Success Stories Algaecal Plus

Jo Ann Boutwell

Why Jo Ann encourages others to join the AlgaeCal community

Read more about Jo Ann Boutwell.

Jo Ann Boutwell - Birmingham, Alabama

Hello, my name is Jo Ann Boutwell, and I live in Birmingham, Alabama. I just wanted to share with you my experience and my results with taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost.

In 2016, I was diagnosed with severe bone loss. I was surprised because I had been taking calcium supplements regularly, and those supplements were made by a very well-known supplement manufacturer. In August of 2019, I discovered AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost on Facebook and decided to give them a try. I started taking them and have continued taking them until this day, which is June 20th of 2021. A couple of months ago, I had my bone density scan done, and I was honestly astonished at the results. I no longer have any bone loss at all. My results are completely normal in my femur and spine areas. Only my femoral necks have slight bone loss remaining, and I personally feel confident that that will be resolved in short order. I hope that those of you listening to this video will join the AlgaeCal community. The ladies that run that group are very knowledgeable. They've been very helpful to me. I personally intend to take AlgaeCal for the rest of my life. Thank you for listening.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Charlotte Riley

Why Charlotte believes her bones will only get stronger

Read more about Charlotte Riley.

Charlotte Riley - Fredericksburg, Texas

Hi, I'm Charlotte and I'm from Texas.

I'm 72 years old and I've got into a place in my life where my bones have aged and I've had some bone loss. So my doctor has given me several options but I asked her if I could do some research so that I could try to find alternative natural medicines. I began to investigate AlgaeCal and the natural medicine and what they had claimed to have achieved in other women. And so I called them and I asked them many, many questions and I called them more than once. I'm a very skeptical person about the legitimacy of what things claim to do. But the counselors at AlgaeCal have taken lots of time with me and they've been really well advised and knowledgeable about their products. So I decided I'm gonna give AlgaeCal a try. I'm so glad I did. And their counselors like I said, have been helpful and supportive all the way and I followed the program with consistency. And then after the first year I sent in my bone scans so that we could compare and see how things had gone. The news was very positive. Now my numbers didn't go up as much as I would have liked but they didn't go backwards and they did not stay the same. So they did move forward in a positive direction. My lumbar spine went from a negative 1.6 to 0.7. And I'm very happy to be able to say that. And my hips which are in worse condition than my spine improved even more. I think they had an almost 2% increase in bone density. Now that's just really awesome. So I am very happy to continue on AlgaeCal and I'm also using Strontium. And let me see, AlgaeCal Triple Power Omega-3 Fish Oil. So with everything combined, I'm feeling that being in the seventies is gonna be a positive place for my bones to increase in density. And that's good because I want to be able to get around for a long time. So thank you to AlgaeCal. I appreciate your help and I'm very happy that your product works.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Mimi Guzman

“It was as if I was given back 30 years”

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Mimi Guzman - Sandy, Utah

Hello, I'm Mimi. It's October, 2020, and I'm turning 74 this month. I was living abroad for six years, from the time I turned 63 to my 69th year and I was not taking calcium supplements. When I returned to the U.S. I was told that I was high risk for bone fractures. I'm 5'2, and weigh 95 pounds, so I'm definitely small boned. I live in Utah. We have wonderful hiking trails that I like to go on, and I also like to bike, and I have had a walking routine of three miles a day, at least six days a week, for some time, I was concerned if I had an accident and fell, I could easily break a bone. I saw the ad for AlgaeCal somewhere on the internet. I read all the material, I heard some of the testimonials, and I decided I was going to exercise faith that this was my solution. I took AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost starting in June of last year. Then a couple of weeks ago, I went to my doctor and he ordered a DEXA scan of my wrist, right there at his office, and when he came back in the room, I couldn't see his smile, because he was wearing a mask due to COVID, but from the tone of his voice, and the expression of his eyes, I could tell it was something important. And then he said, "well, you have super bones." And I jumped for joy. And I said, "yes, my bone supplement worked!" It was nothing short of a miracle to me. It wasn't just that my bone density loss had stopped, but my bones were back to normal. I went from a T score of -2.6 in 2016 to -0.6. I was thrilled, it was as if I was given back 30 years. I want to thank Dean Neuls and his team for bringing this wonderful, natural product to the market, and I'm telling all my girlfriends about AlgaeCal.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Eileen Galla

“Everyone at AlgaeCal is so supportive, knowledgeable, and helpful whenever you call.”

Read more about Eileen Galla.

Eileen Galla - Coppersburg, Pennsylvania

Hi, my name's Eileen, and I'd like to share my experience with AlgaeCal.

Maybe about 10 years ago, I got a report that I had low density, bone density, and I basically just ignored it. I had another DEXA scan when I was 67 and my numbers were scary enough that it forced me into some kind of action. So I started Googling, you know, different natural ways of improving my bone density, and I discovered AlgaeCal and I listened to all the testimonials and I thought, hmm, sounds like this is something I'd like to try. So I had a DEXA scan last month after taking the bone builder pack for two years, and I'm very happy to say that I had a 12% increase in my bone density, and this was the kind of result that I was hoping to get. And I have to say that everyone at AlgaeCal is so supportive, knowledgeable, and helpful whenever you call and they return your calls, they answer your questions, and a product that I would definitely encourage people to use. Thank you.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Karen Dombrowski

In just 1 year, Karen had a 6.5% increase in her right hip and a 8.9% increase in her neck

Read more about Karen Dombrowski.

Karen Dombrowski - Belford, New Jersey

Hello, my name is Karen Dombrowski and I'm going to be 55 years old. And I would love to share my AlgaeCal story with you.

When I was 40, my doctor told me that I was going through menopause and that I showed signs of bone loss. At the time, I didn't think too much of it. I just thought I was worried about going through menopause. So I did nothing. And as the time went on, my back was starting to bother me and it was getting pretty bad, I couldn't sleep on my back anymore. And I decided let me go for another scan and sure enough, it showed more bone loss. So I decided to go to the gym and I started to lift weights but I had stopped doing that because the lower back pain was getting so bad and I stopped and ended up doing nothing. Then it got to the point that it was extremely uncomfortable. And I was also feeling an ache in my groin area and I heard a popping sound and felt it and I said that that was worrisome. So again, I went for another DEXA scan and it showed more bone loss. So I did some research online and I found AlgaeCal and I thought I have nothing to lose. So I ordered it and started immediately. And I noticed within several months that I was not hearing that popping sound anymore or feeling it. And I said it has to be working, it has to be. So I impatiently waited for my year to be up and I went and got another DEXA scan and sure enough, I showed signs of improvement. I was amazed, truly amazed. I went from, my spine was a 3.6% increase, my right femoral neck which is where I felt the popping sound and the ache was an 8.9% increase. And my right hip was 6.5%. I thought that was pretty good for a year. I did learn to adjust my calcium a little bit and I did try to eat better. I did find that the AlgaeCal community was extremely helpful and very knowledgeable and very friendly. They always got back to you right away with any questions you had. And I think that made this trip a little easier. So I would like to say, I wanna recommend AlgaeCal to anybody. This is a much healthier way of repairing your health, your bone health and getting back to normal.

So I highly recommend it, I am ecstatic.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Donna Drozda

Despite an active lifestyle, Donna continued to lose bone density until…

Read more about Donna Drozda.

Donna Drozda - Virginia Beach, Virginia

My name is Donna Iona, I'm an artist educator and I am so excited that I have just recently received my first DEXA scan since I started taking AlgaeCal.

I came across AlgaeCal in 2019 when I began to really research what can I take that's natural, that my body can absorb and that I know is helping me. I was diagnosed in 2006 with fragile bones and I dove in with Gusto to my exercise program, have always been active, have always done yoga, hiked, biked, gardened. In 2012, I got myself a big tree farm, I'm outside working all the time, I'm just really engaged in my life. And yet nothing was switching, nothing was changing, nothing was improving with my DEXA scans until 2019, I found AlgaeCal online. I read everything I could about it and it just seemed like such a natural way to boost my calcium and attend to my health in way that I didn't know existed. So in June 2019, I started to take AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost. I've never missed a day. I just have never had any issues whatsoever with taking the calcium as it comes with AlgaeCal. It feels so good in my body, I love that I'm taking it. I love the Facebook community, I love learning. I love reading about the increases and I was just waiting until I could get my first scan. So May, 2021 I got my first scan after starting to take AlgaeCal in June of 2019. I've got my results and I've highlighted them so that it says on the first page, there is apparent increased density at multiple levels. That's addressing my spine. And in my leg bones, it says increased 9.6% in the left bone which is statistically significant, increased 8.1% in the right bone, leg bone which is statistically significant. And the overall impression on the test says, compared to the preceding study BMD has increased I'm so excited. So I just wanna say thank you to everybody at AlgaeCal. I'm just so thankful for the product. I'm so grateful that I can take it and continue to watch my health increase overall. It's just does something for my psychological state to know that this product that says it's guaranteed actually has proven itself to the degree that it has. I'm just really, really excited and happy. And I recommend if you are having any issues with your bones and you wanna feel healthier. I don't think you could find anything better on the planet than this natural product from the sea, AlgaeCal.

I wish you well in your journey. And I look forward to seeing what happens with my next DEXA scan.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Alice Brown

How Alice increased her spine density by 11.5% in 2 years

Read more about Alice Brown.

Alice Brown - Leola, Pennsylvania

Hi, I just wanted to tell you how much I love this AlgaeCal product. It has changed my life.

I discovered this product just searching online, and I am amazed at how well it works. My bone health is so much better. I have been going the opposite direction for several years, and in the last two years since I've been taking this AlgaeCal product, my bone health has gotten better and I am so happy and I will continue taking this product as long as I possibly can. And I just encourage anyone that's considering it to please do it and stay with it. You know, sometimes you can't always tell what's happening inside your body, but the numbers show that my bone health has increased, so I'm very happy about that and I will just continue.

Thank you very much. Bye.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Lolita Pollack

“I’m so happy that I belong to the AlgaeCal family.”

Read more about Lolita Pollack.

Lolita Pollack - New Port Richey, Florida

Hi, I'm Lola, I'm 73 years old. And I'm here to tell you about my bone health journey.

When I was on my 40's, I had my hysterectomy and ovarian cyst taken out. Years later, I had my bone density done and it showed some bone loss. So my doctor prescribed some medication for me. So I took that medication for quite some time and I did all kinds of exercise I have trampoline at home. I have weights, I have bands. And despite all of this in 2016, when I had my bone density repeated, my bone scan is worse than before. So my doctor decided to take me off my prescription medication and I just took calcium and vitamin D and continued my routine exercise. In 2018, my repeat DEXA showed some improvement but not quite. My left, my lumbar spine was -1.1. My hip score was -2.1 and my femoral was -2.2. In 2019, I read about AlgaeCal in Facebook. And I was quite skeptical but my friend encouraged me to take it. So I decided I might've sort of take it and see what happen. And in 2021, two years later, I had my DEXA scan repeated and low and behold, there was a considerable significant improvement. My lumbar spine is now -0.9, my hip is -1.9 and my femoral is -1.8. Now my goal is to get my bone health back to normal and I plan to continue taking AlgaeCal and Strontium. And I'm so happy that I belong to the AlgaeCal family. Thank you so much, bye now.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Helen Kliner

Helen was so thrilled with her DEXA scan, she hugged her technician

Read more about Helen Kliner.

Helen Kliner - Greenwood, Arkansas

Hi, I just wanted to give you my experience with AlgaeCal.

I had a DEXA scan in April of 2019, and it showed that I had significant bone loss. This was devastating, as you know, many of you have gone through. I wasn't really sure what to do, but I had a discussion with the technician that performed the DEXA scan. And she had told me that she had some clients who had some success by taking AlgaeCal. Well, I remembered that and I went home. I did some research. I went on the internet. I called AlgaeCal. I talked to friends. I listened to podcasts. Anyway, I gave myself a crash course on bone loss and ways to treat it, et cetera. In July of 2019, I decided that I would start taking AlgaeCal. And I stopped taking other supplements. I didn't want anything that I was taking to interfere with the AlgaeCal or set off the balance of, you know, all the ingredients. Along with that, I did start to be more active. I tried eating healthier. I learned a lot about diet and bone health. And it was really surprising to me to know that you can get calcium from lots of different foods, not just from dairy products. So anyway, but make a long story short, I had another DEXA scan in April of 2021, and my bones improved so much since I took AlgaeCal. The same technician performed this DEXA scan and she said she couldn't believe how well I had done. I was just thrilled. I hugged her. I was so happy. Went home and told my husband and my friends. Some of my friends did not support me in going on AlgaeCal when I first went on it. And so anyway, it felt really good to tell them that it worked. Anyways, I just wanted to share my story with you and encourage you, any of you out there, that have any doubts, give it a try. Get on the blog, hear what other people have to say. And I wish you the best of luck for better bone health. Thank you.

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**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.