Lenore Jacobs
“If I can get this result at 84 years old, what can a younger person hope to realize?”
See More Read more about Lenore Jacobs.Lenore Jacobs - Lynbrook, NY
In October 2016, I fell and broke my ankle in lots of little pieces. The surgeon that repaired it mentioned it that it broke that way because my bones were so brittle.
After the cast was removed and all the physical therapy, I decided to do something about it. I used the internet and found your site and liked what I saw.
I began taking your regime of AlgaeCal and Strontium and immediately went for a bone scan in May of 2017.
Since Medicare will only pay for a bone scan every two years, I waited, even though I was anxious to know what the results were. And as soon as I was able to do it in May of 2019, I took another bone scan.
I was thrilled to find out that my numbers had increased.
May I read them to you so I don't make a mistake? 8.80% in my spine, 10.35% in my left hip, and 16% in my right hip.
Hooray, I am convinced, I'm so convinced. If I can get this result at 84 years old, what can a younger person hope to realize?
Good luck to all of you, and my wishes that all of you get similar results. Thank you.
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Charleotte Gerdes
How Charleotte went from “disillusioned” to “dancing” in one year.
See More Read more about Charleotte Gerdes.Charleotte Gerdes - Yakima, WA
My name is Charleotte and I live in Yakima, Washington. I decided to have a bone scan due to my age. The results of the bone scan was not looking so good. So I decided that I needed to do something and find some supplements so that I could get my bones strengthened. When I got the test back, I felt really disillusioned with the supplements that I had been taking, because I'd been taking supplements for years.
I have to find something to help my bones get strong because that's part of my life. I mean, I'm very active. So I couldn't live with the fact that I was going to be this weak person that had absolutely no agility anymore. Not any strength enough to do the running around and all the active things that I do. When I'm not happy my family's not happy. And you know, I had to do something, not just for myself, but because I have a family that was counting on me to be the person that I always was before. And I thought, well, I can't be that person if I cannot find something that's going to help me with my bone situation. Now, if I can't run up and down these stairs anymore, then that means there's a whole lot of things in my future that I'm not going to be able to do.
I started searching for something and my family was seeing the effects because they had to help me more. And that was my biggest thing. It wasn't just about my happiness, but it was about my family's happiness. I did so much research on trying to find something. Everything that's out there on the market, I tried. So I thought, oh, hey, the results should be just fine. Taking all these supplements, get it back. No. 8% decrease.
I got on the internet and I searched and searched for something that sounded like it was going to help. AlgaeCal came in the door, no side effects. It has done wonders for me. I've taken it for a year. I'm stronger. When I got my bone scan back last week, I was absolutely incredibly excited. I mean, I could have danced because I looked at it and I thought, okay, now at my age, it should be going the other direction. Like it was going the other direction before. No, it's going in the great direction.
The great direction is that my bone scan proved that my bones are in such better shape. The wellbeing is just at a magnificent all-time high and it's every day I feel good. It's not just a day here in a day there where before that's the way it was. You know, it was most of the days not feeling so great, you know, laying on the couch, but no it's every day.
My future is going to be living a life and being happy and feeling good. Sometimes you want to just give up, but you know, everybody's gonna have problems. But one thing too, though, is if you have health, if your body feels good, then your mind feels good.
The strength in my bones has improved. I feel that it is improved. Now it's been documented that it's been improved. So there you go. And I'm gonna continue to use it for the rest of my life. I've got my husband using it. My granddaughter that you can tell makes me smile. She is the star in my life. She is the sun in my life. She adds so much happiness to my life. She's fun. That is another reason why I need to be healthy. I need to be strong. I need to dance with her. I need to rollerskate with her. If I don't stay strong and healthy and flexible and have the abilities to do the things that I want to do with her, then that would be sad because she motivates me. She gives me pleasure and fun and laughter and being healthy is everything. And I have to continue to be that way. And if it's not for me, it's for my family. It's for my granddaughter.
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Pam Combs
T-Scores Up Dramatically and Even Pam’s Doctor is Ecstatic!
See More Read more about Pam Combs.Pam Combs - Bellevue, WA
Hi, I want to share my story about AlgaeCal and what's happened with me.
15 years ago, I started getting low bone density test results back. My T-scores kept on going down, and it was a concern. It's challenging to try to eat the right foods, get the exercise in, and still, my T-scores were going down more each test. So, I decided to try AlgaeCal. I ordered my six-month supply, and with that, I got a lovely phone call from the company, teaching me how to use my prescription and then also what kind of foods and exercise to do, so that everything flowed together nicely. Felt fairly confident that this might work for me, and I am pleased to say, after six months of being on the product, I went and I had my bone density tested, and my T-scores have gone up dramatically. My spine went up 11%, my hips went up 4%, and my doctor's absolutely ecstatic. After everything that we've tried, AlgaeCal worked. So I am thrilled with the supplement, highly recommend it. Thank you, AlgaeCal, for bringing my bone density back up, and it's exciting. Great time of life. Thank you, so much.
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Genevieve Decuir
Genevieve shocked her doctor by increasing her bone density 3.5% in just 6 months!
See More Read more about Genevieve Decuir.Genevieve Decuir - Marksville, LA
Hi, my name is Genevieve. I'm 57 years old and I'm originally from Belgium, but now I live in Louisiana.
In 2013, after DEXA scan, I found that I had a poor bone density. I took over the counter tablet, calcium tablet, and hope for the best. It was a wake up call when I had a new DEXA scan last year, and my bone density had really decreased in that time. Six months ago, I found out about AlgaeCal and Strontium Plus... Strontium Boost. So, I read about it and I decide to give it a try. This past February, I had a new DEXA scan and to my doctor's surprise, I had a bone density increase in that small amount of time. To give you an example, my second lumber vertebrae was the worst with a T Score of minus 2.8 and increase to minus 2.1. The T Score of my left hip went from minus 1.8 to minus 1.7 and the right hip went from minus 1.9 to minus 1.7. This showed an increase of bone density of 3.5%. I'm very excited about the result of my test and I sure we continue to take AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost as well as Multivitamin and Collagen and I try to exercise every day. I highly recommend taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost for anyone who's concerned about their bone density. I wish everybody good luck. I thank you for your time and I wanna thank you AlgaeCal for providing a natural product that really works and a reliable customer support team.
Thank you.
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Patricia Tessler
“Nothing really worked until I used AlgaeCal”
See More Read more about Patricia Tessler.Patricia Tessler - St. Louis, MO
Hi, my name is Patricia Tessler and I am from St. Louis, Missouri, and thought I would just give you a little summary on the journey that I took in trying to figure out what to do about my bone density. This all started about 10 years ago, and my gynecologist, my regular doctors told me that I needed to be careful because I was at risk because of some of the tests that I had done, for bone density and each year it got worse. And each year I tried to do all the right things. I was eating well with calcium rich foods. I was, exercising, lifting weights, but each year the bone density was getting worse. I was told that if I have a fall, it would really be very serious. Then I heard about Algae Cal, just kind of a fluky thing on the radio. And I happened to see a presentation by Dr. Oz. And I thought, well, it wouldn't hurt to try it. So I tried it. I even gave all the information to my doctors and they were not in favor of me doing it, but I said, I'm gonna to do it, it can't hurt. And so we, I took the Algae Cal for nine months, went back in, had the testing done, and the report said that my bone density had gone up significantly. Actually 5.8% in total. So I am here to say, I am staying on the Algae Cal. I will continue to do my exercises and lifting weights and doing all the right things. But I will tell you nothing really worked until I used Algae Cal. So thank you for listening.
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Pam Monday
Pam went from fearing her hobby to loving it again — with bone density increases everywhere!
See More Read more about Pam Monday.Pam Monday - Austin, TX
Hi, my name is Pam Monday and I live in Austin, Texas, and I consider myself to be a young at heart 70-year-old. However, my bones tell a different story. For the last decade the bone density in my spine, my hip and my neck has been steadily decreasing, and I kind of helplessly watched.
I consider myself active, I'm a snow skier, but the numbers just kept going down. I want to confess also that I am not good at doing weight-bearing exercises, which I know I need to do. I go to the gym regularly, about three months before I ski, but everybody who is aging ought to do weight-bearing exercises, I know.
So my biggest fear is that I will be skiing and I'll crash, as I've been known to do, and that my bones will crumble, and that is scary indeed, for me. In fact, I had a friend who had that happen to her. She did not even know that her bone density was just terrible. And so she broke many bones, and her skiing days were over in a heartbeat.
Somehow I found out about AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost, and I don't even know how I did, but I am so grateful to whoever told me about it, because I've been taking it for the last two years. Recently, I had the bone density test. The only reason I didn't have one after a year is that Medicare won't pay for it except every other year.
When I got the results back, I could not believe it. In that two year period, the bone density in my spine is now normal, from a -2.4, which was my lowest. My density in my lumbar spine increased 9.6%. That's just amazing. In my hip increased 8.4%, in my neck 7%. That's over a two year period, and my numbers continue to do better and better.
I've told my friends who broke bones on the mountain a few months ago, a few weeks ago, actually, there were four of them. I said, please take this product for faster healing. I have told all my peers about AlgaeCal, all my peers are my age, and I'm saying, hey, density goes down. And I just can't tell you how the quality of my life has improved since I started taking these products, and I no longer fear those bone density tests.
So if you are watching this, you're probably considering whether or not you're going to take the AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost, I couldn't endorse those products more. I am so happy with how I'm doing, and I don't have that fear anymore that if I fall, I'm going to break something. So here's to a happy and healthy life. Thanks.
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Pam S
Pam Decided To Try The Natural Approach and Saw a 4.6% increase in Her BMD in Just One Year!
See More Read more about Pam S.Pam S -
Hi, my name is Pam.
And a few years ago I had a feeling that I wanted to get a bone density scan that maybe I recent risk, I had some of the risk factors of being female and post-menopausal. So I decided to do that and my results came back that I did have very low bone density kind of sad. But I started doing some research and I found the research done on the AlgaeCal Strontium Boost products and I was really excited to read about them. I know how to read the research studies and I actually read the summary on their website, but then went to the actual study and read that. I was very encouraged by the results and I thought you know, I'm gonna try this more natural approach for a year and just see. So I did that I took the AlgaeCal Plus and the Strontium Boost for a year, and then he went and had another DEXA scan and I'll just read my results here. There has been a statistically significant increase in bone mass density at the lumbar spine of 4.6%. That is exciting because typically women lose bone mass density at my age every year. So that had to overcome that as well as gain, so that was pretty exciting. I also about the same time read an article that AlgaeCal had on their website about how the spine was the first place to increase in bone mass density. And there is a reason and because of the type of bone, it's a really interesting article. I hope that they'll publish it again because I found it very useful and I encouraged me. So I was very, very happy and I'm sure I've been taking it now for about three years and I'm about to go have another bone mass density scan to see if it's even improved more.
So I'm really grateful that I found this product. Thank you.
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Lida Koronewskij
“This has truly, truly been a godsend for me. There’s hope.”
See More Read more about Lida Koronewskij.Lida Koronewskij - Ottawa, Canada
I began to experience the syndrome of losing my balance, and falling down for no reason, and cracking ribs, in which were very painful and difficult to recover quickly.
In October of 2017, my GP recommended some more vitamin B12, and also a thyroid medication for some low readings. So, that was all well and done, and then he also recommended a routine DEXA scan, bone scan, to be done, which showed some deteriorations, and we had a discussion about how to increase my foods high in calcium, and so in the meantime, I was still looking and scouring, scanning the internet for more information. And I knew there had to be a combination of all these in a pill form instead of just having to take so many pills and supplements. So, way back in my earlier days, I was used to taking a wild crafted, blue green, freshwater algae, so, which I'm very much familiar with. And so when the AlgaeCal promo popped up on the on my internet, I was very interested to find out about this new source of algae. So to my relief, it proved true to its clinical studies, I was very happy actually. I proceeded and I ordered my first three month package. And I started on that as soon as I could, which was in June, June of 2018. So at this point, I kind of like to add that there was a short adjustment period or a detox phase with the AlgaeCal Plus and the Strontium Boost, which I believe my body was just started throwing off some radical toxins for which I am very, very grateful. And so within a few days to about a week, I was able to tolerate the nutrients of the AlgaeCal Plus and I slowly, we started on the Strontium Boost in the evening and have not looked back since. So this really made a big difference to me. So I want to thank you too, Lara Pizzorno from the AlgaeCal program for her explanation of the Strontium mineral. So going back to my GP, he is very supportive and encouraged me to keep going and to have a repeat DEXA scan next year. So my recent bone scan in October proved that the AlgaeCal program it's worth every penny and the AlgaeCal team and the bone consultants and are so supportive and kind and the journey is just beyond words. So I really want to give a big shout out of appreciation and this is truly truly been a Godsend for me. There's hope. Now some of the benefits that I've experienced to date is diminished diminished bone pain from about 95% to 98%. And exercise level has increased I'm sleeping soundly, digestion has improved overall about 100% my motivation and stamina have increased as well. And the AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost works synergistically synergetic, I can hardly pronounce that. I'm so excited synergistically with other supplements very well. So I'm really grateful about that. And also that the AlgaeCal Plus is got a kosher certification which was also very important for me and my nutrition.
So once again, I just want to thank you so much for all the work that you guys do. And thanks for this opportunity.
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Sharryn Mounts
“I tell everybody… it saved my life”
See More Read more about Sharryn Mounts.Sharryn Mounts - Valley Center, CA
So I had known that I was losing bone density, and I had tried over-the-counter, mineral-based calcium tablets, but they were huge, I had to take too many, they upset my stomach. And because I looked good and felt good, it was easy to ignore. And I ignored it for several years, and then I started being a little bit concerned about it, as they cautioned me ever increasingly about the amount of bone that I was losing according to these isolated, localized tests.
So because I had an HMO, I made an appointment, and I went down and got a full DEXA scan, and the results were alarming. That was my big wake-up call because I then got follow-up letters from their Healthy Bones Department saying that I should be very, very careful, that I should use my walker and my cane at all times, and that I was at high risk for a bone fracture.
So, at that point, I knew that was just not in line with my vision for my future, and I started doing some research because I knew I couldn't take the mineral-based calcium supplements. They just did not work.
I started asking a bunch of friends, older friends, and the one that I was most impressed with was a friend of mine who said, "You've gotta go visit this website." AlgaeCal. It was their website. And the website was very impressive.
They worked good for me. They worked good because they were small, they were easy to swallow, and they did not upset my stomach. So I continued on the AlgaeCal, and after two years, which was December of last year, 11 months ago, I went back and had a full DEXA scan, and they were just, they were amazed.
The technicians were amazed. The HMO was amazed. Everybody was amazed.
I'm very, very, very thankful for the plant-based calcium product. Once you've stopped doing the things that you love, your life is over. So I was sorta gonna let things take their course, but because I knew that I was at an ever-increasing risk, that's what motivated me to check into how I could solve the problem.
It just agreed with my system. I had no problems. I take it easily, regularly, I remember it, I take it with meals, and it's had the amazing results. Amazing results. It is the best value for your money because it works and it's easy to take and it solves your medical problem.
I had healthy, a lot, significant, not just a little, significant healthy new bone growth is what they told me. So I have tons, a lot, significant, I think was their terminology. I have the confidence to do anything that I wanna do. And I still wanna do lots of things in my life.
I tell everybody it saved my life.
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