Mary Teeuwen - Ontario, Canada

Hi, I am Mary Teeuwen, and I wish to share my experience. After two years of taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium, my bone density improved, in both my hip and spine.

My goal is to continue taking these supplements, and to improve my diet and exercise program, to ensure that my bone density continues to increase.

Ironically, since then, my doctor, who is now in her mid-50s, has also chosen to take AlgaeCal and Strontium.

I am very pleased with these supplements, because they are natural, because they are monitored and tested, and because they have proven to increase my bone density significantly. Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.