Success Stories Algaecal Plus

Gloria Cunning

In 1 year, Gloria gained 6.7% bone density in her spine, and 7.5% in her femur!

Read more about Gloria Cunning.

Gloria Cunning - Fresno, California

Hi, my name is Gloria and my journey with AlgaeCal started back in August of 2019 in which I received results from a DEXA scan low bone density. So I needed to change. That was my only option. And I incorporated a very nutritious diet with exercise. And within one year that I was taking just the AlgaeCal Plus my bone density had increased and my lumbar spine increased by 6.7%, my right femur and my left femur increased at 7.5%. And I am really pleased with those scale and I will be starting effective September one, with the Strontium to build up my bones even further for even more fabulous results. So I'm very pleased and you should try AlgaeCal and just, just give it a try. But be patient for results, they don't happen overnight. I waited a year, so that is patience, but I did see results. So it does work. Give it a try and you will not be unhappy about what your results will be. Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Joan Reich

How Joan went from a history of bad bones to “completely overjoyed” in 2 years

Read more about Joan Reich.

Joan Reich - Blaine, Minnesota

Hello, my name is Joan Reich and just two years ago I was the one looking at the AlgaeCal site, listening to the testimonials, reviewing the clinical studies and hoping to find some answer to reducing the amount of bone loss I was seeing on my bone scan results.

My bone loss history probably goes back 20 years to when I was first diagnosed with Grave's disease, which is a thyroid disorder. It had been treated but the condition leaves one predisposed to bone loss. I also have a family history predisposing me to bone loss. It was because of this that my doctor recommended that I do regular, every two year follow ups with bone scans, that I increase calcium intake in my diet and increase the amount of calcium plus D supplementation to high-dose levels. In addition to this, I've always had a commitment to exercise activities like hiking, biking, walking, aerobic fitness classes and resistance training. Despite all these measures, my every two-year DEXA scans indicated that what I was doing just wasn't enough to stop ongoing bone loss. Each subsequent one seemed to further decline and in 2018, my results were rather alarming. My lumbar's T-score was down to a -2.7 and my hip score was a -1.5. After viewing the AlgaeCal site and hearing the positive results others were having with the products, I decided to give them a try. And so, for the past two years I've been taking the recommended dosing, the AlgaeCal Plus and the Strontium Boost. When I had my recent DEXA scan about a month ago and the results came back, I was just completely overjoyed with the results. The numbers exceeded my expectations. My lumbar T-score had improved by 14% and my hip score had a 3.6% improvement. With these results, I will certainly continue with the AlgaeCal products and can hardly wait to see what my next bone scan results reveal.

Thank you to AlgaeCal for this informative site and for having the wonderful products available to make a positive difference in people's lives and in their health.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Sharon Cizek

Sharon was skeptical at first, but now she’s thrilled! See what changed her mind…

Read more about Sharon Cizek.

Sharon Cizek - Hopkins, Minnesota

Hi, I'm Sharon Cizek, I'm 74 years old.

I knew I was at risk for bone loss simply because I'm a small person, five feet four and weigh only 110 pounds. So when I was in my late sixties, I was not surprised to find out my bone loss was getting to the point where I was at higher risk for bone fractures. So that was about six years ago. I was having tendon issues, it was almost like I couldn't jog anymore, my knee started bothering, my ankle, but I was nervous about not doing anything. And of course, I'm a registered nurse, so I study things before I do them. And in the course of my study, I found out I was probably taking too much calcium, and I also found AlgaeCal, which I was a little bit skeptical, but I decided, well, it's better than not doing anything. So, 13 months ago I started taking it faithfully three times a day. I just had a DEXA scan a few weeks ago, when I was thrilled to find out that instead of staying the same or getting worse, my bones are getting better. The risk of fracture has gone down. My T-scores have gone up. I was really pleased. I like the idea of a natural remedy and but until I found out that my T- scores were going up, I was still, you know, kind of just paying, being careful, as to what I was doing.

So I'm a firm fan now of AlgaeCal, and I'm gonna keep on taking it.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Cathy Barnard

Cathy’s latest DEXA result is “…wonderful news for me. I’m really impressed!”

Read more about Cathy Barnard.

Cathy Barnard - Red Bluff, California

Hi, my name is Cathy Barnard and I'm 66 years old and I live in Red Bluff, California.

Now, before I started taking AlgaeCal, I did some research online, and I read some of the success stories from the other women and I was really impressed. And then in April of 2018, my T-score was a -2.1, and my right hip was a -2.6 and my left hip was -2.7. Then in May of 2020 this year, my T-score went up to, increased of 7.9% and my right and left hips went up to a 5.8%. For the last nine years, my scores have been relatively low, so this is really wonderful news for me. For taking AlgaeCal, I'm really impressed, and my bone density has gone up so much. And I just really, like I said, I'm really impressed.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Esther Mangini

Esther Fell and Broke a Bone … Here’s What She Did

Read more about Esther Mangini.

Esther Mangini - Salem, Oregon

Hi, my name is Esther and I live in Salem, Oregon.

In June of 2019, I took a tumble down my stairs and broke a bone in my foot. When I went in for my final checkup to see how it was healing. The doctor said he'd like me to do a DEXA scan because I was 70 and had not had one yet. That was scheduled for August of 2019. I was not concerned because I have always been fairly healthy. I walk a lot and have been active. We had just gotten back from a trip to Yellowstone where we had done a lot of hiking and walking. So when my results came back, I was a bit dismayed to find that my DEXA scan T-score for my spine was -3.3. For my left hip, it was -2.4. The rest of my T-Scans were a little bit better, but not much. I did some research as I knew that I would be talking with my doctor in a couple of weeks about what he wanted me to do. And I decided that I would like to go as natural as possible. I have a friend who was on AlgaeCal and she suggested that I do that. So I looked into it and it looked good to me. I sent the doctor sheet to my doctor so that he would have the information when we talked. I had several people tell me, you know, those places are just trying to sell you something. But I decided that since it was a money back guarantee, I would try it for six months and I would keep my receipt. And if it did not work, I would ask for my money back. My doctor is very open minded and he was okay with me trying this as long as I had another DEXA scan in six months, because he did not want me to get worse. When I went in the technician said she was surprised that the doctor had ordered one so soon because they rarely could see any change within the first year. So I was a little concerned that it may not turn out too good, but it did. My DEXA scan from my August was -3.3, but now this June nine months later, it was -2.8 on my spine. On my left hip, it had been -2.4 and now it was -2.0. I was pleased with the results and my doctor was very pleased with the results and told me to continue doing what I had been doing. So I'm very happy to continue that.

And not only do I like the product, I feel like, it has made a big difference for me, not just in my bones, but in my hair and my nails. But mostly I enjoy being able to be part of the group and be able to look at people's questions and the answers that are given. As it helps me determine how I want to handle my low bone density.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Linda Firlotte

Linda wanted to be healthy and strong for her daughter — so here’s what she did.

Read more about Linda Firlotte.

Linda Firlotte - Cochrane, Alberta

Hi there, my name is Linda. I am 62 years old, and I want to talk to you a bit about my experience with AlgaeCal.

When I was in my early 50s, I had my first bone scan and it revealed that I had bone loss, which I was quite shocked at because I had always been an athlete. I had almost played every sport known to man, and I ate a very well balanced diet including a lot of dairy products that were rich in calcium and vitamin D. My doctor put me on a course of more calcium, more vitamin D in larger doses than I had been taking, and thereafter, every two years, I had a bone scan and watched my bones deteriorate no matter what I did. In June of 2018, I had a scan and it actually put my bone loss in a pretty dangerous range, which was very concerning to me because I do have a daughter with special needs, and it's important to me to stay healthy and strong so that I can take care of her as well as do it for myself, so I decided to do some research, and in my research, I came upon the AlgaeCal site, and I read a lot of reviews from other women who had great response using the product, and so, in October of 2018, I took a leap of faith and ordered the product and started to take it as they suggested, and I took it faithfully. So in July of 2020, I had my bone scan and I am so thrilled with my results. My L1-L3 went from -2.5 to -1.3, which was a 17.1% significant interval increase. My L1-L4, from -2.0 to -1.0, which was a 12% significant increase and femur total from -1.7 to -1.3, a 6.9% significant increase. My lowest T score is now -1.7, changed from -2.5. I really have made no significant lifestyle changes since starting AlgaeCal. I started running on the treadmill about 30 minutes, three to four times a week, and no significant diet changes. In fact, probably less dairy as dairy sees to disagree or to agree with me. So I'm left telling everyone that I have to attribute all the improvements to AlgaeCal, which has been the only significant change in my battle against bone loss. I want to thank AlgaeCal for this wonderful product, which has managed to do what no other product could. Thanks for your ongoing support and encouragement. I can hardly wait for my next result in two years. I have many women thanking me for posting my results, but I want to thank all the women before me who posted their results and gave me the encouragement to stay with your product.

So, anyway, thanks again, and everyone else, hang in there. You too can see amazing results with AlgaeCal.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Lorey Berger

After just one short year, Lorey is amazed with her bone density increases!

Read more about Lorey Berger.

Lorey Berger - Lake Worth Beach, Florida

Hi, my name is Lorey, and I wanna tell you about my one-year journey with AlgaeCal.

I had a DEXA scan last year, 2019, at the end of May, and it came back with results of bone loss. And I started researching some organic or healthy supplements that I could use to stop this bone loss, and I came across AlgaeCal, and I started taking the AlgaeCal Plus capsules at breakfast or lunch, and then again at dinner. I took two at breakfast or lunch, and then two again at dinner time, and I did this for a year, along with going on the AlgaeCal Facebook page at least two or three times a week. I got a lot of support from folks who were also dealing with bone loss and asking questions. The experts were there to answer those questions and also gave tips on nutrition and exercising that's safe for people that are experiencing bone loss, and how to build their bones back up. And after a year, just this past Monday, July 20th, 2020, I had another DEXA scan, and I am so very pleased with my results. Last year in 2019, my spine was -2.6, and this year my spine is a -1.9. And then my hips last year were a -1.7, and this year, 2020, they are a -1.4. So if you are thinking about going on AlgaeCal, do it! And if you have started it and are wondering if this is really working, it really does, and it's such a good feeling to know that you're doing something that's going to give you results, even in one short year. Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Joann Koechel

Joann overcame a family history of bad bones and scored big bone density gains!

Read more about Joann Koechel.

Joann Koechel - Noxen, Pennsylvania

Hi, my name is Joann Koechel.

I have a family history of bone loss. My grandmother, my mom, sister, and me. I had my first bone density done at age 51. My result was -1.8. I was told, "Increase your calcium, exercise." So that's what I did, I hiked, I walked. I'm a nurse, I was always on my feet. I had my second DEXA scan, at age 53 with a score of -2.6, and -1.8. Told this was significant change. I was really alarmed. I started increasing my daily exercise, walking, hiking, biking, swimming, aerobics, increased my calcium and vitamin D and magnesium. I stopped drinking all soda and calcium depletion foods. Still, I was on my feet all day, being a nurse. I thought I was really helping my bones. Then I had my third DEXA scan at age 59. The doctor called and said, "Joanne, you really need additional help. You are very breakable, you could fracture at any time." And I talked to my girlfriend and she says, "Joann, why don't you try AlgaeCal and Strontium?" She says, "I've been taking it." And she says, "I feel stronger." And I ordered it, and I said, "What do you have to lose?" It comes with a guarantee. If it doesn't help your bones, you get your money back. I thought, "Well, I'm going to give it a try. What else can I do?" So I started taking it. After a year, my wrist hurt no longer. I felt stronger. I had my fourth bone density this past June, and I'm aged 63 right now. And the doctor says, "Joann." He says, "You have significant increase." He said, "Whatever you're doing, you keep it up. You keep doing that." I says, "Doc." I said, "I'm taking AlgaeCal and Strontium." And I said, "It is helping me." I told my primary doctor, and he told me, he said, "I'm gonna pass this on to my patients. Maybe we can help others." My score was amazing. I have interval increase in bone mineralization in my lumbar spine at 16%. And in my left hip, 12%. I can't thank you enough, AlgaeCal and Strontium. I want to keep taking this and my next bone density, I am so excited about, I can't wait. Thank you again, AlgaeCal and Strontium for helping us change our life and get back to being where we should be.

Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Kathy Smith

In less than a year, Kathy increased the bone density in her spine by 6%!

Read more about Kathy Smith.

Kathy Smith - Dallas, Texas

Hi, my name is Kathy Smith. I am 65 and I live in Dallas, Texas.

I have been diagnosed with low bone density and in July of 2019, I found an ad for AlgaeCal online and I decided to give it a try so I did. I ordered the AlgaeCal and the Strontium and I began to take it the end of July, 2019. At that time, I had low bone density. My right femur was -1.4, my left femur was -1.1, and my total spine was -3.0. So I began to take the AlgaeCal and Strontium on a regular basis and I also tried to eat more greens in my diet and cut out all artificial sweeteners and also walked three or four days a week and I also started weight resistance machines. So in February of this year, I went back for another bone density test and I had some improvement in my right femur, a 2% improvement and also in the total spine, I went from -3.0 to -2.6 so I had a 6% increase there.

I was very happy with the results and I will continue on with my AlgaeCal and Strontium to hopefully get better results, even further in the future.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.