3 Simple Ways To Increase Your Bone Density – Naturally!

Updated: August 15, 2018

Chopped vegetables

Tara Marie Segundo, M.A., is a New York City based Fitness Expert who has nearly 30 years experience in the fitness industry. In this guest post, Tara Marie Segundo reveals her top 3 Quick Tips on how to naturally build strong bones.

I often get asked (especially by women and seniors) how to build strong bones naturally. For obvious reasons, having strong bones is a must. Regardless of your age, extreme diets or diets high in processed junk and low in nutrient-dense whole foods can ravage bones and age your body prematurely. Naturally increasing bone mineral density is function of what you eat, what your body absorbs, and how you move.

My top 3 Quick Tips to naturally build strong bones are as follows:

    1. Eat rich in easily absorbed dietary calcium from sources like dark leafy greens and sesame seeds. I prefer these to milk products, which can be hard to digest. Collard greens, spinach, kale, turnip and mustard greens are great! Grind sesame seeds in a dedicated coffee grinder, used only for seeds. Sprinkle them on veggies, salads, cereal, etc. Tahini is also loaded with sesame seeds and therefore, calcium!
    2. Build resistance training into your weekly routine. When you strengthen your muscles, your bones become stronger from the mechanical stress of exercise. You can use free weights, machines, bands, tubing, your body weight, soup cans, etc. You have to stress muscles and bones to make them grow! Aim for a minimum of 3 sessions a week for at least 30 minutes.
    3. Stop drinking soda! The phosphoric acid in soda (both diet and regular soda) is believed by researchers to leach calcium from bones and/or interfere with calcium metabolism in other ways. Cut it out of your life. Soda does nothing good for your body!! I used to be a diet soda addict and feel (and look) so much better now that I’ve stopped. Enjoy iced herbal teas instead, and do something good for your body.

By making a few simple swaps and incorporating some healthy habits into your life, building strong bones and staving off osteoporosis is something anyone can do at any age!

is calcium from algae the bestGuest Author: Tara Marie Segundo, M.A. is a New York City based Fitness Expert, Personal Trainer, Motivational Strategist, and Radio Talk Show Host with nearly 30 years experience in the fitness industry. She holds a Master’s Degree from Columbia University in Applied Physiology and focuses on helping clients break free from destructive patterns so they can reach their physical and mental peak. Her radio show, TARA MARIE LIVE, focuses on the pivotal aspects of creating a phenomenal life by addressing the mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and social sides of ourselves. For more information, call (877) 692-6221 or visit www.TaraMarie.com, Facebook.com/TaraMarieLive, Twitter.com/TaraMarie_Live, YouTube.com/TaraMarieLive.

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