Shirley Hopkins - Florence, Montana
Hello, My name is Shirley Hopkins. I'm 67 years old and I live in Florence, Montana.
About 20 years ago, I was diagnosed with an allergy to dairy products, so I had to eliminate them from my diet. And I've also had a hysterectomy, and I have hypothyroidism. So I was concerned about how much calcium I was able to get into my diet. I started taking over the counter calcium supplements, calcium carbonate in particular. And about 10 years ago, the doctor discovered that I had lost about three inches in height. So he ordered a DEXA scan, and it came back in all the normal ranges. So I figured, "Well, the calcium supplements are doing their job." And then when I turned 65, my new GP decided that I needed to have another bone density scan, so she ordered that. And I was surprised to see that my T-scores had gone down and they were not in a good range anymore. So she told me I needed to get more calcium in my diet. I started researching to find out what is the best calcium to get that your body can absorb well. And I came across AlgaeCal's ads, and they have the guarantee for a year's supply. And so I thought, "Well, what, why not? I'll go ahead and take it." So I wound up taking AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost for almost two years before I could have my next DEXA scan. And when I went back in there, I was very pleased to see that my bone density was back in normal ranges. And I've been pretty happy with the AlgaeCal, And I'm gonna start taking the Triple Power, Triple Fish Power supplement to see if I can get my other problems in order.
So I recommend AlgaeCal, I think it's a good product. Thank you.