Success Stories Algaecal Plus

Chantal Wade

How Chantal Went From Feeling “Despair” to “Ecstatic” About Her Bone Health in Just Over 1 Year

Read more about Chantal Wade.

Chantal Wade - Toronto, Ontario

Hi, my name is Chantal Wade, and I am 39 years old.

When I was 34, I had to have a bone density scan after an MRI showed some bone loss in my hips. What they found was a lotta bone loss in my neck, and my hips, and my spine, so we continued to have a bone scan every year for the next, well, I've had one every year for the last five years. Unfortunately, each year was showing more decline, and we couldn't really figure out why except for, perhaps, digestive issues, which is how we found the bone loss in the first place. About a year and a half ago, I was just at a place of despair with it, and my mum sent me this link that she had found to AlgaeCal. I had just seen it myself a couple, a week before, but I kinda disregarded it. But when she sent it to me, I said, "You know what, why not? "I'm gonna give it a try." I have been taking it for about a year and a couple of months. Really, in the last year, not much has changed from my last bone scan. I've been doing the same amount of movement, no changes to diet. It's really been AlgaeCal that enabled me, in my most current bone scan a couple weeks ago, to actually start to see some improvement. My spine went from -3.1 to -3.0, and the biggest change was in my hips, which went from -2.4 overall, to -1.7, my cervical, my neck, -1.8 to -1.6. I'm ecstatic because for the first time in a long time I actually have hope for my future, and I really thank AlgaeCal. I can't wait for next year to be able to show even more results.

Thank you so much.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Shirley Miller

Shirley’s Spine Looked Like “Swiss Cheese,” Here’s How She Turned it Around

Read more about Shirley Miller.

Shirley Miller - Manning, South Carolina

Hello, my name is Shirley Miller, I live in South Carolina.

I'm a retired registered nurse of 44 years. I'm also retired United Methodist Pastor. I have been pretty healthy all my life and no real problems, but when I was 60 my doctor asked me if I'd had a bone density scan, which I had not. So I had a x-ray done or the scan done. And while I was there, the technician, let me look at it. And it did look like Swiss cheese on my spine. I went back to my family doctor and she says, can we start treating you? So I did go to a specialist for a few years and he told me that my scan looked like if I turned over a bed, my back would break. I don't know, I trust God to have my back. So one day I was looking through Facebook and I saw AlgaeCal advertised on Facebook and I researched it. My husband, who was an ER physician also researched it. Then I took the information to my family doctor and she did some study on the different derivatives of it. And since she felt like it was a good thing to try, we went on the AlgaeCal, Strontium, and a year and a half later I did a bone scan and low and behold, my back is better. I can't say what is related to, but I do know that I had not grown bone before. And I'm very thankful that I have. I've also been taken vitamin D and calcium along with everything. So I am a big supporter of AlgaeCal, and I hope that you will take my testimony and realize that it is a natural medication, natural derivatives, and you feel safe taking that.

Thank you very much. And God bless.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Jan Pierson

Jan’s thrilled with her DEXA scan. “I am healthy and I’m going to get healthier!”

Read more about Jan Pierson.

Jan Pierson - Olympia, Washington

I'm Jan, and I'm 80 years old. Well, I'm 83 coming up soon. And when I celebrated my 80th birthday, it was a big celebration, but I realized that there was something going on with my health that wasn't good, and not worth celebrating, and that was my loss of bone. I had tried everything, and nothing was helping me. Then I saw the AlgaeCal challenge, and I thought to myself, what have I got to lose? They're going to give me my money back if I don't gain bone density. So I said, okay, and I did it. The first scan in April of 2018, it was pretty depressing. It was like elderly was heading my way on a gray horse, and I didn't like it. And so I did what was advised to do. I took my Strontium, my AlgaeCal, and good supplements, and maintained healthy eating habits, healthy living habits, including walking. And I did two miles, and I have done that for almost 30 years, so every day. So I thought to myself, if I don't get any bone out of this, I'm done. I'm really heading into the dark ages. I did. And so it was the bone scan in June, 2020. I want to read it. It said, compared to the previous scan, there has been a 9.4% increase in bone density in the lumbar spine. Wow. It works. And I can begin kicking up more dust as a writer, ghost towns of the West. I am healthy and I'm going to get healthier with AlgaeCal.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Joan Lamport

Joan’s doctor was “amazed” at her latest DEXA results. Here’s why…

Read more about Joan Lamport.

Joan Lamport - The Villages, Florida

Hi I'm Joan and I have been on AlgaeCal for two years now.

Like most women after menopause, my bones began thinning. And at the advice of my physician, I did some conventional treatments for five years. After five years my bones had no difference. And it was at that point that I did some research and discovered Lara's book 'Your Bones' and examined an alternative way of addressing this issue. In 2018, prior to starting AlgaeCal my bones were very thin and my T-score was -2.5. After reading Laura's book, I began the AlgaeCal treatment. And within two years, my T-score in 2020 was a -1.7. I had an increase in my hip of 5% and an 11.5% increase in my spine. My doctor was amazed, as was I. AlgaeCal makes the difference. It is the big difference in my daily routine. I've exercised, I bare weights, I watch what I eat, but the supplement has made a tremendous difference in my overall bone change.

I highly recommend it. Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Nancy Cunningham

After 18 years of bone loss, Nancy has an 8% bone density gain. See what changed…

Read more about Nancy Cunningham.

Nancy Cunningham - Red Oak, Texas

Hi, this is Nancy Cunningham from Red Oak, Texas, and I've been dealing with bone loss for almost 18 years.

I've tried different things and nothing really seemed to help until I heard about AlgaeCal. And I liked the idea that it's a natural product. I've been using it now for over two years and had to wait until this year to get my last DEXA scan, to be able to compare. And I had an 8% increase in bone density since the last one in 18. So I am pleased with it and I look forward to using it in the future and gaining even more.

So I appreciate the product. Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Elizabeth Siskron

See how much Elizabeth’s bone density improved in just 7.5 months!

Read more about Elizabeth Siskron.

Elizabeth Siskron - Shreveport, Louisiana

My name is Elizabeth Siskron, And I began taking AlgaeCal and Strontium, about seven months ago.

I also began to exercise at CrossFit. Since my regular gym had closed. I've known for years that I had some bone loss. But at a regular checkup with my gynecologist, we discovered that I had not had a DEXA scan in over two years. So I got a DEXA scan and showed an increase in bone loss. My T score was a -2.5. She suggested that I go to my internist to see what to do about this problem, It seemed to be getting worse. But in the meantime, I had discovered AlgaeCal and Strontium online, and I asked if I could try that instead. He gave me six months to try it. And then, we would make some further adjustments if necessary. So, I began taking it and I went back in September to my gynecologist office for my second DEXA Scan. And my T score had improved to a -2.1. So when I went back to my internist, he said that I could continue taking that and that we would get another scan, on my regular schedule for my scan in two years, and see what the situation is then.

And I continued, so I'm continuing to take Strontium and AlgaeCal and exercise at CrossFit.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Colleen Lukotch

Watch as Colleen shares her “awesome improvement” in bone density

Read more about Colleen Lukotch.

Colleen Lukotch - Morgantown, West Virginia

Hi, my name is Colleen Lukotch and I'm 62 years old.

I had a bone scan about four years ago which determined that I had significant bone loss. The results were not very good. My lumbar spine was -2.2, my left leg was -2.8 and my right leg was-2.9. So I just tried to exercise as much as I could and eat as much calcium as possible. So then two years later I had another bone scan and it really wasn't any better. Actually, my right leg was worse. It was -3.3. So I did some research, I talked to some friends, I read a couple of books and I was recommended to try AlgaeCal, so I did. And two years later which was last month I had another bone scan and my lumbar spine was -1.1. The right femur was improved. So this was an awesome improvement. So I also know that it's not just the diet and the exercise that caused this, it was the AlgaeCal.

So I'm gonna continue to take it because it works and because I wanna see these numbers go up. Thank you.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Talitha Boshoff

Two years after a “devastating” DEXA scan, Talitha reveals her latest results

Read more about Talitha Boshoff.

Talitha Boshoff - Tucson, Arizona

Hi, my name is Talitha and I'm 64 years old.

Two years ago, I decided to go for my first DEXA scan. The results were devastating. Left Femoral Neck - 3.0. Left Total Hip - 2.9. AP Total Spine - 4.9.
I immediately went to work in search of a natural solution. I acquired the book, a Weighted Vest, a whole body vibrating machine US manufactured for seniors, I made lifestyle changes, introduced bioidentical hormones and joined a support group. The only regimen I followed religiously however, was to take AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost. I am happy to announce my 2020 results. Left femoral Neck - 2.2 a -0.8 improvement. Left Total Hip - 2.2 a -0.7 improvement. AP Total Spine - 3.1 a -1.8 improvement.

I am very happy with this product. Thanks AlgaeCal. I can recommend this product to anyone.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.

Jacque Lacy

“I feel SO, SO much better!”

Read more about Jacque Lacy.

Jacque Lacy - DeSoto, Texas

Hi, my name is Jacque Lacy. I ran across the ad for AlgaeCal and I am grateful. I've used it for the past six to eight months. I received a six-month supply. I was so excited about what I had read and the testimonials that I had seen. And I thought, "Let me give it a try." "Let me see if it will work for me." And worked, it did. For my results, it says I had an increase in spine, hip, neck, 6.3%, 4.6%, 18.4% over last year. I can't say what happened. I'm just excited about all that I was able to do and all that did happen so I wanna thank my doctor. I wanna thank AlgaeCal. I wanna thank everybody 'cause I feel great. I feel so, so much better and I'm just grateful for this product. I cannot wait to get my next shipment. I also took the Strontium Boost, I think it is, and I'm excited. I'm excited, and I know that you will be too. Just take a chance. Just go ahead and try it because I did. You never know what works for you until you try it. So I'm very excited about AlgaeCal and the products that you guys have put together. I just think it must have been done with care. Must care about people, and that's a good thing. Thank you so much.

**Increased bone density results are consistent with 3 published studies. Typical bone density increases ranged from 1-4% within 6 months to one year. See studies here. Individual results may vary.