Success Stories Algaecal Plus

Virginia Riker

Virginia Can Now Bend and Twist Without Any Pain

Read more about Virginia Riker.

Virginia Riker - Santa Fe, NM

I am 67 years young.  I have been an advocate for natural healing for many years. I once managed a health food store and heard many stories from my customers of remarkable healing using natural approaches. I myself have healed myself and my family members, over the years, using natural supplements and foods.

But, I realized recently that I had developed a sort of blind spot regarding calcium. I knew that most calcium supplements are made from oyster shells and are not fully utilized within the body and can contribute to calcium "deposits". So, I tended to avoid taking them. I figured I could get the calcium I needed in the foods I ate. However, I failed to consider that I was eating less calcium-rich dairy foods since I seemed to feel better when I avoided them.

About a year ago, I noticed that my lower back, left side, was becoming increasingly painful and sore when I bent over even a little. The pain grew worse and worse over time. Eventually, I could feel it spread to my hip joint as well. I tried using topical oils and lots of cod liver oil and vitamin D. But, it seemed like there was something missing from those that my body really needed to heal.

During a visit to the doctor for another internal problem, I had an X-ray. I overheard the doctor telling a nurse that the X-ray showed everything normal except for some obvious deterioration of the spine.

After hearing this, I decided to take action and find some supplements that would specifically help my bones and discs in my spine strengthen. I could actually "feel" the bulging disc when I pressed my fingers where the pain was in my lower back. I knew that further deterioration was likely if I kept ignoring the problem.

I went online and found several kinds of calcium supplements. Then I found AlgaeCal and really liked that it was derived from algae rather than oyster shells, which I knew could be assimilated by my body more easily. I also liked that it was shown to be effective in building bone density. I went ahead and ordered a bottle to try.

I started taking two capsules each morning and afternoon. I noticed that the pain was lessening on the third day. It was still there. But, it was not as intense. After the first week, my back definitely felt better. I started doing some simple stretches, hoping to lessen the bulging disc I could feel on my left side. I slowly improved and was able to stretch farther and bend more without pain. And to my surprise, the bulging disc began to subside.

I ordered three more bottles of AlgaeCal. Then, as an experiment, I went for a while without taking any and noticed that the pain started to return. So, I started taking the four capsules a day again, and to my surprise, the pain went away again.

I now have been taking AlgaeCal for about two months, every day and each day I have felt improvement. The bulging disc is almost imperceptible now. It has definitely been healing. I can bend and twist without any pain. In fact, I feel strong and flexible like I did when I was young.

As a result of this miraculous recovery, I am able to do yoga stretches on a regular basis. I know AlgaeCal was instrumental in bringing me to my current state of health and I am committed to taking it every day. Thank you so much for making a great product.


**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Susan Lee

Susan Searched For Alternative Supplements to Replace What She Had Been Taking

Read more about Susan Lee.

Susan Lee - Portland, Oregon

I had a bone density test done at a clinic in Hong Kong in April 2011. The results were my spine was in the low bone density range (yellow area) and hip joint was at the bottom 1/3 of the normal range (green area). I was concerned and searched the internet for alternative supplements to replace the calcium citrate that I had been taking for a few years, after calcium bicarbonate caused bloating in my stomach.

I found AlgaeCal and liked the research reports. I decided to order and take the supplements from the summer of 2012. In March of 2013, after taking 3 capsules a day for at least 8 months together with my multivitamins I had another bone density test done at the same clinic in Hong Kong. The lower back result jumped to the normal range (green area) and the hip joint result remained in the normal range (green area).

I cannot ask for better improvement of bone density for my age in such a short period. I recommend AlgaeCal highly for improving and maintaining bone density. Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Linda S. Smith

Linda Scored a 10% Bone Density Gain, Even While on Thyroid Medication

Read more about Linda S. Smith.

Linda S. Smith - Kenner, LA

My yearly DEXA scan consistently reflected a decline in bone mass. Even though I faithfully took calcium supplements, I exercised, and I tried to follow a pretty good diet.

I came across the AlgaeCal website, actually guaranteeing an increase in bone density, or double my money back. When I placed my order I found out that I would not be eligible for getting a refund if my bone mass didn't increase - simply because I was on thyroid medication, while I've been on Armour thyroid for 20 plus years.

But I thought you know what, why not give it a try? I was on all of these other supplements for a number of years, calcium supplements... What I thought, you know, were the best that that money could buy. But my bone mass continued to decline.

So I said, why not give AlgaeCal a chance. I didn't get a refund, you know, on calcium supplements that I had purchased. So why not give AlgaeCal a chance. And I'm so glad that I did.

I recently had another bone scan, and I'm thrilled to say it reflected an 8.1% increase in my spine and a 10% increase in my hip. My doctor was overjoyed, he was amazed, and I just thank God for leading me to the AlgaeCal website.

By the way, I have no pain or weakness in my hands and my nails are stronger than ever. And I'll look forward to getting even a better result on next year's DEXA scan. Thank you AlgaeCal.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Dave Marello

Personal Trainer Dave Experienced More Energy and Faster Recovery

Read more about Dave Marello.

Dave Marello - Brazil

As a 45 year old personal trainer, I am in tune with my body and any changes are quite noticeable.

After taking AlgaeCal for one week I began to notice more energy in my workouts and after several weeks I realized that my recovery times even from hard gym work was faster than before.

Now I have been on the product for more than a year with no colds or flu, no injuries, and I feel better than I did in my twenties!

I feel like my body was lacking some major or minor minerals even though I am careful about diet, and now the missing link to optimal performance has been discovered. I’m thrilled with the results and wish the folks at AlgaeCal every success as they take this exciting product mainstream. I think they should market it as an anti-aging medicine!

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Jean Riggio

Jean Riggio Saw a 13% Bone Density Increase

Read more about Jean Riggio.

Jean Riggio - Buckeye, Arizona

My story goes like this. I’m a 74-year-old woman taking AlgaeCal. I had a bone scan and another a year later. The findings were fairly significant. The radiologists comments were: The current scan is compared with the previous one dated a year earlier. In the interval, there has been a:

  • 5.8% increase in the BMD in the lumbar spine
  • 13% increase in the right femoral neck
  • 5.4% increase in the left femoral neck

Frohna, Brian, MD I can only attribute the results to AlgaeCal, a healthy diet and some exercise. I take no other meds except for a periodic baby aspirin. Thank you for a product that actually does what it says.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Lilieth Lewis

Lilieth strengthened her bones with AlgaeCal

Read more about Lilieth Lewis.

Lilieth Lewis - Windsor, Ontario

I was excited recently when I visited my doctor after doing a new bone density test. However, before I share my excitement, permit me to tell a little about myself. I was diagnosed in 1991 with an immune system disease called “Pemphigus Benign Familial"– which in simple terms is a condition brought on by stress and causes blistering of the skin folds in most areas of your body. Over the years I was treated with medication, which caused me to develop bone loss.

I was excited when I stumbled across a newsletter that talked about AlgaeCal calcium and how it was plant-based and clinically tested. Because I am very health conscious, I decided to give the AlgaeCal Plus a try. Hence my excitement peaked because in less than a year I went back for a bone density test and it revealed that not only was the bone loss no longer there, it also showed in the scan that my bones were compared to that of a young adult. I would therefore definitely encourage everyone to take this calcium.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.