Success Stories Algaecal Plus

Janice Van Haverbeke

See Why Janice is “So Thankful” She Found AlgaeCal

Read more about Janice Van Haverbeke.

Janice Van Haverbeke - Dorchester, Ontario

Hi, my name is Janice. I'm 70 years old.

I had a bone density scan in 2017. And when the results came back, they weren't good. And I thought I'd do some research on the Internet and I came across the AlgaeCal site. And I listened to a lot of the testimonials and I was impressed with them. And I saw the money-back guarantee, thought I have to try this product. So I took it for two years and I had another bone density scan. And the numbers had improved. From the neck was the original -2.3 and it went to -2.1. And the hip, in the original, it was -2.4 and went to -2.0. And my doctor was quite impressed with the results and he said to continue to do what I was doing. And I told him with the AlgaeCal, and I will continue to take it. I was very happy with the results and I and so thankful that I found out about AlgaeCal. Thank you AlgaeCal.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Patricia Kolstad

See why Patricia’s latest DEXA scan “got a whole lot better” than the ones prior!

Read more about Patricia Kolstad.

Patricia Kolstad - Olympia, Washington

I'm Pat Kolstad , from Olympia Washington And I just wanted to give my thanks to the AlgaeCal company. I have had some bone issues, I'm 77 and I... 90 pounds. My chiropractor has occasionally called me bird bones, so I'm a good candidate for issues with my bone density. And I started on AlgaeCal, a year and a half ago. And I've had quite a few DEXA scans and every time, things got worse. But this last time, things got a whole lot better. My spine went from -3.3 to -2.5. And for a year and a half, and I confess, I'm not really good about taking all my supplements everyday. So, this is good motivation for me to be better and I'm looking forward to a lot more progress in the future. And I would recommend anybody who has bone density issues, give it a try, you'll love the results.

Thank you.

View DXA Scans

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Holly Dean

These 4 things helped Holly increase her BMD

Read more about Holly Dean.

Holly Dean - Glen Allen, Virginia

Hi, my name is Holly Dean. I'm 67 years old.

And I've been on AlgaeCal for possibly, I think around two and a half, going on three years. I began taking AlgaeCal when I got a bone density test that showed that my bone density was in a range of about, or well exactly negative 2.6. So in my situation, it was further complicated by a fluctuating thyroid which was going from hyperthyroidism to hypothyroidism. But luckily, that's all under control with medication now. So that's normal. But once I got that bone density test. So I called my good friend Carol Wood who was a member of this community, and very successful with AlgaeCal, and she was nice enough to sit down and show me everything she's been doing with AlgaeCal, as well as supplements that she's taking, and her lifestyle, eating, all of that. But she really stressed you need to find what works for you. So I started doing lots of research. I joined the AlgaeCal community. I started asking lots of questions and I really found out, figured out what works for me. So it's really about four things. Number one, I make sure I take my AlgaeCal Plus, my Strontium Boost, and my Triple Power religiously and daily. Secondly, I'm taking very high quality supplements, a very good multivitamin, one recommended by Lara, as well as other really good quality supplements. Thirdly, I really changed to a almost completely organic, plant-based diet. I do eat fish, but I eat a lot of vegetables, and I make sure I get the adequate amount of protein everyday, as well as calcium. And the fourth thing I did was I stepped up my exercise. I do weight-bearing exercises. I do Pilates and Barre online, little online classes. And I walk two miles a day and with my FitBit tracker, I make sure I get at least close to 10,000 steps a day. So I was very happy to see results from doing all those four things. My results now, my femoral neck of my hip went from -1.9 to a -1.3. My spine went from a -1.1 to a -0.3, which is in the normal range. And my total overall T-score went from a -2.6 to a -2.0. So I'm thrilled with the results. I plan on staying on the AlgaeCal program for life, at least the AlgaeCal Plus and the Triple Power. And I'll probably be able to cut back on Strontium as soon as my numbers are completely in the normal range. So I hope that works for you. Or I hope you find what works for you. This is what works for me and I hope it helps, thanks.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Sylvia Mason

“My doctor was delighted and I was overwhelmed with joy.”

Read more about Sylvia Mason.

Sylvia Mason - Witts Springs, Arkansas

Hi, I'm Sylvia Mason, I'm 69.

I've been struggling with IBS for over 40 years, and so my diet's been quite limited. Then three years ago, I was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer, due to mothball poisoning at work. I've been treating the cancer naturally and have been making really good progress, but my bones have been going down. My bone scan from one year ago was a -4.0, and my doctor told me that I was in bad shape and I needed to stop doing all the rugged hikes, which I love to do. Then a friend told me about AlgaeCal. I checked into it and I have been taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost now for one year. Last week I went back and had another bone scan. My doctor was delighted, and I was overwhelmed with joy at the progress. My numbers have gone from a -4.0 to a -2.2. Praise the Lord, and thank you, AlgaeCal.

I highly recommend this product, it works!

View DXA Scans

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Robin Heckendorf

A friends’ recommendation led Robin to a 12.7% BMD increase!

Read more about Robin Heckendorf.

Robin Heckendorf - Cedar Park, Texas

Hello, I'm Robin Heckendorf. I live in Cedar Park, Texas.

I discovered AlgaeCal through a friend who was talking about her 75 year old aunt who had had great success with a product called AlgaeCal, her bone mass actually increased. Well, over the last nine, 10 years, I have had a steady decline in my bone mass each year. The doctors wanted me to take a pharmaceutical. They wanted me to have shots. I tried calcium supplements, which I took faithfully, and nothing ever did, made an increase in my bone mass. So I decided to look up AlgaeCal online. I read about it and I was so desperate when I saw that there was a money-back guarantee, I thought, well, what do I have to lose? So I bought a year's worth and I took it faithfully, just as they had instructed me to do, and two weeks ago I had my bone density scan, and I had great results, I wanna share with you. My spine went from a T-score of -2.0 to -1.0, which is a 12.78% increase in my bone mass. My femoral neck went from -2.9 to -2.6, 5.5% increase. And my total hip went from a -2.4 to a -2.1, which was a 5.4% increase. Well, I am ecstatic, I'm so grateful, I can't even tell you. But I am going to go ahead and continue AlgaeCal for the next year, until I feel comfortable with my scores, and then I'd like to go on an AlgaeCal maintenance program.

So thank you today for letting me share this with you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Susan Hughes

With her bone density gains, Susan can keep line dancing with her friends!

Read more about Susan Hughes.

Susan Hughes - Shingle Springs, California

Hi my name is Susan Hughes, I'm 72 years old.

I've been diagnosed with low bone density since 2006 when I had my first DEXA scan. I'm a small boned person, so therefore more susceptible to bone loss. I've tried numerous natural products over the years, but my scans would always come back worse than the two years before. I took the calcium products suggested by my doctor with no improvement. I did try another product but I didn't feel like the way it made me feel, So I stopped taking that. So after all that I just gave up and didn't do anything for a few years. I was researching on the internet for anything that would help my bones, and I came across AlgaeCal. I started taking the products in 2015 and every two years, when I do a DEXA scan, my numbers have improved. On the part of the results that is a clinical indication, I have gone from post-menopausal with history of little bones to post-menopausal only. I am so happy. I couldn't be happier. I have had improvement and increases in the different areas each time I've had a scan. I intend to keep taking AlgaeCal. I look forward to continuing to get great results, so I can keep line dancing with my friends and staying active, which I love.

Thank you. I hope you'll enjoy your AlgaeCal.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Bora Matarazzo

Bora was skeptical about AlgaeCal. But now she has a message for the skeptics…

Read more about Bora Matarazzo.

Bora Matarazzo - Oro Valley, Arizona

Hi, my name is Bora Matarazzo.

I am so happy to share my testimony to all women who have been suffering with the bone density loss. And thank you so much for the Algae teams who allowed me to share my testimony. If you feel skeptical about how to take care, which product that you can take to help yourself with a bone density loss, you're not the only one. I've been skeptical. And when I found a website I found, especially on Facebook and I, kind of followed up all the questions and answers. And that's people asking the Algae teams and I feel like it's real. And the way they explained to them made me feel like it's a real product. It's urged me encouraged me to take investment to put hope and believe on going forward to take this medication. And it's all real. And for 11 months, I've been taking calcium with the Strontium as recommended by the Algae teams. I requested my doctor to take the exact scan again, to make sure everything I've been taking has been working. So, the test results showed lately that the T-score has been improved a lot. It went down from -2.9 to -2.0. Believe me, my doctor was very, very happy. And then he said, "Whatever you've been taking, "just keep taking it. "And I'm so proud of you." So, this result made me so happy that whatever I've been invested to, whatever I believe to, whatever I've been patient to. Worked for me. So I hope that it will work for everybody, every woman. Because is nothing wrong, is just about calcium and strontium. And also they have a vitamin C, they have boron, that is so good. More importantly, I feel great! After 11 months of taking of calcium, Algae calcium and Strontium, my back feel very strong. And I can tell the big difference and the product is real, the result is real. And I'm so happy with it. And I'm gonna keep sharing with a lot of women to take away all the fear, but encourage them to have hope and believe in this product. So if it worked for me, it also will work for you.

Thank you so much for trusting me.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Carole Stevens

Carole found something that has altered her bones and her life for the better

Read more about Carole Stevens.

Carole Stevens - Ames, Iowa

Hello. My name is Carole Stevens. I'm from Ames, Ioha.

And I'm excited to talk about what AlgaeCal has done for my life. I had a bone scan done in 2016 because I'd lost an inch from my height, from 5'4" to 5'3". And I live in Ames, Iowa, and the doctor said, "Well, you need to stop drinking coffee, and you need to lift weights, and take care of yourself." And I saw online, I think it was an advertisement for AlgaeCal, and the fact that if you took AlgaeCal they would refund your money if the next bone scan wasn't better. And I thought, "Well, that's impressive." Anyway, I had a bone scan 2019 in December. And my lumbar spine increased 11.8%. That is a huge increase in my spine. And then also, my hip improved 4.3%. So my bone loss has really, really slowed down and I'm getting better and better. And I just wanna thank AlgaeCal, which I take in the morning, two times a day, in the morning and lunch. And then at night, I take Strontium. And I just recommend everyone trying AlgaeCal and it has really altered my life.

Thank you AlgaeCal.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Lia Ridley

Discover the three things that helped Lia improve her BMD by 21% in 2 years

Read more about Lia Ridley.

Lia Ridley - Denver, Colorado

Hello, my name is Lia Ridley, and I live in Denver, Colorado.

And I've had bone challenges now for many, many years. For the first time, there's a big improvement in my bone density, the spine and hip. As a matter of fact, it's gone from 2.5 in my spine to a -1.0, - 2.5 to -1.1. And in the total hip from a -3.5 to a -3.1. So I'm very pleased to say I've been taking AlgaeCal now for nearly two years, and Strontium Boost and the, Omega-3 Oil. And I'm so happy to tell you about this improvement. And I'm also noticing my balance is better, And so I'm going to continue to take AlgaeCal, Strontium and the oil, and I will, the fish oil. And I'm very happy to compliment the AlgaeCal for this. This is a real blessing for us who have bone loss, and then we can improve and have a balanced, happy, healthy life.

Thank you so much.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.