Lorraine Boucher - Virginia Beach, VA

I am three months short of my 81st birthday. When I was forty-one I was diagnosed with low bone density. My chiropractor warned me to do everything to avoid falling because I would surely break a bone. Since then, I have broken many bones, mainly in my feet, ankle, wrist and discs in my spine. My height shrank from 5’8” to 5’3.”

In 2005, I moved to Virginia. In 2011, I had a new Personal Care Physician. Following my bone density scan that year, my new MD registered serious concern about the fragility of my bones. I looked into something new called AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium. I had brought her information on these two latter supplements I wanted to try. I ordered AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium.

My M.D. could not prescribe it for a host of reasons: it came from Canada, was not approved in her practice and was in the category of alternative medicine. I like this doctor. She did not stand in the way of my taking AlgaeCal. Six months after starting AlgaeCal, it happened to be time for my 2-yr bone density scan.

WITH MY RESULTS IN HAND, MY DOCTOR OPENED THE DOOR TO MY EXAMINING ROOM WITH A BIG SMILE ON HER FACE. “GOOD NEWS!’ SHE SAID. YOUR BONE DENSITY HAS IMPROVED 9%. She wrote on the results she handed me, “CONTINUE DOING WHAT YOU’RE DOING.” Well, I think that’s not a “prescription” but it’s certainly an endorsement!

I now have to wait until 2015 for another bone density test. I have great confidence that, come 2015, I will graduate from severe to mild bone loss. In the meantime, I enlist the help of team members “Good Diet” and “Exercise.” And I highly recommend the reading of Lara Pizzorno’s book, Your Bones. That’s where I discovered AlgaeCal and Strontium.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.