Success Stories Bone Builder Pack

Linda Sue

Linda’s Doctor Laughed When She Wanted to Go Natural

Read more about Linda Sue.

Linda Sue - West Linn, ON

Five years ago, I fell and fractured the femur – the bone was treated with the placement of four pedicle screws and on I went. Suddenly, the femur had begun to wear away until I was forced to undergo total hip replacement; as the blood supply to the femur was cut off by the screw placement. During surgery, they discovered I had severe bone loss as the bone was very soft. Following recovery from surgery, I had a DEXA scan and found that my score was a minus.

The first orthopedic doctor laughed at me as I showed him the AlgaeCal and Strontium that I planned to use in healing and recovery from the state of bone loss. My doctor asked, “Is this all you are planning to take?” I told him that he should consider sharing this with his patients. Nonetheless, I found another osteopath that was willing to help me test the theory.

After six months of being on AlgaeCal, I ordered another DEXA scan and returned for the results at the doctor’s office. The doctor said he has never seen anything like this before. There was a 2.6 bone density increase. The severe bone loss in my spine was now considered mild and he relayed that the good hip looked as if it would totally reverse to a normal state if the results continued.

I sing the praises of Algaecal and share it with everyone I meet. It is a wonderful product. The best part of this story, over and above the bone density increase, was the fact that I could return to the orthopedic who laughed at me and share the awesome results of using the Algaecal and Strontium; also, urging him and his staff to incorporate this product in patient treatments. Thank you,

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Sigrid Spokane

Sigrid is Certain Her Bone Density Will Continue to Improve

Read more about Sigrid Spokane.

Sigrid Spokane - Spokane, Washington

I’ve tried various calcium supplements but bone scan tests only got worse until I tried AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost – following the exact direction on the bottles. After a 7 month period I took another bone density test. The 7-Month Repeat Bone Densitometry Report to my delight showed a slight increase in spine area from 0.861 gm/cm which is an increase of .012 gm/cm. The hip area from 0.746 gm/cm which is an increase of .032 gm/cm. The report stated, HIP: BMD has increased by 4.5% over 7 months. “This does reach statistical significance.” With continued use of supplementation, exercise and lots of greens and live food I am certain my bone density tests will continue to improve. Thank you for your GREAT products AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Sandy Ham

Despite Her Genes, Sandy Started Gaining Bone Density — in Just 6 Months!

Read more about Sandy Ham.

Sandy Ham - Augusta, Georgia

My name is Sandy and I have an AlgaeCal success story to tell. I was determined not to be a statistic. In my mid-20s, I made significant health changes. I became a vegetarian, began taking calcium supplements, and exercising.

So I began seeing some holistic health professionals and after three years, my bone density continued to decline. In July 2013, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I consulted a holistic professional but eventually, it was determined that I needed to begin taking thyroid medication, a generic form of Synthroid. The medication significantly improved my symptoms but I was concerned about how it might affect my bone density.

I'd previously researched the AlgaeCal program but was hesitant to try it because of the cost. However, after trying so many other options, figured what have I go to lose except about $300 if it didn't work? But I could gain back my bone health if it did work.

So I decided to take the risk and ordered my first six months' supply. I began taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost in February of 2014 and had a DEXA scan in August of 2014. My scan revealed that I had the most significant change being in my left femur, which had gone from a T-score of -4 to -2.2 in just six months on the AlgaeCal program. And this happened during the same time that I was also taking thyroid medication.

I am such a believer in the AlgaeCal program and I plan to stay on it for the rest of my life.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Sheryl Archuleta

I Feel Improved Solely Because I was Taking This Bone Health Combination

Read more about Sheryl Archuleta.

Sheryl Archuleta - Buena Vista, CO

Hello, my name is Sheryl,

I'm from Buena Vista, Colorado and I'd like to tell you, in December of 2012, at 60 years old, I had my first DEXA scan.

Two months later, I found the AlgaeCal website and decided to try it, and that was February, 2013. In May of 2014, a little over a year later, I did a bone scan again and I got my results, I was so excited that my bone density had improved. My spine went from a T score of minus 2.9 to minus 2.3. My hip went from a T score of minus 1.3 to minus one. I highly recommend this product. I didn't do anything different, I've always exercised, eat well, and my bone density, I feel, improved solely because I was taking this bone health combination from AlgaeCal.

Thank you, bye.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Bill Mesusan

Bill Increased His Bone Density In Just 6 Months! Even His Dr. Was Surprised

Read more about Bill Mesusan.

Bill Mesusan - Tucson, Arizona

What attracted me to AlgaeCal is it’s organic and plant-based. So I decided I’d try it- the 6 month program with the Strontium Boost to see if I could improve my bone density.

After 6 months I had another DEXA scan done and the results were very interesting again. This time I had significant improvement in all my T scores!

What was most important to me was my left hip that went from a -1.70 to a -1.60. That was an increase in bone density of 2.6% which is very significant. The technician who was giving the DEXA scan for a second time was also very interested also because she had been taking a calcium supplement with the Strontium Boost, a different product and she told me “I’ve never seen anybody improve their bone density in 6 months or less. She said “I’m going to be looking forward to seeing your results in the morning”. I think she was also probably pleasantly surprised.

The reason I’m sharing my experience with you is that I hope, if you suffer from bone loss, like myself, it’ll help you make a more informed decision and perhaps take a more natural approach to a challenge that appears to a part of the natural aging process. Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Linda Quinn

The Bone Building Combo That Increased Linda’s Bone Density by 4.1%

Read more about Linda Quinn.

Linda Quinn - Bend, OR

Hi, I had a DEXA scan bone density test in December of 2012. For the past year and three months, I have been taking AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost.

My latest DEXA scan in March showed a 4.1% increase in my bone density. This product reversed my bone loss, and I want everyone to know how pleased I am with it. Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Sheila Peterson

Sheila Noticed She Felt Better Right Away

Read more about Sheila Peterson.

Sheila Peterson - St. Louis, MO

I have been taking AlgaeCal for about 2 1/2 months and I feel great. I am 60 years old and was diagnosed with low bone density at 54. I was taking about 1800 mg of “rock calcium” daily along with extra D. My levels of D when tested were in the normal range but the calcium didn’t seem to be improving anything. On top of that, I was noticing a lot of stiffness in my joints especially in my fingers.

My daughter started researching calcium online and came across your products. I ordered the 6 month supply of AlgaeCal and Strontium. After just days of taking your recommended dosage for bone building, I noticed that I felt better. My nails now seem stronger and I am hoping that my next bone test (4 months from now) will reflect bone density improvement. I feel confident that it will just on the basis of how I am feeling. Thank you so much!

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Cheryl Pia

Cheryl’s Gynecologist Recommended AlgaeCal

Read more about Cheryl Pia.

Cheryl Pia - Carlsbad, CA

Just returned from my 3rd bone density scan and I am ecstatic! 3 years ago, my first bone density scan showed mild bone loss in hip, spine, legs. 2 years later, my second bone density scan showed severe bone loss in all 3 parts of my body.

I consulted with my gynecologist, who recommended AlgaeCal. I ordered the same day and began using AlgaeCal along with Strontium. Scheduled a 1 year follow up to see if there was any improvement, and discovered that the bone loss had completely reversed itself in my hip and femoral neck and bone density increased in my lumbar spine.

The bone density tech said, “I had never seen so much improvement in one year.” I cannot recommend this product enough!

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Nicole Antonucci

“To Our Surprise The Bone Levels Have Increased Significantly.”

Read more about Nicole Antonucci.

Nicole Antonucci - Palm Harbor, Florida

Thanks to my sister I had a Bone Density test done January 2008 and unfortunately was diagnosed with low bone density. My husband and I started to research and we found your company “AlgaeCal” and feel very fortunate. I have not had another Bone Density test yet but while going to my dentist and having x-rays we noticed to our surprise the bone levels have increased significantly.

While on AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost for about 6 months now I feel much better, my teeth are much stronger, have high hopes for my next Bone Density test and have been telling everyone about your product and suggest strongly to take it preventively at the very least. I also told my doctor about the last 6 months experience and he took your phone number and is impressed so far with what I have been telling him. Hopefully he will be converted as well. Thanks so much for your efforts in giving us something that is safe and natural to help us get and stay healthy.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.