Judy Litkey-Noel - Bridgewater, New Jersey
Hi! My name is Judy. I recently turned 71, and I've been taking AlgaeCal with Strontium for the past two years.
Like many of you, I was really discouraged by mainstream medical recommendations, and I made the decision to try to do things my way, and took the gamble of just, you know, healthy eating, exercise, and normal supplements. Unfortunately, with that particular gamble, I got worse, and now I felt this devastation over having made the wrong decision, losing time, and what were my options? What was I going to do now? I came across this information about AlgaeCal, on Facebook. Of all places, right? And I decided to start reading and delving into it, and everything that they wrote and said just made sense to me. All of a sudden it clicked. And so year number one, I strap myself in and just prayed that it would work. Then my first DEXA scan result came back, and I almost had to look twice to see that I was reading it correctly. So, on June 10th, 2020, my lumbar spine was a minus 2.0, as compared to minus 2.8 the previous year, which was an 11.4% increase. This year in 2021, June, the lumbar spine was minus 1.7, which was another increase of 4.3%. And the left hip was still minus 1.9, which was stable. So, I thank AlgaeCal from the bottom of my heart. I sing your praises to anyone who's struggling with this situation, and not knowing what to do. And so far I have two friends who are taking the product and again, hoping for good results just as I was able to get.
So thank you, everyone. I am extremely grateful.