who may experience significant discomfort. I’d be happy to share this feedback with our team.

    We appreciate your input and value your engagement with our content. If you have any further questions or insights, please feel free to share them with us! 🙂

    – Yoori

  82. Chris P

    June 9, 2024 , 1:51 pm

    I have Arthritis in my hands back and feet which hurt the most. Can Fortigel help this problem?

  83. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 11, 2024 , 6:33 pm

    We are sorry to hear you are in pain, Chris. While the studies mentioned in our article focused primarily on metrics of knee flexibility or joint discomfort, it’s important to note that collagen plays a crucial role in supporting the structure and function of all connective tissues in the body, including the cartilage that protects your joints. With this in mind, we believe that Collagen Complete can also help with your hand, back, and foot pain. Of course, we always recommend checking in with your doctor when adding in a new supplement to your routine!
    – Yoori

  84. Andrea Patron

    June 9, 2024 , 3:58 pm

    this collagen supplement appears to be able to address my knee joint issues with minimal side effects. when my fixed income finances permit I think I might give it a try.

  85. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:49 pm

    We truly hope you’ll give our Collagen Complete a try, Andrea! Collagen provides so many health benefits, including joint health, and we are sure it will be beneficial for you :). Stay tuned for more information coming within a few days!
    – Yoori

  86. Andrea Patron

    June 9, 2024 , 3:58 pm

    this collagen supplement appears to be able to address my knee joint issues with minimal side effects. when my fixed income finances permit I think I might give it a try.

  87. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:49 pm

    We truly hope you’ll give our Collagen Complete a try, Andrea! Collagen provides so many health benefits, including joint health, and we are sure it will be beneficial for you :). Stay tuned for more information coming within a few days!
    – Yoori

  88. wendy

    June 9, 2024 , 5:02 pm

    is the fortigel for sale yet?

  89. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:48 pm

    Thank you for your question, Wendy! Our Collagen Complete, that includes fortigel, is not launched yet. We will be sure to share the news when it is launched, so please keep your eyes out for our email newsletters and social media posts! 🙂
    – Yoori

  90. Carol Lucy-Bowen

    June 9, 2024 , 7:57 pm

    Are we to presume that since it helps knees, it will also improve hip bone density

  91. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 11, 2024 , 6:19 pm

    Great question, Carol! As to your interest, Fortibone®, which is a type of collagen that is included in our upcoming Collagen Complete, is clinically supported to help improve bone density. In a study, one group taking Fortibone® saw their bone density increase by 5.79% in the spine and 4.21% in the hip area! 🙂 You can read more about this topic HERE under the section “Want Stronger Bones? Choose Fortibone®” for your interest. I hope this helps!
    – Yoori

  92. TJ

    June 10, 2024 , 4:45 am

    This was a GREAT ARTICLE! I love learning and I thought I knew a lot already regarding collagen! Excited for AlgaeCal’s version! Again very informative article! Thank you!

  93. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:38 pm

    We’re so glad you found it helpful, TJ! Stay tuned for more information on our Collagen Complete! 🙂
    – Yoori

  94. Larry Weber

    June 10, 2024 , 11:08 am

    Please let me know when it’s available

  95. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 10, 2024 , 8:37 pm

    Thank you for your interest, Larry! Of course, we will be sure to share the news via email newsletter and our social media channels when it is launched. So keep your eyes peeled for the exciting announcement when it’s ready to go live!
    – Yoori

  96. Margot Hanson

    June 11, 2024 , 12:05 pm

    I want some!

  97. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 11, 2024 , 6:20 pm

    Thank you for your interest, Margot! We will be sure to share the news when it is launched, so please keep your eyes out for our email newsletters and social media posts! 🙂
    – Yoori

  98. Karen L Woody

    June 11, 2024 , 8:56 pm

    When will your collagen be available?

  99. Manja AlgaeCal

    June 12, 2024 , 7:08 am

    Hi Karen,

    Thanks for your interest! Our Complete Collagen product will be available starting from June 18th. We’re excited to launch it and can’t wait for you to try it out. Stay tuned for more updates, and we’ll be sure to provide comprehensive information about the product upon its launch. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to ask!
    – Manja

  100. Bea Rigsby-Kunz

    June 13, 2024 , 10:02 pm

    I’ve been taking NeoCell for a few years, Types I and III, which works great for my hair, nails, and skin.

    I’m on board with anything AlgaeCal supports.
    Looking forward to this product.

    Thank you

  101. Samantha AlgaeCal

    June 14, 2024 , 8:54 am

    Thank you for sharing, Bea! 🙂 Please stay tuned for our collagen formulation launch on June 18th.
    – Sam

  102. V Fahlman

    June 15, 2024 , 12:10 pm

    Where are the results of the 2008 Penn State Univ trials? (You introduce it then …poof , on to another study.

    Why is UCII only given in mg while Fortigen needs 5-10 grams?

  103. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 27, 2024 , 9:07 pm

    Thank you for reaching out, V! In the 2008 study at Penn State University, collagen significantly reduced joint pain compared to placebo in six parameters, including joint pain at rest, walking, standing, carrying objects, and lifting. For more details, please feel free to view the full study HERE.

    We base the amount of ingredients based on what has been shown to be effective in clinical studies. For example, according to THIS study, daily supplementation of 40 mg of UC-II improved knee joint ROM flexibility and extensibility in subjects. I hope this helps! 🙂
    – Yoori

  104. Maria B.

    June 17, 2024 , 5:48 am

    Is this collagen derived frorm bone or hide?

  105. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 27, 2024 , 7:37 pm

    Thank you for reaching out, Maria! Collagen Complete contains Fortibone, Verisol, and Fortigel Bioactive Collagen Peptides Type I and III Hydrolyzed Collagen sourced from bovine (beef) sources. It also contains Undenatured Type II Collagen (UC-II), which comes from chicken breast cartilage :). I hope this helps!
    – Yoori

  106. Kim

    June 17, 2024 , 2:51 pm

    Received all of the literature and the 20% off notice…but no where does it say how much it costs?
    Please put the cost on line…I do not want to call.

    Thank you, I have been looking forward to the product.

  107. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 27, 2024 , 7:10 pm

    Hi Kim! You are welcome to view the pricing options on our product page HERE. A friendly note that the 20% off promotion ends tomorrow! Please ensure to put the coupon code at checkout to receive your discount :).
    – Yoori

  108. Cynthia Carmody

    June 22, 2024 , 2:21 pm

    Does it interfere with blood pressure drugs?

  109. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 27, 2024 , 7:44 pm

    Thank you for reaching out, Cynthia! It’s always a good idea to consult with your healthcare practitioner before adding any new supplement to your routine, especially if you are taking prescription medications or other supplements. Your healthcare provider can provide personalized advice based on your individual health needs and circumstances, helping you make informed decisions about your supplement regimen. HERE is our Doctor Information Sheet for your convenience. I hope this helps!
    – Yoori

  110. Esti

    June 23, 2024 , 5:59 am

    can I take Colagen with Calsium and Strontium?

  111. Yoori AlgaeCal

    June 27, 2024 , 7:18 pm

    Absolutely, Esti! In fact, we recommend pairing it with our Bone Builder Pack because our bones need both collagen and minerals to be strong:

    FORTIBONE® collagen supports the formation of a healthy collagen matrix within your bones. Then, the 13 essential minerals in the Bone Builder Pack adhere to this collagen framework, creating strong and healthy bones. I hope this helps! 🙂
    – Yoori

  112. Julienne Hawkes Dance

    July 2, 2024 , 9:24 am

    I just read online from some other Collagen options that Collagen I and III are the most important to take. It looks like you are recommending II. I ‘m confused. Can you clarify before I order. I was trying to get your 20% off special but was out of town and missed the deadline.

  113. Yoori AlgaeCal

    July 2, 2024 , 8:45 pm

    Hi Julienne!

    Please note that our Collagen Complete contains type I, II, and III collagen :). It is a blend of four patented collagens, listed down below:

    Fortibone®: Provides Type I & III collagen
    Fortigel®: Provides Type II collagen
    UC-II®: Provides Type II collagen
    Verisol®: Provides Types I & III collagen

    So what that means is you’re getting four collagens – in full clinical doses – in every single serving! 🙂

    Please feel free to visit our product page HERE for more information on our Collagen Complete :). I hope this helps!
    – Yoori

  114. Sandy Savage

    July 2, 2024 , 2:27 pm

    I am interested….I have knees that are bone on bone and considering a knee replacement…

    Would this help? I am pretty healthy otherwise for a 78year old.

  115. Yoori AlgaeCal

    July 2, 2024 , 8:55 pm

    Thank you for reaching out to us, Sandy, and I’m so sorry to hear of the discomfort you’re experiencing with your knees. We are hopeful that our Collagen Complete can help, as Collagen Complete functions by supplying specific small proteins that aid in the formation of new cartilage in the joints, particularly a crucial type known as type II collagen. This process supports the repair and thickening of cartilage, ultimately improving joint function.

    Moreover, our patented collagen, Fortigel®, found in Collagen Complete, has been clinically shown to alleviate joint pain and enhance the thickness of cartilage tissue, resulting in more comfortable joints.

    Please feel free to discuss with your doctor if our Collagen Complete would be a good fit for you. HERE is our Doctor Information Sheet for your convenience. I hope this helps!
    – Yoori

  116. Kimi

    July 5, 2024 , 10:03 am

    Does collagen do anything for tendinosis?

  117. Yoori AlgaeCal

    July 8, 2024 , 5:19 pm

    Thank you for reaching out, Kimi! As tendinosis is a chronic condition that causes collagen in tendons to break down, supplementing with collagen can be beneficial. If you’re considering collagen supplementation for tendinosis, it’s best to consult with a healthcare provider. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific condition and health needs :). I hope this helps!
    – Yoori

  118. Carol Schaul

    March 4, 2025 , 3:19 pm

    I have read all of what you wrote regarding COLLAGEN COMPLETE. I have been on the product for 4 months. I not only have osteoporosis, which is improving due to your products, but I have osteoartheritis, too.
    Yesterday, based on new xray, I was told I should do hip replacement for my left hip. I DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS. Most of your comments on Collagen Complete talk about KNEE PAIN. I am hopeful this will also help with my hip pain. I take Algae Call Plus and ST. Boost religiously. Am now 4 months into Col. Comp. The cost is high but I need further help with pain and range of motion. Would Triple Power be helpful in this situation? Thanks so much!!! Carol Schaul

  119. Yoori AlgaeCal

    March 5, 2025 , 5:10 pm

    We’re sorry to hear about your hip pain, Carol. While we don’t have studies on the effects of Collagen Complete and Triple Power Fish Oil on hip pain specifically, it’s certainly worth giving them a try!

    Triple Power Fish Oil targets oxidative stress, and many of our community members have reported experiencing pain reduction. The two types of collagen in Collagen Complete, Fortigel® and UC-II®, work to increase joint cartilage thickness, reduce joint pain, and support optimal joint mobility.

    We encourage you to discuss with your doctor if Collagen Complete and Triple Power Fish Oil would be a good fit for your needs. HERE is the Doctor Information Sheet for Collagen Complete, and HERE is the one for Triple Power Fish Oil.

    Please keep in mind that everyone experiences benefits at different rates, so consistency is key!
    – Yoori

This article features advice based on cutting-edge research from our industry experts to give you the best possible information to support your bone-building journey.

Lara Pizzorno
MDiv, MA, LMT - Best-selling author of Healthy Bones Healthy You! and Your Bones; Editor of Longevity Medicine Review, and Senior Medical Editor for Integrative Medicine Advisors.,
Dr. Liz Lipski
PhD, CNS, FACN, IFMP, BCHN, LDN - Professor and Director of Academic Development, Nutrition programs in Clinical Nutrition at Maryland University of Integrative Health.,
Dr. Emma Gasinski
PT, DPT, RYT - Physical therapist and certified yoga teacher with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professionals,
Dr. Lawrence (Larry) A. May
MD, FACP, Harvard Medical School Graduate, Physician, Author, Public Speaker - Doctor of Internal Medicine at Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center and author of several articles and books, including the widely utilized and best selling medical textbook Primary Care Medicine,