Success Stories Bone Builder Pack

Christine Klay

“I’m very proud and very happy that I can enjoy my life again.”

Read more about Christine Klay.

Christine Klay - Reno, Nevada

Hi, my name is Christine. I'm 68 years old.

Three years ago I had a bicycle accident which fractured my left pelvis, front and back. It was a hard, long recovery. I did some research in natural products for bone loss, Finding AlgaeCal. It was recommended by a neighbour of mine and I heard about it and was reading about it. Always led an active life before and I'm still doing again, reformer Pilates, yoga, play some pickle ball, some golf and also walk. My mom had low bone density, probably inherited this from her, I would imagine.

Comparing my DEXA scan from 6/12/2017 to 6/12/2019, so two years later, the result has been quite remarkable. I had a 10.3% increase in bone mineral density on my lumber spine and a 2.0 increase in bone mineral density of the left femur. Obviously I am very, very proud and I am very, very happy that I have found something and my doctor as well said, she told me keep doing what you're doing. Keep up the good work. Don't change anything. And I actually will not. I try and stay active as much as I can. And I am really happy I can do all those things again.

Life is basically really, really short and I think we should enjoy every moment of it and I'm very proud and very happy that I can joy my life again.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Cathy Black

Cathy’s smallest improvement was +5.7% bone density in her spine! And her hips did even better…

Read more about Cathy Black.

Cathy Black - Kingston, Ontario

Hello, my name is Cathy Black.

Last year, I fell and I broke my wrist. I was sent for a DEXA Scan shortly there after. It was determined that my T-scores were quite low. In fact, it was shocking. I was healthy, I wasn't underweight, I did resistance workouts, and I didn't have any other family members who had issues with T-scores being low.My doctor was wonderful, and patiently and thoroughly went through all of the recommendations that I was to consider. I found out, also at that time, that a medication I had been taking for 30 years, prior to this event, had most likely caused the majority of the damage to my bones. I did my part, I read, and I read for three months.

In October, I decided to take AlgaeCal. Also, under my doctor's supervision, she helped me ween off the medication that I had been on. I decided to take AlgaeCal because I was drawn to the components of the supplement, and all the advice that they gave on nutrition and exercise as well. I continued on with my resistance workouts. I ate as organically as possible and continued to go for walks. At the nine month mark of having implemented some of the changes in my life, I am thrilled to say that my repeat T-scores nine months after my first, all of these
changes started to occur. Was 5.7% increase in my L1-L4. My Total Hip increased by 6.5%. My Femoral Neck increased by 9.5%.

I am so grateful and so happy. I had hope and I have hope going forward. I wish all of you who are in that decision making process the very best.

Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Diane Bodle

2 years without AlgaeCal: -10.5% bone density decrease. 2 years WITH AlgaeCal: +3.9% increase.

Read more about Diane Bodle.

Diane Bodle - Avis, PA

Hi, my name is Diane and I wanted to share my success in taking AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost. After going through chemo and radiation for breast cancer five years ago, my doctor put me on drug to prevent recurrence. That decreased my bone density by 10.5% in two years.

I decided to do some research to change from the good quality calcium citrate supplement I was currently taking and I found AlgaeCal. Makes sense to me that our bodies can use plants better than stones. I was impressed that it is backed by clinical studies and a guarantee.

I began taking AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost and I've been eating more calcium-rich foods as well. Two years later my last bone scan showed improvement in bone density especially in my pelvis. My T-score increased from -1.1 to -0.8. Total bilateral hip score has increased by 3.9% in those two years.

Last summer while training my dog I stepped in a hole, twisted my ankle, hearing a pop I was sure it was broken but it was not. If I had not been on AlgaeCal I wonder if the outcome would have been different. Thank you for making your wonderful product available to the public.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Lenore Jacobs

“If I can get this result at 84 years old, what can a younger person hope to realize?”

Read more about Lenore Jacobs.

Lenore Jacobs - Lynbrook, NY

In October 2016, I fell and broke my ankle in lots of little pieces. The surgeon that repaired it mentioned it that it broke that way because my bones were so brittle.
After the cast was removed and all the physical therapy, I decided to do something about it. I used the internet and found your site and liked what I saw.
I began taking your regime of AlgaeCal and Strontium and immediately went for a bone scan in May of 2017.
Since Medicare will only pay for a bone scan every two years, I waited, even though I was anxious to know what the results were. And as soon as I was able to do it in May of 2019, I took another bone scan.
I was thrilled to find out that my numbers had increased.
May I read them to you so I don't make a mistake? 8.80% in my spine, 10.35% in my left hip, and 16% in my right hip.
Hooray, I am convinced, I'm so convinced. If I can get this result at 84 years old, what can a younger person hope to realize?
Good luck to all of you, and my wishes that all of you get similar results. Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Charleotte Gerdes

How Charleotte went from “disillusioned” to “dancing” in one year.

Read more about Charleotte Gerdes.

Charleotte Gerdes - Yakima, WA

My name is Charleotte and I live in Yakima, Washington. I decided to have a bone scan due to my age. The results of the bone scan was not looking so good. So I decided that I needed to do something and find some supplements so that I could get my bones strengthened. When I got the test back, I felt really disillusioned with the supplements that I had been taking, because I'd been taking supplements for years.

I have to find something to help my bones get strong because that's part of my life. I mean, I'm very active. So I couldn't live with the fact that I was going to be this weak person that had absolutely no agility anymore. Not any strength enough to do the running around and all the active things that I do. When I'm not happy my family's not happy. And you know, I had to do something, not just for myself, but because I have a family that was counting on me to be the person that I always was before. And I thought, well, I can't be that person if I cannot find something that's going to help me with my bone situation. Now, if I can't run up and down these stairs anymore, then that means there's a whole lot of things in my future that I'm not going to be able to do.

I started searching for something and my family was seeing the effects because they had to help me more. And that was my biggest thing. It wasn't just about my happiness, but it was about my family's happiness. I did so much research on trying to find something. Everything that's out there on the market, I tried. So I thought, oh, hey, the results should be just fine. Taking all these supplements, get it back. No. 8% decrease.

I got on the internet and I searched and searched for something that sounded like it was going to help. AlgaeCal came in the door, no side effects. It has done wonders for me. I've taken it for a year. I'm stronger. When I got my bone scan back last week, I was absolutely incredibly excited. I mean, I could have danced because I looked at it and I thought, okay, now at my age, it should be going the other direction. Like it was going the other direction before. No, it's going in the great direction.

The great direction is that my bone scan proved that my bones are in such better shape. The wellbeing is just at a magnificent all-time high and it's every day I feel good. It's not just a day here in a day there where before that's the way it was. You know, it was most of the days not feeling so great, you know, laying on the couch, but no it's every day.

My future is going to be living a life and being happy and feeling good. Sometimes you want to just give up, but you know, everybody's gonna have problems. But one thing too, though, is if you have health, if your body feels good, then your mind feels good.

The strength in my bones has improved. I feel that it is improved. Now it's been documented that it's been improved. So there you go. And I'm gonna continue to use it for the rest of my life. I've got my husband using it. My granddaughter that you can tell makes me smile. She is the star in my life. She is the sun in my life. She adds so much happiness to my life. She's fun. That is another reason why I need to be healthy. I need to be strong. I need to dance with her. I need to rollerskate with her. If I don't stay strong and healthy and flexible and have the abilities to do the things that I want to do with her, then that would be sad because she motivates me. She gives me pleasure and fun and laughter and being healthy is everything. And I have to continue to be that way. And if it's not for me, it's for my family. It's for my granddaughter.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Pam Combs

T-Scores Up Dramatically and Even Pam’s Doctor is Ecstatic!

Read more about Pam Combs.

Pam Combs - Bellevue, WA

Hi, I want to share my story about AlgaeCal and what's happened with me.

15 years ago, I started getting low bone density test results back. My T-scores kept on going down, and it was a concern. It's challenging to try to eat the right foods, get the exercise in, and still, my T-scores were going down more each test. So, I decided to try AlgaeCal. I ordered my six-month supply, and with that, I got a lovely phone call from the company, teaching me how to use my prescription and then also what kind of foods and exercise to do, so that everything flowed together nicely. Felt fairly confident that this might work for me, and I am pleased to say, after six months of being on the product, I went and I had my bone density tested, and my T-scores have gone up dramatically. My spine went up 11%, my hips went up 4%, and my doctor's absolutely ecstatic. After everything that we've tried, AlgaeCal worked. So I am thrilled with the supplement, highly recommend it. Thank you, AlgaeCal, for bringing my bone density back up, and it's exciting. Great time of life. Thank you, so much.


**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Patricia Tessler

“Nothing really worked until I used AlgaeCal”

Read more about Patricia Tessler.

Patricia Tessler - St. Louis, MO

Hi, my name is Patricia Tessler and I am from St. Louis, Missouri, and thought I would just give you a little summary on the journey that I took in trying to figure out what to do about my bone density. This all started about 10 years ago, and my gynecologist, my regular doctors told me that I needed to be careful because I was at risk because of some of the tests that I had done, for bone density and each year it got worse. And each year I tried to do all the right things. I was eating well with calcium rich foods. I was, exercising, lifting weights, but each year the bone density was getting worse. I was told that if I have a fall, it would really be very serious. Then I heard about Algae Cal, just kind of a fluky thing on the radio. And I happened to see a presentation by Dr. Oz. And I thought, well, it wouldn't hurt to try it. So I tried it. I even gave all the information to my doctors and they were not in favor of me doing it, but I said, I'm gonna to do it, it can't hurt. And so we, I took the Algae Cal for nine months, went back in, had the testing done, and the report said that my bone density had gone up significantly. Actually 5.8% in total. So I am here to say, I am staying on the Algae Cal. I will continue to do my exercises and lifting weights and doing all the right things. But I will tell you nothing really worked until I used Algae Cal. So thank you for listening.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Patricia Gardner

Discover why Patricia’s doctor recommends her bone-building secret to others.

Read more about Patricia Gardner.

Patricia Gardner - Haiku, HI

My name is Patricia Gardner, and I live on the island of Maui in Hawaii, and I'm 71 years old. I have been using AlgaeCal since 2013. Before that, I had a bone density test, my first bone density test, and I was shocked to find that I was three areas of a high-risk of fracture. And I was taken back by this because I consider myself a healthy person. I eat a holistic diet and I've never had a disease in my body and did not have one now. So, I prefer to have plants that are from the sea, or from the earth, and that are natural.

So, I began to research. I found that Doctor Oz had mentioned AlgaeCal on three different occasions. And so, I went online and I found that there was a program that included Strontium, K2, and D3, along with the AlgaeCal, a sea calcium that would assimilate easily in the body. So, I began to take the program. And I have been doing that for five years. During that time, I have increased bone density considerably. The doctors are amazed. They have not seen any results like this, and they are referring that to their patients, as well.

And so, I wanted everyone to know that this has worked for me. I am buying a year supply of it at one time to get the best benefits from the pricing. And I am continuing to take it. I have gone down from three high risks of fracture to one high risk, and I will continue to do that even on a maintenance dose. So, I thank you for hearing my words, and I do support this product. I find that the company has high integrity and they stand behind their product. So, I wanted to share this with everyone. Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Pam Monday

Pam went from fearing her hobby to loving it again — with bone density increases everywhere!

Read more about Pam Monday.

Pam Monday - Austin, TX

Hi, my name is Pam Monday and I live in Austin, Texas, and I consider myself to be a young at heart 70-year-old. However, my bones tell a different story. For the last decade the bone density in my spine, my hip and my neck has been steadily decreasing, and I kind of helplessly watched.

I consider myself active, I'm a snow skier, but the numbers just kept going down. I want to confess also that I am not good at doing weight-bearing exercises, which I know I need to do. I go to the gym regularly, about three months before I ski, but everybody who is aging ought to do weight-bearing exercises, I know.

So my biggest fear is that I will be skiing and I'll crash, as I've been known to do, and that my bones will crumble, and that is scary indeed, for me. In fact, I had a friend who had that happen to her. She did not even know that her bone density was just terrible. And so she broke many bones, and her skiing days were over in a heartbeat.

Somehow I found out about AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost, and I don't even know how I did, but I am so grateful to whoever told me about it, because I've been taking it for the last two years. Recently, I had the bone density test. The only reason I didn't have one after a year is that Medicare won't pay for it except every other year.

When I got the results back, I could not believe it. In that two year period, the bone density in my spine is now normal, from a -2.4, which was my lowest. My density in my lumbar spine increased 9.6%. That's just amazing. In my hip increased 8.4%, in my neck 7%. That's over a two year period, and my numbers continue to do better and better.

I've told my friends who broke bones on the mountain a few months ago, a few weeks ago, actually, there were four of them. I said, please take this product for faster healing. I have told all my peers about AlgaeCal, all my peers are my age, and I'm saying, hey, density goes down. And I just can't tell you how the quality of my life has improved since I started taking these products, and I no longer fear those bone density tests.

So if you are watching this, you're probably considering whether or not you're going to take the AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost, I couldn't endorse those products more. I am so happy with how I'm doing, and I don't have that fear anymore that if I fall, I'm going to break something. So here's to a happy and healthy life. Thanks.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.