Talitha Boshoff - Tucson, Arizona

Hi, my name is Talitha and I'm 64 years old.

Two years ago, I decided to go for my first DEXA scan. The results were devastating. Left Femoral Neck - 3.0. Left Total Hip - 2.9. AP Total Spine - 4.9.
I immediately went to work in search of a natural solution. I acquired the book, a Weighted Vest, a whole body vibrating machine US manufactured for seniors, I made lifestyle changes, introduced bioidentical hormones and joined a support group. The only regimen I followed religiously however, was to take AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost. I am happy to announce my 2020 results. Left femoral Neck - 2.2 a -0.8 improvement. Left Total Hip - 2.2 a -0.7 improvement. AP Total Spine - 3.1 a -1.8 improvement.

I am very happy with this product. Thanks AlgaeCal. I can recommend this product to anyone.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.