Elaine Tipton - Nebraska
I'm 70 years old and I know my bones are not getting any younger, but I like to bike with my kids and grandkids and hike the mountains and canyons. I've hiked that Grand Canyon four times and actually the last two times have been much easier than the first two times were. Good afternoon. I would just like to share with you the results of my last bone density test. Two and a half years ago when I had one done, it showed I had severe bone loss and I was not happy with that diagnosis. So I took over-the-counter calcium, but the kind that I was taking had adverse side effects. It calcified in my sit bones to the point where I couldn't hardly walk or had trouble sitting and even doing the stairs. So when I got that severe bone loss diagnosis, I thought, I better at least try what my doctor was recommending.
I tried for almost a week and my hands cramped up so badly that I gave it up. I came across AlgaeCal, searching for some alternative. I just like the sounds of what it was made up of. And when I saw that they offered a money-back guarantee, even if you'd been on it for two or three years and your bone density didn't improve, I thought, “What have I got to lose?”
So I started on the AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost and took them six days a week. I always give my body a rest on Sundays, And I continued my four mile walk several times a week and yoga three times a week and water aerobics and Zumba, and strength training a couple of times a week. And I was thrilled when I saw the results of my DEXA scan two and a half years later. When I had the original one taken, my T-score in my lumbar spine was the -2.5.
This year it was a -1.7. So that was an improvement of plus 10.3%. And in my left hip in 2019, the T-score was a -1.1 and now it's a -0.9. So that was an improvement of 3.6%. I messaged my doctor when I saw the results online to see if I was reading it right and she said I was and to keep doing what I was doing.
She sent me a letter of congratulations and saying that she would like to check it again in two years. I would expect it to keep improving. I'm 70 years old and I know my bones are not getting any younger, but I hope to be able to keep up my yard. I mow it in the summer and I shovel snow in the winter and I like to bike with my kids and grandkids and hike the mountains and canyons.
I've hiked that Grand Canyon four times, and actually the last two times have been much easier than the first two times were. So there are lots of things that I still hope to be able to do for a long time yet.