Charleotte Gerdes - Yakima, WA
My name is Charleotte and I live in Yakima, Washington. I decided to have a bone scan due to my age. The results of the bone scan was not looking so good. So I decided that I needed to do something and find some supplements so that I could get my bones strengthened. When I got the test back, I felt really disillusioned with the supplements that I had been taking, because I'd been taking supplements for years.
I have to find something to help my bones get strong because that's part of my life. I mean, I'm very active. So I couldn't live with the fact that I was going to be this weak person that had absolutely no agility anymore. Not any strength enough to do the running around and all the active things that I do. When I'm not happy my family's not happy. And you know, I had to do something, not just for myself, but because I have a family that was counting on me to be the person that I always was before. And I thought, well, I can't be that person if I cannot find something that's going to help me with my bone situation. Now, if I can't run up and down these stairs anymore, then that means there's a whole lot of things in my future that I'm not going to be able to do.
I started searching for something and my family was seeing the effects because they had to help me more. And that was my biggest thing. It wasn't just about my happiness, but it was about my family's happiness. I did so much research on trying to find something. Everything that's out there on the market, I tried. So I thought, oh, hey, the results should be just fine. Taking all these supplements, get it back. No. 8% decrease.
I got on the internet and I searched and searched for something that sounded like it was going to help. AlgaeCal came in the door, no side effects. It has done wonders for me. I've taken it for a year. I'm stronger. When I got my bone scan back last week, I was absolutely incredibly excited. I mean, I could have danced because I looked at it and I thought, okay, now at my age, it should be going the other direction. Like it was going the other direction before. No, it's going in the great direction.
The great direction is that my bone scan proved that my bones are in such better shape. The wellbeing is just at a magnificent all-time high and it's every day I feel good. It's not just a day here in a day there where before that's the way it was. You know, it was most of the days not feeling so great, you know, laying on the couch, but no it's every day.
My future is going to be living a life and being happy and feeling good. Sometimes you want to just give up, but you know, everybody's gonna have problems. But one thing too, though, is if you have health, if your body feels good, then your mind feels good.
The strength in my bones has improved. I feel that it is improved. Now it's been documented that it's been improved. So there you go. And I'm gonna continue to use it for the rest of my life. I've got my husband using it. My granddaughter that you can tell makes me smile. She is the star in my life. She is the sun in my life. She adds so much happiness to my life. She's fun. That is another reason why I need to be healthy. I need to be strong. I need to dance with her. I need to rollerskate with her. If I don't stay strong and healthy and flexible and have the abilities to do the things that I want to do with her, then that would be sad because she motivates me. She gives me pleasure and fun and laughter and being healthy is everything. And I have to continue to be that way. And if it's not for me, it's for my family. It's for my granddaughter.