Kathy Smith - Dallas, Texas
Hi, my name is Kathy Smith. I am 65 and I live in Dallas, Texas.
I have been diagnosed with low bone density and in July of 2019, I found an ad for AlgaeCal online and I decided to give it a try so I did. I ordered the AlgaeCal and the Strontium and I began to take it the end of July, 2019. At that time, I had low bone density. My right femur was -1.4, my left femur was -1.1, and my total spine was -3.0. So I began to take the AlgaeCal and Strontium on a regular basis and I also tried to eat more greens in my diet and cut out all artificial sweeteners and also walked three or four days a week and I also started weight resistance machines. So in February of this year, I went back for another bone density test and I had some improvement in my right femur, a 2% improvement and also in the total spine, I went from -3.0 to -2.6 so I had a 6% increase there.
I was very happy with the results and I will continue on with my AlgaeCal and Strontium to hopefully get better results, even further in the future.