Success Stories Men

David Sabot

Now David Can Continue His Joy of Running Without Fear of Fracture

Read more about David Sabot.

David Sabot - League City, Texas

My name is David Sabot. I'm from Lake City, Texas, and I am 70 years old. In 2009, a bone density scan revealed that I was at high risk of fracture. I'm very active with running, biking, working out at the gym. So the situation was just not acceptable to me.

I did a lot of research online and I came across AlgaeCal. I liked what I read. I called the company and had a very productive conversation. In 2009, November of 2009, exactly, I started taking AlgaeCal. 16 months later, in March of 2011, bone density scan revealed a dramatic increase in bone density.

In fact, the doctor said he had never seen anything like it in that amount of time, especially because of the fact that I was on thyroid medication.

Follow up bone scans in 2013, in 2016, in May of 2016, also revealed significant positive changes, I had now gone from a -2.70 T-score in the left hip to -1.4. The spine, which was at -2.5 T-Score, had now become totally normal.

What makes this product not only unique, but absolutely phenomenal, is the fact that everything is natural. There are no side effects whatsoever. I just wanna thank you so much, AlgaeCal, for allowing me to have the lifestyle that I have so much enjoyed. And I am very appreciative.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Bill Mesusan

Bill Increased His Bone Density In Just 6 Months! Even His Dr. Was Surprised

Read more about Bill Mesusan.

Bill Mesusan - Tucson, Arizona

What attracted me to AlgaeCal is itā€™s organic and plant-based. So I decided Iā€™d try it- the 6 month program with the Strontium Boost to see if I could improve my bone density.

After 6 months I had another DEXA scan done and the results were very interesting again. This time I had significant improvement in all my T scores!

What was most important to me was my left hip that went from a -1.70 to a -1.60. That was an increase in bone density of 2.6% which is very significant. The technician who was giving the DEXA scan for a second time was also very interested also because she had been taking a calcium supplement with the Strontium Boost, a different product and she told me ā€œIā€™ve never seen anybody improve their bone density in 6 months or less. She said ā€œIā€™m going to be looking forward to seeing your results in the morningā€. I think she was also probably pleasantly surprised.

The reason Iā€™m sharing my experience with you is that I hope, if you suffer from bone loss, like myself, itā€™ll help you make a more informed decision and perhaps take a more natural approach to a challenge that appears to a part of the natural aging process. Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

George S. Smith

Georgeā€™s Bone Density Increased by 9% in Less Than a Year!

Read more about George S. Smith.

George S. Smith - Orem, Utah

- Hi, I'm George Smith. And this is my wife, Mary Roberts Smith. We live in Orem, Utah. I'm 75 and Mary is 72. So I looked far and wide for a supplement that I could take, a natural supplement. I tried several, and again, going back for a DEXA scan to let the doctor know where I was, none of these worked.

But in May of last year, AlgaeCal came to my attention. And I got their six month supplement of AlgaeCal and Strontium, and stuck with that through December. Went back for my DEXA scan in January. Lo and behold, my bone density had turned around and had increased by 9%.

The technician was astounded. She said, "What are you doing?" And I told her about AlgaeCal. And so delighted with the results. As I walked out, another nurse said, "Why are you smiling so much?" I said, "I've just had a 9% increase in my bone density." She said, "Well, she was 40, and she had the bones of an 80-year-old." I again referred her to AlgaeCal.

My experience here has been extraordinary. And thanks to Mary and her natural way of healing, we have come a long way in a relatively short period of time.

- I'm Mary Roberts Smith, a doctor of naturopathy, and author of the book, "Looking Younger and Living Longer." I was so impressed with George's results from AlgaeCal that it's now my calcium supplement, as well.

Everyone over 50 should be taking a calcium supplement. It is so essential to our health. Not only for strong bones and teeth, but for our nervous system as well. And contrary to popular opinion, the calcium from dairy products is not easily assimilated by the body.

The most easily assimilated calcium is actually from natural whole foods, such as green leafy vegetables, kale is a good example. The calcium supplements that are from rocks, shells and bones are not well assimilated by our bodies. And what our body cannot assimilate is deposited by our bodies in our joints, which then causes arthritis, behind our eyes, which then causes cataracts, or in our veins, which will cause hardening of the arteries.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

David Hoffman

David is Happy to Report His Improvement After Just 6 Months

Read more about David Hoffman.

David Hoffman - Wailuku, HI

Dear Algaecal: I have just completed my first 6 months and am cautiously happy to report that I have shown a bit of improvement.

Here are my numbers: I have my T- scores going back to at least the year 2000. My Lumbar spine has progressively gone from -2.9 in August of 2000 to -3.5 in August of 2007 (-3.3 Dec. 07 ) but had remained at -3.1 from 2004-2006. My July 08 test showed -3.0 My hip has progressively declined from -2.8 in August of 2000 to a high of -3.4 in December of 07. My July 08 tests showed it at -3.2.

So both tests showed in 6 months a .2 improvement.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Dave Marello

Personal Trainer Dave Experienced More Energy and Faster Recovery

Read more about Dave Marello.

Dave Marello - Brazil

As a 45 year old personal trainer, I am in tune with my body and any changes are quite noticeable.

After taking AlgaeCal for one week I began to notice more energy in my workouts and after several weeks I realized that my recovery times even from hard gym work was faster than before.

Now I have been on the product for more than a year with no colds or flu, no injuries, and I feel better than I did in my twenties!

I feel like my body was lacking some major or minor minerals even though I am careful about diet, and now the missing link to optimal performance has been discovered. Iā€™m thrilled with the results and wish the folks at AlgaeCal every success as they take this exciting product mainstream. I think they should market it as an anti-aging medicine!

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Andre Roberts

“He Announced To Me The 17% Increase…”

Read more about Andre Roberts.

Andre Roberts - Quebec, Canada

Today I had my annual visit with the specialist treating me. He didnā€™t know I already had a copy of the results of the last test. So he announced to me the 17% increase, showed me the color graphic showing how I moved from the Orange area to the light Green area, skipping the Yellow area, and said: this is surely the result of my taking Strontium.

He also said this was EXCEPTIONAL results, even if sometimes there is the possibility of exaggerated or false reading, if we take 50% of that or a 8% increase in my bone density, it is still exceptional. Iā€™m very happy to hear him admit quite freely that what I was taking was the cause of my getting so much better. He told me to continue with that. Regards, Andre Robert

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Mark Martin

Mark’s Natural Approach to Health Had His Dr. Puzzled

Read more about Mark Martin.

Mark Martin - Martell, NE

I publish a family oriented newspaper for Lincoln, Nebraska. Please feel free to use my email as an endorsement or if you want something new let me know. Iā€™m a big believer in taking the natural approach to health.

Iā€™ve had diabetes for 35 years and have been eating healthy for 30 years and taking hefty doses of vitamins for around 25 years. Iā€™m in better health than most of my friends. My son who is age 25 is on your product (still a couple a months away from his 1 year DEXA scan) and I want to get my 85-year-old mother started as well.

After doing extensive web research on my own, I first ordered AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost on November 19th, 2007 and started using your product shortly thereafter. On 9-19-07 prior to starting your supplements my T- score on the hip was -2.2 and the AP Spine (L1-L4) was -4. One year later on 10-09-08 I had a second DEXA scan performed at the same office with the same machine, and my hip increased to -2.0 which is a 5% increase. The spine increased from -4.0 to -3.3 which is a 12.3% increase!

Thank you for making your product available! I am a 54-year-old male. My doctor suggested that I go off your supplements for a year to see if I have a decrease in my bone density. (He is puzzled by the significant increase.) Forget that! I want to continue for another year to at least maintain my increase or improve upon it. Iā€™ll be ordering another yearā€™s supply shortly.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Kyle Lim

Kyle’s Omega 3 Levels Went From 4.74% to 9.48% in just 3 months!

Read more about Kyle Lim.

Kyle Lim - Vancouver, Canada


ā€œIā€™m an avid sportsman who enjoys anything from fishing to snowboarding. About 2 years ago, I joined a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Kickboxing training program with a friend, but during the process. I experienced aches and pains with my legs and cramps regularly occurred.

Eventually, the gradual pain built up and my legs gave out after about 6 months.

The cramps went away shortly after, but I continued to experience on and off pain while doing light exercise such as biking and playing volleyball. In an attempt, to built my leg activity level back up.

In July 2015, I took the Omega 3 Blood Test and had a low reading of 4.74% and learned that the desirable level is 8% and above. In order to get my Omega 3 levels up, I started to take Triple Power Omega 3 Fish Oil and to my surprise aches and pains in my legs went away.

Today, Iā€™ve increased my sports activity to more vigorous workouts while playing soccer which of course includes cardio and leg work. Itā€™s been over a month of taking Triple Power Omega 3 Fish Oil while playing soccer and I really enjoy the taste, but most of all I always looking forward to taking it with no side effects. In the end of October 2015, I will take another Omega 3 Blood Test. Iā€™m anxious to see my results and where my physically level will be.ā€


ā€œHi everyone, my name is Kyle!

And in July 2015, about 3 months ago I took the OmegaQuant test and my omega 3 levels were at 4.73%, which is just slightly above the undesirable level.

Then I took Triple Power Omega 3 Fish Oil as directed for 3 months and now Iā€™m at 9.48%, which is well above the desirable level.

Ever since I started taking the supplement, my physical ability has increased significantly. Iā€™ve built up my fitness levels to more rigorous workouts without any aches and pains. My exercises on the bike that I could do were only at the 10 resistance level setting and I could only last for maybe about 20 minutes before my legs would give out. Today, Iā€™m at the 15 resistance level setting and I can last well over an hour!

The results are flat out and indisputable. On top of that, winter is coming and I plan to go get back into my favorite activity: snowboarding! Thank you.ā€

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.