Elizabeth Siskron - Shreveport, Louisiana

My name is Elizabeth Siskron, And I began taking AlgaeCal and Strontium, about seven months ago.

I also began to exercise at CrossFit. Since my regular gym had closed. I've known for years that I had some bone loss. But at a regular checkup with my gynecologist, we discovered that I had not had a DEXA scan in over two years. So I got a DEXA scan and showed an increase in bone loss. My T score was a -2.5. She suggested that I go to my internist to see what to do about this problem, It seemed to be getting worse. But in the meantime, I had discovered AlgaeCal and Strontium online, and I asked if I could try that instead. He gave me six months to try it. And then, we would make some further adjustments if necessary. So, I began taking it and I went back in September to my gynecologist office for my second DEXA Scan. And my T score had improved to a -2.1. So when I went back to my internist, he said that I could continue taking that and that we would get another scan, on my regular schedule for my scan in two years, and see what the situation is then.

And I continued, so I'm continuing to take Strontium and AlgaeCal and exercise at CrossFit.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.