Success Stories Strontium Boost

Eve Busse

For the First Time in 13 Years, Eve’s DEXA Results Changed for the Better.

Read more about Eve Busse.

Eve Busse - Highlands Ranch, CO

Hello. My name is Eve Busse.

Because of my weak bones, and as a result of my DEXA scores changing for the worst, I decided to try AlgaeCal products. For the past nine months, I have been faithfully taking AlgaeCal products. The Strontium Boost, AlgaeCal Plus, and I've added the Omega fish liquid to my regimen. And recently, I just completed my DEXA exam, in August. I have been pleasantly pleased, because for the first time in 13 years, my scores have changed for the better. My doctor has taken me off the severe list of bone health, to mild condition. This has been a tremendous encouragement to me. I now have hope that my bones are becoming stronger, with the help of vitamins, minerals, good diet, and exercise. However, I attribute most of my success to the new products I have added to my program, AlgaeCal. I will continue to take the products, knowing that they are working. Thank you AlgaeCal for such a fine product. I believe the combination is complete and is helping bring me to much success.

Thank you very much. Bye-bye.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Susan Raphael

After a DEXA Scan Left Her “In Tears”, Susan Found a Solution.

Read more about Susan Raphael.

Susan Raphael - Olympia, WA

Hi, my name is Susan and I'm 71, I first became aware of my worsening bone density about 12 years ago.

I undoubtedly inherited this condition from my mother, who was taking medication and still suffered two fractures in her vertebrae. I've always been good about taking my calcium, and vitamin D3, and vitamin K2, and doing my exercises. I even included prunes every day, since the research says that they help bone strength because of their boron. I eat a lot of vegetables and fruit, and I drink milk every day. None of what I was doing seemed to be making much of a positive difference for me. I was even more skeptical about calcium supplements after the reports of clogged arteries a couple of years ago. Calcium from ground-up limestone or seashells never made a whole lot of sense to me either. How was my body gonna do anything productive with that? But I kept taking it since I didn't see any alternative. After five worsening bone scans over the past decade, I was getting very discouraged and quite worried. And then I came across AlgaeCal on the internet. The fact that there is supporting research convinced me that I had found what I was looking for. That was in June of 2018, one month after a bone scan had left me in tears. I've faithfully taken AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost since then.

I bought my doctor a copy of "My Bones" and she was happy to order a follow-up scan for me after only 15 months, at Kaiser the norm is two years. A couple of weeks later, she was super happy to email me my improved T-scores. I'm so happy and so relieved by my progress. My T-score on my lumbar spine went from -3.3 to -2.3. My femoral neck's T-score went from -2.7 to -2.3, and my left hip went from -2.5 to -2.4. I know that this is just the beginning of my improved bone health, and I'm beyond happy about how this is going. Now I take every opportunity I can to tell anybody who might need the information about AlgaeCal. It's a wonderful product and I think it'll be helpful for you.

Thank you for listening, bye-bye.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Therese Bartunek

“It is definitely an investment worth making. You only have one body.”

Read more about Therese Bartunek.

Therese Bartunek - Glenview, IL

I am very excited! My DEXA bone scan came back improved after using AlgaeCal. I admit I wasn't the best in taking it all the time. But now that I see that it is definitely working, I bought a full year supply. I will definitely be more compliant in using it. I decided to try a more natural approach with AlgaeCal. I highly recommend it. There were no side effects for me. It's not cheap, but after having very painful vertebral compression fractures, it is definitely an investment worth making. You only have one body.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Carey Jackson Davis

After One Year, Carey’s Bone Density Jumped 8.1% in his Spine and 6.7% in his Hips!

Read more about Carey Jackson Davis.

Carey Jackson Davis - Stokesdale, NC

Hello. My name is Carey Jackson Davis. My family and friends have always called me Jackie.

I want to share with you the good news I received after taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost for one year. I have been on seizure control medication for almost 25 years. A year ago, I was realizing changes in my posture and my skeletal system, and I read that seizure control medication was damaging to bone density. This was happening even though I had been taking a calcium supplement for several years and doing quite a bit of exercise, both weight training and cardiovascular exercise. I asked my family doctor if he would schedule a DEXA scan for me, even though that is a scan that men do not usually have.

The results would not surprise me. My T score for my spine was -3.2. And for my hips, my right one was -3.1 and my left one was -3.2. Since my wife was already taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost, I chose to take them as well. I talked to an AlgaeCal representative, and they told me they could not offer me the money-back guarantee because of the seizure control drug I was taking. In spite of that, I had excellent results. I had another DEXA scan done at the end of May 2019. Now my T score for my spine was -2.7 and both my hips were -2.8. I received an email from my family doctor which said that my bone density is up over 8% in my spine and almost 7% in my hips, which he said was good news. It was wonderful news after only one year, even with my continuing the seizure control medication. My doctor said I should continue with the AlgaeCal and consider a follow-up DEXA scan in one year. I thank the lord for the improvement and expect even more improvement as I continue the AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.


“It’s been a year, and I’m thrilled to report a 12.77% increase in bone density.”

Read more about Wendy.

Wendy - Ottawa, Ontario

Good afternoon. My name is Wendy, and I'm 58 years old.

My first bone scan in 2015 indicated I was losing bone density. I was concerned, and started off-the-shelf supplementations for calcium and Vitamin D. Needless to say, by the next scan in 2018, my bone density had progressively gotten worse. My numbers were around -3. It was obvious to me I needed to provide my body with something more bioavailable, more suitable to building up my bone density again.

So I started researching natural methods, and came across the website for AlgaeCal. I'm so glad I did. It gave me such hope, reading the reports and testimonials. I placed an order right away. Well, it has been a year since I was committed to these natural supplements, along with the Triple Power fish oil, and I'm very happy to share with everyone watching this that I've shown a 12.77% increase in bone density. This is very significant. I might add, I do get weight-bearing exercise when I garden and take care of my daughter's friend's one year old. I walk a lot and participate in Tai-chi as well. I drink only natural spring water, and try to eat mainly organic fruits and vegetables. My commitment to finding a natural approach to low bone density has definitely paid off. I will continue with AlgaeCal supplements for the rest of my life. I'm not quite back to normal range yet, but I'm very close. It is such a sigh of relief to know this product exists, and works. The proof is in my bone density increase from my last scan. Good luck in your quest for optimal health, and thank you.

One more thing. I want to impress on everyone involved in developing this naturally-sourced AlgaeCal product, my sincere gratitude for having the vision, insight, and good sense to go forward in developing a product that increases bone density, naturally. Their contribution means continued good health for a great majority of people experiencing bone loss and its related health concerns. Well done, and thank you, on behalf of many people.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Christine Klay

“I’m very proud and very happy that I can enjoy my life again.”

Read more about Christine Klay.

Christine Klay - Reno, Nevada

Hi, my name is Christine. I'm 68 years old.

Three years ago I had a bicycle accident which fractured my left pelvis, front and back. It was a hard, long recovery. I did some research in natural products for bone loss, Finding AlgaeCal. It was recommended by a neighbour of mine and I heard about it and was reading about it. Always led an active life before and I'm still doing again, reformer Pilates, yoga, play some pickle ball, some golf and also walk. My mom had low bone density, probably inherited this from her, I would imagine.

Comparing my DEXA scan from 6/12/2017 to 6/12/2019, so two years later, the result has been quite remarkable. I had a 10.3% increase in bone mineral density on my lumber spine and a 2.0 increase in bone mineral density of the left femur. Obviously I am very, very proud and I am very, very happy that I have found something and my doctor as well said, she told me keep doing what you're doing. Keep up the good work. Don't change anything. And I actually will not. I try and stay active as much as I can. And I am really happy I can do all those things again.

Life is basically really, really short and I think we should enjoy every moment of it and I'm very proud and very happy that I can joy my life again.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Cathy Black

Cathy’s smallest improvement was +5.7% bone density in her spine! And her hips did even better…

Read more about Cathy Black.

Cathy Black - Kingston, Ontario

Hello, my name is Cathy Black.

Last year, I fell and I broke my wrist. I was sent for a DEXA Scan shortly there after. It was determined that my T-scores were quite low. In fact, it was shocking. I was healthy, I wasn't underweight, I did resistance workouts, and I didn't have any other family members who had issues with T-scores being low.My doctor was wonderful, and patiently and thoroughly went through all of the recommendations that I was to consider. I found out, also at that time, that a medication I had been taking for 30 years, prior to this event, had most likely caused the majority of the damage to my bones. I did my part, I read, and I read for three months.

In October, I decided to take AlgaeCal. Also, under my doctor's supervision, she helped me ween off the medication that I had been on. I decided to take AlgaeCal because I was drawn to the components of the supplement, and all the advice that they gave on nutrition and exercise as well. I continued on with my resistance workouts. I ate as organically as possible and continued to go for walks. At the nine month mark of having implemented some of the changes in my life, I am thrilled to say that my repeat T-scores nine months after my first, all of these
changes started to occur. Was 5.7% increase in my L1-L4. My Total Hip increased by 6.5%. My Femoral Neck increased by 9.5%.

I am so grateful and so happy. I had hope and I have hope going forward. I wish all of you who are in that decision making process the very best.

Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Lenore Jacobs

“If I can get this result at 84 years old, what can a younger person hope to realize?”

Read more about Lenore Jacobs.

Lenore Jacobs - Lynbrook, NY

In October 2016, I fell and broke my ankle in lots of little pieces. The surgeon that repaired it mentioned it that it broke that way because my bones were so brittle.
After the cast was removed and all the physical therapy, I decided to do something about it. I used the internet and found your site and liked what I saw.
I began taking your regime of AlgaeCal and Strontium and immediately went for a bone scan in May of 2017.
Since Medicare will only pay for a bone scan every two years, I waited, even though I was anxious to know what the results were. And as soon as I was able to do it in May of 2019, I took another bone scan.
I was thrilled to find out that my numbers had increased.
May I read them to you so I don't make a mistake? 8.80% in my spine, 10.35% in my left hip, and 16% in my right hip.
Hooray, I am convinced, I'm so convinced. If I can get this result at 84 years old, what can a younger person hope to realize?
Good luck to all of you, and my wishes that all of you get similar results. Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Genevieve Decuir

Genevieve shocked her doctor by increasing her bone density 3.5% in just 6 months!

Read more about Genevieve Decuir.

Genevieve Decuir - Marksville, LA

Hi, my name is Genevieve. I'm 57 years old and I'm originally from Belgium, but now I live in Louisiana.

In 2013, after DEXA scan, I found that I had a poor bone density. I took over the counter tablet, calcium tablet, and hope for the best. It was a wake up call when I had a new DEXA scan last year, and my bone density had really decreased in that time. Six months ago, I found out about AlgaeCal and Strontium Plus... Strontium Boost. So, I read about it and I decide to give it a try. This past February, I had a new DEXA scan and to my doctor's surprise, I had a bone density increase in that small amount of time. To give you an example, my second lumber vertebrae was the worst with a T Score of minus 2.8 and increase to minus 2.1. The T Score of my left hip went from minus 1.8 to minus 1.7 and the right hip went from minus 1.9 to minus 1.7. This showed an increase of bone density of 3.5%. I'm very excited about the result of my test and I sure we continue to take AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost as well as Multivitamin and Collagen and I try to exercise every day. I highly recommend taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost for anyone who's concerned about their bone density. I wish everybody good luck. I thank you for your time and I wanna thank you AlgaeCal for providing a natural product that really works and a reliable customer support team.

Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.