Gloria Cunning - Fresno, California

Hi, my name is Gloria and my journey with AlgaeCal started back in August of 2019 in which I received results from a DEXA scan low bone density. So I needed to change. That was my only option. And I incorporated a very nutritious diet with exercise. And within one year that I was taking just the AlgaeCal Plus my bone density had increased and my lumbar spine increased by 6.7%, my right femur and my left femur increased at 7.5%. And I am really pleased with those scale and I will be starting effective September one, with the Strontium to build up my bones even further for even more fabulous results. So I'm very pleased and you should try AlgaeCal and just, just give it a try. But be patient for results, they don't happen overnight. I waited a year, so that is patience, but I did see results. So it does work. Give it a try and you will not be unhappy about what your results will be. Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.