Success Stories Bone Builder Pack

Norma Morales

Norma No Longer Has Headaches, Sleeps Better & Has More Energy

Read more about Norma Morales.

Norma Morales - BC, Canada

Hi, I'm Judy.

Hi, I am Norma.

Judy: And we're here to talk about the benefits that my mom has had from using AlgaeCal. She's been using AlgaeCal Plus and

Norma: Strontium.

Judy: Strontium Boost supplement together with a healthy diet, with a lot of greens and with regular visits to the gym, she now feels a lot better. So in her last DEXA scan there was an improvement in percentage of-

Norma: Eight.

Judy: Of 8%. And since then she's also had other benefits as well.

Norma: [Speaking in foreign language.]

Judy: So, what she's saying is she doesn't have all the headache as she used to have and she can sleep a lot better and she feels a lot more energetic. So the supplements from AlgaeCal have helped for a better lifestyle in general and we're very happy with the results as we've had them from the company. So we just wanna say thank you to AlgaeCal and we recommend it to everyone. So thank you AlgaeCal.

Norma: Thank you AlgaeCal.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

S. Modugno

“Besides Improvement From My Hip I Am Pain Free!!”

Read more about S. Modugno.

S. Modugno - Toms River, NJ

AlgaeCal Inc, After taking both AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost for one year I was rescanned (DEXA san). The scan showed improvement of 7.4%. Besides improvement from my hip I am pain free!! I am now able to enjoy playing with/picking up my grandkids, yard work and exercise. This past weekend I actually joined my family and friends in a bounce house at my granddaughter's 2nd birthday party. It was awesome - I felt like a teenager again! Thank you for introducing these wonderful products to me. Your staff is highly knowledgeable and helpful. DEXA Scan Results:

  • 3/25/14 LT Hip (-2.5)
  • 3/31/15 LT Hip (-2.3)
  • 7.4% improvement
**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Ida Cahill

Ida Has Been Fighting Low Bone Density for 10 Years…

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Ida Cahill - Newport Beach, California

My name is Ida Cahill and I am 67 years old. I would like to share my good news with you. I have been diagnosed with low bone density for almost ten years. I took over the counter vitamins and supplements for calcium. Nothing seemed to help my bone density.

One day, I was watching Doctor Oz on TV and he recommended AlgaeCal. Doctor Oz said that AlgaeCal comes with a money back guarantee. I called AlgaeCal and they told me to have a bone density scan before starting to take AlgaeCal. If AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost did not improve my bone density after six months, my money would be refunded. I also talked to my doctor and he said that it was OK to try AlgaeCal.

Since then, I have been taking Algaecal Plus and Strontium Boost for three years. During the first year of taking AlgaeCal, my bone density slightly improved. I continued taking AlgaeCal for two more years. Three weeks ago, I went for my bi-yearly bone scan.

My doctor just sent me the results of that scan that showed my bone density had greatly improved, an average of 23% I am in a normal range now for my age. I want to thank you for your wonderful product and would recommend it to everyone.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Mary Teeuwen

Mary’s Doctor Wants to do What She’s Doing

Read more about Mary Teeuwen.

Mary Teeuwen - Ontario, Canada

Hi, I am Mary Teeuwen, and I wish to share my experience. After two years of taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium, my bone density improved, in both my hip and spine.

My goal is to continue taking these supplements, and to improve my diet and exercise program, to ensure that my bone density continues to increase.

Ironically, since then, my doctor, who is now in her mid-50s, has also chosen to take AlgaeCal and Strontium.

I am very pleased with these supplements, because they are natural, because they are monitored and tested, and because they have proven to increase my bone density significantly. Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Joanna Bangor

“I Feel Happier. I Feel Stronger. And That’s Everything To Me”

Read more about Joanna Bangor.

Joanna Bangor - Ramona, California

I did my research first of all, and I found a plant-based calcium. I exercised, I did what I was supposed to do.

So I went back the next year. And she (my doctor) took my levels again – she gave me a test. She came in very happy, because she gave me the test right in her office. And she goes “You’re out of the woods. You’ve stabilized. Your hip has stabilized and your spine has grown. It has gotten stronger.” And I said “It worked!” And she wanted to know about the product and she said she was going to tell the people in her office who wanted to do a natural form of supplementation about the product. And I was very happy.

So she was happy – I’m happy and I continue to feel stronger. I’ve been thinking about starting to dance again – but I’m quite old, so I don’t know. But it would be fun. And at one point I would go “Oh I wouldn’t do that”. Because I could really mess up something – I could really hurt something. But now I go “Why not?” You know I feel more confident. And when you’re more confident you’re apt to try new things.

I feel happier. I feel stronger. And that’s everything to me.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Ellen Suarez

Dietary Calcium Wasn’t Enough To Increase Ellen’s Bone Density

Read more about Ellen Suarez.

Ellen Suarez - Chesterfield, MO

I went a couple of years taking nothing more than vitamin D for my bones and hoping I was getting enough calcium in my diet, but that did not end up being the case. I ended up with severe bone loss. So I started looking on the internet to see what else might be available. It was that search that introduced me to AlgaeCal and Strontium. So I discussed it with my doctor and told him I would have another bone density scan in 6 months to see if the product lived up to what the info said would happen.

Well, it did, with my bone scan showing an 8.1% increase in bone mineral density at the total hip. However, I do still have some bone loss at the hip and lumbar spine and so I have ordered another 6 month supply of the product. Knowing that my bone density has already improved and will continue improving I feel better about facing the winter snow and ice knowing that if I fall my bones will be better equipped to withstand the impact.

View DXA Scans

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Terry Ermini,

Terry Increased 17.8% in Her Spine As a Vegetarian

Read more about Terry Ermini,.

Terry Ermini, - Sacramento, California

I started taking AlgaeCal a little over two years ago. Shortly after starting I had my every other year Dexa scan. It showed I had pretty serious bone loss. This past March I had another Dexa scan. It showed that the bone density in my hip had increased 10.7% and in my spine the increase was 17.8%. Needless to say, I am thrilled with the results.

I’m doing so well that my doctor said if I kept on doing whatever I was doing I wouldn’t need another scan for 3 years. In addition to the AgaeCal I am a vegetarian and eat only a little dairy but lots of organic fruits and vegetables. I also take Ayurvedic herbs. My spine is out of the severe range and into mild bone loss. I can hardly wait to see what the results will be in three years after continuing to take my AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost.

I have shared my good news with strong encouragement to follow my example with my daughter and daughter-in-law, my nieces and close friends, and my Yoga teacher. Thank you AlgaeCal!

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Barbara Briddle

Barbara Briddle on AlgaeCal, “It Has Changed My Life”

Read more about Barbara Briddle.

Barbara Briddle - Arizona City, AZ

My name is Barbara Briddle, I live in Arizona and this is my story on using AlgaeCal and how it has changed my life. It all began in 2008 when during my Bone Density Review with my doctor; it was determined I had bone loss. The test scores at the time were:

  • AP Spine L1-L4 was at -2.6
  • Total Hip Left was at -1.4
  • Femoral Neck (Left) was at -2.1

I found an article on AlgaeCal and decided to give it a try. It offered a very good money back guarantee if my test scores did not improve over the next two years so I thought what do I have to lose.

In 2010 during my next Bone Density Review with a different doctor (I had changed doctors since 2008) at first all she did was talk about my 2008 test scores and her concerns. She had not seen the results from my test in 2008 and was basing her decisions on the 2010 test alone.

I had brought my X-rays and reviews from 2008 and asked her to please compare the results between 2008 and 2010. After doing so she was actually surprised to see that the tests did show improvement in all 3 areas. After further discussion, she even agreed to wait until the next test in 2012 before deciding on an action to take.

  • My Ap Spine L1 – L4 had improved from -2.6 to -2.2
  • My Total Hip Left had improved from -1.4 to -1.3
  • My Femoral Neck NO information for my Femoral Neck.

In 2012 I had my third Bone Density Review with another doctor (we had moved again). I hadn’t picked up the past X-rays from my previous doctor so I didn’t have anything for the doctor to compare the results to. However, I did have the hard copy reviews filed away at home. Reviews of the last 3 Bone Density Tests from 2008 to 2012 show the following T-Scores:

AP Spine L1-L4

  • 2008 -2.6
  • 2010 -2.2 – Improved
  • 2012 – Total 1.4
  • Still improving moving towards normal +1 and -1

Total Hip Left

  • 2008 -1.4
  • 2010 -1.3 – Improved
  • 2012 Total -.4
  • Now Normal Bone Density

Femoral Neck (Left)

  • 2008 -2.1
  • 2010 No Info
  • 2012 -1.2
  • Improved, moving towards normal +1 and -1

Because of the positive results using AlgaeCal I intend to continue to take it and will continue to monitor my results. I am extremely happy with the improvements.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Linda Matchett

After Two Shocking DEXA Scans, Linda Is Thrilled With Her Third…

Read more about Linda Matchett.

Linda Matchett - Cranberry Township, PA

Hi, my name is Linda Matchett. About six years ago I had my first bone density scan. I had put it off for a while because I thought my overall health was good, and I probably shouldn't have done that.

My bone density came back very bad, and I'm at a high risk for a left hip fracture. Anyway, my doctor told me to take the calcium supplement, so I did for two years, and then I had my next bone density scan, and very much to my surprise that came back, no change.

So I was online one time doing some research and checking out what I should be doing, and the AlgaeCal supplement advertisement came up. So I checked it out, went to their website, ordered it, thought I'd try it, I like organic products anyway. So I did that and I had questions along the way, they were so kind to answer them for me.

And so anyway, at this point I'm making baby steps, but last year I had my third bone density scan, and my numbers are going up and I'm so pleased. I mean, like I said, it was small, but at least I'm headed in the right direction, and I feel I'm doing the right thing for myself. And also I wanted to give you encouragement to give this product a try.

I feel it's a quality product. The people are great. They give you a break if you order six bottles, it's a little less money, and I've been very pleased with it, and actually looking forward to 2015 when I can get my next a bone scan, after taking AlgaeCal for two years straight. So I really feel that it's going to be a very positive thing for me. So anyway, give it a try. Thanks.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.