Success Stories Bone Builder Pack

Lolita Pollack

“I’m so happy that I belong to the AlgaeCal family.”

Read more about Lolita Pollack.

Lolita Pollack - New Port Richey, Florida

Hi, I'm Lola, I'm 73 years old. And I'm here to tell you about my bone health journey.

When I was on my 40's, I had my hysterectomy and ovarian cyst taken out. Years later, I had my bone density done and it showed some bone loss. So my doctor prescribed some medication for me. So I took that medication for quite some time and I did all kinds of exercise I have trampoline at home. I have weights, I have bands. And despite all of this in 2016, when I had my bone density repeated, my bone scan is worse than before. So my doctor decided to take me off my prescription medication and I just took calcium and vitamin D and continued my routine exercise. In 2018, my repeat DEXA showed some improvement but not quite. My left, my lumbar spine was -1.1. My hip score was -2.1 and my femoral was -2.2. In 2019, I read about AlgaeCal in Facebook. And I was quite skeptical but my friend encouraged me to take it. So I decided I might've sort of take it and see what happen. And in 2021, two years later, I had my DEXA scan repeated and low and behold, there was a considerable significant improvement. My lumbar spine is now -0.9, my hip is -1.9 and my femoral is -1.8. Now my goal is to get my bone health back to normal and I plan to continue taking AlgaeCal and Strontium. And I'm so happy that I belong to the AlgaeCal family. Thank you so much, bye now.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Helen Kliner

Helen was so thrilled with her DEXA scan, she hugged her technician

Read more about Helen Kliner.

Helen Kliner - Greenwood, Arkansas

Hi, I just wanted to give you my experience with AlgaeCal.

I had a DEXA scan in April of 2019, and it showed that I had significant bone loss. This was devastating, as you know, many of you have gone through. I wasn't really sure what to do, but I had a discussion with the technician that performed the DEXA scan. And she had told me that she had some clients who had some success by taking AlgaeCal. Well, I remembered that and I went home. I did some research. I went on the internet. I called AlgaeCal. I talked to friends. I listened to podcasts. Anyway, I gave myself a crash course on bone loss and ways to treat it, et cetera. In July of 2019, I decided that I would start taking AlgaeCal. And I stopped taking other supplements. I didn't want anything that I was taking to interfere with the AlgaeCal or set off the balance of, you know, all the ingredients. Along with that, I did start to be more active. I tried eating healthier. I learned a lot about diet and bone health. And it was really surprising to me to know that you can get calcium from lots of different foods, not just from dairy products. So anyway, but make a long story short, I had another DEXA scan in April of 2021, and my bones improved so much since I took AlgaeCal. The same technician performed this DEXA scan and she said she couldn't believe how well I had done. I was just thrilled. I hugged her. I was so happy. Went home and told my husband and my friends. Some of my friends did not support me in going on AlgaeCal when I first went on it. And so anyway, it felt really good to tell them that it worked. Anyways, I just wanted to share my story with you and encourage you, any of you out there, that have any doubts, give it a try. Get on the blog, hear what other people have to say. And I wish you the best of luck for better bone health. Thank you.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Jane Livingston

“I’m 85…and yet, I have been building bone all because of AlgaeCal.”

Read more about Jane Livingston.

Jane Livingston - Tombstone, Arizona

Hi, I'm Jane Livingston. And I'm here to talk about AlgaeCal's day.

When I was 78, I began fracturing, in my spine, just one fracture right after the other. I didn't even get one EO and I have a brand new one. It was so discouraging and like I said, it went on for five years. That's a long time and it was painful. I just didn't take anything. Finally, it got so bad that I knew I had to make a decision one way, or another do something. And I went to my herbalists, a friend of mine. She suggested AlgaeCal. Thank goodness. I began taking AlgaeCal two years and four months ago, and at the very same time, I had a brand new DEXA scan, so that I could compare my results. And what happened is recently I had a severe performance, after I started AlgaeCal and then I wanted to compare. So I got another DEXA scan, and it showed that in my, lumbar spine, I had an 18% increase, from this AlgaeCal, only showing difference. And in my hip, in my hips, I had a 15.8% increase, phenomenal! The doctor wanted to know what it was that I had been doing, because it just never happens that way, it goes the other way. And the amazing thing is I'm 85. It isn't like I'm at a prime bone building time of my life, and yet I have been building bone all because of AlgaeCal. That's it folks.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Lynn Hannah

A good diet and workout routine weren’t enough, so she turned to AlgaeCal

Read more about Lynn Hannah.

Lynn Hannah - Chapin, South Carolina

Hi, my name is Lynn Hannah. I'm 72 years old.

I feel like I've always been pretty careful with my diet and I do a fair amount of moderate exercise, walking and Zumba, little bit of light weights, but when I went and had my bone density test, it was not good. One side was -2.3 and then the right side was -2.7. So I did a fair amount of research and came up with AlgaeCal and strontium because a lot of what I felt were real people had really good results, so I thought I would try that until my next bone density test and see if it worked. So two years later, I got another bone density test. I wasn't exactly sure how to interpret it, so I asked my doctor, my gynecologist this time that I had an appointment with soon after, to interpret it for me, and she seemed amazed. She said it was the best improvement that she'd really ever seen. She asked me for the name of the stuff so that she could get it and also maybe recommend it to some of her patients. Think I'll get continued improvement in my health and my bone ratings, and I would recommend it to everybody.

So thank you very much.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Carol Miller

Carol got what she wanted for her birthday…great DEXA scores!

Read more about Carol Miller.

Carol Miller - Longview, Texas

Hello. See this smile on my face? That is what I wanna talk to you about today. DEXA Scan scores using AlgaeCal? And then, my 75th birthday which I'm alive and active.

Anyway, I started with AlgaeCal and over February February of 2019, I had already had an August 2017, I broke a wrist. And in December 2018, I had a hip replacement. So in February 2019, I found AlgaeCal on the website. I love the thought of the product and I made a commitment to do it faithfully, honestly, I would not be adding anything to it. I wanted to do it to test as a test for myself to prove the product to be true. So started it in February 2019, in January of 2020, my T-scores were -2.7 and -0.7, and they weren't exactly what I had hoped for. And then in July of 2019, I fell in my creek and broke the tibia right underneath my knee cap. So I was like, oh man, this is a bummer. And I really, I thought about quitting the plan and just giving up. But I had been a water aerobics instructor for 10 years and an avid walker and I was not about to give up my vitality, my my exercises. And so I continued faithfully, faithfully, with AlgaeCal and Strontium, and May of 2021 as I was celebrating my birthday, and I would tell people for my birthday, I got great DEXA scan scores. My T-score for 2021, it was -1.9 and the Z-score 0.1. You know, if you run the race and you stay in it, you can win. And so that's what I wanna encourage people to do today. I am still taking AlgaeCal and Strontium, and plan to be taking the fish oil for inflammation. And I know that we can go all the way.

Thank you AlgaeCal team. Thank you for what you have provided for us.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Annie Croell

After seeing Annie’s test results, her doctor asked, “What is your secret?”

Read more about Annie Croell.

Annie Croell - Chatsworth, California

I was looking for a solution to my bone density problem. And I came upon AlgaeCal online.

I was told in my early 40's that I needed to start taking calcium. My mother suffers from very bad bone density and has had multiple fractures and I didn't want that to happen to me. I've had numerous issues with acid reflux and I have a hiatal hernia and taking any kind of calcium in the past felt like I was swallowing rocks and it was very upsetting to my stomach and I could just never tolerate it. I found AlgaeCal and was really pleasantly surprised that I didn't have any issues in taking it. And I did the bone builder pack and I have gone, my T-scores have gone from a -3.0 to a -2.0 in about two and a half years. My bone density is basically normal in every part of my body now except for my spine which I anticipate having normal results probably within another year. I am a firm advocate for taking charge of your own life and your own health and stop being a victim, seek out the information you are never gonna find more support than you find in the AlgaeCal community. I am awed at the information that is available there from the team at AlgaeCal and just the support from the community that participate in helping people find solutions to their problems. I have my sister, my cousin, my friends when my bone density was done. Later that evening I got a phone call from my doctor asking me, what is your secret? And I knew she was going to be calling me. I knew it based on my results. They were so stellar, so amazing, to have year after year showing the increase in my bone density. I knew she was going to call. It was great. It was very validating and rewarding. Anyway that's my story.

I'm a firm advocate for AlgaeCal. I love the team, I love the product and I couldn't be happier, thanks.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Jeanell McRae

How Jeanell boosted her T-scores from very low to normal –– in just 1 year

Read more about Jeanell McRae.

Jeanell McRae - Orlando, Florida

Hello, my name is Jeanell McRae and I'd like to share my experience with AlgaeCal.

I first found out about AlgaeCal on an Instagram ad and I decided to give it a try.  I had gone through premature ovarian failure many, many years ago. And I had been told by my doctor about 10 years after that that my bone density was low for my age. It was a much lower than I expected. So when I found the ad, I was really curious. I did go, ordered AlgaeCal, and I tried it and I took it for a year before I went back to get a DEXA scan. Well, much to my surprise when I got my results back I was very happy. My doctor told me that my T-score was in normal ranges. Just a year before I had been told that my T-scores were very low and that I had lost 14% of my bone mass than I had previously had 10 years before. So after trying it for a year, I have had great success with AlgaeCal. I will always take it. I tried the AlgaeCal Plus Strontium and my T-scores are now within the normal range. I am very happy with AlgaeCal. I will continue to take it.  I had been taking another calcium supplement before and it did not change my bone density score. But I'm so happy now that my T-scores are within the normal ranges. Thank you, AlgaeCal.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Emily Pavlidis

“I am extremely grateful for Lara Pizzorno and so happy that I discovered the AlgaeCal community.”

Read more about Emily Pavlidis.

Emily Pavlidis - York, Maine

Hi, my name is Emily. My bone story really began 17 years ago when I was diagnosed with estrogen-positive breast cancer. My doctor recommended I get my first DEXA scan to get some baseline numbers before I started cancer treatments. That scan in 2004 showed that my spine already showed bone loss, but at that point no one was overly concerned because cancer was my bigger worry. I underwent chemotherapy treatments, which put me into early menopause, and a few years later I had my ovaries removed to further lower my estrogen levels. Well, over the next 10 years, I had two more DEXA scans, and each one showed worsening T-scores everywhere. By 2014, my spine's T-score was negative 2.6 and my femoral neck was negative 1.5. All I was told was to take a calcium and vitamin D supplement and to do weight-bearing exercise regularly. I thought as a cancer survivor with little to no estrogen in my body it was just my faith to have worsening bone health. I thought I was doing everything I could for myself. Then in 2018, when my DEXA scan showed my spine T-score at negative 3.0, my doctor told me I was at high risk for spinal fracture. I was terrified of fracturing my spine so I was afraid to continue doing yoga and afraid to keep running and afraid to ride my bike. So I finally began doing my own research into bone metabolism. I ordered several books from Amazon, and one of those books was this book, "Your Bones" by Lara Pizzorno. This book explained how bone metabolism works and how I could naturally support my bones and reverse my bone loss. I started taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost in early 2019. I also made changes, including cutting way back on my use of ibuprofen, starting an omega-3 supplement and a turmeric supplement, and changing over to a fluoride-free toothpaste. I also joined the AlgaeCal Facebook group which was hugely educational and supportive, especially in the beginning when things often felt overwhelming. I wasn't perfect, sometimes forgetting to take my AlgaeCal and often only taking one Strontium just because I was tired of taking pills. But one year after starting AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium, my DEXA scan numbers had either improved or had remained stable for the first time in 17 years. And now after taking AlgaeCal a little over two years, my spine T-score has gone from negative 3.0 to negative 2.2. Now, I am confident that eventually I will build my bone density back up to the normal range. I am extremely grateful for Lara Pizzorno and so happy that I discovered the AlgaeCal community. So thank you, AlgaeCal, and good luck to all of you who are starting out.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Pauline Brown

“Everyone was always so helpful and able to answer any questions I had and encourage me.”

Read more about Pauline Brown.

Pauline Brown - Kingston, Ontario

Hi, my name is Pauline and I live in Ontario, Canada, and I would like to share my story with AlgaeCal. I had a DEXA scan done about eight years ago, and I was told at that time that I had significant bone loss. I started going to Curves at that time and I felt better, but the DEXA scans did not improve. Each year after that, I had a DEXA scan done and the results continued to decline. So my DEXA scan from 2019 stated that I had significant decline in bone mineral density from the previous scan. My L1 to L4 was negative 2.4. My total hip was negative 2.6 and my femoral neck was negative 3.3. I started taking AlgaeCal and the Triple Power Fish Oil in October of 2019. I had a DEXA scan done in October of 2020, so one year later, and the results were very encouraging. My L1 to L4 was then negative 2.2 so that was an increase of 3.4%. My total hip was negative 2.3 which was an increase of 5.9%. And my femoral neck was negative 3.1 which was an increase of 4.8%. So I would just like to thank AlgaeCal and your staff and your customer service. Whenever I called your number, everyone was always so helpful and were able to answer any questions that I had and to encourage me. And thank you for being with me in this journey of increasing my bone density. And I just wanna say that you have truly been an answer to prayer. Thank you.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.