Wendy DeSmidt - Montana, USA
My name is Wendy Jo. I live in Montana. I am currently 62 years old. I had my first DEXA scan in February of 2020 when I was 59 years old.
To my surprise, the results came back with larger than expected bone loss. The provider gave me options. She said my bone loss was bad enough where I could take infusions, injections, and pills. Well, I really wasn't interested in any of those. And I asked her, can I go home and research what options she gave me. And she said, absolutely. Let me know what you decide. So I went home and I researched. And would you believe I stumbled across AlgaeCal? While I was googling on the computer about my options and up pops AlgaeCal!
I was so excited. That is what I wanted to start. I saw my doctor in December of 2021 and said AlgaeCal is what I want to take. This is the product I want to take. She said, well, I can't recommend it and I can't not recommend it because I don't know anything about it. The only thing she did recommend was I speak to my primary care provider because I was already prescribed vitamin D and AlgaeCal already had vitamin D in it, more than what my doctor was giving me. So I went ahead and I ordered the product in December of 2021.
It showed up at my house the first week in January of 2022, came right away. I started the AlgaeCal Bone Pack immediately, as recommended by the AlgaeCal company. The following December of 2022, I saw the provider and I asked for another DEXA scan and she said, oh no, no, no. We only do DEXA scans every two years. She goes, at your age, you're going to lose a percentage a year anyway, so you won't see any improvement.
And I go, “Oh, but I'm better!” She goes, “What do you mean you're better?”. I said, “I feel better. I didn't even know I was feeling badly!”. And she goes, “Well, explain what you mean by that.” And I said, “Well, I used to not be able to get up in the morning without pulling the covers to pull myself up, or I would literally roll sideways and get out of bed that way because I couldn't sit up. Now I sit up like everybody else sits up when they get out of bed, like the whole world!” And I said, “So I know I'm better”.
And she goes, well. She goes, “I don't want you to get disappointed.” She goes, “But you're not going to see an improvement.” I go, “But can I get one? Are you allowed to give me another DEXA scan? Because I would really like to see if the numbers improved. Then and if they didn't, well, then I'll consider what you wanted me to do. If they did, then great!”
So she said yes. And I had another DEXA scan that year and the results came back astonishing! I went up in bone density 8.7 to 9% in like 14 months. And I say that range because I'm talking the left femur, the right femur and the spine. And so my bone density improved that much. In fact, when she got the results, she had to double take a look because she thought it was an error. She was shocked! She said that she would have been happy if I remained stable, and I went up that much.
For those of you who love T-scores, here were my T-scores for the first. The left femoral, the right femoral and the spine. And here they were for the final one. And I'm due to get another one this January of 2025. I am so excited because I believe I'm going to be in perfect bone health due to AlgaeCal.
So I will tell you that we write a Christmas letter every year, and I put in a little piece of information about AlgaeCal, and how much it helped me. And my husband is like, why are you putting an advertisement in our Christmas letter? I said, it's not an advertisement. It's because I want my friends and family to know that there's options out there.