Sheila Hoffman - Seattle
Hi, my name is Sheila Hoffman. I live in Seattle and I'm 73. I went through menopause at age 45. As you likely know, women are prone to weakening bones, as our estrogen levels dwindle. As a health conscious vegan since 1990, I was opposed to taking standard HRT, as well as any pharmaceutical approach to my weakening bones.
Initially, I used topical creams and over-the-counter calcium supplements, but my bones did continue to progressively weaken over time. My husband and I ride a tandem bicycle and I’ve had a couple of accidents along the way. I have a plate in my foot from my very first bike accident in 1991. This had kept me from being much of a walker.
In 2013, I broke my hip in another cycling accident. I just had a DEXA scan the week before seeing a severe bone loss. While neither of these accidents were due to my bone loss, I started worrying and exploring options online. When I discovered AlgaeCal, I really appreciated how comprehensive and natural the product line is. I began the full Bone Builder program right away, along with wearing a step tracker to get some weight bearing exercise.
I finally started walking almost four miles every day. The combination has been nothing short of amazing. My bi annual DEXA scans have continued to improve over time. I went from “severe bone loss” to merely MILD bone loss, as evidenced with these numbers from my pre accident DEXA to my current scan just a week ago. Nine years after that accident, my spinal T score went from -2.4 to positive 0.7 and my femoral neck went from -3.1 to -1.8.
I've been telling all my friends ever since, and I urge you to give AlgaeCal a try and see for yourself. I wish you a lot of luck.