Success Stories Under 65

Pat Kenyon

Despite Falling Twice, Pat Still Didn’t Break Any Bones!

Read more about Pat Kenyon.

Pat Kenyon - Jeromesville, OH

Hello, my name is Pat Kenyon.

I live in Ohio, and I'm 62 years old and will be 63 next month. And I have three children and almost five grandchildren ranging from the ages of 12 and down to almost a newborn one at the end of April, so I need to keep up with them with their activities.

And I started AlgaeCal in 2015, and I had my tests done again in 2016 and 2018. My T-scores have improved from a -2.5 to a -2. And I've been taking the AlgaeCal Plus, two of those in the morning, the Strontium Boost, two of those at night, and my fish oil also in the morning. And I've fallen a couple times this year, and I've not broken any bones. So I'm very happy with using these products that they are keeping me very healthy. Have a very Merry Christmas from Ohio.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Pam Combs

T-Scores Up Dramatically and Even Pam’s Doctor is Ecstatic!

Read more about Pam Combs.

Pam Combs - Bellevue, WA

Hi, I want to share my story about AlgaeCal and what's happened with me.

15 years ago, I started getting low bone density test results back. My T-scores kept on going down, and it was a concern. It's challenging to try to eat the right foods, get the exercise in, and still, my T-scores were going down more each test. So, I decided to try AlgaeCal. I ordered my six-month supply, and with that, I got a lovely phone call from the company, teaching me how to use my prescription and then also what kind of foods and exercise to do, so that everything flowed together nicely. Felt fairly confident that this might work for me, and I am pleased to say, after six months of being on the product, I went and I had my bone density tested, and my T-scores have gone up dramatically. My spine went up 11%, my hips went up 4%, and my doctor's absolutely ecstatic. After everything that we've tried, AlgaeCal worked. So I am thrilled with the supplement, highly recommend it. Thank you, AlgaeCal, for bringing my bone density back up, and it's exciting. Great time of life. Thank you, so much.


**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Genevieve Decuir

Genevieve shocked her doctor by increasing her bone density 3.5% in just 6 months!

Read more about Genevieve Decuir.

Genevieve Decuir - Marksville, LA

Hi, my name is Genevieve. I'm 57 years old and I'm originally from Belgium, but now I live in Louisiana.

In 2013, after DEXA scan, I found that I had a poor bone density. I took over the counter tablet, calcium tablet, and hope for the best. It was a wake up call when I had a new DEXA scan last year, and my bone density had really decreased in that time. Six months ago, I found out about AlgaeCal and Strontium Plus... Strontium Boost. So, I read about it and I decide to give it a try. This past February, I had a new DEXA scan and to my doctor's surprise, I had a bone density increase in that small amount of time. To give you an example, my second lumber vertebrae was the worst with a T Score of minus 2.8 and increase to minus 2.1. The T Score of my left hip went from minus 1.8 to minus 1.7 and the right hip went from minus 1.9 to minus 1.7. This showed an increase of bone density of 3.5%. I'm very excited about the result of my test and I sure we continue to take AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost as well as Multivitamin and Collagen and I try to exercise every day. I highly recommend taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost for anyone who's concerned about their bone density. I wish everybody good luck. I thank you for your time and I wanna thank you AlgaeCal for providing a natural product that really works and a reliable customer support team.

Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Lisa Henson

Lisa’s “startling” improvements amazed her radiologist!

Read more about Lisa Henson.

Lisa Henson - Austin, TX

Hi, my name's Lisa Henson. I just turned 58 years old and I started taking AlgaeCal probably about four years ago. And after a year of taking it, I was due for my bone density exam. And my T-score was not exactly where it should have been or where my doctor would have liked it to be. So I was told to take more calcium and maybe do some weight-bearing exercises. I did this for another year. Unfortunately, the T-score was still not where it should be. So at that time, I added Strontium Boost to the four AlgaeCal pills a day I was taking.

My next bone density test told a different story than the previous test. The difference was so startling that the person performing the test thought the machine was malfunctioning. Next thing I know, the radiologist came into the room to redo my bone density test and it still showed the same improvement. The past summer I started taking the maintenance dose of AlgaeCal, so three AlgaeCal along with two Strontium Boost. So I'll be interested next summer to see where my T-score winds up then. But it has significantly gone up and I'm feeling much better so, I highly recommend this product!

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Ellen Kandell

A 5% Increase in Ellen’s Spine and No More Bone Loss!

Read more about Ellen Kandell.

Ellen Kandell - Potomac, MD

Hi, my name is Ellen. I've been taking AlgaeCal since 2016. I had been taking regular calcium and never saw any change in my DEXA scans.

I started doing more weightlifting and walking, rather than rowing, which I had been doing a lot of. I also switched from animal-based milks to plant-based milks.

And then in 2018, I was thrilled to see that my bone density in my spine increased by 5% and my hip is stable.

And, so, I think it's due in large part to the AlgaeCal, and secondarily to some diet changes and more vegetarian, not strictly, but more vegetarian diet. So, that's what I have to say. Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Holly Cumming

“I just wanna let people know you gotta try this stuff. It really helps.”

Read more about Holly Cumming.

Holly Cumming - Nashville, TN

Hey, this is Holly in Nashville, Tennessee.

I just wanted to tell you about my experience thus far with AlgaeCal. I started taking it about a year and four months ago. My readings on my neck zone was very bad. Some worse than others, but since I've been taking AlgaeCal, it has moved from a minus 3.9 in my neck to a minus 3.6. And in my hip, it moved from a minus 2.7 to minus 2.3. I consider that pretty good, considering it's only been about a year.

So I expect it to continue to improve and just wanted to let people know that you gotta try this stuff. It really helps. Doctors are baffled by it. But they just say, whatever it is you're doing, keep doing it and I intend to. Thanks.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Shawn Mulligan

“I could not be happier!” Shawn increased her bone density by as much as 7% in just one year!

Read more about Shawn Mulligan.

Shawn Mulligan - Tucson, AZ

Hi, my name is Shawn Mulligan. I'm 55 years old and I'm beyond thrilled about just learning of some very impressive results that I've received on my bone density. And this is after using AlgaeCal for a year. So I've benefited so much from testimonials that I read and listened to on the website a year and a half ago so I hope this is helpful for you.

At age 47 I discovered that I had moderately poor bone health. It actually scared me. It was so jarring that I thought I was going to break a bone walking across the room. So I took supplements and tried to make sure I was exercising.

So fast forward to a year ago when I was 54, despite my yoga practice and climbing a 1.5 mile hill once a week and taking my supplements, my bone density now was worsening to the point where I'm at a high risk for fracture. I'm 55 years old now wondering why I would be at high risk for fracture with all that activity. It seemed unfair.

A friend forwarded me the AlgaeCal website in 2017 and I reviewed it and I was impressed and peer-reviewed research means something to me in my health care decisions. And I found that peer review research on the AlgaeCal website. So I poured through that website, I spent several hours looking at everything on there, there's a lot of interesting material and I decided to start the program.

So I want to tell you after a year on this program I've had a whopping 7% improvement in my hips and a 3% improvement in my femur. I'm beyond thrilled! My activity level was pretty much the same; about 6 months into that year I added another day a week of the hill climb and I added some weights during the week also.

AlgaeCal is definitely providing me a very safe and natural means of restoring my bone health and I could not be happier, so much so I've committed another year to the Bone Building Program and I'm looking forward to some fabulous results. I hope this video has helped you and will help you in your decision process. Thank you so much.

View DXA Scans

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Valerie Owens

Valerie’s Doctor: “Get Me The Information On AlgaeCal Plus, and Tell All Your Friends!”

Read more about Valerie Owens.

Valerie Owens - High Springs, FL

Hi, my name is Valerie. I'm a 55-year-old wife, mother of three, grandmother of three, and a proud dog owner. This is my personal story. March 11th, 2012, I was rear-ended, at a high rate of speed. My car was completely totaled. I sustained a whiplash, a concussion, soft tissue damage, bruised liver, and L4, L5, and S1 herniation. I was in physical therapy for months, massage therapy for months, I had steroid injections. I was taking steroids. I was on anti-inflammatories - the entire protocol.

Months went by and the pain was not subsiding. I was told that if it didn't subside by the third round of steroid injections that I would probably end up having to have spinal surgery. Well, in October of 2015, I had a fall. With that fall, I ruptured the disk that got injured during that car accident. So, needless to say, 2015, I had my first lumbar spinal surgery. After the spinal surgery, I was very dedicated to doing everything that I was told by my surgeon, which was to walk, to rest, to ice, to take the medications, go back in for steroid shots if need be. Also, engage in physical therapy. I did all those things again.

Nothing worked. So needless to say, months later I go back in and I'm telling my doctor that I'm still in excruciating pain. So we did more tests, and we found out that the surgery had failed. Where the screws were into my spine. They were now wobbly, the bone did not grow back. I also learned that I had a degenerative bone disease that came from my mother's side of the family, and I was blessed with it.

So, in June 2016 I went back in for my second lumbar spinal surgery where spaces were put in to decompress some of the vertebrates, to take some of the pressure off of the nerves. After that, I started losing hope because I was back to walking, back to physical therapy, back In hydrotherapy where I was water walking, back to doing slow weights - easy weights, eating right - eating all the calcium-rich fortifying foods, all the things that I thought would help my bones get stronger. Because I was devastated to learn that I had a degenerative bone disorder, on top of two spinal surgeries.

So at my age, once you do a mammogram, you can also do a bone density test, and I was brave, and did the bone density test. During that time, I had learned that my neck T-Score was a -2.3, my lumbar spine at L3 was a -2.2. I was pretty bummed, but determined to find something that could help increase my bone density. There had to be something out there!

So after searching the web and social media I stumbled across this product called AlgaeCal Plus. I read all the literature that I could find on it. I watched the tutorials, I read blogs, I read the research, and then another day when I'm sitting there, scrolling through the TV channels, I see on Dr. Oz that they advertise this AlgaeCal Plus, and how it increased bone mineral density.

So I thought, "Well, if it's on Dr. Oz, and it's on social media, there's gotta be something to it right?" So I took the chance. I ordered AlgaeCal Plus with Strontium Boost. My order arrived on April 28th, 2017, and I immediately started taking it. I was so excited and I had so much hope that I couldn't wait until 7 months came to have another bone density test to see if I had any improvement. My goal was just to stop. Just to stop the bone loss.

So on November 16th, 2017 I went in for another DEXA scan. And my doctor herself came out to the waiting room and got me to give me my results. She came in, got me, went back, didn't even have the door closed when she's telling me, "You've got to scan your report and send it to AlgaeCal because you have 11.1% bone mineral density increase. 11.1%!" That's greater than my anticipation.

My hope ballooned! My choice of taking AlgaeCal Plus, with Strontium Boost paid off, and it's paying off even more because now my doctor, who says, "Scan your report, send it to AlgaeCal, get me the information on AlgaeCal Plus, tell all your friends about AlgaeCal Plus, go on social media! Do what you have to do, but there's something to this product".

So I'm here to tell you that November 16th, I got my results back, and from April, when my neck was a -2.3, it is now a -1.9, and at L3 when it was a -2.2, it is now a -0.5. So AlgaeCal team, AlgaeCal researchers. Thank you! Thank you for coming up with such an incredible product that has given me back my life, and given me back hope...

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Betty Rombough

Betty’s Gained Bone Density for 10 Years Straight! Here’s How…

Read more about Betty Rombough.

Betty Rombough - West Caldwell, NJ

Hi, my name is Betty Rombough and I'm from New Jersey. I have had a long history of ulcerative colitis since 1979 and also years of steroid use to try to help it. But it wasn't until 2002, when a doctor told me that I needed a DEXA scan to check my bone density, because steroids take the calcium out of your bones. I did not know this.

I had my DEXA scan and I was just shocked. It was terrible. So I decided to do exercises, and I decided I would do what the doctor recommended. Though, in 2006, I decided I'm going to take calcium citrate every day, 2,500 milligrams for a year, and see if I can't get a better bone density exam. So after a year, 2007, it was still terrible, even worse than it was before.

So in 2007, I decided this is a turning point for me, I need something that is natural and I prayed, and I went on the internet, I found AlgaeCal. AlgaeCal's advertisement said, double your money back if you're not better in six months, that was good enough for me. So I started AlgaeCal from 2007 to 2008.

2008's DEXA scan was improvement in every single area. I was elated, that was a first improvement that I had had. So I continued it. And the next year, 2009, it was an improvement from 2008. And then the doctor said, you don't need to have a DEXA scan every year, you can have it every two years.

2011, I was improved, 2013, improved still. And then between 2013 and 2016, I had medical problems that caused my 2016 DEXA scan, two of the areas lost a little, but three of the areas still were improved.

So I went from -3.0, and -3.2 and -3.4 scores all the way to what they are today, and you can check that out, it is posted. So for me, AlgaeCal is a no brainer, and I'm thankful that I found it. Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.