Success Stories Bone Builder Pack

Cherie Brooks

Cherie Recommends AlgaeCal To Her Sister

Read more about Cherie Brooks.

Cherie Brooks - United Kingdom

Hi, I had a nasty accident in 2009 and broke my hip, had a hip screw and found out that I had low bone density. Three years later, after struggling to walk with ease, I hurt my foot and fearful of further bone loss. I started researching. I found AlgaeCal and it fits perfectly with my physical needs (natural calcium, bone building properties in strontium and all the minerals). This programme is my only hope and I am feeling very positive that this is my answer and, I will recommend to my sister who also has bone loss.  

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Sheila Atkins

Improved Health Due to AlgaeCal!

Read more about Sheila Atkins.

Sheila Atkins - Tenerife, Canary Islands

I have always considered myself to be a very young 57 year old! I have put this down to having lots of projects on the go and many ambitions to fulfill. We have lived in Tenerife, in the Canary Islands for the past fifteen years, where we bought an old wine Bodega which we restored and turned into four country cottages a rural hotel. I felt that the heavy building work, landscape gardening, painting and decorating was all good for me and kept me fit. Our hotel is now successful and not so much heavy work involved, although there is always the maintenance gardening and cleaning to be done, which I take pride in and have enjoyed to the full.

I had suffered from terrible cramp and pins and needles for almost a year in both arms and legs so bad it was hard to sleep as, as soon as I laid down my arms and leg would cramp or go numb. Several trips to the doctors resulted in them telling me I was working too hard and to rest more! In the summer I went for my annual ladies check ups and it was suggested that I had a bone density scan. (The Spanish health system is very good at routine checks.) To my horror I had a problem and my reading was a T score 2.5.

So more searching on the web brought me to your product which sounded very impressive and just what I needed. It was at this time that I had a chronic case of Lumbago and could hardly get out of bed, a Scandinavian friend of mine who specialists in Shiatsu massage, acupuncture and physiotherapy was shocked to see (feel) the rapid deterioration of my bones. I told her about your product and she was very impressed and said I would not find anything better. My order turned around within a week which is amazing for the Canary Islands and I started them straight away.

I have only been taken your tablets for one month, so you may think that is not enough time for a testimonial, but let me tell you that I now sleep so well and have no sign of cramp or pins and needles and feel so much more relaxed on top of that because of a thyroid problem my weight was starting to soar and I have now returned to my normal weight. I just know that your tablets are working and I cannot wait for my next bone density Scan in January.

I do intend to tell the Spanish hospitals and clinics about your product and as soon as I have definite proof to show, ie my next bone density scan I intend to go on to the local radio station as I know there are many people suffering from bone loss in the Canary Islands and they are all looking for a better solution. YOU HAVE IT. I will be placing my next order shortly and would appreciate more leaflets with the parcel. Word of mouth is what you need your product can sell itself. Thank you and my best wishes.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Stephanie Bain

Stephanie Can Teach Pilates Again Without Discomfort

Read more about Stephanie Bain.

Stephanie Bain - Edinburgh, UK

Hi, I am a 55-year-old therapist and fit and healthy Pilates teacher. Every 2 years I have a DEXA scan. I have now had 3 DEXA scans (2007, 2009, 2011). Until 2011, I was diagnosed with bone loss. Alarmingly from my last scan in Oct 2011, I showed a 6.3% drop in bone density in the lumbar spine. The calcium supplements and weight-bearing Pilates exercises had had no effect.

Then I discovered and started to take AlgaeCal 3 months ago and already I notice and feel the difference in my bones as various Pilates exercises I teach and practice are no longer causing slight discomfort which I had previously experienced. Interestingly my hair always very fine and fly away has strengthened and thickened. Could this be due to some of the minerals in the AlgaeCal? I look forward to the next scan due in 2013 as I am hopeful there will be an increase in bone density, certainly some reversal.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Andre Roberts

“He Announced To Me The 17% Increase…”

Read more about Andre Roberts.

Andre Roberts - Quebec, Canada

Today I had my annual visit with the specialist treating me. He didn’t know I already had a copy of the results of the last test. So he announced to me the 17% increase, showed me the color graphic showing how I moved from the Orange area to the light Green area, skipping the Yellow area, and said: this is surely the result of my taking Strontium.

He also said this was EXCEPTIONAL results, even if sometimes there is the possibility of exaggerated or false reading, if we take 50% of that or a 8% increase in my bone density, it is still exceptional. I’m very happy to hear him admit quite freely that what I was taking was the cause of my getting so much better. He told me to continue with that. Regards, Andre Robert

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Elmedina Podrug

After Just 6 Months on AlgaeCal Elmedina Had Less Pain and More Energy

Read more about Elmedina Podrug.

Elmedina Podrug - The Netherlands

Hi everybody, I've been using the AlgaeCal for 12 months now and I am very happy with the results as to my bone density. Two years ago I had a very painful bulging between my lumbar vertebra. I couldn’t move for a week and the recovery was very long and painful. After the DEXA scan exam, which I had a year ago I found out that my back problem was caused by bone loss of this part of the spine.

Then, a friend of mine told me about AlgaeCal and its benefits for bone density. After the first six months of using it, I noticed that I could bend more easily and without pain. I also noticed that I had more energy in general. I can warmly recommend this supplement to all people who need to strengthen their bones and feel better in their everyday life. Thank you for the great product that I will certainly continue to use in the future.  

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Diane Guenette

Diane Researched Natural Products For Her Bone Loss

Read more about Diane Guenette.

Diane Guenette - Montreal, Quebec

I was diagnosed with low bone density about 5 years ago. The doctor asked me to go for a bone density test. I met him afterwards to review the result. He said I had severe bone loss and that I could easily break a bone; it would be wise to take calcium and vitamin D.

I researched natural products. The one product that I looked at the most was AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium  promoted by Dr. Oz on TV. He certainly had credibility. I read all the reports and testimonials I could find about it. It looked promising. Particularly, since this product also contained Boron and vitamin K which are powerful minerals spurring bone growth.

I have been taking this natural product for 6 months already. I was curious to know if there was any improvement in my condition. I recently went for a density test and the result was a surprise indeed. It clearly stated that I had increased bone density. WOW! I was impressed. Bone loss can be reversed after all. Of course, everything can contribute to improve this condition such as diet, exercise, meditation, and other forms of therapies. Having a ..can do.. attitude also helps a lot.

I’m very encouraged with the result of this last density test, there is hope after all. No other product I had taken worked as well as AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium combo. I suspect that the boron and vitamin K in it really make a difference for me. I highly recommend this product.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Mark Martin

Mark’s Natural Approach to Health Had His Dr. Puzzled

Read more about Mark Martin.

Mark Martin - Martell, NE

I publish a family oriented newspaper for Lincoln, Nebraska. Please feel free to use my email as an endorsement or if you want something new let me know. I’m a big believer in taking the natural approach to health.

I’ve had diabetes for 35 years and have been eating healthy for 30 years and taking hefty doses of vitamins for around 25 years. I’m in better health than most of my friends. My son who is age 25 is on your product (still a couple a months away from his 1 year DEXA scan) and I want to get my 85-year-old mother started as well.

After doing extensive web research on my own, I first ordered AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost on November 19th, 2007 and started using your product shortly thereafter. On 9-19-07 prior to starting your supplements my T- score on the hip was -2.2 and the AP Spine (L1-L4) was -4. One year later on 10-09-08 I had a second DEXA scan performed at the same office with the same machine, and my hip increased to -2.0 which is a 5% increase. The spine increased from -4.0 to -3.3 which is a 12.3% increase!

Thank you for making your product available! I am a 54-year-old male. My doctor suggested that I go off your supplements for a year to see if I have a decrease in my bone density. (He is puzzled by the significant increase.) Forget that! I want to continue for another year to at least maintain my increase or improve upon it. I’ll be ordering another year’s supply shortly.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

George S. Smith

George’s Bone Density Increased by 9% in Less Than a Year!

Read more about George S. Smith.

George S. Smith - Orem, Utah

- Hi, I'm George Smith. And this is my wife, Mary Roberts Smith. We live in Orem, Utah. I'm 75 and Mary is 72. So I looked far and wide for a supplement that I could take, a natural supplement. I tried several, and again, going back for a DEXA scan to let the doctor know where I was, none of these worked.

But in May of last year, AlgaeCal came to my attention. And I got their six month supplement of AlgaeCal and Strontium, and stuck with that through December. Went back for my DEXA scan in January. Lo and behold, my bone density had turned around and had increased by 9%.

The technician was astounded. She said, "What are you doing?" And I told her about AlgaeCal. And so delighted with the results. As I walked out, another nurse said, "Why are you smiling so much?" I said, "I've just had a 9% increase in my bone density." She said, "Well, she was 40, and she had the bones of an 80-year-old." I again referred her to AlgaeCal.

My experience here has been extraordinary. And thanks to Mary and her natural way of healing, we have come a long way in a relatively short period of time.

- I'm Mary Roberts Smith, a doctor of naturopathy, and author of the book, "Looking Younger and Living Longer." I was so impressed with George's results from AlgaeCal that it's now my calcium supplement, as well.

Everyone over 50 should be taking a calcium supplement. It is so essential to our health. Not only for strong bones and teeth, but for our nervous system as well. And contrary to popular opinion, the calcium from dairy products is not easily assimilated by the body.

The most easily assimilated calcium is actually from natural whole foods, such as green leafy vegetables, kale is a good example. The calcium supplements that are from rocks, shells and bones are not well assimilated by our bodies. And what our body cannot assimilate is deposited by our bodies in our joints, which then causes arthritis, behind our eyes, which then causes cataracts, or in our veins, which will cause hardening of the arteries.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.