Jacqueline Smith
After Trying Various Therapies, Jacqueline Finally Found a Way to Beat Bone Loss
See More Read more about Jacqueline Smith.Jacqueline Smith - Cape Coral, Florida
Hi, my name is Jacqueline Smith. I'm from Cape Coral, Florida, and I'm coming onto my 78th birthday.
I have had bone density issues for 20 years now. Two years ago, I saw AlgaeCal being talked about on television. And the results sounded really good, and I felt that I wanted to try it. I would have liked to have had a DEXA within a year of taking AlgaeCal, but my insurance claim wouldn't allow that. And I just did get it after two years using AlgaeCal, and I'm really happy to report that there are some positive results here.
As it's been in the 20 years until I used Juven, it was on a downhill slide. So then gradually, it got a little better, but it was so slow. And this actually in two years has had a better gain than I've shown in all of the 20 years.
So I just wanted to report the findings on this. My femoral neck went from 3.6 to 3.1. That's a minus, by the way, unfortunately. And the lumbar spine really worked out really good, because I had minus 2.4, and it went to minus 1.5.
The left hip did not turn out quite as positive. Actually, there was a loss in it for the first time in a long time. And it went from minus 2.0 to minus 2.7. I'm not really sure why, and I'm gonna question this, talk to the doctor about it. But I just really felt that it was time to give a testimonial, since I'm excited on the gains, and I think people need to know this from real people, not the people they see on television who are, you know, they're kind of pushing the product. So that's my take on it. It was good for me, AlgaeCal, and it's good for AlgaeCal as to these results that I got. And it's good for everybody who uses it, I think, who has bone issues.
So thank you for allowing me to give this testimonial, because I hope it will be helpful. And thank you again. And AlgaeCal all the way for me. Thank you.
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Joanne Curzie
See What Joanne’s Search for Better Bones Led To
See More Read more about Joanne Curzie.Joanne Curzie - Delran, New Jersey
I'm here today to give my testimonial on how AlgaeCal in my experience has turned around for me.
In 2013, my DEXA scans showed a T-score of minus 3.6 for the lumbar spine and minus 3.5 for the femoral neck. I went to the internet hoping to find something that was plant-based or a natural substance that I could take. I found AlgaeCal, I read the reports, I listened to the testimonials and I decided that this is something I could really try. I immediately ordered it and started taking it. Because of insurance I couldn't do for a year, so I took for two years, and by 2015, a DEXA scan showed -2.5 for my left hip, which was a significant turnaround of 10.8% and for my lumbar spine -3.1 which is significant of a point 8%. I took AlgaeCal two times a day, AlgaeCal Plus at noon and at evening meal and Strontium Boost at night for two years, and this turnaround has been absolutely wonderful. Thank you AlgaeCal.
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Elizabeth Loehr
Elizabeth Researched and Found a Way to Stop Her Bone Loss
See More Read more about Elizabeth Loehr.Elizabeth Loehr - Durham, North Carolina
I would like to tell you about my efforts to increase my bone density. My DEXA scans done in 2009, 2011, and 2013 showed increasing bone loss in my lumbar spine and both hips.
As a health professional, I searched the Internet for information on bone loss and bone formation. I learned the importance of minerals, vitamins, quality calcium supplements. I have exercised for 30 years, and my nutritionist said my diet plan was very good.
When AlgaeCal products were presented on TV, I went to the website for product information and research studies. I took AlgaeCal Plus and strontium citrate from 2013 to 2015.
My DEXA scan in 2015 showed:
• Bone growth in my lumbar spine with a T-score of -2.0 from a -2.5 in 2013.
• T-scores in both hips were -0.6 from a -2.6 in 2013.
Because of these positive results, I will continue to take the supplement daily.
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Elaine Patience
Elaine Patience Increased Her Bone Density in 18 Months!
See More Read more about Elaine Patience.Elaine Patience - Hayward, CA
I received a call from my GYN, Dr. John Polito, regarding the results of my DEXA scan of Feb 21, 2012, which showed improvement in the lumbar spine, but a deterioration of -6.5% in the left hip compared to the Jan 30, 2009 scan.
Soon after, I happened to watch Dr. Oz's TV program where he mentioned AlgaeCal; I immediately went online for more information. As a result of that information, I called my primary physician and faxed her the information of AlgaeCal. That was April 2012. I took AlgaeCal and Strontium for about 18 months and the next DEXA in February 2014 showed:
- 7.4% improvement in Lumbar Spine
- 2.3% improvement in the left hip
I am continuing AlgaeCal and Strontium Citrate on a maintenance level and highly recommend both to everyone with bone loss.
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Kathi Sizemore
I Can Pick Up My Grandson Without Fear of Breaking My Bones!
See More Read more about Kathi Sizemore.Kathi Sizemore - Edgewater, FL
Oct 31, 2014
Three years ago, my bone scan showed a -1.41! Bone loss! I am very small. 5'2" and weigh 103. I am 70. I was very afraid as an already petite woman, and already having had two hip replacements, that I was headed south with my health. I have consistently worked out with walking and weights all my life and other than this issue, I have been blessed with health.
So I began researching bone loss and what I could do about it. I found your AlgeaCal online and ordered it because it had all the ingredients, save strontium, which I ordered separately from AlgaeCal, and I have taken it FAITHFULLY twice a day and continued my workout regimen.
So, about three weeks or so ago, I had a bone scan done on my spine and it came out PLUS .8!!! I do not even have low bone density!!!!! I am also 1/2 inch taller!!! I had lost 1 1/2 inches in the last three years or so. I was bad about taking calcium supplements before as either the pill was too big for me to swallow, or too hard and some calcium hurt my stomach. AlgaeCal is just the right size, and the capsule works perfectly for me. I have lactose intolerance so I just did not have much calcium input all those years except for food items that contained calcium (not dairy!).
I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have found your product! I can pick up my 2-year-old grandson without fear of breaking my bones! I golf, I lift weights, and I am so appreciative of your product. Thank you sincerely. I will never be without it!
P.S. If you would like to see my last two bone scans, I can supply them. I hope this will encourage others because truly, it is possible to reverse this horrid condition!
Update Jun 9, 2015: I shared about AlgaeCal because I truly believe it helped reverse the bone loss. It, of course, took a whole program and some "stick-to-it-ness" but it worked and will continue. I only hope my comments help others.
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Ida Cahill
Ida Has Been Fighting Low Bone Density for 10 Years…
See More Read more about Ida Cahill.Ida Cahill - Newport Beach, California
My name is Ida Cahill and I am 67 years old. I would like to share my good news with you. I have been diagnosed with low bone density for almost ten years. I took over the counter vitamins and supplements for calcium. Nothing seemed to help my bone density.
One day, I was watching Doctor Oz on TV and he recommended AlgaeCal. Doctor Oz said that AlgaeCal comes with a money back guarantee. I called AlgaeCal and they told me to have a bone density scan before starting to take AlgaeCal. If AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost did not improve my bone density after six months, my money would be refunded. I also talked to my doctor and he said that it was OK to try AlgaeCal.
Since then, I have been taking Algaecal Plus and Strontium Boost for three years. During the first year of taking AlgaeCal, my bone density slightly improved. I continued taking AlgaeCal for two more years. Three weeks ago, I went for my bi-yearly bone scan.
My doctor just sent me the results of that scan that showed my bone density had greatly improved, an average of 23% I am in a normal range now for my age. I want to thank you for your wonderful product and would recommend it to everyone.
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Ellen Suarez
Dietary Calcium Wasn’t Enough To Increase Ellen’s Bone Density
See More Read more about Ellen Suarez.Ellen Suarez - Chesterfield, MO
I went a couple of years taking nothing more than vitamin D for my bones and hoping I was getting enough calcium in my diet, but that did not end up being the case. I ended up with severe bone loss. So I started looking on the internet to see what else might be available. It was that search that introduced me to AlgaeCal and Strontium. So I discussed it with my doctor and told him I would have another bone density scan in 6 months to see if the product lived up to what the info said would happen.
Well, it did, with my bone scan showing an 8.1% increase in bone mineral density at the total hip. However, I do still have some bone loss at the hip and lumbar spine and so I have ordered another 6 month supply of the product. Knowing that my bone density has already improved and will continue improving I feel better about facing the winter snow and ice knowing that if I fall my bones will be better equipped to withstand the impact.
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View DXA Scans
**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.Virginia Riker
Virginia Can Now Bend and Twist Without Any Pain
See More Read more about Virginia Riker.Virginia Riker - Santa Fe, NM
I am 67 years young. I have been an advocate for natural healing for many years. I once managed a health food store and heard many stories from my customers of remarkable healing using natural approaches. I myself have healed myself and my family members, over the years, using natural supplements and foods.
But, I realized recently that I had developed a sort of blind spot regarding calcium. I knew that most calcium supplements are made from oyster shells and are not fully utilized within the body and can contribute to calcium "deposits". So, I tended to avoid taking them. I figured I could get the calcium I needed in the foods I ate. However, I failed to consider that I was eating less calcium-rich dairy foods since I seemed to feel better when I avoided them.
About a year ago, I noticed that my lower back, left side, was becoming increasingly painful and sore when I bent over even a little. The pain grew worse and worse over time. Eventually, I could feel it spread to my hip joint as well. I tried using topical oils and lots of cod liver oil and vitamin D. But, it seemed like there was something missing from those that my body really needed to heal.
During a visit to the doctor for another internal problem, I had an X-ray. I overheard the doctor telling a nurse that the X-ray showed everything normal except for some obvious deterioration of the spine.
After hearing this, I decided to take action and find some supplements that would specifically help my bones and discs in my spine strengthen. I could actually "feel" the bulging disc when I pressed my fingers where the pain was in my lower back. I knew that further deterioration was likely if I kept ignoring the problem.
I went online and found several kinds of calcium supplements. Then I found AlgaeCal and really liked that it was derived from algae rather than oyster shells, which I knew could be assimilated by my body more easily. I also liked that it was shown to be effective in building bone density. I went ahead and ordered a bottle to try.
I started taking two capsules each morning and afternoon. I noticed that the pain was lessening on the third day. It was still there. But, it was not as intense. After the first week, my back definitely felt better. I started doing some simple stretches, hoping to lessen the bulging disc I could feel on my left side. I slowly improved and was able to stretch farther and bend more without pain. And to my surprise, the bulging disc began to subside.
I ordered three more bottles of AlgaeCal. Then, as an experiment, I went for a while without taking any and noticed that the pain started to return. So, I started taking the four capsules a day again, and to my surprise, the pain went away again.
I now have been taking AlgaeCal for about two months, every day and each day I have felt improvement. The bulging disc is almost imperceptible now. It has definitely been healing. I can bend and twist without any pain. In fact, I feel strong and flexible like I did when I was young.
As a result of this miraculous recovery, I am able to do yoga stretches on a regular basis. I know AlgaeCal was instrumental in bringing me to my current state of health and I am committed to taking it every day. Thank you so much for making a great product.
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Linda Quinn
The Bone Building Combo That Increased Linda’s Bone Density by 4.1%
See More Read more about Linda Quinn.Linda Quinn - Bend, OR
Hi, I had a DEXA scan bone density test in December of 2012. For the past year and three months, I have been taking AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost.
My latest DEXA scan in March showed a 4.1% increase in my bone density. This product reversed my bone loss, and I want everyone to know how pleased I am with it. Thank you.
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