Guest Author : John La Puma MD is a practicing physician, board-certified in internal medicine and nutritionist. His latest publication is REFUEL: A 24 Day Eating Plan to Boost T and Stamina Naturally. For more from Dr. John La Puma, please visit
Hi I’m Dr. John La Puma with your Refuel Minute. Stay strong as you get older. People over 60 need 50% more protein than younger people to maintain their muscle mass. Resistance exercises that build strength can also add
muscle cells. You want more muscle cells because that’s where the insulin receptors are. That means better insulin sensitivity, less fat storage, and less inflammation.
To stay strong, ask your doctor to write you an actual exercise prescription. Know your numbers. How many push-ups, pull-ups, lunges, bur-pees, jumping jacks, and how long a plank can you do right now, right now. And eat protein rich whole foods, organic when you can. Meats, fish, poultry, nuts, and legumes.
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