Lorey Berger - Lake Worth Beach, Florida
Hi, my name is Lorey, and I wanna tell you about my one-year journey with AlgaeCal.
I had a DEXA scan last year, 2019, at the end of May, and it came back with results of bone loss. And I started researching some organic or healthy supplements that I could use to stop this bone loss, and I came across AlgaeCal, and I started taking the AlgaeCal Plus capsules at breakfast or lunch, and then again at dinner. I took two at breakfast or lunch, and then two again at dinner time, and I did this for a year, along with going on the AlgaeCal Facebook page at least two or three times a week. I got a lot of support from folks who were also dealing with bone loss and asking questions. The experts were there to answer those questions and also gave tips on nutrition and exercising that's safe for people that are experiencing bone loss, and how to build their bones back up. And after a year, just this past Monday, July 20th, 2020, I had another DEXA scan, and I am so very pleased with my results. Last year in 2019, my spine was -2.6, and this year my spine is a -1.9. And then my hips last year were a -1.7, and this year, 2020, they are a -1.4. So if you are thinking about going on AlgaeCal, do it! And if you have started it and are wondering if this is really working, it really does, and it's such a good feeling to know that you're doing something that's going to give you results, even in one short year. Thank you.