Janice Davis - Stokesdale, NC
Hi, I am Janice Davis. I have taken AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost going on five years.
My DEXA scan last summer was remarkable. I praise the Lord for AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost. My T-scores two years ago in 2017 were spine, -3.3, left hip, -2.6, and right hip, -3.1. My T-scores last summer in 2019 were spine, -2.6, left hip, -2.2, and right hip, -2.4. My spine improved by seven tenths. My left hip improved by four tenths. And my right hip improved by seven tenths. What a blessing; I am so thankful. I knew that this was my only hope for improvement. I had decided many years ago that I was not going to take the traditional route that is given for poor bone density. My husband and I researched on the internet and found AlgaeCal. He had only been on AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost for one year when he had great improvement, even though he is taking seizure medication, which definitely had taken calcium out of his bones. We are blessed and so thankful. Anytime we have the opportunity to share with others, we tell them about AlgaeCal. I'm looking forward to more improvements. Thank you, AlgaeCal.